commonrepresentation, site logo.



"... an alternative Britain is possible, how do we know this ?

because we remember it ..."







Completing Britain


Erasing Britain


The British Dissolution Referendum  of 2014

The referndum took place on the 18th of September 2014.



1/10 v oters invi to participate

fran cal in ordr tht a16 nigerian could dissolve th uk




In the parliamentary democracy of the then United Kingdom (which would commit National Suicide (Dissolve) five years, six months and five days) later

a referendum was an anti-parliamentary device.

A referendum cannot contain Authority.

Authority can only exist in one place at mone time.

It can only be in the elector or their MP no third option exists.

A referendum can only be a survey





Nation States and Codified States





The British Vs The English Separatists

The yellowing pages of BritishArmy Records are the physical proof that Britain existed, in the hearts and heads and battlefields of the men that made it.

The prog fash claims Britain never existed o0r it onlyexisted

as a policico-judical entity

we atcrc disagree. Britain was (until 2020 a nation the s and en vol ceased and unified in all matters and (leg ch ed ot) became sub to the bsov and having admin dif (sim to dif in eng/loc gov).

The - com rep - of constituencies (there was and had been any

eng/scot desig rep all elecdtors and constituenciesz were



It is time to restore and complete Britain.

church leg privy ed chan must be converged and ie a single est ch cob estab.

All the chan sold out the Britian - no tears will be shed for these

treasonous entities.



The English Canon


The New Torquemada

Mr Starmer is the Grand Inquisitor of AstraZenecaLand

(AstraZenecaLand is the New Godless, Global, Bio-Digital, Corporate, Liberal, State that you now inhabit - Formely known as the United Kingdom)


Mr Starmer's function is the modern equivilent of Torquemada, the first Grand Inquisitor of the Holy Roman Empire (a previous global state)

whose function was to enforce submission and orthodoxy to the global state.


In this regard no one should be surprised with the Labour party's suppression and oppression of the British in the past 69 days

- they were candid before the general election that they would have a "100 Day Security Sprint" they just happened to omit that it would be against the British.





The infected foreign blood "scandal of the 1970's and 1980's infected about 30,000 British people (about 2,000 dead and 28,000 damaged)

and they (or their estates) are to recieve about £2 million each in compensation amounting to about £20 billion from the taxpayer 

 while the "infected foreign blood scandal" was recognised by government, the COVID "Vax infected blood "scandal" is not it is censored by the entire Conservative and Labour



About 58 million were injected with the COVID "Vax" at least once and the dead and damaged number is increasing as a result.

The COVID Vax victim's can only apply for standard government medical compensation of £120,000.

In 2020 the government made a deal with the pharmacutical companies (AstraZeneca, Pfizer etc) to make them immune from legal action by victims.



 17th Century Revisited


 Mr Starmer is performing in the style of a 17th century King enlisting foriegn forces(political and physical force) to defeat the British in order to takeover Britain

and submit it to the foreign power that he serves.

In doing so he and the entire apparatus of the state, has (like the 17th century King who forfeited the Crown) forfeited British Authority.




Mr Starmer is not Primeminister.





the apop govof the mfuk - now a substate of AZL

the new ggbdcl state you now inhabit.

He is the new GI of THE TRIB OF AZL - THE MOD EQIV OF THE first, GI Torq of the trib of the HRE



In thhis regard no one shld be surpri with the LP suppression of the Brit - they were candid beforwe the ge that tghy wld hav a 100day secsprint - they just did not say it wld be against thebrit.






17th Century

 mr starmer is not pm of the4 uk he is 

 The prom of tac vot ie vot lab must bare thr respon for encouage voters to vote for Lasb .

The British are now being targetted by the Medical Industrial Complex.

It is targetting the blood and immune system.


1 The (Conservative and Labour Establishment generated ans officially recognised)

Infected Foriegn blood "Scandal" of the 1970's 1980's

has has reulted in the death of 2,000

and 28,000 other victims.

This "Blood Scandal" compensation scheme is to cost over £2 million for each victim, a total in excess of £20 Billion in total.


2 The Covid Infected Vax "Scandal" is not officially

recognised (these victims (including Esates) dead or damaged

(They can only claim from a generic medical compensation scheme limitedx to £120,000 pound - it should be noted thatthe medical companies Astrazeneca, Phizer etc - immune - from compensation slaims legislated for by the Conservativ  e and Labour Establisdhment).



3 There is growing concern about the medical condition of many children presenting with 

The Covid Vax Dead and Damaged number


(Step back in Time)


Not Bothered



Detach Atach


fake State Seditious State

new model Army








Boots Not Flip Flops

Atomisation and Occupation

 AstraZenecaLand Vs The British

Endspend and The Destitute

There is a shamfulness in the Endspend now taking place (well away from the high street).


While the Golden Agers cash in "their" pensions and check out of society

and lock themselves into their Pockets of the Past (ironically, museums of - Old Britain) well away from the urban Wasteland

that they created by their selfishness and negligence,

the Young British are now literally (in many cases) and metaphorically - Nationally Destitute.


They have no home or nation to belong to now, it was thrown away decisively on the 23rd of March 2020.

They have been abandonded (generally speaking) by the preeceding generation that while gorging on it's own banquet of

physical and material consumption, made no provision for the next generation

or in many cases did not even think of doing it or did not even have enough external impulse to reproduce.




The Last Ditch

"There is one way never to see it lost, and that is to die in the last ditch."

King William III


The British are now governed by foreign power not their own British Authority (a fact that they begining to recognise).

The Labour "government" (and the entire Conservative and Labour Establishment)

is a Vichy front for the Godless, Global, Bio-Digital, Corporate Liberal State

(at we call it AstraZenecaLand).


Mr Starmer is the representative of the global state in the Former United Kingdom.

He is not the Primeinister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland he is an appointed Godless, Territorial Sub-State Governor of the Global state.

(Note: The Labour Party detests the very idea of the United Kingdom that it cannot bring itself to stand candidates in the 18 constituencies in the Province).


Mr Starmer exercises power through three conduits:

1 The historic "pull" of the ghost of British Authority across the state apparatus: police, judiciary, army, BBC etc

2 The Enemy Within (collaborators with the New State - those born in Britain but who detest is existence

(and those on the Self-Hate payroll) and support it's Dissolution and Occupation by Foreign Power("Trades Unions", "Churches" and "Charities" are examples of these).

3 The foreign populations and entities that are now here and formed to suppress the British (SIA is an example of this).


Mr Starmer is similar to the despotic 17th century King's who used foreign troops and armies to defeat the British and thier way of life

and who in doing so forfeited the British Crown and with it, British Authority.


Mr Starmer has forfeited British Authority, he must be removed.



One Down One TGo

In order for the Britsh to restore their Nationhood both the Conservative and Labour parties must be defeated and marginalised and a new party emerge to represent the British.


crc campaigned for 14year for the defeat and marginalisation of the Conservative Party. This has now been achieved.

Now the British (what is left of them) must defeat and marginalise the Labour Party.



Boots Not Flip Flops


The Lesson must be learned.




Because We Must





It's A Matter of Matter

The contest between the nation states and a global singular power

(culmanating in - COVID - and manifesting in the Injection)

is not a powerplay and powershift between different tribes and territories

it is an attempt to alter human existence.


The Divine Order or Godless Chaos.




It essential that autopseys are now inroduced on the dead.

Blood clots similar to long streches of chewing gum are being found in the viens of the Injected.

The dead must also be demoninated in Injected or Uninjected.


Against Them All

Tipping Point

Out of Scale

Femme Fatale




UK Has Gone, Gone, Gone

Do not waste your time looking for the United Kingdom, it's gone.

Just look around you.






It essential that autopseys are now inroduced on the dead.

Blood clots similar to long streches of chewing gum are being found in the viens of the Injected.

The dead must also be demoninated in Injected or Uninjected.


The Young Team

From Divorce to Student Loans to The Jab

young British people are paying the price for

godless, adult, selfish, pleasure.


Restrict divorce, Abolish student loans and

establish an independent blood suppy network

(denominated by jabbed and unjabbed).



Against Them All

Since 2011 has contested for the emergence of a new political formation.

The new political formation, that now at last,  is emerging, it must be Against Them All:

the Godless, Genetic Modifiers, Globalist Banking, Food, Bio-Digital, Liberals etc, all the forces that have contributed to the dissolution of Britain.

The Walking Dead


Wether it's the SIA, the "police", Bodycam wearers, or other - private "security" operatives.

The British (what is left of them) are no longer in the United Kingdom

they are in the securistate of AstraZenecaLand


Femme Fatale

British men must retake power to restore




Feminism has 



 The roadblocks, roadworks, traffic jams and general alteration of the physical environment layout is central to the disruption, disintegration and Transformation of Britain into the new substate of AstraZenecaLand.


Jab Map 2


COVID (The Jab) was a specific dominant phenomenon of - The West - of the descendant nations of The Reformation.

It's purpose was to reduce and damage the national populations of - The Westphalian Peace.



Rate of Knots

Last Call for Peace

Out of Scale



 Codified States and Nation States

Completing Britain

Erasing Britain


AstraZeneca Army



and the Paycops)


Young Team





1 Do Nothing

The Labour "Government" need do nothing but draw it's salaries.

The Dissolution has happened.

The Injection has happened.

The Occupation has happened.


2 A Matter of Matter

The Epoch of AstraZeneca (2020) is not just about replacing Christian nation states it is about introducing a Godless Global state.

Order Versus Chaos.



3 Reproductive Pool

The Reproductive Pool must be protected.

The Pfizer data dump and the work of Burkhardt emphasis the need contain traanmission of the COVID  Injection Material through sex.


4 Death Spike

The claimed 235,000 COVID dead in the Former United Kingdom is Fake.

Only a very few of the COVID dead had an autopsey that confirmed that the dead had died exclusively from a material identified as "COVID".

Further the Death Spike occured after the "Vax" not before it.



5 Devolution Illiterates

The judge in the UK COVID Enuiry shwed her constitutional illiteracy (shared by the Conservative and Labour Establishment CALE) by refertring mto the "four nations"

in the United Kingdom.

Northern Ireland, England, Wales or Scotland do not issue passports, have standing armies or issue their own currency.

They are not nations.



6 The Other Golden Agers

We support those - golden agers - who have contributeted to resisting in whatever form the Dissolution, genetic alteration and occupation of  Britain. through the past 64 years.


Get What You Give

Since 1960 the young have been paying the price of tha adult abandonment of the national Christian established religion and it's consequent selfishness and atomisation of society.

The Endspend now taking place by the Golden Agers is just the latest manifestation of it.

The Injection, The Disolution and occpation of their country, Divorce, Student loans, the Digital Cult etc the young are paying for the selfishness.






Femme Fatale

The dominence of women inpositions of power, has as it was intended to, debililitated the United Kingdom  from defending itself

Women do not posess the biological 

8 Warzone

Leeds burns.


9 Bubblegum

We recommend the film: "They Live" 


 The Walking Dead






Get It In To Ye

STMR JAB 2.jfif


“The vaccine is safe, effective and I urge everyone in our community to take it when it’s their turn.”

 March 2021





Sir Keir receives his first dose of the coronavirus vaccine from midwife Emily Malden at the Francis Crick Institute in his Holborn and St Pancras constituency






On Your Knees To AstraZenecaLand

Having Thrown Away the United Kingdom, Injected themselves with a deadly and dibilitating material and alllowed the Occcupation of Britian

the British (what is left of them) have now







- JULY 2024 -


Gus Ferguson – Motherwell, Wishaw & Carluke - British Unionist Party

 Cllr. John Jo Leckie – Airdrie & Shotts - British Unionist Party


Labour's Boycott of The Province


The Labour Party continues to boycott the 18 constituencies in the Province in the British House of Commons in order to consolidate their anti-British separtist agenda.


Defeat and Marginalise

A vote for the Conservative Party or Labour Party is a vote to Vanquish the British

Since 2011 has advocated that

the Conservative and Labour (Conservative and Labour Establishment - CALE ) parties are the prime threat to the British.

and that - in order of necessary action - the Conservative Party must be defeated and marginalised and then the Labour Party.

We continue to hold that opinion.


Since 2011 we have also advocated that a new political party must emerge to represent the British and their interest and restore British nationhood.

We continue to hold that opinion and recognise the British Unionist Party (BUP) as that party.


A Vote for Conservative Party or Labour Party is a vote to Vanquish the British.


A Vote for SNP or ALBA is a vote for the Union

A Vote for SNP or Alba (unless there is a candidates from above list) is a vote for the Union.

The SNP and Alba pose no immediate risk to the Nation while the Conservative Party and Labour do pose an immediate risk.


A vote for the SNP or ALBA is first and foremost, a vote for British Unity, both parties are committed to taking their seats in the British Parliament.

By doing so they accept British Authoity as valid and binding (they are voluntarily locked into the Union for the duration of the Parliament).

They are a British representational party not a British abstentionist Party.


 A Vote for Independent Scotland Partyis a vote against the Union.

A vote for the Independent Scotland Party is a vote against British Unity. they are committed to not taking their seats in the British Parliament.

By doing so they reject British Authority as valid and binding (they are not locked into the Union).

They are not a British representational party and are a British abstentionist party. Do not vote for them.



Andrew Bridgen North West Leicestershire - Independent

Ben Habib Wellingborough - Reform UK Party

All Traditional Unionist Voice Party Candidates






 (Establish a Nationalised High British Savings Bank (BSB).and nationalise all debt private, corporate and state (Void/Write Off)

Battle of Nations.

The Reformation (see also The Peace of Westphalia and it's result: "The West") established the nation state as the highest collective formation in human afffairs.

Since 2020 the nation state has been under concentrated attack from the Goldess, Global, Bio-Digital, Liberal and Corporate State culmanating in  The COVID Period and of, course The Vax.

The political distubance across the "The West"is a direct response and resissitance to this attempt to destroy nation states and replace them with a new global state.

At we have given a name to that new global state: AstraZenecaLand in recognition of the manufacturer's of the injected material accepted by millions across "The West.




We Salute You

The Other Golden Agers

While most of The Golden Agers slipped comfortably from Christian, Integrated, Industrial, Britain into the new godless, global, atomised mess prior to COVID

refusing to recognise and ressist the decayof the 60 70 8 90 00 10

many Golden Age did ressist across a broad range of matters Church eec devolution education constitution etc.

To all those other Golden Agers







Their Generation

Having attacked Dissolved and attempted to inject the young British the COVID (flu) Poision and alter their DNA

and turn them into commercial slave units (student debt, atomised society and Wasteland to inhabit in a Godless Global Liberal State

it's time for the young Britsh to hit back at the Conservateive and Labour Establishment.



British Authority



British Unionist Party


Albion, John Wycliffe, The Reformation, The New Model Army, The Covenanters, The Cameronians, The Glourious Revolution,

The Whigs, The Liberal Unionist Party, The Unionist Party

British Unnionist Party.



Labour's Boycott of The Province

The Labour Party continues to boycott the 18 constituencies in the Province in the British House of Commons in order to consolidate their anti-British separtist agenda.



General Election July 2024 endorses the following parliamentary candidates at the July 2024 British General Election:

Gus Ferguson British Unionist Party - Wishaw and Carluke

John Jo Leckie British Unionist Party - Airdrie and Shotts


Andrew Bridgen Independent - North Liecsetershire

Ben Habib Reform UK Party - Wellingbourgh

All Tradition Unionist Voice Parliamentary Candidates.



Since 2011 has advocated that

the Conservative and Labour (Conservative and Labour Establishment - CALE ) parties are the prime threat to the British.

and that - in order of necessary action - the Conservative Party must be defeated and marginalised and then the Labour Party.

We continue to hold that opinion.


Since 2011 we have also advocated that a new political party must emerge to represent the British and their interest and restore British nationhood.

We continue to hold that opinion and recognise the British Unionist Party (BUP) as that party.


A Vote for Conservative Party or Labour Party is a vote to Vanquish the British.


A Vote for SNP or ALBA

A Vote for SNP or Alba (unless there is a candidates from above list) is a vote for the Union.

The SNP and Alba pose no immediate risk to the Nation while the Conservative Party and Labour do.


A vote for the SNP or ALBA is first and foremost, a vote for British Unity, both parties are committed to taking their seats in the British Parliament.

By doing so they accept British Authoity as valid and binding (they are locked into the Union for the duration of the Parliament).

They are a British representational party not a British abstentionist Party.


 A Vote for Independent Scotland Party

A vote for the Independent Scotland Party is a vote against British Unity. they are committed to not taking their seats in the British Parliament.

By doing so they reject British Authority as valid and binding (they are not locked into the Union).

They are not a British representational party and are a British abstentionist party.















"I'm all out of bubblegum"


common representation, common people


The Good Life


The Golden Agers are now enjoying the Good Life and cashing in and checking out of employment.

 They sense that the nation (that they knew) has gone and that only The Wasteland now exists outside their front window.


Retirement, Partial-Retirement, Part-Time Working, Semi-Release (whatever you want to call it)

those born into Christian Integrated, Industrial Britain are now getting out the employment market, pulling up the ladder and spending, spending, spending

to say nothing of the B&Q Card that has not seen so much spending since the B & Q Summer of 2020.



The Splurge now taking place is EndSpend.

It is selfishness in motion.

The Golden Agers have left the Young British to fend for themselves. is on the side of the Young British.


You Get What You Give.


The Recruiting Station and The Polling Station

Without physical power politics is empty.

It's time for the British (what is left of them) to visit the Recruiting Station before the Polling Station.


Against Them All

Since 2011 has contested for the emergence of a new political formation.

The new political formation, that now at last,  is emerging, it must be Against Them All:

the Godless, Genetic Modifiers, Globalist Banking, Food, Bio-Digital, Liberals etc, all the forces that have contributed to the dissolution of Britain.




 Vote BUP





Last Call For Peace

Marshall In The Field 7

Attention,Company, By the Left, Quick March.


The COVID Eelection - But It's Not

Having injected over 52 million with an experimental DNA altering material (deadly and debilitating)

the Conservative and Labour Establishment is to ignore the entire COVID Period (National Suicide) in the general election, of course they are.



SNP - A Vote For The Union

A vote for the SNP is first and foremost a vote for the Union.

The SNP has declared that all of it's candidate's will take their seats in the British Parliament.


Their policy is Representational not Abstentionist.

A Unionist can vote for the SNP without compromising their Unionism and the integrity of Britain.


The prime threat to the Nation (the Union) comes from the Conservative and Labour organisation ((a singular political entity).


It was the Conservative party (not the SNP) that initiated - the 2014 Referendum -  The Conservative Party Leader launched in on the Andrew Marr Show BBC on the 8th of January 2012.

(Watch it for yourself - if you  can still find it)


It should be noted that the (unconstitutional) 2014 referendum franchise on the existence of the United Kingdom

was calibrated (by the Conservative and Labour and SNP Establishment) so that the British nation could

have ended through a single vote from ie a Nigerian resident in Aberdeen.


Having taken Britain to the edge of destruction in September 2014, Conservative and Labour agents once again advocate "Tactical Voting"

by voting for ...........the Conservative and Labour parties.


Every vote for the Conservative and Labour parties is a vote for the vanquishing of the British.





There have been more than 9 million British abortions since 1967.








being rolled out across the Former United Kingdom. all sectors (including Home Office Hotels) of the economy. by the use of foreign force.  

The COVID Injection (a deadly and debilitating material) was targetted at the British (take up rate was higher than immigrant populations 

and it was likewise with the Reduced Fertility Policies (The Pill, De-industrialisation, "Feminism", Welfare State etc) of the past 60 years which were targetted again, at the British not the immigrant





For Every Bullet A Billet 

The British are now highly exposed to infrastructural failure and civil conflict.  

British physical military and civil defence systems have been dismantled and disbanded. 

The local layers of civil defence and emergency provision (including power, water, food and a reserved physical transaction system - able to be rolled out to function in the event of a digital grid fail - 

have been multi-contractorised (command and control has been dispersed rather that secured under singular direction), 

privatised or dissolved completely). 

The Civil Defence Corpsd was disbanaded in 1968. 

The Territorial Army was disbanded in 1999. 

The CDC and the TA werre disbanded in order that government could replace them with a regular smaller (increasingly foreign sourced) army 

pliable to godless global, Liberalism rather than the British people's traditional Christian service to their nation. 

The national defence winddown has been in place for decades. 

This is the reasons that the Cameronians was disbanded in 1968. 

The Civil Defence Corps (330,000) must be restored. 

The TA (200,000) must be restored. 

and a new British Irregular Force (a constituency rooted militia) urgentlty established at (500,00-700,000). 

All these organisation must be fully funded and resourced imediately. And again 

 being rolled out across the Former United Kingdom. all sectors (including Home Office Hotels) of the economy. by the use of foreign force. ilitating material) was targetted at the British (take up rate was higher than immigrant populations) and it was likewise with the Reduced Fertility Policies (The Pill, De-industrialisation, "Feminism", Welfare State etc) of the past 60 years which were targetted again, at the British not the immigrant populations. For Every Bullet A Billet The British are now highly exposed to infrastructural failure and civil conflict. British physical military and civil defence systems have been dismantled and disbanded.The local layers of civil defence and emergency provision (including power, water, food and a reserved physical transaction system - able to be rolled out to function in the event of a digital grid fail - ave been multi-contractorised (command and control has been dispersed rather that secured under singular direction), privatised or dissolved completely). The Civil Defence Corpsd was disbanaded in 1968. The Territorial Army was disbanded in 1999. The CDC and the TA werre disbanded in order that government could replace them with a regular smaller (increasingly foreign sourced) army pliable to godless global, Liberalism rather than the British people's traditional Christian service to their nation. The national defence winddown has been in place for decades. This is the reasons that the Cameronians was disbanded in 1968. The Civil Defence Corps (330,000) must be restored. The TA (200,000) must be restored. and a new British Irregular Force (a constituency rooted militia) urgentlty established at (500,00-700,000). All these organisation must be fully funded and resourced imediately. And again =Aj0u0TQMlqE10svN For Every Bullet A Billet




If a nation does not reprorduce it will not exist. It's territory will be taken by  a new tribe or tribes.

This is what happened to Britain in the run up to it's National Suicide in 2020.

The British reproduction rate is about 1.2 the reproduction ratge required ia about 2.1 per couple.

The abandonment of the national religion, the pill and other contraception, atomisation of the extended family, atomisation of society and it's social bonds, Feminisim, Economic,

State control of childcare, and it's takeover of mattersz that should be private and desertion of matters that should be public all impacted on the British and their nation state.

It is the indigenous British women that have been separated from their children and driven out to low paid work while the immigrant women stay at home in a traditional setting having children.

 The writer Louise Perry provides a substantial critique on the "Sexual Revolution" and it's contribution to the dissolution and National Suicide of the United Kingdom.



The Security Industray Authority is the (Conservative and Labour) government agency that organises and regulates the "security" "industry in the Former United Kingdom.

It is new security force that is being rolled out across all sectors (including Home Office Hotels) of the economy to suppress and regulate the British.

 The British Army has about 75,000 (including those on Diversity and Inclusion courses and those commanding desk's in post's formerly civil service posts).

SIA has over 400,000 registered.


For Every Bullet A Billet


The Civil Defence Corpsd was disbanaded in 1968.

The Territorial Army was Disbanded in 1999.


The CDC and the TA werre debanded in order that government could replace them with a regular smaller army pliable to godless liberalism rather than traditional Christian service to it's nation.

This is the reasons that the Cameronians was disbanded in 1968.


The Civil Defence Corps (330,000) must be restored.

The TA (200,000) must be restored.

A new British Irregilar Force (a constituency rooted militia) urgentlty established must be (500,00-7000,000)






Protecting the Reproductive Pool


Material X - the contents of the COVID "Vax" is now sloshing about in the population and it's not just one Material X there are now hundreds possibly more due to the multi-brand sequence of injections that have taken place.

The principle matter of concern is that the reproductive pool is contaminated.

Nimoi Wolf and American Vagabond have reported known risk of sexual transmission and Pfizer new of the risks of sexual transmission and recommended physical barrier contraception to prevent it.




For Every Bullet A Billet

 Fantasy Island


Out Of Scale



Rate of Knots

Last Call for Peace

Out of Scale



 Codified States and Nation States

Completing Britain

Erasing Britain







If a nation does not reprorduce it will not exist. It's territory will be taken by  a new tribe or tribes.

This is what happened to Britain in the run up to it's National Suicide in 2020.

The British reproduction rate is about 1.2 the reproduction ratge required ia about 2.1 per couple.

The abandonment of the national religion, the pill and other contraception, atomisation of the extended family, atomisation of society and it's social bonds, Feminisim, Economic,

State control of childcare, and it's takeover of mattersz that should be private and desertion of matters that should be public all impacted on the British and their nation state.

It is the indigenous British women that have been separated from their children and driven out to low paid work while the immigrant women stay at home in a traditional setting having children.

 The writer Louise Perry provides a substantial critique on the "Sexual Revolution" and it's contribution to the dissolution and National Suicide of the United Kingdom.



The Security Industray Authority is the (Conservative and Labour) government agency that organises and regulates the "security" "industry in the Former United Kingdom.

It is new security force that is being rolled out across all sectors (including Home Office Hotels) of the economy to suppress and regulate the British.

 The British Army has about 75,000 (including those on Diversity and Inclusion courses and those commanding desk's in post's formerly civil service posts).

SIA has over 400,000 registered.


For Every Bullet A Billet

The Civil Defence Corpsd was disbanaded in 1968 The Territorial Army was Disbanded in 1999x

The British(what is left of them) urgently require a British Irregular Force to replace them.

The CDC AND THE ta werre debanded in order that government could replace them with a regular smaller army pliable to godless liberalism rather than traditional Christianservice to it's nation.

This is the reasons that the Cameronians was disbanded in 1968.



army pliable to 

nce Corps

Reverse Gear

It's not enough to stop mass immigration.

It must be reversed.

Inside Outside (Part 2)

The British are in shock about what they have they have done to themselves inside and outside themselves.

Not suffice with throwing away their Christian nation (over 60 years of national Dissolution) they then proceeded to inject a large number of themselves with a deadly and dangereous DNA altering material (Material X) because the Conservative and Labour Establishment told them too.

Not suffice with these actions they abandoned their national border and permitted millions of imigrants to enter and occupy the territory.

Many of them now, rather than engage in restoring their nation, prefer to look the other way, distract themselves and avoid the Wasteland in the towns and cities. Many of them - at we call them "Golden Agers" (the "Boomer" generation)lived a life in Christian, Integral, Industrial Britain.

They lived in Britain's modern Golden Age 1945-1989

feeding off the British inheritance of cernturies the boomers now arre engaged in The Great Diversion a splurge of spending on items and activitiess to distrat them from what they have done and what is to come.

Apart from the fake money printing and debt it is the spending splurge of the Boomers (retirement packages and pensions)

in "Boomtime Britain" that is keeping deliveroo uber and eats new car purchases and highly specific holiday packages in operation.





United Kingdom 1st May 1707 - 23rd May 2023

312 years

For many things in in an individual's life and in the life of a nation, it is only when looking back can important events be discerned and their deeper meaning understood.

The official closing down of the United Kingdom on the 23rd of March 2020 was the official (after 60 years of self harm) Dissolution,

and Atomisation - a political nueutron bomb - it removes people but leaves buildings standing - for the new occupants, and self debilitation and submission to the new occupants.


A reasonable 




Shock Therapy



Get Married

Nation states are built upon the married family unit.



A Pint

Martin Luther

"Whoever drinks beer, he is quick to sleep; whoever sleeps long, does not sin; whoever does not sin, enters Heaven! Thus, let us drink beer!

 Year 14 was established in April 2011


"If no one speaks, nothing is heard"

Stewart Connell





We Don't Talk Anymore

 Free speech is is under attack by self-censorship in social settings.

Before March 23rd 2020 it was widely observed in British society, that in especially new company that you should not talk about politics, football or religion, the - generally wise -  reason for this was that you may offend anothers deeply held opinion on a matter of importance to them before establishing a more substantial relationship with them over time after which such topics can be - safely without threatening the relationship - raised and opinions exchanged, even opposing opinions in the context of a friendly and even loving relationship.

The Jab as a subject of conversation is very limited and medical matters are a traditionally private subject

however in a reluctance to introduce a "depressing" subject into conversation in social settings that are genererally convened for unifying and pleasant purposes.

it is a subject of division.

The Jab effects (death and damage) generate fear in those that have had it. supports A Force For Good's "Free Speech Rules" Rally in George Square on the 20th April 2024 at 1PM.



Abolish and Demolish

Legislative devolution must be abolished and Holyrood, Stormont and Snedd demolished.



All contraceptives must be placed under medical licence.


Soylent Green has recommended "Limetown" and "Severence" tv series that reflect themes in the Epoch of AstraZeneca.

The film - Soylent Green (1973) - also refers to a number of present day matters



 The roll out by ScotRail of bodycams to all it's staff is the use of state power and money in an attempt to intimidate and enforce the decrees of the New State.

It is a further attmpt (a step on from fixed camera's) to restrict the private dimension of life.

If they



Integrate Not Separate

 A Matter of Matter

Soylent Green






Year 5 

The New Epoch of AstraZeneca is now in year 5.

The Transformation of Britain from a nation state into a sub-state of the Godless Global State is now complete.

While the Jab's Dead and Damaged numbers increase (and are more difficult for the Conservative and Labour Establishment to hide),

British society has atomised (like a nuetron bomb detonation, the people have have disappeared and only the buldings remain).





 The New Epoch is a co-ordinated move from the Christian Protesant Epoch (about 1517- 2020) into a Godless, Global, Liberal, Bio-Digital Corporate state AZL.

The United Kingdom and - The West - (Westphalian Peace) in general has been co-ordinated a devasted and re-configured composition (msepr) by the COVID Project itself a culmination of 60 years of Liberal pol



Jab atomisation failed systems destructive creation defeat forces of Occupation sia






 The Dead and The Damaged


The Dead and The Damaged.


What is causing the increase  in heart and cancer rates ? no one the Conservative and Labour Establishment (politics, medicine, media etc) knows. can tell them, it's The Jab.




An experimental material was rolled out into the general population (between December 2020 and about February 2022)


and it's effects are now becoming visible anecdotalely and in difficult to hide numbers teking effect.


From royalty to school cleaners, the Jab knows no rank.




Do your own research.


Do not accept the "official" line.


If you are Jabbed do not take anymore Jabs.


If you are Jabbed do not exert yourself.


If ...The material is transmitted by sexual contact if you are in the reproductive pool consider the effect of transmission on yourself and children.






Defend The Patriarchy, Defend The Nation


Defend The Patriarchy, Defend The Nation


National Survival.






Central to the Dissolution of the United Kingdom has been the official Conservative and Labour legislation to de-masculinise the country in order that it cannot defend itself.


It is noted that the millions of foreign forces entering the Former United Kingdom annually are not feminised.


Feminisation of the nation's institutions including it's armed forces  and general culture is now embedded.




It must be reversed to defend the nation.



Devolution Is Dissolution


Devolution Is Dissolution


Legisative Devolution is a device to disintegrate and dissolve the United Kingdom.


It was introduced in 1921.




A Unionist (a national) party asserts the Whole above the Part.


A Devolutionist (a regional) party asserts the Part above the Whole.








A devolutioinist party cannot defend the Nation's political or territorial unity, only a party that believes in the integrity (The Whole) of the nation through a an integral Parliament


(composed of common representation of all constituencies)


can defnd it. supports the repeal of the legislative devolution Acts (and the Greater London Authority Act 1999)




It should be noted the "Conservate and Unionist" Party is a devolutionist party, the Democratic Unionist Party is a devolutionist party and the Ulster Unionist Party is a devolutionist party.





The Jab Map


Self-Loading Rifle


National Survival




"power comes from the barrel of a gun"


Mao Zedong




To restore the British nation, the British (what is left of them) it must construct a War Economy.










The Vax is now impacting on damage and death rates.

The Vax impacts the auto-imune system, generates blood clots, heart system and reduces defence x

death rates disease and inability to work rates (up about a million)



COVID had a general recovery rate of over 99/100 while the Vax has a death/damage rate of 1/800

The COVID average age of death was 83 while the general average age of death was 82.


The Jab was rolled out in 9 months - a vaccine traditionally took 10-20 years to test.

The Jab was excluded from legal challenge.

The Jab impact has led to 


The "Lockdown" and The Jab



authority is single authority




The roll out of The Jab began on 8th of December and was widely delivered (about 52 million (out of an - official population - of 67 million) by February 20222.


The dead and damaged number. 





The Dead and The Damaged




Self - Loading Rifle

National Survival


"power comes from the barrel of a gun"

Mao Zedong


To restore the British nation, the British (what is left of them) it must construct a War Economy.





Defend The Patriarchy, Defend The Nation

National Survival.



Central to the Dissolution of the United Kingdom has been the official Conservative and Labour legislation to de-masculinise the country in order that it cannot defend itself.

It is noted that the millions of foreign forces entering the Former United Kingdom annually are not feminised.

Feminisation of the nation's institutions including it's armed forces  and general culture is now embedded.


It must be reversed.




Self - Loading Rifle

National Survival


"power comes from the barrel of a gun"

Mao Zedong


To restore the British nation, it must construct a War Economy.













The Labour Party is a devolutionist party and continues to boycott the 18 constituencies in the Province.





The Lessons of Wolverhampton

AstraZenecaLand's Army


The Erasure of Britain

It is not just COVID and Imigration that contributed to The National Suicide of the United Kingdom on the 23rd of March 2020 it was a broad range of spiritual, political, economic and social etc matters one of which was the abandonment of a common identity in

territorial and constitutional terms.


The Labour Party continues it's boycott (refuses to stand candidate's) 18 British constituencies in order to assist their ejection from the constitutional fabric of the Former United Kingdom into a foriegn state.


Wikipedia (primed by the sponsors of the new global state- AstraZenecaLand)

describes British artists for example (Paul MaCartney) and others  as English or Scottish or Welsh or Irish (the geographical nomenclatue not the political seldom as British

- as they describe others - (Cher is from California but is described as American).

An American artist is American - the descriptor is at the - nation - state level (even if they come from Texas or Alaska or Hawaii).


While if they come from the United Kingdom the descriptor is at the component level.


Legislative devolution is a device to divide Britain.

It has been used for 103 years to break up the British nation state.

The recent restoration of legislative devolution to a part of the former United Kingdom


Parties that support legislative devolution are anti-nation parties.






Starting Over


AZL: Eastern and Western European Flank


Complete Britain

The Erasure of Britain

For Every Bullet a Billet












AZL Authority to Lie

Rowing Back




Nationality is Singular


 26 Articles WIP







The Lessons of Wolverhampton


Part one

Part Two

Part Three

Part 4






The Rt Hon Enoch Powell



The (Indian)  Conservative Party Priminister of the (Former) United Kingdom Mr Sunak has declared War on the British

the British are now designated "Extremist" 





The "British" Centre Meets it's Own Handiwork

The Conservative and Labour Establishment's (CAle) abandonment of Britain's Border for 60 years is now knocking on the Palace of Westminster's Door.





Official Untruth


The Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Act 2021


(and recent court cases where the  Judge and other officials of the state referred to a male victim as a female) highlight the movement of the Former United Kingdom


from being a Christian nation that cleaves to the Truth to one that legislates and offficiates for Untruth as promoted by the new godless, Liberal state of AstraZenecaLand.




Inedpendent Blood Banks


It is essential that independent blood banks and blood and associated products are denominated by COVID Vax Injected and COVID Vax Not Injected.




Fortress Britain


To restore British Nationhood the British (what is left of them) must defend and secure their land sea, air (and digital border).


Only then can they re-nationalise their nation.








The British (what is left of them) must now detach themselves from  the Dead State and it's "officialdom" and the corrupt corporatedom of the Conservative and Labour Establishment (CALE).


commonrepresentation encourages homes schooling, independent medical networks and local trading and commercial organisations and enterprise etc.


The "British" Centre Meets it's Own Handiwork

The Conservative and Labour Establishment's (CAle) abandonment of Britain's Border for 60 years is now knocking on the Palace of Westminster's Door.

Debt Recycling Unit

The entire Dissolution of the past 60 years has been underwritten by debt.

From your flexible friend of the 1970's to the special digital debt mechanism's of COVID.

It all fake money. office of the British supports the restoration of British nationhood and it's takeover of all debt and the abolition of the Bank of England and the introduction of the "Bradbory" poud - a promise by the British Government to pay the bearer on demand at anyBritish GoverGovernment Bank.


The most popular art form of the last third of the 20th century was pop music from rock and roll to punk to electronic and other genre's.

The anti-establishment element of the form was a rebellious critique to the establishment of the time.

With the arrival of COVID and The Injection of course, the pop music artist's (with a few honourable exceptions) submitted and signed up to the pro-Injection lobby narrative.

They were all just posing mannn.


Official Untruth

The Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Act 2021

(and recent court cases where the  Judge and other officials of the state referred to a male victim as a female) highlight the movement of the Former United Kingdom

from being a Christian nation that cleaves to the Truth to one that legislates and offficiates for Untruth as promoted by the new godless, Liberal state of AstraZenecaLand

sub-managed by the Conservative and Labour Establishment.(CALE))



Inedpendent Blood Banks

It is essential that independent blood banks are established and blood and associated products are denominated by COVID Vax Injected and COVID Vax Not Injected.


Fortress Britain

To restore British Nationhood the British (what is left of them) must defend and secure their land sea, air (and digital border).

Only then can they re-nationalise their nation.




The British (what is left of them) must now detach themselves from  the Dead State and it's "officialdom" and the corrupt corporatedom of the Conservative and Labour Establishment (CALE).

commonrepresentation encourages homes schooling, independent medical networks and local trading and commercial organisations and enterprise etc.

The "British" Centre Meets it's Own Handiwork

The Conservative and Labour Establishment's (CAle) abandonment of Britain's Border for 60 years is now knocking on the Palace of Westminster's Door.


AZL: European Sub-State

 The European Union is the regional sub-state of AstraZenecaLand.







Protect and Survive












(groups can collate freely given data/lists of Not Injected individuals



United Kingdsom




Fortress Britain










Starting Over


AZL: Eastern and Western European Flank


Complete Britain

The Erasure of Britain

For Every Bullet a Billet












AZL Authority to Lie

Rowing Back




Nationality is Singular


 26 Articles WIP








"What Have We Done"


The Metaphysical Event Has Happened.

Regret (and mass depression) is now hanging over the Former United Kingdom.

It is near tangible on the steets and in public places.

Regret and depression in regard to the 60 year frenzy of godless selfishness that resulted in The National Dissolution that culminated in the COVID scam and of course,

the DNA altering "Vax".



Ban The Pill

The Pill decimated  British society, social traditions, habits and bonds.

It must be banned.



The Surrender to Technology

"Content With Servitude"

 For a number of years has warned against the rapid untested (in comparison to long term researched and observed effects on the individual and the nation) release of new technnology into the national marketplace.





Divorce has divided society and impacted dispropotionately on children.

It must be banned.



Marriage requires to be recognised and elevated as society's central forming act and be endowned not least, with a political vote of it's own.



Fighting the Fab


Central to the new AstraZenecaLand global state is the shift of physical fabrication to the East and South while the digital and design activities are conducted in what remains of the North and West.


That is why Britain was de-industrialised through the past 60 years.








The Greatest Rock and Roll Swindle

(With the honourable exceptions)






Protect the Reproductive Pool

The Repro ductive pool must be warned about transmission of the X Material.

We recommend the following article

from The Last American Vagabond

(Acknowledgements to UK Column)

A public information campaign must be introduced.


The Arrival of the Vax Gangloids (The Clots)


AstraZenecaland The European Flanks


Decline of  the West (Westphalia)


Decline of the West




x6/2/24 The Return of David Cameron

6/2/24 The Great Rock n Roll Betrayal







Content With Servitude


A Devolutionist Party Cannot be a Unionist Party

As we have seen with the "Conservative and Unionist" Party, the Ulster Unionst Party and the Democratic Unionist Party any party that supports legislative devolution is set against the Unitary nation state.

Only a party dedicated to a British, unitary and integral nation state can stand it's ground.




The Call Up

Not content with dissolving Britain through 60 years and culmanting in the injection of British children with an experimental material, the Conservative and Labour Establishment now want the you to fight for it.

Fight the Conservative and Labour Establishment do not fight for it.


Article 6 Act of Union 1800

 Common free movement of Britons and free trade in the - United Kingdom - is central to the constitution of the United Kingdom.

Integral Britain

Central to Britain's constiutional existence is it's constitutional integrity, without it ther is no Britain.

This is why the Labour Party continue to boycott 18 consituencies in the House of Commons (the Labour Party supports a House of Commons 0f 632 seats not 650).


This is why Wikipedia refers to artist's originating from sub national administrative units (England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales rather than the national unit

and why the descriptor "Ireland" - a geographical land mass (non political and which comprised two nations - the United Kingdom and the Repbublic of Ireland) - has been promoted instead of the political descriptor "Republic of Ireland".


Decline of  the West (Westphalia)

Decline of the West

Fortress Britain supports the re-nationalisation of the British nation.

We hold the opinion that the re-nationalisation of Britain involves the introduction of policies that represent a Fortress Britain approach to thedefinition and re-assertion of nationhood.



Fortress Britain

In orderr for Britain to re-assert it's nationhood after the National Suicide

it must seal it's border and adopt a policy of self sufficiency in military water and food terms,


The Last Ditch


"There is one certain means by which I can be sure never to see my country's ruin: I will die in the last ditch"


King William III



The Protestant Epoch

The Protestant Epoch

- 1517 (we use the date of the Nailing of the 95 Thesis on the Doors of Wittenberg Cathedral by Martin Luther)

- 23rd of March 2020 United Kingdom)

permitted the greatest period of human endevor and discovery morally economically socially and politically.







God Fearing Christian Men


Occupied Britain

Having been abandoned by the British, Britain is now occupied by foriegn populations

Forbidden Britain

Britain made by the British is now Forbidden.

Please find above The Forbidden Manifesto of Britain in 2023.





Marshall In The Field Part 6


Diversion and Church Architecture


Covid and The Reformation

Bad Hair Day

The Protestant Epoch





"A Visiting Card"

1965 Conservative Party Leadership Election

Heath 150

Maudling 133










Bad Hair Day


Cycle Lane Cycle City







A Matter of Matter


Protecting Reproductive Pool

Fortress Britain

What Have We Done?

For Every Bullet a Billet

Detach - Atach

Starting Over

European Super (Sub) State




Born to be Alive



The Last Ditch

A Forest


Completing Britain

The British (what is left of them) must now embark on restoring and re-starting Britain.

It must be an integral nation begining with a single, integral, established church, legal and and educational system.


Erasure of Britain

For 60 years the erasure of Britain has been sponsored by external power.

The Labour Party continue to boycott Northern Ireland

Wikipedia describes artists from Glasgow as being from Scotland rather than Britain

The Irish Republic is referred to as Ireland whlab pol corp

Fortresss Britain border and removal

For Every Bullet a Billet

Starting Over

Detach - Atach

Born To Be Alive


Gunboat Diplomacy





23rd January 2024

Van Plague

 "...our friends became deranged..."

Excess deaths are now running at over 100,000 per year.


Bridgen Speech



Not content with the debilitating and deadly COVID Injection material sloshing about in the genetic pools of the Former United Kingdom,

the Conservative and Labour Establishment (CALE) legislate for the inward travel of two million per year all with no medical screening.



1st December 2023

 A Matter of Matter






The Protestant Epoch

British Irregular Force

"What about the others, What others ?"

Still Missing

That's Entertainment



Mass Depression

A Matter of Matter




The Protestant Epoch

British Irregular Force 

"We need men with fire in their bowels, who fear the Lord but not the enemy" 

This war will not be won with untrained ploughmen, apprentices, old decaying serving men, we need men with fire in their bowels, who fear the Lord but not the enemy.

"What about the other, What others ?"

Bill to John Day of the Triffids BBC 1981

The 60 year old abandonment of the national religion and dissolution of Britain and it's consequent atomisation has produced an all against all society where the common interest - a manifest selflessness (most visible at war memorials) - has been replaced with godless selfishness

Still Missing

9 Million Britons are missing.

In the 60 year old Dissolution of Britain that ended in The National Suicde of 2020 nothiung more impacted on the Nation (at an individual and National level) than the abortion of 9 million children in the womb.


"Ive been hanging around your address"

That's Entertainment

That's Entertainment

(The Vax Scene)

 That's Entertainment in the degengerate AstraZenecaLand godless, global state that you now inhabit.


A Matter of Matter





suddenly as if by magic





British Irregular Force


"We need men with fire in their bowels, who fear the Lord but not the enemy"



This war will not be won with untrained ploughmen, apprentices, old decaying serving men, we need men with fire in their bowels, who fear the Lord but not the enemy.


Still Missing


9 Million Britons are missing.

In the 60 year old Dissolution of Britain that ended in The National Suicde of 2020 nothiung more impacted on the Nation (at an individual and National level) more than the abortion of 9 million children in the womb.


"Ive been hanging around your address"


That's Entertainment

(The Vax Scene)

 That's Entertainment in the degengerate AstraZenecaLand godless, global state that you now inhabit.








Mass Depression




Love Love Love

 fall 2







23 tpe

18 febab

9 fortress Britain

1 bif starting over

25 Religion

18 Shutting the Gates

9 potterville uk

1 White Christmas


Atomisation andSeverence

The Completion of Britain

The Erasure of Britain


Born To Be Alive

Over 9m British have been aborted in the UK since 1967.

The self- replacement of

Precious life and precious hope.

While foriegn populations now takeover the former United Kingdom the British must reflect on their part in The Dissolution.




The Jab Is Forever

The Vax Scene


 The United Kingdom was a parliamentary representative democracy

On the 8th of January The Conservative Party government launched a referendum (under Primeminister David Cameron legislated for a referendum) to End the United Kingdom

(constitutionally dissolve)

it's propaganda name was - "the Scottish Referendum")



The referendum franchise (approved by the legislation which passed without a vote (no dissent) in the House of Commons or House of Lords)

applied only to 1 in 10 of the United Kingdom population and was calibrated

(immigrants with leave to remain could participate) to maximise the Disolve vote (the "Yes" vote) which it it did but thankfully not enough,

consequently a Nigerian 16 year old resident in Glasgow or Dundee or St Andrews could have dissolved the Union with their vote.


The United Kingdom finally dissolved itself six years later on the 23rd of March 2020.



Detach Atach



25th December 2022

Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ is Born


Luke 2 King James Version (KJV)

1 And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed.

 2 (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.)

3 And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city.

4 And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David:)

5 To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child.

6 And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered.

7 And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.

8 And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.

9 And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.

10 And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.

11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.





24th December 2022

 Pottersville UK

In the six decades leading to The National Suicide on the 23rd of March 2020

the United Kingdom (a type of national Bedford Falls) became Pottersville UK, a society governed by godlessness, selfishness and money.




1st December 2022

 White Christmas

 Trust in God and keep your powder dry.



23 Hauntology


The British are now haunted by themselves.






what they have done to Britain.

 Britain Mattered.

It was Special.


"I want to be haunted by the ghost of your precious love"


tipping point


18 The Return Of cameron

armistace debacle



4th November 2023



We Wunt Be Druv


 Lewes Bonfire Night Live


Bonfire and National Memory




An effigy at Lewes 2021




While Britain now recedes into history, it is vital that memory and tradition remind those in the present why Britain mattered.


If you cannot remember something, you cannot learn from it or bring it back.





Across the (former) United Kingdom, spontaneous - out of control of the government - celebrations will be held tonight to celebrate the defeat of the Gunpowder Plot.


Today also marks the arrival in Brixham of King William III and the Revolutionary Fleet in 1688,


marking the formal start of the Glorious Revolution that secured the British Constitution and Parliamentary Representative Democracy in what would soon become the United Kingdom. encourages organisations, institutions and others to set up Bonfire Societies along the lines of those in Lewes.




Remember Remember


 Remember, remember the fifth of November,Gunpowder treason and plot.


 We see no reason Why gunpowder treason Should ever be forgot! 


  Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes, t'was his intent To blow up king and parliament.


  Three score barrels were laid below To prove old England's overthrow. 


  By god's mercy he was catch'd With a darkened lantern and burning match.


  O, holler boys, holler boys, Let the bells ring.


  Holler boys, holler boys, God save the king.


  And what shall we do with him? Burn him!









Too Late

King Khan

 Vaxxed Anti Vax

Politics of the Past 

 A National Rhythm 

 Mr Sunak Goes Home 

A Church Distraction 


  Adopt a Country Week



Too Late

At we refuse to fake it.


The Event has happened and the British must now be honest with themselves

regarding their approach to the 60 year Disolution, The Injection and The Occupation.




King Khan

The British are now witnesssing the result of the 60 year old abandonment of their national religion, marriage, childbirth

and the endorsement of the Injection and mass imigration. has for years advocated for the abolition of the London Assembly







Vaxxed Anti Vax

Politics of the Past

 A National Rythm

Mr Sunak Goes Home

A Church Distraction


Adopt a Country Week







Vaxxed Anti Vax


In Denmark 734,000

were Injected before the government, concerned at it's visible effects withdrew the Phfizer/Astrazeneca Injections.


In Britain 24 million

were Injected before the government (and the entire Conservative and Labour Establishment CALE - including the medical, media and corporate complex),

concerned at it's visible effects withdrew the Phfizer/Astrazeneca Injections.


Altered genetic material is now sloshing about in the population pools in the Former United Kingdom.

While the CALE refuse to discuss this matter in public, sexual contact and blood and associated blood product continue to further the spread of the harmful material .


It should be noted that leading opponents of the "Vax" include the Vaxxed.




Politics of the Past


There are many who wish to ignore 2020-2022.

They wish to go back to 2019 and only talk about The Union or the EU or Tax or the NHS or Education or Pensions or the Economy

just so long as they do not talk about the Injection or Immigration.

This is not politics, it is comfort politics.



Many of them have been Injected and many of them see everyday the Occupation

of the of the Former United Kingdom by expeditionary foreign forces now embedded across it but do not want to

talk about either of these matters as it generates FEAR.

They wish to hide in the Politcs of the Past.



Mr Sunak Goes Home


For 60 years the "Liberal/Progressive" revolutionaries have sought to disconect Tribe from Territory

(In short, Tribe and Territory form and constitute a Nation)

in order to facilitate the introduction of a new global state

(which duly emerged on the 23rd of March 2020).


Mr Sunak went to India recently (he is of Indian descent).

 Mr Sunak was born in Southampton, United Kingdom and is Indian.

 Sir Cliff Richard was born in Lucknow, India and is British.



A National Rhythm


The Primeminister Johnson declaration on 23rd of March 2020 brought the United Kingdom to an end as a nation state

and enabled a new global state to take over (including barracked expeditionary foriegn forces)

 central to the ending of Britain as a political nation was the ending of centuries of national religous, social, economic, military and political rythmns.


The COVID lockdown was to end (The Great Transformation) the existing national rhythm and introduce a new godldess, globatlised single state rhythm.


One only has to examine the effects of WFH (Working form Home) on social, transport and economic rhythms to recognise the disruptive efffect that is has had.on national integrity and social bonds.


We have just witnessed a submission to global poltical and corporate power and the introduction of it's rythmns.

A nation needs national rhythms.






Church Distraction

Ater 60 years of abandoning Scripture the imposter Church of Scotland and imposter Church of England

decided - of course - to look the other way as the Conservative and Labour Establishment locked churches under the scam of COVID.


Rather than confess their actions and ask for forgiveness and affirm Scripture local parishes preferred to set up a committee to extend the church hall.





Adopt A Country Week

Following on from the National Suicide on the 23rd of March 2020

the former British can now be any nationality they want providing it's not British.







Fortress Britain

In orderr for Britain to re-assert it's nationhood after the National Suicide

it must seal it's border and adopt a policy of self sufficiency in military water and food terms,







The Former UnITED Gripped by fear millions do not want to call to account those who initiated their Injection

Mr Ian Brown is one of the few artistists who spoke out against the Injection.


Give Peace a Chance



British Irregular Forces

For Every Bullet A Billet

Fortress Britain

Gunboat Diplomacy

Marshall in the Field 7


The Matter of Matter


Potterville UK


White Christmas


The Protestant Epoch




Life Sentence supports the imprisonment for life of all the principal actors

(politcians, medical officials and media including Sunak, Starmer, Sturgeon and Drakeford)

who endorsed and promoted the COVID Injection (a debilitating and deadly material)

into British people including children





Adopt a Country

The Mirror

The 60 year Dissolution of the United Kingdom that accumulated in the National Suicide of 2020 has happened.


The Christian Industrial Britain that still millions remember has gone.

That is why they cannot find it.

The national religion, dedication, effort, application and sacrifice (through centuries)

that sustained the British Nation have been abandoned and replaced with

godlessness, selfishness and sloth.


No one but the British are responsible for what has happened to Britain.

Britain has been thrown away.




Fortress Britain

In orderr for Britain to re-assert it's nationhood after the National Suicide

it must seal it's border and adopt a policy of self sufficiency in military water and food terms,


The Last Ditch


"There is one certain means by which I can be sure never to see my country's ruin: I will die in the last ditch"


King William III



Teach self-denial and make its practice pleasure, and you can create for the world a destiny more sublime that ever issued from the brain of the wildest dreamer. sir walter scott

No One Is Coming To Help


The metaphysical event has happened

(23rd March 2020 - 22nd January 2022)


In the New Epoch

(The AstraZenecaLand Epoch)

The British (what is left of them) must now gather and help themselves.








Always Worth A Listen (Part 2)

Whi,le we watch the dissolution of nation states across the Earth (see Westphalia) and the End of one Epoch (made by the Reformation qbout 1517) and begining of a new Epoch (AstraZenecaLand 23rd March 2020)


The film - Soylent Green - touches on a number of present day matters

Some readers of may find the opinion that the UK no longer exists.



We have used the metaphor of a party - a 60 year party - when referring  to the Self- Dissolution of Britain since 1960.

rel, commerce, debt all contributed to disol and culmanat in covid scam of 2020.

A nation must do 3 things protect it's past (it's coll mem, habits and experience knowledge

Selfishness juvenile elongatement reflected in stinted growth behaviou

and an economy that reflects that.for 60 years britain threw away

it'snational inheritence and threw a debt based party to the sounds of the beatles, abba and 



With no religous "cement" in national life the godless society and economy (divorce multiplies economy) there is social chaos.

defend itself in the present


and DV DECLARE IT's intent to exist in the D.V. future, it does this most of all by reproducing itself - in the first instance by having children,

if the national population does not have children or have a low birthrate below the national population replacement threshhold - about 2.4 per couple then the nation cannot be sustained.

This is what happened to Britain

The abandonment of the national religion, The Pill, divorce, no marriage, delayed marriage, the (profit and cult) commercialisation of solo lifestyles, feminisation, demasculinity, social fragmentation and atomisation and other social anomilieshas led to a former uk pop rate of about 1.7 and when the immigrant birthreate is removed from that it is now about 1.2.

"The future belongs to those who turn up"

Mark Styen



referred to a

Fortress Britain

A re-asserted Britain must be a Fortress Britain. It must be a re-nationalised nation.

To repel the forces of the new godless global state - AstraZenecaLand - Britain must seal it's Border


Forbidden Britain

A Matter of Matter

Order and chaos

60 Years of Dissoluton

Mr Sunak Goes Home

Mr Sunak went to India recently (he is of Indian Punjabi descent).

Mr Sunak was born in Southampton United Kingdom and is Indian.

Cliff Richard was born in Lucknow, India and is British.

National Rythmn

The PM declar on 23/3/20 brought the uk to end as a nation state and enabled a new global state to take over (including foriegn pops)

central to that was the ending of centuries of national rythmns

moral religous social military and economic etc

and the replac with new global state rythmns imig wfh

corp pow

1 National Rythmn

the ns of 20320 replaced a Christian nation state rythmn (

with a new godless global state rythmn that is what we can now see in social and economic activites of the former United Kingdom.


the wheels must turn to keep the flow

man must work to keep the flow






For Every Bullet A Billet


The Protestant Epoch


"No One Coming To Help"








2 Atomisation, WFH and National Dissolution  desoc

3Diversion, COVID  and Church Architecture




1 National Rythmn

the ns of 20320 replaced a Christian nation state rythmn (

with a new godless global state rythmn that is what we can now see in social and economic activites of the former United Kingdom.


the wheels must turn to keep the flow

man must work to keep the flow


2 Atomisation, WFH and National Dissolution  desoc

3Diversion, COVID  and Church Architecture


5 Mr Sunak Goes Home


Diversion and Church Architecture

Nations are products of their past this is no great recent nugget of knowledge but in relation to Britain (political Britain which committed National Suicide on the 23rd of March 2020) it is vital to acknowledge that the social self dissolution that took place effectively from 1960 - The pill, abortion, divorce, delayed marriage and no marriage, "feminisim", the anti-masculinity cult, the physical dispersal of the family unit and many other political, social and economic factors has




"...The world as we know it has ended..."

xxMichael Beadley

Day of The Triffids 1981



Mr Sunak Goes Home


Mr Sunak went to India recently (he is of Indian Punjabi descent).

Mr Sunak was born in Southampton United Kingdom and is Indian.

Cliff Richard was born in Lucknow, India and is British.


It's Not There

There are millions today who are dissapointed because they cannot find Britain, that is because it's not there.


Pockets of the Past



A Forest

A National Rythmn

Atomisation, WFH and De-socialisation


Here is the News



It's Not There


There are millions today who are dissapointed because they cannot find Britain, that is because it's not there.

Pockets of the Past

While many of the - post national suicide 2020 - "British" Golden Agers (those born into Christian Industrial Britain and who are now escaping

from that Britain that they threw away) have become a wandering tribe, to be found at railway stations and hill walking sign posts

(courtesy of their retirement packages and discount cards) others (who have a more prosperous retirement package)

are congregating in the smaller towns and villages especially coastal of rural and northern Britain (geographical meaning).


Having done nothing to resist the Self-Dissolution of the United Kingdom since 1960 while enjoying the benefits of it,

for them, this is a comfortable and rewarding post work period.


These Pockets are wealthly, self-protective, and socially active

(ironically everything Britain should have been).

They resemble Britain of the 1970's and 1980's in appearence (predominately a white population with tidy street gutters)

they are generally content and reasonable in scale and activity, with the addition of middle market

charity shop's and vanity shop's - not making a profit but keeping the owner and his wife, occupied, active and healthy. The golf club has an experienced chef.


The bars and resturants are middle market with good food with a self -knowing local identity.

The outside, the local church is often adorned with the AstraZenecaLand Flag of Ukraine.


In these Pockets which have a high Injected, rate there is little if any talk about Immigration and less still of Covid.


It's Over, even for them.



A Forest

It is Year 4 of AstraZenecaLand.





The Matter of Matter


Natural Nation


The Freedom Movement

  is Anti-Lockdown, Anti-Injection and Anti-Godless, Global, Liberal, Bio-Digital Corporate Liberal State.


  The Freedom Movement (including the "dissident" alternative media) has a large Christian and working class base and has an emotional and practical attachment to

the British Constitution, Unity, Liberty, Authority and Territory and the history of Britain and it's independent traditions, customs, conventions and eccentricities.


 The Freedom Movement reflects a Britain that existed before The National Suicide that took place on 23rd of March 2020.


 The Freedom Movement (that emerged during the COVID Period) is the surviving embodyment of Britain.

  It contains the seed of Britain.



Forbidden Britain





National Inheritance




Abolish the Bank of England

Dengeneracy, Debt and D



Occupied Britain

Having been abandoned by the British, Britain is now being occupied by foriegn populations

After Politics War

Having abandoned parliamentary representative democracy nationhood Britain is now in descent to War.




"'s mind had been overshadowed with the fear that somehow the United Kingdom might be hussled from one position to another and in the end be overwhelmed without fighting"

 The Rt Hon J Enoch Powell 10/12/87

 Speaking about his time in Australia (1938/1939) before he returned  to the United Kingdom to serve as a private soldier in the British Army.








ban divorce abortion digital phones contraception



"'s mind had been overshadowed with the fear that somehow the United Kingdom might be hussled from one position to another and in the end be overwhelmed without fighting"


The Rt Hon J Enoch Powell 10/12/87

Speaking about his time in Australia (1938/1939) before he returned

to the United Kingdom to serve as a private soldier in the British Army.


Organise and mobilise.



A National Rythmn






Fortress Britain

In orderr for Britain to re-assert it's nationhood after the National Suicide

it must seal it's border and adopt a policy of self sufficiency in military water and food terms,


The Last Ditch


"There is one certain means by which I can be sure never to see my country's ruin: I will die in the last ditch"


King William III



The Protestant Epoch

The Protestant Epoch

- 1517 (we use the date of the Nailing of the 95 Thesis on the Doors of Wittenberg Cathedral by Martin Luther)

- 23rd of March 2020 United Kingdom)

permitted the greatest period of human endevor and discovery morally economically socially and politically.







God Fearing Christian Men


Occupied Britain

Having been abandoned by the British, Britain is now occupied by foriegn populations


After Politics War

Having abandoned parliamentary representative democracy nationhood Britain is now in descent to War.



Britain is at War.



Natural Nation


The - Freedom Movement -   is Anti-Lockdown,  Anti-Injection and Anti-Godless, Global, Bio-Digital Corporate Liberal State.

 The  British are a natural nation (and recorded in the service records of the British Army dead) and elsewhere.

After the Calamity of 2020 it is essential that the Re-assertion of British Nationhood grows through the natural seed of Britain.


  The Freedom Movement (including the "dissident" alternative media) has a large Christian and working class base and has an emotional and practical attachment to

the British Constitution, Unity, Liberty, Authority and Territory and the history of Britain and it's  independent traditions, customs, conventions and eccentricities.


 The Freedom Movement reflects a Britain that existed before The National Suicide that took place on 23rd of March 2020.


The Freedom Movement (that emerged during the COVID Period) is the surviving embodyment of Britain.

  It contains the seed of Britain.


Fortress Britain supports the re-nationalisation of the British nation.

We hold the opinion that the re-nationalisation of Britain involves the introduction of policies that represent a Fortress Britain approach to thedefinition and re-assertion of nationhood.



Fortress Britain

In orderr for Britain to re-assert it's nationhood after the National Suicide

it must seal it's border and adopt a policy of self sufficiency in military water and food terms,


The Last Ditch


"There is one certain means by which I can be sure never to see my country's ruin: I will die in the last ditch"


King William III



The Protestant Epoch

The Protestant Epoch

- 1517 (we use the date of the Nailing of the 95 Thesis on the Doors of Wittenberg Cathedral by Martin Luther)

- 23rd of March 2020 United Kingdom)

permitted the greatest period of human endevor and discovery morally economically socially and politically.







God Fearing Christian Men


Occupied Britain

Having been abandoned by the British, Britain is now occupied by foriegn populations

Forbidden Britain

Britain made by the British is now Forbidden.

Please find above The Forbidden Manifesto of Britain in 2023.





Marshall In The Field Part 6


Diversion and Church Architecture


Covid and The Reformation

Bad Hair Day

The Protestant Epoch





"A Visiting Card"

1965 Conservative Party Leadership Election

Heath 150

Maudling 133










Bad Hair Day


Cycle Lane Cycle City








Contagion and Containment

 In the Former United Kingdom there are more dying in 2023 than in 2022  or 2021 - see Office of National Statistics.


Th Injection was released (in "response" to a - virus - that had a 99.7 (higher again in children) recovery rate.

into the populations of the Former United Kingdom between December 2020 and February 2022, 

when the threshold level was met (about60-70/100) and further spread could be attained through sexual contact or blood transfusion or the use of associated blood products, The Injection was withdrawn from general release and promotion.


Element X - The Injection material - is now swashing about in the genetic population pools and remains transmittable through sexual contact, blood transfusion and associated blood products. 

 Element X is a deadly and debilitaing material.


The Conservative and Labour Establishment (CALE - including media and commerce) refuse to acknowledge the excess death and debilitation caused by The Injection.

although it is increasingly difficult for them to hide the excess deaths and excess debilitating medical conditions that are now presenting themselves in The Injected populations.


The released Pfizer documents (Pfizer attempted to keep them secret) have been put in the public domain (see Niaomi Wolf research and book link below)

and indicate that in early tests, once injected, the material further contaminated through natural reproduction 

(they recomended double physical/barrier contraception to prevent this form of transmission).


A National Covid Institute must imediately be set up and a containment methods policy introduced and made public.

Central to all action must be the medical denomination of all individuals by their category of injection or uninjection (already held by the government) this is vital for physical and mental treatment of the wholeness of the individual

 and crucially the identification of all blood and associated items as  containing injected or uninjected material.





Disturbing The Peace

 Immigration disturbs the peace.


 The nation state is built on the family and tribe (self recognising, self identifying (genetic etc) collective self-formation that occupies a defined territory

(a people form a nation, a landmass does not)


The nation state is the - gold standard - of human collective formations.

It is based simply on common genetic traits and charateristics and collective self identification and a recognisable group (common) interest of tribe and territory.


While a nation state can accomodate a trace measure of - alien - population - usually at it's ports - (nation to nation interfaces)

a policy of no immigration preserves the recognition, balance and settlement of the nation.


It is a precious peace that nationhood bestows on the nation especially one that defend's it's Border without compromise.

 It is these features which regulate nation to nation co-operation and and generate a natural resistance to a global authority/state.

It is this reason why there has been a 60 year old process to destroy the British nation state and replace it with

a new global - informal (not publicalyy solemnized - state.


Immigration into the UK since the 1950's has disturbed the peace of the nation.

 Time and effort has been and is spent measuring, regulating and policing (politically and administratively the different and competing groups that have entered into the territory.


The evidence for this is found in many countries that having been nation states heve decided to become states that are not nations any longer but codified states

ie those that require a written codified agreement - on paper that essentially refutes the self recognisising element and instead

demands alligence to a new written codififed document that superceeds the natural and biological self identification of the group.




 The Exchange


The British have exchanged their Nation for a Godless Pleasuredome and a limited discount card with B&Q.


Only in the Summer of 2023 (Year 4 of the New - AstraZeneca - Epoch) can the full scale and shape of the Transformation of Britian into a sub state

of AstrazenecaLand (The New Godless, Global, Liberal, Injected, Digital, Bio Corporate State) be seen on the streets

and in the last vapours (public institutions and services) of the old - Reformation - Epoch (from about 1517 until the 23rd March 2020).


The 60 year dissolution of Britain, culminating in the 2020 National Suicide has happened.


For 60 years an alternative course could have been taken. It was not.



The British Museum

Britain is now a Museum of Itself.





 The British (what is left of them) must now - regrow - their nation from the

seeds and the memory that has endured.

The big pharma big tech big corporate big government

(AstraZenecaLand - the godless, global, liberal....

must be  - can only be - rerisisted by a godly nation.



 Disturbing The Peace

 Disturbing the Peace

 Immigration is a Disturbance Of The Peace.

 the nation state, a common territory occupied by a common genetic/blood group

 The nation state is the gold standard of nationhood.

 common identity.lang hist cul coll sense perception.

  Immigration disrupts this common settled state.

 lang etc.

Indeed, rather than direct it's efforts to new inventions explor in sci rel phiol med etc (as the fuk did before immigration)

 a nat that permits imig (trace imigration is minimal and confined largely to nation to nation interface locations ie seaports and airports)

 ends up monit and measur and rec and managing the competing groups. wasting tar and most of all the sett peace and confird of the nat and not least dividing what had been a common identity.


Fortress Britain





Artificial Britain

Reformation and Covid






"...We’re the hammer that knocks the nail in..."


Frankie Goes To Hollywood




...get your face out of Facebook and turn off your phone...

Paul Weller



Electoral Power

On Thu 6th May 2015 the SNP had 6 seats in the HOC. On Fri the 7th May 2015it had 56.

This is the power of the elector, the parliamentary constituency and the First Past The Post system.


If the constituency electorates are moved to effect representational change then it happens and it happens decisively simply by use of a pencil and paper.



 Under the Fixed-term Parliaments Act 2011 an election had not been due until May 2020, but Prime Minister May's call for a snap election was ratified by the necessary two-thirds vote in the House of Commons on 19 April 2017. May said that she hoped to secure a larger majority to "strengthen [her] hand" in the forthcoming Brexit negotiations.[4]


 Having failed to obtain a majority in the 2017 United Kingdom general election, the Conservative Party had faced prolonged parliamentary deadlock due to parliamentary votes on Brexit while it governed in minority with the support of the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP). This situation led to the resignation of the prime minister Theresa May and the selection of Boris Johnson as the Conservative leader and prime minister in July 2019. Johnson could not induce Parliament to approve a revised Brexit withdrawal agreement by the end of October, and chose to call for a snap election, which the House of Commons supported via the Early Parliamentary General Election Act 2019.[4] Opinion polls up to polling day showed a firm lead for the Conservatives against the opposition Labour Party throughout the campaign.[5]



Physical Power


The Covid Electionhave taken place  xxx

The unessecary 2019 election took place in order to install the "Conservative" Party with a new the next general election would  mandate imediately prior to the

introduction of the Covid period.

Without this general election

Without this election (and a franchise permitting Irish Rupic citizens and Commonwealth citizens to vote

the Premiership of Theresa May 




Abolish The Bank of England

The incorrectly named the Bank of England (correct nomenclature should have been The Bank of Britain)

must be abolished.

The Treasury must assume all powers of the BOE including the printing of physical money and all economic powers and regularity oversight.

It is the British Government (elected b y a Parliamentary majority) that must promise to pay the bearer on demand

similar to the notes issued by the Isle of Man Government





If political representation is not used it will atrophy and Clouds of War will gather.


The New Occupants

Britain was thrown away, it did not resist an economic or external military force.

Having been thrown away it is only natural that foreign powers sought to take over and possess the physical and human resources

that grew in Britain.



After Politics War

Politics or War


Common Identity

From family to tribe to nation.

common genetics, common self recogngition, common identity




Natural Nation

Regrowing Britain


Marshall In The Field (Part 6)

Organise and Mobilise




there are 650 constituencies in the (Former United Kingdom)

these constituencies remain administratively functional and potent

as individual territorial units; policitally, defensively and economically.



Fortress Britain

maritime, digital air terrtitorial


Forbidden Britain

Over the 60 years of dissolutionuntil 2020

the abandonment and withdrawal of the national established church

permitted legislation to be introduced that

reflected the secular - judgementless of popular opinion,

it is that Liberal permissive legislation wich permits the

exploitation of young people by those with power and money.

(about 5/100 children in England where submitted for the vax

while about 18/100 children in Scotland were.)












While You Have Been Away






It Is Not 2020

(and never will be again)

The event has happened.

There is no going back.

Society has been atomised (including imigration) - that is what that odd atmosphere is that you sense when go outside - individuals have withdrawn from the public space where previously they had been engaged/part of it/part of a nation.


The national economy no longer exists, it is a digital debt re-cycling - repackaging and recycling privately generated debt units.


and of course The Jab (a deadly and debilitating material) has been injected into about 66/100 of the population and is now slopping around in the genetic pools of the Former United Kingdom.


Common Blood Common Identity Common Territory







Disturbing the Peace

Immigration is a Disturbance Of The Peace.

The nation state is the gold standard of nationhood.

common identity.lang hist cul coll sense perception

Immigration disrupts this common settled state.

lang etc.

rather than direct it's efforts to new inventions explor in sci rel phiol med etc

a nat with imig ends up monit and measur and rec and managing the competing groups. wasting tar and most of all the sett peace and confird of the nat and not least dividing what had been a common identity.


1945 -2020 




Nation common blod family recognition terr

other acknow foundation comm is text of thr founding document - explicitly not bio/genetic commonness.


sterling sub machine gun


gun,Political%20power%20grows%20out%20of%20the%20barrel%20of%20a%20gun,Chinese%20communist%20leader%20Mao%20Zedong.After Politics War






natural nation

Regrowing Britain



Contagion and Containment







12th April 2023

Post Nation Conflict

 Having committed National Suicde and thrown away all the advantages that the British nation state possesed

(it's national established religion, an integral central administration (pre-legislative devolution), the Royal Navy, national industry etc)

the Former United Kingdom is now a Husk Sub-state of AstraZenecaLand

full of competing new - foreign - population power groups,

(who do retain cohesive identities and affection for their respective nation's and they gather strength from this cohesion and affection).


The new group competition (for power and money and resources) is a descent into division, conflict and violence.

This what happens when a nation stops believing or having an interest in itself,

it is the movement from selflessness ino selfishness.




Regrowing Britain

Britain can be regrown from seed.





This is especially the case in relation to the indoctrination of children into digitalism - by removing education - including homework - from the physical class based environment supports the mental and physical development of children in schools and therefore removal of digital devices from schools

and the restriction of thdigital devices to those below 18 years old.

It is the template for the post Christian Protestant Epoch (roughly about 1500 - 2020)

Element X Part 2

The Injection contained many material elements

(it is no longer generally available - it has been withdrawn across the Earth)

and delivery platforms.








(Meta: meaning : after or beyond)


The Bio- Digital state introduced on 23rd March 2020 is a post Christian global state

characterised by it's godless, selfish, liberal,  corporate features.


It is the template for the post Christian Protestant Epoch (roughly about 1500 - 2020)


The Meta Platform Incorporated company owns Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp.

is central to the codification and exploitation of datat in AstraZenecaLand.





The United Kingdom was a Christian nation state.

 China is a secular state and predominately composed of the Han ethnic group.

  They make up about 92% of the Chinese population and account for about 1.4 billion across the Earth - about 18 % of the global population

  and 25% of Glasgow Univerity's undergraduate population.


Christian, Industrial, Britain has been thrown away.




Across the Former United Kingdom

victims of the Injection and their supporters are organising

mutual support and opposition to the promoters political medical and media etc who rolled ou the deadly and debilitatiing Injection

to a population that never needed it.




 About 70/100 of the UK population has been injected with at least one of the deadly and debilitating  material injections officially referred to as the "Covid Vacine".


While every injection was numbered and now forms a unique biological identity card database

  (and by definition forms a further database of those who remain un-injected)

  the Conservative and Labour Establishment refuse to denominate medical information on the basis of  - Injected or Un-Injected.

  (they do this in order that the effects of the contaminent cannot be fully identified)


It is essential that all medical matters and information are denominated on this basis.

  The contaminent material and it's effects must be traceable and are traceable due to the numbering system used for each vial and each individual.

  Most of all, it is essential for the containment and treament of the material that the denomination information is made public.




The age of credit and debt must be brought to an end along side "interest" charges.


All credit (cards) must be banned and all debt management companies shut and all credit scoring companies closed.

 Government must assume all debt and credit assets.

All Pound Sterling denominated debt must be renderred Void.





Bric By Bric


AstraZenecaLand, the new Godless, Global, Bio-Digital, Corporate, Liberal State arrived in 2020.

 It set out to extinquish the nation state and return the Earth to a pre-Reformation (pre-nation state) Global Single State period.

It is currently engaged in extending it's border into Russia.

 The few remaining nation states: Russia, China, India, Brazil and South Africa etc now associate in the BRICS organisation.

Saudi Arabia and Iran are now considerin membership.




(of body tissue or an organ) waste away, especially as a result of the degeneration of cells, or become vestigial during evolution.




 Year 4.




 Having committed National Suicde 

the Former United Kingdom is now a territory full of competing foreign power groups who do retain an attachment and affection for their nation's.

 A power competition has now begun.

  This what happens when a nation stops believing in itself and becomes dominated by msep

those who are selfish rather than selfless. 






Central to AstraZenecaLand's transformation of the Former United Kingdom into a Godless, Global, BioDigital state

 is to shift human experience from the physical environment into a fake digital environment.

Central to this is the shifting of services from the physical domain into the digital including money. supports the mental and physical development of children in schools and removal of digital devices from schools.

All digital devices must be licensed to those above 18 years old.


 Keep it physical.












Not content with the 










The New Epoch contains a number of developments/discovories and advancements which can be used for good or evil.


bio digital and commercial




The existence of the United Kingdom rested upon a single





A Pagan Place

AstraZenecaLand and Artificial Intelligence


Part of AstraZenecaLand's Great Transformation

is to replace the human poor with whole machine and human/machine entities (including Artificial Intellegence)

which can perform human type action.


This is the New AstraZeneca Epoch, a Godless, Global hellhole that is rolling out - at speed - across the Earth.


It is the New AstraZeneca Epoch (From 23rd March 2020) - in sharp contrast

to the previous - Reformation made Epoch - (about 1500 - 23rd March 2020)

in which the sovereiegn individual (made in the image of God) was declared in the venacular

and who collectively raised soveriegn nation states (see the Peace of Westphalia and The Glourious Revolution).


Only Godly nations can resist such ungodly forces.



Why the United Kingdom Does Not Exist Anymore

A nation manifest's itself in the present but it is in  the reproduction of itself that it declares it's intent to exist in the future DV.


There has been much comment recently regarding the official immigration numbers that show 1.2 million entered the fuk in 2022.


Self identity

Immigration is a consequent matter of 


The abandonment of Britain's Christian national established religion has had the  and of

developing a culture of sefishness and short term pleasure.

The Pill, Abortion (9 million Britons aborted since 1967) delayed marriage, no marriage the cult of Feminism and the attack on Hetrosexuxality and Masculinity and the global corporate promotion of homosexuality and de-industrialisation have all contributed to the reduction of the British reproduction rate which is about 1.3 (when you take out the foriegn element of the offical numbers (about 0.3).

Take a walk thro any city or town and the evidence is in front of you.




we hold the opinion that t


12th April 2023


A Natural Nation


The Freedom Movement

  is Anti-Lockdown, Anti-Injection and Anti-Godless, Global, Bio-Digital Corporate Liberal State.


  The Freedom Movement (including the "dissident" alternative media) has a large Christian and working class base and has an emotional and practical attachment to

the British Constitution, Unity, Liberty, Authority and Territory and the history of Britain and it's  independent traditions, customs, conventions and eccentricities.


 The Freedom Movement reflects a Britain that existed before The National Suicide that took place on 23rd of March 2020.

 The Freedom Movement (that emerged during the COVID Period) is the surviving embodyment of Britain.

  It contains the seed of Britain.


12th April 2023

Post Nation Conflict

 Having committed National Suicde and thrown away all the advantages that the British nation state possesed

(it's national established religion, an integral central administration (pre-legislative devolution), the Royal Navy, national industry etc)

the Former United Kingdom is now a Husk Sub-state of AstraZenecaLand

full of competing new - foreign - population power groups,

(who do retain cohesive identities and affection for their respective nation's and they gather strength from this cohesion and affection).


The new group competition (for power and money and resources) is a descent into division, conflict and violence.

This what happens when a nation stops believing or having an interest in itself,

it is the movement from selflessness ino selfishness.


12th April 2023



 Bad Hair Day

Bluepinkpurple is now the new 












The Godless gbdlc state is engaged in the great transformation.

 a glob biodigi state.









The Forest





About 70/100 of the UK population has been injected with at least one of the deadly and debilitating  material injections officially referred to as the "Covid Vacine".


While every injection was numbered and now forms a unique biological identity card database


(and by definition forms a further database of those who remain un-injected)


the Conservative and Labour Establishment refuse to denominate medical information on the basis of  - Injected or Un-Injected.


(they do this in order that the effects of the contaminent cannot be fully identified)


It is essential that all medical matters and information are denominated on this basis.




The contaminent material and it's effects must be traceable and are traceable due to the numbering system used for each vial and each individual.


Most of all, it is essential for the containment and treament of the material that the denomination information is made public.


Void Debt and Credit

The age of credit and debt must be brought to an end along side "intereest" charges.


All Pound Sterling denominated debt must be renderred Void.

All credit (cards) must be banned and all debt management companies shut and all credit scoring companies closed.

Government must assume all debt and credit assets.


Babel (Digital)




We must keep human activity in the physical dimension not the digital dimension.

Nothing must be digital only, everything must be first of all physical and only then dititally - not physical no trade - simple.

All transctions must be physical. 

Central to AstraZenecaLand's transformation of the Former United Kingdom into a Godless, Global, BioDigital state

is to shift human experience from the physical environment into a fake digital environment.


Keep it physical.



The Metaphysical Event Part 2

In the former United Kingdom about 151 million Covid injections took place.

Metaphysical Event has happened.

(The - global - roll- out- of the injection has been a species level event - with about 52/100 of the Earth population having been injected.)



The Jab is Forever.

 It cannot be reversed, it can only now be managed.


Between December 2020 and February 2022 about two thirds of the (former) United Kingdom population were injected (by direction of the Conservative and Labour Establishment)

with a material that debilitates and delivers an item that is DNA altering, there is a congealant dimension to it and from latest deep level microscope studies, it also contains a 

an item that - that can further form itself through a heat trigger.



Tribe and Territory 2 (Detachment)

Everything in the former United Kingdom is now configured to detach the British (their tribe) from Britain (their territory) and replace them with a globalised - foriegn - population.

The Detachment is essential to the "Transformation" of the United Kingdom into AstraZenecaLand.







After Politics






A Natural Nation





Containment of the Infected Material






The Previous Epoch has been interuptted by AstraZeneca.


The Protestant Reformation (about 1517)


14C John Wycliffe













The Lost Generation 2









The new owners





The Coronation

Part 1

The Oath Has Been Taken


The British Coronation Oath

(Established by The Glorious Revolution 1688-1691)

 is the constitituional bulwark against despotic government including AstraZenecaLand

(the new Godless, Global, Liberal, Bio-Digital State fronted by the Conservative and Labour Establishment which has injected a deadly and debilitating material

into about 70/100 of the population of the United Kingdom).


It is through the Coronation Oath that the spiritual and temporal seed of the British (what is left of them) is to be found.

 It is only through The Oath and The Annointing that the Nation can be restored.


Everything British - spiritual and temporal and common flows from the act that we have just witnessed.



The Oath


The King places his hand on the Bible,

and the Archbishop administers the Oath.


The Oath


Archbishop of Canterbury:
Will you solemnly promise and swear to govern
the Peoples of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,
your other Realms and the Territories
to any of them belonging or pertaining,
according to their respective laws and customs?


The King:
I solemnly promise so to do.


Archbishop of Canterbury:
Will you to your power cause Law and Justice,
in Mercy, to be executed in all your judgements?


The King:
I will.


Archbishop of Canterbury:
Will you to the utmost of your power maintain
the Laws of God and the true profession of the Gospel?
Will you to the utmost of your power maintain
in the United Kingdom the Protestant Reformed Religion established by law?
Will you maintain and preserve inviolably
the settlement of the Church of England,
and the doctrine, worship, discipline, and government thereof,
as by law established in England?
And will you preserve unto the Bishops and Clergy of England,
and to the Churches there committed to their charge,
all such rights and privileges as by law do or shall appertain to them or any of them?


The King:
All this I promise to do.
The things which I have here before promised I will perform and keep.
So help me God.


Archbishop of Canterbury:
Your Majesty, are you willing to make, subscribe and
declare to the statutory Accession Declaration Oath?


The King:
I am willing.


The King:
I Charles do solemnly and sincerely in the presence of God
profess, testify, and declare that I am a faithful Protestant,
and that I will, according to the true intent of the enactments
which secure the Protestant succession to the Throne,
uphold and maintain the said enactments to the best of my powers according to law."


God Save The King




30 April 2023

 Part 2

 A King Without A Country


 The United Kingdom no longer exists, it committed suicide on 23rd March 2020.


The former United Kingdom is now in Transformation into a godless, global bio-Digital corporate sub-state of  the (largely) global power AstraZenecaLand.

The British have thrown away their countryempty hollow vessal only the buildings and plastic plumbing remain.

A society never mind a nation cannot last if it is b uilt upon selfishness rather than selflessness.


The King has taken The Oath to a country that does not now exist (see the multicultural items ON DISPLAY AND FASHIONABLY INERTED INTO THE CERONOMY - not a reflection of some small groups in British society but the new owners and power brokers

in the FUK and not only does not show an intere3st in itself or indicate any effort to preserve itself.

The immigrants have the reproductive numbers (and are largely Un-Injected and motivation and cohesive identity on their side.


The King has take the Oath, the problem is not with him, it is with the British who have thrown away their part of The Compact.

Over 60 years they have thrown away their national religion and everything that goes with it.









About 70/100 of the population submitted to a injection containing a deadly and debilitating material.








Foreign populations in their millions have and are entered and are entering and occupying the Former United Kingdom's territory


while over 9 million Britons have been aborted since 1967.


The Reproduction rate of the British is 1.4 - and is well under the natural reproduction rate required for continuation of a nation.









The Injection is mass murder and mass debilitation (death rates are up 20%, fertility rates are down by 20 %) by the Conservative and Labour Establishment. supports the arrest of all the principal responsible actors in the "Lockdown" and Injection "rollout"

and their imprisonment for life including Sunak, Johnston and Starmer etc.










30 April 2023

 A King Without A Country

 The United Kingdom no longer exists, it committed suicide on 23rd March 2020.

About 70/100 of the population submitted to a injection containing a deadly and debilitating material.




Foreign populations in their millions have and are entered and are entering and occupying the Former United Kingdom's territory

while over 9 million Britons have been aborted since 1967.

The Reproduction rate of the British is 1.4 - and is well under the natural reproduction rate required for continuation of a nation.





6th May 2023











The Injection and Immigration

Most immigrants are not Injected.

Wether recent or longer arrived immigrants, the "Vax" has a substantially lower rate in both groups.

Most immigrants are young and fit and motivated and reproductive and cohesive in their national groups.










The United Kingdom was a Christian nation state.

China is a secular state and predominately composed of the Han ethnic group.

They make up about 92% of the Chinese population and account for about 1.4 billion across the Earth - about 18 % of the global population

and 25% of Glasgow Univerity's undergraduate population.


The United Kingdom was a Christian nation state.

China is a secular state and predominately composed of the Han ethnic group.

They make up about 92% of the Chinese population and account for about 1.4 billion across the Earth - about 18 % of the global population

and 25% of Glasgow Univerity's undergraduate population.





Containment of the Infected Material



The Previous Epoch has been interuptted by AstraZeneca.

The Protestant Reformation (about 1517)

14C John Wycliffe



The Lost Generation 2

9 Million Britons

Dissolution In Action

One the methods that hostile forces dissolved the United Kingodm was to use the media to demoralise the nation state.

"World In Action" was one such vechile.

Today Wikipedia among others do it eg

Artists in music,film, theatre etc

are referred to as English or Scottish etc

never, British. eg Duran Duran is a band from England while

The Red Hot Chilli Peppers - a band from California - is referred to as an American band.

It was/is an action to design marginalise the British nation state.


The United Kingdom was a natural, constitutional, singular territorial - system nation state while the United States

a constitutional federal multi-territorial





British In Exile 2

The British (what is left of them) are now in Exile.

The tribe is now



Completing Britain

The Goldstandard of Nationhood



New Owners


Having committed National Suicide on the 23rd of March 2020 (after 60 years of trying)

The United Kingdom entered The New Epoch.

Having Injected about two thirds of the population (who complied... with little resistance) it was time to have the decisive Transformation/Replacement of the British in their own territory.

Numbers occuptaion force millitary uniform.

Contrast that with the hollowed out shell and the demographic butchery abo pil delayaed if any marriage div .


 Over 400 azl barracks across UK containing thousands of foriegn men of fighting age ready to be activated when necessary.

Cohesive disiplined hardened by war and travel and a survival environment

there are not to many ead officers among their number.







 Eloi and Warlock


it is time.



Bring them back.




 Sowing Seeds

Hetro - Homo





Your Roots

A new arrival cannot become British simply by recieving a piece of paper.


They have their own root when they enter and they will have it when they leave.




Being British cannot be awarded by officialdom.

To be British or indeed Japanese is simply to be. 

Nationality (originating from common biological, genetic - collective self recognition and territorial proximity and common authority)

cannot be added to or divided.

(Dual/triple nationality - the previous Governor of the Bank of England held three nationalites Canadian/Irish Republic/British)

You cannot 













natural life natural nation natural Britain





The Other Funeral Pyre



The Covid Medicine Show

As the number of dead  and debilitated increase across the Former United Kingdom,

AstraZenecaLand's Pharma Division continue to make their products and billion's in profit's.






Millions submitted to The Injection because they were atteched to a Britain that had existed but actively engaged in the dissolution of itself since about 1960.

This attachment is often referred to as a - high treust - attachment/relationship.


This attechment relaated to all the parts of the British nation state church parliament Army NHS GP's education schools and colleges and universities voluntary sector commerce and the arts.

Until 1989 there was some reason to remain attached to the institutions of state in the sensze they could be restored from their increassingly evident decline and the pricipl.

It was widely thought that the Cons and Labour parties could provide the required political parliamentary vechile to restore the nation.


It was not the case both parties were and were the vechile for the disolution and eventually the National Suicde of the British nation.

It was the con and Lab estab that directed thepopulation to injeect themselves with a debilitatin and deadly material.

Trusting that the cale were acting in their interest about 66/100 submitted to the direction - millions.

Of course the Britain that the injected were attached to had gone many years before and distracted by material things they did not bother to think about it and excersie their independent judgement.

Zero trust must be placed in the CALE.

They have betrayed the British people.

They must be removed.


One Voice




Horror Show


12th April 2023

Natural Nation

The Freedom Movement

  (Anti-Lockdown and Anti-Injection and Anti-Godless, Global, Bio-Digital State).


  The Freedom Movement (including the "dissident" alternative media) has a large Christian base and is attached to the constitution, Unity, Liberty, Authority and Territory and History of Britain and it's

 independent traditions, customs,conventions and eccentricities.


 The Freedom Movement reflects a Britain that existed before The National Suicide that took place on 23rd of March 2020.

 The Freedom Movement (that emerged during the COVID Period) is the surviving embodyment of Britain.

  It contains the seed of Britain.



12th April 2023

AstraZenecaLand Vs BRICS

 AstraZenecaLand, the new Godless, Global , Liberal, Bio-Digital State arrived in 2020.

 It set out to extinquish the nation state and return the Earth to a pre-Reformation (pre-nation state) period.

 The few remaining nation states: Russia, China, India, Brazil and South Africa etc are associating in the BRICS organisation.





The age of credit and debt must be brought to an end along side "intereest" charges.


All Pound Sterling denominated debt must be renderred Void.

All credit (cards) must be banned and all debt management companies shut and all credit scoring companies closed.

Government must assume all debt and credit assets.


12th April 2023


 Having committed National Suicde 

the Former United Kingdom is now a territory full of competing foreign power groups who do retain an attachment and affection for their nation's.

 This what happens when a nation stops believing in itself and becomes composed of those who are selfish rather than selfless.



Stop and Reverse Imigration

Bring Out Your Dead


hotel motel yotel


no root




The SNP Unionist Party

is and was a British unionist party.

It always campaigned to go and sit ( it was not an abstentionist party) in the British Parliament.

The recent shenangigans reflect the AstraZenecaLand (AZL) enforcement of an AZL integrationist policy.







After Politics














The United Kingdom was a Christian nation state.

China is a secular state and predominately composed of the Han ethnic group.

They make up about 92% of the Chinese population and account for about 1.4 billion across the Earth - about 18 % of the global population

and 25% of Glasgow Univerity's undergraduate population.



Christian, Industrial, Britain has been thrown away.

 The Han dynysty represents by far the largest ethnic group in China.

China is a predominately irreligous country.




The Tree and The Forest






12th April 2023

 Inside Outside

The United Kingdom no longer exist's.

(Only the buildings and plastic plumbing remain).


The Former United Kingdom is now the North West Europe sector of AstraZenecaLand

(The Godless, Global, Liberal, Bio-Digital State).


The Injection and The Invasion are the only two matters that matter.

All other matters rest upon them.


The Injection

The Injection Material cannot be reversed, it can only be contained and managed.


A National Covid Institute (NCI) must be established to:

1. Secure the provision of un-injected blood and other items and to ensure that the Injected Material (infected material) does not spread further into the population and most of all the reproductive pool.

2. To investigate and conduct research into the Injection Material and propose means to contain and ameliorate the effects and provide support to The Injected both mentally and physically.



The principal actors who endorsed and promoted The Injection (The Conservative and Labour Establishment - politicians/medical/media and others)

must be arrested and imprisoned for life for what they inflicted upon the population of the United Kingdom: Johnston/Sunak/Starmer etc.


The Invasion


British Irregular Force's, Militia's and Volunteer's were the basis of the New Model Army and what became the British Army, they must be so again.

Imigration must be stopped and reversed.

A Territorial Defence Force must also be established and the Civil Defence Corps re-restablished.





Natural Nation


The Freedom Movement

 (Anti-Lockdown and Anti-Injection and Anti-Godless, Global, Anti-Bio-Digital State).


  The Freedom Movement (including the "dissident" alternative media) has a large Christian base and is attached to the constitution, unity, liberty, authority and territory and history of Britain and it's

independent traditions, customs,conventions and eccentricities.

 The Freedom Movement reflects a Britain that existed before The National Suicide.


The Freedom Movement (that emerged during the COVID Period) is the surviving embodyment of Britain.

 It contains the seed of Britain.



AstraZenecaLand Vs BRIC's

AstraZenecaLand is the new Godless Global Power - arriving in 2020.

It set out to extinquish the nation state and return the Earth to a pre-Reformation (pre nation state) period

The few remaining nation states Russia, China, India Brail and South Africa etc are associating in the BRIC's Organisation.



Having committed National Suicde

the Former United Kingdom is now a territory full of competing foriegn national power groups, who do retain an attachment and affection for their nation's.

They sense that the Former United Kingdom is defenceless.

This what happens when a nation stops believeing in itself.




Christian, Industrial, Britain has been thrown away.

 The Han dynysty represents by far the largest ethnic group in China.

China is a predominately irreligous country.
















thos res of th cov per must be arst a imp

pmmot elements








advance party








irev a mag all po discourse is distraction and waste.

isol mang sep








Natural Nation


The Freedom Movement

 (Anti-Lockdown and Anti-Injection and Anti-Godless, Global, Anti-Digital Bio-State).


  The Freedom Movement (including the "dissident" alternative media) has a large Christian base and is attached to the constitution, unity, liberty, authority and territory and history of Britain and it's

independent traditions, customs,conventions and eccentricities.

 The Freedom Movement reflects a Britain that existed before The National Suicide.


The Freedom Movement (that emerged during the COVID Period) is the surviving embodyment of Britain.

 It contains the seed of Britain.



The War Song




National Covid Institute.


Medical Protection of the population and the Injected.




The Injected and The Covid Treason Act

crc continues to support those who have been injected with the Conservative and Labour parties Injection.


We have provided support to those coerced into getting the Injection including at legal tribunals.


The Injection cannot be reversed but it's effects can and must be managed.


We hold the opinion that all principal actors in the Injection

roll - out

(political, medical, media and others must be arrested and imprisoned under the collective title of The Covid Treason and Associated Matters Act)






Inside Outside

Nostaligia Tour

Mopping Up

Over the past 12 years we have in a number of articles

metaphorically referred to "The Party" the 60 year old party that took place while the Nation dissolved.


The PARTY IS WELL And truly over and all that is left is the sad tour buses carrying the entertainers

that can still make a profit on the nostalia circuit recalling the days when Britain was a nation .

It's Over.






Ghost Nation

(None So Blind as Those Who Will Not See 2)


The former United Kingdom is now a Ghost Nation



to recognise what it did to itself between December 2020 and February 2022

(inject a debilitating and deadly material into about 2/3 of the population by decree of the Conservative and Labour Establishment)

National Suicide.


Comforted and familiar with the success of it's national existence since aand before 1707 (created by Christian Britain),  many Britons switched off thinking about the nation, anyway there was always the next credit purchase to think about the new pcp car, holiday and latest phone model.

Having switched off from thinking and defending Britain and all it represented and meant(from about 1960) Britain remained a "High Trust" society but in the hands of it's enemies.

It was in this unthinking "High Trust" zone that the population continued to vote for the Conservativeand Labour parties.

It is co-incidence that the  Conservative and Labour demographics mirror the Injected demographics.

The Injected - the "High Trust" demographic trusted the CALE despite 60 years of evidience that they had been surrendering the United Kingdom in all policy matters:

Defence, Economy, Social issues etc




A Forest

Epochal Chant








 AZL Expansionism



Natural Nation







The United Kingdom was a Christian nation state.

China is a secular state and predominately composed of the Han ethnic group.

They make up about 92% of the Chinese population and account for about 1.4 billion across the Earth - about 18 % of the global population

and about 25% of Glasgow Univerity's undergraduate population.





Natural Life, Natural Nation

At we hold the opinion that the British nation state was a natural, organic collective formation until it's national suicide in 2020.

AstraZenecaLand (the new Glodless, Global Liberal Digital Biostate) replaced Britain and ushered in a new Epoch in human affairs.

A large part of the new state is configured to submit to a techno state digital artificial (not human) dimension.







After war there is politics after politics there is war.

War could have been avoided


Disurbing the Peace





The Previous Epoch has been interuptted by AstraZeneca.

The Protestant Reformation (about 1517)

14C John Wycliffe



The Lost Generation 2

9 Million Britons

Dissolution In Action

One the methods that hostile forces dissolved the United Kingodm was to use the media to demoralise the nation state.

"World In Action" was one such vechile.

Today Wikipedia among others do it eg

Artists in music,film, theatre etc

are referred to as English or Scottish etc

never, British. eg Duran Duran is a band from England while

The Red Hot Chilli Peppers - a band from California - is referred to as an American band.

It was/is an action to design marginalise the British nation state.


The United Kingdom was a natural, constitutional, singular territorial - system nation state while the United States

a constitutional federal multi-territorial





British In Exile 2

The British (what is left of them) are now in Exile.

The tribe is now



Completing Britain

The Goldstandard of Nationhood



New Owners


Having committed National Suicide on the 23rd of March 2020 (after 60 years of trying)

The United Kingdom entered The New Epoch.

Having Injected about two thirds of the population (who complied... with little resistance) it was time to have the decisive Transformation/Replacement of the British in their own territory.

Numbers occuptaion force millitary uniform.

Contrast that with the hollowed out shell and the demographic butchery abo pil delayaed if any marriage div .


 Over 400 azl barracks across UK containing thousands of foriegn men of fighting age ready to be activated when necessary.

Cohesive disiplined hardened by war and travel and a survival environment

there are not to many ead officers among their number.







 Eloi and Warlock


it is time.



Bring them back.




 Sowing Seeds

Hetro - Homo





Your Roots

A new arrival cannot become British simply by recieving a piece of paper.


They have their own root when they enter and they will have it when they leave.




Being British cannot be awarded by officialdom.

To be British or indeed Japanese is simply to be. 

Nationality (originating from common biological, genetic - collective self recognition and territorial proximity and common authority)

cannot be added to or divided.

(Dual/triple nationality - the previous Governor of the Bank of England held three nationalites Canadian/Irish Republic/British)

You cannot 













natural life natural nation natural Britain










Freedom Movement













Year 4

(In The New Epoch of AstraZeneca)


"...the beginning of any society is never charming or gentle"

Ruth Collins

The Last Man on Earth (1964)


Today is Year 4 in the New Epoch.

(in the AstraZeneca Calender

It is 4 years since the United Kingdom committed National Suicide.














Pro physical and nature and suspicious of new market products especially digital and biological developments and their hasty appearance in the marketplace.






restrictive on 








After Politics.

Mr Alexander

The New Punjab
















Mr Alexander



Year 4 in the AstraZenecaLand Epoch

(A Tree in the Forest)


King Money



Atomised Vapourised






Perhaps, the most unpopular popular website in the - former United Kingdom.

"If vision is the only validation then most of my life is'nt real"





Division of the Species

It is estimated about 5 billion out of an estimated 8 billion Earth population has been injected with the Covid injection.

Central to the Injection rollout has been the alteration of the natural building block of life, DNA.


Give Blood

 It is essential that the Blood Transfusion Service now operates a dual system of identified blood supply - one for those injected and one for those not injected.

Beyond that, It is essential that independent (free standing) blood banks are established.

Having reached the Injection threshold of about 66% of the population the promoters now rely on natural reproduction and blood transmission to further increase the number in the population that have

have the DNA altering material.


85 Million


85 Million Population hold the opinion that the population in the - former - United Kingdom is about 85 million.

Official population 67,081,000 (ONS mid 2020).


The recent official (ONS) border crossing entry number is about 1.1 million per year (June 2022 - with principal sources being Africa, China, Hong Kong and Ukraine.

We regard this number as an underestimate and the actual number is about 1.8 million per year.


Note 1

Supermarket digital data, water statistics and sewage outfall rates are useful measures in actual (not official - fake) population measurement.

Note 2

Since 2022 the - former - United Kingdom no longer conducts a Census.

The"Conservative" and Labour Establishment (CALE) stopped the Census in order to prevent census data exposing the immigration level

and to give more power to the legislatively devolved Scottish Executive (it conducted a separate survey in 2022).




National Rythmn Vs National Suicide

"...never stop the action..."

" machine, power lines..."


 The Richmond Protocol

Rushi Sunak sits in the House of Commons as the MP for Richmond in Yorkshire.

He supports the Northern Ireland Protocol as amended by Rushi Sunak.

If this deal is so great for Northern Ireland then it is only fair that his constituents are included in it and recieve it's alleged advantages.


Direct Rule

England remains governed through "Direct Rule" as it always has done since 1707.

Scotland and Wales remained governed through "Direct Rule" until 1999.



"Northern Ireland is a part of the United Kingdom as much as much as my constituency"

Margaret Thatcher HOC Nov 1981



Labour continue to boycott (does not organise or stand candidates) in the 18 constituencies in the Northern Ireland.




 In the 60 year countdown to 23rd March 2020

the cale focus was on dis the fam unit cen to this was the rem of the wife and mother from the hom and loc neigh bonds


 2 Minute City

 Too poor to go out.

Too poor stay in.

Most Britons (what is left of them) cannot afford (or are now inclined to visit the Wasteland) to get out of their street and into their local villages, towns and cities.





The concentration mentally and visually and physically on a 3 by 5 inch rectangular screen is not only detrimental to the eyes (children doing homework on their telephones)

it is detrimental to a society.

Through the past 12w years has highlighted the danger of new products entering the marketplace without sufficient

testing and evaluation of it's projected impact on society. This is the job of a nation's government.




Those born after Britain was de-politicised - November 1990 - must rely on family, and friends and free standing voluntary organisations (not officialdom or corporatedom)

to recieve the transmitted knowledge of Britain's past and why it mattered.

For those born before, they may be fortunate enough to remember a Britain that was a nation.

At we remember it.


 Year 4 - AstraZeneca Calender








 of course not




















The British (what is now left of them) are now about to decide what kind of metal they are made of.

 "The Prime Minister, shortly after she came into office, received a soubriquet as the "Iron Lady". It arose in the context of remarks which she made about defence against the Soviet Union and its allies; but there was no reason to suppose that the right hon. Lady did not welcome and, indeed, take pride in that description. In the next week or two this House, the nation and the right hon. Lady herself will learn of what metal she is made."

Rt Hon Enoch Powell



Falkland Islands

HC Deb 03 April 1982 vol 21 cc633-68

Motion made, and Question proposed, That this House do now adjourn.—[Mr. Jopling.]












"...what's gonna happen now ? Nothing.

This is the way it's going to be." 


Billy ask's Major Eugene "Sam" Denton









Species 2



a new way of thinking



mgraham/book women



Pottersville UK

In the six decades leading to The National Suicide on the 23rd of March 2020

the United Kingdom became Pottersville UK a society governed by godlessness, selfishness and money.





The Church of Britain

to hold first Conventicle in Glasgow


 The Church of Britain

is a Christian Protestant Church.

It is traditional in it's beliefs, organisation and worship.


Lollards, The Reformation, John Knox, Covenantors, Cameronians

The Glorious Revolution




Appointment of the Sentinals 5


Gather 5

Prayer 3

Hymn "Will Your Anchor Hold" 5

Bible Reading 3

Sermon 15/36

Hymn "The Old Rugged Cross" 5

Collection 5

Hymn "Onward Christian Soldiers" 5

The National Anthem 5

Dispersal 3


Decommision of the Sentinals 5


1h 4m


 A Division of the Species.



The Age of



Repent Then Fight

2 Chronicles 7:14  

“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways,

then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”






Epoch to Epoch

The New Epoch (The Epoch of AstraZenecaLand) began on the 23rd of March 2020.

It is a New Dark Age.


  In the previous Epoch, The Reformation (Protestant) Epoch, The Reformation was centred on the freedom of the individual and consequently the freedom of individual nation states

(the technological advance of the printing press (the Gutenberg Press) in 1440 assisted the rapid spread of the religous, philisophical and political thought of the period across Europe


- The Peace of Westphalia 1648 (The West)

which manifest and recognised the emergence of the nation state as the primary soveriegn entity in the temporal and political affairs of Man.


The advance of individual and national freedom of the Reformation was secured by the securing of the Christian Protestant British Constition in the Glorious Revolution of 1688-1691.


It was through the Glorious Revolution and the adoption and adaption of the British Constitution by: Canada, New Zealnd, Australia and of course, the United States of America,  

 (The West) that brought the greatest period in human freedom, political, social, economic, technological advance, multi-discipinary exploration and in philisophical and material progress,

across the following five centuries.

 (It is no co-incidence that it was these nations that were targetted in the last third of the 20th century by the forces of godlessness and liberalism  

culminating in the - Covid Project - and The Injection).


The United Kingdom's abandonment of it's national religion and it's 60 years of self harm culminating in The National Suicide on the 23rd of March 2020

brought The Reformation Epoch to an end and led to a New Epoch, The AstraZenecaLand Epoch.

It has begun.

It is a New Dark Age.


Post Tenebras Lux.




The Metaphysical Event Part 2

In the former United Kingdom about 151 million Covid injections took place.

Metaphysical Event has happened.

(The - global - roll- out- of the injection has been a species level event - with about 52/100 of the Earth population having been injected.)



The Jab is Forever.

 It cannot be reversed, it can only now be managed.


Between December 2020 and February 2022 about two thirds of the (former) United Kingdom population were injected (by direction of the Conservative and Labour Establishment)

with a material that debilitates and delivers an item that is DNA altering, there is a congealant dimension to it and from latest deep level microscope studies, it also contains a 

an item that - that can further form itself through a heat trigger.



Tribe and Territory 2 (Detachment)

Everything in the former United Kingdom is now configured to detach the British (their tribe) from Britain (their territory) and replace them with a globalised - foriegn - population.

The Detachment is essential to the "Transformation" of the United Kingdom into AstraZenecaLand.










No government investigation is taking place in the government controlled medical/bio-science sector and no debate is taking place in the government controlled media.

(Across the Earth about 5 billion - about 2 thirds of the population have been injected.

Africa is largely not injected and largely uneffected by the Covid Project, we are pleased to report.)



Tribe and Territory 2

Everything in the former United Kingdom is now configured to detach the British (tribe) from their territory and replace them with a globalised population.

The Detattachment is essential to the embedding of AstraZenecaLand.





 the (former) United Kingdom and across the Earth.



Who Are You ?

Lady Susan Hussey made a mistake - she should have asked the British, Who Are You ?


New Dark Age

and introduction of the New Epoch

the AstraZenecaLand Epoch.

The New Epoch is based on the injection of a DNA altering material into over 1/2 of the entire human population.






30th November 2022

 The Road To AstraZenecaLand


The United Kingdom no longer exists.

Welcome To AstraZenecaLand.



30th November 2022

85 Million Population hold the opinion that the population in the - former - United Kingdom is about 85 million.

Official population 67,081,000 (ONS mid 2020).


The recent official (ONS) border crossing entry number is about 1.1 million per year (June 2022 - with principal sources being Africa, China, Hong Kong and Ukraine.

We regard this number as an underestimate and the actual number is about 1.8 million per year.


Note 1

Supermarket and digital data, water statistics and sewage outfall rates are useful measures in actual (not official - fake) population measurement.

Note 2

Since 2022 the - former - United Kingdom no longer conducts a Census.

The"Conservative" and Labour Establishment (CALE) stopped the Census in order to prevent census data exposing the immigration level

and to give more power to the legislatively devolved Scottish Executive (it conducted a separate survey in 2022).



30th November 2022

 Who Are You ?

Are You British ? Prove It.




The Road To Hell

The United Kingdom no loger exists.

Welcome To AstraZenecaLand.


85 Million hold the opinion that the population in the - former - United Kingdom is about 85 million.

Official population 67,081,000 (ONS mid 2020).


The recent official (ONS) border crossing entry number is about 1.1 million per year (June 2022 - with principal sources being Africa, China, Hong Kong and Ukraine.

We regard this number as an underestimate and the actual number is about 1.8 million per year.


Note 1

Supermarket and digital data, water statistics and sewage outfall rates are useful measures in actual (not official/fake) population measurement.

Note 2

Since 2022 the - former - United Kingdom no longer conducts a Census.

The"Conservative" and Labour Establishment (CALE) stopped the Census in order to prevent census data exposing the immigration level

and to give more power to the legislatively devolved Scottish Executive (it conducted a separate survey in 2022).



Who Are You ?

Are You British ? Prove It.









It was the "Conservative" Party (Cameron) not the SNP that initiated the first Break Up Britain referendum in 2014.



It was the "Conservative" Party (May) not the SNP that initiated a second Break Up Britain ( is not the time...") referendum in pricipal in 2017.



It was the "Conservative" Party (Sunak) not the SNP that again endorsed second another Break Up Britain referendum in principal 2022.


The Scotsman

The Dumfries and Galloway MP was also challenged by the committee chair, SNP MP Pete Wishart, on whether Scotland “could secure an independence referendum and become an independent nation”.

Answering “of course”, Mr Jack explained it would require a “sustained majority”. He said: “There could be another referendum in Scotland, the union is voluntary, and that is evidenced by the fact that there was

a referendum in 2014.





Of Course, Not



The Dumfries and Galloway MP was also challenged by the committee chair, SNP MP Pete Wishart, on whether Scotland “could secure an independence referendum and become an independent nation”.

Answering “of course”, Mr Jack explained it would require a “sustained majority”. He said: “There could be another referendum in Scotland, the union is voluntary, and that is evidenced by the fact that there was a referendum in 2014.

A Single Foriegn Vote



We estimate that the annual increase the foreign element is increa




with the border crossing (all forms of entry - plane/boat etc) rate now at about 1 1/2 million per year.






Forwarding Address

Putting aside the refusal of the SNP to be an abstentionist party

(they stand on representational manifestos and go and take their seats in the House of Commons and by doing so accept British Parliament Authority as valid and binding - and get money, power and patronage)

the SNP would have been more accurate to send their - clarification - case to AstraZeneca PLC at Cambridge Medical Campus addressed to Mr Soriot (the vet) and Mr Johansson (the car dealer)

who run it.

The United Kingdom no longer exists - if you have any doubts try and get a room in your local hotel.

It is now the European north west province of AstraZenecaLand (the new godless global state).







Lessons From The New Epoch

 We are only in Year 3 of the New Epoch but there are a few emerging themes.




15th November 2022

Forgetance Day

 For over 60 years the "Conservative" and Labour establishment have legislated in order that Britain is forgotten.


We are to forget the British.

We are to forget Britiain.

We are to forget the word "Britain".


We are to forget everything about Britain.


Forget it's school's,

forget it's railways,

 forget it is an island,

forget it's ports,

forget it's factories and shipyards and coal pits (full of thousands of British men working and taking home a wage to their wife and family).

forget women having children,

forget marriage,

forget grandparents,

forget young men courting then getting married and having children and growing and maturing through family resonsibility,

forget money

forget extended families in close physical proximity,

forget private enterprise,

forget volutary collective identity, 

 forget money,

forget neighbours,

forget the parish church preaching scripture,

forget local councils,

forget the differences that make us unique,

forget nature and natural food and medicine,

forget animals,

forget poetry,

forget music,

forget the colour of the sky,

forget the colour of the sea,

forget a smile,

forget laughter,

forget having a pint.


The Dead died in the previous Epoch in the service of a Christian Britain,

a Britain made by the British and their national religion.


Everthing British flowed from that,

"wether it was their parliamentary representative democracy to their court system, to their  pop music"

as someone once said.


They did not die for an atomised, debt ravaged wasteland or an Abandoned Britain, ripe for taking

or for a godless, gentically altered, global state




At we remember Britain.














19.30 FRIDAY 18 TH MAY 2018
“Devolution and The Road to Ruin”
Not to far from were gather tonight, is St Enoch’s Square,
where for almost a century St Enoch’s Railway Station and
Hotel stood.
It was it was one of three large railway stations in Glasgow
city centre.
Imposing and majestic with a sweeping frontage it was
arguably the most striking in the United Kingdom.
It was demolished in 1977 and dumped into Queen’s Dock just
a mile or two down river. Today a shopping centre sits on the
St Enoch’s site and the Scottish Exhibition Centre sits on top
of Queens Dock.
In recent years National Rail has initiated reports on
the of building a third large railway station in Glasgow city
In 1997, the Conservative Party held it’s annual conference in
Blackpool, in the Wintergardens. During the conference the
Scottish Conservatives held a meeting in St John’s Church
just across the road from the Wintergardens.
The party in Scotland had been wiped out in that year’s
general election and in the devolution referendum in
the September, there was a “yes” result in relation to the
introduction of the legislative devolved experiment.
As the senior officers and the officials of the party entered the
room, the one noticeable thing about them was, how happy
they looked, beaming full of happiness. It was as though a
large weight had been removed from their political shoulders.
which of course, it had.
In 2004 the Regional Assemblies Bill was presented to
Parliament by John Prescott and Tony Blair. It is important
to recognise that devolution has two meanings not one. There
is administrative devolution and there is legislative devolution.
Administrative devolution is more widely known as “local
government” it poses no threat to the United Kingdom and sits
quite comfortably in our unitary and integral parliamentary
representative democracy.
Legislative devolution however is another matter. It has three
distinct features which make it impossible for it to exist inside
our unitary system.
The features of devolved legislative initiative, the creation of
a devolved territorial institution and the attachment to it of a
territorial electorate combine to create a perpetual conflict
between the national parliament and the devolved parliament
and assemblies.
We were warned of this by the anti-devolutionist’s of the
1970’s and 1980’s.
The Regional Assemblies Bill falls on the administrative side of
the devolution fence, it is an elaborate form of
administrative devolution. It’s character is partly to
do with the presentation of it as a building block to a
symmetrical devolved governmental architecture across the
UK rather than the asymmetrical architecture which existed
then and still does.
It is a dense piece of legislation and full of cautious, hesitant
provision’s. It is clear from the text that the drafters feared
that the English assemblies might in the future be tempted go
down the legislative road of the Scottish, Northern Irish and
Welsh models and mechanism’s exist in the bill to prevent
that, not least, the repeated referral back of potential
assembly proposals to the Secretary of State for permission.
For the Labour and the Conservative parties the Assembly
proposals where getting a bit to “close to home” for them, it
didn’t matter so much what they did in Scotland or in Wales or
even les so in the province but devolution in England could
threaten the integrity of England and that was getting a bit to
close for comfort for both parties who when they thought
about it at all regarded the matter of the Union it as a relic
from the past and rather troublesome and of no actual current
political worth. Also the Union was so old in an age of
newness and so familiar at the same time that the suggestion
that the Union had serious political relevance or even faced a
potential threat was laughed off, however it would not be too
long before the Union would not only return to be at the very
centre of all politics but it would be the matter that would take
the entire United Kingdom to the edge of complete dis-
integration and political chaos on a single night, eight years
In 2010 the general election saw 59 out of 59 MP’s elected
across Scotland and instructed to go and sit in the British
House of Commons. The 59 included 5 SNP, they and the 54
others had been elected on the same representational basis,
that is they had committed to their constituency electorates
that if elected they would go to the House of Commons and
take their seats and in doing so accept as valid and binding
the authority of the British Parliament. No abstentionist
candidate was elected. The SNP is not an abstentionist party.
It is committed to representation in the in the British
Parliament and does this because quite simply wins more
votes by doing so.
Representationalism and abstionism are different sides of the
same parliamentary democratic coin.
In a very real political sense the United Kingdom is subject to
renewal every five years or so through a general election.
For centuries generation after generation in the ballot box
have been free to renew or otherwise the Union.
The general election saw the electorate exercise their
Individual, singular authority and transmit it into their MP and
then see it collectively exercised in the House of Commons of
the British Parliament.
In 2011 The SNP won a majority in the devolved election to the
devolved parliament on a devolved manifesto.
The 1998 Scotland Act in Schedule 5 is very clear on what
matters are reserved to the British Parliament for a British
mandate. These include the Union, the Constitution, Defence
and Foreign Affairs.
The devolved parliament has no competence on the matter of
the constitution and of course, while the SNP puffed
themselves up and sought to create a fog on the
devolved parliaments competence, on the constitution
there was none, it was and is in black and white in Schedule
Five, if anyone can be bothered to look.
The danger to the Union came not from the SNP but from the
Conservative Party.
Keen to get a majority in the next general election set by the
Fixed Parliaments Act and scheduled for 2015 they began
thinking about how the referendum device could serve them
and get them the majority that they sought.
By the end of the year they had decided on a win/win strategy
strategy. They would hold a referendum on the United
Kingdom itself and restrict it to Scotland. They would
nominally campaign for the Union and if the result was for the
union they could present themselves as defenders of the union
and could expect damage to Labour in Scotland. If they lost
they could expect to govern in England and present the end of
the Union, as an allegedly democratic decision, good sports
and all that.
On Sunday the 8 th of January 2012 the leader of the
Conservative party walked onto the Andrew Marr show on BBC
television and launched the referendum. It was not Alex
Salmond, not Nicola Sturgeon not the SNP it was the
Conservative Party, that threw the United Kingdom onto the
casino table in the interests of the Conservative Party.
In 2013 the Modification Order was introduced to the House of
Commons this was the legislative measure to effect David
Cameron’s launch of the referendum the previous year.
This would allow the devolved parliament to handle the matter
and set up the logistics for it to take place.
Although it essential to note at this point that no provision
exists to place authority in a referendum device, authority
would continue to exist in Members of Parliament before
during and after the referendum.
Unlike other matters of high constitutional importance this
measure did not travel through Parliament with the House of
Commons sitting as a committee. There was no green paper,
no white paper and no bill. The Order was passed on the nod.
It was passed unanimously. While other constitutional
matters, nevermind the existence of the United Kingdom itself,
have taken months, years sometimes even decades to work
their way through parliament, the order was done in 5 hrs. The
next day the House of Lord’s did the same thing.
In 2014 the Scottish Secretary Alistair Carmichael finally
conceded that the Modification Order would not effect the
authority of MP’S or constituencies. The authority placed in
them in 2010 remained intact.
While it served both Conservative and Labour parties to
present the image of the referendum a decisive authority it
was fiction.
In the British constitution, authority can only be in one place
at one time. It cannot be in a referendum and in MP’s at the
same time. And as we have seen in the EU membership
referendum if a political statement is put on paper in a
referendum, with no human element gathering information
then conducting analysis and then an agreeing on
interpretation and a proposed means of application, division
and confusion follow, what in detail, have voters voted for?
A referendum cannot provide representation only a
representational mechanism with the human element making
continuous decisions for us as a society can do this, we have
a phrase for this type of mechanism, it is called a general
To put it another way the referendum was an opinion poll as
all referendums must be in the British parliamentary
In 2015 the now largely forgotten general election took place
with the Conservative Party standing on a “stay in the EU”
manifesto. It won with a majority of 17.
In 2016 in the March Boris Johnson and Michael Gove decided
to jettison their manifesto commitment from less than a year
earlier and declare for to leave the EU. No submission of
their decision was made to their constituency electorates.
On the 23 rd of June the day of the referendum Theresa May,
said we must stay in.
On the 24 th of June Theresa May said we must get out.
And then we have to look carefully at what happened next,
David Cameron resigns and then we enter into a strange
period for three weeks where no one is quite sure what is
happening or who is governing the country.
And then there is the fictional contest for the leadership of the
Conservative Party.
It is an contest between Theresa May and Theresa May, with
walk on bit parts for aspiring actors A sole nomination is not
an election.
Then on the 13 th of July Theresa may emerges from
Buckingham Palace as the Primeminister.
By what authority ? Royal Appointment ? We know where that
got us in the past.
No one has voted for any of this.
No one has elected her, certainly not the British electorate in
a general election.
There is a phrase for this for what has just happened, it is a
coup de tat and it happened right in front of our eyes.
And then from from 13 th July 2016 until June the 8 th 2017, we
have a new Primeminister, new ministers, new ministries, a
new government, new policies, and most of all a new
No one has voted for any of this.
There is a phrase for this type of government, a government
without election it is a despotic state. Yes it happened here.
Actually it is worse than that. The British electorate had
voted for the complete opposite of this unauthorised imposed
manifesto just a year earlier in 2015.
On the highest political matter, the political independence of
the nation state, the British voted (wether we like it or not) to
stay in the EU in 2015 and now they were, apparently, getting
out, in complete opposition to their expressed recorded
authority in the parliamentary ballot box.
In February 2017 things have quietened down a bit in Scotland,
the political intelligence has got back to Conservative Central
Office that the electors want the Union but do not want
another referendum. Referendums are bad news in Scotland.
Then in March 2017 Theresa May decides to have another
referendum on the Union.
This, is the “now is not the time” referendum.
While no date was put on it, it was left to hang in the air like a
dark heavy cloud waiting to burst.
Then in April 2017 Theresa May goes on a walking holiday in
Wales and while out walking just happens to decide to hold,
another general election.
And then, we work back and the sequence of events all
become clear. The referendum is to form the backdrop of the
general election campaign in Scotland and the Conservative
party will pose as a unionist party and pose as a party that is
against another referendum even though it has just introduced
The Conservative party then entered the election with
suggestions that the failed home secretary might lead them to
win a fifty or a hundred or a hundred and fifty even a two
hundred majority, but to no avail, she is rumbled and loses her
In Scotland, however, the fictional narrative of the
Conservative Party being a unionist party and opposing
another referendum works and they win votes, lots of votes
over 350,000 extra votes, and from places that Conservative
Party could not otherwise have reached, this is not because
The voters have become supporters of the Conservative Party,
it is because they have no where else to go.
In 2018 we are not only faced with 50 years of constitutional
Disintegration, we are faced with the combined moral, social
and economic dissolution of the nation.
Fifty years on from the 1960’s so called “progressive”
revolution, the Union is a now a hollow Union where the moral,
social and economic elements have coroded away inside the
the neglected constitutional casing.
On the moral front the established Church of Scotland has
retreated from providing Christian witness and direction to
society, it has capitulated to temporal power otherwise known
the equality and diversity code. If you have any doubt about
this then simply ask the congregation of the Tron Church just
up the road from here who were thrown onto the streets by the
Church of Scotland for holding to traditional Christian teaching
rather than submit to the new code. The nation will find no
moral leadership from the current occupants of 121 George
On the social front the matter of abortion is never mentioned
by the Conservative and Labour Parties. Since 1967 over eight
million abortions have taken place. Soon we will not be able to
number the loss. Worktime lunchtime abortions and internet
and over the counter abortion pills will mean that the
number of abortions will no longer be able to be counted in any
meaningful way.
Meanwhile in an age of mass digital communication we have
mass lonliness and mass misery and increasingly silo
lifestyles which are lived in singleton houses
with singleton leasehold cars and solo interest’s and solo
holidays and solo pastimes.
And of course, the economy, we have exchanged our serious
national economy, based on defence, public infrastructure and
heavy industry for a debt based, service marketplace in which
our physical and mental effort actually work against us. The
more we work the poorer we get and the country is engulfed in
even more private misery. But don’t worry, according to the
Conservative and Labour parties, the Uber model, the gig and
the deliveroo economy will save us…if you can ride a bike, that
All this and I have not even mentioned the unmentionable
so I will mention it, because it tick’s away in the
background of this country’s politics every single day and
night effecting every single policy.
We have been fifty years on this road to ruin.
We are now at the end of the road.
The historical events between 2012 and 2017 have only been a
dress rehearsal.
We are now in the interval before the final and decisive act.
The country must now speak or forever hold it’s peace.
It is time for parliamentary representative democracy to do it’s
job and represent the British, people whatever they decide.
The British electorate must decide openly at a general
election what they want. On one side a political formation
that openly, argues that it no longer wants Britain, to be
Britain but want it to be, something else, what Emily Matliss
described as “New Britain” on Newsnight on the evening of the
Opening of the 2012 Olympic Games in London and on the
other side, a single political formation that on a broad
manifesto will repair and restore Britain as Britain.
It is late.
The final and decisive act is about to start.
This is no time to sit in your seats.
WORDS 2784

 The New Owners

We are to forget the past.

Forgetance Day


We are to forget the British.

We are to forget Britiain.

We are to forget the word "Britain".


We are to forget everything about Britain.

Forget it's school's,

forget it's railways,

 forget it is an island,

forget it's ports,

forget it's factories and shipyardsa and coal pits (full of thousands of British men working and taking home wage to their wife and family).

forget women having children,

forget marriage,

forget grandparents,

forget young men courting getting married having children and growing and maturing through family resonsibility,

forget extended families in close physical proximity,

forget private enterprise,

forget volutary collective identity, 

 forget money,

forget neighbours,

forget the parish church,

forget local councils,

forget the differences that make us unique,

forget nature and natural food and medicin,e

forget animals,

forget poetry,

forget music,

forget the colour of the sky,

forget the sea,

forget a smile,

forget laughter,

forget having a pint.


The Dead died in the previous Epoch in the service of a Christian Britain,

a Britain made by the British and their national religion.

Everthing British flowed from that,

"wether it was their parliamentary representative democracy to their court system,

to their  pop music" as someone once said.


They did not die for an atomised,

debt ravaged wasteland or an Abandoned Britain open to others,

or for a godless, gentically altered, global state

called AstraZenecaLand.


At we remember.





We are to forget Britiain.

No, the rest of the world should not pay reparations to Britain for it's

unique contribution to civilisation and the freedom of nation states.

The past is generally speaking, best left in the past.

One of the problems with digital media is it's capacity to retain and recall information.

Codificationitis it could be called.

It is essential to forget somethings in life - private and national.

One must not get too trapped in the past and and tied to every syllable that one utters





Secular State




Remembering Another Epoch

The Dead died in the previous Epoch in the service of a Christian Britain,

a Britain made by the British and their national religion.

Everthing that flowed from that, wether it was their parliamentary representative democracy to their court system to their  pop music

(as someone once said in a speech to York University Politics Society - before he was banned).


They did not die for an atomised, debt ravaged wasteland or an abandoned Britain invaded and occupied or for a godless, global state.






After 60 years of self harm  Britain committed national suicide on the 23rd of March 2020

(if you still doubt this then visit your nearest city and you will see the new owners).









The Money Issue

pound supports the re-introduction (1914) of the Treasury issued "Bradbury" pound.




Ban Credit, Void Debt and Issue New Currency





We Wunt Be Druv

Lewes Bonfire Night Live








Bobby Ewing - The Lesson


7th May 2022

"COVID" - It Was All A Dream

(A Memory Wipe)


The "Conservative" Party and Labour Party and SNP etc Establishment (CALE) is now engaged in a national memory wipe.

A process of deletion of the collective memory of the past two years (especially of The Injection) is in full swing.

According to CALE "Covid" did not happen.


This reminds us at of the 1980's tv series that killed off one of it's leading characters only to bring him back a year later

when the ratings took a dive.

The explanation for his had all been a dream.



Bobby's Return









"Motorised Instinct"

The former United Kingdom is now operating only through "motorised instinct".*

The United Kingdom no longer exists. It committed national suicide on 23rd of March 2020 after 60 years of self harm.


The nation has gone (a new state has arrived), there is no money (only a digital fiction) and Authority no longer resides in Parliament it has returned to the Shires.


Government activities and commercial and voluntary activities continue only

by the temporary and decreasing force of memory and habit and diversion (displacement) combined with massive digital debt shifting and generation

of the Conservative and Labour Establisment and their political masters in the new Godless, Liberal, Corporate, Global state - AstraZenecaLand.


*Dr Miller Rush (Dawn of the Dead)






The Flight From Money

Imaginary Money





ie schools and fire-brigade





Ready To Go


Mobilise advise our readers to  organise and prepare.





Mobilisation Now


 BIF (British Irregular Forces) 


Sten Gun

Marshall In The Field (Again)





The Ratio of Tolerance

Gold Standard

Golden Ticket


Mr Sunak, I Presume

While a cabinet minister Ruishi Sunak has legislatively supported:


The Injection of anexperimental material into British children from the age of 5 upwards

(for a flu strain virus with a 99% recovery rate in the general population and higher again in the under 18 population)

Excess deaths are now about 25,000 in the last year.



Invasion of Britain by alien populations by foot, boat, rail, car, lorry and air and maternity unit.


The social atomisation and economic decomposition of what was the United Kingdom.




For The Dead


We will not let our British Dead have died for nothing.

The British Constitution and it's Civilisation have over centuries advanced inidvidual and nation freedom.




From There To Here


Ready To Go

Organise and Prepare




Aye, Students, Students, Students





Bonfire of Teenagers


22nd May 2017



 RF zabaz

AstraZenecaLand - Expanisonist Power

The New Epoch (which began on 23rd March 2020) saw the end of the Reformation Epoch - about 31st October 1517 (See 95 Theses) - to 23rd March 2020 United Kingdom Period.


 President Putin of Russia has provided several critiques of the Decline of the "West" (See Reformation  and Westphalian Peace) in the past year.

Russia remains an Orthodox Chritsian nation that has a border with godless AstraZenecaLand.

Russia has resisted the godless Liberal/"Progressive" agenda which has now engulfed "The West" and accumulated in the metaphysical

"roll-out" of the "Covid" Injection.











Mobilisation Now




BIF (British Irregular Forces) 

Sten Gun

Marshall In The Field (Again)






The Ratio of Tolerance

Gold Standard

Golden Ticket


Mr Sunak, I Presume

While a cabinet minister Ruishi Sunak has legislatively supported:


The Injection of anexperimental material into British children from the age of 5 upwards

(for a flu strain virus with a 99% recovery rate in the general population and higher again in the under 18 population)

Excess deaths are now about 25,000 in the last year.



Invasion of Britain by alien populations by foot, boat, rail, car, lorry and air and maternity unit.


The social atomisation and economic decomposition of what was the United Kingdom.




For The Dead


We will not let our British Dead have died for nothing.

The British Constitution and it's Civilisation have over centuries advanced inidvidual and nation freedom.




From There To Here


Ready To Go

Organise and Prepare



The Prism of Everything



After 60 years of self harm the United Kingdom finally committed national suicide on the 23rd of March 2020.


Through 60 years, it found the demands and responsibilities of nationhood increasingly too heavy to bare, it preferred - the easy life.

Godlessness, debt (stealing from the future), and social atomisation were an increasingly attractive for many millions.

A nation that forgets itself is very quickly replaced by other nations (tribes) that do remember themselves.


Empire Sleep 2


Unable to come to terms with the end of Empire (and meet the new demands of nationhood rather than empirehhood) post -war (1945) Britain chose to sleep.

While it comforted itself with the bedtime lullaby of the Commonwealth (but not a British Commonwealth - for further see The Royal Titles Act 1953),

a horror story that continues to this day,

it failed to alter the laws that permitted millions across the Earth to enter the United Kingdom as equal to the indigenous British born subjects of the British Crown.


By the time (1967) it had begun to recognise the danger, air travel had compounded the matter and the fiction of multiculturism had became the surrender doctrine

of the "Conservative" and Labour Establishment

By the time the coal pits were closed (1985) and the Gates of Debt (1986) were opened in the 1980's the British were beyond caring, they were rich

(in colour television's, debt and property - council house property, of course).

The national religion abandoned, on and on and on it would go until one day in March 2020 when the clock stopped.

By then it was a small step to roll up their sleeve and take their first Injection.


Golden Years

A large number (about a million) of the Golden Agers

(those who where born into Christian Industrial Britain) and who enjoyed a British education, employment, courtship, marriage, and children

inside the familiar and comforting fabric and culture bound together by national idenity and unity

are now getting out of employment while the immigrant population is getting into employment.


Checking in their final salary pension schemes (predominately from the former nationalised industries and other former state activities ie education, police and local government etc.

They cared nothing for Britian and they voted for dissolution decade after decade....Thacher, Major, Blair, Brown and the rest until it ended in the National Suicide of 2020.


For the Golden Agers, the young can and must pay now for their Golden Twilight (their LIFELONG ENTITLEMENT)

wether it's The Injection (debilitating effects disproportionately on those under 21), educational debt, slave employment or digital privacy harvesting and social dissolution) 


All that the Golden Agers cared for was themselves their savings, their mortage and their pension and their cheap train and bus passes.

(now where must those cutbacks begin Rishi?)

They have destroyed Britain by putting selfishness before selflessness.

It is time for them to pay.







, x,x Johnson, Truss and Sunak










Do not blame the imigrants, it is not their fault, they did not abandon Britian, it wass not and can never be theirs to abandon




through the 

carefree existence not having to think nevermind act on anything outside the personal.



Imigration is the Prism of Everything.









Punjab 2

Sunak has become the Provincial Governor of the former United Kingdom.


He has taken this position not by service to an adopted nation but upon service to the new global state - AstraZenecaLand.



HAS become the azl governor (pm of fuk) not by an individuals work

but by being a srv of azl and rep the the imig pol pow in the fuk.


crc opposes this.

Level and the Square

We prefer the respectul multi religous opinion of rk articulated 

in The Mother Lodge


Punjab Province (not a state) had contained relatively peaceful populations of Islam, Sikh, Hindu and Christian religions.


The division of Punjab Province into Indian Punjab and Pakistan Punjab

led to consolidation of religous populations


At we subscribe to ot only

The Mother Lodge


There was Rundle, Station Master,
An' Beazeley of the Rail,
An' 'Ackman, Commissariat,
An' Donkin' o' the Jail;
An' Blake, Conductor-Sergeant,
Our Master twice was 'e,
With im that kept the Europe-shop,
Old Framjee Eduljee.
Outside - " Sergeant! Sir! Salute! Salaam!
Inside - 'Brother," an' it doesn't do no 'arm.
We met upon the Level an' we parted on the Square,
An' I was junior Deacon in my Mother-Lodge out there!

We'd Bola Nath, Accountant,
An' Saul the Aden Jew,
An' Din Mohammed, draughtsman
Of the Survey Office too;
There was Babu Chuckerbutty,
An' Amir Singh the Sikh,
An' Castro from the fittin'-sheds,
The Roman Catholick!

We 'adn't good regalia,
An' our Lodge was old an' bare,
But we knew the Ancient Landmarks,
An' we kep' 'em to a hair;
An' lookin' on it backwards
It often strikes me thus,
There ain't such things as infidels,
Excep', per'aps, it's us.

For monthly, after Labour,
We'd all sit down and smoke
(We dursn't give no banquets,
Lest a Brother's caste were broke),
An' man on man got talkin'
Religion an' the rest,
An' every man comparin'
Of the God 'e knew the best.

So man on man got talkin',
An' not a Brother stirred
Till mornin' waked the parrots
An' that dam' brain-fever-bird.
We'd say 'twas 'ighly curious,
An' we'd all ride 'ome to bed,
With Mo'ammed, God, an' Shiva
Changin' pickets in our 'ead.

Full oft on Guv'ment service
This rovin' foot 'ath pressed,
An' bore fraternal greetin's
To the Lodges east an' west,
Accordin' as commanded.
From Kohat to Singapore,
But I wish that I might see them
In my Mother-Lodge once more!

I wish that I might see them,
My Brethren black an' brown,
With the trichies smellin' pleasant
An' the hog-darn passin' down;
An' the old khansamah snorin'
On the bottle-khana floor,
Like a Master in good standing
With my Mother-Lodge once more.
Outside - Sergeant! Sir! Salute! Salaam!'
Inside- Brother," an' it doesn't do no 'arm.
We met upon the Level an' we parted on the Square,
An' I was Junior Deacon in my Mother-Lodge out there! 


Repent Then Fight.

The British must repent for their abandonment of Christian Britain then go out and fight for it.



"They fight as they pray, they pray as they fight"





The "Conservative" Party Destroyed Britain,

Now We Must Destroy The "Conservative" Party.




"They fight as they pray, they pray as they fight"






The "Conservative" Party (and the Labour Party) is an enemy of Britain.





We must defeat and marginalise it as a policical entity.









Christian, Industrial, Britain has been thrown away.

 The Han dynysty represents by far the largest ethnic group in China.

China is a predominately irreligous country.



For over 10 years consistently highlighted the exposure (including physical to digital exposure) of the United Kingdom to national natural and manmade risk.

We advocated for resources to be put into the United Kingdom's infrastructure and it's reserve capability.


Re-opening of the coal pits, nationalise electricity generation and distribution.

Re-establish the Civil Defence Corps and re-establish the Territorial Army.

Secure local and national medical, water and food transport and supply lines and local reserve material depots

and not least, establish a reserve physical money infrastructure that is not dependent on electronic/digital transmission.





The War

Epochal Chant

The Prism Of Everything

Everything in the former United Kingdom is now viewed through imigration/colour and national origin.


AstraZenecaLand - An Expansionist Power

The Reformation (1517) led to the Westphalian Peace - 1648 - and progenitor of "The West" across Europe and then further afield, across the Earth.

This Peace centered on the natural and principal and soveriegn assertion of the nation state as the primary political entity in the organisation of human groups rather than at a global level.


The civilisation that followed The Reformation saw the greatest advance of human civilisation  came to an end on the 23rd of March 2020.

 A new (godless) global entity emerged - AstraZenecaLand.

AstraZenecaLand (after a development period of 60 years - emerged in the form of a godless/pagan - global bio-state

characterised by an atomised society, a Liberal political code ( a religion replacment for many) and a digital (codified) and service economy

and of course, a generic population flow.


It's border now faces with Russia, China and India and a few other remaining nations.







AstraZenecaLand - A System of Government



Get out of it, all of it.






Introduction to AstraZenecaLand (AZL)

AZL is the new Liberal Global State that has replaced the United Kingdom.

It is the consolidation of 60 years of Liberal policy across all policy fields.

It is the Secular Total State. It is the Bio-State and a Digital State.

It is a (near) universal state where the nation state has been replaced.

The biological composition and biological trajectory of the AZL population is now operated by the global state establishment.

National populations have been replaced (borderless immigration) by a generic - nationless, religionless sexless, rootless (family and history and local character) population





UNO - Devolved Administrations (Former nation states ie:  United Kingdom)

 uniom immigration dept

 NATO Defence

 WHO Health (Genetic Planning)

UNESCO Education

 EU European Administration

 Bank of International Settlement Management of the Fractional Banking System.

 World Bank Management of Global Fiscal Planning

 WEF bis forum

 COP environ dept





UNO - Devolved Administrations (Former nation states ie:  United Kingdom)




uniom immigration dept


NATO Defence


WHO Health (Genetic Planning)


UNESCO Education


EU European Administration


Bank of International Settlement Management of the Fractional Banking System.


World Bank Management of Global Fiscal Planning


WEF bis forum


COP environ dept







AstraZenecaLand An Expansionist Power








"Stupid Thing"

"...this is the saddest thing I've ever heard..."

" did you manage to do such a stupid thing, such a stupid thing, such a stupid thing"

"...but I cant help you now, no one can help you now..."


"I've got enough on my mind without you, without you"



Glasgow RIP

Will Your Anchor  Hold

Glasgow Billy Connelly

New Gold Dream 81/82/83/84


Born in a Storm


do I love You yes I love you (but it's easy come easy go all this talking ist's only bravado)

Tinstel Town in the Raintown

Forest Fire


"Breaking Point"

Bourgie  Bourgie

"I stake my claim"


Are you Ready to be heart broken

Future Pleasures









The War


The Prisim Of Everything

AstraZenecaLand A System of Government

AstraZenecaLand An Expansionist Power


 The Fat Lady Sings








 The Fat Lady Sings


The Injection is now taking it's toll.


The official excess death number is now running at over a thousand a week.


The Injection impacts the imune system response, blood interface activity and alters the genetic building blocks.




Between December 2020 and December 2021


the "Conservative" and Labour Establishment (CALE) injected an experimental material into about two thirds of the population(including children).


The Injection was rolled out in response to a flu strain with a recovery rate of 99/100 in the gegneral population and higher again in children.






The Tech and The Panic



The British (what is left of them) now live in a Defeated Country.

We alluded to this in our first article of the year - when Covid - remember that was in full swing.


The War

The War did not need to happen.

A Nation that took it's Nationhood seriously would have defended itself and repelled the Invader.





While Epochs happen quickly - their waves take time to lap before and after.

(The Reformation and the printing press)

 We are in year 3 of the new Epoch.

The old Epoch has gone but millions continue to deny this and cling to - the old ways (Godlessness, debt and greed).


The Prisim of Everything 



AstraZenecaLand - A System of Government

AstraZenecaLand - An Expansionist Power





The British Unionist Party is now open for membership.


"We must defeat the "Conservative" and Labour Establishment"

Stewart Connell





tHOSE casual days are over]

the faLL



The United Kingdom had enough problesms in 2019

(if you dig yourself into a hole you should stop digging)

We would rather that it had not ended on the 23rd of March 2020.







 Unforunately for (stage name) Miss/Mz Liz Truss (Legal name: Mrs Mary Elizabeth O'leary) this is not 1979 or even 1989.

The United Kingdom ceased to exist on the 23rd of March 2020.

The 60 year national suicide attempt was finally succesful in 2020.






Immigration disrupts the settled cohesion of a nation.

The common visual colour language dress hair etc

recognition and habits that permit large numbers of individuals and families to interact and form a basis of trust.





AstraZenecaLand - A Budget for Year 3

Unfortunately for "Liz Truss" it is not 1979 or 1992 or even 2010.


Appointed by the - powers that be - in AstraZenecaLand she


Addicted to the 1980s (and not in a good way) she


has introduced a budget to consolidate the Transformation of a nation state into a godless sub-state

were the poor are cemented into perpetual poverty, atomised, monetised and digitalised.




The Prisim of Everything


28th November 1990


AstraZenecaLand - A System of Government

AstraZenecaLand - An Expansionist Power





The British Unionist Party is now open for membership.


"We must defeat the "Conservative" and Labour Establishment"

Stewart Connell





Invasion Fleet


The Fat Lady Sings

The Injection is now taking it's toll.

The official excess death number is now running at over a thousand a week.

The Injection impacts the imune system response, blood interface activity and alters the genetic building blocks.


Between December 2020 and December 2021

the "Conservative" and Labour Establishment (CALE) injected an experimental material into about two thirds of the population(including children).

The Injection was rolled out in response to a flu strain with a recovery rate of 99/100 in the gegneral population and higher again in children.





If you have had an Injection -do not get another.



(which should beare 



"...the trouble is caused by unthinking people who carelessly throw away ageless ideals as if they were old and outworn machinery..."

Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II




Grieving For A Nation

 (Parts 1, 2 and 3)


Part 1

Self Deception


Part 2

The End of Britain



Part 3


("Modern Britain")



Part 1.

Self Deception


Oxford Reference (Dictionary)

(...losing the knowledge...)


"The motivated misapprehension of the facts of the case.

This may include actively believing what is not true, and refusing to acknowledge a truth, in circumstances where without the motivation the truth would be obvious. The philosophical problem, sometimes called the paradox of self-deception, is that normal deception requires one agent who knows the truth, and who conceals it from another agent. So within a single agent the state appears to be impossible, since the agent must know the truth to begin a process of deceiving him or herself about it.

One solution is to postulate one part of the mind that knows the truth, and that sets about deceiving another part of the mind that does not. However, it is not clear that it is useful to employ the spatial analogy of minds with parts, nor to suppose that the ‘sub-systems’ responsible for the state are usefully thought of as themselves independent ‘agents’ that not only know things but have plans and projects and can set about doing things. There is nothing problematic about desires influencing beliefs, and some people are better than others at believing what they wish to be true. The problem only arises if achieving this state is thought of as a plan that the agent follows. But even then the project of coming to believe what one knows to be false is coherent, provided that process is spread over time, and the means adopted involve losing the knowledge during the process." 


 A number of years ago we spoke about the empty baubles and trinkets of national events that bore less and less

 relationship to the dissolving nation state of Great Britain.


The hollow ceremonies (that were once full of national meaning and purpose and effect)

 had now become desperate, distracting metaphors for a nation that wilfully threw itself away, in exchange for Godlessness and Debt and The Injection.


The abandonment of Great Britain's established Christian religion and consequently it's nationhood (it's entire fabric) through the past 60 years

has culminated in the national suicide that is visible today in every street, village, town and city (tangible and untangible).


 The Dissolution of Britain led to (and permitted) The Injection

 (a debilitating and genetic altering material, now irreversibly, in about  two thirds of the population)

 and of course, the other unspeakable, the ongoing Replacement of the British in Britain.



Part 2.

The End of Britain



 There are millions who cannot come to terms with the End of Britain

 even though it is right in front of them and behind them and at the side of them.


They sense that something serious not just an official pandemic or economic dis-integration or social atomisation has happened - but something even more profound has happened

 (it has been the wilfull throwing away (national suicide) of what had been a Godly and prosperous nation)

 but they dare not think too much about it, in case that they begin to form thoughts and words about it and words predate action.


 They fear that those words will shatter their carefully constructed, comfortable, material coccoon that isolates them 

(and their memory) to a diminishing degree from the dissolving society that is not too far from them.

 They fear that those words may bring upon them a guilt, a shamefulness, a regret.

 They fear, even more so, that they will have to express effort (such a hassle these days) to think and decide between submission or flight or fight.


Never must they walk in the cities of the former United Kingdom in daylight and never, ever in the dark, or lest they will see what they have done.

The truth is hard to bare but the deception that they cover themselves in, is no escape, it is only a method to pass on

to the next generation  (the majority of over thirty women are childless) the inescapable hardship that acompanies the wilfull throwing away and surrender of your country.


For those who have already voted for the Conservative and Labour Establishment,

or who have prostrated themselves before it or most of all, those that have demonstrated their fealty to it by injecting a genetic altering material into themselves,

the decision has been made.

 It is too late.

 The Jab Is Forever. 



Part 3.


("Modern Britain")


The (AstraZenecaLand) appoved new Primeminister referred to "Modern Britian"

when making her statement outisde No10 Downing Street on the passing of Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.


The new Primeminister did NOT refer to Great Britain or Britain, she referred to "Modern Britain"

 If ever there was a speech so carefully constructed and proof read for every potential political nuance, it is this one.

"Modern Britian" is a codephrase for Surrender.


A codephrase for the 60 year old Dissolution of Britain and it's replacement by AstraZenecaLand (and it's border right up to Russia, India and China).

A codephrase for the godless, atomised, debt ridden, wasteland where the indigenous population is being replaced every single day.

 The codephrase is a signal to the Liberal/"Progressive" Establishment that their policies and legislation of the previous 60 years are safe and will continue


The codephrase refers to a Britain NOT connected to it's past (ie before mass imigration) but a Britain disconnected from it's past,

a Britain where the transmission of itself has stopped and it has been replaced with the transmission of something else ie that which is not British.

It is why Everything in the United Kingdom in the past 30 years has been filtered through the unspeakable Prisim of Everything otherwise known as Imigration.


"Modern" Britain or "New" Britain - as Emily Matliss preferred when presenting Newsnight on the Opening Day of the Olympics in 2012

is all about that which is not British.

Britain and "Modern Britain" cannot exist at the same time in the same place, one must win.




 In 1957 Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II recognised and forewarned about corosive forces that were emerging to dissolve the Nation and the "subtle corruption of the cynics".


By 1957 political and social forces were begininning to exercise power in church and politics and society in general that would burst into power in the 1960's

to sideline and push out the national established religion and the common habits and institutions of the United Kingdom and to begin dissolving it,

by November 1990, these forces had suceeded in the de-politicisation of Britian.


From 1990 until 2020 the United Kingdom dissolved at an increasing rate through until it's national suicide on the 23rd of March 2020.


God Save The King





  .....Godless Atomised debt ridden and being replaced by Alien populations


Assertion of the"Primeminister outside no 10

stands in contrast to..Britain ------Christian Industrial Britain the Britain that so many long (but not enough acted for 

CIB Britain in continum with itself and the past rather than MB A LIB/PROG CONSTRUCT FROM THE 1960s.

Endorsed godless coe cos and AZL front organisations and policies green trans and de-nat


dtg debt sx 



Part 2


Self Deciet 

The Means of Destruction

"Conservative" and Labour Establishment

Godless Churches and institutions

 The Anti-Parliament

 Convention Parliament

Provisional Government

  According to law

A Provisional Government

A Convention Parliament Now


 “We have a golden opportunity to seize something good from this crisis — its unprecedented shockwaves may well make people more receptive to big visions of change,”

“It is an opportunity we have never had before and may never have again.”


Prince Charles speaking to the World Economic Forum

June 2020




 (In 1957 HM The Queen recognised and identified forces that were dissolovling the Nation)

 By 1957 political and social forces were emerging that would burst into power in the 1960's to sideline and push out the national established religion  and institutions of the United Kingdom

and to begin the dissolution of it, by 1990 these forces suceeded in the de-politicisation of Britian.

 From 1990 until 2020 the United Kingdom dissolved until it's national suicide on the 23rd of March 2020.




 The 23rd of March 2020  was the accumulation of 60 years of step by step, year by year national suicide.

 It has been recorded here for posterity.








God Save The King





Eternal Seven









The Injection and The Ejection

The jabbed cannot be unjabbed.

The entered can be ejected.





Empty Swagger

How they swagger, claiming to publish the unpublishable and then

confronted by the content that may destroy their career and their publishing house they run away.




The Vichy Primeminister

by being a cabinet minister from 2014, the new Vichy Primeminister supported:


The national dissolution of the United Kingdom.

The injection of a debilitating and genetic altering material into the British population including children.

The unconstitutional and anti-parliamentary referendum on ending the United Kingdom on the 18th of September 2014.

The legislative and economic division of the United Kingdom.





The Rat Race is for Rats



Invasion Fleet

The Invasion of Britain continues at such a rate that the public housing and purchased private housing, hostels and hotels and reconfiguered offices are not enough,

cruise liners are now rented and used for the mass accomodation of imigrant populations.







 For over 10 years consistently highlighted the exposure (including physical to digital exposure) of the United Kingdom to national natural and manmade risk.

We advocated for resources to be put into the United Kingdom's infrastructure and it's reserve capability.


Re-opening of the coal pits, nationalise electricity generation and distribution.

Re-establish the Civil Defence Corps and re-establish the Territorial Army.

Secure local and national medical, water and food transport and supply lines and local reserve material depots

and not least, establish a reserve physical money infrastructure that is not dependent on electronic/digital transmission.






After The Olympics

It is now 10 years since the Olympics took place in the occupied BBC invented postcode of E20 previously known as Newham.

The Olympics was a "Conservative" Party and Labour Party Establishment (CALE) cover for pouring between 15-25 billion (how little that seems these days) into designated occupied zones.


Emily Matliss on Newsnight on the opening night of the Olympics described it as reflecting "New Britain" (implying the end of Britain).

The interevening 10 years has, of course, proved her right.









The Fat Lady Sings

Six months on from the metaphysical event Dec 2020 of the "Injection Rollout" (of an experimental,  debilitating and DNA altering material) into about two thirds of the UK population

the measures are now increasingly visible and difficult to conceal even for the Conservative and Labour Establishment that introduced it.


Excess deaths (official)are now running at about 1000 per week



Dim All the Lights





British Unionist Party

The British Unionist Party is now open for membership.


Standing in opposition to the "Conservative" and Labour and SNP etc establishment (CALE)

the BUP supports the restoration of the British nation state.




Consolidate calls on all political parties that support the restoration of the British nation state to gather together in the British Unionist Party

and present a single electoral force against the "Conservative" and Labour and SNP establishment (CALE)


Britain as Britain

 for 60 y th gl e has legis to turn brit into se a g i l p g sub state.

we must rem thm and restore bab















Liberal state



Christian, Industrial, Britain has been thrown away.


The Han dynysty represents by far the largest ethnic group in China.

China is a predominately irreligous country.


Zombie State 2

The fuk is imploding as it now discovers that the systems built by a christian society and all the benefits it brought to Britain

cannot function in a godless atomised state (AstrZenecaLand).


After the injection rollout the general population hoped that they would return to a pre23/3/20 society (pumped up by a tidal wave of two years of unspent up money (especially sitting in nank accounts of the golden agers and the work from home cohort who saved on rail fares and lunch money),

but they can now see that this is not happening not least in regard to prices and a functioning infrastructure.

A "motorised instinct" (dr m. Rush) is now in action, old habits are still at work in the public dimension but bare no relation to the new society that exists.





New Epoch Economy


The Golden Ticket





The Church of Britain

There can be no restoration of Britian without a restoration of it's Christian faith.


The Church of England and the Church of Scotland must be dis-established and all material assets of both (including churches, manses, vicarages and palaces)

assumed by the Church of Britain with the exception being pensions which can be paid for by the new dis-established entities under their new nomenclature.

The Church of Britain must now be confirmed in legislationNational, Established, Christian and Protestant.

The work of the Westminster Assembly of Divines (1643-1653) must now be completed.


 Assertion of Liberty of Conscience by the Independents of the Westminster Assembly of Divines, 1644

Painting by John Rogers Herbet (1847)






After The Olympics

It is now 10 years since the Olympics took place in the occupied BBC invented postcode (E20) of Newham.

The Olympics was a "Conservative" Party and Labour Party establishment (CALE) cover for pouring between 15-25 billion into designated immigration zones.


Emily Matliss on Newsnight on the opening night of the Olympics described it as reflecting "New Britain" (implying the end of Britain).

The interevening 10 years has, of course, proved her right.










"The Visiting Card"

2001 Glasgow Anniesland constituency.

2005 North Ayrshire and Arran constituency.






1 Tour Protectors AZL Candidate Because We Must Grimethorpe Colliery Band British Railways

 2 Manifesto

3 Han GU Olympics


4 Liberal and Tech and Panic

5 Bring Out Your Dead

6 Edifice

7 Epoch

8 Zenith Zap Zephyr

9 BUP Video




The Protectors

Protect The British Constitution, It Protects You.

Protecting the British Constitution since 2011.



LT PRO injection










The AstraZenecaLand Candidate

Unlike the Conservative Party leadership contest in 1965 (which did offer a candidate who offered an alternative political path for the nation)

it does not matter who the next leader will be they are agents of AstraZenecaLand as is the Conservative Party itself.



Because We Must

(Number 3)

The Invasion of Britain continues through air, and sea and land by foot by boats and planes and trains and cars and lorries. Legal and illegal.



Grimethorpe Colliery Band

Coal Not Dole


British Railways

We are wtinessing the national suicide of Britian and part of that is the dissolution of sophisicated and complex relationships that have been established for centuries

moral, social, economic, infrastructural and political.

The strikes on the former British Railways are evidence of this happening.




On Tour 2022


Stewart Connell


"Welcome To AstraZenecaLand"

Stewart Connell takes you on a guided tour through the wasteland of the former United Kingdom

and into the New Epoch that you now inhabit.


If your group, organisation or institution would like to host

"Welcome To AstraZenecaLand"

a limited number of dates are now available.


Contact through - The Usual Channels.


We must 








The Last Generation

The Lost Generation


Slush Funds

Ad Astra

Genetic Trajectory

The Price of Shutdown



The Price of Shutdown


Do not forget.

It was not a dream it did happened.


The Liberal/"Progressive" caste "Conservative" and Labour Establishment (CALE) Shutdown the British economy from March 2020 until Febuary 2022 in order to inject the population with a

debilitating and genetic altering material.

There was no need for the Shutdown.

The economic devastation - especially on small to medium businesses continues - as it was meant to.

It is part of the "Transformation" of the British economy - a national economy - into a servicised sector of the - globalised economy - serving

globalised corporate profit not nation states.







The Last Generation

A majority of the British over 30 female population are now childless.

 The replacement of the British population - through the reduction in the indigenous birthrate and immigration policy and the immigrant birthrate is now taking place.


A visit to any of the cities in the former United Kingdom will provide immediate and profound evidence of the abandonment of nationhood by the Conservative and Labour Establishment (CALE)

(elected in general election after general election, it has to be said) throughout the past 60 year.





The Lost Generation 2 


Not content with injecting a debilitating and genetic altering material into British children the "Conservative" and Labour Establishment (CALE) - legislate for the increased abortion of the British.


While immigrant populations enter the former United Kingdom, many of them frown upon and are hostile to abortion

(many of them influenced by the Christian Britain of the 19th century - now abandoned in so many ways by the British themselves).


In the last decades of the United Kingdom (1960s- 2020) abortion became part of the Liberal/"Progressive disposal culture.

New figures show a record high of 250,000 abortions, including "Covid" postal abortions (abortion pills sent in the post) now take place.

 There have been over 9 million abortions of young Britons.


This is not the culture of Christian Britain it is the culture of godless, Liberal/"Progressive" global AstraZenecaLand.




Representation and Abstention are different sides of the same common parliamentary authority coin.


If the SNP want to get a mandate to withraw British constituencies from the British Parliament then they have to declare to stand candidates on an abstentionist manifesto before

a general election/by-election takes place.

(they have refused to do this at every election since they were formed because they get more votes

and money and status by accepting British authority through taking their seats in the British Parliament - even though they do not believe in it).


If they do not and then attempt to withdraw British constituencies from the British Parliament,

such action will be unconstitutional, anti-parliamentary and illegal.

It will be an act of insurrection against the properly constituted British Parliament and must be met with all means necessary.




Slush Fund

The new and abrupt discovery of - candy shops - in Regent Street has lifted the lid on fake shops across the country.

There is a suggestion that such shops and others (nail-bars/sunbeds/takeaways/carwashes etc) are fronts for foreign immigrant movement, foreign interest activities and foreign money channels.

Nothing new about that.


Ad Astra


One of the most telling examples of the United Kingdom's final years was it's retreat from maintaining the British Army, the Royal Air Force and the Royal Navy.

By the millenium the armed forces were reduced to being cardboard cut outs of their former self.


Rather than being a national army rooted in the local regular regimental traditions and the local territorial (part-time) army units

the British Army has become a playground for the degenerate Liberal/"Progressive" revolutionaries to impose their - Diversity/Inclusion/Equality policies.





Genetic Trajectory

 The species level event (Dec 2020 - Feb 2022) of injecting a DNA/cellular altering material across the Earth has taken place

and for the first time permitted the species genetic code to be altered by a political caste.

 The alteration of the natural direction of human biological evolution has been set. 




Element X

 The Lib/"prog" near universal political and pharmacomplex has injected a material into the gen pop not only is it circulating is dibilitating.


Until recently - the past 60 years - the territory of Great Britain contained a single tribe - the British.


It is the natural conection between tribe and territory that the entire Liberal/"Progressive" revolution (AstraZenecaLand)

has sought to break and must break for their godless agenda to be



Most of all it has been in Great Britain that the connection had to be broken by them.

It was in Great Britain, in the Glorious Revolution, in the British Constitution that the fullness of nationhood was recognised and secured

(and adopted and adapted by other nations across the Earth including: Canada, Australia, New Zealand and of course the United States of America)

and it is that which we remember today


"I look upon the British Constitution, as settled at the Revolution, to be

the most glorious on earth, or that perhaps the wit of man can frame"

Robert Burns






The New Owners

Having committed national suicide









Epochal Chant AstraZenecaLand 


The Epoch Edit

In AstraZenecaLand (AZ

hAVING cOMMITED NATIOnal suicicide the pop

The immigrant decended candidates for the"Conservative" Party post of "Leader"



Not content with injecting an experimental material into British children - the abortion of the British continues apace.

Over 9 million dead since 1967.


While immigrant populations soar in number (where abortion is righty frowned upon) in the millions - in Brititsh culture

Abortion is part of the disposal culture - a record high of  250,000, including covid postal abortions (abortion pills sent in the post) now takes place.


A majority of the British over 30 female population are now childless.

This is the anti-British culture of AstraZenecaLand.



Not content with injecting an experimental material into British children - the abortion of the British continues apace.

Over 9 million dead since 1967.


While immigrant populations soar in number (where abortion is righty frowned upon) in the millions - in Brititsh culture

Abortion is part of the disposal culture - a record high of  250,000, including covid postal abortions (abortion pills sent in the post) now takes place.


A majority of the British over 30 female population are now childless.

This is the anti-British culture of AstraZenecaLand.



Element X

 The Lib/"prog" near universal political and pharmacomplex has injected a material into the gen pop not only is it circulating


 The science fiction series "Limetown" refers to an social-technological and pharmacological experiment.

Slush Fund


Genetic Trajectory

 The species level event of injecting a DNA/cellular altering material across the Earth has permitted genetic to be altered by a political caste.

The power to alter the natural direction of human biological evolution.





e Price of AstraZenecaLand

The increased price of butter, petrol, crisps, electricity and everything else is the Economic Price of 60 years of Liberalism.

It is the Economic Price of AstraZenecaLand - the New godless, liberal, and near universal state that came into being on the 23rd of March 2020 and replaced the United Kingdom..


 The British Economy, national and serious and masculine - physical economy has gone

(Defence, public infrastcture and heavy industry- NCBXXXXXXand culture that forged it

has been ruined, dissolved and "Transformed" into a Liberal

into a Godless, feminised, digital service economy.


The Failing and then Failed and then Dissolved State that was the United Kingdom is now full of Loneliness, Deppression and Poverty.

Social atomisation, addiction and the implosion of public institutions - including the national established church is the Price that the British are now paying

for 60 years of abandonment of their national religion and their nation.



Not content with injecting an experimental material into British children - the abortion of the British continues apace.

Over 9 million dead since 1967.


While immigrant populations soar in number (where abortion is righty frowned upon) in the millions - in Brititsh culture

Abortion is part of the disposal culture - a record high of  250,000, including covid postal abortions (abortion pills sent in the post) now takes place.


A majority of the British over 30 female population are now childless.

This is the anti-British culture of AstraZenecaLand.





If the SNP want to get a mandate to withraw remove British constituencies from the British Parliament then they have to stand candidates on an abstentionist manifesto  if they do not then any attempt to remove

constituencies from the British Parliament will be unconstitutional, anti-parliamentary and illegal

and must be met with the full force of the British.






a dominant, durable mandate then all their candidates must stand as abstentionist candidates

if they do ot then they are standing as representational candidates who will take there seats in the British Parliament and in doing so become part of the whole....just as they did at the last genereal elcetion and indeed evey one since they came into existence.

If they stand and refuse declare that they will NOT take their seats but then attempt to withdraw from the British Parliament then this is insurrection against the constitution parliment and the law and they must be met with the full force of the British people.





The Boy From New York City





The Protectors

(Where We Came In) was established in April 2011.


Protecting the British Constitution.


"...all the low are living high..."


On the 8th of January 2012 the leader of the "Conservative" Party launched (on the BBC Andrew Marr programme)

an unconstitutional, anti-parliamentary referendum on the constitutional existence of the United Kingdom.

(this referendum was described as the Scottish Independence Referendum by the anti-British BBC and wider anti-British propaganda units.)


Between 2011 and 2014 engaged and repelled the enemy*.


*Constitutional Committee - House of Lords, Advocate General Department, Political and Constitutional Reform Committee (now abolished),

two Scottish Secretary of States Michael Moore and Alistair Carmichael and the rest.

(See Houses of Parliament Archive).

 British parliamentary representative democracy has no place for the anti-referendum mechanism, correctly described by Primeminister Clement Attlee as an "alien device" ...






Onwards Until Victory






In 2022










the Conservative and Labour and SNP etc Establishment







wWE CONTINUE TO support the restoration of ....the defend the Union



 There were 214,869 terminations during 2021, the highest number since the procedure became legal in Great Britain through the 1967 Abortion Act, the latest annual abortion statistics published on Tuesday show. Numbers have been going up every year since 2016.





AstraZenecaLand - Powershift

AstraZenecaLand has arrived.


The historical powershift - reversal - from nation state to global state has happened.

For the first time since the Reformation and the emergence of independent nation states at The Peace of Westphalia (The West), power has flowed back to a Global/Universal caste.


This flowback is driven by the Godless/Pagan/Liberal/"Progressive" orthodoxies of the last third of the 20th century and the early decades of the 21st century andcompounded by the use of medical, commercial, digital, and communication advances 


Most of all, the New State has been consolidated, not through a ballot paper or even the physical prostration of the population before it

but by the (metaphysical) submission of the population to a political biological instruction from the "Conservate and Labour Establishment (CALE)

to inject themselves with a DNA/Celluar altering material.


Cromwell’s speech in 1653 to the Long Parliament:

 “It is high time for me to put an end to your sitting in this place, which you dishonoured by your contempt of all virtue, and defiled by your practice of every vice; ye are a factious crew, and enemies of all good government; ye are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would like Esau, sell your country for a mess of pottage, and, like Judas, betray your God for a few pieces of money.      

 “Is there a single virtue now remaining amongst you? Is there one vice you do not possess? Ye have no more religion than my horse; gold is your God; which of you have not bartered your conscience for bribes? Is there a man amongst you that has the least care for the good of the Commonwealth? 

“Ye sordid prostitutes, have you not defiled this sacred place, and turned the Lord’s temple into a den of thieves, by your immoral principles and wicked practices?

“Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation; you who are deputed here by the people to get grievances redressed, are yourselves gone!

“So! Take away that shining bauble there, and lock up the doors.

“In the name of God, go!”



(Dissolution and Transformation)

 The former United Kingdom has dissolved.

What was the United Kingdom is now in Permacrisis until - The Transformation - of the nation is complete.

 Price rises, public and private sector implosion, strikes and infrastructural collapse and social atomisation

is - "creative" destructionalism - in action

The Permacrisis is now taking place "The Transformation" of the nation into a generic (including population)

substate of AstraZenecaLand.



Rwanda In Yorkshire


By voting for the "Conservative" Party, the electorate in Linton On Ouse constituency in Yorkshire

authorised successive CALE ("Conservative" and Labour Establishment) governments policy on immigration and the rest.

They have got what they voted for general election after general election, Rwanda - which is in Linton On Ouse, Yorkshire.



Self Love, Self Hate


The Liberal/"Progressive" doctrine is Self - Self Love (Selfishness) and Self Hate of Nation (which is Selflessness).

 It is a political recipie for national atomisation and then dissolution - in other words - the experience of the former United Kingdom over the past 60 years.



Rwanda In Glasgow

Dr Who was born in Rwanda - which is in Glasgow -

Immigration control must - begin and end - at the national border

(the United Kingdom does not have a border (a singular circular/integral frontier - like an electrical circuit- a singular perimeter with entry/exit (permission/refusal) points).

 not the BBC Casting Office.



Liquid Assets

The assets of the former United Kingdom

(moral, social, economic, and political - intelectual/physical/environmental/industrial/educational etc)

have now been liquified (from mental and physical items)into digital money and sold off to foriegn entities that lacked them.












flxxx xx xxxx




Ignore The Machine


National suicide, the Occupation of Britain or The Injection of an experimental material to alter the DNA of the British ? take your pick.




 Preferring not to think (and then act) about the Dissolution of Britain (1707-2020)  the diversion of the "Platinum Jubilee" is a perfect excuse


 for large parts of the populations in the former UK to divert from the cold, harsh realities  outside their debt fuelled materialist nirvana.




The message: Ignore The Injection - Ignore The Dissolution (moral, social, economic and political)


- Ignore The Occupation of Britiain and spend money (debt), is the dominant message of the "Platinum Jubilee".




The Ghosts are performing like Pavlovs dog trapped by fear, greed, selfishness and sloth


and a too familiar national mental and physical comfort


 provided, ironically by their Christian forefathers who built the Nation that they so casually threw away.





Element X


The COVID "Vaccine" rollout from December 2020 until January 2022

 (I year 1 month) used all the political pwer of the Conservative and Labour - and SNP etc - Liberal/"Progressive Establishment to INJECT

 an experimental material into the DNA of the British.

   Apart form a debilitating delivery medium (blood clots, cariovacular impacts and a reduction of the immune system)

 It is the alteration of the natural compos///ition of the DNA.





Are You Poor Enough Yet ? No.




Zenith (Seeing Ourselves in Art)




Decomposing Britian








ve consequence  the 

strikes and organisational implosion are the outcome of transform ation of the fuk ibto a substate of AAzl.

srv imig






The Ghosts Of The Last Hurrah

Self Love, Self Hate

Rwanda in Yorkshire

Liquid Assets

Rwanda in Glasgow...




Poor Enough Yet ? No! Ok


AstraZenecaLand ...It's S.A.D

Currently over a 1000 per week ecesss deaths in e/w

(to say nothing about the number reaction numbers)


AstraZenecaLand ...It's S.A.D

Currently over a 1000 per week ecesss deaths in e/w

(to say nothing about the number reaction numbers)

AstraZenecaLand ...It's S.A.D

Currently over a 1000 per week ecesss deaths in e/w

(to say nothing about the number reaction numbers)

AstraZenecaLand ...It's S.A.D

Currently over a 1000 per week ecesss deaths in e/w




(The United Kingdom no longer exists, it and "The West" are now sub-states of AstraZenecaLand

the godless liberal global state finally ushered in 2020 after 60 years in development.)






- The Rubicon The Price 


The "Conservative" Party and rest of the Establishment legislated for the injection of an experimental material into British children.

The Rubicon Has Been Crossed.

The Establishment must answer for It.

They must pay The Price.



Liquid Assets





Rwanda In Yorkshire

No sympathy from

By voting "Conservative" Party the electorate in Rwanda - which is in Linton-On Ouse, Yorkshire, have got what they voted for general election after general election.


Rwanda In Glasgow

Dr Who was born in Rwanda which is in Glasgow.

Any critisism of the New Dr Who for not being British is misplaced.

Immigration control begins and ends at the national border (the United Kingdom does not have a border (a singular circular/integral frontier - like an electrical circuit- an entry/refusal point)

not the BBC Casting Office.




Self Love, Self Hate

The Liberal/"Progressive" doctine is Self Love (Selfishness)

and Self Hate of Nation (Selflessness).

It is a political recipie for national atomisation and then dissolution - in other words the experience of the former United Kingdom over the past 60 years.


Element X


The COVID "Vaccine" rollout from December 2020 until January 2022

(I year 1 month) used all the political pwer of the Conservative and Labour - and SNP etc - Liberal/"Progressive Establishment to INJECT

an experimental material into the DNA of the British.


 Apart form a debilitating delivery medium (blood clots, cariovacular impacts and a reduction of the immune system)

It is the alteration of the natural composition of the DNA.


Are You Poor Enough Yet ? No.


Zenith (Seeing Ourselves in Art)


Decomposing Britian




 The Ghosts Last Hurrah

Celebrate what...

The Injection of an experimental material to alter the DNA of the British or Occupation of Britain? take your pick.


 Preferring not to think (and then act) about the Dissolution of Britain (1707-2020)  the diversion of the "Platinum Jubilee" is a perfect excuse

for the large parts of the general populations in the former UK - nevermind the Conservative and Labour Establishment (CALE) to divert from the cold, harsh realities

outside their debt fuelled materialist nirvanas.


The message: Ignore The Injection - Ignore the Dissolution - Ignore the Occupation of Britiain and spend money (debt) is the dominant message of the "Platinum Jubilee".

The Ghosts are performing like Pavlovs dog trapped by fear,greed,selfishness, sloth and a too familiar national comfort  provided ironically by their forefathers who built the Nation that they with no appriciation threw away.







It has all gone and if you are still in any doubt ask the new Dr Who - born in Rwanda, Scotland. 






The United Kingdom no longer exists it has been replaced by the New Godless-Injected-Liberal-Global State AKA AstraZenecaLand (AZL).

Of course, there is a drag effect in all politics - in many matters, legislation introduced in the 1990s for example, is only now coming into full political effect today.


Of even more effect today is the abandonment of the national established religion meaning that there is no Christian anchor and the British are set adrift on a sea of ungodlyness.

Living comfortably (in loneliness and poverty and debt) and in the familiar surroundings of  a Nation forged by it's Christian religion

the British threw away the elements that made it, and became "utterly wasted" 



lazy, authority trust fear past godless.














Double Aparthied Britain

Renouncing Nationhood (Throwing It All Away).

The Fiction  of Britain

Decomposing Britain


Introducing The Government of AstraZenecaLand


The Money Issue






Reproductive Pool


India and Pakistan







Introduction to AstraZenecaLand (AZL)

AZL is the new Liberal Global State that has replaced the United Kingdom.

It is the consolidation of 60 years of Liberal policy across all policy fields.

It is the Secular Total State. It is the Bio-State and a Digital State.

It is a (near) universal state where the nation state has been replaced.

The biological composition and biological trajectory of the AZL population is now operated by the global state establishment.

National populations have been replaced (borderless immigration) by a generic - nationless, religionless sexless, rootless (family and history and local character) population





UNO - Devolved Administrations (Former nation states ie:  United Kingdom)

 uniom immigration dept

 NATO Defence

 WHO Health (Genetic Planning)

UNESCO Education

 EU European Administration

 Bank of International Settlement Management of the Fractional Banking System.

 World Bank Management of Global Fiscal Planning

 WEF bis forum

 COP environ dept





UNO - Devolved Administrations (Former nation states ie:  United Kingdom)




uniom immigration dept


NATO Defence


WHO Health (Genetic Planning)


UNESCO Education


EU European Administration


Bank of International Settlement Management of the Fractional Banking System.


World Bank Management of Global Fiscal Planning


WEF bis forum


COP environ dept



















 Tour 2022


"Welcome To AstraZenecaLand"


Stewart Connell takes you on a unique tour of The New Epoch, The New Power and The New State.

In 2022, you are no longer in the United Kingdom (it no longer exists), you are in AstraZenecaLand (AZL - formally "The West").

Find out what happened.


A Limited number of dates available this Summer and Autumn DV.

Universities, Colleges, Instututions, Political Societies and other organisations.



Walk On By


AstraZenecaLand vs Russia 2




Church of AstraZenecaLand

In 2009 the General Assenbly of the Church of Scotland abandoned Scripture.

It is a False Church.

In 2022 it worships the pagan gods of AstraZenecaLand.


Genetic Trajectory



Queues form in Plymouth to alter their natural genetic codes 8/12/21



Live Aid


While Britain enters into history British young folk gather in Wembley Stadium to listen to pop music and contribute to charity.


Papal Visit

 40 years ago the Pope was permitted to enter the United Kingdom.

  The visit was a political visit not a pastoral visit as claimed.

  The visit could not be anything but political as the - universal - claim of the Papal Crown and the - national - assertion of the British Crown are mutually incompatable.

AstraZenecaLand is now jostling for - universal - domination.


 In 2022 both the Protestant churches and the Roman Catholic Church face domination by the New, Pagan, Liberal, Global, State of AstraZenecaLand.


Celebrating National Suicide

We are expected to celebrate Britain and Forget COVID and Forget National Dissolution and Forget the Occupation of Britain.











 40 years later the Protestant churches (established and non-established) and the Roman Catholic Church are challenged by the New Godless Global State


of AstraZenecaLand.

Element X

The manufactureers of The Injection do not want the indgredients to be made public


The Injection drive has slowed because the Establishment believe that an Injected threshold has been reached, especially in the reproductive population and that the material in the Injection will now be transmitted into the future population through natural reproduction.



AstraZenecaLand  (AZL) has set out to pull India into it's orbit (including removal of it's Primeminister) and away from Russia.


The British have always had a special affinity with India.

For the poem "The Mother Lodge" by Rudyard Kipling reflects not just the affinity towards the great nation of India

but outlines the shape of a true British foreign policy.







Live Aid


Live Aid took place on13th of July 1985


At the 


however the Liberal/"Progressive" aways keen to destroy the British Protestant Constitution 




Element X

Papal Visit


Pumped up by the Conservative and Labour and SNP etc Establishment

AKA AstraZenecaLand

the Platinum Jubilee is now to be a "celebration" of "New Britain" (Emil Matliss on Newsnight 2012 on launch of the London Olympics)


The Protectors



National Suicide - Hollow Celebrations








Latest Tour News:



Welcome To AstraZenecaLand Tour 2022

Stewart Connell takes you on a unique tour of The New Epoch, The New Power and The New State.

In 2022, you are no longer in the United Kingdom (it no longer exists), you are in AstraZenecaLand (AZL) formally "The West".

Find out what happened.


A Limited number of dates available this Summer and Autumn DV.

Universities, Colleges, Instututions, Political Societies and other organisations.





///Walk On By////////////////







At the zenith of British mass culture (music, film, tv and radio) in the 1980s Britain produced the artistic product that dominated the Earth.





The Injection drive has slowed because the Establishment believe that an Injected threshold has been reached, especially in the reproductive population and that the material in the Injection will now be transmitted into the future population through natural reproduction.




Golden Ticket



The British Crown RTB

The Money Issue















The Covid death spike did not happen in 2020-201 the total death number was within the standard time frame used to measure total death levels trends.


The Injection is now contributing to a death spike (already established as a result upon the






Element X



Who are you


satiate, cloy, glut, gorge, pall, sate, and surfeit


Rwanda, Yorkshire 

The Occupation of Britain continues.










"COVID" - It Was All A Dream

(A Memory Wipe)


The Conservative adn Labour and SNP Establishment (CALE) is now engaged in a national memory wipe.

A process of deletion of the collective memory of the past two years(especially of The Injection) is in full swing.

According to CALE (and the BBC and the rest) "Covid" did not happen.


This reminds us at of the 1908s tv series that killed off one of it's leading characters only to bring him back a year later when the ratings took a dive.

The explanation for his had all been a dream.



Bobby's Return









Lonlieness, depression, addiction, poverty and debt are the features of the "Post-Covid" landscape.

Disturbance, desolation and despair are now widespread across the population - Injected and Uninjected.

Common bonds - the bonds that glued the nation together have gone.

The common bonds for several decades, not renewed and transmitted forward, meant that not only could "Covid" take hold but that after legislative "Covid"

(Coronovirus Act 2020) the absence of common national bonds would permit the former United Kingdom to dissolve into an all against all nationless state

subject to the pagan Liberal establishement of Johnson, Starmer and Sturgeon and the rest.


AstraZenecaLand (Formerly The West)

 The - former - United Kingdom population now live in a New State called AstraZenecaland (AZL).

It is a Bio-State.

It is constructed on the  politically instructed injection of a material, the ingredients of which are legally restricted (and the commercial entities are legally immune from prosecution) from the public domain.

It's primary control feature is to operate as a Digital-State - Total Deprevation of Privacy.

The ambition of the New State is Universal.

Only Russia and China and a few other nations remain outwith it's orbit.

The West (at we regard - The West - as the natural descendant manifestation of the Peace of Westphalia itself a natural outcome of the Reformation).

In 2021 we explored the roots of this hatred - the hatred of the British Constitution and national constitutions that were aopted and adapted from the British Constitution.


The Hallmarks of The Husk

While The Injected must generally cover The Mark, with shirt and tee shirts and blouses,

The Mask, permits the wearer to outwardly signal their high rank of submission to the New Liberal Global Bio-State.

This is why so many continue to wear The Mask.







The Husk

A dried out brittle, Husk, the - former - United Kingdom trades on the final vapours of it's national past and serves it's new master, AstraZenecaLand (AZL).

The Husk - three jabs, of couse - despretately grasping for a return to 22nd of March 2020, senses that something however is not quite right, something is not quite right.



President Gas


 "...You'll say yeah to anything if you believe all this..."




Peter Pan Land

For 60 years the United Kingdom increasingly became a Peter Pan Society reluctant to grow up and engage in the cycle of life preferring to stay locked into a (rock and roll mannnnnn)

adolescent behavioural scheme.

Stunted growth and a debt fuelled avoidence of individual social development has not only led to an atomisation of society

(and hyper-fuelled by "COVID LOCKDOWN"),

it has impacted on childbirth rates and the settled upbringing of children.







Element X

Golden Ticket

Abandoned by it's own people, the immigrants that have arrived and arrive by foot, by plane, by boat and by bus, car, and lorry

into the United Kingdom/former United Kingdom, have won the Golden Ticket.






The Speaker of the House of Commons abandons any pretence of nueutrality.










az         RF


 AstraZenecaLand Vs Russia


The former United Kingdom goes to war for it's new master - AstraZenecaLand.









The Surrender of the Cities


The Great British cities have been laid waste and abandoned to the Liberal forces of AstraZenecaLand and beyond.

Former office blocks and commercial ventures are now re-configured and have become new - hotels - that cater for the foriegn

"single traveller", "businesspeople", "students" and/or "student groups".

It is the occupation of the former United Kingdom.







Zombie State


"I must go and do some telephone calls."

Primeminister Thatcher (to the press)

British Embassy, Paris

20th November 1990


By November 1990 it was to late (there was no one left to phone),

rather than advance from 1979 a national manifesto the Conservative Party (and Labour Party) peddled a manifesto

to denationalise the nation state (including the mass employment of British men - see National Coal Strike ends March 1985, "Big Bang" financial markets October 1986 and British Leyland defunct 1986)


The Injection of over 60 % of the UK population with an experimental material could not have happened, had the nation state remained intact (morally, socially, economically and politically)

through these past six decades.














The Devolved UK Parliament














Catch Up


 Don't Be Shy Give It A Try.




From November 2020 - November 2021










The Nomenclature of AstraZenecaland (AZL)


The New Epoch (a post nation period) that we have entered (the United Kingdom no longer exists only the buildings and plastic plumbing remains),


is for the British, a re-entering into a global (near universal - excluding Russia and China and a few satellite states near them) state.


It is a return to an effective pre-reformation period - without the religion - on the global state's part.




It is only right that the nomenclature of the New State reflects the name of the the New Power, the man-ufacturer of the material that was injected into over 60% of the United Kingdom population.


The submission to the injection (to the invocation of the "Conservative" and Labour establishment) roughly reflects the voting pattern in general elections.


A secular communion has been made between the injected and the injectors.










 Consequences of Renouncing Nationhood


The return of Great Britain into a global state, AstraZenecaland (it's renouncement of nationhood - through The Jab) after 500 years of nationhood


means that the










TUK is now a Devolved State








An Introduction to AstraZenecaland:


The Liberal Global State






UNO - Devolved Administrations (Former nation states ie:  United Kingdom)




uniom immigration dept


NATO Defence


WHO Health (Genetic Planning)


UNESCO Education


EU European Administration


Bank of International Settlement Management of the Fractional Banking System.


World Bank Management of Global Fiscal Planning


WEF bis forum


COP environ dept














The Devolved UK Parliament




The Jab is Forever 3











The Protectors








The Reproductive Pool Escape Route










 AstraZenecaland Vs Russia






15th April 2022 


The Nomenclature of AstraZenecaland (AZL)


The New Epoch (a post nation period) that we have entered (the United Kingdom no longer exists only the buildings and plastic plumbing remains),


is for the British, a re-entering into a global (near universal - excluding Russia and China and a few satellite states near them) state.


It is a return to an effective pre-reformation period - without the religion - on the global state's part.




It is only right that the nomenclature of the New State reflects the name of the the New Power, the man-ufacturer of the material that was injected into over 60% of the United Kingdom population.


The submission to the injection (to the invocation of the "Conservative" and Labour establishment) roughly reflects the voting pattern in general elections.


A secular communion has been made between the injected and the injectors.










(Need To Know)


The entire Liberal Establishment edifice now hangs on the media sucessfully hiding the death and hospitalisation numbers of the Injected.


The recent reports of Covid causing bloodclots and other issues is a cover story to create a fog on death from the Injection.












 Year 3


Digital State








The Content That Flows


Blood and Providence


In recent articles we have used the metaphor of plastic plumbing regarding the remains of the - former- United Kingdom.

 The plumbing being dry and empty with no water flowing thorough it.


A nation exists through common and exclusive blood, providence, identity, authority, verbal and visual stories and myths, common bonds of family, resources history,

 memories, common loss common gain common collective worship and practice.

 Most of all it is essentially blood and time - providence - that conforms and configures the tribe and nation.


For 60 years the British content has ceased to flow through the national plumbing.

 Increasingly foriegn content has replaced the British content.


Childlessness, abortion and the pagan cult of the Self has led to dried out plumbing.




 transmitted into the future.




blood and providence




An Introduction to AstraZenecaland:


The Liberal Global State






UNO - Devolved Administrations (Former nation states ie:  United Kingdom)




uniom immigration dept


NATO Defence


WHO Health (Genetic Planning)


UNESCO Education


EU European Administration


Bank of International Settlement Management of the Fractional Banking System.


World Bank Management of Global Fiscal Planning


WEF bis forum


COP environ dept
















Catch Up


 Don't Be Shy Give It A Try.




From November 2020 - November 2021










The Nomenclature of AstraZenecaland (AZL)


The New Epoch (a post nation period) that we have entered (the United Kingdom no longer exists only the buildings and plastic plumbing remains),


is for the British, a re-entering into a global (near universal - excluding Russia and China and a few satellite states near them) state.


It is a return to an effective pre-reformation period - without the religion - on the global state's part.




It is only right that the nomenclature of the New State reflects the name of the the New Power, the man-ufacturer of the material that was injected into over 60% of the United Kingdom population.


The submission to the injection (to the invocation of the "Conservative" and Labour establishment) roughly reflects the voting pattern in general elections.


A secular communion has been made between the injected and the injectors.










 Consequences of Renouncing Nationhood


The return of Great Britain into a global state, AstraZenecaland (it's renouncement of nationhood - through The Jab) after 500 years of nationhood


means that the










TUK is now a Devolved State








An Introduction to AstraZenecaland:


The Liberal Global State






UNO - Devolved Administrations (Former nation states ie:  United Kingdom)




uniom immigration dept


NATO Defence


WHO Health (Genetic Planning)


UNESCO Education


EU European Administration


Bank of International Settlement Management of the Fractional Banking System.


World Bank Management of Global Fiscal Planning


WEF bis forum


COP environ dept














The Devolved UK Parliament




The Jab is Forever 3












The British In Exile 

The British are now in exile in their own land.

For the Conservative and Labour and SNP etc Establishment,

the British are the Wrong Colour, the Wrong Religion and the Wrong Nationality.

The Jab Is Forever 2

The Jabbed cannot be unjabbed.

State organisations no longer provide (or hide/delay measurements) statistics on a Jabbed/Unjabbed basis.

Independent analysis indicates that the effect of The Jab is debilitating in regard to the immune system, blood function and interface with the organs and impacts on DNA level structure.


The former United Kingdom is now in kalidoscopic shock.

It does not want to think about what has happened during the past two years.


Central to the "creative destructionalism" of the 23rd of March 2020

was the requirement to alter the national rythmns and patterns of political, social and economic life

into the new godless and nationless rythmns and patterns of the New State.


"...wheels must turn to keep the flow..."


Men and Women

The success of the Liberal/"Progressive" War on Christian Integrated Industrial Britain

(and the wider Westphailian model of nation states) during the past 60 years

has resulted in the Conservative and Labour Establishment

abolishing men and women as the two separate (and complimentary) categories of adult humans.


The abolition of these these two distinct categories

(and their replacement with a slide scale of self identified, self definitions)

has been part of the Liberal programme to disrupt Christian relationships and society

and place the New State (by perscription and regulation and mood forming)

into all aspects of private and public interaction.


This is not some marginal matter  confined to a small number of individuals it reflects the abandonment of Britain's national religion

and it's replacement with pagan worship of The Self.


It has also been a device to de-masculinise (feminise) British men.



Abortion By Post

Having injected British children with an experimental material,

the Fake Parliament now sitting in the Palace of Westminster

has voted to continue to "The Covid" legislation that permits the sending out of abortion pills.



The (former) United Kingdom is at one end of Europe and Russia is at the other.

Before the United Kingdom's disolution, both nation's were independent and full of their own self recognition and soveriegn power

including in the religous domain with their own national Christian churches.

Both nations tempered the European balance of power (central to a relatively peaceful Europe).


Atlantic Convoy

 Victory Parade in Moscow’s Red Square on May 9, giving his seats to Britain’s Arctic convoy heroes, The Daily Mail online reports on Monday.





Enoch Powell











 (place in flux for "Transformation" into the Liberal/."Progressive Utopia)

As it emerges from "The Covid" Plan, the population is even more intensley driven by the 60 year old pagan cult of The Self.

 and the introduction of the New Epoch and the New State (Injected Global State - AstraZenecaland)
















Zombie State

The Jab Is Forever 2



Men and Marriage

Empire Burden

Altered State 2


"Sunshine's people forget"


The Jabbed cannot be unjabbed.


State organisations no longer provide (or hide/delay measurements) statistics on a Jabbed/Unjabbed basis.


Independent analysis indicates that the effect of The Jab is debilitating in regard to the immune system, blood function and interface with the organs and impacts on DNA level structure.






AstraZencaland's First World War


Within 5 months of presenting themselves at COP 26 and within two months of assuring themselves

that they had injected the experimental material into a sufficient number of the reproductive pool,

the Liberal Global State now seek's hegenomy on the European land mass. 




No Census Here


 The "Conservative" Party supports devolution and is an supplicant of the Liberal (AstraZenecaland) Global State.


The British Census no longer exists.

It has been dissolved into two parts as a result of devolution.


A census took place in England, Northern Ireland and Wales on 21st March 2021.

 The Devolved Census is expected to take place across Scotland on the 20th of March and the Devolved School Census on the 21st of March 2022 DV.


The purpose of the devolved census and the devolved school census is to compound the dissolution of the United Kingdom

and to permit the State to intrude into the private domain and in particular to record for the global State the private lives of children

and to inculcate the submission of British children into the new Liberal (Degenerate) global State.
















Behind The Mask 2


Zombie Territory

Tugging and Voting for the Forlok

The Jab Is Forever 4

Aatrazenecaland's First World War

az hegemony






Brave New World


Of course, the - Brave New World - alluded to in the past five articles does not not exist.






Marshall In The Field Part 5


Never Yield



Marshall In The Field Part 4

British Irregular Forces (BIF)
Militia's, Yeomanry and Volunteers
The Liberal/"Progressive" plan since the 1960's has been to nuetralise (as we saw in the previous article) and politicise the British Army, to use it's traditions, disipline and structure to subscribe to and enforce the post-war godless Liberal/"Progressive" doctrine (mass imigration, homosexuality, feminism and atomisation of the family centered society etc).
Central to this plan has been to remove the voluntary/irregular/yeomanry/militia element and compose an army that is exclusively regular - full time -
(or voluntary in support to the regular- the Army Reserve -) because it would be easier to control it directly from (Liberal) Whitehall
rather than be composed (of locally rooted men) and armed and and directed with a large degree of local discretion in the British (traditional) shires and regions of the United Kingdom.
This is the reason for the abolition of the Civilian Defence Corps (strength at about 330,000) abolished in 1968
and the Territorial Army (strength peak about 269-340,000 in peace and war between 1908-1939) and reduced to about 41,000 in 1998 - abolished in 2011.


New Model Army











also of note

indigenous weapons






 Home Guard

(Local Defence Volunteers)


Uniformed and armed irregular defence units.

Under 18 and over 41









Marshall In The Field Part 3

They Did......




The core drive of the l/p (apart from Injecting the young with an experimental material is to detach tribes/national populations from their territories.



A Permanent Force

(A Tempory Empire)

Population Numbers Not Military force or Economic force is the most powerful force when occupying a nation.




The British Empire never achieved power across foreign tribes/nations through population numbers

they achieved power through military force, economic dominence and especially through compliance of the ruling eletes (Raj) of the territories that they entered.

The British are being occupied not through military force or ecomic power but through sheer numbers (entry across the frontier and reproduction of the foreign populations











Huxley and Orwell

Brave New World




Beyond Politics


Berlin 2

Berlin 3












The Protectors


 War Undeclared War


Douglas Dale



They pray as they fight

The fight as theypray


Covenanter Soldier







 Marshall In The Field


Joshua 1:9

  1. 1. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
  2. The United Kingdom no longer exists (only the buildings and a state apparatus - in effect - the plastic plumbing - continue to exist).

It has been replaced by a Fake Parliament, Fake Army, Fake Police indeed an entire Fake British State.


The restoration of Britain can only now happen with the removal of the Fake State

and the reassertion of British Parliamentary democracy and British Constitution and the British Army and the rest of the authentic British Parliamentary.


A new national party must emerge to lead the revival of Britain.


George Orwell

 Despotic governments can stand 'moral force' till the cows come home; what they fear is physical force.


While Britain is now secured in memory for the future (see above Memory tab)

it is for Briton's today to Marshall In The Field.





An Imposter State (and Parliament) has replaced it.



It is Time to Marshall In The Field.



An Imposter State (and Parliament) has replaced it.


In our previous three articles we identified The Takeover of Britain, a Takeover 60 years in the making.



Them and Us 

(Politics in Three Words)


The British, according to Liberal/"Progressive" opinion, among all tribes, have no tribe and no territory.

 Not least, those in the "Conservative" and Labour and SNP etc parties, assert that the British do not exist as a tribe and have no - indigenous - claim to the territory of the British Isles.


To these establishment parties, the new arrivals from Africa, Asia and the Orient are just as British as those that have lived in Britian

and have family (blood) lineage that reaches back generation after generation after generation into the mists of time.


To the establishment parties that have betrayed Britain for 60 years and ended up injecting the British children with an experimental material,

anyone from anywhere can be British and can live here.


"...But all that's gonna change..."











60 years of Liberal/"Progressive" policy (including abortion, divorce, delayed and non-marriage etc) by the Conservative and Labour establishment and providing for The Jab roll-out of 2021

(the injection of an experimental material into the British population including children)

has dissolved the United Kingdom.

It no longer exist's.


The replacement of the British by immigrant numbers and forces is now fully under way across all the urban centres.

For those brave enough to look.











Them and Us


60 years of Liberal/"Progressive" policy has ended in The Jab

(the injection of an experimental material into the population)

has dissolved the United Kingdom.


Immigration Takeover.





have led to the














Parliament Is Ours Not Their's.

Britain Belongs To The British.






Imposter Police


The End of the National Story


It is very sad










"Utterly Wasted"


Genesis 12:2

King James Version (KJV)

And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:


Isaiah 60:12

King James Version (KJV)

12 For the nation and kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish; yea, those nations shall be utterly wasted.


In the quiet moments, the British know what they have done.

They threw it all away.


The 60 year retreat from their established Christian Protestant religion and constitution (and the moral, scoiacl, economic and political blessings that it brought) has led to

the Dissolution of the Nation, the arrival and occupation of the replacement populations and of course, The Jab.


For over ten years at we have recorded and opposed the Demoralisation, Destabilisation and Crisis of the United Kingdom.


Desperate to continue to hide in their fictional bubbles

and sustained by the endgame of public and private and corporate debt, WFH, final salary pensions and easy inheritance,

the golden agers (those approaching or having entered into retirement - all having benefitted from Christian, Integrated, Industrial - only to jettison it for those that came after them

No Christian, Integrated, Industrial Nation today for a young 19 year old man. He was brought up in a godless state with a godless education system, no apprenticeship in a shipyard with a reasonable rate of pay and a long term reliable job making ships for his island nation.

Earning enough money to enjoy his youth, put away some savings, begin courting and find a wife, get married, get a house and have a family.

For a while, genereally speaking, this was how most Britons lived.

This arrangement worked.

This arrangement (under the shield of the British Constitution) brought a unrivalled level of Freedom and contentment.

This arrangement remained identifiable into the end of the 1980's.

In the 1990's however the Liberal/"Progressive" revolution of the 1960's finally ascended to Power and Politial Britain came to an end.

Distracted by baubles of all kinds including the emerging digital technology and funded by invented "money" ("money" unrelated to physical worth and untied to government issue).


General election after general election since 1960 there was no serious political critique against the Liberal Revolution.

It is not easy being a Christian Nation.

It is not easy being a Christian.

Godlessness is easy.

Debt is easy and allows short term easy living but payback is never to far away.

The British sucumbed to a godless easy life.


Secularism (Selfishness) As State Policy was endorsed by both the Conservative and Labour Parties.

The electorate accepted the deal at every election since then - even though they knew and could see the consequence in dissolution and mass immigration (their replacement)

and of course by 2020 there was nothing much left of the country anyway except to have one further final gorgefest of selfishness, sloth and consumption paid for by, yes youv'e guessed it

WFH, debt and pensions.

Hiding away (physical and societal retreat) in their homes for 2 years WFH has led millions to be better off than any trade union could ever negotiate in a pay rise for them

(an average estimate is that WFH can add £5-10,000 to an individual income per year)


Why should they care about the consequence ? Who cares for society ? It is all about self satisfaction- nothing else. I'm allright Jack.

For all of these reasons and others it was so easy for to get the population to submit to The Jab.

If the Conservative and Labour establishment had delivered materialism and selfishness for 60 years then they must be right!


And so the queues formed full of people including children ready to be Jabbed with an experimental material.








The immigrants are not daft.

For many of them they have have been here before in their own countries facing their own governments.

The immigrant population have largely not taken The Jab.

They are fit and ready and generally live in cohesive patterns.









Thrown Away

The United Kingdom does not exist.

It was thrown away.

It dissolved between 1960 and 2020.

Only the buildings now stand as a reminder of Britain's Christian, Integral, Industrial Nationhood.

The moral, social economic and political fibre has gone.


The former United Kingdom is now populated by a godless, aimless, generic aggregate of individuals with the exception of those representing foriegn force.




The final dissolution act (Coronovirus Act) took place in March 2020.

Like a toilet system with no water, the plastic tubes remain but there is no function.


One of the contributory factors to the Dissolution of Britain was the failure to complete the integralisation (singularisation) of the British State post 1707.

Separate established churches, separative administrative methods ie local government, schools, educational certificates educational textbooks different models for health and other state provision.








(Impersonating a New State Police Officer)

Talk Talk

The time for talking is over - on radio, internet, print, social, media and the rest.

You know what must be done.

In The Field.





The Completion of Britain

The United Kingdom does not exist.

It dissolved between 1960 and 2020.

The final dissolution act (Coronovirus Act) took place in March 2020.

Like a toilet system with no water, the plastic tubes remain but there is no function.


One of the contributory factors to the Dissolution of Britain was the failure to complete the integralisation (singularisation) of the British State post 1707.

Separate established churches, separative administrative methods ie local government, schools, educational certificates educational textbooks different models for health and other state provision.







Never Yeild








Marshall In The Field

 Surrounded by the "Conservative", Labour, SNP Covid State parties and occupied by foreign forces deposited across the former United Kingdom,

 it is time for the British to

Marshall In The Field.



 If the British are to do it then best we do it now.



30th of January 2022


The Integrity of The Reproductive Pool


The purpose of "Covid" was to introduce The Jab and to alter - Forever - the DNA composition of the Nation (and the Species).

This is not some idle - conspiracy - theory, it is the admitted intention of the Liberal/"Progressive" establishment that governs (by popular electoral authorisation)

and comprises the degenerate Johnson, Starmer, Sturgeon, Drakeford and the rest (including the supranational players Blair, Gates and the BBC) all of this in response to a flu virus with a 99%

recovery rate in the general population.


They demanded that the entire population in the (former) United Kingdom submit to The Jab, in order that the natural DNA of the population

 is modified and that the modification of the human genetic composition is transmitted into the future through normal natural reproduction.


This is why the injection of children and young adults has been central to the establishments Jab roll-out.

If it was only the older (non-reproductive) part of the population that had submitted to the Jab then it's harmful effects would die out naturally and not be reproduced.

The effects would be transient and limited - a one off - a philisophical and medical and technological error.


 By pushing the experimental in-jection into the reproductive pool, the government

(the people who are in principal paid by all taxpayers  (Jabbed and Un-Jabbed) to think seriously about the the welfare of the entire nation)

are endorsing the delivery of a debilitating material (check the numbers now emerging from The Jabbed population most visible at present in media covered activities ie sport and celeberity pa)

into a large part of the reproductive pool and consequently it's reproduction into future generations.


The United Kingdom had enough serious problems in 2019, we did not need any more, we certainly did not need to deal with the metaphysical matter of  a DNA altering experimental material being

released into the general population nevermind it's issue into the under 18 population, children.


The penalty for those who have endorsed this entire policy must be commensurate with their action.



The Lost Sheep

The Lost Sheep

In the Gospel of Luke, the parable is as follows:


15 Then drew near unto him all the publicans and sinners for to hear him.

2 And the Pharisees and scribes murmured, saying, This man receiveth sinners, and eateth with them.

3 And he spake this parable unto them, saying,

4 What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it?

5 And when he hath found it, he layeth it on his shoulders, rejoicing.

6 And when he cometh home, he calleth together his friends and neighbours, saying unto them, Rejoice with me; for I have found my sheep which was lost.

7 I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance.

8 Either what woman having ten pieces of silver, if she lose one piece, doth not light a candle, and sweep the house, and seek diligently till she find it?

9 And when she hath found it, she calleth her friends and her neighbours together, saying, Rejoice with me; for I have found the piece which I had lost.

10 Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.

11 And he said, A certain man had two sons:

12 And the younger of them said to his father, Father, give me the portion of goods that falleth to me. And he divided unto them his living.

13 And not many days after the younger son gathered all together, and took his journey into a far country, and there wasted his substance with riotous living.

14 And when he had spent all, there arose a mighty famine in that land; and he began to be in want.

15 And he went and joined himself to a citizen of that country; and he sent him into his fields to feed swine.

16 And he would fain have filled his belly with the husks that the swine did eat: and no man gave unto him.

17 And when he came to himself, he said, How many hired servants of my father's have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger!

18 I will arise and go to my father, and will say unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee,

19 And am no more worthy to be called thy son: make me as one of thy hired servants.

20 And he arose, and came to his father. But when he was yet a great way off, his father saw him, and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him.

21 And the son said unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and in thy sight, and am no more worthy to be called thy son.

22 But the father said to his servants, Bring forth the best robe, and put it on him; and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet:

23 And bring hither the fatted calf, and kill it; and let us eat, and be merry:

24 For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found. And they began to be merry.

25 Now his elder son was in the field: and as he came and drew nigh to the house, he heard musick and dancing.

26 And he called one of the servants, and asked what these things meant.

27 And he said unto him, Thy brother is come; and thy father hath killed the fatted calf, because he hath received him safe and sound.

28 And he was angry, and would not go in: therefore came his father out, and intreated him.

29 And he answering said to his father, Lo, these many years do I serve thee, neither transgressed I at any time thy commandment: and yet thou never gavest me a kid, that I might make merry with my friends:

30 But as soon as this thy son was come, which hath devoured thy living with harlots, thou hast killed for him the fatted calf.

31 And he said unto him, Son, thou art ever with me, and all that I have is thine.

32 It was meet that we should make merry, and be glad: for this thy brother was dead, and is alive again; and was lost, and is found.



A government department must be set up comprising a "Covid" National Institute and a full panoply of resorces and money (Billions) spent on it.

It must be staffed by those who are untainted by The Jab narrative or participation in it's roll-out.

The Jab cannot be reversed but it's effects can and must be managed.


A public policy must be introduced (and that requires a new party to form a government and defeat and marginalise the Conservative, Labour and SNP etc establishment)

that will mitigate the effects of The Jab on those that have recieved it and on those who have not (social intimidation and loss of employment).


The integrity of the reproductive pool must be paramount in all policy and all action at all times.




The Frankenstein State

 (Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus)

The Jab is Forever Part 3.


About two thirds of the former United Kingdom population have now submitted to The Jab.

The Jab is an experimental injection.

It is endorsed by all the Liberal/"progressive" establishment ("Conservative" Party, Laabour Party, SNP and the rest).


Job Done.

The first case of "Covid 19" was confirmed in the (former) UK in February 2020.

The Jab was initially rolled out in December 2020 - only 8 months from it's confirmation (less than a full pregnancy term).


By October 2021 about 48 million had submitted to at least one Jab.

 The Jab operates at a DNA level.

The medium and long term effects (See our articale xxx) of the material contained in it are unknown.

The short term effects indicate patterns of altered blood composition (clots etc) and interface (debilitating) with organs especially when releated to strenuous excerise.




The Carnival is Over

"The harbour light is calling"


The entire Conservative and Labour establishment and those who voted for them and who served them is now suddenly gripped by the fear of general retribution.

They all must now pay the penalty for their 60 year descent into the  Liberal/"Progressive Utopia

that ends with an experimental material being injected into British children.



Test Conveyor Belt


The New Jews




The disabled are the New Jews.

In Covid UK the disabled are the New Jews under the New Totalitarian State.

Required by State encouraged (Nudge) social mood formers to wear submission necklaces to make public their private medical profile.


Do Not Comply.

Your medical profile is yours.

Keep it private.

Your medical profile is between you and your GP and authorised medical chain of practioners.




Party Not Primeminister




Stewart Connell

(Founder of


A Call for a New National Political Party.

 The Conservativve and Labour and SNP etc Liberal/"Progressive" establishment must be marginalised.




Frankenstein State

(Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus)










about these things and the nation in general)

is participating in  




It Had To End


It could not last.


Without any national political opposition the 60 year old Liberal/"Progressive" revolution easily dispersed the last vapours of Christian, Integral, Industrial Britain in March 2020.


With an atomised society and Total State apparatus in place by December 2020, the Liberal establishment introduced The Jab

(an experimental material that had been officially excluded from the standard  safety protocols of new - vaccines -),

facilitated further mass immigration, set about the definitive implementation of a servile, service economy (including WFH)

and "Transformation" of the urban centres.


If in any doubt, see the "Transformation" (and planning application notices) of your local city for it's re-configuration and alteration of officies into "hotels" for foriegn single, male "visitors" and "students"

otherwise known as barracks.











Covenantor Soldier


Police Raid











history repeating




crc continues to demand the restoration of the Cameronians as a regiment of the British Army.





 Now, Now, Now

(The Jab Is Forever Part 2)


In thrawl to the comfort of a past - that they threw away - and the worship of  a Liberal/"Progressive" Now, Now, Now  culture,

many of The Jabbed are now reflecting on their act in haste, repent at leisure actions.


"No Regrets"

"...they don't work..."







One of the prime features of the  Liberal/"Progressive" Now, Now, Now,Jab.












 AT 28 FRBRUARY 2021




 The Jab is irreversible.

The effects of The Jab can now only be managed.

About 2/3 of the population across the former United Kingdom have submitted to it.

The effects of The Jab are now presenting themselves.




Not Your Stepping Stone

No Jab.





The Imposter Parliament


An Imposter Parliament now sits in the Palace of Westminster.

It is propped up by The Jabbed.


Those who have Submitted to the Jab are, by and large those who vote for the Conservative, labour and SNP parties - the parties that form the establishment

and it's (Liberal/"Progressive) manifesto.


They are, again, by and large, those who are now either participating in the WFH Scam (and the PCR Scam)

or are the "Golden Agers" (those now retired or retiring who have personally benefitted from a lifetime of Christian, Integrated, Industrial Britain..


They are also the one's who remain in a thrawl to dead state that demands that they inject themselves with a DNA altering experimental material

when confronted with a flu virus with a 99% recovery rate. 


The national suicide and political inaction that we are witnessing is a direct result of the selfishness (social atomisation) that follows the abandonment of the national religion.









The Content in their  pension schemes and Work From Home and wrapped in last vestiges of Christian Integrated Industrial Britain


It is this Imposter Parliament





that is directing The Jab roll-out.



 All British Authority has drained and emptied from all it's Member's, institutions


and all it's officers either judicial, police, army civil service, local government etc.



British Authority no longer rests in the Palace of Westminster (House of Commons) and


Never Yield




The Price of the WFH Scam




The New State hides in fear that it's works will be seen and retribution will be delivered.







inside the buldings of the old B



British Authority has returned to the British people across the shires of Great Britain.

The British must decide now what to do with it.

... advises British people to reduce and dis-engage from any interaction with The Imposter Parliament located in the Palace of Westminster.


We further advise that the British Parliament and governmentare re-constituted in a new location.








"...there are people round here, who don't take kindly to the killing of the buffalo..."




 "...the first purpose of election is to determine where power lies..."


British Authority


British Authority no longer rests in the Palace of Westminster (House of Commons) and it has drained and emptied from all it's Member's, institutions

and all it's officers either judicial, police, army civil service, local government etc.


British Authority  has now flowed back to the British people across the shires of Great Britain.

 An Imposter Parliament not the British Parliament now sits in the Palace of Westminster.








The British Constitution remains intact and in the possesion of the British 

however the British people must now decide how the British Parliament must be re-established and how they will be represented.


Police Imposters




 The Imposter Parliament




Berlin 1

Berlin 2

Berlin 3



Latt Drank Brand Uw Vertsand

(Let Ambition Fire Thy Mind)

King William III



The Order Of Death

"This is what you want, this is want you get"



24 to leave

"Remove Them"


For 60 years Britain has been on a pathway to national suicide.

On the 23rd of March 2020 the United Kingdom finally dissolved.


Over those 60 years the "Conservative" and Labour and SNP all facilitated and participated in the Dissolution (whoever you voted for (with a few honourable exceptions) you got the same

Liberal/"Progressive" legislative Agenda.

Abortion, Imigration, Divorce, Devolution, Eurostate, De-industrialisation, the Debt Economy, Social Atomisation on and on it goes

The new state has arrived.


The taking of the Jab is first and foremost a political action not a medical action.

It is an affirmation (in the most personal and genetic form) of the principal parties and policies of the past 60 years.


The Jab - a metaphysical event - (and it's associated "Lockdown" legislation) and the "Transformation" (a codeword for mass Imigration and it's associated legislation) of Britain

and the "Lockdown" and social atomisation of Britain have dissolved the United Kingdom.

The former United Kingdom state is now occupied by foriegn - global government - power ie, they are not your police, they are supranational state police.


The "Conservative", Labour and SNP etc are agents of the new supranational state and have been for decades.

It is a modern but worse version of the Treaty of Dover (Dover Treaties) of 1670 when King Charles II of England

secretly agreed with France  to betray his country and it's religion.

British Authority no longer sits in the House of Commons, it has returned to the British people.

It is now only for them to decide how they exercise they will exercise it.






Notes From The Script


The Establishment, The General Election and The Covid Timetable.

There was no need for a general elelction in December 2019 (the official "Opposition" and others held the minority "Conservative" government to account).

The previous general election was held on 8th June 2017 only 18 months before.


On the 29th of October 2019 the Early Parliamentary Election Bill (Act) was passed (438Aye 20 No 181 Abstentions) with "Conservative", Labour, Liberal Democrat and SNP votes

(It recieved the Royal Assent on the 31st October 2019)

The general election on December 12th 2019 returned a "Conservative" majority of 80 seats.


The European Community "Withdrawl Act" (Version 2) passed 9th January 2020 (330 For 231 Against) and Royal Assent was given on Jan 23rd 2020

The United Kingdom's first Covid 19 case declared in York on January 31st 2020.


"Union Glue"

is available on Amazon 






The godless "Conservative" and Labour and SNP etc establishment have now crossed the rubicon and declared that they will inject British children with an experimental material in order to secure themselves and the 60 year old Liberal/"Progressive" agenda.

It is the Rubicon.


The establishment that claim over 90% of the population is jabbed but are increasingly desperate (free Uber and Kebab's) to jab the remaining 10%...why?

the answer is that they have not jabbed 90%.

Quite apart from the official population number of 68 million, which is false (we suggest it's about 82 million), the large British working class conurbations are about 50% jabbed and 50% unjabbed while many of the immigrant populations (with recent memories of their homelands, that they have escaped from) also remain unjabbed and of course, many of the British under 30's (the reproductive pool) remain unjabbed and very importantly, know how to play the game.





"This Is No Parliament... RemoveThem"



 Ocupping Power

British Authority




1688 Vs 2020

The godless Liberal/"Progressive" "Conservative and Labour, SNP etc parties are the representatives not of the British people but of the new supranational state.

The new state fully emerged in 2020 undercover of a new coronovirus - flu- strain.


It has benn 500 years since the last supranational entity was defeated.

The Reformation 1500  Wycliffe and other early reformers


The Glorious Revolution 1688-1691

The Enlightenment

The industrial revolution


British Christian Protestant Constitution







"More Dangerous From Here On In Probably"



King Billy Is On The Wall

Let Ambition Fire The Mind

1690 Vs 2020




Having aborted over nine milion children since 1967 it was a small step for the "Conservative and Labour and SNP etc

 establishment to inject children with an experimenatl material.


From abortion to divorce to tax policy to experimental injections, the 60 year function of the (Liberal/"Progressive") establishment

has been to put the pleasure of adults before the needs of children.


It is no surprise that they now wish to inject children with the experimental material in order to protect themselves.


















ناظم الزهاوي

The Iraqi, Nadhim Zahawi is in charge of the " Covid vacination" programme across the former United Kingdom

has today attacked British parental authority in order to replace it with the power of the new state and inject British children with the experimental material.


"What you essentially do is make sure that the clinicians discuss this with the parents [and] with the teenager and if they are then deemed to be able to make a decision that is competent, then that decision will

will go in the favour of what the teenager decides to do."




"Conservative" Party Minister for COVID 19 Vaccine Deployment.

He is directing the mass .






 "...and we will be ready to then implement and wether it's vacinating younger cohorts..."


 Get Ready.






1690 Vs 2020

The British Constitution Vs The New Supranational State

330 years


The Reformation


The Glorious Revolution



Supranational State

Assertion of the Principals of the British Constitution


Papal Visit


Not content with hosting the COP - Conference of Useful Idiots - the "Conservative




The godless "Conservative" and Labour and SNP establishment are not bound by any consideration other than their own personal political power and money.

They will inject anyone with anything if it provides them with power (and their Liberal / "Progressive agenda) and money.


The experimental injection has not been "rolled" out not as a political "nudge" to get the population confident again to enter social settings

(after being subject to a year of psychological warfare by the Establishment apparatus),

a national placebo - a free packet of aspirins, a pint of beer or a packet of cigarettes, could have done that,

 all of them with known and accepted risk ratios without the use of an experimental injection.


No - the government activated the public release of a highly experimental injected material

with one singular purpose, it has been to alter the existing natural biological composition of the general population

into something that it was not but - according to official numbers - now largely is.


The new state has emerged politcally and to a large extent biologically.

The United Kingdom (c) is now a (legacy) brand name of AstraZeneca  - the patent holder on behalf of the Supranational State Power.


 The experimental injection has been resisted by about 30-40 % of the population, most of wich is under 30.

(in many cities and towns the injection has been resisted by about 50% of the general population including Glasgow, Sheffield

(Parts of Sheffield have a rate of only 32% for the first injection) and Liverpool.


It is this resistance (largely from the working class and young) that has driven the increasingly desperate attempts by the "Conservative" and Labour Establishment

to get people injected - especially the under thirties - the reproductive pool is key and the goverment knows this.


It is this demographic that contains the greater number of the reproductive pool of the British.

Providing that this - healthy - reproductive pool remains free of the experimental material,

nature will take it's course and the experimental material will die out.




The Atomisation of British Society has taken place.


The selfishness which has been unleashed is now manifest and has created an "All Against All" politcal and social environment.

No families, no common bonds or national institutions.


The only forces now officially permitted to exist and encouraged to function by the new "Progressive" State are power and money and of course, subservience

(not least the bearing and wearing of it's Mark) to the State itself.

It is Mutually Assured Destruction.






If Not Now, Then When ?



 There remains one obstacle to the experimental material and it's effects and the complete eradication of what was the British and their nation state Great Britain.




Wake Up The Nation

Millions refuse to get the experimental jab including millions of under 21s.

Millions of all ages are recognising the LIE of the past 60 years.

Millions reject the "Conservative" and Labour and SNP Agenda of Selfishness, Materialism and Degeneracy.








The Mask decrees are intended to atomise British society

by preventing the reading of (and uniqueness and beauty) of the human face.

The political purpose of the mask is to divide society, facilitate a uniformed visage - a blue paper mask - and to prevent common

human recognition.

The human face contains a signature of the individual.

It is vital for society (to establish trust and function) to be able to read the human face.

The godless "Conservative" and Labour and SNP etc parties represent the new supranational state and wish to destroy trust in

national society and fashion a dependence on the new state.












The "Conservative" and Labour establishment are intent on injecting an experimental material into British children.

Rule 1 Never release an experimental material into the general population

Rule 2 Never, Ever experiment on children.


The Rubicon.


“Despotic governments can stand 'moral force' till the cows come home; what they fear is physical force.”

George Orwell













"Get Out Of My City"*


The new supranational state that replaced the United Kingdom on 23rd of March 2020

intends to hold it's first public conference (A conference of "useful idiots") in Glasgow.


In the middle of an - official - "pandemic" that continues with more "cases" and a higher attributed daily death rate than last year,

the "Conservative" sub state government has decided to host a Climate Change conference (no zoom meetings for them) in November D.V.


Having flown thousands of miles, over 27,000 foreign delegates and thousands more (media and demonstraters etc) will be permitted

to enter into central Glasgow, with no compulsory medical vetting, no lockdowns, no track and trace, and no "vaccine" controls for them.


Glaswegian's remain required to wear masks and continue to be  - directed - into taking an experimental material injection.



"City Dweller"

The Fall








convene a "climate change


Shock Therapy





The total power of the the "Conservative" and Labour and SNP establishment (including commerce)

has now been deployed in getting an uneccesary experimental material injected into the greatest number of the population.


It is not the just the specific demographic that was vulnerable to Covid 19 - a low to medium virus (the over 80s in care homes)

that the experimental injection has been targetted at, it has been targetted to every demographic including children. 


It is claimed that about 60-70 % of the adult population has been now beeen willingly injected.

The rollout has broken two rules that must apply to experimental medicine:


1 Never experiment on the general population (laboratories exist for a reason)


2 Never, Ever experiment on children.


The godless establishment are not bound by any consideration other than their own personal political power and money.

They will inject anyone with anything if it provides them with power and money.


Neither is an experimental injection, a political "nudge" to get the population confident again to enter social settings

(after being subject to a year of psychological warfare by the Establishment apparatus),

a national placebo - a free packet of aspirins, a pint of beer or a packet of cigarettes, could have done that,

 all of them with known and accepted risk ratios without the use of an experimental injection.


No - the government activated the public rollout of a highly experimental injected material

with one singular purpose, it has been to alter the biological coding composition of the general population

into something that it was not but - according to official numbers - now largely is.


The 60 year old Liberal/"Progressive" descent of the United Kingdom into the Final Dissolution of 2020

(identified and recorded by for the past 10 years at this website)

is now complete.


The new state has emerged - AstraZenecaland.

The United Kingdom (c) is now a (legacy) brand name of AstraZeneca  - the patent holder on behalf of the Supranational State Power.


There remains one obstacle to the experimental material and it's effects and the complete eradication of what was the British and their nation state Great Britain.


The experimental injection has been resisted by about 30-40 % of the population, most of wich is under 30.

(in many cities and towns the injection has been resisted by about 50% of the general population including Glasgow, Sheffield (Parts of Sheffield have a rate of only 32% for the first injection) and Liverpool).


It is this resistance (largely from the working class and young) that has driven the increasingly desperate attempts by the "Conservative" and Labour Establishment

to get people injected - especially the under thirties - the reproductive pool is key and the goverment knows this.


It is this demographic that contains the greater number of the reproductive pool (about 70%) of the British.

Providing that this - healthy - reproductive pool remains free of the experimental material,

nature will take it's course and the experimental material will die out.





The Mark


Year 2 of the new Epoch.


The Mark has been issued and new state has emerged.

The United Kingdom (c) is now a (legacy) brand name of AstraZeneca  - the patent holder.


The patent holder on behalf of the new Supranational State.



There are many jabbed and even unjabbed today who deny that the United Kingdom has dissolved,

they prefer to comfort and pre-occupy themselves with diversions of all kinds.

It has gone and is no more.

 (It exists now only in the memory of the British - those that are left and who gather like an undergroud ressistance in the wastelands of the new state).


The United Kingdom finally dissolved - after a 60 year old descent - on the 23rd of March 2020.

At commonrepresentatation we prefer to be candid about what has happenened to the United Kingdom

no matter how difficult it is to bear (practically and emotionally) and describe.

We have done this now for over 10 years.


For those who still believe that the the United Kingdom exists, let them point to it, where is it ?

Is it in a homogenuous population (a tribe with a territory), No,

a national established Christian Church , No,

what about common social bonds, No,

then is it to be found in any of the following:

Widespread Christian marriage, No,

perhaps the protection of life by rejecting abortion and euthanasia, No,

the securing of a stable society by rejecting divorce, No,

ok then, widespread membership of independent voluntary organisations, No,

A singular and integral national government, absolutely not, No,

A loyal and competent civil service and local goverment, No chance,

Family enterprise and local and regional shops, No,

Indigenous Art including British music, performance, painting and architecure, No,

Independent broadcasting and digital inovation, No,

An Army, Air Force and Navy (rather than a defence force of under 70,000), No,

A Free Press, No,

A Maritime fleet, No,

National Industry, No,

Nationalised Industry, No,

A national border, No,

A local GP, The NHS (both replaced by political decree and the the pursuit of money), No,

Schools, colleges, and universities (rather than indocrination camps), No,

National (rather than nationless) Sport, Philosphy, Medicine, Engineering, Exploration, Science, Commerce, Agriculture, Fishing, Diplomacy, all again, No,

or perhaps policing, No, - that policeman bearing down a truncheon upon you (while surrounded by his collegues in a public space), is not a British policeman, he is a Supranational State policeman -

and on and on it goes, the United Kingdom has gone.

  After 60 years of preparing, it finally comitted national suicide in 2020.


Britain has been replaced by a godless hetrogenuous sub state in thrall to the new supranational - global - state.


If you still doubt any of this, this then take a walk down any street in any city or town centre's across the former UK

and you will see the new arrivals (overwhelmingly men of conscription age) from Africa and Asia and further afield.


 You are now in the New State.



Who Are You ?



A nation rots from the inside.


there are now more "Covid" dead now than lastAugust


There are many jabbed and even unjabbed today who deny that the United Kingdom has dissolved

they prefer to comfort themselves with the legacy trademarks of the UK - those that are still visible.


It has gone and is no more.

 (It exists now only in the memory of the British - those that are left and who exist in the twilight and wastelands of the new state).


The United Kingdom finally dissolved - after a 60 year old descent - on the 23rd of March 2020.

At commonrepresentatation we prefer to be candid about what has happenened to the United Kingdom

no matter how difficult it is to bear (practically and emotionally) and describe.

We have done this now for over 10 years.


For those who still believe that the the United Kingdom exists, let them point to it, where is it ?

Is it in the established Christian Protestant Church No Common social bonds No, Common Christian marriage No, A defence of life by rejecting abortion No, A defence of a stable society by rejecting divorce No,

Widespread membership of independdent voluntary organisations No, A singular and integral national government No, A competent and loyal civil service and local goverment No

family enterprise and local and regional shops, Indigenous art including British music, painting and architecure No

Armed Forces of national strentgh No, A Maritime fleet No, National Industry No, Public infrastructure No, Nationalised Industry No, A national border No

A local GP, The NHS No and No again, schools colleges and universities No, academia, art, sport, philosphy, medicine, engineering all No again,

science, commerce, agriculture, fishing, diplomacy,or perhaps policing

(no, that policeman bearing down a truncheon on you  he is not a British policeman, he is an AstraZeneca policeman) the answer is No, and on and on it goes.


No, in all of these fields of activity Britain has gone. It is History.

Britain has been replaced by a godless hetrogeuous sub state in thrall to the new supranational global state.

If you still doubt this then take a walk down any central street in any city or town across the former UK

and you will see the new arrivals (overwhelmingly men of conscription age) from Africa and Asia and further afield.


You are now in a the suprnational state called AstraZenecaland.



That Was Then And This Is Now


The Now go back to work or whatever


Dont talk about the 

The purpose of the 2020-2021 activity was to get the jab in THE GENERAL POPULATION,

facilitate mass immigration, and "complete the social and economic "Transformation (restructuring) of the former United Kingdom.

Atomisation of the social bonds, mass imigration, reconfiguration of the urban centre's (unitisation of urban space for the new arrivals).

The Shock Therapy has worked.

The economic and social doctrine of Disruptive Theory (Essentially knock it down - any Christian settled nation) has been let loose by the "Progressive"/Liberal agents of the new Supranational State

as it oversees massive population transfers into the former UK.






Just like that the pandemics "over". Except it's not.

The jab pandemic is forever.







14th August 2021

 The Mark


We are now in year 2 of the AstraZeneca State that replaced the United Kingdom on the 23rd of March 2020.


The new godless ("Progressive"/Liberal State - 60 years in the making) demands

Submission, Fealty and and most of all, that you carry it's Mark.


The injection is a political injection - an acceptance of the Liberal /"Progressive" establishment decrees.

It is not a medical injection.



Millions are Rejecting the Injection.

You Are Not Alone.





14th August 2021

 Who Are You ?






 14th August 2021




14th August 2021


There are many jabbed and even unjabbed today who deny that the United Kingdom has dissolved

they prefer to comfort themselves with the legacy trademarks of the UK - those that are still visible.


It has gone and is no more.

 (It exists now only in the memory of the British - those that are left and who exist in the twilight and wastelands of the new state).


The United Kingdom finally dissolved - after a 60 year old descent - on the 23rd of March 2020.

At commonrepresentatation we prefer to be candid about what has happenened to the United Kingdom

no matter how difficult it is to bear (practically and emotionally) and describe.

We have done this now for over 10 years.


For those who still believe that the the United Kingdom exists, let them point to it, where is it ?

Is it in the established Christian Protestant Church No Common social bonds No, Common Christian marriage No, A defence of life by rejecting abortion No, A defence of a stable society by rejecting divorce No,

Widespread membership of independdent voluntary organisations No, A singular and integral national government No, A competent and loyal civil service and local goverment No

family enterprise and local and regional shops, Indigenous art including British music, painting and architecure No

Armed Forces of national strentgh No, A Maritime fleet No, National Industry No, Public infrastructure No, Nationalised Industry No, A national border No

A local GP, The NHS No and No again, schools colleges and universities No, academia, art, sport, philosphy, medicine, engineering all No again,

science, commerce, agriculture, fishing, diplomacy,or perhaps policing

(no, that policeman bearing down a truncheon on you  he is not a British policeman, he is an AstraZeneca policeman) the answer is No, and on and on it goes.


No, in all of these fields of activity Britain has gone. It is History.

Britain has been replaced by a godless hetrogeuous sub state in thrall to the new supranational global state.

If you still doubt this then take a walk down any central street in any city or town across the former UK

and you will see the new arrivals (overwhelmingly men of conscription age) from Africa and Asia and further afield.


You are now in a the suprnational state called AstraZenecaland.




The Liberal Disease

The Mark



No More Tolerance




Liberals Vs British Christian Constitution



Kids 2



Internal Border Facility




Jibby Jab Job



The Time Machine


On 23rd of March 2020 the United Kingdom

returned to 1647 prior to the Treaty of Westphalia.


The Treaty established the Protestant principal of national authority

rather than the singular supranational authority of the Roman Cotholic Church.


On the 23rd of March 2020 the United Kingdom finally dissolved and it's territory returned to submission

under a supranational authority, this time under the control of secular corportism fronted, as ever by

the "Conservative" and Labour Establishment.


The Conservative Party was conveniently elected in December 2019

- the first "Covid case (a tourist) was recorded in York on 30th January 2020 - with a 80 seat majority.







(Close of Play)


Having confined the population of Glasgow to their homes for over a year atomised thero common social bonds, destrooyed their economy

and then injected two thirds of them with an experimental material

the AstraZenieca government of Johnson/Sturgeon has decided to drop over 25,000 foriegners into the city with no medical checks required.


All of this is to facilitate a "Climate Change" conference in the middle of the city.


This conference is not taking place digitally it is to take place physically.

Over 25,000 delegates are to convene to decide the furure laws that will regulate AstraZeneca including the former United Kingdom.

The conference represents the high caste of the new global state.


The old and new offices that litter what was Glasgow the Second city of the Empire are now reconfigured or being reconfigured into singularised accomodation units - hotel rooms- while the new staff who will serve the delegates learn English they will also be available for deliveroo and the other gig services alternatively they - they are 99% male - can take advantage of the street corner labour exchanges widely located across the city.

The Forbidden Zone


The Name and The Thing

Altered State

Constellation and Consolidation

 The Missing Link

No Man's Land

The Census

The Covid Census



Genetic Engineering

 Self Immolation

The Rubicon

Into Battle

The Land That Time Forgot

 The Magical Covid Mystery Tour


100 Years of Legislative Devolution

Here I Stand

10 Year

Going Back


The Pied Piper

The Experiment

Prince Philip



 "And More Dangerous From Here On In Probably"





a material or structure formed from a mass of fragments or particles loosely compacted together.
"the specimen is an aggregate of rock and mineral fragments"

60 Years in The Making

The Dissolution of the United Kingdom (under the pretext of "Covid") on the 23rd of March 2020 was 60 years in the making.




European Economic Community

Legislative Devolution

Northern Ireland

(Legislative Devolution, Proportional Representation" and - permitted interference - by the Irish Republic)


Welsh "Parliament"



The Mark

The Mar is a Political Mark.


It is the Act of Submission to the New Godless State (60 years in the making).



The atomisation of British Society has taken place.

The selfisness which is now manifest has created an "All Against All" collection of individuals.

No families no common social bonds or serious public institutions.

The only forces now - officially permitted - to exist are power and money.

It is Mutually Assured Destruction.






BUP emerging wether you like it or not....................................


The End of Tolerance




It should not be that much of a surprise that having endorsed the killing of over 9 million British children in the womb

that the the population of the former United Kingdom should endorse the injection of an experimental material into the under 18s.

The post Christian society that has emerged in the past 60 years is driven by selfishness.

The children (the under 18s) are the final sacrifice of the secular adults that abandoned the British Christian Constitution in order to gain adult pleasure, materialiaism and consumption of the past 60 years.

The conspicuous

Houses, car




"Bonfire of Teenagers"

Morrissey is one of the few artists prepared to speak for British interests and British culure.

Morrissey's new album - if he can get a record company to release it is called "Bonfire Of Teenagers".

It seems an appropriate title.


We should not be to surprised if at all by the mass experimental injection of children to "protect" adults

The official injection of an experimental material into British children (including teenagers) is a natural follow on from the abortion programme that has killed 9 million British children since 1967.

Covid 19 has a near to zero effect on children.

The risk ratio of Covid 19 to the experimental inection is overwhelmingly against children - under 18 - getting the injection.


Children - generally speaking - have a powerful immune system and have no need of the snake oil salesmen of Astra zeneca and Pfizer etc commercial products.

As with abortion, the rollout of the injection into the under 18s is about secular adult pleasure

and the comforting of adults who have taken the injection and who want others especially the vulnerable and to take it.


It is not only a spiritual matter and a temporal metaphysical matter, it is a matter of nature,

it is an inversion of nature - that the young are to be exposed to an unnessesary risk in order to reduce a claimed riskto the adults.


This reflects the godlessness and selfishness of the entire - adult - "progressive" political movement of the past 60 years.

from abortion to divorce to devolution to europeanism to covid.


Do whatever you can to protect the children.




















Re - Opening The Pits

of course when they do re open the pits - as they will -  it will not be British miners that work in them it will be Nigerians, Somali's and Indian's that work in them.

AstraZenecaland is an equal opportunities employer.





 Oh Dear Oh Well Nevermind



"...and more dangerous from here on in probably..."

13.10 min


Morrisey Live at the Hollywood Bowl



("Yellowcard" is the "UK" governments own Covid 19 "vaccine" Adverse Reactions database)


Dead 1470

Adverse Reactions over 1 million





The total power of the the "Conservative" and Labour and SNP Establishment (including commerce)

is now deployed in getting an uneccesary experimental material injected into the greatest number of the population.


It is not the just the specific demographic that was vulnerable to Covid 19 - a low to medium (the over 80s in care homes) that the experimental injection has been targetted at

but to every demographic including children. 


It is estimated that about 60-70 % of the adult population has been now beeen willingly injected.

The rollout has broken two rules that must apply to experimental medicine:


1 Never experiment on the general population - that is why laboratories exist


2 Never, Ever experiment on children.


The godless establishment are not bound by any consideration other than their own personal political power and money.

They will inject anyone with anything if it provides them with power and money.


Neither is an experimental injection, a political "nudge" to get the population confident again to enter social settings

(after being subject to a year of psychological warfare by the Establishment apparatus),

a national placebo - a free packet of aspirins, a pint of beer or a packet of cigarettes, could have done that,

 all of them with known and accepted risk ratios without the use of an experimental injection.


No - the government activated the public rollout of a highly experimental injected material

with one singular purpose that we know of so far (the experimental injections are only months old),

it has been to alter the biological coding composition of the general population

into something that it was not but now - largely is.


The 60 year old Liberal/"Progressive" descent of the United Kingdom into the Dissolution of 2020

(identified and recorded by for the past 10 years at this website)

has now been completed.

The United Kingdom (c) is now a (legacy) brand name of AstraZeneca  - the patent holder.


There remains one obstacle to the experimental material and it's effects and the complete eradication of what was the British and their nation state Great Britain.


The experimental injection has been resisted by about 25-30% of the population, most of wich is under 30.

(in many cities and towns the injection has been resisted by about 50% of the general population including Glasgow, Sheffield (Parts of Sheffield have a rate of only 32% for the first injection) and Liverpool).

 It is this resistance (largely from the working class and young) that has driven the increasingly desperate attempts by the "Conservative" and Labour Establishment

to get people injected especially the under thirties - the reproductive pool is key and the goverment knows this.


It is this demographic that contains the greater number of the reproductive pool (about 70%) of Britain.

Providing that this - healthy - reproductive pool remains free of the experimental material, nature will take it's course and the experimental material will die out.







There are many jabbed and even unjabbed today who deny that the United Kingdom has dissolved, has gone and is no more.


The United Kingdom finally dissolved - after a 60 year old descent - on the 23rd of March 2020.

At commonrepresentatation we prefer to be candid about what has happenened to the United Kingdom no matter how difficult it is to bare (practically and emotionally) and describe.

We have done this now for over 10 years.


Those who still believe that the the United Kingdom exists then let them point to it

is it in the established Christian Protestant Church - No

common social bonds




voluntary organisations

family firms regional or nation businesses




a maratime fleet

a local constabulary


the NHS

a local family GP

local schools colleges or where is it????

common groups, organisations or insitutions

no it has gone all of it.

the all embracing new state, where women are men and men and men are women has a name it is AstraZenecaland.

The Conservative and Labour parties brought it into existence on the votes of the British people That is the line of authority.

It is a line of authority that is confirmed by the Mark of alligence.


Do not deny it.


For it is only the British now that can destroy it.







The rollout has altered the genetic composition of a large part (about 60-70 of the population).





Brand Name UK(c)

(c) AstraZenecaland

The 60 year old "Progresssive" political attack on the United Kingdom that has culminated in the Dissolution of 2020










The delivery mechanism of the material MRNA and the Vector method intrude into the highly sensitive DNA field of the physical composition

and the material carried indicates an alteration of the relationship between bld cells and other elements


It is not a low to medium (for the over eighties) that has required an experimentalmaterial to be injected into the general population.

It is the godless "Conservative" and Labour Establishment that has required that.

The injection is a political injection that has biological effects and it is a biological injection that has political effects.







The Liberal Disease 


It was not a low to medium - for the over eitghies- coronovirus virus that finally dissolved British society it was the Liberal Desease.


the 60 year old Liberal Revolution not a Coronovirus (a low to medium virus) that has shattered British society and it's economy.



The Liberal/"Progressive" Establishment have not only permitted Covid 19 to enter the United Kingdom but have used it to further their totalitarian agenda.




From the hollowing out of Britain (morally and socially and industrially) to immigration, the accumulation of Liberal policies are now taking their full toll upon the United Kingdom.



The Liberal Template


The United Kingdom is now being Super-re-configured into the "Progressive" Template of  a multi-cultural, identyless secular state.


The United Kingdom has been de-nationalised.


More than Covid, more than anything, The United Kingdom receeding into the past by the day through immigration.


The Super-dissolution of the United Kingdom through Covid is permitting society to be Super-re-configured into the "Progressive" template


(promoted by the BBC "Progressive" lense, the Corporate and "Education" sectors  and oversen by the Conservative and Labour Establishment)


in which the British are being de-possessed of their country and the New State is constructed.








Addicted to Liberalism








Through the years we have used the metaphor of a 60 year old party that has come to an end and it is time to sober up, clean up and attend to the fabric and structure of the house.








After 60 years of Liberal/"Progressive" policy, secularism and debt (in all it's forms), Britain is now to addicted to the adult delinquincy, selfishness and materialism that followed.




The British, as we can now see, have put up (so far) with unlimited demands and deprevations in order that the Conservative and Labour Establishment will give them back the addictive substances.












National Suicide








The United Kingdom is receeding into history, day by day through immigration.




The Super-dissolution policies of the United Kingdom (person to person contact, masks etc) and blamed on Covid is permitting society to be Super-re-configured




into the "Progressive" lense and template that is patterned and promoted by the "Progressive" lense of the BBC, Corporatedom, "Education"






The Liberal Template


The United Kingdom is now being Super-re-configured into the "Progressive" Template of  a multi-cultural, identyless secular state.


The United Kingdom has been de-nationalised.


More than Covid, more than anything, The United Kingdom receeding into the past by the day through immigration.


The Super-dissolution of the United Kingdom through Covid is permitting society to be Super-re-configured into the "Progressive" template


(promoted by the BBC "Progressive" lense, the Corporate and "Education" sectors  and oversen by the Conservative and Labour Establishment)


in which the British are being de-possessed of their country and the New State is constructed.






Stockholm Syndrome


The British are held captive, not in the Kreditbanken building in Stockholm but in their own country.


Their captor's: Johnson, Drakeford and Sturgeon and the rest (the entire 60 year old Liberal/"Progressive establisment) offering occasional mercy  - in return for "compliance" - in the Rubik's Cube of the Covid Tier Systems.














Stockholm Syndrome




The British are to be grateful to Johnson and Sturgeon and Drakeford and the rest for their occasional mercy in allowing them to visit a pub that sells a pint before 6pm or walk up a supermarket aisle that sells an Enid Blyton book.


The captor toys with the captives.




 Hollow Britain and Covid


All the essential elements that would have made Britain able to endure the deprivations of today have been thrown away by the "Conservative" and Labour parties over the past 60 years.


The Chrtistian national established (in every parish) church. thrown away to secularism.


Family and social bonds thrown away to divorce and abortion.


National industry thrown awsay to the finance (debt) and "service" sector


British Army now a micro army of 68-75 000.








Threw It All Away



Let's Dance


The Covid "Conservative" and Labour Establishment

have demanded that simply to dance British young folk have to take an experimental injection says

No Injection, Let's Dance

Well Known Unionist David Bowie says:

"Let's Dance"













Tonight the Conservative and Labour establishment declared that they will force the young people and children of the United Kingdom

to be injected with an experimental material.


This force includes mandatory injections to enter nightclubs, concerts and festivals.


"I don't mind doing for the kids"









jib jabdouble jibjabjabby jab jibjob jabjibdouble doublejibbyjabby jabjobjibjabby jibjobdouble jibjab. Treble








The Forbidden Zone


Hiding away at home under the blankets of final salary pensions, WFH and "Furlough"

(all public money) the "Golden Agers" (those now retiring or retired who benefitted from Christian, Industrial, Integrated Britain 1960-2020)

and the new self appointed WFH middle class (only the working class now - go out - to work)

seldom if at all enter the Forbidden Zone.


In AstraZenecaland (the territory previously known as the United Kingdom) the cities and towns are now wastelands of the previous now dead society.

They are now large museums of a society that simply committed suicide.


Those "Golden Agers" and the rest, who do enter the cities and towns,

conveniently mentally filter out the strange masks, behaviour and different foriegn occupied territories that they go through to get to them,

then just like the "old days", they can shop and have lunch - providng of  course,

that they ignore that the waiter serving them their food and drink has a mask.


"You might not like what you find"

Dr Zaius

"Planet of the Apes"








Despite being  - "fully jabbed/Double jabbed" they











 The British - what is left of them - must now carry the Memory of Britain and what it meant.

It is in that memory and in the passing on of that memory from generation to generation that Britain, Great Britain now lives.

It is all that is left...for now.



Fake Exit and Covid

(It Didn't Matter)



The unessecary (BUT VOTED FOR BY Conservative and Labour parties) geneeral election (ON 9TH dECEMBER 2019

permitted the Conservative government to conclude it's agreement with the EU ON 24 JAN 2020









hand of history

modern guy


About one third of the British have refused to submit to the experimental injection.

This number includes the largest part of the reproductive pool.

it is for this reason that the establishment have doubledowned on their propaganda.

If They








The British - what is left of them - must now carry the Memory of Britain and what it meant.

It is in that memory and in the passing on of that memory from generation to generation that Britain, Great Britain now lives.

 It is all that is left.






A Covenanter Soldier



Genetically Modified







the entire apparatus of the 60 prg mov

since 23 3 20

has been to inject an exp mat into a large part of the ukp


new state.







 National Digital Control




Facial signature


By Appointment


The Soveriegn of the UK has referred to the NHS as plural not singular

but more importantly the "four nations" of the United Kingdom.

 (The Soveriegn was crowned the Queen of a singular United Kingdom in 1953 - there has been no legislation to alter this nomenclature)


Since the Glorious Revolution 1688-1690, the Crown has been offered to the King/Queen on strict written Christian constitutional terms

(singular constitutional terms since 1707)

- a contract -

it remains on offer ONLY on a contractual basis,

a contract that CAN be withdrawn by the British Parliament.












who are these nations this implies the uk is not a nation but a sconfederation of nations

this means hm is nhss 4 nations


-The Drug Dealers-


You Choose

great_britain_uj[1]                                 az

Choose Life







Drug Addict

A person who is addicted to a particular substance, typically an illegal drug.

Oxford Dictionary


The experimental injection now being promoted by the drug dealing establishment

of the "Conservative" Labour and SNP (AKA the 60 year old "progressive establishment)



Introducing Astraland




The 60 year old dissolution of the United Kingdom

leading to the complete (secular) atomisation of British society in 2020 has delivered an all against all society in which selfishness and a rejection of the collective common  aspects (including duties and rights)

of  nationhood have been neglaected, discarded and laughed at.



The outcome of this atomisation 

(and endorsed by a large part of the electorate - by voting for the "Conservative", Labour, SNP and other Covid establishment parties)

is Mutually Assured Destruction - the kind that you are seeing in the  streets today disstressed and disrupted. 



(and the unitisation of commerce)





The Name and The Thing


At last, at least, we now have a name for the 60 year old project to hollow out Christian, Industrial Britain

and replace it with a new secular, hetrogenuous, globalised, corporate state in 2020:





 It is only right that the nomenclature of the new state is AstraZenecaland (Astraland).

It is the root name of the experimental material injected into the majority of the over 18 population of the former United Kingdom in the belief it will save them and protect them

from a low to medium coronovirus that has a 99% recovery rate in the general population and deliver them back into a 60 year old pleasuredome.

 "Astra" meaning "Star".

- "Zeneca" - is an invented name, invented by the branding company Interbrand.

Interbrand had been given the remit by the demerging bio-science group of activities

from British company ICI - Imperial Chemicals Industries - during the Great Dissolution of British Industry (1960-1989 ),

to invent a name that started with either the first or last letter of the alphabet

phonetically memorable, a maximum of thre syllables and with no offensive meaning.


  In 1993, the de-merging chemical enity from ICI, now a company comprising pharmaceutical bio-science businesses: pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals biological seeds and specialities items

into a separate company called Zeneca (a bit like the privatisation of DERA (Defence, Evaluation, Research, Agency)

from the Ministry of Defence, that became the QinetiQ formed 2001 and Floated 2008

QINETIQ ~ (another one of the unspellable and unpronounceable generic and nebulous companies that has emerged)

is an another invented name.

"Qi" is meant to reflect the company's energy (apparently), "net" its networking ability ! and "iq" its intellectual resource (it is claimed)


The name was adopted in early 2001 at a price of about £400,000. 

Zeneca then merged with Astra AB (Swedish pharma company 1999) to form AstraZeneca


In the AstraZenecaland pleasuedome men are women and women are men.

There are no families and no nation only individuals work/consumption units and the state.


In AstraZenecaland children are adults and adults are children.

In Astraland White is Black and Black is Black.


All of this has happened, not through an armed revolution by the "Conservative" and Labour party establishment

but through electoral force - by the electorate time and again voting for these parties and their policies.


Welcome To The Pleasure Dome


"I have it, so I market it,

You really can't afford it, you really can't afford it."














Internal Border Facility

The contract for the construction of an IBF at Cairnryan between op of the uk and another has been made public.

There must be no internal border inside the Nation.

It's construction must be prevented.







"You've Lost, I've Won"


 "we will be strong"






The Rules

1 Follow Nature as much as possible.

2 Never experiment in the general population.

3 Never, Ever experiment on children.


“The supreme function of statesmanship is to provide against preventable evils.”
― Enoch Powell, Enoch Powell's "Rivers of Blood" Speech 1968


National Covid Institute

med soc econ





“As I look ahead, I am filled with foreboding. Like the Roman, I seem to see "the River Tiber foaming with much blood.”
― Enoch Powell

PayYour Rates

While the working class are driven physically out to work for the new WFH class and of course the Golden Agers

(those now retiring or retired that have selfishly lived off Britian's Christian, homogenuous integrated and stable society while voting for

the degenerateConservative and Labour establishment)

It is time for them to pay up in reparation for the covid dump that they have left the young British to live in.

Taxes must be placed on annual pensions over 20,000.

Taxes must be placed on houses over 100,000.

Taxes must be placed onWFH.

Most employment conracts were struck pre-covid on the basis that the employee physically attended a worplace, that has been unilaterally changed to WFH with no reference to those employees who are by the same contracts now are called to the workplace.

This is DISCRIMINATION in yer face.

Those who do not work from home must be paid more and the are entitled top compensation for attending the workplace since 23rd of March 2020.

Also consistantly opposed the Premiership of Theresa May however on the matter of the rich paying for their medical and welfare provision the (initial) Conservative Party

Manifesto of 2017 did go in the right direction by floating the idea that on death total assets (with an exemption of up to £100,000) would go to the state in payment.




Choose Life

hazy lazy

Altered State


The ratio of risk between Covid 19

(over 99% recovery rate in the general populationand even higher - Near zero - in children)

and the risk of the "vaccine"

(unknown and untested in the standard - new vaccine trial -safety protocols (including standard timeframe of vaccine development)

is overwhelmingly in favor of NOT getting the injection IE you do not need it.

Even without "Lockdown" (the formal atomisation of British society and it's economy

the rollout of of an experimental matarial injection in the British general population and most of all into the reproductive pool is a metaphysical event

it is the genetic alteration of the national population.coral the young like sheep and in

All the usual suspects of the 60 year old progressive movement

(the media, the professions, the public sector, oncluding the armed forces, education, NHS and commerce etc)

are directed towards getting the "jab" into the entire population but most of all the reproductive pool for without the experimental material getting into that pool (the young) the material will not replicate but will die out.

It is essential that a predominate number of the young reject the "jab".

The numbers indicate a lrage number are rejecting it and that is why the establishment have doubledown on the propaganda to coral the young like sheep and inject them.

Providing enough young people do not get the injection the entire Covid Project will fail.

The Covid "jab" is not like other injections it has not been identififed for a particular medical demographic but for the general population.


The Rules

1 Follow Nature as much as possible.

2 Never experiment in the general population.

3 Never, Ever experiment on children.


Please visit YELLOWCARD (the goverment's "vaccine" adverse reaction website)

Below is a link to UK Column's website (an independent news organisation) which makes navigating the governments YELLOWCARD website easier

 Make your own independent judgement.






You Are Not Alone.


The COVID "JAB" is a political "jab", it is for a political purpose.

It is to facilitate a new State.



1 Follow Nature.

2 Never experiment in the general population.

3 Never, Ever, Ever experiment in children.


Please visit YELLOWCARD (the goverment's "vaccine" adverse reaction website)

Below is a link to UK Column's website (an independent news organisation) which makes navigating the governments YELLOWCARD website easier


Make your own independent judgement.

You Are Not Alone.







Constellation and Consolidation


At the start of the 20th century, a constellation of political, social and economic interests across the nation gathered together and formed the Labour Party. 

The Labour Party replaced the Liberal Party as one of the two principal parties that naturally form in our parliamentary representative democracy in the House of Commons.


Today a political constellation of interests, organisations and political parties exist that wish to see the Covid "Progressive" Eststablishment ended

and Britain restored as a nation state.


This constellation has gathered on the highest possible ground, the very existence of the nation.

It is now time for this constellation to recognise itself and consolidate.


If not, the new Covid state will be confirmed by injection and the absence of opposition.





Covid, Imigration and Devolution and Europe, indeed the entire policy agenda of the past 60 years has atomised and dissolved the United Kingdom.

 It is now time for this new constellation to recognise itself and gather and consolidate in one national political party staffed by a cadre of competent experienced, independent men,

in order that it can offer a broad manifesto of national restoration to the British in a general election.




The Kids

One of the prime features of the "progressive" political movement over the past 60 years has been it's disregard for the young and for children.

Wether Abortion, Divorce or the Covid injection the young and children have paid the price for adult selfishness.


The Rules

Rule 1 Secure the perimeter immediately should any internal/external national threat emerge.

Rule 2 Never, experiment in the general population (always experiment in a closed environment (a laboratory).

Rule 2 Never, Ever, experiment on children.

These three rules have been broken by the establishment that governs in the United Kingdom.




we hold the opinion that a new strain of flu entered the United Kingdom between 2019-2020.


This new strain has been used as a cover to inect the general population with experimental material - the "vaccine" is still on trial (a live trial - now in the general population)

while the phamacalogical companies that produced them Astra Zenica etc have been indemnified against any hostile court cases regarding the material.


The under 30's - the reproductive pool of Britian - are alright, they do not need an experimental material injected into them.

 Covid 19 (a low to medium virus) has a recovery rate of over 99% in the general population and it is higher again in the under 30 population.

They do not need it and neither do you.


It is a policy to alter the British genetic reproductive pool through an experimental injection.

 Do whatever you can to oppose it.





The ratio of risk between Covid and the experimental material being injected is overwhelmingly in favor of NOT being injected


The Kids

The 60 year old degenerate establishment intend to experiment on British children.

The under 30's - the reproductive pool of Britian - are alright, they do not need an experimental material injected into them.

 Covid 19 (a low to medium virus) has a recovery rate of over 99% in the general population and it is higher again in the under 30 population.

It is a policy to alter the British genetic reproductive pool through an experimental injection.

 Do whatever you can to oppose it.



for the under 30s 


 The of age consent is 18 at commonrepresentation we believe it should be 21.


just say no



When the Kids are united



material (unknown) element.


 17th June 2021


How To Escape

A 3 Part Series by


Part 1 

No Man's Land

The removal of competent, serious, experienced, masculine, mature, independent men from national life

(down coal pits or in power stations, making cars, or in regiments of the British Army etc)

has been a central part of the 60 year old political revolution that led to the Dissolution of Britain in 2020.


lt is only through the gathering of these type of men (the opposite of the current governing caste)

today in a new (single) national political party that offers,

the only way, peacefully, to defeat the Covid Establishment and restore Great Britain as a Nation - Whole and Free.







 17th June 2021


How To Escape

A 3 Part Series by


Part 1 

No Man's Land

The removal of competent, serious, experienced, masculine, mature, independent men from national life

(down coal pits or in power stations, making cars, or in regiments of the British Army etc)

has been a central part of the 60 year old political revolution that led to the Dissolution of Britain in 2020.


lt is only through the gathering of these type of men (the opposite of the current governing caste)

today in a new (single) national political party that offers,

the only way, peacefully, to defeat the Covid Establishment and restore Great Britain as a Nation - Whole and Free.






The "Conservative" Party

(and the other 60 year old Regressive Establishment organisations: Labour, SNP, CBI, TUC, Church of England, Church of Scotland etc)

policy to push experimental drugs into the under 30 population continues.


The under 30's contain the genetic reproductive pool of Britain, they do not need the experimental injections.

The Ratio of Risk of Covid 19 (a low to medium virus which has a recovery rate of over 99% in the general population and it is higher again in the under 30 population - near zero in children)

to the unknown risk of the experimental material in the injection is in predominately in favour of the reproductive pool not getting the injection.

They do not need it.

They thankfully have natural ressistance.

They must be protected.

It is The Rubicon.

The "vaccine" has led to over 1,000 are dead and over 500,000 have had an adverse reation (including Blindness) as a result of the experimental drugs policy of enforced by the "Conservative" Party

and the rest of the Regressive Establishment. According to the official numbers on the

governments own YELLOWCARD reaction monitor system.

 The independent news organisation UK Column has made navigating the government YELLOWCARD database easy and it can be found at


This is a political injection not a medical injection.







If you have never been political then be political now.

Be active at whatever level you can if  you cannot physically be political on the streets then give money or contribute digitally to those who make a stand.

There is something you can do.

 Doing It For The Kids







If The Kids Are United







Self Immolation


The self immolation of Britain (including recently at the ballot box, reflects the consequence of the secularisation of Britain

(a 60 year old walk away from it's established Christian Protestant religion) and the abandonment of (the serious duties and responsibilities of) Nationhood.


The population, generally speaking are now driven  not by Faith but by Fear (and it's attendant impluse to Submit and Divert)

and not by Selflessness but Selfishness (and it's attendant impulse to Submit and Divert). 

In politics this means that The AstraZenica Party (Conservative, Labour, SNP etc) win everywhere.


We are still in the early days of the New Epoch, the New State and the New Soveriegn.

The population is still in a state of shock, they (with exceptions) cannot quite believe what they have done and indeed they prefer not to think about what they have done.

They doubledown on their votes for the "Conservative" Party the Labour Party and the SNP and the rest.


For many, the Golden Agers in particular

(those who benefitted from Great Britain as a Christian, homogenuous, integrated and industrial society and it's legacy through the past 60 years) 

conveniently, cannot see and do not want to see what they have done, they do not venture out too far, the golf club and the garden centre are close by and there is no need to enter the Forbbiden Zone

to witness the urban carnage that they have authorised with their selfishness, neglect and votes for the Conservative and Labour parties over the past 60 years.

That is for The Kids to deal with not them.


The Fear is now generated by the thunderclap of the metaphysical event that has happened.


It is not some abstract theory that Britain was altered on the 23rd of March 2020, it has happened

(socially, economically and now (if the mass experimental drug substantially enters the reproductive pool (the under 30's) - genetically),

the degenerate "Liberal" forces of the last third of the 20th century

fully and finally burst into power on that date and asserted and claimed their Power.


The Fear now originates from a creeping doubting sense in the population that they have done something that they should not have done but they do not want to say what it is

( have said it for 10 year - they have thrown away their country and it's institutions which had protected them),

they believe that if they do not say it or do not vote for a party that does say it then it will not have happened - but it has.


 In many ways this is a primal reaction - pre-religion - that if only they do not use words to describe something that they can see in front of them then it will not exist but of course it still does.

In such a case Submission (followed by Diversions of all kinds) is the default position in relation to the new thing - the New Power, the New State, the New Soveriegn - and there is no better way to

(having encouraged, permitted and facilitated the thing to come into existence in the first place)

than to submit to it, to offer fealty to it and of course, to carry it's mark.





of the new power.

In tumultuos times it is only human to seek solace in diversions both mental and physical.

This explains why a deeply serious 56 year New York man plays the Comedian and




 Old Authority and a new state.







The Bookpeople








 Selfishness, Fear, Diversion





Vichy Britain




British Unionist Party

(Constellation, Consolidation and Cadre)


At the start of the20th century there was a new constellation of interests in the United Kingdom.

As a result of this new constellation taking form, a consolidation of groups and organisations took place and the Labour Party gradually emerged

across the United Kingdom to replace the Liberal Party as one of the two principal parties

(there are naturally two principle parties in our parliamentary representattive democracy)

in the House of Commons.

A cadre of leaders emerged to lead the Labour Party into official opposition and then government.

The national elements that propelled and developed the Labour Party are of a lesser nature than those that exist today

(national existence, response to Covid, immigration, devolution among others).



Today (now in it's 10th year) invites todays new constellation of British interests to consolidate into a single political

party in order to challenge the "progressive"(regressive) "Conservative" and Labour Establishment that has destroyed Britain over the past 60 years.


Across many groups associations and organisations across many matters there is common ground.

It is time to recognise the collective self identity of these organisations and groups

unite in a single political vechile if not all will be lost.

Likewise across many small political parties there are common objectives. It is time to unite these parties in a single political vechile to defeat and

marginalise the Conservative and Labour Parties.

Scottish Family Party, Reclaim Party, Abolish the Scottish Parliament Party, Freedom Association Party, UKIP, Abolish the Welsh Assembly Party,

All For Unity, Reform Party, Libertarian Party etc. 

The new party must have it's roots in the British past and ready to excercise itself today ready to offer a broad national manifesto for national

restoration from Abortion to Defence from Industry to Education and the rest.


In the last 10 years among these groups and parties (and alternative media) a competent, experienced and knowledgeable cadre of potential officers

of the BUP has emerged across the United Kingdom.

They are ready and able to provide local, regional and national (officer) leadership of the BUP.


That party can only be the British Unionist Party.

The BUP has it's roots in the past from the early formation of British identity right (Wyke, Cromwell, Reformation, through the formation legislation of the United Kingdom itself, and into the 20th century when the Conseservative Party could not bring themselves to descibe themselves as British Unionists (1912 Queen's Hall London). 


The Nation now stands at the rubicon between a Christian, Industrial Nation and a Godless, Poverty-stricken Corporate State.

Which side Are You On ?

Are you a British Unionist or are you not?


Stewart Connell








The Kids


The "Conservative" Party (and the other regressive establishment organisations Labour, SNP, CBI, TUC, Church of England, Church of Scotland etc) policy to push experimental drugs into the under 30 population continues.

This population has no need of these drugs.


Covid 19 (a low to medium virus) has a recovery rate of over 99% in the general population and it is higher in the under 30 population.

It is a policy to alter the British genetic reproductive pool through an experimental (unknown) element.


This is a political injection not a medical injection.






If The Kids Are United




The contract for the construction of an IBF at Cairnryan between op of the uk and another has been made public.

It's construction must be resisted.


The Census

"​the process of officially counting something, especially a country’s population, and recording various facts"


"early 17th cent. (denoting a poll tax): from Latin, applied to the registration of citizens and property in ancient Rome, usually for taxation, from censere ‘assess’. The current sense dates from the mid 18th cent."

 Oxford Dictionary


The British Census historically took place across the nation in the second year of each decade ie 1971.

This year on March 22nd the United Kingdom did not have a census.

There was a census in England, Northern Ireland and Wales on that date but not in Scotland.


Rather than measure itself and it's resources as a Nation, a profound political division has taken place in how the United Kingdom administers itself.

Scotland will now have a separate census. This has substantial impact of public planning and especially on the measurement and management of immigration - numbers and density.

 It is another substantial act of dissolution underwritten by the "Conservative" Party (80 majority in the House of Commons).

The reason for the abandonment of a uniform Census is that the "Conservative" and Labour parties support the legislative dissolution of the United Kingdom and the establishment of new statelets.

The "Conservative" Partyis the only party in British history to initiate and legislate for a referendum on the dissolution of the United Kingdom (aka the "Scottish Independence Referendum")

in September the 18th 2014.


The Covid Census

One of the consequences of the "Jab Rollout"

"The great joy of the jab"

BBC Radio 4 "Broadcasting House" Presenter

"Paddy" O'Connell



is that it became a defacto numeric census on the population of the United Kingdom.

The official establishment propaganda is that there is 67 million in the United Kingdom. holds the opinion that there is about 83 million (please research for yourself - supermarket and sewage statistics provide information on macro consumption and waste outflow) asserts that the injected population is lower porportionately than the government numbers suggest in relation to the total population and this is one reason why the government has sought to inject the "unregistered" (illegal immigrants) that are in the country through informal and casual channels ie mobile "jab buses"





he census nationwide no longer takes place.

The Census was the prime measurement of the numbers, concentration and .




"the process of officially counting something, especially a country’s population, and recording various facts" 




The British Census histortook place across the nation.

The census nationwide no longer takes place.

The Census was the prime measurement of the numbers, concentration and .

This year on March 22nd the United Kingdom did not have a census.

There was a census in England, Northern Ireland and Wales on that date.

Scotland will now have a separate census.

It is another substantial act of dissolution all underwritten by the "Conservative Party.



The reason for the abandonment of a uniform Census is that the "Conservative" and Labour parties support the legislative dissolution of the United Kingdom and the establishment of new statelets.

The "Conservative" Partyis the only party in British history to initiate and legislate for a referendum on the dissolution of the United Kingdom (aka the "Scottish Independence Referendum")

in September the 18th 2014



The Magical Covid Mystery Tour


100 Years of Legislative Devolution

Here I Stand

10 Year

Going Back


The Pied Piper

The Experiment

Prince Philip




 ناظم الزهاوي

is the "Conservative" Party Minister for COVID 19 Vaccine Deployment.

He is directing the mass .






 "...and we will be ready to then implement and wether it's vacinating younger cohorts..."


 Get Ready.









Union City

It is Glasgow, that in the past 10 years that has led the reaffirmation of Britain as a Nation.

The renaisence of Britishness since the nadir of comtempt familiarity neglct and taken for granted.

spirituality politics economics and rest


The renasisence has been articulated by a number of men.

They know who they are.

While Britain descends into darkness and depotism it is the work (beyond price) of these men and others across the Nation that offers

temporal hope of restoration.





The Land That Time Forgot

  Walking through the wasteland of the city to the office.


  Walking through the building, corridor after corridor after corridor, office after office after office, all empty of human kind and only the detrius of past human and commercial activity is left.

 It is as if a thunderclap, a metaphysical event had taken place and had taken all the people away with it, which of has and it did, on Monday the 23rd of March 2020.


Tea cups (left half full), coats, bags, slippers,umberellas, letters half opened, desk after desk full of computers and telephones and printers and photocopiers (items from another Age, that will never be used again)

 and mailpoints (for mail that arrives, never to be opened only stored, cabinets and Kardexes and kettles and bins and paper and pens,

 photographs and childrens paintings and maps and toys and biscuits and fridges and sweetie jars.





(but the electorate prefer not to dwell on thse matters and gently sink further into the comfort of  




An Injection of Politics


60 years on from the start of the Demoralisation of Britian (the 1960's "counter culture" revolution), then 6 years on from it's Destabilisation (the 2014 Referendum on the Dissolution of Britain)

and one year on from the start of the Crisis (23rd March 2020),

having engineered the excavation of the United Kingdom into an empty shell

the overwhelming power of the ("progressive") establishment is now focused on the injection of the entire population with an experimental material.


One of the longstanding rules of medicine (and other matters) is that

you never experiment in the general (population and never, ever, ever in children).

Experiments must take place in closed environments.

This rule has been intentionally broken by the establishment led by the "Conservative" Party.





Many taking the experimental material do so in order to get back to the failed state and failed society of the 23rd of March 2021.











Chesterton's quote is is correct and it is alsso true that

desperate to return to the 60 year old party

many millions across the United Kingdom will que for hours to take the Establishment injection in order that it will somehow wisk them back to 23 March 2020. it will not do that.

Many of them taking the injection has spent a lifetime avoiding politics but now take the injection and submit to the Conservative and Labour parties and the rest of the degenerate establishment.

For over 10 years now crc has 




 It is essential that a National Covid Institute (NCI) is established.

The NCI requires to be established as a centre for the management of COVID and the investigation into it's impact, policy impact and the effect of the injections that have been released into the general population.

The legal indemnity that prevents legal prosecution of the drug companies must be repealed and the prosecution of politicians and others who have furthered the Official Fear, Hysteria and Injection Cult must take.




1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.





June 2021


Part 1 of a 3 part series on how to get out of the Covid regime and restore Great Britain.


Part 1 

 No Man's Land

The removal of competent, serious, experienced, independent men from national life

(wether down coal pits or in power stations, making cars, or in regiments of the British Army etc)

and their replacement by a godless, anti-British, feminised and compliant governing caste

has been a central part of the 60 year old political revolution that led to the Dissolution of Britain in 2020.


lt is only through the gathering of these type of men today in a new national political party that offers, the only way, to defeat the Covid Establishment

and restore Great Britain as a Nation - Whole and Free.




June 2021


Part 2 of a 3 part series on how to get out of the Covid regime and restore Great Britain.


Part 1 

The Missing Link


On the 9th of May 1912 in the Queen's Hall in London the "Conservative" Party could not bring itself to adopt

the nomenclature of "The Unionist Party" (to describe the merger between it and the Liberal Unionist Party).


The Conservative Party could not commit to being a national (broad) party under the title "Unionist Party"

because it remained in thrawl to political forces in the party that had never reconciled themselves with the new British state of 1707,

this detachment from the British Interest remains today and is apparent in all policy matters including Covid.





The British have been cast aside by this party.

 Many of the problems of the United Kingdom today (including Covid)

have their roots in the Conservativer Party's faltering then hesitant then doubtful then tepid then limited and then complete detachment to Britain as a nation state and the heavy duties and

responsibilities that that involves.

 The decline of Britain since 1912 can be traced back to the mood reflected in the hall that night.


For Britain to be restored and to escape from the Covid Sate (if it wants to),

the "Conservative" Party must be defeated and marginalised in national politics and be seen to be so.


There is no point in having a broad, energised pro British movement in 2021

if it does not direct itself into a single electoral force 

- if it does not then all it's effort and resouce will be spent and wasted and the New State will be confirmed.







The British have been cast aside by this party.

 Many of the problems of the United Kingdom today (including Covid)

have their roots in the Conservativer Party's faltering then hesitant then doubtful then tepid then limited and then detachment to Britain (a nation - a body politic)


The decline of Britain since 1912 can be traced back to the mood in the hall that night.

For Britain to be restored and escape from the Covid Sate (if it wants to), the "Conservative" Party must be defeated and marginalised in politics and seen to be so.

There is no point in having a broad energised pro British movement in 2021 if it does not direct it'self into a single electoral force - if it does not then all effort and resouce will be spent and wasted

and a final irrevokable defeat will take place the Covid injection is the culmanation of the 60 year old dissolution of Britain.




and a final irrevokable defeat will take place the Covid injection is the culmanation of the 60 year old.




dissolution of Britain.

For the past 60 years, the prime feature of "Conservative" party policy has been it's betrayal of the Nation.

(Wether Immigration, Europe, Devolution etc betr...



ayal has been and remains it's Hallmark)


The British have been cast aside by this party.

 Many of the problems of the United Kingdom today (including Covid)

have their roots in the Conservativer Party's faltering then hesitant then doubtful then tepid then limited and then detachment to Britain (a nation - a body politic)


The decline of Britain since 1912 can be traced back to the mood in the hall that night.

For Britain to be restored and escape from the Covid Sate (if it wants to), the "Conservative" Party must be defeated and marginalised in politics and seen to be so.

There is no point in having a broad energised pro British movement in 2021 if it does not direct it'self into a single electoral force - if it does not then all effort and resouce will be spent and wasted

and a final irrevokable defeat will take place the Covid injection is the culmanation of the 60 year old dissolution of Britain.


 The Unionist Party is the 119 year old missing link in Britsh politics.


It is now time for that hesitancy and doubt, which the "Conservative" Party casts onto the nation and it's national life, be cast aside

and a new party emerge and reflect a self-recognising and self-confident Christian, Industrial Britain upon which progress can be built,

A Britain that is balanced between the past and the present.  

A Britiain that must be governed by a people and a party that believes in it.

A Britain Whole and Free.


It now time for the party, that did not come into being in 1912,

to come into being now in 2021.




June 2021


Part 3 of a 3 part series on how to get out of the Covid regime and restore Great Britain.


Part 1 


Constellation, Consolidation and Cadre


At the start of the 20th a constellation of political, social and economic interests across the nation gathered together and formed the Labour Party. 

The Labour Party replaced the Liberal Party as one of the two principal parties that naturally form in our parliamentary representative democracy and in the House of Commons.


Today a political constellation exists of groups organisations and many small political parties exist and that wish to see Britain restored as a nation state.

This constellation has gathered on the highest possible ground that any Nation can face the matter of it's very existence.


Covid, Imigration and Devolution and Europe, indeed the entire policy agenda of the past 60 years has atomised and dissolved the United Kingdom.

 It is now time for this new constellation to recognise itself and gather and consolidate in one national political party staffed by a cadre of competent experienced, independent men,

in order that it can offer a broad manifesto of national restoration to the British in a general election.









The new party must be manned and staffed by a cadre of loyal, competent, serious, experienced, independent men.

Today a cadre of officers and footsoldiers now exists across many groups, organisations and platforms, who have already made a contribution.


The new party must defeat and marginalise the "Conservative" and Labour parties and the rest of the establishment.











Only a new party with it's roots in the past can draw upon Britains Christian, Industrial past to fashion a broad manifesto for the restoration of Great Britain.

That party is and can only be the British Unionist Party.





Unionism (the self recognition of a - common - emerging British nation) existed before Conservatism. The "Conservative" Party remains in thrawl (as it did on that night in 1912) to money (mammon) and secularism.



that can prov compewt lead know and exp to man the postition of a new nat political party.





day aconsolidation of org pol par and al media exists that if it consolidates in one political party org and title it can defeat and marg the cale prog est if not the org pol campaings will be defeated and Britan will be finished

defeat and marginalise




that can deliver the uk from its dissolution, if it recog itslf 

ConsolidationToday aconsolidation of org pol par and al media exists that if it consolidates in one political party org and title it can defeat and marg the cale prog est if not the org pol campaings will be defeated and Britan will be finished

Cadre Today a cadre of officers and leaders exists that can prov compewt lead know and exp to man the postition of a new nat political party.

Only a new party with it;s roots in the past can draw upon Britains Christian, Industrial past to fashion a broad manifesto for the restoration of Great Britain.

That party is and can only be the British Unionist Party. 

The Labour Party replaced the Liberal Party as a principal party of state at the begining of the 20th century the industrialisation of the British economy.




I our Parliamentary democracry is a natural system and tension between two constelatio60 years on from the prog rev

ns of political thought and interest.

a onew constellation has energe trad emp con union it holds to the Christian Constitution of Britain and  rejects the prog agenda.

it can be seen in the demos for fre uni trad ed industry social moral etc this is the new constell renew ukip brx






The first step is a national conference of all gop to singu

larise all mmm to commit and ded themselves to the bup and a broad mfo of nat restor

 Part 3

British Unionist Party

(Constellation, Consolidation and Cadre)


At the start of the20th century there was a new constellation of interests in the United Kingdom.

As a result of this new constellation taking form, a consolidation of groups and organisations took place and the Labour Party gradually emerged

across the United Kingdom to replace the Liberal Party as one of the two principal parties

(there are naturally two principle parties in our parliamentary representattive democracy)

in the House of Commons.

A cadre of leaders emerged to lead the Labour Party into official opposition and then government.

The national elements that propelled and developed the Labour Party are of a lesser nature than those that exist today

(national existence, response to Covid, immigration, devolution among others).


Today (now in it's 10th year) invites todays new constellation of British interests to consolidate into a single political

party in order to challenge the "progressive"(regressive) "Conservative" and Labour Establishment that has destroyed Britain over the past 60 years.

Across many groups associations and organisations across many matters there is common ground.

It is time to recognise the collective self identity of these organisations and groups

unite in a single political vechile if not all will be lost.

Likewise across many small political parties there are common objectives. It is time to unite these parties in a single political vechile to defeat and

marginalise the Conservative and Labour Parties.

Scottish Family Party, Reclaim Party, Abolish the Scottish Parliament Party, Freedom Association Party, UKIP, Abolish the Welsh Assembly Party,

All For Unity, Reform Party, Libertarian Party etc. 

The new party must have it's roots in the British past and ready to excercise itself today ready to offer a broad national manifesto for national

restoration from Abortion to Defence from Industry to Education and the rest.

 In the last 10 years among these groups and parties (and alternative media) a competent, experienced and knowledgeable cadre of potential officers

of the BUP has emerged across the United Kingdom.

They are ready and able to provide local, regional and national (officer) leadership of the BUP.

 That party can only be the British Unionist Party.

The BUP has it's roots in the past from the early formation of British identity right (Wyke, Cromwell, Reformation, through the formation legislation of the United Kingdom itself, and into the 20th century when the Conseservative Party could not bring themselves to descibe themselves as British Unionists (1912 Queen's Hall London). 

The Nation now stands at the rubicon between a Christian, Industrial Nation and a Godless, Poverty-stricken Corporate State.

Which side Are You On ?

Are you a British Unionist or are you not?

 Stewart Connell




The New Gestapo







The Westphalian Peace

The "rollout" of the experimental drugs are a further and most profound attack on nation states and the Westphalian Peace (Treaty)

signed in Munster in 1648.

The Treaty established the dominence of national sovereignty over supra-national power and facilitated nation to nation cooperation and order.


The objective is to create a post-national secular, supra-national state.






The New State Unfolds

Astraland is based on genetic apartheid

tomisation and division of society is taking place as a result of the new genetic order.


The Rules


1 In case of external national threat - close the national frontier.

Never keep it open.


2 In an experiment - conduct it in a closed environment a secure compound or a laboratory.

Never conduct it in/on the general population.


3 Never, Never, Never experiment on children.






Never conduct an experiment in the general population.




Geat Britain Vs Astraland


"When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing, they then become capable of believing in anything.”

G.K. Chesterton


Having walked away from their Christian British Constitution

a large part of the British population, now day by day line up to worship at the feet of the AstraZenica Party

(the "Conservative" Party, the Labour Party, the SNP and the rest of the degenerate Establishment)

- the very establishment that the British rejected in the 2016 opinion poll on membership of the Eurostate.

What a difference a low to medium coronovirus can make.


Read more quotes from G.KThe Kids

"Bonfire of Teenagers"

Genetic Engineering


The Genetic Poo




Bonfire of Teenagers

Bonfire of Teenagers is not just the title of the forthcoming Morrisey album it is an apt description of what is being done against the young people and children of Britain.

The rollout of an experimental injected material into the reproductive pool of Britain is an action that crosses the rubicon of how British society has protected children.







“Despotic governments can stand 'moral force' till the cows come home; what they fear is physical force.”

 George Orwell









The Hush Money




​"the way of writing the sound people make when they are telling somebody to be quiet"






"a state of extreme excitement, fear or anger in which a person, or a group of people, loses control of their emotions and starts to cry, laugh, etc."

Oford Dictionary



The official hysteria now taking place is a cover for the hyper-atomisation and dissolution of the fabric that was the United Kingdom.

For 60 years the bonds of nationhod have been loosened and cutaway.

The bonds have been cast aside as relics, old fashioned habits and fuddy duddy conventions.

It is now more than any other time, that those bonds are needed but they are no longer there.








public life and

in all parts of British life


The political expulsion

(by "useful idiot" men - largely in the "Conservative" and Labour parties and wider establishment)

- a central part of the revolutionary agenda of the past 60 years -

has contributed to the implosion of British society.

The feminisation of society has reduced Britain's ability to defend itself (across all policy)

and permitted feminised emotional responses to determine national policy.





wether it was the destruction of large scale male employment in essential and national activities is coal pits, BL or power stations


the establishment removed single mass sites of male employment especially in relation to the national infrastructure


the removal of mass male industrial employment also removed the breadwinning role in the social dimension. 


The manliness of society and economy


is now replaced by compliance and submission.



Orchestrated by the degenerate caste that governs and manages, all parts of national life (education,health transport industry, commerce etc) 



No Army To Lead


Anumber of British writers lament that their is no "Leader" to organise and unite the various groups that support the restoration of Britain.

This is the wrong sequence of action.


The first essential matter is that there is no army to lead.




(Critical Mass, Velocity and Central Fugal Force)


One resevoir full of the great Tusnami of Hush Money is the WFH cult.

Not a balance of on site work and WFH but the Cult that has sucumbed to WFH.

Mass of work thought/action the physical interaction of place/proximity and the central fugal force the spark of physical/language interaction .


The existing contracts (generally pre covid are based on attendance on a phsyical site.








The Census

"​the process of officially counting something, especially a country’s population, and recording various facts"


"early 17th cent. (denoting a poll tax): from Latin, applied to the registration of citizens and property in ancient Rome, usually for taxation, from censere ‘assess’. The current sense dates from the mid 18th cent."


Oxford Dictionary


The British Census historically took place across the nation in the second year of each decade ie 1971.

This year on March 22nd the United Kingdom did not have a census.


There was a census in England, Northern Ireland and Wales on that date but not in Scotland.

Rather than measure itself and it's resources as a Nation, a profound political division has taken place in how the United Kingdom administers itself.

Scotland will now have a separate census. This has substantial impact of public planning and especially on the measurement and management of immigration.


It is another substantial act of dissolution underwritten by the "Conservative" Party (80 majority in the House of Commons).












he census nationwide no longer takes place.

The Census was the prime measurement of the numbers, concentration and .




"the process of officially counting something, especially a country’s population, and recording various facts" 




The British Census histortook place across the nation.

The census nationwide no longer takes place.

The Census was the prime measurement of the numbers, concentration and .

This year on March 22nd the United Kingdom did not have a census.

There was a census in England, Northern Ireland and Wales on that date.

Scotland will now have a separate census.

It is another substantial act of dissolution all underwritten by the "Conservative Party.



The reason for the abandonment of a uniform Census is that the "Conservative" and Labour parties support the legislative dissolution of the United Kingdom and the establishment of new statelets.

The "Conservative" Partyis the only party in British history to initiate and legislate for a referendum on the dissolution of the United Kingdom (aka the "Scottish Independence Referendum")

in September the 18th 2014



The Magical Covid Mystery Tour


100 Years of Legislative Devolution

Here I Stand

10 Year

Going Back


The Pied Piper

The Experiment

Prince Philip




“Despotic governments can stand 'moral force' till the cows come home; what they fear is physical force.”


20 When thou goest out to battle against thine enemies, and seest horses, and chariots, and a people more than thou, be not afraid of them: for the Lord thy God is with thee, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt.






"If The Kids Are United"



Contracts based on attendance






There is no army to lead.

There is no political movement to emerge.

There is though memory.



It was a good thing.


The descent and dissolution of Britain it's demoralisation, destabilisation and Crisis.

The issue of the Mark is a metaphysical event.


The millions who would speak against the Conservative Party 




Astraland 3


Astraland 2

There was an old saying in the United Kingdom (the Nation State that existed before Astraland)

that was used, especially when entering new company, it had the intention of avoiding social conflict on serious matters in society,


Dont talk about "politics, religion or football"

this social rule permitted a pause andmesurement of words and behaviour, an exchange of probable common views eploritory converastion and reflection.

It permitted a frame of agreed exhchange to be constructed before eventually moving on to more serious and profound matters

which contained material that could threaten the exchange and perhaps could end it even violently.

This phrase has now been extended and now includes the jab.






No Mans Land





 ناظم الزهاوي

is the "Conservative" Party Minister for COVID 19 Vaccine Deployment.

He is directing the mass .






 "...and we will be ready to then implement and wether it's vacinating younger cohorts..."


 Get Ready.









Union City

It is Glasgow, that in the past 10 years that has led the reaffirmation of Britain as a Nation.

The renaisence of Britishness since the nadir of comtempt familiarity neglct and taken for granted.

spirituality politics economics and rest


The renasisence has been articulated by a number of men.

They know who they are.

While Britain descends into darkness and depotism it is the work (beyond price) of these men and others across the Nation that offers

temporal hope of restoration.





The Land That Time Forgot

  Walking through the wasteland of the city to the office.


  Walking through the building, corridor after corridor after corridor, office after office after office, all empty of human kind and only the detrius of past human and commercial activity is left.

 It is as if a thunderclap, a metaphysical event had taken place and had taken all the people away with it, which of has and it did, on Monday the 23rd of March 2020.


Tea cups (left half full), coats, bags, slippers,umberellas, letters half opened, desk after desk full of computers and telephones and printers and photocopiers (items from another Age, that will never be used again)

 and mailpoints (for mail that arrives, never to be opened only stored, cabinets and Kardexes and kettles and bins and paper and pens,

 photographs and childrens paintings and maps and toys and biscuits and fridges and sweetie jars.





(but the electorate prefer not to dwell on thse matters and gently sink further into the comfort of  



The Kids


The "Conservative" Party

(and the other 60 year old Regressive Establishment organisations: Labour, SNP, CBI, TUC, Church of England, Church of Scotland etc)

policy to push experimental drugs into the under 30 population continues.


The under 30's contain the genetic reproductive pool of Britain, they do not need the experimental injections.

The Ratio of Risk of Covid 19 (a low to medium virus which has a recovery rate of over 99% in the general population and it is higher again in the under 30 population - near zero in children)

to the unknown risk of the experimental material in the injection is in predominately in favour of the reproductive pool not getting the injection.

They do not need it.

They thankfully have natural ressistance.

They must be protected.

It is The Rubicon.

The "vaccine" has led to over 1,000 are dead and over 500,000 have had an adverse reation (including Blindness) as a result of the experimental drugs policy of enforced by the "Conservative" Party

and the rest of the Regressive Establishment. According to the official numbers on the

governments own YELLOWCARD reaction monitor system.

 The independent news organisation UK Column has made navigating the government YELLOWCARD database easy and it can be found at


This is a political injection not a medical injection.







If you have never been political then be political now.

Be active at whatever level you can if  you cannot physically be political on the streets then give money or contribute digitally to those who make a stand.

There is something you can do.

 Doing It For The Kids







If The Kids Are United







Self Immolation


The self immolation of Britain (including recently at the ballot box, reflects the consequence of the secularisation of Britain

(a 60 year old walk away from it's established Christian Protestant religion) and the abandonment of (the serious duties and responsibilities of) Nationhood.


The population, generally speaking are now driven  not by Faith but by Fear (and it's attendant impluse to Submit and Divert)

and not by Selflessness but Selfishness (and it's attendant impulse to Submit and Divert). 

In politics this means that The AstraZenica Party (Conservative, Labour, SNP etc) win everywhere.


We are still in the early days of the New Epoch, the New State and the New Soveriegn.

The population is still in a state of shock, they (with exceptions) cannot quite believe what they have done and indeed they prefer not to think about what they have done.

They doubledown on their votes for the "Conservative" Party the Labour Party and the SNP and the rest.


For many, the Golden Agers in particular

(those who benefitted from Great Britain as a Christian, homogenuous, integrated and industrial society and it's legacy through the past 60 years) 

conveniently, cannot see and do not want to see what they have done, they do not venture out too far, the golf club and the garden centre are close by and there is no need to enter the Forbbiden Zone

to witness the urban carnage that they have authorised with their selfishness, neglect and votes for the Conservative and Labour parties over the past 60 years.

That is for The Kids to deal with not them.


The Fear is now generated by the thunderclap of the metaphysical event that has happened.


It is not some abstract theory that Britain was altered on the 23rd of March 2020, it has happened

(socially, economically and now (if the mass experimental drug substantially enters the reproductive pool (the under 30's) - genetically),

the degenerate "Liberal" forces of the last third of the 20th century

fully and finally burst into power on that date and asserted and claimed their Power.


The Fear now originates from a creeping doubting sense in the population that they have done something that they should not have done but they do not want to say what it is

( have said it for 10 year - they have thrown away their country and it's institutions which had protected them),

they believe that if they do not say it or do not vote for a party that does say it then it will not have happened - but it has.


 In many ways this is a primal reaction - pre-religion - that if only they do not use words to describe something that they can see in front of them then it will not exist but of course it still does.

In such a case Submission (followed by Diversions of all kinds) is the default position in relation to the new thing - the New Power, the New State, the New Soveriegn - and there is no better way to

(having encouraged, permitted and facilitated the thing to come into existence in the first place)

than to submit to it, to offer fealty to it and of course, to carry it's mark.





of the new power.

In tumultuos times it is only human to seek solace in diversions both mental and physical.

This explains why a deeply serious 56 year New York man plays the Comedian and




 Old Authority and a new state.







The Bookpeople








 Selfishness, Fear, Diversion





Vichy Britain




British Unionist Party

(Constellation, Consolidation and Cadre)


At the start of the20th century there was a new constellation of interests in the United Kingdom.

As a result of this new constellation taking form, a consolidation of groups and organisations took place and the Labour Party gradually emerged

across the United Kingdom to replace the Liberal Party as one of the two principal parties

(there are naturally two principle parties in our parliamentary representattive democracy)

in the House of Commons.

A cadre of leaders emerged to lead the Labour Party into official opposition and then government.

The national elements that propelled and developed the Labour Party are of a lesser nature than those that exist today

(national existence, response to Covid, immigration, devolution among others).



Today (now in it's 10th year) invites todays new constellation of British interests to consolidate into a single political

party in order to challenge the "progressive"(regressive) "Conservative" and Labour Establishment that has destroyed Britain over the past 60 years.


Across many groups associations and organisations across many matters there is common ground.

It is time to recognise the collective self identity of these organisations and groups

unite in a single political vechile if not all will be lost.

Likewise across many small political parties there are common objectives. It is time to unite these parties in a single political vechile to defeat and

marginalise the Conservative and Labour Parties.

Scottish Family Party, Reclaim Party, Abolish the Scottish Parliament Party, Freedom Association Party, UKIP, Abolish the Welsh Assembly Party,

All For Unity, Reform Party, Libertarian Party etc. 

The new party must have it's roots in the British past and ready to excercise itself today ready to offer a broad national manifesto for national

restoration from Abortion to Defence from Industry to Education and the rest.


In the last 10 years among these groups and parties (and alternative media) a competent, experienced and knowledgeable cadre of potential officers

of the BUP has emerged across the United Kingdom.

They are ready and able to provide local, regional and national (officer) leadership of the BUP.


That party can only be the British Unionist Party.

The BUP has it's roots in the past from the early formation of British identity right (Wyke, Cromwell, Reformation, through the formation legislation of the United Kingdom itself, and into the 20th century when the Conseservative Party could not bring themselves to descibe themselves as British Unionists (1912 Queen's Hall London). 


The Nation now stands at the rubicon between a Christian, Industrial Nation and a Godless, Poverty-stricken Corporate State.

Which side Are You On ?

Are you a British Unionist or are you not?


Stewart Connell








The Kids


The "Conservative" Party (and the other regressive establishment organisations Labour, SNP, CBI, TUC, Church of England, Church of Scotland etc) policy to push experimental drugs into the under 30 population continues.

This population has no need of these drugs.


Covid 19 (a low to medium virus) has a recovery rate of over 99% in the general population and it is higher in the under 30 population.

It is a policy to alter the British genetic reproductive pool through an experimental (unknown) element.


This is a political injection not a medical injection.






If The Kids Are United







 (The Kids Are Alright)

robi ........................................





Self Immolation

The self Immolation of Britain continues apace.

The "Vaccine Rollout" and the x Report to exonerate the mass immigration and hetroisation/hetrogenuous of the Nation

(all nations originate/exist because of self recognition - and only then may become  hetrogenuous/multi-ethnic/multicultural).

The post war multi-ethnic state is a lie.


 "The Kids Are Alright"

"I Dont mind doing it for the kids"

Self Immolation

 There has been no need for the 60 year self immolation of the United Kingdom culminating in the Great Dissolution of 2020.

The re-election after re-election (by British electors - no one else is reponsible) of the "Conservative" Party and the Labour Party over this period has been the spark that has ignited the funeral pyre of the Nation.

Only the election to government of a new national party commited to the reversal of the sixty year abandonment of the United Kingdom can restore the Nation..






Who Are You ?


The British and The Astralanders








Fooled Again and Again and Again


That What It Is Not



Formless and Cold


The new state is formless and cold, it is without shape or measurement.

It is the opposite to the Christian Industrial Britain that existed even into the 1980s, a Nation with form with love with shape and measurement.






1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.














The Land That Time Forgot

  Walking through the wasteland of the city.



 Walking through the building, corridor after corridor after corridor, office after office after office, all empty of human kind and only the detrius of past human and commercial activity is left.

 It is as if a thunderclap metaphysical event had taken place and had taken all the people away, which of course it has and it did, on Monday the 23rd of March 2020.

(but the electorate prefer not to dwell on thse matters and gently sink further into the comfort of 

Tea cups (left half full), coats, bags, slippers,umberellas, bags, letters half opened, desk after desk desk full of computers and telephones and printers and photocopiers never to be used again

 and mailpoints (for mail that still arrives to be stored but never opened only). Cabinets and Kardexes and kettles and bins and paper and pens.

 Photographs, childrens paintings and maps and toys and biscuits and fridges and sweetie jars.





Self Immolation

The self immolation of Britain is complete.


The AstraZenica Party Wins

The new soveriegn having marked it's own now recieves their electoral fealty.


The New State Unfolds

The 60 yr old tran of cib into a new state is complete and the new state unfolds itself in thenew epoch if you are still in any doubt why not walk thro the the reconfig city sccapes and town scapes the old offices and shops now calibrates unitised singularised for the godless atomised digital living of the and new arrivals.


 The New State Unfolds





One Party State



Voting fealty to their new Master.


The New State Unfolds


The 60 year old Dissolution  of Britain and it's "Transformation" into a New State is now complete.




The abandonment of it's established religion and it's embrace of godlessness has had many effects.

The replacement of selflessness with selfishness lies at the heart of Britains trajectory over these years 1960-2020


The endorsement of the anti-British Con Lab Lib SNP -one party state-


This is what you want This is What You Get.














(are - in general - votes cast by legally registered British people) reflect


their opinion about what they politically want for themselves ).




All You Survey

Every vote for the Conservative and Labour and Liberals and SNP is a vote for the dissolution of the United Kingdom and it's Transformation" and replacement with a secularised, atomised, servicised society.



Cheap Essential Scenery


Dig The New Breed.


Social Engineering

Central Fugal Force

Critical Mass


Genetic Engineering


The Land That Time Forgot

Not Working From Home.

Walking through the wasteland of the city.

Walking through corridor after corridor after corridor, office after office after office, all empty of human kind and only the detrius of past commercial activity is left.

It is as if a thunderclap metaphysical event had taken place, which of course it did, on Monday the 23rd of March 2020.

Tea cups (left half full), coats, bags, slippers,umberellas, bags, letters half opened, desk after desk full of computers and telephones and printers and photocopiers never to be used again

and mailpoints (for mail that still arrives but is never to be opened only to be stored). 

Cabinets and Kardexes and kettles and bins and paper and pens.

Photographs, childrens paintings and maps and toys and biscuits and fridges and sweetie jars










The Magical Covid Mystery Tour

 The "Conservative and Labour Establishment Proudly Present


Mass Fear the "Lockdown" then "WFH", then "Social Distancing" then Mass Fear, then Mass Lonlieness, the Mass Depression then Mass Unemployment, then Masks" then "Track and Trace" then "Local Lockdowns"

then initial "vaccine " then "follow up "vaccine" then booster "vaccine" then variant "vaccines"

then "Conservative" Primeminister announces that it is not the "vaccine" that is "defeating" the virus,

then he announces new "anti-virus" tablets that do no exist






The Lesson of Halfords

rec halfords motor servicing and supplies business rebranded its mconechys (Aquired 2019) mot and tryre brand replacement with the Halfords

name integral organisation and .

The purpose was to consolidate,strenthenen and complement

singularise the identity of the whole organisation in the marketplace.

words image and character.





New Epoch

Submission and Empty








The official release of exprimental drugs into the UK population (ukZ)

is a metaphysical event.







100 Years of Legislative Devolution

100 years ago today legislative devolution was introduced into the United Kingdom.


A very elaborate and outlandish form of legislative devolution (including later the buildings to house it) was activated.

Comprising a regional "House of Commons" of 52 seats and a Senate of 26 seats and using a proportional representation system (Single Transferable Vote - oh so very modern)

the devolved structure was introduced rather than implement the alternative policy of simple and direct government (including local councils - administrative devolution)

from the British Parliament (on a common basis with the rest of the Nation).

This is when the United Kingdoms ruinous experiment with legislative devolution began.


Today legislative devolution now exists in three corners of the United Kingdom.

Legislative devolution has created a territorial, electoral and institutional conflict in the Nation.

Only England now lives under simple and direct ("Direct Rule") from the British Parliament.


 The first legislative devolved Parliament was abolished on the 30th March 1973.







7 jun 21 30 mar 1973


22June 1921







10 YEARS was established in April 2011. campaigns for the Parliamentary Nationhood of the United Kingdom and against the moral, social


In March 2011 there were no United Kingdom wide campaigns dedicated to the restoration of the Union and supporting the repeal of legislative devolution.


The political landscape on the matter of the defence of the British Constitution was barren.

To suggest that the Constitution would soon be at the centre of all politics would invite ridicule

Nevertheless, it did and the negative effects of legislative devolution

(including an unconstitutional and and anti-parliamentary referendum on the Existence of the United Kingdom itself in 2014)

have had a debilitating consequence on the Nation.

However we are pleased to note that in 2021 commonrepresentation has been joined by many other organisations

(campaigns, groups, political parties and alternative media) who support the Union and the repeal of legislative devolution.















British Unionist Party

Constelation, Consolidation and Cadre.

Constelation Today a political constellation exists (across all polical mattrers) (even more than lab at the start of the 20thc when it emerged and replaced the LP as one of the two prin parties that naturally form in our parliamentary rep dem) that can deliver the uk from its dissolution, if it recog itslf 

ConsolidationToday aconsolidation of org pol par and al media exists that if it consolidates in one political party org and title it can defeat and marg the cale prog est if not the org pol campaings will be defeated and Britan will be finished

Cadre Today a cadre of officers and leaders exists that can prov compewt lead know and exp to man the postition of a new nat political party.

Only a new party with it;s roots in the past can draw upon Britains Christian, Industrial past to fashion a broad manifesto for the restoration of Great Britain.

That party is and can only be the British Unionist Party.






The Labour Party replaced the Liberal Party as a principal party of state at the begining of the 20th century the industrialisation of the British economy.




I our Parliamentary democracry is a natural system and tension between two constelatio60 years on from the prog rev

ns of political thought and interest.

a onew constellation has energe trad emp con union it holds to the Christian Constitution of Britain and  rejects the prog agenda.

it can be seen in the demos for fre uni trad ed industry social moral etc this is the new constell renew ukip brx






The first step is a national conference of all gop to singu

larise all mmm to commit and ded themselves to the bup and a broad mfo of nat restor






The Name and The Thing


On the 9th of May 1912 in the Queen's Hall in London the "Conservative" Party refused to adopt the nomenclature of "The Unionist Party" (to describe the merger between it and the Liberal Unionist Party).


For the past 60 years one of the prime features of "Conservative" party policy has been it's betrayal of the Nation.

The "Conservative" Party remains in thrawl (as it did on that night in 1912) to money (mammon) and secularism.


Many of the problems of the United Kingdom today (including Covid) have their roots in the Conservativer Party's faltering, hesitant, doubtful, tepid and limited attachment to Britain (a nation - a body politic)


The decline of Britain since 1912 can be traced back to the mood in the hall that night.

For Britain to survive and be restored, the "Conservative" Party must be defeated and marginalised.


It is now time for that hesitancy and doubt, which the "Conservative" Party casts onto the nation, be removed and a new party - British Unionist Party - emerge

and reflect a self-recognising and self-confident Christian, Industrial Britain, a Britain that is balanced between the past and the present


The British nation must be governed by a party that believes in it.




Going Back


With no new national party (with roots in our history and armed with a broad manifesto of national restoration) having emerged,

the Vichy Establishment now occupy and govern Britain and send the British back to the (now compounded) misery that they left on the 23rd of March 2020.




The Covid Magical Mystery Tour


Roll up, Roll up


"Lockdown" then "WFH", then "Social Distancing" then Masks" then "Track and Trace" then "Local Lockdowns"

then initial "vaccine " then "follow up vacine" then booster "vaccine" then variant "vaccines"

then "Conservative" Primeminister announces that it is not the "vaccine" that is "defeating" the virus then he announces new "anti-virus" tablets that do no exist






The Wheat and The Chaff



Matthew Verses 3 12

"Whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into thegarner; but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire."




Here I Stand


The Name and The Thing

British Unionist Party



The New Coinage



The decision for the Duke of Cambridge (the Heir to the Throne) not to wear military uniform at the funeral of Prince Philip is a matter of substance.

It is a retreat from Nationhood.

The Nation only exists by Force and the indended use of Force.

This is reflected in the interwoven service of Kingd and Queen's (and the Monarchy in general) in the Armed Forces.

This service (an assertion of intended national defence) was reflected and seen in public at ceremonies including weddings and funerals.

It should be no surprise with the British Army reduced to a micro army level of 60,000 and dominated by the creed of "Equalit and Diveristy"

that the role of the Armed Forces should be sidelined from the national stage.



Where Have All The Men Gone ?


Protect and Survive




ukZ (c) AstraZenica


The United Kingdom has become AstraZenicaland.


Without force or political revolution.

Without destruction of property or social re-organisation.

Society has been altered, forever.











 In 1979 Wolfgang Gerhard was buried in the Embu das Artes municipality of the State of Sao Paulo in Brazil.

 Forty one years later in 2020, undercover of a low to medium virus (with more than a 99/100 recovery rate) the "Progressive" "Conservative" and Labour Establishment

 released an Experimental drug into the general population of the United Kingdom.


Wolfgang Gerhard was also known as Josef Mengele.




The Pied Piper


The "Progressive" "Conservative" and Labour Establishment has decided that Experiment Covid "vaccines"  are to be released into the under 50 population and in particular the 18-30 population.

They (including "Progressive" commerce) are playing a tune to attract and encourage young people to get an injection (that they do not need)

in order that they will be able to return to natural social interaction in concerts, pubs, disco's, festivals, nightclubs etc.


It is one thing for the "Golden Agers" (who largely aquiesed in the decline of Britain (while they profited from it's decline) over the past 60 years and who are now past their reproductive point) to submit and take the "vaccines".

 It is quite another for the young people of Britain to be pushed into taking it by a degenrate and corupt governing caste.


Covid 19 has a recovery rate of over 99/100 for the general population and it is higher again for the under thirties

.Covid 19 has a near to zero effect on the under 30's and as the "Pogressive" Establishment know and intend, it is an alteration of the genetic reproductive pool.

















The "Progressive" Establishment have taken away a year of young people's experience of  general living, social exploration, education and general happiness and development.


Do not let them alter the genetic pool.














experimental definition



existential UK

THE DRG rollout is an existential matter.

The alteration of the code.








"The Kids Are Alright"

"I Dont mind doing it for the kids"

Self Immolation

 There has been no need for the 60 year self immolation of the United Kingdom culminating in the Great Dissolution of 2020.

The re-election after re-election (by British electors - no one else is reponsible) of the "Conservative" Party and the Labour Party over this period has been the spark that has ignited the funeral pyre of the Nation.

Only the election to government of a new national party commited to the reversal of the sixty year abandonment of the United Kingdom can restore the Nation..


-------------------------------------------- ...






Having emerged from ww1 and ww2 battered but intact, poor but still bouyed by the Christian Protestant Constitution and still attached to it's institutions of government, economy ,maratime power, educuation, common language and memory it fell







The "vasccine" roll out and take up represents the abandonment of personal judgement and the prostration and capitulation before state power unlike that known before.





Get Ready

(Schedule 5)

It is unconstitutional anti-parliamentary and illegal for the devolved Scottish Parliament to encroach on the matter of the Constitution.

For 22 years the devolved institution has done precisley that without penalty.

From Cabinet Ministers for the "Constitution" to Ministers for External Affairs bonservative and Labour parties have collaborated and permitted the SNP to ilklegally walk all over the provisions contained in the SA (s5 in particular)1999.






The Lense


Everything in Britain is now determined by the single underlying assumption and that is the British are finished

(they no lenger reproduce enough) and therefore Britian should belong to the immigrant populations that have been permitted to enter the country in the last 60 years).

This assumption determines policy,advertising commerce fashion arts entertainment defence employment, ttaining...etc everything.

the recent Report




Assumption Britain is finished tranformation into a non Britain. A Britain cast into the past.

Occupied by competing immigrant populations.


Even more than COVID it is immigration and the British response to it that will now determine the existence of Britain.









Self Immolation

The self Immolation of Britain continues apace.

The "Vaccine Rollout" and the x Report to exonerate the mass immigration and hetroisation/hetrogenuous of the Nation

(all nations originate/exist because of self recognition - and only then may become  hetrogenuous/multi-ethnic/multicultural).

The post war multi-ethnic state is a lie.


 "The Kids Are Alright"

"I Dont mind doing it for the kids"

Self Immolation

 There has been no need for the 60 year self immolation of the United Kingdom culminating in the Great Dissolution of 2020.

The re-election after re-election (by British electors - no one else is reponsible) of the "Conservative" Party and the Labour Party over this period has been the spark that has ignited the funeral pyre of the Nation.

Only the election to government of a new national party commited to the reversal of the sixty year abandonment of the United Kingdom can restore the Nation..


-------------------------------------------- ...






10 Years



From Stewart Connell

Founder of


To all our visitors from across the United Kingdom and overseas, thank you for visiting over these pat 10 years.

I hope you have found the content to be of interest.







New Party

The Mark

Christian Protestant Briton











Where Have All The Men Gone ?




The Gang of Three





Bears do not hibernate they enter a period of torpor (low function - to endure hostile environmental conditions) however this state permits them to wake at speed to defend themselves when approaching danger is detected.


Self Immolation

The "vasccine" roll out and take up represents the self-immolation of the Nation and submission to and prostration before the New "Progressive" State.

n before state power unlike that known before


Vichy Britain

Under the The Yoke and The Experiment of  the Conservative and Labour Establishment, Vichy Britain crawls back to the 24th of March 2020 only to find it's April 2021 and the country no longer exists.

 Centuries of asserting British identity, territory authority and liberty have been surrendered.

The Headquarters of the puppet government today is not the Sigmaringen Enclave but the London Enclave in central, central, central London. 


The Vichy Establishments new media room (festooned with the National Flag to belie the trechery. 

The Godless State has been constructed and it's Mark has been issued.





Abstention, Abolition and Absurdity


In the devolved elections abstention is the most effective action (it is an action in which  in 2016 acrossScotland 42/100 electors practiced)

Tactical voting (which is always self defeating) is intended to support the has one intention to support the "Conservative" Party - the only party in British history to initiate and hold a referendum on the End of Britain, which it did in 2014

This referendum was described by the BBC as the "Scottish Independence Referendum" the referedum - if the result had been a majority of one vote cast by a 16 year old Nigerian resident in Glasgowxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)

) and the Labour and Liberal parties who voted for it in the House of Commons.

(The Conservative Party then floated a second referendum of the End of Britain in March 2017).


However if you have an personal impulsion to vote at the devolved level then the only possible intellectually coherent position is to vote for the Abolish parties (in bothWales and Scotland).


Of course it is all absurd.


The United Kingdom exists now only in the past tense, it has hyper-atomised and dissolved and the devolved institutions (like the British Parliament that made them) are ghost institutions.

The New Epoch and the New Stae has arrived and with it comes it's new apparatchiks.





The Experiment

Public Health

The "Progressive" establishment, now ready to extract themselves from the "Lockdown" that they created as a reaction to a low to medium virus

(and  to "Hyper-Transform" Britain)

rather than rely on natural human resistance, the weather (we had a mild winter) and tested and practical medical and social measures in order to get out of it they have introduced a "mass vaccination" programme.


The government have now ordered over 500 million (500 million) doses (for an alleged official UK population of about 67 million) of various new drugs.

 These substances have had a very short (about 6-9 months) development and test and trial period and the government has released the pharma companies from standard safety testing procedures and legal challenge.


Below is a link to the standard Vaccine Development Model

 (International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations)




 The official measurement of thier effectiveness and side effects can be found at the following link: 

 The "Progressive" establishment inform the public in a candid fashion that the substances do not prevent infection by Covid 19 or reduce transmission and further "booster" programmes may be necessary.


The Border

The "Conservative" government has kept airports open during the Emergency because mass imigration is the totem of the "Progressive" ideology (universal movement of people ie no nation states).

The British land, sea and air delineation must be secured and closed.

Border control provides for the better  and more accurate control (new biological threats are reduced) and management and measurement of public health policy.


Legislative Devolution

The nation requires one policy in the Emergency not four.

Simplicity and precision are needed in public health measures across the whole of Britain (not four different versions operating at different times).

Devolution should have been suspended at the start of the Emergency, it has not been and has wasted time, replicated costs and further assisted the anarchists and separatists in dissolving the nation.

ie the introduction of "borders" inside the nation.


Covid 19 is a Low to Medium Coronovirus

Covid19 was downgraded from a High Consequence Infectious Disease (HCID) on 19 March 2020.



General Recovery

Recovery rate is about 99% in the general population (the "Conservative" government refuses to record and publish and promote the British Covid 19 recovery rate).

 We note that the recorded and published recovery rate in India is about 97%.


Recording, Attribution (Death Certificate) and Official Numbers

 The recording (of medically evidenced* confirmation) of death by Covid on death certificates does not (generally) occur.

 Attribution of death by Covid 19 (rather than another cause or combined with another cause) is generally assumed**.

 *Physical and testable and repeatable.

**A doctor's/coroner's judgement based on general symptoms not particular physical and testable and repeatable recorded evidence. 



 National measurement of Covid 19 statistics and outcomes are based on an official British total population of about 67 million.

 At we suggest the British total population is about 83 milllion.



 Immigration Measurement

















 [email protected]


The Death Penalty

The Hush Economy


The Guitly and Complete Withdrawal


Sigmaringen Enclave










No Apologies


Cheap Dialogue Cheap Essential Scenery


Hollow State













Mrs Morrell has an Election to Win


 Wether it's Covid 19 or NHS bonuses and payrises, all devolved matters areconfigured to assist Mrs Morrell winning the devolved election.

Abolish the Devolved Scottish "Parliament".



Get The Bargepole


The Dunlop report is anti Union. It is an devolutionist tract and device promoted by the "Conservative Party".


Baron Andrews Dunlop (Chief Advisor to David Cameron during the (unconstitutional and anti-parliamentary) End of Britian Referendum in September 2014

(propagandised by the BBC etc as the"Scottish Independence Referendum")

has finally (initiated by Theresa May and published prior to the devolved Election in Scotland) had his report on devolution published

it can be encapsulated in one sentence from it:


Page 49

Termsof Reference

"The need to respect and support the current devolution settlements, including the Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland Acts, as well as the Belfast agreement and its successors."









 Snoberry and DECAY

The Mark 


the prog jab












The Mark







The Divided Census

Historically the British Census takes place in the year 1 of every decade.

The United Kingdom will not have a Census in 2021, there will a Census in England, Northern Ireland and Wales in March 2021 and it is proposed that Scotland should have a Census in 2022 D.V.

The reason for the abandonment of a uniform Census is that the "Conservative" and Labour parties support the legislative dissolution of the United Kingdom and the establishment of new statelets.

The abandonment will make it more difficult to consolidate numbers especially on immigration and public service planning. 


Bears do not hibernate they enter a period of torpor (low function -endure hostile environmental conditions) however this state permits them to wake at speed when approaching danger is detected.


British Square


 Just For One Day

No one will help us

We can be Heroes

What You Say ?



Shipping Forecast


One of the familiar phrases from the Shipping Forecast is "Losing It's Identity" when describing a gale or storm.




Here I Stand


Martin Luther

 I am bound by the Scriptures I have quoted and my conscience is captive to the Word of God. I cannot and I will not retract anything, since it is neither safe nor right to go against conscience.

I cannot do otherwise, here I stand, may God help me, Amen.


Luther at the Diet of Worms (1521)



The Other Census

 The "roll-out"of the covid injection (now taken by 20 million) has become a new form of census (highly detailed medical and other data type) and measurable.

The official population of the United Kingdom is about 67 million (ONS). holds the opinion that the population is about 83 million.




A Casual Contempt


In the middle of the National Emergency (the dissolution of British society and it's economy) last year, the Leader of the Conservative Party pledged to admit 3 million Chinese (Hong Kong) immigrants into the Britian.

This process has now begun with an initial scheme to admit 350,000 (it began in January).

This further profound alteration to the population in Britain has been done without any submission of it to the British electorate.











Till The Cows Come Home














The General Election of 2019 and Covid




The Mark


It is about Submission.

It is about total Submission.


The New State demands Submission and it's mark of Submission.




The New State Unfolds


The New State unfolds before our very eyes.

Done with their "furniture arrangements" the "Conservative" and Labour Establishment 






Conservative Party Supports British Break Up Referendums


The Conservative Party is the only party that ever launched and legislated (supported by the Labour and Liberals) for referendums to Break Up Britain (not Labour Liberal Democrats or even the SNP).


The Conservative Party launched the 2014 referendum to break up the United Kingdom (8th of January 2012 Andrew Marr Show BBC) and it then launched another in March 2017 (Theresa May's "now is not the time"). 


The SNP has never launched any referendum on the break up of Britain for two simple reasons:

1. The devolved Scottish parliament does not possess the authority to even handle the matter (Reserved Matters Schedule 5 Scotland Act 1998).

2 In the British House of Commons (which does have the authority to handle the matter) the SNP cannot on it's own form a majority - there are 59 constituencies across Scotland out of a total of 650).











Carnival UK






The Degenerate Establishment across the United Kingdom have not only


 A  Two Tier Legal System

The Anti Free Speech Act introduced by the devolved Sccottish "Parliament" and overseen by Humza Yousaf  (Pakastani, Muslim) the "Justice Secretary" has created a two teir system of justice between those legally endowed with

"protected characteristics" ...homosexuals, non whites etc) and those without.






The Replacement Lense

The single lense through wich all (Media, Commerce and Politics etc) in the United Kingdom is now measured, is the Replacement of the British Constitution and the Replacement of the people whose providence made it.






13th February 2021


 Underneath the Coronovirus Act 2020 legislation lies a dissolved Britain, frozen in time (the 23rd of March 2020).

 With Britain hyper-atomised and in stasis, the governing "Progressive" caste are now able to fly (liteal and metaphor) above the destruction that they have caused in order to further their "Transformation" of Britain,

decisively enacting their first and second objectives (via demoralisation, des-stabilisation and Crisis),  the destruction of the British constitution and mass immigration.


On the 25th of February 2017 we wrote in an article titled "Politics by Proxy and the "Dictatorship of the Air" "


"...It is no surprise that air travel and open borders and the mass movement of people are the issues that have generated so much angst and coverage among them.

   Most of the advocates and virtue signallers of the new “progressive” caste travel this way (See also Vassal Territory Blog Entry 51), conveniently overlooking their precious

 carbon footprint and ironically, for a group so self consciously modernthey ignore all the wonders of modern technology that have reduced the need for the physical transit of

 people, such as (widely available) mobile phones, the internet, video conferencing and 3D printers etc.

   They are largely engaged in the soft, globalised, digital, entertainment, media, service, finance sectors, and that nebulous strata of “management” that floats from one sector to

 another with no root in a particular discipline, knowledge or trade.

   These are all activities highly suitable for digital methods of communication and output with little need for physical transit.

   This new caste has echoes of the

  “Dictatorship of the Air” element of H G Wells 1933 book “The Shape of Things to Come”.

  It tells of a dictatorship coming to power after war, an executive emerging from the surviving transport systems across the globe and exercising power.

   A dictatorship intent on creating a world state and utopia according only to their tastes and their interests."




3rd February 2021 

National Placebo 

noun. /pləˈsiːbəʊ/ (plural placebos) ​a substance that has no physical effects, given to patients who do not need medicine but think that they do, or used when testing new drugs.

Oxford Dictionary


The "Progressive" establishment now desperate to extract themselves from the "Lockdown" that they created (not a low to medium virus) that they have introduced a quick fix "mass vacination"

programme in order to get out of it.

The government has released the pharma companies from standard safety testing procedures for a new drug and legal penalty.



The government have now ordered over 400 million (400 million) doses of various susbstances as part of this "mass vaccination".

 These substances have had a very short development and test and trial period and the government has indemnified the manufacturer's of them.

Below is a link to the standard Vaccine Development Model

 (International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations)



 The official measurement of thier effectiveness and side effects can be foundat the following link: 

 The "Progressive" establishment inform the public in a candid fashion that the substances do not prevent infection by Covid 19 or reduce transmission and further programmes may be necessary.


 Further Notes

Close the Frontier

The "Conservative" government has kept airports open during the Emergency because they support mass imigration.

The British land, sea and air frontier must be closed to non essential items (excluding essential items ie medicine and food).

This provides for the better  and more accurate control and management of public health policy.


Suspend Legislative Devolution

The nation requires one policy in the Emergency not four.

Simplicity and precision are needed in public health measures across the whole of Britain (not four different versions operating at different times).

Devolution should have been suspended at the start of the Emergency, it has not been and has wasted time, replicated costs and further assisted the anarchists and separatists in dissolving the nation.

ie the introduction of "borders" inside the nation.


   Covid 19 is a Low to Medium Coronovirus.

It was downgraded from a High Consequence Infectious Disease (HCID) on 19 March 2020 in Great Britain.



General Recovery

  Recovery rate is about 99% in the general population (the "Conservative" government refuses to record and publish the British Covid 19 recovery rate).

 We note that the recorded and published recovery rate in India is about 97%.


Recording, Attribution (Death Certificate) and Official Numbers

 The recording (of medically evidenced* confirmation) of death by Covid on death certificates does not (generally) occur.

 Attribution of death by covid (rather than another cause or combined with another cause) is generally assumed**.

 *Physical and testable and repeatable.

**A doctor's/coroner's judgement based on general symptoms not particular physical and testable and repeatable evidence. 



 National measurement of Covid 19 statistics and outcomes are based on an official British total population of about 67 million.

 At we suggest the British total population is about 83 milllion.



 Immigration Measurement






Bears do not hibernate they enter a period of torpor (low function -endure hostile environmental conditions) however this state permits them to wake at speed when approaching danger is detected.






British Square

 Just For One Day

No one will help us

We can be Heroes

What You Say ?



Shipping Forecast


One of the familiar phrases from the Shipping Forecast is "Losing It's Identity" when describing a gale or storm.




Martin Luther

 I am bound by the Scriptures I have quoted and my conscience is captive to the Word of God. I cannot and I will not retract anything, since it is neither safe nor right to go against conscience. I cannot do otherwise, here I stand, may God help me, Amen.

Luther at the Diet of Worms (1521)



The Other Census

 The "roll-out"of the covid injection (now taken by 20 million) has become a new form of census (highly detailed medical and other data type) and measurable.

The official population of the United Kingdom is about 67 million (ONS). holds the opinion that the population is about 83 million.




A Casual Contempt


In the middle of the National Emergency (the dissolution of British society and it's economy) last year, the Leader of the Conservative Party pledged to admit 3 million Chinese (Hong Kong) immigrants into the Britian.

This process has now begun with an initial scheme to admit 350,000 (it began in January).

This further profound alteration to the population in Britain has been done without any submission of it to the British electorate.








The Census




The Mark of Submission

 (20 million have now taken the "Covid Jab")

The 60 year old shift from a Christian Nation to a secular and materialist aggregate of individuals in a New State has had it's effect.

Morally, socially economically and politically the unmeasurable loss of authority, wholeness and independence of the British Nation has led to the Crisis of 2020 and it's after effects.

The New State now claims it's mark, it's tribute and it's fealty.




Reap What You Sow


20 million have now ("taken" the "Covid Jab", about 24 million voted for the Conservative and Labour parties (about another 5 million voted for the Liberal and SNP parties).

The entire Atomisation of British society and it's economy and the hyper Transformation" British state into a secular and monetised new state is now near  completion.


The Mark of Submission





Institutionalised Hysteria, Obsession

One of the consequences of the "Progressive" Establishment's dissolution of Britain has been the politicisation and stratafication of the proffessions

med law tch are all now under th control of the new caste of politicised rootless universal managers who comply and promote the new state and itsd orthodoxies.

across all fields a monopolised.

amorpus blob 








this allows






"akin to the flu"


zero zero zERO

The Retreat from a Christian Civilisation


Defending Westphalia


The Treaty of Westphalia and the preeminence of the nation state in the

power arrangement between nations princiupalities and other potantates and poweers is under challenge by

the emergence of new supranational corporate entities who are using supranational technology to alter the relatuionship between the individual and their nation.

This alteration is based on the shifting of the demarcation between the private sphere and the public sphere of life.

Rather than being regulated by national power and place and time and the protection and preservation of a private demarcated framed "space" for the individual the internet and the sjw cult encourages a mass public "blob"

where there is no privacy or discrimination of information between individuals.

(It is an actual manifestation of the sci-fi (Star Trek) idea of  a "Borg" collective in which there is no individual - all individuals are absorbed into a mass carbon/silicone collective mechanism.


The Nigerian


End of Britain Referendum 2014

There was no "Scottish Independence Referendum in 2014 it was a referendum on the End of Britain.









cal placebo rolled out in millions






Union Directorate

The Conservative Party is Repelled By The Union

Addicted to English Separatism and the Class System






"A Nation or No Nation"









The Job Retention Scheme (Furlough), social security, pensions, public sector employees and other support schemes and "Working From Home"*

are all now operating as parts of a large debt recycling unit.


It is part of the Transformation of Britain into a new secular state, a rootlesss pool of compliant labour.


The "Working From Home" element is further proped up by the state by the (untaxed) financial benefits of not commuting and reduced luchtime costs (easily running into thousands saved per year)

while those (largely working class) have to physically go to work have no comparable compensation.

Research in Germany on this matter explored a tax on WFH.

An Employment  physical attendance tax allowance should be introduced to recognise the essential nature of those that have to leave their homes to go to a place of work.















Mass Panic

The Westphalian Challenge

The nation state is under direct challenge supranational entities both political and corporate.

While the nation state retreated in post war period and became lazy and materialistic the supranational entities grew large and powerful.

The new powers big organisations EU WB IMF UNO etc h