tHOSE casual days are over]
the faLL
The United Kingdom had enough problesms in 2019
(if you dig yourself into a hole you should stop digging)
We would rather that it had not ended on the 23rd of March 2020.
Unforunately for (stage name) Miss/Mz Liz Truss (Legal name: Mrs Mary Elizabeth O'leary) this is not 1979 or even 1989.
The United Kingdom ceased to exist on the 23rd of March 2020.
The 60 year national suicide attempt was finally succesful in 2020.
Immigration disrupts the settled cohesion of a nation.
The common visual colour language dress hair etc
recognition and habits that permit large numbers of individuals and families to interact and form a basis of trust.
AstraZenecaLand - A Budget for Year 3
Unfortunately for "Liz Truss" it is not 1979 or 1992 or even 2010.
Appointed by the - powers that be - in AstraZenecaLand she
Addicted to the 1980s (and not in a good way) she
has introduced a budget to consolidate the Transformation of a nation state into a godless sub-state
were the poor are cemented into perpetual poverty, atomised, monetised and digitalised.
The Prisim of Everything
28th November 1990
AstraZenecaLand - A System of Gernment
AstraZenecaLand - An Expansionist Power
The British Unionist Party is now open for membership.
"We must defeat the "Conservative" and Labour Establishment"
Stewart Connell
Invasion Fleet
The Fat Lady Sings
The Injection is now taking it's toll.
The official excess death number is now running at over a thousand a week.
The Injection impacts the imune system response, blood interface activity and alters the genetic building blocks.
Between December 2020 and December 2021
the "Conservative" and Labour Establishment (CALE) injected an experimental material into about two thirds of the population(including children).
The Injection was rolled out in response to a flu strain with a recovery rate of 99/100 in the gegneral population and higher again in children.
If you have had an Injection -do not get another.
(which should beare
"...the trouble is caused by unthinking people who carelessly throw away ageless ideals as if they were old and outworn machinery..."
Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
Grieving For A Nation
(Parts 1, 2 and 3)
Part 1
Self Deception
Part 2
The End of Britain
Part 3
("Modern Britain")
Part 1.
Self Deception
Oxford Reference (Dictionary)
(...losing the knowledge...)
"The motivated misapprehension of the facts of the case.
This may include actively believing what is not true, and refusing to acknowledge a truth, in circumstances where without the motivation the truth would be obvious. The philosophical problem, sometimes called the paradox of self-deception, is that normal deception requires one agent who knows the truth, and who conceals it from another agent. So within a single agent the state appears to be impossible, since the agent must know the truth to begin a process of deceiving him or herself about it.
One solution is to postulate one part of the mind that knows the truth, and that sets about deceiving another part of the mind that does not. However, it is not clear that it is useful to employ the spatial analogy of minds with parts, nor to suppose that the ‘sub-systems’ responsible for the state are usefully thought of as themselves independent ‘agents’ that not only know things but have plans and projects and can set about doing things. There is nothing problematic about desires influencing beliefs, and some people are better than others at believing what they wish to be true. The problem only arises if achieving this state is thought of as a plan that the agent follows. But even then the project of coming to believe what one knows to be false is coherent, provided that process is spread over time, and the means adopted involve losing the knowledge during the process."
A number of years ago we spoke about the empty baubles and trinkets of national events that bore less and less
relationship to the dissolving nation state of Great Britain.
The hollow ceremonies (that were once full of national meaning and purpose and effect)
had now become desperate, distracting metaphors for a nation that wilfully threw itself away, in exchange for Godlessness and Debt and The Injection.
The abandonment of Great Britain's established Christian religion and consequently it's nationhood (it's entire fabric) through the past 60 years
has culminated in the national suicide that is visible today in every street, village, town and city (tangible and untangible).
The Dissolution of Britain led to (and permitted) The Injection
(a debilitating and genetic altering material, now irreversibly, in about two thirds of the population)
and of course, the other unspeakable, the ongoing Replacement of the British in Britain.
Part 2.
The End of Britain
There are millions who cannot come to terms with the End of Britain
even though it is right in front of them and behind them and at the side of them.
They sense that something serious not just an official pandemic or economic dis-integration or social atomisation has happened - but something even more profound has happened
(it has been the wilfull throwing away (national suicide) of what had been a Godly and prosperous nation)
but they dare not think too much about it, in case that they begin to form thoughts and words about it and words predate action.
They fear that those words will shatter their carefully constructed, comfortable, material coccoon that isolates them
(and their memory) to a diminishing degree from the dissolving society that is not too far from them.
They fear that those words may bring upon them a guilt, a shamefulness, a regret.
They fear, even more so, that they will have to express effort (such a hassle these days) to think and decide between submission or flight or fight.
Never must they walk in the cities of the former United Kingdom in daylight and never, ever in the dark, or lest they will see what they have done.
The truth is hard to bare but the deception that they cover themselves in, is no escape, it is only a method to pass on
to the next generation (the majority of over thirty women are childless) the inescapable hardship that acompanies the wilfull throwing away and surrender of your country.
For those who have already voted for the Conservative and Labour Establishment,
or who have prostrated themselves before it or most of all, those that have demonstrated their fealty to it by injecting a genetic altering material into themselves,
the decision has been made.
It is too late.
The Jab Is Forever.
Part 3.
("Modern Britain")
The (AstraZenecaLand) appoved new Primeminister referred to "Modern Britian"
when making her statement outisde No10 Downing Street on the passing of Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
The new Primeminister did NOT refer to Great Britain or Britain, she referred to "Modern Britain"
If ever there was a speech so carefully constructed and proof read for every potential political nuance, it is this one.
"Modern Britian" is a codephrase for Surrender.
A codephrase for the 60 year old Dissolution of Britain and it's replacement by AstraZenecaLand (and it's border right up to Russia, India and China).
A codephrase for the godless, atomised, debt ridden, wasteland where the indigenous population is being replaced every single day.
The codephrase is a signal to the Liberal/"Progressive" Establishment that their policies and legislation of the previous 60 years are safe and will continue.
The codephrase refers to a Britain NOT connected to it's past (ie before mass imigration) but a Britain disconnected from it's past,
a Britain where the transmission of itself has stopped and it has been replaced with the transmission of something else ie that which is not British.
It is why Everything in the United Kingdom in the past 30 years has been filtered through the unspeakable Prisim of Everything otherwise known as Imigration.
"Modern" Britain or "New" Britain - as Emily Matliss preferred when presenting Newsnight on the Opening Day of the Olympics in 2012
is all about that which is not British.
Britain and "Modern Britain" cannot exist at the same time in the same place, one must win.
In 1957 Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II recognised and forewarned about corosive forces that were emerging to dissolve the Nation and the "subtle corruption of the cynics".
By 1957 political and social forces were begininning to exercise power in church and politics and society in general that would burst into power in the 1960's
to sideline and push out the national established religion and the common habits and institutions of the United Kingdom and to begin dissolving it,
by November 1990, these forces had suceeded in the de-politicisation of Britian.
From 1990 until 2020 the United Kingdom dissolved at an increasing rate through until it's national suicide on the 23rd of March 2020.
God Save The King
.....Godless Atomised debt ridden and being replaced by Alien populations
Assertion of the"Primeminister outside no 10
stands in contrast to..Britain ------Christian Industrial Britain the Britain that so many long (but not enough acted for
CIB Britain in continum with itself and the past rather than MB A LIB/PROG CONSTRUCT FROM THE 1960s.
Endorsed godless coe cos and AZL front organisations and policies green trans and de-nat
dtg debt sx
Part 2
Self Deciet
The Means of Destruction
"Conservative" and Labour Establishment
Godless Churches and institutions
The Anti-Parliament
Convention Parliament
Provisional Government
According to law
A Provisional Government
A Convention Parliament Now
“We have a golden opportunity to seize something good from this crisis — its unprecedented shockwaves may well make people more receptive to big visions of change,”
“It is an opportunity we have never had before and may never have again.”
Prince Charles speaking to the World Economic Forum
June 2020
(In 1957 HM The Queen recognised and identified forces that were dissolovling the Nation)
By 1957 political and social forces were emerging that would burst into power in the 1960's to sideline and push out the national established religion and institutions of the United Kingdom
and to begin the dissolution of it, by 1990 these forces suceeded in the de-politicisation of Britian.
From 1990 until 2020 the United Kingdom dissolved until it's national suicide on the 23rd of March 2020.
The 23rd of March 2020 was the accumulation of 60 years of step by step, year by year national suicide.
It has been recorded here for posterity.
God Save The King
Eternal Seven
The Injection and The Ejection
The jabbed cannot be unjabbed.
The entered can be ejected.
Empty Swagger
How they swagger, claiming to publish the unpublishable and then
confronted by the content that may destroy their career and their publishing house they run away.
The Vichy Primeminister
by being a cabinet minister from 2014, the new Vichy Primeminister supported:
The national dissolution of the United Kingdom.
The injection of a debilitating and genetic altering material into the British population including children.
The unconstitutional and anti-parliamentary referendum on ending the United Kingdom on the 18th of September 2014.
The legislative and economic division of the United Kingdom.
The Rat Race is for Rats
Invasion Fleet
The Invasion of Britain continues at such a rate that the public housing and purchased private housing, hostels and hotels and reconfiguered offices are not enough,
cruise liners are now rented and used for the mass accomodation of imigrant populations.
For over 10 years consistently highlighted the exposure (including physical to digital exposure) of the United Kingdom to national natural and manmade risk.
We advocated for resources to be put into the United Kingdom's infrastructure and it's reserve capability.
Re-opening of the coal pits, nationalise electricity generation and distribution.
Re-establish the Civil Defence Corps and re-establish the Territorial Army.
Secure local and national medical, water and food transport and supply lines and local reserve material depots
and not least, establish a reserve physical money infrastructure that is not dependent on electronic/digital transmission.
After The Olympics
It is now 10 years since the Olympics took place in the occupied BBC invented postcode of E20 previously known as Newham.
The Olympics was a "Conservative" Party and Labour Party Establishment (CALE) cover for pouring between 15-25 billion (how little that seems these days) into designated occupied zones.
Emily Matliss on Newsnight on the opening night of the Olympics described it as reflecting "New Britain" (implying the end of Britain).
The interevening 10 years has, of course, proved her right.
The Fat Lady Sings
Six months on from the metaphysical event Dec 2020 of the "Injection Rollout" (of an experimental, debilitating and DNA altering material) into about two thirds of the UK population
the measures are now increasingly visible and difficult to conceal even for the Conservative and Labour Establishment that introduced it.
Excess deaths (official)are now running at about 1000 per week
Dim All the Lights
British Unionist Party
The British Unionist Party is now open for membership.
Standing in opposition to the "Conservative" and Labour and SNP etc establishment (CALE)
the BUP supports the restoration of the British nation state.
Consolidate calls on all political parties that support the restoration of the British nation state to gather together in the British Unionist Party
and present a single electoral force against the "Conservative" and Labour and SNP establishment (CALE)
Britain as Britain
for 60 y th gl e has legis to turn brit into se a g i l p g sub state.
we must rem thm and restore bab
Liberal state
Christian, Industrial, Britain has been thrown away.
The Han dynysty represents by far the largest ethnic group in China.
China is a predominately irreligous country.
Zombie State 2
The fuk is imploding as it now discovers that the systems built by a christian society and all the benefits it brought to Britain
cannot function in a godless atomised state (AstrZenecaLand).
After the injection rollout the general population hoped that they would return to a pre23/3/20 society (pumped up by a tidal wave of two years of unspent up money (especially sitting in nank accounts of the golden agers and the work from home cohort who saved on rail fares and lunch money),
but they can now see that this is not happening not least in regard to prices and a functioning infrastructure.
A "motorised instinct" (dr m. Rush) is now in action, old habits are still at work in the public dimension but bare no relation to the new society that exists.
New Epoch Economy
The Golden Ticket
The Church of Britain
There can be no restoration of Britian without a restoration of it's Christian faith.
The Church of England and the Church of Scotland must be dis-established and all material assets of both (including churches, manses, vicarages and palaces)
assumed by the Church of Britain with the exception being pensions which can be paid for by the new dis-established entities under their new nomenclature.
The Church of Britain must now be confirmed in legislation: National, Established, Christian and Protestant.
The work of the Westminster Assembly of Divines (1643-1653) must now be completed.
Assertion of Liberty of Conscience by the Independents of the Westminster Assembly of Divines, 1644
Painting by John Rogers Herbet (1847)
After The Olympics
It is now 10 years since the Olympics took place in the occupied BBC invented postcode (E20) of Newham.
The Olympics was a "Conservative" Party and Labour Party establishment (CALE) cover for pouring between 15-25 billion into designated immigration zones.
Emily Matliss on Newsnight on the opening night of the Olympics described it as reflecting "New Britain" (implying the end of Britain).
The interevening 10 years has, of course, proved her right.
"The Visiting Card"
2001 Glasgow Anniesland constituency.
2005 North Ayrshire and Arran constituency.
1 Tour Protectors AZL Candidate Because We Must Grimethorpe Colliery Band British Railways
2 Manifesto
3 Han GU Olympics
4 Liberal and Tech and Panic
5 Bring Out Your Dead
6 Edifice
7 Epoch
8 Zenith Zap Zephyr
9 BUP Video
The Protectors
Protect The British Constitution, It Protects You.
Protecting the British Constitution since 2011.
LT PRO injection
The AstraZenecaLand Candidate
Unlike the Conservative Party leadership contest in 1965 (which did offer a candidate who offered an alternative political path for the nation)
it does not matter who the next leader will be they are agents of AstraZenecaLand as is the Conservative Party itself.
Because We Must
(Number 3)
The Invasion of Britain continues through air, and sea and land by foot by boats and planes and trains and cars and lorries. Legal and illegal.
Grimethorpe Colliery Band
Coal Not Dole
British Railways
We are wtinessing the national suicide of Britian and part of that is the dissolution of sophisicated and complex relationships that have been established for centuries
moral, social, economic, infrastructural and political.
The strikes on the former British Railways are evidence of this happening.
On Tour 2022
Stewart Connell
"Welcome To AstraZenecaLand"
Stewart Connell takes you on a guided tour through the wasteland of the former United Kingdom
and into the New Epoch that you now inhabit.
If your group, organisation or institution would like to host
"Welcome To AstraZenecaLand"
a limited number of dates are now available.
Contact through - The Usual Channels.
We must
The Last Generation
The Lost Generation
Slush Funds
Ad Astra
Genetic Trajectory
The Price of Shutdown
The Price of Shutdown
Do not forget.
It was not a dream it did happened.
The Liberal/"Progressive" caste "Conservative" and Labour Establishment (CALE) Shutdown the British economy from March 2020 until Febuary 2022 in order to inject the population with a
debilitating and genetic altering material.
There was no need for the Shutdown.
The economic devastation - especially on small to medium businesses continues - as it was meant to.
It is part of the "Transformation" of the British economy - a national economy - into a servicised sector of the - globalised economy - serving
globalised corporate profit not nation states.
The Last Generation
A majority of the British over 30 female population are now childless.
The replacement of the British population - through the reduction in the indigenous birthrate and immigration policy and the immigrant birthrate is now taking place.
A visit to any of the cities in the former United Kingdom will provide immediate and profound evidence of the abandonment of nationhood by the Conservative and Labour Establishment (CALE)
(elected in general election after general election, it has to be said) throughout the past 60 year.
The Lost Generation 2
Not content with injecting a debilitating and genetic altering material into British children the "Conservative" and Labour Establishment (CALE) - legislate for the increased abortion of the British.
While immigrant populations enter the former United Kingdom, many of them frown upon and are hostile to abortion
(many of them influenced by the Christian Britain of the 19th century - now abandoned in so many ways by the British themselves).
In the last decades of the United Kingdom (1960s- 2020) abortion became part of the Liberal/"Progressive disposal culture.
New figures show a record high of 250,000 abortions, including "Covid" postal abortions (abortion pills sent in the post) now take place.
There have been over 9 million abortions of young Britons.
This is not the culture of Christian Britain it is the culture of godless, Liberal/"Progressive" global AstraZenecaLand.
Representation and Abstention are different sides of the same common parliamentary authority coin.
If the SNP want to get a mandate to withraw British constituencies from the British Parliament then they have to declare to stand candidates on an abstentionist manifesto before
a general election/by-election takes place.
(they have refused to do this at every election since they were formed because they get more votes
and money and status by accepting British authority through taking their seats in the British Parliament - even though they do not believe in it).
If they do not and then attempt to withdraw British constituencies from the British Parliament,
such action will be unconstitutional, anti-parliamentary and illegal.
It will be an act of insurrection against the properly constituted British Parliament and must be met with all means necessary.
Slush Fund
The new and abrupt discovery of - candy shops - in Regent Street has lifted the lid on fake shops across the country.
There is a suggestion that such shops and others (nail-bars/sunbeds/takeaways/carwashes etc) are fronts for foreign immigrant movement, foreign interest activities and foreign money channels.
Nothing new about that.
Ad Astra
One of the most telling examples of the United Kingdom's final years was it's retreat from maintaining the British Army, the Royal Air Force and the Royal Navy.
By the millenium the armed forces were reduced to being cardboard cut outs of their former self.
Rather than being a national army rooted in the local regular regimental traditions and the local territorial (part-time) army units
the British Army has become a playground for the degenerate Liberal/"Progressive" revolutionaries to impose their - Diversity/Inclusion/Equality policies.
Genetic Trajectory
The species level event (Dec 2020 - Feb 2022) of injecting a DNA/cellular altering material across the Earth has taken place
and for the first time permitted the species genetic code to be altered by a political caste.
The alteration of the natural direction of human biological evolution has been set.
Element X
The Lib/"prog" near universal political and pharmacomplex has injected a material into the gen pop not only is it circulating is dibilitating.
Until recently - the past 60 years - the territory of Great Britain contained a single tribe - the British.
It is the natural conection between tribe and territory that the entire Liberal/"Progressive" revolution (AstraZenecaLand)
has sought to break and must break for their godless agenda to be
Most of all it has been in Great Britain that the connection had to be broken by them.
It was in Great Britain, in the Glorious Revolution, in the British Constitution that the fullness of nationhood was recognised and secured
(and adopted and adapted by other nations across the Earth including: Canada, Australia, New Zealand and of course the United States of America)
and it is that which we remember today
"I look upon the British Constitution, as settled at the Revolution, to be
the most glorious on earth, or that perhaps the wit of man can frame"
Robert Burns
The New Owners
Having committed national suicide
Epochal Chant AstraZenecaLand
The Epoch Edit
In AstraZenecaLand (AZ
hAVING cOMMITED NATIOnal suicicide the pop
The immigrant decended candidates for the"Conservative" Party post of "Leader"
Not content with injecting an experimental material into British children - the abortion of the British continues apace.
Over 9 million dead since 1967.
While immigrant populations soar in number (where abortion is righty frowned upon) in the millions - in Brititsh culture
Abortion is part of the disposal culture - a record high of 250,000, including covid postal abortions (abortion pills sent in the post) now takes place.
A majority of the British over 30 female population are now childless.
This is the anti-British culture of AstraZenecaLand.
Not content with injecting an experimental material into British children - the abortion of the British continues apace.
Over 9 million dead since 1967.
While immigrant populations soar in number (where abortion is righty frowned upon) in the millions - in Brititsh culture
Abortion is part of the disposal culture - a record high of 250,000, including covid postal abortions (abortion pills sent in the post) now takes place.
A majority of the British over 30 female population are now childless.
This is the anti-British culture of AstraZenecaLand.
Element X
The Lib/"prog" near universal political and pharmacomplex has injected a material into the gen pop not only is it circulating
The science fiction series "Limetown" refers to an social-technological and pharmacological experiment.
Slush Fund
Genetic Trajectory
The species level event of injecting a DNA/cellular altering material across the Earth has permitted genetic to be altered by a political caste.
The power to alter the natural direction of human biological evolution.
e Price of AstraZenecaLand
The increased price of butter, petrol, crisps, electricity and everything else is the Economic Price of 60 years of Liberalism.
It is the Economic Price of AstraZenecaLand - the New godless, liberal, and near universal state that came into being on the 23rd of March 2020 and replaced the United Kingdom..
The British Economy, national and serious and masculine - physical economy has gone
(Defence, public infrastcture and heavy industry- NCBXXXXXXand culture that forged it
has been ruined, dissolved and "Transformed" into a Liberal
into a Godless, feminised, digital service economy.
The Failing and then Failed and then Dissolved State that was the United Kingdom is now full of Loneliness, Deppression and Poverty.
Social atomisation, addiction and the implosion of public institutions - including the national established church is the Price that the British are now paying
for 60 years of abandonment of their national religion and their nation.
Not content with injecting an experimental material into British children - the abortion of the British continues apace.
Over 9 million dead since 1967.
While immigrant populations soar in number (where abortion is righty frowned upon) in the millions - in Brititsh culture
Abortion is part of the disposal culture - a record high of 250,000, including covid postal abortions (abortion pills sent in the post) now takes place.
A majority of the British over 30 female population are now childless.
This is the anti-British culture of AstraZenecaLand.
If the SNP want to get a mandate to withraw remove British constituencies from the British Parliament then they have to stand candidates on an abstentionist manifesto if they do not then any attempt to remove
constituencies from the British Parliament will be unconstitutional, anti-parliamentary and illegal
and must be met with the full force of the British.
a dominant, durable mandate then all their candidates must stand as abstentionist candidates
if they do ot then they are standing as representational candidates who will take there seats in the British Parliament and in doing so become part of the whole....just as they did at the last genereal elcetion and indeed evey one since they came into existence.
If they stand and refuse declare that they will NOT take their seats but then attempt to withdraw from the British Parliament then this is insurrection against the constitution parliment and the law and they must be met with the full force of the British people.
The Boy From New York City
The Protectors
(Where We Came In) was established in April 2011.
Protecting the British Constitution.
"...all the low are living high..."
On the 8th of January 2012 the leader of the "Conservative" Party launched (on the BBC Andrew Marr programme)
an unconstitutional, anti-parliamentary referendum on the constitutional existence of the United Kingdom.
(this referendum was described as the Scottish Independence Referendum by the anti-British BBC and wider anti-British propaganda units.)
Between 2011 and 2014 engaged and repelled the enemy*.
*Constitutional Committee - House of Lords, Advocate General Department, Political and Constitutional Reform Committee (now abolished),
two Scottish Secretary of States Michael Moore and Alistair Carmichael and the rest.
(See Houses of Parliament Archive).
British parliamentary representative democracy has no place for the anti-referendum mechanism, correctly described by Primeminister Clement Attlee as an "alien device" ...
Onwards Until Victory
In 2022
the Conservative and Labour and SNP etc Establishment
wWE CONTINUE TO support the restoration of ....the defend the Union
There were 214,869 terminations during 2021, the highest number since the procedure became legal in Great Britain through the 1967 Abortion Act, the latest annual abortion statistics published on Tuesday show. Numbers have been going up every year since 2016.
AstraZenecaLand - Powershift
AstraZenecaLand has arrived.
The historical powershift - reversal - from nation state to global state has happened.
For the first time since the Reformation and the emergence of independent nation states at The Peace of Westphalia (The West), power has flowed back to a Global/Universal caste.
This flowback is driven by the Godless/Pagan/Liberal/"Progressive" orthodoxies of the last third of the 20th century and the early decades of the 21st century andcompounded by the use of medical, commercial, digital, and communication advances
Most of all, the New State has been consolidated, not through a ballot paper or even the physical prostration of the population before it
but by the (metaphysical) submission of the population to a political biological instruction from the "Conservate and Labour Establishment (CALE)
to inject themselves with a DNA/Celluar altering material.
Cromwell’s speech in 1653 to the Long Parliament:
“It is high time for me to put an end to your sitting in this place, which you dishonoured by your contempt of all virtue, and defiled by your practice of every vice; ye are a factious crew, and enemies of all good government; ye are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would like Esau, sell your country for a mess of pottage, and, like Judas, betray your God for a few pieces of money.
“Is there a single virtue now remaining amongst you? Is there one vice you do not possess? Ye have no more religion than my horse; gold is your God; which of you have not bartered your conscience for bribes? Is there a man amongst you that has the least care for the good of the Commonwealth?
“Ye sordid prostitutes, have you not defiled this sacred place, and turned the Lord’s temple into a den of thieves, by your immoral principles and wicked practices?
“Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation; you who are deputed here by the people to get grievances redressed, are yourselves gone!
“So! Take away that shining bauble there, and lock up the doors.
“In the name of God, go!”
(Dissolution and Transformation)
The former United Kingdom has dissolved.
What was the United Kingdom is now in Permacrisis until - The Transformation - of the nation is complete.
Price rises, public and private sector implosion, strikes and infrastructural collapse and social atomisation
is - "creative" destructionalism - in action
The Permacrisis is now taking place "The Transformation" of the nation into a generic (including population)
substate of AstraZenecaLand.
Rwanda In Yorkshire
By voting for the "Conservative" Party, the electorate in Linton On Ouse constituency in Yorkshire
authorised successive CALE ("Conservative" and Labour Establishment) governments policy on immigration and the rest.
They have got what they voted for general election after general election, Rwanda - which is in Linton On Ouse, Yorkshire.
Self Love, Self Hate
The Liberal/"Progressive" doctrine is Self - Self Love (Selfishness) and Self Hate of Nation (which is Selflessness).
It is a political recipie for national atomisation and then dissolution - in other words - the experience of the former United Kingdom over the past 60 years.
Rwanda In Glasgow
Dr Who was born in Rwanda - which is in Glasgow -
Immigration control must - begin and end - at the national border
(the United Kingdom does not have a border (a singular circular/integral frontier - like an electrical circuit- a singular perimeter with entry/exit (permission/refusal) points).
not the BBC Casting Office.
Liquid Assets
The assets of the former United Kingdom
(moral, social, economic, and political - intelectual/physical/environmental/industrial/educational etc)
have now been liquified (from mental and physical items)into digital money and sold off to foriegn entities that lacked them.
flxxx xx xxxx
Ignore The Machine
National suicide, the Occupation of Britain or The Injection of an experimental material to alter the DNA of the British ? take your pick.
Preferring not to think (and then act) about the Dissolution of Britain (1707-2020) the diversion of the "Platinum Jubilee" is a perfect excuse
for large parts of the populations in the former UK to divert from the cold, harsh realities outside their debt fuelled materialist nirvana.
The message: Ignore The Injection - Ignore The Dissolution (moral, social, economic and political)
- Ignore The Occupation of Britiain and spend money (debt), is the dominant message of the "Platinum Jubilee".
The Ghosts are performing like Pavlovs dog trapped by fear, greed, selfishness and sloth
and a too familiar national mental and physical comfort
provided, ironically by their Christian forefathers who built the Nation that they so casually threw away.
Element X
The COVID "Vaccine" rollout from December 2020 until January 2022
(I year 1 month) used all the political pwer of the Conservative and Labour - and SNP etc - Liberal/"Progressive Establishment to INJECT
an experimental material into the DNA of the British.
Apart form a debilitating delivery medium (blood clots, cariovacular impacts and a reduction of the immune system)
It is the alteration of the natural compos///ition of the DNA.
Are You Poor Enough Yet ? No.
Zenith (Seeing Ourselves in Art)
Decomposing Britian
ve consequence the
strikes and organisational implosion are the outcome of transform ation of the fuk ibto a substate of AAzl.
srv imig
The Ghosts Of The Last Hurrah
Self Love, Self Hate
Rwanda in Yorkshire
Liquid Assets
Rwanda in Glasgow...
Poor Enough Yet ? No! Ok
AstraZenecaLand ...It's S.A.D
Currently over a 1000 per week ecesss deaths in e/w
(to say nothing about the number reaction numbers)
AstraZenecaLand ...It's S.A.D
Currently over a 1000 per week ecesss deaths in e/w
(to say nothing about the number reaction numbers)
AstraZenecaLand ...It's S.A.D
Currently over a 1000 per week ecesss deaths in e/w
(to say nothing about the number reaction numbers)
AstraZenecaLand ...It's S.A.D
Currently over a 1000 per week ecesss deaths in e/w
(The United Kingdom no longer exists, it and "The West" are now sub-states of AstraZenecaLand
the godless liberal global state finally ushered in 2020 after 60 years in development.)
- The Rubicon The Price
The "Conservative" Party and rest of the Establishment legislated for the injection of an experimental material into British children.
The Rubicon Has Been Crossed.
The Establishment must answer for It.
They must pay The Price.
Liquid Assets
Rwanda In Yorkshire
No sympathy from
By voting "Conservative" Party the electorate in Rwanda - which is in Linton-On Ouse, Yorkshire, have got what they voted for general election after general election.
Rwanda In Glasgow
Dr Who was born in Rwanda which is in Glasgow.
Any critisism of the New Dr Who for not being British is misplaced.
Immigration control begins and ends at the national border (the United Kingdom does not have a border (a singular circular/integral frontier - like an electrical circuit- an entry/refusal point)
not the BBC Casting Office.
Self Love, Self Hate
The Liberal/"Progressive" doctine is Self Love (Selfishness)
and Self Hate of Nation (Selflessness).
It is a political recipie for national atomisation and then dissolution - in other words the experience of the former United Kingdom over the past 60 years.
Element X
The COVID "Vaccine" rollout from December 2020 until January 2022
(I year 1 month) used all the political pwer of the Conservative and Labour - and SNP etc - Liberal/"Progressive Establishment to INJECT
an experimental material into the DNA of the British.
Apart form a debilitating delivery medium (blood clots, cariovacular impacts and a reduction of the immune system)
It is the alteration of the natural composition of the DNA.
Are You Poor Enough Yet ? No.
Zenith (Seeing Ourselves in Art)
Decomposing Britian
The Ghosts Last Hurrah
Celebrate what...
The Injection of an experimental material to alter the DNA of the British or Occupation of Britain? take your pick.
Preferring not to think (and then act) about the Dissolution of Britain (1707-2020) the diversion of the "Platinum Jubilee" is a perfect excuse
for the large parts of the general populations in the former UK - nevermind the Conservative and Labour Establishment (CALE) to divert from the cold, harsh realities
outside their debt fuelled materialist nirvanas.
The message: Ignore The Injection - Ignore the Dissolution - Ignore the Occupation of Britiain and spend money (debt) is the dominant message of the "Platinum Jubilee".
The Ghosts are performing like Pavlovs dog trapped by fear,greed,selfishness, sloth and a too familiar national comfort provided ironically by their forefathers who built the Nation that they with no appriciation threw away.
It has all gone and if you are still in any doubt ask the new Dr Who - born in Rwanda, Scotland.
The United Kingdom no longer exists it has been replaced by the New Godless-Injected-Liberal-Global State AKA AstraZenecaLand (AZL).
Of course, there is a drag effect in all politics - in many matters, legislation introduced in the 1990s for example, is only now coming into full political effect today.
Of even more effect today is the abandonment of the national established religion meaning that there is no Christian anchor and the British are set adrift on a sea of ungodlyness.
Living comfortably (in loneliness and poverty and debt) and in the familiar surroundings of a Nation forged by it's Christian religion
the British threw away the elements that made it, and became "utterly wasted"
lazy, authority trust fear past godless.
Double Aparthied Britain
Renouncing Nationhood (Throwing It All Away).
The Fiction of Britain
Decomposing Britain
Introducing The Government of AstraZenecaLand
The Money Issue
Reproductive Pool
India and Pakistan
Introduction to AstraZenecaLand (AZL)
AZL is the new Liberal Global State that has replaced the United Kingdom.
It is the consolidation of 60 years of Liberal policy across all policy fields.
It is the Secular Total State. It is the Bio-State and a Digital State.
It is a (near) universal state where the nation state has been replaced.
The biological composition and biological trajectory of the AZL population is now operated by the global state establishment.
National populations have been replaced (borderless immigration) by a generic - nationless, religionless sexless, rootless (family and history and local character) population
UNO - Devolved Administrations (Former nation states ie: United Kingdom)
uniom immigration dept
NATO Defence
WHO Health (Genetic Planning)
UNESCO Education
EU European Administration
Bank of International Settlement Management of the Fractional Banking System.
World Bank Management of Global Fiscal Planning
WEF bis forum
COP environ dept
UNO - Devolved Administrations (Former nation states ie: United Kingdom)
uniom immigration dept
NATO Defence
WHO Health (Genetic Planning)
UNESCO Education
EU European Administration
Bank of International Settlement Management of the Fractional Banking System.
World Bank Management of Global Fiscal Planning
WEF bis forum
COP environ dept
Tour 2022
"Welcome To AstraZenecaLand"
Stewart Connell takes you on a unique tour of The New Epoch, The New Power and The New State.
In 2022, you are no longer in the United Kingdom (it no longer exists), you are in AstraZenecaLand (AZL - formally "The West").
Find out what happened.
A Limited number of dates available this Summer and Autumn DV.
Universities, Colleges, Instututions, Political Societies and other organisations.
Walk On By
AstraZenecaLand vs Russia 2
Church of AstraZenecaLand
In 2009 the General Assenbly of the Church of Scotland abandoned Scripture.
It is a False Church.
In 2022 it worships the pagan gods of AstraZenecaLand.
Genetic Trajectory
Queues form in Plymouth to alter their natural genetic codes 8/12/21
Live Aid
While Britain enters into history British young folk gather in Wembley Stadium to listen to pop music and contribute to charity.
Papal Visit
40 years ago the Pope was permitted to enter the United Kingdom.
The visit was a political visit not a pastoral visit as claimed.
The visit could not be anything but political as the - universal - claim of the Papal Crown and the - national - assertion of the British Crown are mutually incompatable.
AstraZenecaLand is now jostling for - universal - domination.
In 2022 both the Protestant churches and the Roman Catholic Church face domination by the New, Pagan, Liberal, Global, State of AstraZenecaLand.
Celebrating National Suicide
We are expected to celebrate Britain and Forget COVID and Forget National Dissolution and Forget the Occupation of Britain.
40 years later the Protestant churches (established and non-established) and the Roman Catholic Church are challenged by the New Godless Global State
of AstraZenecaLand.
Element X
The manufactureers of The Injection do not want the indgredients to be made public
The Injection drive has slowed because the Establishment believe that an Injected threshold has been reached, especially in the reproductive population and that the material in the Injection will now be transmitted into the future population through natural reproduction.
AstraZenecaLand (AZL) has set out to pull India into it's orbit (including removal of it's Primeminister) and away from Russia.
The British have always had a special affinity with India.
For the poem "The Mother Lodge" by Rudyard Kipling reflects not just the affinity towards the great nation of India
but outlines the shape of a true British foreign policy.
Live Aid
Live Aid took place on13th of July 1985
At the
however the Liberal/"Progressive" aways keen to destroy the British Protestant Constitution
Element X
Papal Visit
Pumped up by the Conservative and Labour and SNP etc Establishment
AKA AstraZenecaLand
the Platinum Jubilee is now to be a "celebration" of "New Britain" (Emil Matliss on Newsnight 2012 on launch of the London Olympics)
The Protectors
National Suicide - Hollow Celebrations
Latest Tour News:
Welcome To AstraZenecaLand Tour 2022
Stewart Connell takes you on a unique tour of The New Epoch, The New Power and The New State.
In 2022, you are no longer in the United Kingdom (it no longer exists), you are in AstraZenecaLand (AZL) formally "The West".
Find out what happened.
A Limited number of dates available this Summer and Autumn DV.
Universities, Colleges, Instututions, Political Societies and other organisations.
///Walk On By////////////////
At the zenith of British mass culture (music, film, tv and radio) in the 1980s Britain produced the artistic product that dominated the Earth.
The Injection drive has slowed because the Establishment believe that an Injected threshold has been reached, especially in the reproductive population and that the material in the Injection will now be transmitted into the future population through natural reproduction.
Golden Ticket
The British Crown RTB
The Money Issue
The Covid death spike did not happen in 2020-201 the total death number was within the standard time frame used to measure total death levels trends.
The Injection is now contributing to a death spike (already established as a result upon the
Element X
Who are you
satiate, cloy, glut, gorge, pall, sate, and surfeit
Rwanda, Yorkshire
The Occupation of Britain continues.
"COVID" - It Was All A Dream
(A Memory Wipe)
The Conservative adn Labour and SNP Establishment (CALE) is now engaged in a national memory wipe.
A process of deletion of the collective memory of the past two years(especially of The Injection) is in full swing.
According to CALE (and the BBC and the rest) "Covid" did not happen.
This reminds us at of the 1908s tv series that killed off one of it's leading characters only to bring him back a year later when the ratings took a dive.
The explanation for his had all been a dream.
Bobby's Return
Lonlieness, depression, addiction, poverty and debt are the features of the "Post-Covid" landscape.
Disturbance, desolation and despair are now widespread across the population - Injected and Uninjected.
Common bonds - the bonds that glued the nation together have gone.
The common bonds for several decades, not renewed and transmitted forward, meant that not only could "Covid" take hold but that after legislative "Covid"
(Coronovirus Act 2020) the absence of common national bonds would permit the former United Kingdom to dissolve into an all against all nationless state
subject to the pagan Liberal establishement of Johnson, Starmer and Sturgeon and the rest.
AstraZenecaLand (Formerly The West)
The - former - United Kingdom population now live in a New State called AstraZenecaland (AZL).
It is a Bio-State.
It is constructed on the politically instructed injection of a material, the ingredients of which are legally restricted (and the commercial entities are legally immune from prosecution) from the public domain.
It's primary control feature is to operate as a Digital-State - Total Deprevation of Privacy.
The ambition of the New State is Universal.
Only Russia and China and a few other nations remain outwith it's orbit.
The West (at we regard - The West - as the natural descendant manifestation of the Peace of Westphalia itself a natural outcome of the Reformation).
In 2021 we explored the roots of this hatred - the hatred of the British Constitution and national constitutions that were aopted and adapted from the British Constitution.
The Hallmarks of The Husk
While The Injected must generally cover The Mark, with shirt and tee shirts and blouses,
The Mask, permits the wearer to outwardly signal their high rank of submission to the New Liberal Global Bio-State.
This is why so many continue to wear The Mask.
The Husk
A dried out brittle, Husk, the - former - United Kingdom trades on the final vapours of it's national past and serves it's new master, AstraZenecaLand (AZL).
The Husk - three jabs, of couse - despretately grasping for a return to 22nd of March 2020, senses that something however is not quite right, something is not quite right.
President Gas
"...You'll say yeah to anything if you believe all this..."
Peter Pan Land
For 60 years the United Kingdom increasingly became a Peter Pan Society reluctant to grow up and engage in the cycle of life preferring to stay locked into a (rock and roll mannnnnn)
adolescent behavioural scheme.
Stunted growth and a debt fuelled avoidence of individual social development has not only led to an atomisation of society
(and hyper-fuelled by "COVID LOCKDOWN"),
it has impacted on childbirth rates and the settled upbringing of children.
Element X
Golden Ticket
Abandoned by it's own people, the immigrants that have arrived and arrive by foot, by plane, by boat and by bus, car, and lorry
into the United Kingdom/former United Kingdom, have won the Golden Ticket.
The Speaker of the House of Commons abandons any pretence of nueutrality.
AstraZenecaLand Vs Russia
The former United Kingdom goes to war for it's new master - AstraZenecaLand.
The Surrender of the Cities
The Great British cities have been laid waste and abandoned to the Liberal forces of AstraZenecaLand and beyond.
Former office blocks and commercial ventures are now re-configured and have become new - hotels - that cater for the foriegn
"single traveller", "businesspeople", "students" and/or "student groups".
It is the occupation of the former United Kingdom.
Zombie State
"I must go and do some telephone calls."
Primeminister Thatcher (to the press)
British Embassy, Paris
20th November 1990
By November 1990 it was to late (there was no one left to phone),
rather than advance from 1979 a national manifesto the Conservative Party (and Labour Party) peddled a manifesto
to denationalise the nation state (including the mass employment of British men - see National Coal Strike ends March 1985, "Big Bang" financial markets October 1986 and British Leyland defunct 1986)
The Injection of over 60 % of the UK population with an experimental material could not have happened, had the nation state remained intact (morally, socially, economically and politically)
through these past six decades.
The Devolved UK Parliament
Catch Up
Don't Be Shy Give It A Try.
From November 2020 - November 2021
The Nomenclature of AstraZenecaland (AZL)
The New Epoch (a post nation period) that we have entered (the United Kingdom no longer exists only the buildings and plastic plumbing remains),
is for the British, a re-entering into a global (near universal - excluding Russia and China and a few satellite states near them) state.
It is a return to an effective pre-reformation period - without the religion - on the global state's part.
It is only right that the nomenclature of the New State reflects the name of the the New Power, the man-ufacturer of the material that was injected into over 60% of the United Kingdom population.
The submission to the injection (to the invocation of the "Conservative" and Labour establishment) roughly reflects the voting pattern in general elections.
A secular communion has been made between the injected and the injectors.
Consequences of Renouncing Nationhood
The return of Great Britain into a global state, AstraZenecaland (it's renouncement of nationhood - through The Jab) after 500 years of nationhood
means that the
TUK is now a Devolved State
An Introduction to AstraZenecaland:
The Liberal Global State
UNO - Devolved Administrations (Former nation states ie: United Kingdom)
uniom immigration dept
NATO Defence
WHO Health (Genetic Planning)
UNESCO Education
EU European Administration
Bank of International Settlement Management of the Fractional Banking System.
World Bank Management of Global Fiscal Planning
WEF bis forum
COP environ dept
The Devolved UK Parliament
The Jab is Forever 3
The Protectors
The Reproductive Pool Escape Route
AstraZenecaland Vs Russia
15th April 2022
The Nomenclature of AstraZenecaland (AZL)
The New Epoch (a post nation period) that we have entered (the United Kingdom no longer exists only the buildings and plastic plumbing remains),
is for the British, a re-entering into a global (near universal - excluding Russia and China and a few satellite states near them) state.
It is a return to an effective pre-reformation period - without the religion - on the global state's part.
It is only right that the nomenclature of the New State reflects the name of the the New Power, the man-ufacturer of the material that was injected into over 60% of the United Kingdom population.
The submission to the injection (to the invocation of the "Conservative" and Labour establishment) roughly reflects the voting pattern in general elections.
A secular communion has been made between the injected and the injectors.
(Need To Know)
The entire Liberal Establishment edifice now hangs on the media sucessfully hiding the death and hospitalisation numbers of the Injected.
The recent reports of Covid causing bloodclots and other issues is a cover story to create a fog on death from the Injection.
Year 3
Digital State
The Content That Flows
Blood and Providence
In recent articles we have used the metaphor of plastic plumbing regarding the remains of the - former- United Kingdom.
The plumbing being dry and empty with no water flowing thorough it.
A nation exists through common and exclusive blood, providence, identity, authority, verbal and visual stories and myths, common bonds of family, resources history,
memories, common loss common gain common collective worship and practice.
Most of all it is essentially blood and time - providence - that conforms and configures the tribe and nation.
For 60 years the British content has ceased to flow through the national plumbing.
Increasingly foriegn content has replaced the British content.
Childlessness, abortion and the pagan cult of the Self has led to dried out plumbing.
transmitted into the future.
blood and providence
An Introduction to AstraZenecaland:
The Liberal Global State
UNO - Devolved Administrations (Former nation states ie: United Kingdom)
uniom immigration dept
NATO Defence
WHO Health (Genetic Planning)
UNESCO Education
EU European Administration
Bank of International Settlement Management of the Fractional Banking System.
World Bank Management of Global Fiscal Planning
WEF bis forum
COP environ dept
Catch Up
Don't Be Shy Give It A Try.
From November 2020 - November 2021
The Nomenclature of AstraZenecaland (AZL)
The New Epoch (a post nation period) that we have entered (the United Kingdom no longer exists only the buildings and plastic plumbing remains),
is for the British, a re-entering into a global (near universal - excluding Russia and China and a few satellite states near them) state.
It is a return to an effective pre-reformation period - without the religion - on the global state's part.
It is only right that the nomenclature of the New State reflects the name of the the New Power, the man-ufacturer of the material that was injected into over 60% of the United Kingdom population.
The submission to the injection (to the invocation of the "Conservative" and Labour establishment) roughly reflects the voting pattern in general elections.
A secular communion has been made between the injected and the injectors.
Consequences of Renouncing Nationhood
The return of Great Britain into a global state, AstraZenecaland (it's renouncement of nationhood - through The Jab) after 500 years of nationhood
means that the
TUK is now a Devolved State
An Introduction to AstraZenecaland:
The Liberal Global State
UNO - Devolved Administrations (Former nation states ie: United Kingdom)
uniom immigration dept
NATO Defence
WHO Health (Genetic Planning)
UNESCO Education
EU European Administration
Bank of International Settlement Management of the Fractional Banking System.
World Bank Management of Global Fiscal Planning
WEF bis forum
COP environ dept
The Devolved UK Parliament
The Jab is Forever 3
The British In Exile
The British are now in exile in their own land.
For the Conservative and Labour and SNP etc Establishment,
the British are the Wrong Colour, the Wrong Religion and the Wrong Nationality.
The Jab Is Forever 2
The Jabbed cannot be unjabbed.
State organisations no longer provide (or hide/delay measurements) statistics on a Jabbed/Unjabbed basis.
Independent analysis indicates that the effect of The Jab is debilitating in regard to the immune system, blood function and interface with the organs and impacts on DNA level structure.
The former United Kingdom is now in kalidoscopic shock.
It does not want to think about what has happened during the past two years.
Central to the "creative destructionalism" of the 23rd of March 2020
was the requirement to alter the national rythmns and patterns of political, social and economic life
into the new godless and nationless rythmns and patterns of the New State.
"...wheels must turn to keep the flow..."
Men and Women
The success of the Liberal/"Progressive" War on Christian Integrated Industrial Britain
(and the wider Westphailian model of nation states) during the past 60 years
has resulted in the Conservative and Labour Establishment
abolishing men and women as the two separate (and complimentary) categories of adult humans.
The abolition of these these two distinct categories
(and their replacement with a slide scale of self identified, self definitions)
has been part of the Liberal programme to disrupt Christian relationships and society
and place the New State (by perscription and regulation and mood forming)
into all aspects of private and public interaction.
This is not some marginal matter confined to a small number of individuals it reflects the abandonment of Britain's national religion
and it's replacement with pagan worship of The Self.
It has also been a device to de-masculinise (feminise) British men.
Abortion By Post
Having injected British children with an experimental material,
the Fake Parliament now sitting in the Palace of Westminster
has voted to continue to "The Covid" legislation that permits the sending out of abortion pills.
The (former) United Kingdom is at one end of Europe and Russia is at the other.
Before the United Kingdom's disolution, both nation's were independent and full of their own self recognition and soveriegn power
including in the religous domain with their own national Christian churches.
Both nations tempered the European balance of power (central to a relatively peaceful Europe).
Atlantic Convoy
Victory Parade in Moscow’s Red Square on May 9, giving his seats to Britain’s Arctic convoy heroes, The Daily Mail online reports on Monday.
Enoch Powell
(place in flux for "Transformation" into the Liberal/."Progressive Utopia)
As it emerges from "The Covid" Plan, the population is even more intensley driven by the 60 year old pagan cult of The Self.
and the introduction of the New Epoch and the New State (Injected Global State - AstraZenecaland)
Zombie State
The Jab Is Forever 2
Men and Marriage
Empire Burden
Altered State 2
"Sunshine's people forget"
The Jabbed cannot be unjabbed.
State organisations no longer provide (or hide/delay measurements) statistics on a Jabbed/Unjabbed basis.
Independent analysis indicates that the effect of The Jab is debilitating in regard to the immune system, blood function and interface with the organs and impacts on DNA level structure.
AstraZencaland's First World War
Within 5 months of presenting themselves at COP 26 and within two months of assuring themselves
that they had injected the experimental material into a sufficient number of the reproductive pool,
the Liberal Global State now seek's hegenomy on the European land mass.
No Census Here
The "Conservative" Party supports devolution and is an supplicant of the Liberal (AstraZenecaland) Global State.
The British Census no longer exists.
It has been dissolved into two parts as a result of devolution.
A census took place in England, Northern Ireland and Wales on 21st March 2021.
The Devolved Census is expected to take place across Scotland on the 20th of March and the Devolved School Census on the 21st of March 2022 DV.
The purpose of the devolved census and the devolved school census is to compound the dissolution of the United Kingdom
and to permit the State to intrude into the private domain and in particular to record for the global State the private lives of children
and to inculcate the submission of British children into the new Liberal (Degenerate) global State.
Behind The Mask 2
Zombie Territory
Tugging and Voting for the Forlok
The Jab Is Forever 4
Aatrazenecaland's First World War
az hegemony
Brave New World
Of course, the - Brave New World - alluded to in the past five articles does not not exist.
Marshall In The Field Part 5
Marshall In The Field Part 4
New Model Army
also of note
indigenous weapons
Home Guard
(Local Defence Volunteers)
Uniformed and armed irregular defence units.
Under 18 and over 41
Marshall In The Field Part 3
They Did......
The core drive of the l/p (apart from Injecting the young with an experimental material is to detach tribes/national populations from their territories.
A Permanent Force
(A Tempory Empire)
Population Numbers Not Military force or Economic force is the most powerful force when occupying a nation.
The British Empire never achieved power across foreign tribes/nations through population numbers
they achieved power through military force, economic dominence and especially through compliance of the ruling eletes (Raj) of the territories that they entered.
The British are being occupied not through military force or ecomic power but through sheer numbers (entry across the frontier and reproduction of the foreign populations
Huxley and Orwell
Brave New World
Beyond Politics
Berlin 2
Berlin 3
The Protectors
War Undeclared War
Douglas Dale
They pray as they fight
The fight as theypray
Covenanter Soldier
Marshall In The Field
- 1. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
- The United Kingdom no longer exists (only the buildings and a state apparatus - in effect - the plastic plumbing - continue to exist).
It has been replaced by a Fake Parliament, Fake Army, Fake Police indeed an entire Fake British State.
The restoration of Britain can only now happen with the removal of the Fake State
and the reassertion of British Parliamentary democracy and British Constitution and the British Army and the rest of the authentic British Parliamentary.
A new national party must emerge to lead the revival of Britain.
George Orwell
Despotic governments can stand 'moral force' till the cows come home; what they fear is physical force.
While Britain is now secured in memory for the future (see above Memory tab)
it is for Briton's today to Marshall In The Field.
An Imposter State (and Parliament) has replaced it.
It is Time to Marshall In The Field.
An Imposter State (and Parliament) has replaced it.
In our previous three articles we identified The Takeover of Britain, a Takeover 60 years in the making.
Them and Us
(Politics in Three Words)
The British, according to Liberal/"Progressive" opinion, among all tribes, have no tribe and no territory.
Not least, those in the "Conservative" and Labour and SNP etc parties, assert that the British do not exist as a tribe and have no - indigenous - claim to the territory of the British Isles.
To these establishment parties, the new arrivals from Africa, Asia and the Orient are just as British as those that have lived in Britian
and have family (blood) lineage that reaches back generation after generation after generation into the mists of time.
To the establishment parties that have betrayed Britain for 60 years and ended up injecting the British children with an experimental material,
anyone from anywhere can be British and can live here.
"...But all that's gonna change..."
60 years of Liberal/"Progressive" policy (including abortion, divorce, delayed and non-marriage etc) by the Conservative and Labour establishment and providing for The Jab roll-out of 2021
(the injection of an experimental material into the British population including children)
has dissolved the United Kingdom.
It no longer exist's.
The replacement of the British by immigrant numbers and forces is now fully under way across all the urban centres.
For those brave enough to look.
Them and Us
60 years of Liberal/"Progressive" policy has ended in The Jab
(the injection of an experimental material into the population)
has dissolved the United Kingdom.
Immigration Takeover.
have led to the
Parliament Is Ours Not Their's.
Britain Belongs To The British.
Imposter Police
The End of the National Story
It is very sad
"Utterly Wasted"
Genesis 12:2
King James Version (KJV)
2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:
Isaiah 60:12
King James Version (KJV)
12 For the nation and kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish; yea, those nations shall be utterly wasted.
In the quiet moments, the British know what they have done.
They threw it all away.
The 60 year retreat from their established Christian Protestant religion and constitution (and the moral, scoiacl, economic and political blessings that it brought) has led to
the Dissolution of the Nation, the arrival and occupation of the replacement populations and of course, The Jab.
For over ten years at we have recorded and opposed the Demoralisation, Destabilisation and Crisis of the United Kingdom.
Desperate to continue to hide in their fictional bubbles
and sustained by the endgame of public and private and corporate debt, WFH, final salary pensions and easy inheritance,
the golden agers (those approaching or having entered into retirement - all having benefitted from Christian, Integrated, Industrial - only to jettison it for those that came after them
No Christian, Integrated, Industrial Nation today for a young 19 year old man. He was brought up in a godless state with a godless education system, no apprenticeship in a shipyard with a reasonable rate of pay and a long term reliable job making ships for his island nation.
Earning enough money to enjoy his youth, put away some savings, begin courting and find a wife, get married, get a house and have a family.
For a while, genereally speaking, this was how most Britons lived.
This arrangement worked.
This arrangement (under the shield of the British Constitution) brought a unrivalled level of Freedom and contentment.
This arrangement remained identifiable into the end of the 1980's.
In the 1990's however the Liberal/"Progressive" revolution of the 1960's finally ascended to Power and Politial Britain came to an end.
Distracted by baubles of all kinds including the emerging digital technology and funded by invented "money" ("money" unrelated to physical worth and untied to government issue).
General election after general election since 1960 there was no serious political critique against the Liberal Revolution.
It is not easy being a Christian Nation.
It is not easy being a Christian.
Godlessness is easy.
Debt is easy and allows short term easy living but payback is never to far away.
The British sucumbed to a godless easy life.
Secularism (Selfishness) As State Policy was endorsed by both the Conservative and Labour Parties.
The electorate accepted the deal at every election since then - even though they knew and could see the consequence in dissolution and mass immigration (their replacement)
and of course by 2020 there was nothing much left of the country anyway except to have one further final gorgefest of selfishness, sloth and consumption paid for by, yes youv'e guessed it
WFH, debt and pensions.
Hiding away (physical and societal retreat) in their homes for 2 years WFH has led millions to be better off than any trade union could ever negotiate in a pay rise for them
(an average estimate is that WFH can add £5-10,000 to an individual income per year)
Why should they care about the consequence ? Who cares for society ? It is all about self satisfaction- nothing else. I'm allright Jack.
For all of these reasons and others it was so easy for to get the population to submit to The Jab.
If the Conservative and Labour establishment had delivered materialism and selfishness for 60 years then they must be right!
And so the queues formed full of people including children ready to be Jabbed with an experimental material.
The immigrants are not daft.
For many of them they have have been here before in their own countries facing their own governments.
The immigrant population have largely not taken The Jab.
They are fit and ready and generally live in cohesive patterns.
Thrown Away
The United Kingdom does not exist.
It was thrown away.
It dissolved between 1960 and 2020.
Only the buildings now stand as a reminder of Britain's Christian, Integral, Industrial Nationhood.
The moral, social economic and political fibre has gone.
The former United Kingdom is now populated by a godless, aimless, generic aggregate of individuals with the exception of those representing foriegn force.
The final dissolution act (Coronovirus Act) took place in March 2020.
Like a toilet system with no water, the plastic tubes remain but there is no function.
One of the contributory factors to the Dissolution of Britain was the failure to complete the integralisation (singularisation) of the British State post 1707.
Separate established churches, separative administrative methods ie local government, schools, educational certificates educational textbooks different models for health and other state provision.
(Impersonating a New State Police Officer)
Talk Talk
The time for talking is over - on radio, internet, print, social, media and the rest.
You know what must be done.
In The Field.
The Completion of Britain
The United Kingdom does not exist.
It dissolved between 1960 and 2020.
The final dissolution act (Coronovirus Act) took place in March 2020.
Like a toilet system with no water, the plastic tubes remain but there is no function.
One of the contributory factors to the Dissolution of Britain was the failure to complete the integralisation (singularisation) of the British State post 1707.
Separate established churches, separative administrative methods ie local government, schools, educational certificates educational textbooks different models for health and other state provision.
Never Yeild
Marshall In The Field
Surrounded by the "Conservative", Labour, SNP Covid State parties and occupied by foreign forces deposited across the former United Kingdom,
it is time for the British to
Marshall In The Field.
If the British are to do it then best we do it now.
30th of January 2022
The Integrity of The Reproductive Pool
The purpose of "Covid" was to introduce The Jab and to alter - Forever - the DNA composition of the Nation (and the Species).
This is not some idle - conspiracy - theory, it is the admitted intention of the Liberal/"Progressive" establishment that governs (by popular electoral authorisation)
and comprises the degenerate Johnson, Starmer, Sturgeon, Drakeford and the rest (including the supranational players Blair, Gates and the BBC) all of this in response to a flu virus with a 99%
recovery rate in the general population.
They demanded that the entire population in the (former) United Kingdom submit to The Jab, in order that the natural DNA of the population
is modified and that the modification of the human genetic composition is transmitted into the future through normal natural reproduction.
This is why the injection of children and young adults has been central to the establishments Jab roll-out.
If it was only the older (non-reproductive) part of the population that had submitted to the Jab then it's harmful effects would die out naturally and not be reproduced.
The effects would be transient and limited - a one off - a philisophical and medical and technological error.
By pushing the experimental in-jection into the reproductive pool, the government
(the people who are in principal paid by all taxpayers (Jabbed and Un-Jabbed) to think seriously about the the welfare of the entire nation)
are endorsing the delivery of a debilitating material (check the numbers now emerging from The Jabbed population most visible at present in media covered activities ie sport and celeberity pa)
into a large part of the reproductive pool and consequently it's reproduction into future generations.
The United Kingdom had enough serious problems in 2019, we did not need any more, we certainly did not need to deal with the metaphysical matter of a DNA altering experimental material being
released into the general population nevermind it's issue into the under 18 population, children.
The penalty for those who have endorsed this entire policy must be commensurate with their action.
The Lost Sheep
The Lost Sheep
In the Gospel of Luke, the parable is as follows:
Luke 15King James Version15 Then drew near unto him all the publicans and sinners for to hear him.
2 And the Pharisees and scribes murmured, saying, This man receiveth sinners, and eateth with them.
3 And he spake this parable unto them, saying,
4 What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it?
5 And when he hath found it, he layeth it on his shoulders, rejoicing.
6 And when he cometh home, he calleth together his friends and neighbours, saying unto them, Rejoice with me; for I have found my sheep which was lost.
7 I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance.
8 Either what woman having ten pieces of silver, if she lose one piece, doth not light a candle, and sweep the house, and seek diligently till she find it?
9 And when she hath found it, she calleth her friends and her neighbours together, saying, Rejoice with me; for I have found the piece which I had lost.
10 Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.
11 And he said, A certain man had two sons:
12 And the younger of them said to his father, Father, give me the portion of goods that falleth to me. And he divided unto them his living.
13 And not many days after the younger son gathered all together, and took his journey into a far country, and there wasted his substance with riotous living.
14 And when he had spent all, there arose a mighty famine in that land; and he began to be in want.
15 And he went and joined himself to a citizen of that country; and he sent him into his fields to feed swine.
16 And he would fain have filled his belly with the husks that the swine did eat: and no man gave unto him.
17 And when he came to himself, he said, How many hired servants of my father's have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger!
18 I will arise and go to my father, and will say unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee,
19 And am no more worthy to be called thy son: make me as one of thy hired servants.
20 And he arose, and came to his father. But when he was yet a great way off, his father saw him, and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him.
21 And the son said unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and in thy sight, and am no more worthy to be called thy son.
22 But the father said to his servants, Bring forth the best robe, and put it on him; and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet:
23 And bring hither the fatted calf, and kill it; and let us eat, and be merry:
24 For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found. And they began to be merry.
25 Now his elder son was in the field: and as he came and drew nigh to the house, he heard musick and dancing.
26 And he called one of the servants, and asked what these things meant.
27 And he said unto him, Thy brother is come; and thy father hath killed the fatted calf, because he hath received him safe and sound.
28 And he was angry, and would not go in: therefore came his father out, and intreated him.
29 And he answering said to his father, Lo, these many years do I serve thee, neither transgressed I at any time thy commandment: and yet thou never gavest me a kid, that I might make merry with my friends:
30 But as soon as this thy son was come, which hath devoured thy living with harlots, thou hast killed for him the fatted calf.
31 And he said unto him, Son, thou art ever with me, and all that I have is thine.
32 It was meet that we should make merry, and be glad: for this thy brother was dead, and is alive again; and was lost, and is found.
A government department must be set up comprising a "Covid" National Institute and a full panoply of resorces and money (Billions) spent on it.
It must be staffed by those who are untainted by The Jab narrative or participation in it's roll-out.
The Jab cannot be reversed but it's effects can and must be managed.
A public policy must be introduced (and that requires a new party to form a government and defeat and marginalise the Conservative, Labour and SNP etc establishment)
that will mitigate the effects of The Jab on those that have recieved it and on those who have not (social intimidation and loss of employment).
The integrity of the reproductive pool must be paramount in all policy and all action at all times.
The Frankenstein State
(Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus)
The Jab is Forever Part 3.
About two thirds of the former United Kingdom population have now submitted to The Jab.
The Jab is an experimental injection.
It is endorsed by all the Liberal/"progressive" establishment ("Conservative" Party, Laabour Party, SNP and the rest).
Job Done.
The first case of "Covid 19" was confirmed in the (former) UK in February 2020.
The Jab was initially rolled out in December 2020 - only 8 months from it's confirmation (less than a full pregnancy term).
By October 2021 about 48 million had submitted to at least one Jab.
The Jab operates at a DNA level.
The medium and long term effects (See our articale xxx) of the material contained in it are unknown.
The short term effects indicate patterns of altered blood composition (clots etc) and interface (debilitating) with organs especially when releated to strenuous excerise.
The Carnival is Over
"The harbour light is calling"
The entire Conservative and Labour establishment and those who voted for them and who served them is now suddenly gripped by the fear of general retribution.
They all must now pay the penalty for their 60 year descent into the Liberal/"Progressive Utopia
that ends with an experimental material being injected into British children.
Test Conveyor Belt
The New Jews
The disabled are the New Jews.
In Covid UK the disabled are the New Jews under the New Totalitarian State.
Required by State encouraged (Nudge) social mood formers to wear submission necklaces to make public their private medical profile.
Do Not Comply.
Your medical profile is yours.
Keep it private.
Your medical profile is between you and your GP and authorised medical chain of practioners.
Party Not Primeminister
Stewart Connell
(Founder of
A Call for a New National Political Party.
The Conservativve and Labour and SNP etc Liberal/"Progressive" establishment must be marginalised.
Frankenstein State
(Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus)
about these things and the nation in general)
is participating in
It Had To End
It could not last.
Without any national political opposition the 60 year old Liberal/"Progressive" revolution easily dispersed the last vapours of Christian, Integral, Industrial Britain in March 2020.
With an atomised society and Total State apparatus in place by December 2020, the Liberal establishment introduced The Jab
(an experimental material that had been officially excluded from the standard safety protocols of new - vaccines -),
facilitated further mass immigration, set about the definitive implementation of a servile, service economy (including WFH)
and "Transformation" of the urban centres.
If in any doubt, see the "Transformation" (and planning application notices) of your local city for it's re-configuration and alteration of officies into "hotels" for foriegn single, male "visitors" and "students"
otherwise known as barracks.
Covenantor Soldier
Police Raid
history repeating
crc continues to demand the restoration of the Cameronians as a regiment of the British Army.
Now, Now, Now
(The Jab Is Forever Part 2)
In thrawl to the comfort of a past - that they threw away - and the worship of a Liberal/"Progressive" Now, Now, Now culture,
many of The Jabbed are now reflecting on their act in haste, repent at leisure actions.
"No Regrets"
"...they don't work..."
One of the prime features of the Liberal/"Progressive" Now, Now, Now,Jab.
The Jab is irreversible.
The effects of The Jab can now only be managed.
About 2/3 of the population across the former United Kingdom have submitted to it.
The effects of The Jab are now presenting themselves.
Not Your Stepping Stone
No Jab.
The Imposter Parliament
An Imposter Parliament now sits in the Palace of Westminster.
It is propped up by The Jabbed.
Those who have Submitted to the Jab are, by and large those who vote for the Conservative, labour and SNP parties - the parties that form the establishment
and it's (Liberal/"Progressive) manifesto.
They are, again, by and large, those who are now either participating in the WFH Scam (and the PCR Scam)
or are the "Golden Agers" (those now retired or retiring who have personally benefitted from a lifetime of Christian, Integrated, Industrial Britain..
They are also the one's who remain in a thrawl to dead state that demands that they inject themselves with a DNA altering experimental material
when confronted with a flu virus with a 99% recovery rate.
The national suicide and political inaction that we are witnessing is a direct result of the selfishness (social atomisation) that follows the abandonment of the national religion.
The Content in their pension schemes and Work From Home and wrapped in last vestiges of Christian Integrated Industrial Britain
It is this Imposter Parliament
that is directing The Jab roll-out.
All British Authority has drained and emptied from all it's Member's, institutions
and all it's officers either judicial, police, army civil service, local government etc.
British Authority no longer rests in the Palace of Westminster (House of Commons) and
Never Yield
The Price of the WFH Scam
The New State hides in fear that it's works will be seen and retribution will be delivered.
inside the buldings of the old B
British Authority has returned to the British people across the shires of Great Britain.
The British must decide now what to do with it.
... advises British people to reduce and dis-engage from any interaction with The Imposter Parliament located in the Palace of Westminster.
We further advise that the British Parliament and governmentare re-constituted in a new location.
"...there are people round here, who don't take kindly to the killing of the buffalo..."
"...the first purpose of election is to determine where power lies..."
British Authority
British Authority no longer rests in the Palace of Westminster (House of Commons) and it has drained and emptied from all it's Member's, institutions
and all it's officers either judicial, police, army civil service, local government etc.
British Authority has now flowed back to the British people across the shires of Great Britain.
An Imposter Parliament not the British Parliament now sits in the Palace of Westminster.
The British Constitution remains intact and in the possesion of the British
however the British people must now decide how the British Parliament must be re-established and how they will be represented.
Police Imposters
The Imposter Parliament
Berlin 1
Berlin 2
Berlin 3
Latt Drank Brand Uw Vertsand
(Let Ambition Fire Thy Mind)
King William III
The Order Of Death
"This is what you want, this is want you get"
24 to leave
"Remove Them"
For 60 years Britain has been on a pathway to national suicide.
On the 23rd of March 2020 the United Kingdom finally dissolved.
Over those 60 years the "Conservative" and Labour and SNP all facilitated and participated in the Dissolution (whoever you voted for (with a few honourable exceptions) you got the same
Liberal/"Progressive" legislative Agenda.
Abortion, Imigration, Divorce, Devolution, Eurostate, De-industrialisation, the Debt Economy, Social Atomisation on and on it goes
The new state has arrived.
The taking of the Jab is first and foremost a political action not a medical action.
It is an affirmation (in the most personal and genetic form) of the principal parties and policies of the past 60 years.
The Jab - a metaphysical event - (and it's associated "Lockdown" legislation) and the "Transformation" (a codeword for mass Imigration and it's associated legislation) of Britain
and the "Lockdown" and social atomisation of Britain have dissolved the United Kingdom.
The former United Kingdom state is now occupied by foriegn - global government - power ie, they are not your police, they are supranational state police.
The "Conservative", Labour and SNP etc are agents of the new supranational state and have been for decades.
It is a modern but worse version of the Treaty of Dover (Dover Treaties) of 1670 when King Charles II of England
secretly agreed with France to betray his country and it's religion.
British Authority no longer sits in the House of Commons, it has returned to the British people.
It is now only for them to decide how they exercise they will exercise it.
Notes From The Script
The Establishment, The General Election and The Covid Timetable.
There was no need for a general elelction in December 2019 (the official "Opposition" and others held the minority "Conservative" government to account).
The previous general election was held on 8th June 2017 only 18 months before.
On the 29th of October 2019 the Early Parliamentary Election Bill (Act) was passed (438Aye 20 No 181 Abstentions) with "Conservative", Labour, Liberal Democrat and SNP votes
(It recieved the Royal Assent on the 31st October 2019)
The general election on December 12th 2019 returned a "Conservative" majority of 80 seats.
The European Community "Withdrawl Act" (Version 2) passed 9th January 2020 (330 For 231 Against) and Royal Assent was given on Jan 23rd 2020
The United Kingdom's first Covid 19 case declared in York on January 31st 2020.
"Union Glue"
is available on Amazon
The godless "Conservative" and Labour and SNP etc establishment have now crossed the rubicon and declared that they will inject British children with an experimental material in order to secure themselves and the 60 year old Liberal/"Progressive" agenda.
It is the Rubicon.
The establishment that claim over 90% of the population is jabbed but are increasingly desperate (free Uber and Kebab's) to jab the remaining 10%...why?
the answer is that they have not jabbed 90%.
Quite apart from the official population number of 68 million, which is false (we suggest it's about 82 million), the large British working class conurbations are about 50% jabbed and 50% unjabbed while many of the immigrant populations (with recent memories of their homelands, that they have escaped from) also remain unjabbed and of course, many of the British under 30's (the reproductive pool) remain unjabbed and very importantly, know how to play the game.
"This Is No Parliament... RemoveThem"
Ocupping Power
British Authority
1688 Vs 2020
The godless Liberal/"Progressive" "Conservative and Labour, SNP etc parties are the representatives not of the British people but of the new supranational state.
The new state fully emerged in 2020 undercover of a new coronovirus - flu- strain.
It has benn 500 years since the last supranational entity was defeated.
The Reformation 1500 Wycliffe and other early reformers
The Glorious Revolution 1688-1691
The Enlightenment
The industrial revolution
British Christian Protestant Constitution
"More Dangerous From Here On In Probably"
King Billy Is On The Wall
Let Ambition Fire The Mind
1690 Vs 2020
Having aborted over nine milion children since 1967 it was a small step for the "Conservative and Labour and SNP etc
establishment to inject children with an experimenatl material.
From abortion to divorce to tax policy to experimental injections, the 60 year function of the (Liberal/"Progressive") establishment
has been to put the pleasure of adults before the needs of children.
It is no surprise that they now wish to inject children with the experimental material in order to protect themselves.
ناظم الزهاوي
The Iraqi, Nadhim Zahawi is in charge of the " Covid vacination" programme across the former United Kingdom
has today attacked British parental authority in order to replace it with the power of the new state and inject British children with the experimental material.
"What you essentially do is make sure that the clinicians discuss this with the parents [and] with the teenager and if they are then deemed to be able to make a decision that is competent, then that decision will
will go in the favour of what the teenager decides to do."
"Conservative" Party Minister for COVID 19 Vaccine Deployment.
He is directing the mass .
"...and we will be ready to then implement and wether it's vacinating younger cohorts..."
Get Ready.
1690 Vs 2020
The British Constitution Vs The New Supranational State
330 years
The Reformation
The Glorious Revolution
Supranational State
Assertion of the Principals of the British Constitution
Papal Visit
Not content with hosting the COP - Conference of Useful Idiots - the "Conservative
The godless "Conservative" and Labour and SNP establishment are not bound by any consideration other than their own personal political power and money.
They will inject anyone with anything if it provides them with power (and their Liberal / "Progressive agenda) and money.
The experimental injection has not been "rolled" out not as a political "nudge" to get the population confident again to enter social settings
(after being subject to a year of psychological warfare by the Establishment apparatus),
a national placebo - a free packet of aspirins, a pint of beer or a packet of cigarettes, could have done that,
all of them with known and accepted risk ratios without the use of an experimental injection.
No - the government activated the public release of a highly experimental injected material
with one singular purpose, it has been to alter the existing natural biological composition of the general population
into something that it was not but - according to official numbers - now largely is.
The new state has emerged politcally and to a large extent biologically.
The United Kingdom (c) is now a (legacy) brand name of AstraZeneca - the patent holder on behalf of the Supranational State Power.
The experimental injection has been resisted by about 30-40 % of the population, most of wich is under 30.
(in many cities and towns the injection has been resisted by about 50% of the general population including Glasgow, Sheffield
(Parts of Sheffield have a rate of only 32% for the first injection) and Liverpool.
It is this resistance (largely from the working class and young) that has driven the increasingly desperate attempts by the "Conservative" and Labour Establishment
to get people injected - especially the under thirties - the reproductive pool is key and the goverment knows this.
It is this demographic that contains the greater number of the reproductive pool of the British.
Providing that this - healthy - reproductive pool remains free of the experimental material,
nature will take it's course and the experimental material will die out.
The Atomisation of British Society has taken place.
The selfishness which has been unleashed is now manifest and has created an "All Against All" politcal and social environment.
No families, no common bonds or national institutions.
The only forces now officially permitted to exist and encouraged to function by the new "Progressive" State are power and money and of course, subservience
(not least the bearing and wearing of it's Mark) to the State itself.
It is Mutually Assured Destruction.
If Not Now, Then When ?
There remains one obstacle to the experimental material and it's effects and the complete eradication of what was the British and their nation state Great Britain.
Wake Up The Nation
Millions refuse to get the experimental jab including millions of under 21s.
Millions of all ages are recognising the LIE of the past 60 years.
Millions reject the "Conservative" and Labour and SNP Agenda of Selfishness, Materialism and Degeneracy.
The Mask decrees are intended to atomise British society
by preventing the reading of (and uniqueness and beauty) of the human face.
The political purpose of the mask is to divide society, facilitate a uniformed visage - a blue paper mask - and to prevent common
human recognition.
The human face contains a signature of the individual.
It is vital for society (to establish trust and function) to be able to read the human face.
The godless "Conservative" and Labour and SNP etc parties represent the new supranational state and wish to destroy trust in
national society and fashion a dependence on the new state.
The "Conservative" and Labour establishment are intent on injecting an experimental material into British children.
Rule 1 Never release an experimental material into the general population
Rule 2 Never, Ever experiment on children.
The Rubicon.
“Despotic governments can stand 'moral force' till the cows come home; what they fear is physical force.”
George Orwell
"Get Out Of My City"*
The new supranational state that replaced the United Kingdom on 23rd of March 2020
intends to hold it's first public conference (A conference of "useful idiots") in Glasgow.
In the middle of an - official - "pandemic" that continues with more "cases" and a higher attributed daily death rate than last year,
the "Conservative" sub state government has decided to host a Climate Change conference (no zoom meetings for them) in November D.V.
Having flown thousands of miles, over 27,000 foreign delegates and thousands more (media and demonstraters etc) will be permitted
to enter into central Glasgow, with no compulsory medical vetting, no lockdowns, no track and trace, and no "vaccine" controls for them.
Glaswegian's remain required to wear masks and continue to be - directed - into taking an experimental material injection.
"City Dweller"
The Fall
convene a "climate change
Shock Therapy
The total power of the the "Conservative" and Labour and SNP establishment (including commerce)
has now been deployed in getting an uneccesary experimental material injected into the greatest number of the population.
It is not the just the specific demographic that was vulnerable to Covid 19 - a low to medium virus (the over 80s in care homes)
that the experimental injection has been targetted at, it has been targetted to every demographic including children.
It is claimed that about 60-70 % of the adult population has been now beeen willingly injected.
The rollout has broken two rules that must apply to experimental medicine:
1 Never experiment on the general population (laboratories exist for a reason)
2 Never, Ever experiment on children.
The godless establishment are not bound by any consideration other than their own personal political power and money.
They will inject anyone with anything if it provides them with power and money.
Neither is an experimental injection, a political "nudge" to get the population confident again to enter social settings
(after being subject to a year of psychological warfare by the Establishment apparatus),
a national placebo - a free packet of aspirins, a pint of beer or a packet of cigarettes, could have done that,
all of them with known and accepted risk ratios without the use of an experimental injection.
No - the government activated the public rollout of a highly experimental injected material
with one singular purpose, it has been to alter the biological coding composition of the general population
into something that it was not but - according to official numbers - now largely is.
The 60 year old Liberal/"Progressive" descent of the United Kingdom into the Final Dissolution of 2020
(identified and recorded by for the past 10 years at this website)
is now complete.
The new state has emerged - AstraZenecaland.
The United Kingdom (c) is now a (legacy) brand name of AstraZeneca - the patent holder on behalf of the Supranational State Power.
There remains one obstacle to the experimental material and it's effects and the complete eradication of what was the British and their nation state Great Britain.
The experimental injection has been resisted by about 30-40 % of the population, most of wich is under 30.
(in many cities and towns the injection has been resisted by about 50% of the general population including Glasgow, Sheffield (Parts of Sheffield have a rate of only 32% for the first injection) and Liverpool).
It is this resistance (largely from the working class and young) that has driven the increasingly desperate attempts by the "Conservative" and Labour Establishment
to get people injected - especially the under thirties - the reproductive pool is key and the goverment knows this.
It is this demographic that contains the greater number of the reproductive pool (about 70%) of the British.
Providing that this - healthy - reproductive pool remains free of the experimental material,
nature will take it's course and the experimental material will die out.
The Mark
Year 2 of the new Epoch.
The Mark has been issued and new state has emerged.
The United Kingdom (c) is now a (legacy) brand name of AstraZeneca - the patent holder.
The patent holder on behalf of the new Supranational State.
There are many jabbed and even unjabbed today who deny that the United Kingdom has dissolved,
they prefer to comfort and pre-occupy themselves with diversions of all kinds.
It has gone and is no more.
(It exists now only in the memory of the British - those that are left and who gather like an undergroud ressistance in the wastelands of the new state).
The United Kingdom finally dissolved - after a 60 year old descent - on the 23rd of March 2020.
At commonrepresentatation we prefer to be candid about what has happenened to the United Kingdom
no matter how difficult it is to bear (practically and emotionally) and describe.
We have done this now for over 10 years.
For those who still believe that the the United Kingdom exists, let them point to it, where is it ?
Is it in a homogenuous population (a tribe with a territory), No,
a national established Christian Church , No,
what about common social bonds, No,
then is it to be found in any of the following:
Widespread Christian marriage, No,
perhaps the protection of life by rejecting abortion and euthanasia, No,
the securing of a stable society by rejecting divorce, No,
ok then, widespread membership of independent voluntary organisations, No,
A singular and integral national government, absolutely not, No,
A loyal and competent civil service and local goverment, No chance,
Family enterprise and local and regional shops, No,
Indigenous Art including British music, performance, painting and architecure, No,
Independent broadcasting and digital inovation, No,
An Army, Air Force and Navy (rather than a defence force of under 70,000), No,
A Free Press, No,
A Maritime fleet, No,
National Industry, No,
Nationalised Industry, No,
A national border, No,
A local GP, The NHS (both replaced by political decree and the the pursuit of money), No,
Schools, colleges, and universities (rather than indocrination camps), No,
National (rather than nationless) Sport, Philosphy, Medicine, Engineering, Exploration, Science, Commerce, Agriculture, Fishing, Diplomacy, all again, No,
or perhaps policing, No, - that policeman bearing down a truncheon upon you (while surrounded by his collegues in a public space), is not a British policeman, he is a Supranational State policeman -
and on and on it goes, the United Kingdom has gone.
After 60 years of preparing, it finally comitted national suicide in 2020.
Britain has been replaced by a godless hetrogenuous sub state in thrall to the new supranational - global - state.
If you still doubt any of this, this then take a walk down any street in any city or town centre's across the former UK
and you will see the new arrivals (overwhelmingly men of conscription age) from Africa and Asia and further afield.
You are now in the New State.
Who Are You ?
A nation rots from the inside.
there are now more "Covid" dead now than lastAugust
There are many jabbed and even unjabbed today who deny that the United Kingdom has dissolved
they prefer to comfort themselves with the legacy trademarks of the UK - those that are still visible.
It has gone and is no more.
(It exists now only in the memory of the British - those that are left and who exist in the twilight and wastelands of the new state).
The United Kingdom finally dissolved - after a 60 year old descent - on the 23rd of March 2020.
At commonrepresentatation we prefer to be candid about what has happenened to the United Kingdom
no matter how difficult it is to bear (practically and emotionally) and describe.
We have done this now for over 10 years.
For those who still believe that the the United Kingdom exists, let them point to it, where is it ?
Is it in the established Christian Protestant Church No Common social bonds No, Common Christian marriage No, A defence of life by rejecting abortion No, A defence of a stable society by rejecting divorce No,
Widespread membership of independdent voluntary organisations No, A singular and integral national government No, A competent and loyal civil service and local goverment No
family enterprise and local and regional shops, Indigenous art including British music, painting and architecure No
Armed Forces of national strentgh No, A Maritime fleet No, National Industry No, Public infrastructure No, Nationalised Industry No, A national border No
A local GP, The NHS No and No again, schools colleges and universities No, academia, art, sport, philosphy, medicine, engineering all No again,
science, commerce, agriculture, fishing, diplomacy,or perhaps policing
(no, that policeman bearing down a truncheon on you he is not a British policeman, he is an AstraZeneca policeman) the answer is No, and on and on it goes.
No, in all of these fields of activity Britain has gone. It is History.
Britain has been replaced by a godless hetrogeuous sub state in thrall to the new supranational global state.
If you still doubt this then take a walk down any central street in any city or town across the former UK
and you will see the new arrivals (overwhelmingly men of conscription age) from Africa and Asia and further afield.
You are now in a the suprnational state called AstraZenecaland.
That Was Then And This Is Now
The Now go back to work or whatever
Dont talk about the
The purpose of the 2020-2021 activity was to get the jab in THE GENERAL POPULATION,
facilitate mass immigration, and "complete the social and economic "Transformation (restructuring) of the former United Kingdom.
Atomisation of the social bonds, mass imigration, reconfiguration of the urban centre's (unitisation of urban space for the new arrivals).
The Shock Therapy has worked.
The economic and social doctrine of Disruptive Theory (Essentially knock it down - any Christian settled nation) has been let loose by the "Progressive"/Liberal agents of the new Supranational State
as it oversees massive population transfers into the former UK.
Just like that the pandemics "over". Except it's not.
The jab pandemic is forever.
14th August 2021
The Mark
We are now in year 2 of the AstraZeneca State that replaced the United Kingdom on the 23rd of March 2020.
The new godless ("Progressive"/Liberal State - 60 years in the making) demands
Submission, Fealty and and most of all, that you carry it's Mark.
The injection is a political injection - an acceptance of the Liberal /"Progressive" establishment decrees.
It is not a medical injection.
Millions are Rejecting the Injection.
You Are Not Alone.
14th August 2021
Who Are You ?
14th August 2021
14th August 2021
There are many jabbed and even unjabbed today who deny that the United Kingdom has dissolved
they prefer to comfort themselves with the legacy trademarks of the UK - those that are still visible.
It has gone and is no more.
(It exists now only in the memory of the British - those that are left and who exist in the twilight and wastelands of the new state).
The United Kingdom finally dissolved - after a 60 year old descent - on the 23rd of March 2020.
At commonrepresentatation we prefer to be candid about what has happenened to the United Kingdom
no matter how difficult it is to bear (practically and emotionally) and describe.
We have done this now for over 10 years.
For those who still believe that the the United Kingdom exists, let them point to it, where is it ?
Is it in the established Christian Protestant Church No Common social bonds No, Common Christian marriage No, A defence of life by rejecting abortion No, A defence of a stable society by rejecting divorce No,
Widespread membership of independdent voluntary organisations No, A singular and integral national government No, A competent and loyal civil service and local goverment No
family enterprise and local and regional shops, Indigenous art including British music, painting and architecure No
Armed Forces of national strentgh No, A Maritime fleet No, National Industry No, Public infrastructure No, Nationalised Industry No, A national border No
A local GP, The NHS No and No again, schools colleges and universities No, academia, art, sport, philosphy, medicine, engineering all No again,
science, commerce, agriculture, fishing, diplomacy,or perhaps policing
(no, that policeman bearing down a truncheon on you he is not a British policeman, he is an AstraZeneca policeman) the answer is No, and on and on it goes.
No, in all of these fields of activity Britain has gone. It is History.
Britain has been replaced by a godless hetrogeuous sub state in thrall to the new supranational global state.
If you still doubt this then take a walk down any central street in any city or town across the former UK
and you will see the new arrivals (overwhelmingly men of conscription age) from Africa and Asia and further afield.
You are now in a the suprnational state called AstraZenecaland.
The Liberal Disease
The Mark
No More Tolerance
Liberals Vs British Christian Constitution
Kids 2
Internal Border Facility
Jibby Jab Job
The Time Machine
On 23rd of March 2020 the United Kingdom
returned to 1647 prior to the Treaty of Westphalia.
The Treaty established the Protestant principal of national authority
rather than the singular supranational authority of the Roman Cotholic Church.
On the 23rd of March 2020 the United Kingdom finally dissolved and it's territory returned to submission
under a supranational authority, this time under the control of secular corportism fronted, as ever by
the "Conservative" and Labour Establishment.
The Conservative Party was conveniently elected in December 2019
- the first "Covid case (a tourist) was recorded in York on 30th January 2020 - with a 80 seat majority.
(Close of Play)
Having confined the population of Glasgow to their homes for over a year atomised thero common social bonds, destrooyed their economy
and then injected two thirds of them with an experimental material
the AstraZenieca government of Johnson/Sturgeon has decided to drop over 25,000 foriegners into the city with no medical checks required.
All of this is to facilitate a "Climate Change" conference in the middle of the city.
This conference is not taking place digitally it is to take place physically.
Over 25,000 delegates are to convene to decide the furure laws that will regulate AstraZeneca including the former United Kingdom.
The conference represents the high caste of the new global state.
The old and new offices that litter what was Glasgow the Second city of the Empire are now reconfigured or being reconfigured into singularised accomodation units - hotel rooms- while the new staff who will serve the delegates learn English they will also be available for deliveroo and the other gig services alternatively they - they are 99% male - can take advantage of the street corner labour exchanges widely located across the city.
The Forbidden Zone
The Name and The Thing
Altered State
Constellation and Consolidation
The Missing Link
No Man's Land
The Census
The Covid Census
Genetic Engineering
Self Immolation
The Rubicon
Into Battle
The Land That Time Forgot
The Magical Covid Mystery Tour
100 Years of Legislative Devolution
Here I Stand
10 Year
Going Back
The Pied Piper
The Experiment
Prince Philip
"And More Dangerous From Here On In Probably"
60 Years in The Making
The Dissolution of the United Kingdom (under the pretext of "Covid") on the 23rd of March 2020 was 60 years in the making.
European Economic Community
Legislative Devolution
Northern Ireland
(Legislative Devolution, Proportional Representation" and - permitted interference - by the Irish Republic)
Welsh "Parliament"
The Mark
The Mar is a Political Mark.
It is the Act of Submission to the New Godless State (60 years in the making).
The atomisation of British Society has taken place.
The selfisness which is now manifest has created an "All Against All" collection of individuals.
No families no common social bonds or serious public institutions.
The only forces now - officially permitted - to exist are power and money.
It is Mutually Assured Destruction.
BUP emerging wether you like it or not....................................
The End of Tolerance
It should not be that much of a surprise that having endorsed the killing of over 9 million British children in the womb
that the the population of the former United Kingdom should endorse the injection of an experimental material into the under 18s.
The post Christian society that has emerged in the past 60 years is driven by selfishness.
The children (the under 18s) are the final sacrifice of the secular adults that abandoned the British Christian Constitution in order to gain adult pleasure, materialiaism and consumption of the past 60 years.
The conspicuous
Houses, car
"Bonfire of Teenagers"
Morrissey is one of the few artists prepared to speak for British interests and British culure.
Morrissey's new album - if he can get a record company to release it is called "Bonfire Of Teenagers".
It seems an appropriate title.
We should not be to surprised if at all by the mass experimental injection of children to "protect" adults
The official injection of an experimental material into British children (including teenagers) is a natural follow on from the abortion programme that has killed 9 million British children since 1967.
Covid 19 has a near to zero effect on children.
The risk ratio of Covid 19 to the experimental inection is overwhelmingly against children - under 18 - getting the injection.
Children - generally speaking - have a powerful immune system and have no need of the snake oil salesmen of Astra zeneca and Pfizer etc commercial products.
As with abortion, the rollout of the injection into the under 18s is about secular adult pleasure
and the comforting of adults who have taken the injection and who want others especially the vulnerable and to take it.
It is not only a spiritual matter and a temporal metaphysical matter, it is a matter of nature,
it is an inversion of nature - that the young are to be exposed to an unnessesary risk in order to reduce a claimed riskto the adults.
This reflects the godlessness and selfishness of the entire - adult - "progressive" political movement of the past 60 years.
from abortion to divorce to devolution to europeanism to covid.
Do whatever you can to protect the children.
Re - Opening The Pits
of course when they do re open the pits - as they will - it will not be British miners that work in them it will be Nigerians, Somali's and Indian's that work in them.
AstraZenecaland is an equal opportunities employer.
Oh Dear Oh Well Nevermind
"...and more dangerous from here on in probably..."
13.10 min
Morrisey Live at the Hollywood Bowl
("Yellowcard" is the "UK" governments own Covid 19 "vaccine" Adverse Reactions database)
Dead 1470
Adverse Reactions over 1 million
The total power of the the "Conservative" and Labour and SNP Establishment (including commerce)
is now deployed in getting an uneccesary experimental material injected into the greatest number of the population.
It is not the just the specific demographic that was vulnerable to Covid 19 - a low to medium (the over 80s in care homes) that the experimental injection has been targetted at
but to every demographic including children.
It is estimated that about 60-70 % of the adult population has been now beeen willingly injected.
The rollout has broken two rules that must apply to experimental medicine:
1 Never experiment on the general population - that is why laboratories exist
2 Never, Ever experiment on children.
The godless establishment are not bound by any consideration other than their own personal political power and money.
They will inject anyone with anything if it provides them with power and money.
Neither is an experimental injection, a political "nudge" to get the population confident again to enter social settings
(after being subject to a year of psychological warfare by the Establishment apparatus),
a national placebo - a free packet of aspirins, a pint of beer or a packet of cigarettes, could have done that,
all of them with known and accepted risk ratios without the use of an experimental injection.
No - the government activated the public rollout of a highly experimental injected material
with one singular purpose that we know of so far (the experimental injections are only months old),
it has been to alter the biological coding composition of the general population
into something that it was not but now - largely is.
The 60 year old Liberal/"Progressive" descent of the United Kingdom into the Dissolution of 2020
(identified and recorded by for the past 10 years at this website)
has now been completed.
The United Kingdom (c) is now a (legacy) brand name of AstraZeneca - the patent holder.
There remains one obstacle to the experimental material and it's effects and the complete eradication of what was the British and their nation state Great Britain.
The experimental injection has been resisted by about 25-30% of the population, most of wich is under 30.
(in many cities and towns the injection has been resisted by about 50% of the general population including Glasgow, Sheffield (Parts of Sheffield have a rate of only 32% for the first injection) and Liverpool).
It is this resistance (largely from the working class and young) that has driven the increasingly desperate attempts by the "Conservative" and Labour Establishment
to get people injected especially the under thirties - the reproductive pool is key and the goverment knows this.
It is this demographic that contains the greater number of the reproductive pool (about 70%) of Britain.
Providing that this - healthy - reproductive pool remains free of the experimental material, nature will take it's course and the experimental material will die out.
There are many jabbed and even unjabbed today who deny that the United Kingdom has dissolved, has gone and is no more.
The United Kingdom finally dissolved - after a 60 year old descent - on the 23rd of March 2020.
At commonrepresentatation we prefer to be candid about what has happenened to the United Kingdom no matter how difficult it is to bare (practically and emotionally) and describe.
We have done this now for over 10 years.
Those who still believe that the the United Kingdom exists then let them point to it
is it in the established Christian Protestant Church - No
common social bonds
voluntary organisations
family firms regional or nation businesses
a maratime fleet
a local constabulary
the NHS
a local family GP
local schools colleges or where is it????
common groups, organisations or insitutions
no it has gone all of it.
the all embracing new state, where women are men and men and men are women has a name it is AstraZenecaland.
The Conservative and Labour parties brought it into existence on the votes of the British people That is the line of authority.
It is a line of authority that is confirmed by the Mark of alligence.
Do not deny it.
For it is only the British now that can destroy it.
The rollout has altered the genetic composition of a large part (about 60-70 of the population).
Brand Name UK(c)
(c) AstraZenecaland
The 60 year old "Progresssive" political attack on the United Kingdom that has culminated in the Dissolution of 2020
The delivery mechanism of the material MRNA and the Vector method intrude into the highly sensitive DNA field of the physical composition
and the material carried indicates an alteration of the relationship between bld cells and other elements
It is not a low to medium (for the over eighties) that has required an experimentalmaterial to be injected into the general population.
It is the godless "Conservative" and Labour Establishment that has required that.
The injection is a political injection that has biological effects and it is a biological injection that has political effects.
The Liberal Disease
It was not a low to medium - for the over eitghies- coronovirus virus that finally dissolved British society it was the Liberal Desease.
the 60 year old Liberal Revolution not a Coronovirus (a low to medium virus) that has shattered British society and it's economy.
The Liberal/"Progressive" Establishment have not only permitted Covid 19 to enter the United Kingdom but have used it to further their totalitarian agenda.
From the hollowing out of Britain (morally and socially and industrially) to immigration, the accumulation of Liberal policies are now taking their full toll upon the United Kingdom.
The Liberal Template
The United Kingdom is now being Super-re-configured into the "Progressive" Template of a multi-cultural, identyless secular state.
The United Kingdom has been de-nationalised.
More than Covid, more than anything, The United Kingdom receeding into the past by the day through immigration.
The Super-dissolution of the United Kingdom through Covid is permitting society to be Super-re-configured into the "Progressive" template
(promoted by the BBC "Progressive" lense, the Corporate and "Education" sectors and oversen by the Conservative and Labour Establishment)
in which the British are being de-possessed of their country and the New State is constructed.
Addicted to Liberalism
Through the years we have used the metaphor of a 60 year old party that has come to an end and it is time to sober up, clean up and attend to the fabric and structure of the house.
After 60 years of Liberal/"Progressive" policy, secularism and debt (in all it's forms), Britain is now to addicted to the adult delinquincy, selfishness and materialism that followed.
The British, as we can now see, have put up (so far) with unlimited demands and deprevations in order that the Conservative and Labour Establishment will give them back the addictive substances.
National Suicide
The United Kingdom is receeding into history, day by day through immigration.
The Super-dissolution policies of the United Kingdom (person to person contact, masks etc) and blamed on Covid is permitting society to be Super-re-configured
into the "Progressive" lense and template that is patterned and promoted by the "Progressive" lense of the BBC, Corporatedom, "Education"
The Liberal Template
The United Kingdom is now being Super-re-configured into the "Progressive" Template of a multi-cultural, identyless secular state.
The United Kingdom has been de-nationalised.
More than Covid, more than anything, The United Kingdom receeding into the past by the day through immigration.
The Super-dissolution of the United Kingdom through Covid is permitting society to be Super-re-configured into the "Progressive" template
(promoted by the BBC "Progressive" lense, the Corporate and "Education" sectors and oversen by the Conservative and Labour Establishment)
in which the British are being de-possessed of their country and the New State is constructed.
Stockholm Syndrome
The British are held captive, not in the Kreditbanken building in Stockholm but in their own country.
Their captor's: Johnson, Drakeford and Sturgeon and the rest (the entire 60 year old Liberal/"Progressive establisment) offering occasional mercy - in return for "compliance" - in the Rubik's Cube of the Covid Tier Systems.
Stockholm Syndrome
The British are to be grateful to Johnson and Sturgeon and Drakeford and the rest for their occasional mercy in allowing them to visit a pub that sells a pint before 6pm or walk up a supermarket aisle that sells an Enid Blyton book.
The captor toys with the captives.
Hollow Britain and Covid
All the essential elements that would have made Britain able to endure the deprivations of today have been thrown away by the "Conservative" and Labour parties over the past 60 years.
The Chrtistian national established (in every parish) church. thrown away to secularism.
Family and social bonds thrown away to divorce and abortion.
National industry thrown awsay to the finance (debt) and "service" sector
British Army now a micro army of 68-75 000.
Threw It All Away
Let's Dance
The Covid "Conservative" and Labour Establishment
have demanded that simply to dance British young folk have to take an experimental injection says
No Injection, Let's Dance
Well Known Unionist David Bowie says:
"Let's Dance"
Tonight the Conservative and Labour establishment declared that they will force the young people and children of the United Kingdom
to be injected with an experimental material.
This force includes mandatory injections to enter nightclubs, concerts and festivals.
"I don't mind doing for the kids"
jib jabdouble jibjabjabby jab jibjob jabjibdouble doublejibbyjabby jabjobjibjabby jibjobdouble jibjab. Treble
The Forbidden Zone
Hiding away at home under the blankets of final salary pensions, WFH and "Furlough"
(all public money) the "Golden Agers" (those now retiring or retired who benefitted from Christian, Industrial, Integrated Britain 1960-2020)
and the new self appointed WFH middle class (only the working class now - go out - to work)
seldom if at all enter the Forbidden Zone.
In AstraZenecaland (the territory previously known as the United Kingdom) the cities and towns are now wastelands of the previous now dead society.
They are now large museums of a society that simply committed suicide.
Those "Golden Agers" and the rest, who do enter the cities and towns,
conveniently mentally filter out the strange masks, behaviour and different foriegn occupied territories that they go through to get to them,
then just like the "old days", they can shop and have lunch - providng of course,
that they ignore that the waiter serving them their food and drink has a mask.
"You might not like what you find"
Dr Zaius
"Planet of the Apes"
Despite being - "fully jabbed/Double jabbed" they
The British - what is left of them - must now carry the Memory of Britain and what it meant.
It is in that memory and in the passing on of that memory from generation to generation that Britain, Great Britain now lives.
It is all that is left...for now.
Fake Exit and Covid
(It Didn't Matter)
The unessecary (BUT VOTED FOR BY Conservative and Labour parties) geneeral election (ON 9TH dECEMBER 2019
permitted the Conservative government to conclude it's agreement with the EU ON 24 JAN 2020
hand of history
modern guy
About one third of the British have refused to submit to the experimental injection.
This number includes the largest part of the reproductive pool.
it is for this reason that the establishment have doubledowned on their propaganda.
If They
The British - what is left of them - must now carry the Memory of Britain and what it meant.
It is in that memory and in the passing on of that memory from generation to generation that Britain, Great Britain now lives.
It is all that is left.
A Covenanter Soldier
Genetically Modified
the entire apparatus of the 60 prg mov
since 23 3 20
has been to inject an exp mat into a large part of the ukp
new state.
National Digital Control
Facial signature
By Appointment
The Soveriegn of the UK has referred to the NHS as plural not singular
but more importantly the "four nations" of the United Kingdom.
(The Soveriegn was crowned the Queen of a singular United Kingdom in 1953 - there has been no legislation to alter this nomenclature)
Since the Glorious Revolution 1688-1690, the Crown has been offered to the King/Queen on strict written Christian constitutional terms
(singular constitutional terms since 1707)
- a contract -
it remains on offer ONLY on a contractual basis,
a contract that CAN be withdrawn by the British Parliament.
who are these nations this implies the uk is not a nation but a sconfederation of nations
this means hm is nhss 4 nations
-The Drug Dealers-
You Choose
Choose Life
Drug Addict
A person who is addicted to a particular substance, typically an illegal drug.
Oxford Dictionary
The experimental injection now being promoted by the drug dealing establishment
of the "Conservative" Labour and SNP (AKA the 60 year old "progressive establishment)
Introducing Astraland
The 60 year old dissolution of the United Kingdom
leading to the complete (secular) atomisation of British society in 2020 has delivered an all against all society in which selfishness and a rejection of the collective common aspects (including duties and rights)
of nationhood have been neglaected, discarded and laughed at.
The outcome of this atomisation
(and endorsed by a large part of the electorate - by voting for the "Conservative", Labour, SNP and other Covid establishment parties)
is Mutually Assured Destruction - the kind that you are seeing in the streets today disstressed and disrupted.
(and the unitisation of commerce)
The Name and The Thing
At last, at least, we now have a name for the 60 year old project to hollow out Christian, Industrial Britain
and replace it with a new secular, hetrogenuous, globalised, corporate state in 2020:
It is only right that the nomenclature of the new state is AstraZenecaland (Astraland).
It is the root name of the experimental material injected into the majority of the over 18 population of the former United Kingdom in the belief it will save them and protect them
from a low to medium coronovirus that has a 99% recovery rate in the general population and deliver them back into a 60 year old pleasuredome.
"Astra" meaning "Star".
- "Zeneca" - is an invented name, invented by the branding company Interbrand.
Interbrand had been given the remit by the demerging bio-science group of activities
from British company ICI - Imperial Chemicals Industries - during the Great Dissolution of British Industry (1960-1989 ),
to invent a name that started with either the first or last letter of the alphabet
phonetically memorable, a maximum of thre syllables and with no offensive meaning.
In 1993, the de-merging chemical enity from ICI, now a company comprising pharmaceutical bio-science businesses: pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals biological seeds and specialities items
into a separate company called Zeneca (a bit like the privatisation of DERA (Defence, Evaluation, Research, Agency)
from the Ministry of Defence, that became the QinetiQ formed 2001 and Floated 2008
QINETIQ ~ (another one of the unspellable and unpronounceable generic and nebulous companies that has emerged)
is an another invented name.
"Qi" is meant to reflect the company's energy (apparently), "net" its networking ability ! and "iq" its intellectual resource (it is claimed)
The name was adopted in early 2001 at a price of about £400,000.
Zeneca then merged with Astra AB (Swedish pharma company 1999) to form AstraZeneca
In the AstraZenecaland pleasuedome men are women and women are men.
There are no families and no nation only individuals work/consumption units and the state.
In AstraZenecaland children are adults and adults are children.
In Astraland White is Black and Black is Black.
All of this has happened, not through an armed revolution by the "Conservative" and Labour party establishment
but through electoral force - by the electorate time and again voting for these parties and their policies.
Welcome To The Pleasure Dome
"I have it, so I market it,
You really can't afford it, you really can't afford it."
Internal Border Facility
The contract for the construction of an IBF at Cairnryan between op of the uk and another has been made public.
There must be no internal border inside the Nation.
It's construction must be prevented.
"You've Lost, I've Won"
"we will be strong"
The Rules
1 Follow Nature as much as possible.
2 Never experiment in the general population.
3 Never, Ever experiment on children.
“The supreme function of statesmanship is to provide against preventable evils.”
― Enoch Powell, Enoch Powell's "Rivers of Blood" Speech 1968
National Covid Institute
med soc econ
“As I look ahead, I am filled with foreboding. Like the Roman, I seem to see "the River Tiber foaming with much blood.”
― Enoch Powell
PayYour Rates
While the working class are driven physically out to work for the new WFH class and of course the Golden Agers
(those now retiring or retired that have selfishly lived off Britian's Christian, homogenuous integrated and stable society while voting for
the degenerateConservative and Labour establishment)
It is time for them to pay up in reparation for the covid dump that they have left the young British to live in.
Taxes must be placed on annual pensions over 20,000.
Taxes must be placed on houses over 100,000.
Taxes must be placed onWFH.
Most employment conracts were struck pre-covid on the basis that the employee physically attended a worplace, that has been unilaterally changed to WFH with no reference to those employees who are by the same contracts now are called to the workplace.
This is DISCRIMINATION in yer face.
Those who do not work from home must be paid more and the are entitled top compensation for attending the workplace since 23rd of March 2020.
Also consistantly opposed the Premiership of Theresa May however on the matter of the rich paying for their medical and welfare provision the (initial) Conservative Party
Manifesto of 2017 did go in the right direction by floating the idea that on death total assets (with an exemption of up to £100,000) would go to the state in payment.
Choose Life
hazy lazy
Altered State
The ratio of risk between Covid 19
(over 99% recovery rate in the general populationand even higher - Near zero - in children)
and the risk of the "vaccine"
(unknown and untested in the standard - new vaccine trial -safety protocols (including standard timeframe of vaccine development)
is overwhelmingly in favor of NOT getting the injection IE you do not need it.
Even without "Lockdown" (the formal atomisation of British society and it's economy
the rollout of of an experimental matarial injection in the British general population and most of all into the reproductive pool is a metaphysical event
it is the genetic alteration of the national population.coral the young like sheep and in
All the usual suspects of the 60 year old progressive movement
(the media, the professions, the public sector, oncluding the armed forces, education, NHS and commerce etc)
are directed towards getting the "jab" into the entire population but most of all the reproductive pool for without the experimental material getting into that pool (the young) the material will not replicate but will die out.
It is essential that a predominate number of the young reject the "jab".
The numbers indicate a lrage number are rejecting it and that is why the establishment have doubledown on the propaganda to coral the young like sheep and inject them.
Providing enough young people do not get the injection the entire Covid Project will fail.
The Covid "jab" is not like other injections it has not been identififed for a particular medical demographic but for the general population.
The Rules
1 Follow Nature as much as possible.
2 Never experiment in the general population.
3 Never, Ever experiment on children.
Please visit YELLOWCARD (the goverment's "vaccine" adverse reaction website)
Below is a link to UK Column's website (an independent news organisation) which makes navigating the governments YELLOWCARD website easier
Make your own independent judgement.
You Are Not Alone.
The COVID "JAB" is a political "jab", it is for a political purpose.
It is to facilitate a new State.
1 Follow Nature.
2 Never experiment in the general population.
3 Never, Ever, Ever experiment in children.
Please visit YELLOWCARD (the goverment's "vaccine" adverse reaction website)
Below is a link to UK Column's website (an independent news organisation) which makes navigating the governments YELLOWCARD website easier
Make your own independent judgement.
You Are Not Alone.
Constellation and Consolidation
At the start of the 20th century, a constellation of political, social and economic interests across the nation gathered together and formed the Labour Party.
The Labour Party replaced the Liberal Party as one of the two principal parties that naturally form in our parliamentary representative democracy in the House of Commons.
Today a political constellation of interests, organisations and political parties exist that wish to see the Covid "Progressive" Eststablishment ended
and Britain restored as a nation state.
This constellation has gathered on the highest possible ground, the very existence of the nation.
It is now time for this constellation to recognise itself and consolidate.
If not, the new Covid state will be confirmed by injection and the absence of opposition.
Covid, Imigration and Devolution and Europe, indeed the entire policy agenda of the past 60 years has atomised and dissolved the United Kingdom.
It is now time for this new constellation to recognise itself and gather and consolidate in one national political party staffed by a cadre of competent experienced, independent men,
in order that it can offer a broad manifesto of national restoration to the British in a general election.
The Kids
One of the prime features of the "progressive" political movement over the past 60 years has been it's disregard for the young and for children.
Wether Abortion, Divorce or the Covid injection the young and children have paid the price for adult selfishness.
The Rules
Rule 1 Secure the perimeter immediately should any internal/external national threat emerge.
Rule 2 Never, experiment in the general population (always experiment in a closed environment (a laboratory).
Rule 2 Never, Ever, experiment on children.
These three rules have been broken by the establishment that governs in the United Kingdom.
we hold the opinion that a new strain of flu entered the United Kingdom between 2019-2020.
This new strain has been used as a cover to inect the general population with experimental material - the "vaccine" is still on trial (a live trial - now in the general population)
while the phamacalogical companies that produced them Astra Zenica etc have been indemnified against any hostile court cases regarding the material.
The under 30's - the reproductive pool of Britian - are alright, they do not need an experimental material injected into them.
Covid 19 (a low to medium virus) has a recovery rate of over 99% in the general population and it is higher again in the under 30 population.
They do not need it and neither do you.
It is a policy to alter the British genetic reproductive pool through an experimental injection.
Do whatever you can to oppose it.
The ratio of risk between Covid and the experimental material being injected is overwhelmingly in favor of NOT being injected
The Kids
The 60 year old degenerate establishment intend to experiment on British children.
The under 30's - the reproductive pool of Britian - are alright, they do not need an experimental material injected into them.
Covid 19 (a low to medium virus) has a recovery rate of over 99% in the general population and it is higher again in the under 30 population.
It is a policy to alter the British genetic reproductive pool through an experimental injection.
Do whatever you can to oppose it.
for the under 30s
The of age consent is 18 at commonrepresentation we believe it should be 21.
just say no
When the Kids are united
material (unknown) element.
17th June 2021
How To Escape
A 3 Part Series by
Part 1
No Man's Land
The removal of competent, serious, experienced, masculine, mature, independent men from national life
(down coal pits or in power stations, making cars, or in regiments of the British Army etc)
has been a central part of the 60 year old political revolution that led to the Dissolution of Britain in 2020.
lt is only through the gathering of these type of men (the opposite of the current governing caste)
today in a new (single) national political party that offers,
the only way, peacefully, to defeat the Covid Establishment and restore Great Britain as a Nation - Whole and Free.
17th June 2021
How To Escape
A 3 Part Series by
Part 1
No Man's Land
The removal of competent, serious, experienced, masculine, mature, independent men from national life
(down coal pits or in power stations, making cars, or in regiments of the British Army etc)
has been a central part of the 60 year old political revolution that led to the Dissolution of Britain in 2020.
lt is only through the gathering of these type of men (the opposite of the current governing caste)
today in a new (single) national political party that offers,
the only way, peacefully, to defeat the Covid Establishment and restore Great Britain as a Nation - Whole and Free.
The "Conservative" Party
(and the other 60 year old Regressive Establishment organisations: Labour, SNP, CBI, TUC, Church of England, Church of Scotland etc)
policy to push experimental drugs into the under 30 population continues.
The under 30's contain the genetic reproductive pool of Britain, they do not need the experimental injections.
The Ratio of Risk of Covid 19 (a low to medium virus which has a recovery rate of over 99% in the general population and it is higher again in the under 30 population - near zero in children)
to the unknown risk of the experimental material in the injection is in predominately in favour of the reproductive pool not getting the injection.
They do not need it.
They thankfully have natural ressistance.
They must be protected.
It is The Rubicon.
The "vaccine" has led to over 1,000 are dead and over 500,000 have had an adverse reation (including Blindness) as a result of the experimental drugs policy of enforced by the "Conservative" Party
and the rest of the Regressive Establishment. According to the official numbers on the
governments own YELLOWCARD reaction monitor system.
The independent news organisation UK Column has made navigating the government YELLOWCARD database easy and it can be found at
This is a political injection not a medical injection.
If you have never been political then be political now.
Be active at whatever level you can if you cannot physically be political on the streets then give money or contribute digitally to those who make a stand.
There is something you can do.
Doing It For The Kids
If The Kids Are United
Self Immolation
The self immolation of Britain (including recently at the ballot box, reflects the consequence of the secularisation of Britain
(a 60 year old walk away from it's established Christian Protestant religion) and the abandonment of (the serious duties and responsibilities of) Nationhood.
The population, generally speaking are now driven not by Faith but by Fear (and it's attendant impluse to Submit and Divert)
and not by Selflessness but Selfishness (and it's attendant impulse to Submit and Divert).
In politics this means that The AstraZenica Party (Conservative, Labour, SNP etc) win everywhere.
We are still in the early days of the New Epoch, the New State and the New Soveriegn.
The population is still in a state of shock, they (with exceptions) cannot quite believe what they have done and indeed they prefer not to think about what they have done.
They doubledown on their votes for the "Conservative" Party the Labour Party and the SNP and the rest.
For many, the Golden Agers in particular
(those who benefitted from Great Britain as a Christian, homogenuous, integrated and industrial society and it's legacy through the past 60 years)
conveniently, cannot see and do not want to see what they have done, they do not venture out too far, the golf club and the garden centre are close by and there is no need to enter the Forbbiden Zone
to witness the urban carnage that they have authorised with their selfishness, neglect and votes for the Conservative and Labour parties over the past 60 years.
That is for The Kids to deal with not them.
The Fear is now generated by the thunderclap of the metaphysical event that has happened.
It is not some abstract theory that Britain was altered on the 23rd of March 2020, it has happened
(socially, economically and now (if the mass experimental drug substantially enters the reproductive pool (the under 30's) - genetically),
the degenerate "Liberal" forces of the last third of the 20th century
fully and finally burst into power on that date and asserted and claimed their Power.
The Fear now originates from a creeping doubting sense in the population that they have done something that they should not have done but they do not want to say what it is
( have said it for 10 year - they have thrown away their country and it's institutions which had protected them),
they believe that if they do not say it or do not vote for a party that does say it then it will not have happened - but it has.
In many ways this is a primal reaction - pre-religion - that if only they do not use words to describe something that they can see in front of them then it will not exist but of course it still does.
In such a case Submission (followed by Diversions of all kinds) is the default position in relation to the new thing - the New Power, the New State, the New Soveriegn - and there is no better way to
(having encouraged, permitted and facilitated the thing to come into existence in the first place)
than to submit to it, to offer fealty to it and of course, to carry it's mark.
of the new power.
In tumultuos times it is only human to seek solace in diversions both mental and physical.
This explains why a deeply serious 56 year New York man plays the Comedian and
Old Authority and a new state.
The Bookpeople
Selfishness, Fear, Diversion
Vichy Britain
British Unionist Party
(Constellation, Consolidation and Cadre)
At the start of the20th century there was a new constellation of interests in the United Kingdom.
As a result of this new constellation taking form, a consolidation of groups and organisations took place and the Labour Party gradually emerged
across the United Kingdom to replace the Liberal Party as one of the two principal parties
(there are naturally two principle parties in our parliamentary representattive democracy)
in the House of Commons.
A cadre of leaders emerged to lead the Labour Party into official opposition and then government.
The national elements that propelled and developed the Labour Party are of a lesser nature than those that exist today
(national existence, response to Covid, immigration, devolution among others).
Today (now in it's 10th year) invites todays new constellation of British interests to consolidate into a single political
party in order to challenge the "progressive"(regressive) "Conservative" and Labour Establishment that has destroyed Britain over the past 60 years.
Across many groups associations and organisations across many matters there is common ground.
It is time to recognise the collective self identity of these organisations and groups
unite in a single political vechile if not all will be lost.
Likewise across many small political parties there are common objectives. It is time to unite these parties in a single political vechile to defeat and
marginalise the Conservative and Labour Parties.
Scottish Family Party, Reclaim Party, Abolish the Scottish Parliament Party, Freedom Association Party, UKIP, Abolish the Welsh Assembly Party,
All For Unity, Reform Party, Libertarian Party etc.
The new party must have it's roots in the British past and ready to excercise itself today ready to offer a broad national manifesto for national
restoration from Abortion to Defence from Industry to Education and the rest.
In the last 10 years among these groups and parties (and alternative media) a competent, experienced and knowledgeable cadre of potential officers
of the BUP has emerged across the United Kingdom.
They are ready and able to provide local, regional and national (officer) leadership of the BUP.
That party can only be the British Unionist Party.
The BUP has it's roots in the past from the early formation of British identity right (Wyke, Cromwell, Reformation, through the formation legislation of the United Kingdom itself, and into the 20th century when the Conseservative Party could not bring themselves to descibe themselves as British Unionists (1912 Queen's Hall London).
The Nation now stands at the rubicon between a Christian, Industrial Nation and a Godless, Poverty-stricken Corporate State.
Which side Are You On ?
Are you a British Unionist or are you not?
Stewart Connell
The Kids
The "Conservative" Party (and the other regressive establishment organisations Labour, SNP, CBI, TUC, Church of England, Church of Scotland etc) policy to push experimental drugs into the under 30 population continues.
This population has no need of these drugs.
Covid 19 (a low to medium virus) has a recovery rate of over 99% in the general population and it is higher in the under 30 population.
It is a policy to alter the British genetic reproductive pool through an experimental (unknown) element.
This is a political injection not a medical injection.
If The Kids Are United
The contract for the construction of an IBF at Cairnryan between op of the uk and another has been made public.
It's construction must be resisted.
The Census
"the process of officially counting something, especially a country’s population, and recording various facts"
"early 17th cent. (denoting a poll tax): from Latin, applied to the registration of citizens and property in ancient Rome, usually for taxation, from censere ‘assess’. The current sense dates from the mid 18th cent."
Oxford Dictionary
The British Census historically took place across the nation in the second year of each decade ie 1971.
This year on March 22nd the United Kingdom did not have a census.
There was a census in England, Northern Ireland and Wales on that date but not in Scotland.
Rather than measure itself and it's resources as a Nation, a profound political division has taken place in how the United Kingdom administers itself.
Scotland will now have a separate census. This has substantial impact of public planning and especially on the measurement and management of immigration - numbers and density.
It is another substantial act of dissolution underwritten by the "Conservative" Party (80 majority in the House of Commons).
The reason for the abandonment of a uniform Census is that the "Conservative" and Labour parties support the legislative dissolution of the United Kingdom and the establishment of new statelets.
The "Conservative" Partyis the only party in British history to initiate and legislate for a referendum on the dissolution of the United Kingdom (aka the "Scottish Independence Referendum")
in September the 18th 2014.
The Covid Census
One of the consequences of the "Jab Rollout"
"The great joy of the jab"
BBC Radio 4 "Broadcasting House" Presenter
"Paddy" O'Connell
is that it became a defacto numeric census on the population of the United Kingdom.
The official establishment propaganda is that there is 67 million in the United Kingdom. holds the opinion that there is about 83 million (please research for yourself - supermarket and sewage statistics provide information on macro consumption and waste outflow) asserts that the injected population is lower porportionately than the government numbers suggest in relation to the total population and this is one reason why the government has sought to inject the "unregistered" (illegal immigrants) that are in the country through informal and casual channels ie mobile "jab buses"
he census nationwide no longer takes place.
The Census was the prime measurement of the numbers, concentration and .
"the process of officially counting something, especially a country’s population, and recording various facts"
The British Census histortook place across the nation.
The census nationwide no longer takes place.
The Census was the prime measurement of the numbers, concentration and .
This year on March 22nd the United Kingdom did not have a census.
There was a census in England, Northern Ireland and Wales on that date.
Scotland will now have a separate census.
It is another substantial act of dissolution all underwritten by the "Conservative Party.
The reason for the abandonment of a uniform Census is that the "Conservative" and Labour parties support the legislative dissolution of the United Kingdom and the establishment of new statelets.
The "Conservative" Partyis the only party in British history to initiate and legislate for a referendum on the dissolution of the United Kingdom (aka the "Scottish Independence Referendum")
in September the 18th 2014
The Magical Covid Mystery Tour
100 Years of Legislative Devolution
Here I Stand
10 Year
Going Back
The Pied Piper
The Experiment
Prince Philip
ناظم الزهاوي
is the "Conservative" Party Minister for COVID 19 Vaccine Deployment.
He is directing the mass .
"...and we will be ready to then implement and wether it's vacinating younger cohorts..."
Get Ready.
Union City
It is Glasgow, that in the past 10 years that has led the reaffirmation of Britain as a Nation.
The renaisence of Britishness since the nadir of comtempt familiarity neglct and taken for granted.
spirituality politics economics and rest
The renasisence has been articulated by a number of men.
They know who they are.
While Britain descends into darkness and depotism it is the work (beyond price) of these men and others across the Nation that offers
temporal hope of restoration.
The Land That Time Forgot
Walking through the wasteland of the city to the office.
Walking through the building, corridor after corridor after corridor, office after office after office, all empty of human kind and only the detrius of past human and commercial activity is left.
It is as if a thunderclap, a metaphysical event had taken place and had taken all the people away with it, which of has and it did, on Monday the 23rd of March 2020.
Tea cups (left half full), coats, bags, slippers,umberellas, letters half opened, desk after desk full of computers and telephones and printers and photocopiers (items from another Age, that will never be used again)
and mailpoints (for mail that arrives, never to be opened only stored, cabinets and Kardexes and kettles and bins and paper and pens,
photographs and childrens paintings and maps and toys and biscuits and fridges and sweetie jars.
(but the electorate prefer not to dwell on thse matters and gently sink further into the comfort of
An Injection of Politics
60 years on from the start of the Demoralisation of Britian (the 1960's "counter culture" revolution), then 6 years on from it's Destabilisation (the 2014 Referendum on the Dissolution of Britain)
and one year on from the start of the Crisis (23rd March 2020),
having engineered the excavation of the United Kingdom into an empty shell
the overwhelming power of the ("progressive") establishment is now focused on the injection of the entire population with an experimental material.
One of the longstanding rules of medicine (and other matters) is that
you never experiment in the general (population and never, ever, ever in children).
Experiments must take place in closed environments.
This rule has been intentionally broken by the establishment led by the "Conservative" Party.
Many taking the experimental material do so in order to get back to the failed state and failed society of the 23rd of March 2021.
Chesterton's quote is is correct and it is alsso true that
desperate to return to the 60 year old party
many millions across the United Kingdom will que for hours to take the Establishment injection in order that it will somehow wisk them back to 23 March 2020. it will not do that.
Many of them taking the injection has spent a lifetime avoiding politics but now take the injection and submit to the Conservative and Labour parties and the rest of the degenerate establishment.
For over 10 years now crc has
It is essential that a National Covid Institute (NCI) is established.
The NCI requires to be established as a centre for the management of COVID and the investigation into it's impact, policy impact and the effect of the injections that have been released into the general population.
The legal indemnity that prevents legal prosecution of the drug companies must be repealed and the prosecution of politicians and others who have furthered the Official Fear, Hysteria and Injection Cult must take.
1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
June 2021
Part 1 of a 3 part series on how to get out of the Covid regime and restore Great Britain.
Part 1
No Man's Land
The removal of competent, serious, experienced, independent men from national life
(wether down coal pits or in power stations, making cars, or in regiments of the British Army etc)
and their replacement by a godless, anti-British, feminised and compliant governing caste
has been a central part of the 60 year old political revolution that led to the Dissolution of Britain in 2020.
lt is only through the gathering of these type of men today in a new national political party that offers, the only way, to defeat the Covid Establishment
and restore Great Britain as a Nation - Whole and Free.
June 2021
Part 2 of a 3 part series on how to get out of the Covid regime and restore Great Britain.
Part 1
The Missing Link
On the 9th of May 1912 in the Queen's Hall in London the "Conservative" Party could not bring itself to adopt
the nomenclature of "The Unionist Party" (to describe the merger between it and the Liberal Unionist Party).
The Conservative Party could not commit to being a national (broad) party under the title "Unionist Party"
because it remained in thrawl to political forces in the party that had never reconciled themselves with the new British state of 1707,
this detachment from the British Interest remains today and is apparent in all policy matters including Covid.
The British have been cast aside by this party.
Many of the problems of the United Kingdom today (including Covid)
have their roots in the Conservativer Party's faltering then hesitant then doubtful then tepid then limited and then complete detachment to Britain as a nation state and the heavy duties and
responsibilities that that involves.
The decline of Britain since 1912 can be traced back to the mood reflected in the hall that night.
For Britain to be restored and to escape from the Covid Sate (if it wants to),
the "Conservative" Party must be defeated and marginalised in national politics and be seen to be so.
There is no point in having a broad, energised pro British movement in 2021
if it does not direct itself into a single electoral force
- if it does not then all it's effort and resouce will be spent and wasted and the New State will be confirmed.
The British have been cast aside by this party.
Many of the problems of the United Kingdom today (including Covid)
have their roots in the Conservativer Party's faltering then hesitant then doubtful then tepid then limited and then detachment to Britain (a nation - a body politic)
The decline of Britain since 1912 can be traced back to the mood in the hall that night.
For Britain to be restored and escape from the Covid Sate (if it wants to), the "Conservative" Party must be defeated and marginalised in politics and seen to be so.
There is no point in having a broad energised pro British movement in 2021 if it does not direct it'self into a single electoral force - if it does not then all effort and resouce will be spent and wasted
and a final irrevokable defeat will take place the Covid injection is the culmanation of the 60 year old dissolution of Britain.
and a final irrevokable defeat will take place the Covid injection is the culmanation of the 60 year old.
dissolution of Britain.
For the past 60 years, the prime feature of "Conservative" party policy has been it's betrayal of the Nation.
(Wether Immigration, Europe, Devolution etc betr...
ayal has been and remains it's Hallmark)
The British have been cast aside by this party.
Many of the problems of the United Kingdom today (including Covid)
have their roots in the Conservativer Party's faltering then hesitant then doubtful then tepid then limited and then detachment to Britain (a nation - a body politic)
The decline of Britain since 1912 can be traced back to the mood in the hall that night.
For Britain to be restored and escape from the Covid Sate (if it wants to), the "Conservative" Party must be defeated and marginalised in politics and seen to be so.
There is no point in having a broad energised pro British movement in 2021 if it does not direct it'self into a single electoral force - if it does not then all effort and resouce will be spent and wasted
and a final irrevokable defeat will take place the Covid injection is the culmanation of the 60 year old dissolution of Britain.
The Unionist Party is the 119 year old missing link in Britsh politics.
It is now time for that hesitancy and doubt, which the "Conservative" Party casts onto the nation and it's national life, be cast aside
and a new party emerge and reflect a self-recognising and self-confident Christian, Industrial Britain upon which progress can be built,
A Britain that is balanced between the past and the present.
A Britiain that must be governed by a people and a party that believes in it.
A Britain Whole and Free.
It now time for the party, that did not come into being in 1912,
to come into being now in 2021.
June 2021
Part 3 of a 3 part series on how to get out of the Covid regime and restore Great Britain.
Part 1
Constellation, Consolidation and Cadre
At the start of the 20th a constellation of political, social and economic interests across the nation gathered together and formed the Labour Party.
The Labour Party replaced the Liberal Party as one of the two principal parties that naturally form in our parliamentary representative democracy and in the House of Commons.
Today a political constellation exists of groups organisations and many small political parties exist and that wish to see Britain restored as a nation state.
This constellation has gathered on the highest possible ground that any Nation can face the matter of it's very existence.
Covid, Imigration and Devolution and Europe, indeed the entire policy agenda of the past 60 years has atomised and dissolved the United Kingdom.
It is now time for this new constellation to recognise itself and gather and consolidate in one national political party staffed by a cadre of competent experienced, independent men,
in order that it can offer a broad manifesto of national restoration to the British in a general election.
The new party must be manned and staffed by a cadre of loyal, competent, serious, experienced, independent men.
Today a cadre of officers and footsoldiers now exists across many groups, organisations and platforms, who have already made a contribution.
The new party must defeat and marginalise the "Conservative" and Labour parties and the rest of the establishment.
Only a new party with it's roots in the past can draw upon Britains Christian, Industrial past to fashion a broad manifesto for the restoration of Great Britain.
That party is and can only be the British Unionist Party.
Unionism (the self recognition of a - common - emerging British nation) existed before Conservatism. The "Conservative" Party remains in thrawl (as it did on that night in 1912) to money (mammon) and secularism.
that can prov compewt lead know and exp to man the postition of a new nat political party.
day aconsolidation of org pol par and al media exists that if it consolidates in one political party org and title it can defeat and marg the cale prog est if not the org pol campaings will be defeated and Britan will be finished
defeat and marginalise
that can deliver the uk from its dissolution, if it recog itslf
ConsolidationToday aconsolidation of org pol par and al media exists that if it consolidates in one political party org and title it can defeat and marg the cale prog est if not the org pol campaings will be defeated and Britan will be finished
Cadre Today a cadre of officers and leaders exists that can prov compewt lead know and exp to man the postition of a new nat political party.
Only a new party with it;s roots in the past can draw upon Britains Christian, Industrial past to fashion a broad manifesto for the restoration of Great Britain.
That party is and can only be the British Unionist Party.
The Labour Party replaced the Liberal Party as a principal party of state at the begining of the 20th century the industrialisation of the British economy.
I our Parliamentary democracry is a natural system and tension between two constelatio60 years on from the prog rev
ns of political thought and interest.
a onew constellation has energe trad emp con union it holds to the Christian Constitution of Britain and rejects the prog agenda.
it can be seen in the demos for fre uni trad ed industry social moral etc this is the new constell renew ukip brx
The first step is a national conference of all gop to singu
larise all mmm to commit and ded themselves to the bup and a broad mfo of nat restor
Part 3
British Unionist Party
(Constellation, Consolidation and Cadre)
At the start of the20th century there was a new constellation of interests in the United Kingdom.
As a result of this new constellation taking form, a consolidation of groups and organisations took place and the Labour Party gradually emerged
across the United Kingdom to replace the Liberal Party as one of the two principal parties
(there are naturally two principle parties in our parliamentary representattive democracy)
in the House of Commons.
A cadre of leaders emerged to lead the Labour Party into official opposition and then government.
The national elements that propelled and developed the Labour Party are of a lesser nature than those that exist today
(national existence, response to Covid, immigration, devolution among others).
Today (now in it's 10th year) invites todays new constellation of British interests to consolidate into a single political
party in order to challenge the "progressive"(regressive) "Conservative" and Labour Establishment that has destroyed Britain over the past 60 years.
Across many groups associations and organisations across many matters there is common ground.
It is time to recognise the collective self identity of these organisations and groups
unite in a single political vechile if not all will be lost.
Likewise across many small political parties there are common objectives. It is time to unite these parties in a single political vechile to defeat and
marginalise the Conservative and Labour Parties.
Scottish Family Party, Reclaim Party, Abolish the Scottish Parliament Party, Freedom Association Party, UKIP, Abolish the Welsh Assembly Party,
All For Unity, Reform Party, Libertarian Party etc.
The new party must have it's roots in the British past and ready to excercise itself today ready to offer a broad national manifesto for national
restoration from Abortion to Defence from Industry to Education and the rest.
In the last 10 years among these groups and parties (and alternative media) a competent, experienced and knowledgeable cadre of potential officers
of the BUP has emerged across the United Kingdom.
They are ready and able to provide local, regional and national (officer) leadership of the BUP.
That party can only be the British Unionist Party.
The BUP has it's roots in the past from the early formation of British identity right (Wyke, Cromwell, Reformation, through the formation legislation of the United Kingdom itself, and into the 20th century when the Conseservative Party could not bring themselves to descibe themselves as British Unionists (1912 Queen's Hall London).
The Nation now stands at the rubicon between a Christian, Industrial Nation and a Godless, Poverty-stricken Corporate State.
Which side Are You On ?
Are you a British Unionist or are you not?
Stewart Connell
The New Gestapo
The Westphalian Peace
The "rollout" of the experimental drugs are a further and most profound attack on nation states and the Westphalian Peace (Treaty)
signed in Munster in 1648.
The Treaty established the dominence of national sovereignty over supra-national power and facilitated nation to nation cooperation and order.
The objective is to create a post-national secular, supra-national state.
The New State Unfolds
Astraland is based on genetic apartheid
tomisation and division of society is taking place as a result of the new genetic order.
The Rules
1 In case of external national threat - close the national frontier.
Never keep it open.
2 In an experiment - conduct it in a closed environment a secure compound or a laboratory.
Never conduct it in/on the general population.
3 Never, Never, Never experiment on children.
Never conduct an experiment in the general population.
Geat Britain Vs Astraland
"When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing, they then become capable of believing in anything.”
G.K. Chesterton
Having walked away from their Christian British Constitution
a large part of the British population, now day by day line up to worship at the feet of the AstraZenica Party
(the "Conservative" Party, the Labour Party, the SNP and the rest of the degenerate Establishment)
- the very establishment that the British rejected in the 2016 opinion poll on membership of the Eurostate.
What a difference a low to medium coronovirus can make.
Read more quotes from G.KThe Kids
"Bonfire of Teenagers"
Genetic Engineering
The Genetic Poo
Bonfire of Teenagers
Bonfire of Teenagers is not just the title of the forthcoming Morrisey album it is an apt description of what is being done against the young people and children of Britain.
The rollout of an experimental injected material into the reproductive pool of Britain is an action that crosses the rubicon of how British society has protected children.
“Despotic governments can stand 'moral force' till the cows come home; what they fear is physical force.”
George Orwell
The Hush Money
"a state of extreme excitement, fear or anger in which a person, or a group of people, loses control of their emotions and starts to cry, laugh, etc."
Oford Dictionary
The official hysteria now taking place is a cover for the hyper-atomisation and dissolution of the fabric that was the United Kingdom.
For 60 years the bonds of nationhod have been loosened and cutaway.
The bonds have been cast aside as relics, old fashioned habits and fuddy duddy conventions.
It is now more than any other time, that those bonds are needed but they are no longer there.
public life and
in all parts of British life
The political expulsion
(by "useful idiot" men - largely in the "Conservative" and Labour parties and wider establishment)
- a central part of the revolutionary agenda of the past 60 years -
has contributed to the implosion of British society.
The feminisation of society has reduced Britain's ability to defend itself (across all policy)
and permitted feminised emotional responses to determine national policy.
wether it was the destruction of large scale male employment in essential and national activities is coal pits, BL or power stations
the establishment removed single mass sites of male employment especially in relation to the national infrastructure
the removal of mass male industrial employment also removed the breadwinning role in the social dimension.
The manliness of society and economy
is now replaced by compliance and submission.
Orchestrated by the degenerate caste that governs and manages, all parts of national life (education,health transport industry, commerce etc)
No Army To Lead
Anumber of British writers lament that their is no "Leader" to organise and unite the various groups that support the restoration of Britain.
This is the wrong sequence of action.
The first essential matter is that there is no army to lead.
(Critical Mass, Velocity and Central Fugal Force)
One resevoir full of the great Tusnami of Hush Money is the WFH cult.
Not a balance of on site work and WFH but the Cult that has sucumbed to WFH.
Mass of work thought/action the physical interaction of place/proximity and the central fugal force the spark of physical/language interaction .
The existing contracts (generally pre covid are based on attendance on a phsyical site.
The Census
"the process of officially counting something, especially a country’s population, and recording various facts"
"early 17th cent. (denoting a poll tax): from Latin, applied to the registration of citizens and property in ancient Rome, usually for taxation, from censere ‘assess’. The current sense dates from the mid 18th cent."
Oxford Dictionary
The British Census historically took place across the nation in the second year of each decade ie 1971.
This year on March 22nd the United Kingdom did not have a census.
There was a census in England, Northern Ireland and Wales on that date but not in Scotland.
Rather than measure itself and it's resources as a Nation, a profound political division has taken place in how the United Kingdom administers itself.
Scotland will now have a separate census. This has substantial impact of public planning and especially on the measurement and management of immigration.
It is another substantial act of dissolution underwritten by the "Conservative" Party (80 majority in the House of Commons).
he census nationwide no longer takes place.
The Census was the prime measurement of the numbers, concentration and .
"the process of officially counting something, especially a country’s population, and recording various facts"
The British Census histortook place across the nation.
The census nationwide no longer takes place.
The Census was the prime measurement of the numbers, concentration and .
This year on March 22nd the United Kingdom did not have a census.
There was a census in England, Northern Ireland and Wales on that date.
Scotland will now have a separate census.
It is another substantial act of dissolution all underwritten by the "Conservative Party.
The reason for the abandonment of a uniform Census is that the "Conservative" and Labour parties support the legislative dissolution of the United Kingdom and the establishment of new statelets.
The "Conservative" Partyis the only party in British history to initiate and legislate for a referendum on the dissolution of the United Kingdom (aka the "Scottish Independence Referendum")
in September the 18th 2014
The Magical Covid Mystery Tour
100 Years of Legislative Devolution
Here I Stand
10 Year
Going Back
The Pied Piper
The Experiment
Prince Philip
“Despotic governments can stand 'moral force' till the cows come home; what they fear is physical force.”
20 When thou goest out to battle against thine enemies, and seest horses, and chariots, and a people more than thou, be not afraid of them: for the Lord thy God is with thee, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt.
"If The Kids Are United"
Contracts based on attendance
There is no army to lead.
There is no political movement to emerge.
There is though memory.
It was a good thing.
The descent and dissolution of Britain it's demoralisation, destabilisation and Crisis.
The issue of the Mark is a metaphysical event.
The millions who would speak against the Conservative Party
Astraland 3
Astraland 2
There was an old saying in the United Kingdom (the Nation State that existed before Astraland)
that was used, especially when entering new company, it had the intention of avoiding social conflict on serious matters in society,
Dont talk about "politics, religion or football"
this social rule permitted a pause andmesurement of words and behaviour, an exchange of probable common views eploritory converastion and reflection.
It permitted a frame of agreed exhchange to be constructed before eventually moving on to more serious and profound matters
which contained material that could threaten the exchange and perhaps could end it even violently.
This phrase has now been extended and now includes the jab.
No Mans Land
ناظم الزهاوي
is the "Conservative" Party Minister for COVID 19 Vaccine Deployment.
He is directing the mass .
"...and we will be ready to then implement and wether it's vacinating younger cohorts..."
Get Ready.
Union City
It is Glasgow, that in the past 10 years that has led the reaffirmation of Britain as a Nation.
The renaisence of Britishness since the nadir of comtempt familiarity neglct and taken for granted.
spirituality politics economics and rest
The renasisence has been articulated by a number of men.
They know who they are.
While Britain descends into darkness and depotism it is the work (beyond price) of these men and others across the Nation that offers
temporal hope of restoration.
The Land That Time Forgot
Walking through the wasteland of the city to the office.
Walking through the building, corridor after corridor after corridor, office after office after office, all empty of human kind and only the detrius of past human and commercial activity is left.
It is as if a thunderclap, a metaphysical event had taken place and had taken all the people away with it, which of has and it did, on Monday the 23rd of March 2020.
Tea cups (left half full), coats, bags, slippers,umberellas, letters half opened, desk after desk full of computers and telephones and printers and photocopiers (items from another Age, that will never be used again)
and mailpoints (for mail that arrives, never to be opened only stored, cabinets and Kardexes and kettles and bins and paper and pens,
photographs and childrens paintings and maps and toys and biscuits and fridges and sweetie jars.
(but the electorate prefer not to dwell on thse matters and gently sink further into the comfort of
The Kids
The "Conservative" Party
(and the other 60 year old Regressive Establishment organisations: Labour, SNP, CBI, TUC, Church of England, Church of Scotland etc)
policy to push experimental drugs into the under 30 population continues.
The under 30's contain the genetic reproductive pool of Britain, they do not need the experimental injections.
The Ratio of Risk of Covid 19 (a low to medium virus which has a recovery rate of over 99% in the general population and it is higher again in the under 30 population - near zero in children)
to the unknown risk of the experimental material in the injection is in predominately in favour of the reproductive pool not getting the injection.
They do not need it.
They thankfully have natural ressistance.
They must be protected.
It is The Rubicon.
The "vaccine" has led to over 1,000 are dead and over 500,000 have had an adverse reation (including Blindness) as a result of the experimental drugs policy of enforced by the "Conservative" Party
and the rest of the Regressive Establishment. According to the official numbers on the
governments own YELLOWCARD reaction monitor system.
The independent news organisation UK Column has made navigating the government YELLOWCARD database easy and it can be found at
This is a political injection not a medical injection.
If you have never been political then be political now.
Be active at whatever level you can if you cannot physically be political on the streets then give money or contribute digitally to those who make a stand.
There is something you can do.
Doing It For The Kids
If The Kids Are United
Self Immolation
The self immolation of Britain (including recently at the ballot box, reflects the consequence of the secularisation of Britain
(a 60 year old walk away from it's established Christian Protestant religion) and the abandonment of (the serious duties and responsibilities of) Nationhood.
The population, generally speaking are now driven not by Faith but by Fear (and it's attendant impluse to Submit and Divert)
and not by Selflessness but Selfishness (and it's attendant impulse to Submit and Divert).
In politics this means that The AstraZenica Party (Conservative, Labour, SNP etc) win everywhere.
We are still in the early days of the New Epoch, the New State and the New Soveriegn.
The population is still in a state of shock, they (with exceptions) cannot quite believe what they have done and indeed they prefer not to think about what they have done.
They doubledown on their votes for the "Conservative" Party the Labour Party and the SNP and the rest.
For many, the Golden Agers in particular
(those who benefitted from Great Britain as a Christian, homogenuous, integrated and industrial society and it's legacy through the past 60 years)
conveniently, cannot see and do not want to see what they have done, they do not venture out too far, the golf club and the garden centre are close by and there is no need to enter the Forbbiden Zone
to witness the urban carnage that they have authorised with their selfishness, neglect and votes for the Conservative and Labour parties over the past 60 years.
That is for The Kids to deal with not them.
The Fear is now generated by the thunderclap of the metaphysical event that has happened.
It is not some abstract theory that Britain was altered on the 23rd of March 2020, it has happened
(socially, economically and now (if the mass experimental drug substantially enters the reproductive pool (the under 30's) - genetically),
the degenerate "Liberal" forces of the last third of the 20th century
fully and finally burst into power on that date and asserted and claimed their Power.
The Fear now originates from a creeping doubting sense in the population that they have done something that they should not have done but they do not want to say what it is
( have said it for 10 year - they have thrown away their country and it's institutions which had protected them),
they believe that if they do not say it or do not vote for a party that does say it then it will not have happened - but it has.
In many ways this is a primal reaction - pre-religion - that if only they do not use words to describe something that they can see in front of them then it will not exist but of course it still does.
In such a case Submission (followed by Diversions of all kinds) is the default position in relation to the new thing - the New Power, the New State, the New Soveriegn - and there is no better way to
(having encouraged, permitted and facilitated the thing to come into existence in the first place)
than to submit to it, to offer fealty to it and of course, to carry it's mark.
of the new power.
In tumultuos times it is only human to seek solace in diversions both mental and physical.
This explains why a deeply serious 56 year New York man plays the Comedian and
Old Authority and a new state.
The Bookpeople
Selfishness, Fear, Diversion
Vichy Britain
British Unionist Party
(Constellation, Consolidation and Cadre)
At the start of the20th century there was a new constellation of interests in the United Kingdom.
As a result of this new constellation taking form, a consolidation of groups and organisations took place and the Labour Party gradually emerged
across the United Kingdom to replace the Liberal Party as one of the two principal parties
(there are naturally two principle parties in our parliamentary representattive democracy)
in the House of Commons.
A cadre of leaders emerged to lead the Labour Party into official opposition and then government.
The national elements that propelled and developed the Labour Party are of a lesser nature than those that exist today
(national existence, response to Covid, immigration, devolution among others).
Today (now in it's 10th year) invites todays new constellation of British interests to consolidate into a single political
party in order to challenge the "progressive"(regressive) "Conservative" and Labour Establishment that has destroyed Britain over the past 60 years.
Across many groups associations and organisations across many matters there is common ground.
It is time to recognise the collective self identity of these organisations and groups
unite in a single political vechile if not all will be lost.
Likewise across many small political parties there are common objectives. It is time to unite these parties in a single political vechile to defeat and
marginalise the Conservative and Labour Parties.
Scottish Family Party, Reclaim Party, Abolish the Scottish Parliament Party, Freedom Association Party, UKIP, Abolish the Welsh Assembly Party,
All For Unity, Reform Party, Libertarian Party etc.
The new party must have it's roots in the British past and ready to excercise itself today ready to offer a broad national manifesto for national
restoration from Abortion to Defence from Industry to Education and the rest.
In the last 10 years among these groups and parties (and alternative media) a competent, experienced and knowledgeable cadre of potential officers
of the BUP has emerged across the United Kingdom.
They are ready and able to provide local, regional and national (officer) leadership of the BUP.
That party can only be the British Unionist Party.
The BUP has it's roots in the past from the early formation of British identity right (Wyke, Cromwell, Reformation, through the formation legislation of the United Kingdom itself, and into the 20th century when the Conseservative Party could not bring themselves to descibe themselves as British Unionists (1912 Queen's Hall London).
The Nation now stands at the rubicon between a Christian, Industrial Nation and a Godless, Poverty-stricken Corporate State.
Which side Are You On ?
Are you a British Unionist or are you not?
Stewart Connell
The Kids
The "Conservative" Party (and the other regressive establishment organisations Labour, SNP, CBI, TUC, Church of England, Church of Scotland etc) policy to push experimental drugs into the under 30 population continues.
This population has no need of these drugs.
Covid 19 (a low to medium virus) has a recovery rate of over 99% in the general population and it is higher in the under 30 population.
It is a policy to alter the British genetic reproductive pool through an experimental (unknown) element.
This is a political injection not a medical injection.
If The Kids Are United
(The Kids Are Alright)
robi ........................................
Self Immolation
The self Immolation of Britain continues apace.
The "Vaccine Rollout" and the x Report to exonerate the mass immigration and hetroisation/hetrogenuous of the Nation
(all nations originate/exist because of self recognition - and only then may become hetrogenuous/multi-ethnic/multicultural).
The post war multi-ethnic state is a lie.
"The Kids Are Alright"
"I Dont mind doing it for the kids"
Self Immolation
There has been no need for the 60 year self immolation of the United Kingdom culminating in the Great Dissolution of 2020.
The re-election after re-election (by British electors - no one else is reponsible) of the "Conservative" Party and the Labour Party over this period has been the spark that has ignited the funeral pyre of the Nation.
Only the election to government of a new national party commited to the reversal of the sixty year abandonment of the United Kingdom can restore the Nation..
Who Are You ?
The British and The Astralanders
Fooled Again and Again and Again
That What It Is Not
Formless and Cold
The new state is formless and cold, it is without shape or measurement.
It is the opposite to the Christian Industrial Britain that existed even into the 1980s, a Nation with form with love with shape and measurement.
1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
The Land That Time Forgot
Walking through the wasteland of the city.
Walking through the building, corridor after corridor after corridor, office after office after office, all empty of human kind and only the detrius of past human and commercial activity is left.
It is as if a thunderclap metaphysical event had taken place and had taken all the people away, which of course it has and it did, on Monday the 23rd of March 2020.
(but the electorate prefer not to dwell on thse matters and gently sink further into the comfort of
Tea cups (left half full), coats, bags, slippers,umberellas, bags, letters half opened, desk after desk desk full of computers and telephones and printers and photocopiers never to be used again
and mailpoints (for mail that still arrives to be stored but never opened only). Cabinets and Kardexes and kettles and bins and paper and pens.
Photographs, childrens paintings and maps and toys and biscuits and fridges and sweetie jars.
Self Immolation
The self immolation of Britain is complete.
The AstraZenica Party Wins
The new soveriegn having marked it's own now recieves their electoral fealty.
The New State Unfolds
The 60 yr old tran of cib into a new state is complete and the new state unfolds itself in thenew epoch if you are still in any doubt why not walk thro the the reconfig city sccapes and town scapes the old offices and shops now calibrates unitised singularised for the godless atomised digital living of the and new arrivals.
The New State Unfolds
One Party State
Voting fealty to their new Master.
The New State Unfolds
The 60 year old Dissolution of Britain and it's "Transformation" into a New State is now complete.
The abandonment of it's established religion and it's embrace of godlessness has had many effects.
The replacement of selflessness with selfishness lies at the heart of Britains trajectory over these years 1960-2020
The endorsement of the anti-British Con Lab Lib SNP -one party state-
This is what you want This is What You Get.
(are - in general - votes cast by legally registered British people) reflect
their opinion about what they politically want for themselves ).
All You Survey
Every vote for the Conservative and Labour and Liberals and SNP is a vote for the dissolution of the United Kingdom and it's Transformation" and replacement with a secularised, atomised, servicised society.
Cheap Essential Scenery
Dig The New Breed.
Social Engineering
Central Fugal Force
Critical Mass
Genetic Engineering
The Land That Time Forgot
Not Working From Home.
Walking through the wasteland of the city.
Walking through corridor after corridor after corridor, office after office after office, all empty of human kind and only the detrius of past commercial activity is left.
It is as if a thunderclap metaphysical event had taken place, which of course it did, on Monday the 23rd of March 2020.
Tea cups (left half full), coats, bags, slippers,umberellas, bags, letters half opened, desk after desk full of computers and telephones and printers and photocopiers never to be used again
and mailpoints (for mail that still arrives but is never to be opened only to be stored).
Cabinets and Kardexes and kettles and bins and paper and pens.
Photographs, childrens paintings and maps and toys and biscuits and fridges and sweetie jars
The Magical Covid Mystery Tour
The "Conservative and Labour Establishment Proudly Present
Mass Fear the "Lockdown" then "WFH", then "Social Distancing" then Mass Fear, then Mass Lonlieness, the Mass Depression then Mass Unemployment, then Masks" then "Track and Trace" then "Local Lockdowns"
then initial "vaccine " then "follow up "vaccine" then booster "vaccine" then variant "vaccines"
then "Conservative" Primeminister announces that it is not the "vaccine" that is "defeating" the virus,
then he announces new "anti-virus" tablets that do no exist
The Lesson of Halfords
rec halfords motor servicing and supplies business rebranded its mconechys (Aquired 2019) mot and tryre brand replacement with the Halfords
name integral organisation and .
The purpose was to consolidate,strenthenen and complement
singularise the identity of the whole organisation in the marketplace.
words image and character.
New Epoch
Submission and Empty
The official release of exprimental drugs into the UK population (ukZ)
is a metaphysical event.
100 Years of Legislative Devolution
100 years ago today legislative devolution was introduced into the United Kingdom.
A very elaborate and outlandish form of legislative devolution (including later the buildings to house it) was activated.
Comprising a regional "House of Commons" of 52 seats and a Senate of 26 seats and using a proportional representation system (Single Transferable Vote - oh so very modern)
the devolved structure was introduced rather than implement the alternative policy of simple and direct government (including local councils - administrative devolution)
from the British Parliament (on a common basis with the rest of the Nation).
This is when the United Kingdoms ruinous experiment with legislative devolution began.
Today legislative devolution now exists in three corners of the United Kingdom.
Legislative devolution has created a territorial, electoral and institutional conflict in the Nation.
Only England now lives under simple and direct ("Direct Rule") from the British Parliament.
The first legislative devolved Parliament was abolished on the 30th March 1973.
7 jun 21 30 mar 1973
22June 1921
10 YEARS was established in April 2011. campaigns for the Parliamentary Nationhood of the United Kingdom and against the moral, social
In March 2011 there were no United Kingdom wide campaigns dedicated to the restoration of the Union and supporting the repeal of legislative devolution.
The political landscape on the matter of the defence of the British Constitution was barren.
To suggest that the Constitution would soon be at the centre of all politics would invite ridicule
Nevertheless, it did and the negative effects of legislative devolution
(including an unconstitutional and and anti-parliamentary referendum on the Existence of the United Kingdom itself in 2014)
have had a debilitating consequence on the Nation.
However we are pleased to note that in 2021 commonrepresentation has been joined by many other organisations
(campaigns, groups, political parties and alternative media) who support the Union and the repeal of legislative devolution.
British Unionist Party
Constelation, Consolidation and Cadre.
Constelation Today a political constellation exists (across all polical mattrers) (even more than lab at the start of the 20thc when it emerged and replaced the LP as one of the two prin parties that naturally form in our parliamentary rep dem) that can deliver the uk from its dissolution, if it recog itslf
ConsolidationToday aconsolidation of org pol par and al media exists that if it consolidates in one political party org and title it can defeat and marg the cale prog est if not the org pol campaings will be defeated and Britan will be finished
Cadre Today a cadre of officers and leaders exists that can prov compewt lead know and exp to man the postition of a new nat political party.
Only a new party with it;s roots in the past can draw upon Britains Christian, Industrial past to fashion a broad manifesto for the restoration of Great Britain.
That party is and can only be the British Unionist Party.
The Labour Party replaced the Liberal Party as a principal party of state at the begining of the 20th century the industrialisation of the British economy.
I our Parliamentary democracry is a natural system and tension between two constelatio60 years on from the prog rev
ns of political thought and interest.
a onew constellation has energe trad emp con union it holds to the Christian Constitution of Britain and rejects the prog agenda.
it can be seen in the demos for fre uni trad ed industry social moral etc this is the new constell renew ukip brx
The first step is a national conference of all gop to singu
larise all mmm to commit and ded themselves to the bup and a broad mfo of nat restor
The Name and The Thing
On the 9th of May 1912 in the Queen's Hall in London the "Conservative" Party refused to adopt the nomenclature of "The Unionist Party" (to describe the merger between it and the Liberal Unionist Party).
For the past 60 years one of the prime features of "Conservative" party policy has been it's betrayal of the Nation.
The "Conservative" Party remains in thrawl (as it did on that night in 1912) to money (mammon) and secularism.
Many of the problems of the United Kingdom today (including Covid) have their roots in the Conservativer Party's faltering, hesitant, doubtful, tepid and limited attachment to Britain (a nation - a body politic)
The decline of Britain since 1912 can be traced back to the mood in the hall that night.
For Britain to survive and be restored, the "Conservative" Party must be defeated and marginalised.
It is now time for that hesitancy and doubt, which the "Conservative" Party casts onto the nation, be removed and a new party - British Unionist Party - emerge
and reflect a self-recognising and self-confident Christian, Industrial Britain, a Britain that is balanced between the past and the present
The British nation must be governed by a party that believes in it.
Going Back
With no new national party (with roots in our history and armed with a broad manifesto of national restoration) having emerged,
the Vichy Establishment now occupy and govern Britain and send the British back to the (now compounded) misery that they left on the 23rd of March 2020.
The Covid Magical Mystery Tour
Roll up, Roll up
"Lockdown" then "WFH", then "Social Distancing" then Masks" then "Track and Trace" then "Local Lockdowns"
then initial "vaccine " then "follow up vacine" then booster "vaccine" then variant "vaccines"
then "Conservative" Primeminister announces that it is not the "vaccine" that is "defeating" the virus then he announces new "anti-virus" tablets that do no exist
The Wheat and The Chaff
Matthew Verses 3 12
"Whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into thegarner; but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire."
Here I Stand
The Name and The Thing
British Unionist Party
The New Coinage
The decision for the Duke of Cambridge (the Heir to the Throne) not to wear military uniform at the funeral of Prince Philip is a matter of substance.
It is a retreat from Nationhood.
The Nation only exists by Force and the indended use of Force.
This is reflected in the interwoven service of Kingd and Queen's (and the Monarchy in general) in the Armed Forces.
This service (an assertion of intended national defence) was reflected and seen in public at ceremonies including weddings and funerals.
It should be no surprise with the British Army reduced to a micro army level of 60,000 and dominated by the creed of "Equalit and Diveristy"
that the role of the Armed Forces should be sidelined from the national stage.
Where Have All The Men Gone ?
Protect and Survive
ukZ (c) AstraZenica
The United Kingdom has become AstraZenicaland.
Without force or political revolution.
Without destruction of property or social re-organisation.
Society has been altered, forever.
In 1979 Wolfgang Gerhard was buried in the Embu das Artes municipality of the State of Sao Paulo in Brazil.
Forty one years later in 2020, undercover of a low to medium virus (with more than a 99/100 recovery rate) the "Progressive" "Conservative" and Labour Establishment
released an Experimental drug into the general population of the United Kingdom.
Wolfgang Gerhard was also known as Josef Mengele.
The Pied Piper
The "Progressive" "Conservative" and Labour Establishment has decided that Experiment Covid "vaccines" are to be released into the under 50 population and in particular the 18-30 population.
They (including "Progressive" commerce) are playing a tune to attract and encourage young people to get an injection (that they do not need)
in order that they will be able to return to natural social interaction in concerts, pubs, disco's, festivals, nightclubs etc.
It is one thing for the "Golden Agers" (who largely aquiesed in the decline of Britain (while they profited from it's decline) over the past 60 years and who are now past their reproductive point) to submit and take the "vaccines".
It is quite another for the young people of Britain to be pushed into taking it by a degenrate and corupt governing caste.
Covid 19 has a recovery rate of over 99/100 for the general population and it is higher again for the under thirties
.Covid 19 has a near to zero effect on the under 30's and as the "Pogressive" Establishment know and intend, it is an alteration of the genetic reproductive pool.
The "Progressive" Establishment have taken away a year of young people's experience of general living, social exploration, education and general happiness and development.
Do not let them alter the genetic pool.
experimental definition
existential UK
THE DRG rollout is an existential matter.
The alteration of the code.
"The Kids Are Alright"
"I Dont mind doing it for the kids"
Self Immolation
There has been no need for the 60 year self immolation of the United Kingdom culminating in the Great Dissolution of 2020.
The re-election after re-election (by British electors - no one else is reponsible) of the "Conservative" Party and the Labour Party over this period has been the spark that has ignited the funeral pyre of the Nation.
Only the election to government of a new national party commited to the reversal of the sixty year abandonment of the United Kingdom can restore the Nation..
-------------------------------------------- ...
Having emerged from ww1 and ww2 battered but intact, poor but still bouyed by the Christian Protestant Constitution and still attached to it's institutions of government, economy ,maratime power, educuation, common language and memory it fell
The "vasccine" roll out and take up represents the abandonment of personal judgement and the prostration and capitulation before state power unlike that known before.
Get Ready
(Schedule 5)
It is unconstitutional anti-parliamentary and illegal for the devolved Scottish Parliament to encroach on the matter of the Constitution.
For 22 years the devolved institution has done precisley that without penalty.
From Cabinet Ministers for the "Constitution" to Ministers for External Affairs bonservative and Labour parties have collaborated and permitted the SNP to ilklegally walk all over the provisions contained in the SA (s5 in particular)1999.
The Lense
Everything in Britain is now determined by the single underlying assumption and that is the British are finished
(they no lenger reproduce enough) and therefore Britian should belong to the immigrant populations that have been permitted to enter the country in the last 60 years).
This assumption determines policy,advertising commerce fashion arts entertainment defence employment, ttaining...etc everything.
the recent Report
Assumption Britain is finished tranformation into a non Britain. A Britain cast into the past.
Occupied by competing immigrant populations.
Even more than COVID it is immigration and the British response to it that will now determine the existence of Britain.
Self Immolation
The self Immolation of Britain continues apace.
The "Vaccine Rollout" and the x Report to exonerate the mass immigration and hetroisation/hetrogenuous of the Nation
(all nations originate/exist because of self recognition - and only then may become hetrogenuous/multi-ethnic/multicultural).
The post war multi-ethnic state is a lie.
"The Kids Are Alright"
"I Dont mind doing it for the kids"
Self Immolation
There has been no need for the 60 year self immolation of the United Kingdom culminating in the Great Dissolution of 2020.
The re-election after re-election (by British electors - no one else is reponsible) of the "Conservative" Party and the Labour Party over this period has been the spark that has ignited the funeral pyre of the Nation.
Only the election to government of a new national party commited to the reversal of the sixty year abandonment of the United Kingdom can restore the Nation..
-------------------------------------------- ...
10 Years
From Stewart Connell
Founder of
To all our visitors from across the United Kingdom and overseas, thank you for visiting over these pat 10 years.
I hope you have found the content to be of interest.
New Party
The Mark
Christian Protestant Briton
Where Have All The Men Gone ?
The Gang of Three
Bears do not hibernate they enter a period of torpor (low function - to endure hostile environmental conditions) however this state permits them to wake at speed to defend themselves when approaching danger is detected.
Self Immolation
The "vasccine" roll out and take up represents the self-immolation of the Nation and submission to and prostration before the New "Progressive" State.
n before state power unlike that known before
Vichy Britain
Under the The Yoke and The Experiment of the Conservative and Labour Establishment, Vichy Britain crawls back to the 24th of March 2020 only to find it's April 2021 and the country no longer exists.
Centuries of asserting British identity, territory authority and liberty have been surrendered.
The Headquarters of the puppet government today is not the Sigmaringen Enclave but the London Enclave in central, central, central London.
The Vichy Establishments new media room (festooned with the National Flag to belie the trechery.
The Godless State has been constructed and it's Mark has been issued.
Abstention, Abolition and Absurdity
In the devolved elections abstention is the most effective action (it is an action in which in 2016 acrossScotland 42/100 electors practiced)
Tactical voting (which is always self defeating) is intended to support the has one intention to support the "Conservative" Party - the only party in British history to initiate and hold a referendum on the End of Britain, which it did in 2014
This referendum was described by the BBC as the "Scottish Independence Referendum" the referedum - if the result had been a majority of one vote cast by a 16 year old Nigerian resident in Glasgowxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
) and the Labour and Liberal parties who voted for it in the House of Commons.
(The Conservative Party then floated a second referendum of the End of Britain in March 2017).
However if you have an personal impulsion to vote at the devolved level then the only possible intellectually coherent position is to vote for the Abolish parties (in bothWales and Scotland).
Of course it is all absurd.
The United Kingdom exists now only in the past tense, it has hyper-atomised and dissolved and the devolved institutions (like the British Parliament that made them) are ghost institutions.
The New Epoch and the New Stae has arrived and with it comes it's new apparatchiks.
The Experiment
Public Health
The "Progressive" establishment, now ready to extract themselves from the "Lockdown" that they created as a reaction to a low to medium virus
(and to "Hyper-Transform" Britain)
rather than rely on natural human resistance, the weather (we had a mild winter) and tested and practical medical and social measures in order to get out of it they have introduced a "mass vaccination" programme.
The government have now ordered over 500 million (500 million) doses (for an alleged official UK population of about 67 million) of various new drugs.
These substances have had a very short (about 6-9 months) development and test and trial period and the government has released the pharma companies from standard safety testing procedures and legal challenge.
Below is a link to the standard Vaccine Development Model
(International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations)
The official measurement of thier effectiveness and side effects can be found at the following link:
The "Progressive" establishment inform the public in a candid fashion that the substances do not prevent infection by Covid 19 or reduce transmission and further "booster" programmes may be necessary.
The Border
The "Conservative" government has kept airports open during the Emergency because mass imigration is the totem of the "Progressive" ideology (universal movement of people ie no nation states).
The British land, sea and air delineation must be secured and closed.
Border control provides for the better and more accurate control (new biological threats are reduced) and management and measurement of public health policy.
Legislative Devolution
The nation requires one policy in the Emergency not four.
Simplicity and precision are needed in public health measures across the whole of Britain (not four different versions operating at different times).
Devolution should have been suspended at the start of the Emergency, it has not been and has wasted time, replicated costs and further assisted the anarchists and separatists in dissolving the nation.
ie the introduction of "borders" inside the nation.
Covid 19 is a Low to Medium Coronovirus
Covid19 was downgraded from a High Consequence Infectious Disease (HCID) on 19 March 2020.
General Recovery
Recovery rate is about 99% in the general population (the "Conservative" government refuses to record and publish and promote the British Covid 19 recovery rate).
We note that the recorded and published recovery rate in India is about 97%.
Recording, Attribution (Death Certificate) and Official Numbers
The recording (of medically evidenced* confirmation) of death by Covid on death certificates does not (generally) occur.
Attribution of death by Covid 19 (rather than another cause or combined with another cause) is generally assumed**.
*Physical and testable and repeatable.
**A doctor's/coroner's judgement based on general symptoms not particular physical and testable and repeatable recorded evidence.
National measurement of Covid 19 statistics and outcomes are based on an official British total population of about 67 million.
At we suggest the British total population is about 83 milllion.
Immigration Measurement
The Death Penalty
The Hush Economy
The Guitly and Complete Withdrawal
Sigmaringen Enclave
No Apologies
Cheap Dialogue Cheap Essential Scenery
Hollow State
Mrs Morrell has an Election to Win
Wether it's Covid 19 or NHS bonuses and payrises, all devolved matters areconfigured to assist Mrs Morrell winning the devolved election.
Abolish the Devolved Scottish "Parliament".
Get The Bargepole
The Dunlop report is anti Union. It is an devolutionist tract and device promoted by the "Conservative Party".
Baron Andrews Dunlop (Chief Advisor to David Cameron during the (unconstitutional and anti-parliamentary) End of Britian Referendum in September 2014
(propagandised by the BBC etc as the"Scottish Independence Referendum")
has finally (initiated by Theresa May and published prior to the devolved Election in Scotland) had his report on devolution published
it can be encapsulated in one sentence from it:
Page 49
Termsof Reference
"The need to respect and support the current devolution settlements, including the Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland Acts, as well as the Belfast agreement and its successors."
Snoberry and DECAY
The Mark
the prog jab
The Mark
The Divided Census
Historically the British Census takes place in the year 1 of every decade.
The United Kingdom will not have a Census in 2021, there will a Census in England, Northern Ireland and Wales in March 2021 and it is proposed that Scotland should have a Census in 2022 D.V.
The reason for the abandonment of a uniform Census is that the "Conservative" and Labour parties support the legislative dissolution of the United Kingdom and the establishment of new statelets.
The abandonment will make it more difficult to consolidate numbers especially on immigration and public service planning.
Bears do not hibernate they enter a period of torpor (low function -endure hostile environmental conditions) however this state permits them to wake at speed when approaching danger is detected.
British Square
Just For One Day
No one will help us
We can be Heroes
What You Say ?
Shipping Forecast
One of the familiar phrases from the Shipping Forecast is "Losing It's Identity" when describing a gale or storm.
Here I Stand
Martin Luther
I am bound by the Scriptures I have quoted and my conscience is captive to the Word of God. I cannot and I will not retract anything, since it is neither safe nor right to go against conscience.
I cannot do otherwise, here I stand, may God help me, Amen.
Luther at the Diet of Worms (1521)
The Other Census
The "roll-out"of the covid injection (now taken by 20 million) has become a new form of census (highly detailed medical and other data type) and measurable.
The official population of the United Kingdom is about 67 million (ONS). holds the opinion that the population is about 83 million.
A Casual Contempt
In the middle of the National Emergency (the dissolution of British society and it's economy) last year, the Leader of the Conservative Party pledged to admit 3 million Chinese (Hong Kong) immigrants into the Britian.
This process has now begun with an initial scheme to admit 350,000 (it began in January).
This further profound alteration to the population in Britain has been done without any submission of it to the British electorate.
Till The Cows Come Home
The General Election of 2019 and Covid
The Mark
It is about Submission.
It is about total Submission.
The New State demands Submission and it's mark of Submission.
The New State Unfolds
The New State unfolds before our very eyes.
Done with their "furniture arrangements" the "Conservative" and Labour Establishment
Conservative Party Supports British Break Up Referendums
The Conservative Party is the only party that ever launched and legislated (supported by the Labour and Liberals) for referendums to Break Up Britain (not Labour Liberal Democrats or even the SNP).
The Conservative Party launched the 2014 referendum to break up the United Kingdom (8th of January 2012 Andrew Marr Show BBC) and it then launched another in March 2017 (Theresa May's "now is not the time").
The SNP has never launched any referendum on the break up of Britain for two simple reasons:
1. The devolved Scottish parliament does not possess the authority to even handle the matter (Reserved Matters Schedule 5 Scotland Act 1998).
2 In the British House of Commons (which does have the authority to handle the matter) the SNP cannot on it's own form a majority - there are 59 constituencies across Scotland out of a total of 650).
Carnival UK
The Degenerate Establishment across the United Kingdom have not only
A Two Tier Legal System
The Anti Free Speech Act introduced by the devolved Sccottish "Parliament" and overseen by Humza Yousaf (Pakastani, Muslim) the "Justice Secretary" has created a two teir system of justice between those legally endowed with
"protected characteristics" ...homosexuals, non whites etc) and those without.
The Replacement Lense
The single lense through wich all (Media, Commerce and Politics etc) in the United Kingdom is now measured, is the Replacement of the British Constitution and the Replacement of the people whose providence made it.
13th February 2021
Underneath the Coronovirus Act 2020 legislation lies a dissolved Britain, frozen in time (the 23rd of March 2020).
With Britain hyper-atomised and in stasis, the governing "Progressive" caste are now able to fly (liteal and metaphor) above the destruction that they have caused in order to further their "Transformation" of Britain,
decisively enacting their first and second objectives (via demoralisation, des-stabilisation and Crisis), the destruction of the British constitution and mass immigration.
On the 25th of February 2017 we wrote in an article titled "Politics by Proxy and the "Dictatorship of the Air" "
"...It is no surprise that air travel and open borders and the mass movement of people are the issues that have generated so much angst and coverage among them.
Most of the advocates and virtue signallers of the new “progressive” caste travel this way (See also Vassal Territory Blog Entry 51), conveniently overlooking their precious
carbon footprint and ironically, for a group so self consciously modern, they ignore all the wonders of modern technology that have reduced the need for the physical transit of
people, such as (widely available) mobile phones, the internet, video conferencing and 3D printers etc.
They are largely engaged in the soft, globalised, digital, entertainment, media, service, finance sectors, and that nebulous strata of “management” that floats from one sector to
another with no root in a particular discipline, knowledge or trade.
These are all activities highly suitable for digital methods of communication and output with little need for physical transit.
This new caste has echoes of the
“Dictatorship of the Air” element of H G Wells 1933 book “The Shape of Things to Come”.
It tells of a dictatorship coming to power after war, an executive emerging from the surviving transport systems across the globe and exercising power.
A dictatorship intent on creating a world state and utopia according only to their tastes and their interests."
3rd February 2021
National Placebo
noun. /pləˈsiːbəʊ/ (plural placebos) a substance that has no physical effects, given to patients who do not need medicine but think that they do, or used when testing new drugs.
Oxford Dictionary
The "Progressive" establishment now desperate to extract themselves from the "Lockdown" that they created (not a low to medium virus) that they have introduced a quick fix "mass vacination"
programme in order to get out of it.
The government has released the pharma companies from standard safety testing procedures for a new drug and legal penalty.
The government have now ordered over 400 million (400 million) doses of various susbstances as part of this "mass vaccination".
These substances have had a very short development and test and trial period and the government has indemnified the manufacturer's of them.
Below is a link to the standard Vaccine Development Model
(International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations)
The official measurement of thier effectiveness and side effects can be foundat the following link:
The "Progressive" establishment inform the public in a candid fashion that the substances do not prevent infection by Covid 19 or reduce transmission and further programmes may be necessary.
Further Notes
Close the Frontier
The "Conservative" government has kept airports open during the Emergency because they support mass imigration.
The British land, sea and air frontier must be closed to non essential items (excluding essential items ie medicine and food).
This provides for the better and more accurate control and management of public health policy.
Suspend Legislative Devolution
The nation requires one policy in the Emergency not four.
Simplicity and precision are needed in public health measures across the whole of Britain (not four different versions operating at different times).
Devolution should have been suspended at the start of the Emergency, it has not been and has wasted time, replicated costs and further assisted the anarchists and separatists in dissolving the nation.
ie the introduction of "borders" inside the nation.
Covid 19 is a Low to Medium Coronovirus.
It was downgraded from a High Consequence Infectious Disease (HCID) on 19 March 2020 in Great Britain.
General Recovery
Recovery rate is about 99% in the general population (the "Conservative" government refuses to record and publish the British Covid 19 recovery rate).
We note that the recorded and published recovery rate in India is about 97%.
Recording, Attribution (Death Certificate) and Official Numbers
The recording (of medically evidenced* confirmation) of death by Covid on death certificates does not (generally) occur.
Attribution of death by covid (rather than another cause or combined with another cause) is generally assumed**.
*Physical and testable and repeatable.
**A doctor's/coroner's judgement based on general symptoms not particular physical and testable and repeatable evidence.
National measurement of Covid 19 statistics and outcomes are based on an official British total population of about 67 million.
At we suggest the British total population is about 83 milllion.
Immigration Measurement
Bears do not hibernate they enter a period of torpor (low function -endure hostile environmental conditions) however this state permits them to wake at speed when approaching danger is detected.
British Square
Just For One Day
No one will help us
We can be Heroes
What You Say ?
Shipping Forecast
One of the familiar phrases from the Shipping Forecast is "Losing It's Identity" when describing a gale or storm.
Martin Luther
I am bound by the Scriptures I have quoted and my conscience is captive to the Word of God. I cannot and I will not retract anything, since it is neither safe nor right to go against conscience. I cannot do otherwise, here I stand, may God help me, Amen.
Luther at the Diet of Worms (1521)
The Other Census
The "roll-out"of the covid injection (now taken by 20 million) has become a new form of census (highly detailed medical and other data type) and measurable.
The official population of the United Kingdom is about 67 million (ONS). holds the opinion that the population is about 83 million.
A Casual Contempt
In the middle of the National Emergency (the dissolution of British society and it's economy) last year, the Leader of the Conservative Party pledged to admit 3 million Chinese (Hong Kong) immigrants into the Britian.
This process has now begun with an initial scheme to admit 350,000 (it began in January).
This further profound alteration to the population in Britain has been done without any submission of it to the British electorate.
The Census
The Mark of Submission
(20 million have now taken the "Covid Jab")
The 60 year old shift from a Christian Nation to a secular and materialist aggregate of individuals in a New State has had it's effect.
Morally, socially economically and politically the unmeasurable loss of authority, wholeness and independence of the British Nation has led to the Crisis of 2020 and it's after effects.
The New State now claims it's mark, it's tribute and it's fealty.
Reap What You Sow
20 million have now ("taken" the "Covid Jab", about 24 million voted for the Conservative and Labour parties (about another 5 million voted for the Liberal and SNP parties).
The entire Atomisation of British society and it's economy and the hyper Transformation" British state into a secular and monetised new state is now near completion.
The Mark of Submission
Institutionalised Hysteria, Obsession
One of the consequences of the "Progressive" Establishment's dissolution of Britain has been the politicisation and stratafication of the proffessions
med law tch are all now under th control of the new caste of politicised rootless universal managers who comply and promote the new state and itsd orthodoxies.
across all fields a monopolised.
amorpus blob
this allows
"akin to the flu"
zero zero zERO
The Retreat from a Christian Civilisation
Defending Westphalia
The Treaty of Westphalia and the preeminence of the nation state in the
power arrangement between nations princiupalities and other potantates and poweers is under challenge by
the emergence of new supranational corporate entities who are using supranational technology to alter the relatuionship between the individual and their nation.
This alteration is based on the shifting of the demarcation between the private sphere and the public sphere of life.
Rather than being regulated by national power and place and time and the protection and preservation of a private demarcated framed "space" for the individual the internet and the sjw cult encourages a mass public "blob"
where there is no privacy or discrimination of information between individuals.
(It is an actual manifestation of the sci-fi (Star Trek) idea of a "Borg" collective in which there is no individual - all individuals are absorbed into a mass carbon/silicone collective mechanism.
The Nigerian
End of Britain Referendum 2014
There was no "Scottish Independence Referendum in 2014 it was a referendum on the End of Britain.
cal placebo rolled out in millions
Union Directorate
The Conservative Party is Repelled By The Union
Addicted to English Separatism and the Class System
"A Nation or No Nation"
The Job Retention Scheme (Furlough), social security, pensions, public sector employees and other support schemes and "Working From Home"*
are all now operating as parts of a large debt recycling unit.
It is part of the Transformation of Britain into a new secular state, a rootlesss pool of compliant labour.
The "Working From Home" element is further proped up by the state by the (untaxed) financial benefits of not commuting and reduced luchtime costs (easily running into thousands saved per year)
while those (largely working class) have to physically go to work have no comparable compensation.
Research in Germany on this matter explored a tax on WFH.
An Employment physical attendance tax allowance should be introduced to recognise the essential nature of those that have to leave their homes to go to a place of work.
Mass Panic
The Westphalian Challenge
The nation state is under direct challenge supranational entities both political and corporate.
While the nation state retreated in post war period and became lazy and materialistic the supranational entities grew large and powerful.
The new powers big organisations EU WB IMF UNO etc have merged with the big tech pharma banks finance etc to supplant the nation state and re order society on the basis of a secular, selfish and monetised existence.
The Treaty of Westphalia which recognised the preeminence of the nation state as the natural form and order of socical organisation
(originating from the Reformation and the principal of an individual relationship with God).
principled orderr
One Party State
The Pied Piper
it then
under the spell of the Liberal /"Progressive" Pied Piper.
Driven by selfish abandon easy money and the vain sweet tooth rotting revolutionary tunes of the 1960's, it ended just as it should have complet destruction and left to the younger generations to clean up.
Fake Exit and Annexation
The "Conservative Party's 2020 European "Withdrawal" Treaty reconfigures Britains membership of the Eurostate and further enacts the annexation of a part of the Nation (Northern Ireland).
The "Vacine War"has done two things it has plainly exposed the Eurostate as an proto state and that the United Kingdom does not have a border.
So long as there are national frontier gaps (a non sealed (non circular) regulated frontier) on the beaches of Dover, the fields of Fermanagh, the beaches of Cardiff and the Hebridies
(and unregulated regional air ports/landing strips see Radar 24) there is no United Kingdom border.
A Common Nation
Hiding in Plain Sight
and an unkown number of further injections may be needed.
The "vacine" rollout is yet another scheme by the Establishment to
Driven by the Policies and Panic and Fear of the "Progressive" governing caste (led by the "Conservative" and Labour parties etc and it must be said, elected by the British electorate) there is no escape for the British
unless the electorate generate and vote for a new party to repudiate and remove the "Progressive" revolutionaries from their power, positions, and public moneyand their agenda including the Coronovirus Act 2020 (without repeal Britain is frozen in time (March 23rd 2020) and left at the
mercy of the "Progressive" revolutionaries) and to offer a broad manifesto of national restoration.
ted so much angst and coverage among them.
Most of the advocates and virtue signallers of the new “progressive” caste travel this way (See also Vassal Territory Blog Entry 51), conveniently overlooking their precious
carbon footprint and ironically, for a group so self consciously modern, they ignore all the wonders of modern technology that have reduced the need for the physical transit of
people, such as (widely available) mobile phones, the internet, video conferencing and 3D printers etc.
They are largely engaged in the soft, globalised, digital, entertainment, media, service, finance sectors, and that nebulous strata of “management” that floats from one sector to
another with no root in a particular discipline, knowledge or trade.
These are all activities highly suitable for digital methods of communication and output with little need for physical transit.
This new caste has echoes of the
“Dictatorship of the Air” element of H G Wells 1933 book “The Shape of Things to Come”.
It tells of a dictatorship coming to power after war, an executive emerging from the surviving transport systems across the globe and exercising power.
A dictatorship intent on creating a world state and utopia according only to their tastes and their interests."
Britain is in Stasis.
Frozen in time Britian (23rd March 2020) is now at the mercy of the "Progressive" caste.
The self immolation of Britian continues day by day.
Underneath the Coronovirus Act 2020 legislation lies the embers of Britain.
With Britain now hyper-atomised the governing "Progressive" caste are now able to decisively enact their twin priorities, the destruction of the British constitution and mass immigration.
Psych Ops
Your Order Is On It's Way
A "pandemic"* that requires the atomisation of society but legally permits the delivery of Domino's Franks Redhot Buffalo Wings
and Taco Bell Beefy Nacho Griller is just a bit ...suspect.
*Covid 19 is a low to medium coronovirus.
It was downgraded from a High Consequence Infectious Disease (HCID) on 19 March 2020 across Great Britain.
The Disruption and Dis-integration of Place
Social and Architectural Disruption
Cohesian and disjointedness
Many lessons can be learned from the post war experience of Glasgow.
No other place in Europe experienced the planned mass movement of population and mass demolition outside of wartime.
Ripped Fabric
The increase in unmarried mothers, divorce and the general fragmentaion of society has compounded the effects of the Dissolution (otherwise known as "Lockdown".
Children and the old are baring the brunt of the Panic and Fear of the Dissolution.
The national (and regional and local) fabric (all rooted in the family unit) of society has been ripped apart over the past 60 years while the "Lockdown" a - consequence of that abandonment, disrupt and decay
has compounded and highlighted the hollow casing that Britain had become.
empty shallow ejected our social fabric
social atomisation hs
Pax Britanica
Going Back
Last May we presented a prospectus for Britain to be restored as a Christian Industrial nation (above tab).
9 months later the dissolution of Britain has continued.
When you have dug yourself into a hole it is generally better to stop digging and extricate yourself from it.
If the British do not wish to restore themselves as a Christian Industrial nation
British Unionist Party
National Confidence Confident Culture
Pax Britanica
A Country called Great Britain
It is time to correct the nonmenclature of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to Great Britain.
Great Britain is composed of many former Kingdoms all united in a British composition.
The description Great Britain is a political designation and category
60 years of Evidence
Petition supports the following petition
20 When thou goest out to battle against thine enemies, and seest horses, and chariots, and a people more than thou, be not afraid of them: for the Lord thy God is with thee, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt.
Stop Digging
We published a prospectus for Great Britain to get out of the Shutdown and restore itself in May last year.
"Not Going Back"
(See above tab)
some 8 months later, we suggest that if the prospectus is a step too far for electors then at least they stop digging and try to get themselves back to a condition that were in on 23 March 2020,
it is far easier to get out of a 5 feet deep hole than a 50 foot hole.
3,743,734 | 103,126 | No data
3,640,608 NOT DEAD
No Need
There has been no need for the 60 year old self immolation of the United Kingdom which culmanated in the Great Dissolution of 2020.
Having emerged from ww1 and ww2 inytact battered but still bouyed by the Christian Protestant Constitution but still attached to it's institutions of government, economy,maratime power educuation and a common language and memory
it fell under the spellof the Liberal /"Progressive" Pied Piperand driven by selfish abandon as by the vainrevolutionary tunes of the 1960's it ended just as it should have and it is now left to younger generations to clean up the mess.
The United Kingdom is now voluntarily in stasis.
Like an animal in
and an unkown number of further injections may be needed.
The "vacine" rollout is yet another scheme by the Establishment to
Driven by the Policies and Panic and Fear of the "Progressive" governing caste (led by the "Conservative" and Labour parties etc and it must be said, elected by the British electorate) there is no escape for the British
unless the electorate generate and vote for a new party to repudiate and remove the "Progressive" revolutionaries from their power, positions, and public moneyand their agenda including the Coronovirus Act 2020 (without repeal Britain is frozen in time (March 23rd 2020) and left at the
mercy of the "Progressive" revolutionaries) and to offer a broad manifesto of national restoration.
Fake Exit and Annexation
The "Conservative Party's 2020 EuropeanTreaty reconfigures Britains membership of the Eurostate and further enacts the annexation of Northern Ireland. The "Vacine War"has done two things it has brutally exposed the Eurostate as a proto state and that the United Kingdom does not have a border so long as there are gaps on the Norfolk beaches, the fields of Fermanagh, and the beaches of Cardiff and the Hebridies and regional airports of .
A Common Nation
Hiding in Plain Sight
National Suicide
National Suicide
We are witnessing the suicide of Britain.
The 60 year old Liberal/"Progressive" agenda has accumulated in the Shutdown of British society and it's economy.
Society has been hyper-atomised, dissolving the bonds of centuries.
Driven by the Policies and Panic and Fear of the governing Caste (led by the "Conservative" and Labour parties etc and it must be said elected by the British electorate) there is no escape
unless the electorate vote for a new party to repudiate the Liberal/"Progressive" agenda including the Coronovirus Act 2020 (without repeal Britain is frozen in time - March 23rd 2020 - and left at the whim of the the Liberal
governing caste)
and to offer a broad manifesto of national restoration.
noun. /pləˈsiːbəʊ/ (plural placebos) a substance that has no physical effects, given to patients who do not need medicine but think that they do, or used when testing new drugs.
Oxford Dictionary
The Liberal/"Progressive" Caste (Conservative and Labour etc) have now ordered over 300 million (300 million) doses of injectable liquids and indemnified the manufacturer's of it.
They inform the public in a candid fashion that the liquids do not prevent infection by Covid 19 or contribute to a reduction in transmission.
"Covid 19" is a low to medium coronovirus.
Recovery rate is about 99% in the general population.
National measurement of Covid 19 statistics and outcomes are based on an official United Kingdom population of 66-67 million.
At we suggest the United Kingdom population is about 83 milllion.
Hiding in Plain Sight
If the electorate want to bring the Shutdown to an end then they must visit their electoral anger on those who have orchestrated and conducted the entire project.
The conductors (Johnson, Drakeford, Sturgeon etc) visit them regularly on their television, computer and phone screens.
All the elements (moral, social, economic and political) that would have enabled us to get out of Shutdown and restore Britain have been thrown away during the past 60 years.
The only course of action for the British
60 years of the Liberal/"Progressive" policies have accumulated (a critical mass) in the excavation of the elements (moral, social, economic and political) that made Britain.
Before the Shutdown
Social distress, Depression, Lonlieness, Alchoholism, Poverty, Unemployment,
These are just some of the effects of the Shutdown.
The accumulative consequence of sixty years of Liberal and "Progressive" legislation.
Undercover of Covid, a critical mass of Liberal policies has dissolved the final elements that held Britain together, psycological and emotional and trustful.
A common pot of trust.
The Mask Slips
The Liberal/"Progressive" caste must be removed from all British public posts, public funds and public services.
The "privatised" (Courtesy Conservative Party) national railway network is now operating on a pavlov's dog principal.
Empty trains and Empty stations.
Ghostrains for a Ghostnation.
and Empty
The Glasweigen, The Yorkshireman and The Londoner.
In 1973 Michael Parkinson invited Jimmy Reid and Keneth Williams to discuss the role of the trade unions in British society.
(Declaration of Interest: The founder of Stewart Connell worked in Govan Shipbuilders)
Addicted to Liberalism
Through the years we have used the metaphor of a 60 year old party that has come to an end and it is time to sober up, clean up and attend to the fabric and structure of the house.
After 60 years of Liberal/"Progressive" policy, secularism and debt (in all it's forms), Britain is now to addicted to the adult delinquincy, selfishness and materialism that followed.
The British, as we can now see, have put up (so far) with unlimited demands and deprevations in order that the Conservative and Labour Establishment will give them back the addictive substances.
Removal Machine
The Covid State
While the United Kingdom becomes history a new state emerges from itin the form of the Covid State (the anti-chamber into to the new state proper).
National Suicide
We are witnessing the suicide of Britain.
The 60 year old Liberal/"Progressive" agenda has accumulated in the Shutdown of British society and it's economy.
Society has been hyper-atomised, shattered, dissolving the bonds of centuries.
Driven by the Policies and Panic and Fear of the "Progressive" governing Caste (led by the "Conservative" and Labour parties etc and elected by the British electorate) there is no escape
unless the electorate vote for a new party to repudiate the Liberal agenda including the Coronovirus Act 2020 and offer a broad manifesto of national restoration.
The Liberal Disease
Hiding in Plain Sight
A Referendum is not an Election.
The Comfort Zone
Dont Care ? You will be governed anyway
Comfort own nothing be happy
lazy selfishness fear hunger and thirsts
Foriegn Office and Covid
The Root of British Decline and Dissolution
The root of Britain debilitating and destructive experience over 100 years lies in the Conservative Party nowhere else
British Unionism Must Defeat English Separtatism
Throughout the past century (and longer) English separtism has held power across British government policy and departments.
It is this political abomination that has limited and undermined British nationhood and enflammed separatism from Cornwall, Scotland London, Wales, Manchester Liverpool, Wales, Northern Ireland.
The English separtatist - slow burn and dissolution of the United Kingdom
The home of English separatism is found in the Conservative Party and that is the reason why when asked itself in 1912 did it want to become the Unionist Part it said no and settled for to continue to be called the Conservative Party - with "and Unionist Party" stuck on the end of the description.
An incoming British Unionist Party government must remove all political separtist descriptions and adminisatrative forms and replace them with nationwide common policy and administrative forms.
ie Department of Education must administer the entire United Kingdom.
Surrender junkies of the past one hundred years political attachment to English nationalism.
(cONSETELLATION and Consolidation and
Without electoral force Britain is stuck in Liberal Dissolution.
In April 2011 there was no dedicated opposition to the destructive constitutional dissolution of devolution.
It was then that commonrepresentatiton,org,uk was established.
nOW IN 2021....
Sinced 2011 we are pleased to rfeport that a breoad and deep constellation of national poliritcal thought and action does now exist.
GROUPS MUST NOW CONVERGE AND CONSOLIDATE AS A new philisophical and politica formation.
It is now time for the groups and organisations and most of all the new national parties to consolidate as one electoral force a new single political party, the British Unionist Party with a breoad manifesto of national restoration.
A Cadre of officer class politicians (men with experience, competencde, courage and loyalty to Britain Christian, integral free is now emerging.
The BUP must offer Britian not only a rejection of the Coronavirus Act 2020 and the 60 year old Liberal agaenda it must remove the Liberal agents from all spheres of British society and of course restore British Chrisatian industrial nation.
I cant go for that
No Can Do
You must draw your line and hold it.
In India the recovery rate from Covid is between 96% and 99%
Social Change
Even during The Shutdown the integrated transport hub in Ryde on the Isle of Wight provides a number of lessons.
The first practical design for hovercraft was derived from a British invention in the 1950s to 1960s. They are now used throughout the world as specialised transports in disaster relief, coastguard, military and survey applications, as well as for sport or passenger service.
Undoing the Work of Centuries
The 60 year old Liberal/"Progressive" Revolution - a Godless revolution - has accumulated (gained it's critical mass) in the Shutdown of 2020.
The British nation was built upon the Christian religion and even today remains a legal and constitutional Christian country.
Everything and we mean Everthing from our judicial system to pop music has been shaped by the words and power of the Bible as our Supreme Standard.
The Nation was blessed and prospered.
The Liberal revolution has suppressed, undone and emptied the Nation of the largest part of it's instincts and institutions.
From Dependence to Compliance to Submission
The 60 year old Liberal legislative agenda has reduced the independent character of the British people (as it was intended).
From education to commerce to the media
inculcation of dependence to submission has been a gradual movement so the slide into a depotic and totalitarian state.
The SAGbefore Shutdown the committee noted that they had concerns that the British would be resisstant to the restrictions, that they would be to attached to their historic identity and institutions.
SAGE and the wider "Progressive" caste should not have worried, the previous 60 years of Liberal legislation and indoctrination were effective - fuelled by debt and it's materialist distractions - the British retreated from independent religion, thought and behaviour and entered into a 60 year old "party"*on, divorce, bigger cars bigger houses, hyper consumption).
The party is over and the police are outside the door.
Hollow Britain and Shutdown
All the institutions and manifefstations of Britain that would have prevented the Shtdown and would now contribute to ending it and emerging from it were thrown away over the past 60 years.
The 60 year old Liberal revolution did not only get the United Kingdom into the Shutdown it has compunded it's effects and made it more difficult to gget out out iot.
Family and social bonds
An industrial Economy
Armed Forces
Local and voluntary sector
It is now
One Party State
The United Kingdom is a one party state.
It is a one narritive.
It is governed by the "Progressive" Party which comprises both the Conservative and Labour organisations and others.
Puppet parties.
It is...
Pro "Lockdown"
Pro Eurostate
Pro Immigration
Pro Federalism
Pro Abortion
Pro Homosexuality
Stop Digging
We published our prospectus sat "ngb" to escape the "lockdown" and restore Britain in May.
We hold to the general content and direction.
However there remains no new party to present it to the electorate, that being the case we therefore advise that the population stops digging the national hole of "lockdown"
British Ballot Box
Constitutional Force
They Think It's All Over
Westphalia 2021
Removal Machine
Phoney War
Thin Ice
British Unionist Party
(Constellation, Consolidation and Cadre)
Phoney War
The Phoney War is Over.
National Suicide
Thin Ice
The United Kingdom has crashed through the thin ice it must now sink or swim.
Embers 2021
"Quite munexpectedly, the embers suddenly sparked back into life and the fire took hold, burning everthing, everything that had to be burned, who would have expected it !"
The Disruptive Effect of Immigration
Immigration disrupts the settled cohesive integral and self recognising calm of a homogenuous nation
and diverts effort into the continuous management of internal self-recognising and competing sub groups
ie United Kingdom since 1968 and the Race Relations Act.
Fake Exit
(Eurostate and Annexation)
British membership of the Eurostate has been reconfigured while Northern Ireland has been annexed by the Irish Republic courtesy of the Conservative Party.
We will not abandon any part of the United Kingdom.
by Rudyard Kipling
The Liberal Disease
Hiding In Plain Sight
Genesis 12:2
King James Version (KJV)
2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:
Isaiah 60:12
King James Version (KJV)
12 For the nation and kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish; yea, those nations shall be utterly wasted.
They Think It's All Over, It is Now
Then full devastation and dissolution of Britain through 60 years of Liberal policies (undercover of a low to medium coronovirus) continues to be rejected by popular opinion.
Even 10 months after it's official introduction the Liberal Caste that governs Britain (with the electorates authorisation as recent as December 12th 2019) the electorate continue to refuse to accept what they voted for - although this number is reducing as the months go on.
face to face with Liberal £Progressive£ Shutdown.
Public comfort (political and general) continues to be sought in the familiar arms of the Conservative and Labour parties - the legislators of the actual physical and material devastation and dissolution.
Rather than a 3 week "Lockdown" to "Save the NHS", it is 10 months later and British society and it's economy (and the NHS) has shattered.
While loneliness, deppression, alcholism, family breakdown, poverty, debt and unemployment are have all been compounded, immigration continues with millions having arrived at air and sea ports since since 23rd of March 2020.
The United Kingdom has been hyper-atomised and is now to be remodelled like plastic, as a godless, identityless, corporatised state.
In a sense the Nation cannot believe what it has (with no reason) done to itself, it is still in a - state of shock and in the self-destuctive addiction of supporting the Conservative and Labour and SNP etc parties.
To escape the "Lockdown" the (if they wish) British must first escape their addiction to the Conservative and Labour parties.
All the institutions of Great Britain - those that would have prevented or would now assist in the minimising the effects of "Lockdown" and would facilitate the regeneration of the Nation
are now either marginalised or under control of the Liberal/"Progressive" forces
and those who would have manned such institutions have now either retreated, retired or are hiding behind their laptop "Working From Home"
From The Inside is well known to the upper eachalons of the BBC.
We have been approached by braver elements in the BBC
The Conservative Party
The Conservative Party (in conjunction with the Labour Party and others) successfully dissolved the United Kingdom in 2020.
The United Kingdom has gone and in it's place is a godless, hollow identityless state, an atomised aggregate of individuals who are all against all.
It is full of Lonliness, Submission, Poverty, Debt, Unemployment, Deppression and Alcoholism.
Writing The Script
Fake Exit 2021
Since 1972 the supra-national Eurostate knew that in the event of Britian reasserting it's historical indepeendence from it the best course of political action would be a referendum in which the esxtablishment forces could manipulate a submission from the Uk
The price of alleged withdrawal (it is a reconfiguration of membership) of the United Kingdom from the Eurostate is the introduction of a new border (alongside Offa's Dyke and Dumries to wigtownshire) inside the Nation.
Northern Ireland is to be annexed by the Eurostate (AKA Republic of Ireland).
This is part of the dissolution process of the United Kingdom overseen and led by the Conservative Party and supported by the Labour Party and the other parties represented in the House of Commons.
The Conservative Party (and Establishment) "deal" with the Eurostate must be opposed.A
The integrity of the Nation is not for sale.
The Vichy Conservative and Labour government
(there are no opposition parties in the House of Commons - so Parliament cannot function properly)
United Kingdom
Ballot Box 123
There are three ballot boxes to record the franchise.
1 British Parliament
2 Devolved Institutions
3 Local Government
Only the ballot box for elelction of MP's to the House of Commons
The Liberal Disease
It is the 60 year old Liberal Revolution not a Coronovirus (a low to medium virus) that has shattered British society and it's economy.
The Liberal/"Progressive" Establishment have not only permitted Covid 19 to enter the United Kingdom but have used it to further their totalitarian agenda.
From the hollowing out of Britain (morally and socially and industrially) to immigration, the accumulation of Liberal policies are now taking their full toll upon the United Kingdom.
National Suicide
The United Kingdom is receeding into history, day by day through immigration.
The Super-dissolution policies of the United Kingdom (person to person contact, masks etc) and blamed on Covid is permitting society to be Super-re-configured
into the "Progressive" lense and template that is patterned and promoted by the "Progressive" lense of the BBC, Corporatedom, "Education"
and the public sector and overseen by the Conservative and Labour Establishment.
The the British are being de-possessed of their identity, institutions and country without any electoral opposition.
It is national suicide.
Without a new party (see above tab) to represent Britain to the British in a general election manifesto,
to defeat the Conservative and Labour establishment and to bring national stability and regeneration
Britain is finished.
Morally, socially , economically and politically, the 60 year old burnt embers of Britain are floating away on the wind.
Bible Reading
Threw It All Away
Places in respect of which restrictions in this schedule apply
4. The places are—
(a) England,
(b) Northern Ireland,
(c) Republic of Ireland,
(d) Wales.
Regulations made by the Scottish Ministers and laid before the Scottish Parliament under section 122(6) and (7) of the Public Health etc. (Scotland) Act 2008 and paragraph 6(3) of schedule 19 of the Coronavirus Act 2020 for approval by resolution of the Scottish Parliament within 28 days beginning with the day on which the Regulations were made, not taking into account any period of dissolution or recess for more than 4 days.
2020 No.
Public health
The Health Protection (Coronavirus) (Restrictions and Requirements) (Local Levels) (Scotland) Amendment (No. 3) Regulations 2020
Made - - - - 2020
Laid before the Scottish Parliament 2020
Coming into force - - at 6.00 p.m. on 20th November 2020
The Scottish Ministers make the following Regulations in exercise of the powers conferred by section 94(1)(b) of the Public Health etc. (Scotland) Act 2008([1]) (“the 2008 Act”) and paragraph 1(1) of schedule 19 of the Coronavirus Act 2020([2]) (“the 2020 Act”) and all other powers enabling them to do so.
These Regulations are made in response to the serious and imminent threat to public health which is posed by the incidence and spread of coronavirus in Scotland.
The Scottish Ministers consider that the restrictions and requirements imposed by these Regulations are proportionate to what they seek to achieve, which is a public health response to that threat.
In accordance with section 122(6) of the 2008 Act and paragraph 6(2) and (3) of schedule 19 of the 2020 Act,
([1]) 2008 asp 5.
([2]) 2020 c.7.
The "First Minister of Scotland's" statement on the 19th December 2020 is a Unilateral Declaration of Independence undercover of a low to medium coronovirus.
The introduction of a border (entry/exit control ) between Scotland and the rest of the United Kingdom is a calculated breach of the Acts of Union (we referred to this on the 7th of December).
The separatist forces in the devolved Scottish "Parliament" recognise that the covid crisis is their opportunity to "roll out" their new state
and it's political and physical (land, air and sea) delineation and have it "enforced" by Police Scotland.
The statement is illegal and unconstitutional.
It must not stand.
Any attempt by Police Scotland to "enforce" the statement is illegal and unconstitutional.
We advise Police Scotland to take advice from British Parliament law officers.
Parcels and Pizza's
The new Epoch begins with parcels and pizza's.
The damage of the 60 year old shift to a service and feminised and digitalised and debt fuelled economy
(not to mention the Shutdown and "Working From Home" (AKA not working from work) can be seen in Ken Loach's new film "Sorry We Missed You".
You" Mr Loach's political outlook is Liberal and "Progressive" however he has over the yours in his films
exposed many of the facets that flow from the Liberal legislation of the past 60 years
poverty, poor housing, unemployment, debt and family breakdown etc.
Since March 23rd 2020 one of the signatures of the new Epoch has been the use of digital purchase and delivery systems to supply those in happy
confinement especially those "Working From Home".
Mr Loach's new film highlights the basic working conditions of those now trapped in this new "progressive" economic model.
Pop Up Policy
Undercover of Covid (a low to medium coronavirus) government policy is driven by spontaneous a Liberal re-action to a Liberal culture
especially in officaldom, corporatedom and the education sector (a state within a state) where Liberal and "progressive" opinion dominates.
The decision to alter the school timetable in England (at short notice) and order them (school management) to make logistical preparation for mass testing is a recipe for an administrative mess.
129 = 0
It does not matter if separtists win or do not win 129/129 desks in the devolved Scottish "Parliament".
The "Parliament" has no authority on the matter of the Constitution (or Defence or Foriegn Affairs), the matter is Reserved.
Schedule 5 of the Scotland Act 1998 reserves the matters that are NOT devolved and continue to be subject to the British Parliament.
Any attempt by the devloved "Parliament" to enter into these reserved matters is illegal and unconstitutional.
A recent report
The rule of law must be used to counter such an attempt.
In absence of the rule of law to defend the Constitution it is the duty of all Britons to defend it.
7th December 2020
Undercover of Covid, Britain's cities and towns are being re-arranged and re-populated.
While empty, the urban street maps are re-arranged and office buildings are being re-designed into singularised acommodation blocks while new unitised hotels and hostels
are being constructed on every available site (and there are a lot of available sites).
The new population and workforce have arrived.
Foreign, Male, Young and Single.
7th December 2020
Movement, Rights and Privileges
While Manchester, Scotland, "Liverpool City Region" (Liverpool no longer exists in the new state syntax), Northern Ireland, London and Wales etc all compete for money crumbs from the "Conservative" Party table,
the devolved "Scottish Parliament" and the devolved and newly nomenclatured "Welsh Parliament" are attempting to restrict Briton's "full Freedom and Intercourse" from place to place across the United Kingdom.
This is not some obtuse constitutional theory but is a written principal (and practicality) central to the British Nation state and it's foundation documents
(and certainly not a matter for a devloved structure or a local council to interfere).
It is about the common powers of movement of Britons throughout their Nation.
It is a further attempt to consolidate and embed the devolved structures as proto-states in the fictional narrative of the United Kingdom as a federal state prior to it's complete dissolution.
It is part of the ("four nations") narrative already being constructed and propagandised everyday by the Conservative Party and the BBC and others). It is fiction.
These limitations are unconstitutional, illegal and treasonous.
Union with Scotland (Parliament of England) and Union with England (Parliament of Scotland) Acts 1707
"That all the Subjects of the United Kingdom of Great Britain shall from and after the Union have full Freedom and Intercourse of Trade and Navigation to and from any port or place within the said United Kingdom and the Dominions and Plantations thereunto belonging And that there be a Communication of all other Rights Privileges and Advantages which do or may belong to the Subjects of either Kingdom"
The devolved administrations must be abolished (nothing less) and the British Parliament restored to it's full political (and administrative) integrity.
7th December 2020
Stockholm Syndrome
The British are held captive, not in the Kreditbanken building in Stockholm but in their own country.
Their captor's: Johnson, Drakeford and Sturgeon and the rest (the entire 60 year old Liberal/"Progressive establisment) offering occasional mercy - in return for "compliance" - in the Rubik's Cube of the Covid Tier Systems.
Revolutionary Acts
The War Against Civilisation
Part 2
The Liberal Revolution is now largely complete and exercising it's accumulated 60 year old establishment power to completely dissolve and "Transform" Great Britain into a secular and identityless state.
For centuries the British Christian Protestant Constitution, established at the Glorious Revolution, has been and even now at this late stage is the foundation of the rule of law and parliamentary representative democracy.
The British Constitution is the standing force against despotic power and the basis of British progress in all spheres.
These are the reasons why the godless Liberal forces have set themselves against it.
The British Constitution has been adopted and adapted by nations across the Earth including: Australia, Canada, New Zealand, India and of course, the United States of America.
The Civilisation that has emerged since the Reformation and the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia (the recognition of the pre-eminence of national authority, soveriegnty and territorial integrity) is now under threat.
Christian civilisation must be defended and the Liberal challenge defeated.
One Law For Them
The Covert Human Intelligence (Criminal Conduct) Bill now going through Parliament is a direct consequence of the United Kingdom abandoning it's national established religion.
It is to be an Act that permits government departments to commit crime legally.
It is a representaiton of the seqular squalor of the United Kingdom in 2020.
The Body Politic
The British Nation is a natural, singular, organic nation state.
It is not a federal or quasi-federal or confederal entity, neither is it a "family of nations" or a collection of "four nations".
It is a body politic.
A Consequence of Abandonment
The Covert Human Intelligence (Criminal Conduct) Bill now going through Parliament is a direct consequence of the United Kingdom abandoning
it's national established religion.
It is to be an Act that permits government departments to commit crime legally.
It is a representation of the secular squalor of the United Kingdom in 2020.
Strings Attached
The £500 payment to 300,000 NHS and associated staff at a cost of £180 million is a plain political bribe.
“The money will be paid in this financial year and it will be separate from any negotiations about pay for the longer term. There are no strings attached."
Scottish Devolved Administration
30 November 2020
It is a bribe to vote for the SNP at the devolved election and to encourage insurrection.
The Liberal Disease
It is the 60 year old Liberal Revolution not a Coronovirus (a low to medium virus) that has shattered British society and it's economy.
The Liberal/"Progressive" Establishment have not only permitted Covid 19 to enter the United Kingdom but have used it to further their totalitarian agenda.
From the hollowing out of Britain (morally and socially and industrially) to immigration, the accumulation of Liberal policies are now taking their full toll upon the United Kingdom.
Addicted to Liberalism
Through the years we have used the metaphor of a 60 year old party that has come to an end and it is time to sober up, clean up and attend to the fabric and structure of the house.
After 60 years of Liberal/"Progressive" policy, secularism and debt (in all it's forms), Britain is now to addicted to the adult delinquincy, selfishness and materialism that followed.
The British, as we can now see, have put up (so far) with unlimited demands and deprevations in order that the Conservative and Labour Establishment will give them back the addictive substances.
National Suicide
The United Kingdom is receeding into history, day by day through immigration.
The Super-dissolution policies of the United Kingdom (person to person contact, masks etc) and blamed on Covid is permitting society to be Super-re-configured
into the "Progressive" lense and template that is patterned and promoted by the "Progressive" lense of the BBC, Corporatedom, "Education"
and the public sector and overseen by the Conservative and Labour Establishment.
The the British are being de-possessed of their identity, institutions and country without any electoral opposition.
It is national suicide.
Without a new party (see above tab) to represent Britain to the British in a general election manifesto,
to defeat the Conservative and Labour establishment and to bring national stability and regeneration
Britain is finished.
Morally, socially , economically and politically, the burnt embers of Britain are floating away on the wind.
The metaphor of a house party lasting for 50 years and then the party goer's facing the prospect of cleaning up has been used across
several articles and blog entries over the past 9 years.
To extend the metphor a little bit further, the partygoer's have not just decided to refuse to clean up the neglected house, they cannot be bothered or generate the effort they are so slothful that they cannot motivate themselves to phone the fire brigade having discovered a fire.
Rocking Record
It is no co-incidence that it is in the United Kingdom, more than any other nation, that is now under direct challenge by Liberal/"Progresive ideaology the United Kingdom is the nation that secured the rule of law,
parlimentary representative democracy
in the 1960's and set themselves against Christianity, the nation state, freedom of association, freedom of religion freedom of the press etc and for the godless forces of selfishness, barbarism, money and despotic
riegnty and territorial integrity) of the nation state)
The Price of Working From Home
The self appointed "middle class" are extending their nirvana began in the sixties.
By "working from home" the middle class are being carried by the working class. Saving on transport and lunches they are doing very well thank you......for now.
Legislative devolution must be abolished now.
It has created an electoral, territorial and institutional conflict at the centre of the British Nation state.
It is a self-inflicted and self-destructive handicap.
It must be removed imediately.
The metaphor of a house party lasting for 50 years and then the party goer's facing the prospect of cleaning up has been used across
several articles and blog entries over the past 9 years.
To extend the metphor a little bit further, the partygoer's have not just decided to refuse to clean up the neglected house, they cannot be bothered or generate the effort they are so slothful that they cannot motivate themselves to phone the fire brigade having discovered a fire.
(the physical fabric and the furnishings inside)
The British Constitution and The War Against Civilisation
The 60 year old Liberal revolution is now exercising it's establishment power to completely dissolve and "Transform" Britain into a new identityless state.
For centuries the British Christian Protestant Constitution, established at the Glorious Revolution, has been the bulwark against despotic power and the basis of British development (and authentic progress) in all spheres.
The British Constitution has been adopted and adapted by many nations across the Earth including: Australia, Canada, New Zealand, India and of course, the United States of America.
It is no co-incidence that it is in the United Kingdom most of all, is under direct challenge by Liberalism ("Progressivism" Cultural Marxism, Social Justice Wokism ) Movement that emerged in the 1960's and set themselves against Christianity, the nation state, freedom of
association, freedom of religion, freedom of the press etc
and for godlessness, the forces of selfishness, greed, money and barbaric temporal power.
The Civilisation that has emerged since the Reformation and the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia - the recognition of the pre-eminence (authority, territorial integrity and sovereignty) of the nation state is now under direct
threat by the forces of the Liberalism.
Make The Law,
Do Not Break It
Vote for a new party to restore Britain.
Taken For Granted
he British constitution as their model of constitution)
and that means the destruction of the British Christian Constitution.
20th Century
National Suicide
Without a new party (there can only be one - see above tab) to represent Britain to the British in a manifesto, to defeat the Conservative and
Labour establishment and to bring national stability and regeneration - Britain is finished.
Morally, socially , economically and politically the burnt embers of Britain are floating away on the wind.
Excavation of the Political Institutions
Local Government
Politicalisation of Everything (The Privatisation of Nothing)
The British Christian Constitution
The 60 year old Liberel revolution is now exercising it's establishment power to completely destroy Britain
(and other nations that adopted and adapted the British constitution as their model of constitution)
and that means the destruction of the British Christian Constitution.
1 Repeal.
2 Reopen.
3 Reindustrialise.
Covid Cult
The White Wall
The Conservative Party have only been in government for 10 months and have shattered British society and it's economy.
Much is made of the northern seats won by the Conservative Party in December.
Every vote for the Conservativive Party North South East and West, is a vote for the Dissolution of Britain.
It is a vote for National Surrender.
Risk Management
Brixham and Bonfire
November the 5th is a decicsve day in British history not only is it Bonfire Night when we remember the securing of Parliament against the attempt to blow it up by a Roman Catholic plot , we remember on this day in 1688 that
King William of Orange landed at Brixham and began the Glorious Revolution that defeated King James amd secured Religious and Civil Liberty across Britain and Ireland.
The Glorious Revolution and the British Constitution that came from it (and the many bulwarks that it established: Freedom of Religion, Freedom of the Press, Freedom of Association and many more)
was adopted and adapted by nations (many not even existing at the time)
across the Earth including: the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and many others from Euope to Africa to Asia).
The Glorious Revolution is celebrated in the song below:
A Covenanter Soldier
The Liberal Disease
It is the 60 year old Liberal Revolution not a Coronovirus (a low to medium virus) that has shattered British society and it's economy.
The Liberal/"Progressive" Establishment have not only permitted Covid 19 to enter the United Kingdom but have used it to further their totalitarian agenda.
From the hollowing out of Britain (morally and socially and industrially) to immigration, the accumulation of Liberal policies are now taking their full toll upon the United Kingdom.
Addicted to Liberalism
Through the years we have used the metaphor of a 60 year old party that has come to an end and it is time to sober up, clean up and attend to the fabric and structure of the house.
After 60 years of Liberal/"Progressive" policy, secularism and debt (in all it's forms), Britain is now to addicted to the adult delinquincy, selfishness and materialism that followed.
The British, as we can now see, have put up (so far) with unlimited demands and deprevations in order that the Conservative and Labour Establishment will give them back the addictive substances.
National Suicide
The United Kingdom is receeding into history, day by day through immigration.
The Super-dissolution policies of the United Kingdom (person to person contact, masks etc) and blamed on Covid is permitting society to be Super-re-configured
into the "Progressive" lense and template that is patterned and promoted by the "Progressive" lense of the BBC, Corporatedom, "Education"
The Liberal Template
The United Kingdom is now being Super-re-configured into the "Progressive" Template of a multi-cultural, identyless secular state.
The United Kingdom has been de-nationalised.
More than Covid, more than anything, The United Kingdom receeding into the past by the day through immigration.
The Super-dissolution of the United Kingdom through Covid is permitting society to be Super-re-configured into the "Progressive" template
(promoted by the BBC "Progressive" lense, the Corporate and "Education" sectors and oversen by the Conservative and Labour Establishment)
in which the British are being de-possessed of their country and the New State is constructed.
Stockholm Syndrome
The British are held captive, not in the Kreditbanken building in Stockholm but in their own country.
Their captor's: Johnson, Drakeford and Sturgeon and the rest (the entire 60 year old Liberal/"Progressive establisment) offering occasional mercy - in return for "compliance" - in the Rubik's Cube of the Covid Tier Systems.
Stockholm Syndrome
The British are to be grateful to Johnson and Sturgeon and Drakeford and the rest for their occasional mercy in allowing them to visit a pub that sells a pint before 6pm or walk up a supermarket aisle that sells an Enid Blyton book.
The captor toys with the captives.
Hollow Britain and Covid
All the essential elements that would have made Britain able to endure the deprivations of today have been thrown away by the "Conservative" and Labour parties over the past 60 years.
The Chrtistian national established (in every parish) church. thrown away to secularism.
Family and social bonds thrown away to divorce and abortion.
National industry thrown awsay to the finance (debt) and "service" sector
British Army now a micro army of 68-75 000.
Threw It All Away
Hollow Britain and Covid
All the essential elements that would make Britain able to endure the deprivations of today have been thrown away over the past 60 years
active national established church - in every parish
social bonds family and local
national industry (full of male regualar and reasonable employment and a hierarchy of practical experienced competence)
infrastructue pits power grid manufactureing rail associated infra canals coastal and sea infrastructure
local and voluntary organisations
police army reserve
Ratchet Effect
Legislative devolution and the other models of devolution now introduced across the United Kingdom are dividing the Nation.
A consequence of all these models on the natural and organic British nation state is that a ratchet effect is in operation.
A bidding war now exists beween the devolved territories for money and powers and patronage and prestige and of course, Covid restrictions
Partition of Britain 2020
The partition of Britain continues.
While Manchester, Scotland, "Liverpool City Region" (note: Liverpool no longer exists, it's great history cancelled and replaced by a alien, modern, generic identitylesss and characterless, corportised nomenclature just like so many of the alien structures dropped on the Mersey riverfront), Northern Ireland, London and the all the rest fight for scraps off the Conservative Party table - the new nomenclatured "Welsh Parliament" is attemptting to hinder free movement of British subjects between either side of Offa's Dyke.
This is unconstitutional and treasonous.
Undercover of Covid, Britain's cities and towns are being re-arranged and re-populated.
While the urban street maps are re-arranged, office buildings are being re-designed into singularised acommodation blocks and new hotels and hostels are being constructed on every available corner (there are a lot of them).
The new population arrives.
Single. Young. Identityless.
Ready for their new role as secularised atomised and unitised subservivent labour.
The great cities and towns now having been de-industrialised and devoid of a British population and identity (Newcastle, Liverpool, Belfest, Glasgow and Cardiff etc) are now in a Covid period of dramatic population and architectural change which is in plain sight of anyone who dares to enter the cities today.
While the service (urban and retail) sector implodes and the middle class evacuate the cities for a life of self deception spending their savings and pensions and working from home (for now) the immigrants from Africa. Asia and Eastern Europe, establish their territorial footholds assisted and abetted by the Conservattive and Labour and SNP etc parties.
It is the Conservative Party and the Labour Party and the SNP and the rest that have destroyed Britain not Parliament.
It is the Britsh people who freely elected these parties into Parliament.
If the British people want to restore Great Britain then they must freely elect a party that will offer a manifesto to do that.
For 60 years Britain has decended into the primordial mud that it is now in.
The Nation needs candidates and MP's who revere Parliament not despise it.
Only half of MP's voted to renew the Covid 2020 Act while only
One of the consequences of the retreat from the British Christian Constitution is that evil advances.
The Conservative Party with Labour and SNP agreement voted to make it law for the government to break the law.
15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. 16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? 17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. 19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. 20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? 17 Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Therefore by their fruits you will know them.
British Constitution Vs Liberalism
Constellations, Consolidation and Cadre
British Unionist Party
Covid Cult
Tolerance Ratio
5th Column
Thin Ice
National Suicide
Hiding In Plain Sight
The Liberal Disease
It is not Covid (a low to medium) virus that has shattered British Society and and it's Economy it is the Liberal Disease of the "Conservative" and Labour and SNP etc parties of the past 50 years that have done that.
These parties are the superspreaders of Liberalism and consequently the dissolution of Britain..
The revolutionaries, themselves full of stunted growth and intoxicated with utopian arrogance cannot be reversed in their psychological set and indoctrination, they must be removed.
They must be removed from all positions of public power, public pay and public provision.
If they are not, then, they win and Britain is history.
The Liberal ("Progressive") revolutionaries - Godless and Selfish - hollowed out Britain and who are now engaged in the "Transfomation" of Britain into a secular, atomised, corportised and indentityless state.
has led Britain into the "Transformational" condition that it is in today.
) has hollowed out Britian.
It's policies over the decades have
and exposed it however even more than the policies of Liberalism themselves it is the psychological outlook and disposition of the subscribers to Liberalism that drives the original response to Covid (and other natural world events) .
The Liberal revolutionaries (it is a revolutionary system) is utopian and cannot cope rationally (pragmatically, practically) with a matter that challenges their abstract utopian and univeralist opinion.
They caannot reconcile themselves to observable, evidence based, empirical matters if it confliscts with their Liberal "worldview" and in turn they cannot respond to that matter in a proportionate emp;irical manner.
Fashion mass communication and the opportunity for ultra-codification of human and non-human behaviour through powerful computers have also played their part the response of the Liberal to Covid and we have not weven touched on the national pool of common viral character or policies of the Liberal over mthe past 50 years that have hollowed out society, reduced it's response capability, mass imigration and mass air transport
United Kingdom Population and Covid
The Covid numbers and measurement have largely been based the government's Office for National Statistics (ONS) numbers which claim the UK population is about 67 million.
At we hold the opinion that the population is about 82 million.
(This would reduce the level of all Covid measurements across the population).
The government has already ordered 100 million doses of the Oxford University alleged vacination.
Bonfire 2020
Habits, Conventions, Traditions and Covid
Even before the New Epoch began on 23rd of March 2020 Britain had been hollowed out by the Liberal/"Progressive" revolutionaries.
The habits, conventions and traditions of Britain, all uncodified and coming out of it's natural organic Nationhood (all emerging from collective self-recognition through words and touch and proximity).
The Coronovirus Act 2020 (a Liberal/"Progressive" legal instrument that permits government by decree) day by day, week by week and month by month is dissolving the habits, conventions and traditions of the British.
The uncodified parts of British life are either banned or to be codified and regulated by Liberal/"Progressive" Decree.
Without the uncodified parts of British life and it's Constitution there is no Britian.
Among them all, it is in Bonfire night that represents the most potent and direct reminder to those who govern Britain that it is
the British people, gathered round their unregulated and uncodified Bonfires, who will have the final say in who governs this Nation.
Build those Bonfire's high and burn that Coronovirus Act.
Remember, Remember the 5th of November.
x contact
plink plink fiz
New Parties
Cast Off Your Chains
Cast off the Conservative and Labour and SNP chains.
"I raise my voice, I have no choice"
A Trail of Shame
The Conservative Party have betrayed the Nation time and time again.
It has surrendered the political independence of the UK.
It has surrendered the Constitutional integrity of the United Kingdom.
It has surrendered the national border of the United Kingdom.
It has surrendered the PGOTUK
Constellation and Consolidation
Yet another new party
When started in April 2011
there were no dedicated campaigns against legislative devolution or articulated the wider political dissolution of the United Kingdom.
We are pleased to report that in 2020 there are many (campaigns, facebook pages, organisations, political parties new alternative media etc )
that do so and to a high standard of enquiry and substance.
The past nine years have seen the emergence of these groups but to be politically effective it is essential that these groups, campaigns etc feed into a singular political party.
It is vital that a consolidation take place, in which most if not all of these organisations direct their political efforts into the election of one political party, that party must be the British Unionist Party.
Today ther
The Unionist Government
Many commentators forget that Unionism existed before Conservatism.
Many commentators forget that there has been a Unionist Government.
It is time for British Unionism to finally and fully assert itself as the principal philosophical and political (and party political) force in British politics.
A Casual Contempt
At we hold the opinion that the United Kingdom population is about 82 million.
In the midst of the Shutdown, we must not forget the "Conservative" Party's casual permission of entry to a further three million immigrants from Hong Kong.
No debat and no parliamentary process.
It is nothing but contempt for the British people.
Asian Rut
The Conservative Party throws the dice again.
Having dispensed with The Clown option, this time it is the Asian option.
The Conservative Party presents...dah, dah, dah, the leadership challengers Ruishi Sunak (Goldman Sachs) or Priti Patel (Weber Shandwick).
The Conservative Party idea is that a bit of Asian economic disipline and practice will whip those British workers into shape
and solidify the United Kingdom's credentials as a multicultural state.
The "Transformation" continues...
"The British are the worst idlers in the world"
From "Britannia Unchained"
Palgrave MacMillian
Pavlov's Dog
Such has been the hollowing out of Britain and the rise of the cult of the self and materialism (via debt) that even in the middle of a national emergency
the urge for shallow consumption and foriegn air travel continues
Rubik's Cube
The state control and codification of human behaviour greatly assisted by the expansion of digital tracking and computer applications has led to the manipulation (behaioural "nudge") of the population through legislation and digital mood forming and direction.
The Liberal Disease
The British Christian Protestant Constitution
Culture Search
A recent survey highlighted the increase of 1970's and 1980's pop music (and tv series) searches on the internet during the Shutdown.
This is another expression of the British people searching for something (in this case a popular art form that they recognised, identified with and meant something to them and now provides them with comfort) that has been thrown away.
The "Golden Age" of British popular culture only happened because the Nation recognised itself and manifested itself in all forms including Art and Cultural, from Shakespeare to Constable to "Brideshead Revisited"
to "Only Fool's and Horses".
Across all the arts there
Across many digital platforms, the artistic and cultural "golden Age"
of the 1970
Over the years has supported the re-opening of the coal pits ans the rebuilding of coal fired power stations and associated infrastructure.
We have have also higlighted the risk of the United Kingdom to natural and man made emergencies and the "Conservative" and Labour depletion of emergency (national, regional and local) resources and infrastructure (men and material including the abolition of the Civil Defence Corps (330,000) and the Territorial Army and Territorial Reserve.
As the United Kingdom enters Autumn and the Shutdown continues the Nation is highly exposed to further infrastructual disintegration.
It is now to late to put in place substantial measures.
Parliament has effectively closed and even if it were operating there is no party sitting in it that can represent the British people and get them out of this Natinal Emergency - that is a matter for the next general election - which must come as soon as possible.
All we can hope for now is that the few remaining craftsman and tradesmen and other practical and competent operators can manage the existing systems as best as possible in spite of the Conservative and Labour parties policies of the past 50 years.
It is essential that the medical, water and food supply chains and not least electricity generation and distribution (heat and light and digital money) function and roads and railways are secured and tested now before deep winter.
Below is a link to G.B. National Gridwatch which provides real time info on the United Kingdom demand and supply.
National Retraining Scheme
On May 20th published "Not Going Back" (See above tab) which argues for the Re-Industrialisation of Britain.
The Conservative government plan to end the Job Retention Scheme ("Furlough") and put millions on the dole (again).
We hold the opinion that the JRS must become a National Industrial Re-training Scheme which assists the United Kingdom redirect itself towards re-industrialisation and Essential Occupations.
Oppose the closure of the JRS.
Concilii Sumus Ponere
(Parliament We Shall Maintain)
The Rubicon has now been crossed.
As we now must sadly leave our parliamentary traditions behind us we must now adopt the manners and means that secured our parliamentary forms in the first place.
The survival of the Nation State and of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and it's Constitution and it's attendant Civilisation that flowed across the Earth must secured.
The Liberal/"Progressive" agents in the United Kingdom must be removed.
They must be removed fron public positions of power, public money and public welfare provision and if necessary removed from the territory of the United Kingdom.
Plastic Culture and COVID 19
It is not COVID 19 that is responsible for the cultural implosion and hollowness of Britain today, it is the Liberal/"Progressive" erosion of Political Britain that has done that.
Art rests upon the Political, the National.
It is the Political (National confidence) that energises Art (and other matters) in the Nation and that not only provides the subject matter but provides the optics through which individual talent is considered and expressed.
19th September 2020
Over the years has supported the re-opening of the coal pits and the rebuilding of coal fired power stations and associated infrastructure.
We have have also highlighted the exposure and risk of the United Kingdom to environmental, technological and other potential emergencies and the "Conservative" and Labour depletion of emergency (national, regional and local)
planning, infrastructure and resources (men, money and material) including the abolition of the Civil Defence Corps (330,000) and the Territorial Army and the Regular Reserve
(Long Term and Pensioner Reserves - yet another several hundred thousand however their number is no longer counted in official count).
As the United Kingdom enters Autumn and the Shutdown continues, the Nation is highly exposed to further infrastructural disintegration.
It is now to late to put in place substantial measures.
Parliament has effectively closed and anyway there is no party sitting in it that will represent the British people and get them out of this National Dissolution - that is a matter for the next general election,
which must come as soon as possible.
All we can hope for now is that the remaining craftsman and tradesmen and other practical and competent operators can manage the existing systems as best as possible in spite of the degenerate Conservative and Labour parties,
staff and members and their policies of the past 50 years.
It is essential that electricity (heat and light) and medical and water and food supply chains
(and the disruption of highly sensitive digital systems - digital money is vital in the transaction of basic goods and services) and roads and railways are secured
and tested now before deep winter.
Below is a link to G.B. National Gridwatch which provides real time info on the United Kingdom's electricity demand and supply.
19th September 2020
A Casual Contempt
In the midst of the Shutdown, we must not forget the the "Conservative" Primeminister Johnson's casual permission of entry to a further three million immigrantsthis time Chinese from Hong Kong.
No debat and no parliamentary process.
It is nothing but contempt for the British people.
Shutdown Nostalgia For a Britain That Was Thrown Away.
A recent survey found that the Shutdown has led to a surge in downloads of 1980's and 1970's music tacks.
The Work Cult and COVID
The Conservative and Labour parties have decided that the "Rule of Six" must apply to non-workplaces but Workplaces are ok for more than six to gather.
Seven individuals in a domestic place is now illegal but seven hundred in the work place is legal.
It is a racket. Plain and simple.
According to Conservative Party decree the COVID risk diminishes as you approach the workplace but increases as you approach non-workplaces.
It is the Work Cult pushing the - largely working class - back into their workplace.
Rule of Law Vs The Devo Hoax
It makes no difference if the SNP win 129/129 seats (desks) in the Devolved Scottish "Parliament" election the matter of the Constitution is not a matter for it, it is a matter exclusively for the British Parliament.
The Devolved Scottish "Parliament's" legal competence is restricted to matters that are not Reserved, this can be found in Schedule 5 of the 1998 Scotland Act.
The Constitution and The Union are Reserved matters and therefore not a matters for the devolved Scottish Parliament or elections to it regardless of what may be contain in the party (Devolved) manifesto's to it.
Yet another unconstitutional and illegal (and challengeable in the courts) referendum bill is to proceed through the Devolved Scottish Parliament.
If the SNP (and others) wish to separate a part of the the Nation then they have had the opportunity every five years in a British general election by standing as abstentionist candidates.
This is how parliamentary representation (abstention) works.
The SNP refuse to adopt a policy of abstention because they get more votes by holding a representational policy and means more seats, more power, more money and more patronage..
do this because they get more votesand seats by standing as representational candidates and taking their seats (the acid test of Unionism) in the British Parliament.
In the event of the SNP winning a majority in the Devolved Scottish Parliament election and the Conservative and Labour parties once again supporting a
an unconstitutional anti-parliamentary and illegal referendum on the existence of of the United Kingdom, it will be duty of all British subjects to maintain the Constitution and the rule of law.
A Casual Contempt
In the midst of the Shutdown we not forget the the "Conservative" Primeminister Johnson's casual summer permission during the summer to permit entry
to three million Hong Kong immigrants.
No debat and no parliamentary process.
It is contempt for the British people.
The Last Throw of The Dice
The Conservative Party is dissolving and this is to welcomed by the British.
If Primeminister Johnson did not like his "Withdrawal Treaty" he should not have signed it. opposes the Treaty because it introduces yet another internal border in the United Kingdom and seeks to eject a part of the Nation into another state while it recalibrates membership of the Eurostate rather
than depart from it.
Working From Home
A large cohort (millions) of office workers do not want to return to the office, this is not because of COVID
it is because they do not like their work, their commute or general lifestyle or the society that they have watched emerge
before their very eyes over the past 50 years as the United Kingdom has been "Transformed" from a Nation State into a Nationless State,
full of Liberal/"Progressive" doctrines legislated for by the "Conservative" and Labour parties.
They sense they have lost (thrown away) something, something to do with Religion, Social Bonds (family, local,regional and national),
Serious Industry, the country's Border, it's Unity, it's Parliamentary Representative Democracy, it's Public Administration and many other things.
They sense that the society that they knew in their childhood (or have been told about by their parents or grandparents) has gone and they want to
get it back.
They long for way of living that resembles that society and was last identifiable in the 1970's and 1980's.
For the office workers (generally speaking), The Shutdown has provided not just a window into the past but a way to get a little bit of that society
back - more traditional, more spiritual, more time at home, more DIY, more local activity, more neighbourly, more slower pace, less interaction
(stress and hassle) with things and services that do not work (privatised train and stations or vending machines that require the user to notify the
machine owner that it is not working) or management gripped by the latest Equality and Diversity training course mantra), more time for walking
and fresh air, more time with the dog and pursuing their interests and artistic talents.
Who can blame them - they have seen the past and it works.
Of course, the sudden economic shock of Shutdown and WFH has decimated the "commuter economy" and wiped out millions of jobs.
Millions are now trapped in lonlieness, misery, depression, poverty and unemployment.
This is the price to be paid for the "Conservative" Party Shutdown.
It does not have to be like this.
This is what happen's when a government disrupts the rythmn and operation of a sophisticated (in the functional sense)
espesially one that has been "Transformed" into a highly Servicised new State.
and highly service dependent
interests spiritual gardening diy tradinoal
in general that has come to dominate the
"progressive" society over the past thirty years
that has resulted from Conservatve and Labour parties "Progressive " policies over the past 50 yback ears.
The Shutdown is the perfect reason not to go back, this is understandable however the trouble is that sudden shock to the "commuter economy".
Quite aside from the questionable efficiency (for the customer) of working from multiple sites (back bedrooms) rather than a single business site
Over the years has supported the re-opening of the coal pits ans the rebuilding of coal fired power stations and associated infrastructure.
We have have also higlighted the risk of the United Kingdom to natural and man made emergencies and the "Conservative" and Labour depletion of emergency (national, regional and local) resources and infrastructure (men and material including the abolition of the Civil Defence Corps (330,000) and the Territorial Army and Territorial Reserve.
As the United Kingdom enters Autumn and the Shutdown continues the Nation is highly exposed to further infrastructual disintegration.
It is now to late to put in place substantial measures.
Parliament has effectively closed and anyway there is no party sitting in that can represent the British people and get them out of this Dissolution that is a matter for the next general election - which must come as soon as possible.
All we can hope for is that the remaining craftsman and tradesmen and other practical and competent operators can manage the existing systems as best as possible in spite of the Conservative and Labour parties policies of the past 50 years.
It is essential that electricity (heat and light) and water and food supply chains (and the disruption of highly sensitive digital systems - digital money is vital in the transaction of basic goods and services) and roads and railways are secured and tested now before deep winter.
Below is a link to G.B. National Gridwatch which provides real time info on the United Kingdom demand and supply.
Rule of Law Vs The Devo Hoax
It makes no difference if the SNP win 129/129 seats (desks) in the Devolved Scottish "Parliament" election.
The Devolved Scottish "Parliament" legal competence is restricted to matters that are not Reserved in Schedule 5 of the 1998 Scotland Act.
The Constitution and The Union are Reserved matters and therefore not a matters for the devolved Scottish Parliament or elections to it regardless of what may be contain in the Devolved party manifesto's to it.
Yet another unconstitutional and illegal (and challengeable in the courts) referendum bill is to proceed through the Devolved Scottish Parliament.
If the SNP (and others) wish to separate a part of the the Nation
then they have had the opportunity every five years in a British general election by standing as abstentionist candidates.
This is the parliamentary democratic method of political expression.
The SNP refuse to do this because they get more votesand seats by standing as representational candidates and taking their seats (the acid test of Unionism) in the British Parliament.
In the event of the SNP winning a majority in the Devolved Scottish Parliament election and the Conservative and Labour parties once again supporting a
an unconstitutional anti-parliamentary and illegal referendum on the existence of of the United Kingdom, it will be duty of all British subjects to maintain the Constitution and the rule of law by whatever means necessary.
A Casual Contempt
In the midst of the Shutdown we not forget the the "Conservative" Primeminister Johnson's casual summer permission during the summer to permit entry
to three million Hong Kong immigrants.
No debat and no parliamentary process.
It is contempt for the British people.
Exit From Exit
If Primeminister Johnson did not like his "Withdrawal Treaty" he should not have signed it. opposes the Treaty because it introduces yet another internal border in the United Kingdom and seeks to eject a part of the Nation into another state while it recalibrates membership of the Eurostate rather
than depart from it.
Devolution Emergency
and the particular in regard to the office ebvironment
understandablethey have increasingly been
COVID IS just a cover
Protocol Protocols
Mr Johnson is attempting to escape from Mr Johnss "Withdrawal" Treaty.
It is a Treay that reccalibrates the UK's membership of the EU and further separates NI from the rest of the Nation.
broad manifesto of national restoration.
l Election
Britain needs a general election to free itself from the Coronavirus Act 2020 and to restore itself from of 50 years of Liberal/"Progressive policies introduced by the Cal parties.
However ageneral electioon will be more than useless without a new party a new political constelation to offer a
it must b u t e a authenticalyc.
A Casual Contempt
In the midst of the Shutdown we not forget the the "Conservative" Primeminister Johnson's casual summer permission during the summer to permit entry
to three million Hong Kong immigrants.
No debat and no parliamentary process.
It is contempt for the British people.
green paper, no white no Act of's just like the 2014 referendum
The abolition of devolution is the next big idea to pursue Rise of the devosceptics: The anti – devolution revolution is coming An examination of the processes that drove Brexit and which are currently driving attitudes towards legislative devolution reveal striking similarities. In 1991, an obscure Cambridge academic, Dr Alan Sked (a Scot), founded a political party called ‘The Anti – Federalist League’, later to become ‘The United Kingdom Independence Party’ (led by Nigel Farage) which aimed to get the UK to withdraw from the then European Economic Community (today’s EU) as he said that the bloc controlled us and we weren’t an independent country anymore. He was virtually unanimously vehemently sneered at and derided by most of this country’s population as holding non-mainstream views and of being extremists. Fast forward to today and his views have been completely vindicated and are now those of the majority of the population. His views have been revealed to be the truth. This mirrors the experience of Tam Dalyell, who correctly asserted during the debates on devolution in the mid-late 1970’s during the Callaghan Labour Government, that devolution would be a ‘one way motorway to independence, with no turnoffs or roundabouts.’ He has been similarly vindicated by subsequent events. The same process can happen with abolishing the devolved legislatures. What is perceived as the views of a minority can, if the positive case for abolition is consistently and assiduously put to the public, with objective empirical evidence to support it, gradually be accepted as being the truth by the majority and one day in the near future the UK will stand on the brink of ‘Re-Unification day’ as we become a unitary whole again. Just as the Eurosceptics employed persistence and determination in the face of hostility from all corners, including the establishment, people who are sceptical of legislative devolution and the clear and present danger it presents to the Union, the devosceptics, must show similar persistence and determination in pursuing the goal of securing the existence of the U.K. into the future by persevering on a path towards reuniting our country by consistently presenting the case for the Union. Like Brexit, it won’t happen quickly, but the end result is definitely worth the effort. The famous victory of Brexit can be that of the devosceptics.
In June 2016, the long journey of the Eurosceptics, largely led by an initially small, but gradually larger, UKIP, triumphed after all those years of campaigning led to the majority of the UK backing leaving the EU in the referendum of that year. UKIP had won a famous victory against what had appeared to be insurmountable odds and an establishment that was solidly and viciously against them by consistently presenting the case for leaving with much patient persistence. It had taken a long tough struggle, but the end result had undeniably been worth it. An initially small, marginal party viewed by the vast majority of the public as eccentrics (‘cranks and gadflies’ as David Camron sneeringly referred to them) had won a famous victory. This CAN happen for people who want to abolish Holyrood, the Welsh ‘Parliament’, Stormont and the London Assembly, the devosceptics.
Rule of Law Vs The Devo Hoax
It makes no difference if the SNP win 129/129 seats (desks) in the Devolved Scottish "Parliament" election.
The Devolved Scottish "Parliament" legal competence is restricted to matters that are not Reserved in Schedule 5 of the 1998 Scotland Act.
The Constitution and The Union are Reserved matters and therefore not a matters for the devolved Scottish Parliament or elections to it regardless of what may be contain in the Devolved party manifesto's to it.
Yet another unconstitutional and illegal (and challengeable in the courts) referendum bill is to proceed through the Devolved Scottish Parliament.
If the SNP (and others) wish to separate a part of the the Nation
then they have had the opportunity every five years in a British general election by standing as abstentionist candidates.
This is the parliamentary democratic method of political expression.
The SNP refuse to do this because they get more votesand seats by standing as representational candidates and taking their seats (the acid test of Unionism) in the British Parliament.
In the event of the SNP winning a majority in the Devolved Scottish Parliament election and the Conservative and Labour parties once again supporting a
an unconstitutional anti-parliamentary and illegal referendum on the existence of of the United Kingdom, it will be duty of all British subjects to maintain the Constitution and the rule of law by whatever means necessary.
This Is What You Want This Is What You Get
COVID Marshall's, Mask's, "The Rule of Six" "Social Distancing, State Tracking.
For over 50 years the Conservative Party and Labour Party have dissolved and hollowed out Britain.
Their latest agreed policy is to introduce the COVID Shutdown and it's Totalitarian Regime.
In 2020 British society and it's economy has shattered.
This is what you get if you vote Conservative Party or Labour Party.
This Is What You Want This Is What You Get
COVID Marshall's, Mask's, "The Rule of Six" "Social Distancing, State Tracking.
For over 50 years the Conservative Party and Labour Party have dissolved and hollowed out Britain.
Their latest agreed policy is to introduce the COVID Shutdown and it's Totalitarian Regime.
In 2020 British society and it's economy has shattered.
This is what you get if you vote Conservative Party or Labour Party.
It is time for a new Party to repeal the Coronavirus Act
A vote for the c lp is an endorsment of this dissolution.
has led to
Having been hollowed out the United Kingdom we are witnessing the
implosion of society and economy.
no longer even functions
as a society, it has been atomised to such an extent that
the goverenment decrees that individuals wear masks and the state decrees the proximity between individuals
If you vote for the Conservative or Labour parties this is what you get.
Not Going Back
A Casual Contempt
This Is What You Want This Is What You Get
COVID Marshall's, Mask's, "The Rule of Six" "Social Distancing, State Tracking.
For over 50 years the Conservative Party and Labour Party have dissolved and hollowed out Britain.
Their latest agreed policy is to introduce the COVID Shutdown and it's Totalitarian Regime.
In 2020 British society and it's economy has shattered.
This is what you get if you vote Conservative Party or Labour Party.
The Rule of
It is no co-incidence that the Rule of Six has been introduced just prior to the ending of the Job Retention Scheme.
It's purpose is the
The King's New Clothes
The "Conservative" and Labour Establishment decree that you must wear a mask in public.
people will be
Meanwhile it is essential that Unionists rebut the assertion that the Devolved Scottish Parliament
This Is What You Want, This Is What You Get
The United kingdom lies in ruins, society and economy has shattered.
This is what you get from 50 years of voting for the Conservative and Labour .
The Glorious Revolution
The godless Liberals and "Progressives" of 2020 and the preceeding 50 years set out in the 1960's to demoralise, destabilaise and destroy
Christian Constitution and all those constitutions that adopted it oe adapted it.
In the words of Robert Burns
In Great Britain, the liberals led by the cp mustg bedfttd and marg.
The Glorious Delverance of 1688-1690 shall be maintained.
Psycho State
The Liberal/"Progressive" ("Conservative" and Labour) Establishmement have imposed a Totalitarian Regime upon the British people, their Parliamentary Representative Democracy and their economy.
The Conservative government has used "creative destruction" to deconstruct British society and to atomise and micro-rearrange and regulate it, even to the extent of where you place your footsteps in a shop.
It is the use of psychological manipulation methods on the general population for the acceptance, construction and compliance with the New Liberal State that is replacing Britain.
The compounded use of masks, anti - "social distancing" and corporate recording and tracking of the individual, permits the state to minpulate socicety (including digital mood forming) and get the public to conform and
submit to the end-phase of the "Transformation" of Britain into the New Liberal State that has been emerging since the 1960's and can now be found manifesting itself across the country through officialdom,
and corporatedom and of course, on the beaches of Kent and the anti - British demonstrations on the streets of London and other British cities.
The only way for the British now, is to directly (in a general election) defeat and marginalise the Conservative and Labour parties.
This can only be done by the election of a new party.
Without a new party all other efforts, campaigns and groups (and new alternative media etc) while essential in themselves cannot deliver the decisive political effect - gathering votes and gaining power.
Only through electoral politics can the Liberal/"Progressive" revolution be reversed.
Stop Making Excuses
The Liberal Disease
It is not COVID 19 that has shattered the United Kingdom it is Liberal ideology practised by the Conservative and Labour establishment that has done that.
for fifity years
the progs actually regressives want to replace our bcs with pre chr society based on sec slf satisfaction
thy prom sec adol Risk free lifestyles
challenges their entire universe of percep and thought.
When confronted by a matter such as COVID 19 rather than (a traditional, unionist, conservative, empiricist and practical approach) gather information, consider and then action a practical responsethe Liberal reflex is to panic:
Why has this thing happened contary to our utopian perspective? it does not conform to our utopian theory, our response must be to understand it not for what it is but through the prisim of our Liberal/"Progressive" parameters , before any other response, and of course, it is not fair ! etc.
Then they act without consideration and then legislate without coherence, that is what they have done with COVID 19 and the Shutdown.
COVID 19 policy is now propelled by Liberal/"Progressive" Fear not reasonable and proportionate risk which should be the guiding measure for the Nation when dealing with such a matter. suggest that the entire excerise is a result of the Liberal political ideaolgy, indoctriation and fashion.
Liberalism for fifty years has sought to replace the British Christian Constitution and all that has flowed from it mse and pol with a secular universalist (hence the No Border/keep the airports open and let in more than a million entrants into the UK during a national emergency- political creed.
This is evidenced by the Liberal "prog" dissintegration of the United Kingdom. over the past 50 years.
That in itself, means the triumph of courage over fear.
The Liberal Revolution
Primeminister Johnson and the entire establishment (Liberal/"Progressive") do not posess the qualities of former high level politicians who contained generally patriotic, experienced and competent instincts and
knowledge and who had had a life outside politics - managing men and organisations in industry or the army etc.
This is an essential matter as the loyalty, quality and competence of men determine the organisation and management and function of things especially in politics.
We must repeal the Coronavirus Act 2020 and then have a general election when we can remove the Conservative and Labour Establishment - for they are the mones who brought us here over 50 years -from power and marginalise them.
er survival h
The Liberal Disease
It is the Liberalism/"Progressive"/Cultural Marxist revolutoin that has shattered British society and it's economy not COVID 19 or any other new strain of the Coronavirus group of influenza.
The Liberal Disease from the 1960's has targetted above all the British Christian Protestant Constitution for it above all things stands against all of their Godless and despotic beliefs.
and all the other country's across the Earth that adopted and adapted it as the model of their own constitution.
including the United States of America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the Northern Protestant European countries and then the Southern European Roman Catholic countries that were influneced by it and then
India and the other countries of the British Empire whose constitutions were shaped by it,
of course they were, and for the better, in the words of Robert Burns the British Constitution was
..."the greatest work the wit of man could make"
The Liberal Disease
The Liberal ideology has driven the uk to shutdown.
stunted growth
retentive pattern of behaviour
panic fear
covid 19 virus disease
The modern Liberal fashion is now driven by global corporate globaolism and that is one reason why the COVID 19 has spread so quickly among the global governing caste lierally and politically metaphorically and why the mask
orthodoxy finds immediate global application.
(It also explains the overiding policy in the UK of not closing the airports evn in a national emergency that shutsdon society and the economy).
The only antidote to Liberalism is to assert the nations self defence instincts and mechanisms expel the Liberals from their positions of powere, public provision and public money.
It must be done and it must be done now.
wise know as prog
is resp for the mess in uk today.
It has d d for 50 y while panic a genpsycho fear across the UK while kpg opn airports.
twin liberals of Johnson and Sturgeon
it is the revolu pol theory of lib that has led Britain into 50 yrs of dml and dstbl
and has now led to mass panic and open and open airports.
lib theory has diinteg Britain kept opn airports
it has promoted panic as a means of policy.
thought patterns
The King's New Clothes
We are told by the "Conservative" and Labour Establishment that a mask will save the Nation from a low to medium virus.
"...nobody wanted to appear a fool..."
The "Conservative" government has decreed by force of penalty of law that mask's must be worn.
"...noboday wanted to appear a fool..."
"...the King is in the altogether..."
not wishing to apear like fools
isnt it grand isnt it fine the cut the style the line
the government claims that in order to defeat the threat of a low to medium virus - part of the flu coronavirus group a mask must be worn.
The government
An Independent Woman
The feminist
Soveriegn self
career fufillment factory
Johnson's Mess
After the UK
Political UK ended in 1990 while the social and cultural vapours of it have now in 2020 cleared.
The Conservative and Labour Establishment use the Shutdown od British sociewty and it's economy
used to employ "creativer destruction" and finaliase the transformation of British Society and economy.
The Uk has been replaced by the New State
and it Godless, identyless and Borderless.
If you want Britain back then you need a new party to defeat and marginalise the Conservative and Labour parties.
Halt ! Who Goes There.
The Fifth Column
A fifth column is any group of people who undermine a larger group from within, usually in favor of an enemy group or nation.
The Fifth Column that operates in the United Kingdom must be removed from all positions public power public money and public provision.
The War Against Civilisation Part 2
edrtfweyotel motel holiday inn
Devo Hoax
Separtists are claiming that a separatist majority in the Devo elections will provide an authority for another referendum or direct action to dissolve the British Nation.
They are claiming a Fake Authority.
It will cannot even if they win 129/129 seats in the Devolved "Parliament" Election.
Constitutionally and legally the Devolved election only applies to devolved matters ie Education, NHS and Fire Brigade.
It does not apply to The Constitution (The Union), Defence, Foriegn Affairs or any subject identified as a Reserved subject.
Any unconstitutional and illegal attempt to dissolve the United Kingdom must be met with the full force of the British Nation.
Devo Hoax
"...It's All Over! It Is Now..."
Kenneth Wolstenholme
Political Britain ended in 1990 with the defeat of Margaret Thatcher .
We at hold no secret torch for the former Leader of the Conservative Party however her defeat by the anti-British forces in the Conservative Party and country and the appointment of the Blair Before Blair -
John Major - was the final meshing of the two principal parties of the British state upon the Liberal revolutionary agenda that was to dominate and capture British politcs in the next 30 years.
Now all the historical and cultural manifestations of Britain are either in decline, exhausted or have been replaced by alien manifestations.
It is a difficult pill to swallow but it is always better to confront reality than hanker after something that has gone.
Still - Not Going Back
With no political party to lead, them, the British people are instinctivly, grappling to find their way out the mess that they are in.
Having seen that there is an Alternative Britain (that in many ways they feel strangely familiar and comfortable with) to the one that they left on 23rd of March 2020
they would, in some ways, quite like to keep it.
( ie it is one with more time for family and friends and an identifiable culture not one dominated by the Cult of Work).
Against the demands of Primeminister Johnson, British people, across many sectors are now refusing to go back to work. Towns and cities (outside the "Golden Miles") are empty.
The service economy has melted away.
Working From Home has become a means of ressistance to the Conservative and Labour Porgressive State.
On the 9th of May we published "Not Going Back" (see above tab) an article on how the United Kingdom can restore it's serious national industrial economy and avoid mass: lonlieness, misery, unemployment, poverty and
It is a template for those who do not want to go backto the Liberal and "Progressive" economy.
The British sense that there is an opportunity to re-direct Britain and that one way to do it without a party to articulate for them is to stay away from
Central to the perscription was three elements
1 Money supply and the liquidation of void debt.
2 There must be no return to progressive service economy of 23rd March 2020 only a return to essential activities.
3 The establishment of a National Industry Board to plan re-industrialisation organisation and the need to keep the Job retention scheme in place and recalibrate it as anatina retraining scheme focused only on essential and industrial activities.
Psycho State
While the Conservative Party and Labour "Progressive" state impose - under the guise of a national epidemic - mask wearing,
proximity regulation and tracking of the British people - suggest that the entire excerise is a result of the Liberal political indoctriation and fashion of the last 50 years.
Primeminister Johnson (and the entire Liberal/"Progressive" establishment caste including Labour) does not posess the qualities of former high level politicians who contained generally patriotic, experienced and competent instincts and
knowledge and who had had a life outside politics - managing men and organisations in industry or the army etc.
This is an essential matter which is at the centre of politics today
and must be addressed even before politics as the loyalty, quality and competence of men determine the organisation and management and function of things especially in politics.
When confronted by a matter such as COVID 19 rather than gather information, consider and then action the Liberal State reflex is to panic:
why has this thing happened contary to our utopian perspective? why it does not conform to our utopian theory, our response must conform to our Liberal/"Progressive" parameters before any other response,
it is not fair ! we must manage identity groups before we aattend to the problem etc .
and then they act without consideration and then legislate without coherence, that is what they have done with COVID 19 and the Shutdown.
COVID 19 policy is now propelled by Liberal/"Progressive" Fear and Theory (as far as it exists) not practical and reasonable and proportionate risk which should be the guiding measure for the Nation when dealing with such a matter.
The Offical Panic of the Liberal revolutionaries lead by Primeminister Johnson has been to radiate social fear and risk in relation to the proximity between individuals.
An invisible - fictional - barrier has been psychologically inserted (by the Liberal Media etc) between individuals - dissolving the longstanding and essential common (invisible and visible - shaking of hands) trust that exists
and must exist in the Nation for it to exist, function and flourish.
This insertion of propaganda has shattered British society and destroyed the British econonomy.
In August 2020 , the Conservative government objective is now to use the psychological fear that has been generated to further atomise and micro-regulate society and so embed the New Liberal State.
The compounded use of masks, anti - "social distancing" and corporate recording and tracking of the individual permits the state to minpulate socicety and get the public to conform and submit
to the "Big Push" and "Transformation" of Britain into a New Liberal State which is now visible and manifesting in officialdom, corporatedom as well as the beaches of Kent and the anti- British demonstrations on the
streets of London and other British cities.
The only way for the British now, is to defeat and marginalise the Conservative and Labour Establishment - who are responsible for the Psychobomb and the Shutdown of Britain
(and the preceeding 50 years of disintegration).
This can only be done by the election of a new party into government that is dedicatated to the restoration of Britain
and that itself, means the triumph of courage over fear.
Fifty years the conservative and labour parties have been elected to govern on an unpublished agreed manifesto to dissolve and Transform Britain from a Christian Industrial Nation into a secular service state.
The United Kingdom has now shattered.
Both society and economy has been atomised.
Do not vote Conservative or Labour,if you do you are authorising these parties actions.
if this is wahat you want then this is what you will get by voting for the conservative and Labour parties.
Vote for a new party to restore Britain.
You Heard It Hear First
The British do not want to go back to the country that they left on the 23rdof March 2020, full of godless, mass loneliness, misery, unemployment and debt.
Neither do they want the dissolution of their country or mass imigration and it's "Transformation" into a New State.
They want to get back the country that has been thrown away over the past 50 years, Christian Industrial Britain.
These are the reasons for the empty trains, streets offices shops and businesses not the digital connectivity to Work From Home.
For five months now, many British people have experienced that there is an alternative to the Hollow State that they left.
It has been a window for many, of a better society one of less commuting in a failed transport sysytem, less time spent working in shallow, futile and mis-managed activities (the Cult of Work) and less time spent with organisations that do
not function properly if they function at all while at the same time finding themselves a more simple and wholesome way of living more time with their family and a better quality
A return to a more natural rythmn for individuals, famlies, villages, towns cities and the Nation is possible but to get it and keep it the British people must act and act now, if they do not then it is all lost.
How do they get want they want ?
1 They must not go back.
2 The "Furlough" Job Retention Scheme must be extended (the October close date must be removed) and reconfigured as a National Job Retrianing Scheme to provide trained craftsmen for the restored industries of Britain.
3 They must vote for a new party to defeat and marginalise the Conservative and Labour parties who created this dissolution.
On the 10th of May 2020 commonrepresentation published "Not Going Back" by Stewart Connell the founder of (See Above Tab) - it is a plan for the restoration of Britain as an Industrial Nation.
You Heard It Hear First
There is a kickback to the Conservative Party Diktat to go back to work.
On10th March released Not Going Back by the campaign'sfounder Stewart Connell who outlined an alternative course for Britain
Rather than a Godless Service State he outlined Britain could be restored as a Christian Industrial Nation statem
Rather than Mass unemployment there could be Mass Employment.
While the Conservative Party advocate the end of the Job Retention Scheme in October and consequentoy mass unemployment and social and economice turbulance.
NGB advocates that the JRS be re-classified as the NJRS and immediately extended in order to redirect the B E and rebuild it. Ground Up.
The BP are ntrying to get out of the dtg of their Nat. Most of all tho the
y must vyte for a nw par tht will do it.
Not Buying It
We are told by the Conseravative mouthpiece The Telegraph that the Economic Boom is about to begin.
That will be the same Economic Boom that was predicted in 2009 after the economic turbulence of 2007-2008.
It is fiction.
The country and the economy is ruined.
The New Liberal State and it's economic manifestation now demands it fealty and you are expected to submit to it and pay for it.
If you are a regular visitor to then you know the only way out.
Step Back In Time
Yes, you can turn back the clock.
If it is at the wrong time then you take it off the wall and correct it.
Fifty year ago the UK took the wrong political policy road - it is time to go back and get on the right policy road.
On the 23rd of March 2020 the Conservative and Labour Establishment (CALE) detonated a pyschological bomb across the United Kingdom.
The Offical Panic of the Liberal revolutionaries lead by Primeminister Johnson is now manifesting itself in multiple forms of new Liberal Totalitarian state control.
The detonation effect - isolating the general population that is healthy rather than isolate and protect the at risk minority - has been to radiate a ratio of fear to proximity between individuals and consequently insert an
invisible - fictional - barrier between them.
This ratio has shattered British society and destroyed the British econonomy.
The fear ratio is manifest in face masks - "social distancing" and state tracking of individuals.
The CALE object is to use psychological and behavioural control methods to further atomise society, isolate individuals and to get British people to submit and conform to the new secular arrangements of the new Liberal state.
Psycho State
While the Conservative Party and Labour Establishmement (CALE) impose - under the guise of a national epidemic - mask wearing,
proximity regulation and tracking of the British people - suggest that the entire excerise is a result of the Liberal political indoctriation and fashion of the last 50 years.
Primeminister Johnson (and the entire establishment caste including Labour) does not posess the qualities of former high level politicians who contained generally patriotic, experienced and competent instincts and
knowledge and who had had a life outside politics - managing men and organisations in industry or the army etc.
This is an essential matter as the loyalty, quality and competence of men determine the organisation and management and function of things especially in politics.
When confronted by a matter such as COVID 19 rather than gather information, consider and then action the Liberal reflex is to panic:
why has this thing happened contary to our utopian perspective? it does not conform to our utopian theory, our response must conform to our Liberal/"Progressive" parameters before any other response, it is not fair ! etc.
and then they act without consideration and then legislate without coherence, that is what they have done with COVID 19 and the Shutdown.
COVID 19 policy is now propelled by Liberal/"Progressive" Fear not reasonable and proportionate risk which should be the guiding measure for the Nation when dealing with such a matter.
The Offical Panic of the Liberal revolutionaries lead by Primeminister Johnson has been to radiate social fear and risk in relation to the proximity between individuals.
An invisible - fictional - barrier has been psychologically inserted (by the Liberal Media etc) between individuals - dissolving the longstanding and essential common (invisible and visible - shaking of hands) trust that exists
and must exist in the Nation for it to exist, function and flourish.
This insertion of propaganda has shattered British society and destroyed the British econonomy.
In August 2020 , the Conservative government objective is now to use the psychological fear that has been generated to further atomise and micro-regulate society.
The compounded use of masks, anti - "social distancing" and corporate recording and tracking of the individual permits the state to minpulate socicety and get the public to conform and submit
to the "Big Push" and "Transformation" of Britain into a New Liberal State now visible and manifesting in officialdom, corporatedom and on the beaches of Kent and the anti- British demonstrations on the streets of
London and other British cities.
The only way for the British now, is to defeat and marginalise the Conservative and Labour Establishment - who are responsible for the Psychobomb and the Shutdown of Britain
(and the preceeding 50 years of disintegration).
This can only be done by the election of a new party into government that is dedicatated to the restoration of Britain
and that itself, means the triumph of courage over fear.
The Prize
The progressive and Liberal revolutionaries have over the past 50 years set out to destroy one thing more than any other, the thing that they must destroy or the will ultinately fail, it is the British Christian constitution
The British Constitution formed in the Glorious Revolution of 1688-1690 is the bulwark against the Godless and despotic forces that we witness today.
In the words of Robert Burns
"can frame"
The British constitution was used as a model and influenced many other great nations across the Earth including usa c a nz and India and the post w c of f and g.
The secular utopian univeralists seek to replace the British Constitution and all those other constitutions that flowed from it and civilisation cast all of us into a Regressive Age.
It is not just in the United Kingdom that the Liberals have attempted to
Our Christian Constitution
the Liberal Revolution is dedicated against one thing more than anything - it is our Christian Constitution.
The British Constitution formed in The Glorious Revolution (1688-90)
is the bulwark against the Godless forces that we witness today.
Not only in the United Kingdom but in the other great countries that have constitutions based on or influneced by our Christian constitution such as
the United States of America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and India and the post war constitutions of France and Germany, the obejective of the Liberal progressives is to create a godless regressive selfish society.
No Surrender
You Heard It Here First - Not Going Back
Millions of Britons are refusing to go back to the Empty Misery that they left on the 23rd of March 2020.
This is to be welcomed.
There is a macro shift in working patterns and population movement away from the urban dimension.
They oppose a return.
They have sensed that there is another road.
A road of wholeness.
In May we released the Not Going Back Statement (see above tab) it is a declaration that outlines how to restore Great Britain as a Christian Industrial Nation.
We are pleased to report that the British are - Not Going Back - to the secular misery of mass lonliness, poverty and debt that they left on the 23rd of Mqarch 2020.
It is essential that for this opposition to win and therefore defeat the Conservative and Labour Establishment party (who want them to return and be "Transformed" into a New Liberal Totalitarian State)
the Job Retention Scheme (Furlough) must be extended for at least five years and reconfigured as the national Job Retraining Scheme (Zero Unemployment) and the
national economy reconfigured as an industrial economy based on Defence, Public Infrastructure and Heavy Industry.
"I Am Not A Number, I Am A Free Man"
While the Conservative Party impose mask wearing,proximity requirements and tracking of the British people, prefer the approach of PatrickMcGoohan in "The Prisoner".
"I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, de-briefed or numbered. My life is my own."
Christian Constitution
Dystopia UK
It's effect is now
Grieving for a n twt away
The Contactless Society
The Real Thing
The Liberal Revolutionary agenda is now openly endorsed and promoted and enforced by large corporate entities.
For the 50 year old revolution this is nothing new.
Awkward Social Moment
We referred to "Barclayland" in Glasgow in a previous article some months ago.
Barclay's bank (a revolutionary Liberal corporate entity, contributing to the destabilisation of the United Kingdom) has been engaged in building a new "campus" in the centre of Glasgow, it was to be called "Buchanan
(an invented name to associate the "campus" with the main street in Glasgow's Golden Mile) however the project has fallen foul of the New State and it's Code.
Buchanan - of Buchanan St - has been exposed as having the audacity to live in the Past and having held opinions and associated with activities that are now forbidden.
Andrew Buchanan of Buchanan Stree was a Tobacco Lord and plantation owner as well as a former Lord Provost of Glasgow.
Barclays Bank is now scurrying about the advertising desks looking for a new revolutionary approved name for the project.
nd invented name for their pr
Lord Provost of Glasgow, Andrew Buchanan of Buchanan, Hastie, & Co.[2]oject.
Oh dear, oh well, nevermind.
Barclay's Bank trading license must be removed and the business dissolved.
Skateboard Revolution
ne of the more fashionable accessories of the Liberal Revoution in recent months has been the Skateboard.
The Skateboard was invented in the 1950s
It was mass manufactured in 1959.
Skateboarding was to appear for the first time in the 2020 Summer Olympics.
The 2020 Olympics has been postponed until 2021 (DV) although the Games of the XXXII Olympiad will keep the name Tokyo 2020 for marketing and branding purposes.
The Olympiad from 2013-2016 generated about $5.9 billion.
Michael Gove on Tony Blair
"I love Tony"
"all I can say looking at Mr Blair now is, what's not to like?"
Michael Gove is Liberal his vote has been cast (in cabinet and in the hoc) for the dissolution of Britain, mass immigration and continued surrender of Britains political independence.
Hail, The New State
"None So Blind As Those Who Will Not See"
The Incredible Shrinking Country
Hail, The New State
From Defence to the Police to the Civil Service to Business to Avertising to Football, all parts of society are now declaring their fealty to the New Totalitarian State.
It is the capping of fifty years of revolution.
"None So Blind As Those Who Will Not See"
This is unfair.
Thorought his life, Mr Johnson - a Liberal - has been (and is still) against the British people and their natural instincts to preserve their common identity, unity, independence and their institutions,
that is why he gained his easy money and easy employment in the Liberal propaganda outlets of The Times, The Telegraph and the BBC
(If he were not a Liberal he would not have been employed in any of them).
It is why he became the London Mayor.
It is why he became the Leader of the Liberal "Conservative" Party.
Those who voted the Conservative Party in December 2019 refused to see what was actually in front of them and saw only what they wanted to see (a party to restore Britain).
It was an act self deception.
Disturbed by the "Transformation" of the United Kingdom that they see outside their front window, rather assist and engage in a new party to challenge it, they
clung and cling on to the sepia tinged memory of a Conservative Party - a party that previously had associated itself with the national interest but then abandoned it and set
against it when the political seas got a bit choppy and the money flooded in, it has for over 50 years now has been actively engaged in the moral, social, economic and political
Dissolution of Britain.
That is what they voted for in December 2019, they must blame themselves (and accept the consequences of their vote) not Mr Johnson.
5th June 2020
The Incredible Shrinking Country
In the middle of the National Emergency the "Progressive" Conservative Party continues to contract the Territorial Authority of the United Kingdom.
The nominal border of the United Kingdom has been redrawn.
The new federalised political map has been put in place.
A new border has been drawn from Newport to Rhyl to Warrenpoint to Belfast to Larne to Gretna Green to Berwick Upon Tweed.
The new powers and nomenclature of the Welsh Devolved "Parliament"(Wales Act 2017), the composition, regulatory alighnment and deliniation of the "EU Withdrawal Act 2020"
and the exercise of Emergency Powers by the Scottish Devolved "Parliament" (Coronovirus Act 2020) reflect the Conservative and Labour Establishments
reduction of the British Parliament's territorial writ of Authority and the release of that Authority to other intra and extra territorial institutions.
It is the Partition of Britain.
A Casual Contempt
The latest casual contempt for the Nation by the "Conservative" Party is the planned and spontaneous offer to 3 million Chinese Hong Kong residents to enter and settle in the United Kingdom.
With no debate - and no regard for diplomatic procedures - the Conservative and Labour Establishment (CALE) seek to further alter the popoulation (reduce the British population) of the United Kingdom.
Underlying this Conservative Party policy is their progrsssive opinion that the British people no longer posess or are entitled (they are now merely one of many "identity groups") to posess British territory.
Their progressive opion is that the British have aquised - and submitted - in the transformation of the United Kingdom into a new hetrogenuos, borderless, generic, secular and de-industrialised - serviceised
state with no indigenous premogenitor (the past has been abolitshed) of ownership" (time and tribe and territory) rather possession and citizensahip of the state can now be held by those who can simply physically reach the state or those physically overseas who are nomiunated for future citizaenship.
Britishness has been abolished.
convoluted (singular and multiple) citizenships of the modern era
The Tolerance Ratio
Tolerance is determined by confidsence in the common idenity territory aurity x x of a self recognising population.
that is why the prog thero imig in partic - disturbing the sec and confid of the Nat has led to conflict and less tol - ina sense it is a tol ratio.
If the nat state is sec and confid it is more tolerant.
the mass imig has disturbed the toleration "flm" of society.
the tol can only ret by a reversal of imig.
The Road To Re-Industrialisation
As the Nation disolves and shuffles back into compunded lonliness, misery, debt, and unemployment - all on the orders of the Conservative and Labour Establishment (CALE) there is only one way out.
"Not Going Back"
See above Tab
Mr Wishart's Abstention Plan
The SNP MP for Perth and North Perthshire
has suggested that the SNP should abstain from the House of Commons if the House does not concede a second referendum on the Dissolution of Britain.
1. Even if 129/129 MSP's in the Devolved Scottish Parliament stood on manifesto's to abstain from the British Parliament or to hold a referendum in Scotland on the Union and they won every seat the action would be unconstitutional and illegal.
The devolved Parliament (or an election to it) has no authority - as explicitly detailed in Schedule 5 of the 1998 Scotland Act.
If Mr Wishart wishes to abstain from the British Parliament that he committed himself to to sit in only last December
then he can and must resign and stand again this time as an abstentionist.
Otherwise he will be acting illegally and against the Constitution.
On that basis it will then be for electors to assert themselves and defend the British Constitution.
Mass Immigration
The Liberal Conservative Party continues it policy of Limitless Imigration.
It's obejct is to Transform Britain into a west European secular generic servicised state with a indentyless aggregate population.
Mr Johnson - a serial political failure, see his tenure at the Foriegn Office -
His political career has only been kept afloat by his Liberal opinions establishment connections
3 million have been given permission to enter the United Kingdom.
No national debate has taken place regarding any aspect of this matter.
Homogenity/hetrogenity issues, logistics, resources, diplomacy etc
and abandoned any useful diplomatic channels.
Limit of Devolved Parliaments
Open Door
British Unionist Party
Matthew 18:20 King James Version (KJV)
20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
At we have advocated for the establishment of a new political party to challenge and marginalise both the Conservative and Labour parties and
the "Progressive" establishment in general.
We hold to the opinion that such a party must be a nation-wide party and offer a broad manifesto of national restoration including the reversal of the
"progressive"policies of the past 60 years.
We also take the view that such a party must have it's roots in the self-recognition and history of the British people.
We are pleased to note the further development of the British Unionist Party (BUP).
See the above tab.
If YouChoose War
The Devolved Socttissh Parliament is DEVOLVED and has been permitted to excersie authrity on limited matters.
It had no authority on the constitution
therefore it cannot excersie autyority on the matter of the Union ort the constiotuion#
If the sno wint 29 saeats in the forthcoming dsp election it nhas no effect no authorituy.
If the snp claima MAJ OR mandate to detach Scotland from the Uk AS A RESULT OF THE DSP THIS HAS NO CONTSIT OR LEG APPLIC OR FORCE.
official and corporate dcom
Grieving For A Past That Was Thrown Away
Culture is tied to a political anchor - the Nation - without it culture dissaptes like a puff of Smoke.
The deep nostalgia for (even by those not born then) for1970's and the 1980's reflects a longing (grief for a for an existence in which Britain (even though it was being expelled from Britain) still manifested and imprinted itself across all culture from British Shipuilders to Radio 1 to Parkinson on BBC 1.
As political Britain came to an end in 1990 it's cultural vapours would continue through the next couple of decades.
Increasingly people search for this Past. They search for it onlline they search for in the places that they would like to live they search for it in the holidays they go and they search for it in their memories.
They search for it because it has gone.
It has gone from their streets,their towns their radios their television their churches their schools their universities their hospitals thier architecture their clothes their language and means of greeting, their pubs their dancing their cities their coast their arts their industry thier shops ...all of it gone.
Not of Us
Peace and Love and Money
How To Win
Peace and Love and Money
The media show on radio four (24/06/20)
provides a consise insight into the "Progressive" revolutionaries control and plans for the advertising industry.
Of course they are continuing in a 50 year old policy of using corporate propaganda to further the Godless Totalitarian Liberal Agenda.
24/6/let the progtrssion happen
driven by purpose
the media show
radio 4
How To Win
British people who wish to restore Britain must do three things or the "Progressive"/Liberal/Marxist revolutionaries will now win.
1 They must exercise their electoral parliamentary authority and elect a new party with a broad manifesto of of National Restoration to power (defeating the Conservative and Laboufr parties) for without this no other effort
or action will be effective.
(The Conservative and Labour parties have spent 50 years implementing the new revolutionary "Progressive" order and dissolving the moral, social, economic and political elements of the
United Kingdom).
2 They must remove Britain's internal enemies (those engaged in Demoralisation and Destabilisation across all activities including:
Education, Media, Commerce Civil Service, Police, Trades Unions, Local government, Charities, Church Voluntary Sector, etc from all public funds (ie Lecturer Salary) and all public provison
(ie Council Housing) and all positions of power (ie BBC Staff).
3. They must teach the young about our National Religion, Authority, Traditions and History.
How To Lose
It has been 50 years since the Demoralisation began.
It has been 8 years since the Destabilisation took hold.
It has been12 weeks since The Crisis began.
We should not be too surprised by the social and economic dissolution or the the public dis-order on the streets of the United Kingdom over the past few weeks.
The "Transformation" of the United Kingdom from a homogenuos to a hetrogenuos society, a Christian to Secular and a Collective to Individualistic and an Industrial to a
Service state had to manifest itself visibly (a revolutionary critical mass) at some point.
With no parliamentary electoral opposition (the only way they can be stopped) to the 50 year old Conservative and Labour Agreed Revolutionary Manifesto,
they win.
Ackward Social Moment
Rubik's Cube
The Third Sector
Golden Age
Cultural Cling
Getting Out
Scottish Power/green economic revolution/shetland sse
Hail The New State
The National Emergency has provided a mechanism for the Conservative and Labour Establishment (CALE) to consolidate and exercise it's power across all elements of British society.
From football to economics to defence the New State has emerged.
Dissent is Not Permitted.
The skateboard revolutionaries expell the school and college and university indoctrination mantra.
Welcome To The New State
transformative point FA unit
The Exchange
The Exchange of Christian Industrial Collective debtless (relatively) Britain (Patriotic, thoughtful, masculine, prudent, durable, rough and ready)
for a Godless, Service Individualised poverty debt lonliness happened relatively quickly.
Of course the slide into decay decomposition and political detachment and disinterest emerged in the late fifties and can be measured by the slums and their knock it down throw it up approach.
1986 doors thrown open to debt - consumption - and the removal of men and their masculine charateristics and habits and expressions from the public space - ie the replacement of masculine architecture materials and planning with femine buildings materials tempp materials prefab short term items plastics prefab aluminium cheaper
big bang
The Age of Anti-Thought
We have journeyed through The Liberal Age and entered the Age of Anti-Thought.
It is an Age were thought is suspended (regarded as a nuisence) and All is about Feeling.
UKSociety or rather the post UK State's the aggregate opulation now is dominated by the suspension of thought and the application of thought ie action.
How To Win
British people who wish to restore Britain must do three things or the "Progressive"/Liberal Totalitarian revolutionaries will now win.
1 They must exercise their electoral parliamentary authority and elect a new patriotic party to power without this no other action will be effective.
(The Conservative and Labour parties have spent 50 years implementing the new revolutionary "Progressive" order and dissolving the moral, social, economic and political elements of the
United Kingdom)
2 They must remove Britain's internal enemies (those engaged in Demoralisation and Destabilisation across all activities including: Education, Media, Commerce Civil Service, Police,
Trades Unions, Local government, Charities, Church Voluntary Sector, etc) from all public funds, all public provison and all public positions of power.
3. They must teach the young in our National Religion, Authority, Traditions and History.
"None So Blind As Those Who Will Not See"
This is unfair.
Thoughout his life, Mr Johnson is and always has been against the British people and their institutions - that is why he gained his easy money and employment in the extremist anti-British
propaganda outlets of The Times, The Telegraph and the BBC.
It is why he became the London Mayor.
It is why he became the Leader of the anti-British "Conservative" Party.
Those who voted the Conservative Party in December 2019 refused to see what was actually in front of them and saw only what they wanted to see (a party to restore Britain).
It was an act self deception.
Disturbed by the "Transformation" of the United Kingdom that they see outside their front window, rather assist and engage in a new party to challenge it, they
clung and cling on to the sepia tinged memory of a Conservative Party - a party that previously had associated itself with the national interest but then abandoned it and set against it when
the political seas got a bit choppy and has for over 50 years now has been actively engaged in the moral, social, economic and political Dissolution of Britain.
That is what they voted for in December 2019, they must blame themselves (and accept the consequences of their vote) not Mr Johnson.
How To Lose
It has been 50 years since the Demoralisation began.
It has been 8 years since the Destabilisation took hold.
It has been12 weeks since The Crisis began.
We should not be too surprised by the social and economic dissolution or the the public dis-order on the streets of the United Kingdom over the past few weeks.
The "Transformation" of the United Kingdom from a homogenuos to a hetrogenuos society - and a Christian to Secular and a Collective to Individualistic and an Industrial to a
Service state - had to manifest itself visibly (a revolutionary critical mass) at some point.
With no parliamentary electoral opposition (the only way they can be stopped) to the 50 year old Conservative and Labour Agreed Revolutionary Manifesto,
they win.
Ackward Social Moment
Rubik's Cube
The Third Sector
Golden Age
One Choice
Shutdown and the Service Economy
Across Britain, it is Summer, the weather is fine and the flowers are blooming and the bee's bounce between them.
The dark "Transformation" (hollowing out) of the British economy from a serious industrial economy into a debt based service economy has and will compound the effects of the Shutdown
on the British people.
Unemployment, lonliness, debt, misery and lost opportunity are the signature marks of the Conservative and Labour parties Shutdown.
The Job Retention Scheme (Furlough) and associated public funds must be redesignated as the Job Retraining Scheme and extended to assist the re-industrialisation of Britain.
The Choice is simple either the British enter into ongoing social and economic crisis or they restore Britain and re-industrialise.
One Choice.
The numbers on a payroll has reduced by 600,000
and the number of "job" vacancies has reduced from 818,000to 476,000 - a reduction of 342,000
he always has been.
He is a Liberal, a "Progressive and a Marxist.
He is
(although the redistribution of his own wealth is exempt).
He has never had a real job.
He has practised the Liberal moral sloth thro
ughout his life
He is against the British.
He is the Leader of the
He legislates for No Border and Limitless Immigration and an Amnesty for Illegal immigrants.
Thoughout the National Emergency his overiding objective was to keep the Air Land and Seaports open and facilitate the continued flow of mass immigration into the United Kingdom.
Alternative Britain
by Stewart Connell
Between 2011 and 2020 Former Scottish Conservative and Unionist Parliamentary Candidate
campaigned against the Moral, Social, Economic and Political Dissolution of the United Kingdom.
Central to his work is the assertion that the Conservative and Labour parties must be defeated and marginalised and a
new national patriotic party emerge.
This book contains a collection of his unique Speeches, Articles and Papers
5th June 2020
The Incredible Shrinking Country
In the middle of the National Emergency the "Progressive" Conservative Party continues to contract the Territorial Authority of the United Kingdom.
The nominal border of the United Kingdom has been redrawn.
The new federalised political map has been put in place.
A new border has been drawn from Newport to Rhyl to Warrenpoint to Belfast to Larne to Gretna Green to Berwick Upon Tweed.
The new powers and nomenclature of the Welsh Devolved "Parliament"(Wales Act 2017), the composition, regulatory alighnment and deliniation of the "EU Withdrawal Act 2020"
and the exercise of Emergency Powers by the Scottish Devolved "Parliament" (Coronovirus Act 2020) reflect the Conservative and Labour Establishments
reduction of the British Parliament's territorial writ of Authority and the release of that Authority to other intra and extra territorial institutions.
It is the Partition of Britain.
demands dissolution and reassemblyh in the form of a new state with new elements.
In one sense the statue isssue is a "working-out" of the new state and it's outward pyhsical expression.
Christian Industrial Nation into a Secular S) requires dissolution and this cannot happen without the .....
The Conservative and Labour parties are the political conducters of the Transformation.
The Transformation will continue as long as these parties are given the votes that put them into power.
"Normalisation" - a shuffling return to a society even more fractured and atomised than the one we left on the 23 of March 2020
riven with mass unemployment, poverty, debt, misery masked with cappacinos shall arrive shortly and 'all will be right again'
except that it will not be.
The Art of Falling Apart
The image of the que of MP's waiting to pass through the lobbies
Unionist Government
Before Conservatism there was Unionism.
Economic Activity
National Assertion
The only way for the United Kingdom to reverse it's 50 year old disintegration is to re-assert it's National Authority.
New party.
It must remove it's enemies (in Education, Media, Commerce Local government, Charitiesetc) from all public funds and public provison.
Officialdom and Corporatedom
The British are drag of
The "Normalisation" now arriving at towns and cities near you is underwritten by both the Conservative and Labour parties.
As the British emerge blinking into the daylight from from their imprisonment they are finding that "Normalisation" is marked by the full use of state power
(Police, Education, Public institutions and funds and assisted by corporatedom and the "progressive" media) against the last vestiges of Britishness
(religious, social and cultural - Political Britain ended in 1990) :
statues, flags, building names and other symbols (all symbols) of the old British Nation.
The institutions of the United Kingdom now abet and embed the "Transformation" into the New Secular, Atomised, Sevicised State.
No Police No Order
The Surrender of the Police to
The Crisis that the United Kingdom is now in reflects the 50 year old Demoralisation and Destabilisation of
the Nation and it's "Transformation" (remoulding) into a Godless, Identityless, Industrialess, Nationless State
The revolution begun in the 1960s has now come to full effect.
The Demoralisation has hollowed out the moral social economic and political substance of Britain.
One of consequences of this is that the movement from a homogenuous nation to a hetrogenuous state is that officaldom and corporatedom occupy themselves not with general administration or the general pursuit of a profit but they become engaged in the continual management of the different new political groups either colour or homosexuals.
The Transformation is working it's way through society altering all political relationships.
National Self Destruction
It has been 50 years since the Demoralisation set in.
It has been 8 years since the Destabilisation took hold.
It has been12 weeks since The Crisis began.
We should not be surprised by social dissolution of the past weeks or the disorder on the streets.
The "Transformation" of the United Kingdom from a Christian Industrial Nation into a Secular State
(including the movement from a homogenuos to a hetrogenuos society) requires dissolution and this cannot happen without the .....
The Conservative and Labour parties are the political conducters of the Transformation.
The Transformation will continue as long as these parties are given the votes that put them into power.
"Normalisation" - a shuffling return to a society even more fractured and atomised than the one we left on the 23 of March 2020
riven with mass unemployment, poverty, debt, misery masked with cappacinos shall arrive shortly and 'all will be right again'
except that it will not be.
first generation after the war
- the student radicals, revolutionaries and progenitors of the "counterculture" were about 20 years old in 1965 -
The United Kingdom must preserve itself.
Those revolutionaries who plot and engage in the dissolution of the British Nation must meet the full force of the constituted parliament Representative Authority of the Nation.
Rather than bend the knee to subversion and abandon of the Rule of Law, all of the institutions of the United Kingdom must now assert the Authority and Integrity of the Nation.
The revolutionaries - including the Conservative and Labour parties - either through mililtary, police or other uniformed institutions or through their expullsion from public funds
no public housing no education no in short they mustbe excluded from the Nation that they subvert and undermine.
The Nation must defend itself and assert it's Authority
State of Shock 2
The dissolution of the the United Kingdom has occured
The Party
The Art of Falling Aprt
High Tension Wiretr
Roads and buildings
faith and debt and indus
The Self Revolution
New Covenanters
the real thing
Them and Us
central fugal force
Them and Us
Christian Parliamentary Nation
homogen to hetro
Conservative PM
"Officers can take part"
Homosexual demos
One of the consequences movement from a homogeuous nation to a hetrogenuos state involves
is the effort, resources and app divertnat oll pursuits
The Plastic State
The end of political Britain in November 1990 closed the door on organised political resistance to the revolutionary "progressive" movement through the established Conservative
and Labour parties while opening the door to a new line of "progressive" Primeministers Major, Blair,Brown, Cameron, May and Johnson whose primary function was and is to
manage the new post Nation - Container State.
From 1990 the Container State - the structural remains of the United Kingdom - has been in "Transformation" especially in the social and cultural and constitutional dimensions
(the moral and economic dimension altered in the 1960s', 70s and 80s).
Today in the twilight of the remains of the United Kingdom mass imigration and debt and
opened the door
The Official superatomisation of British society as a direct consequence of The Shutdown is being conducted in the useless incompetence, slap dash methods that we have come to expect.
For fifty years the incompetent maladministration, degraded education standars and general decomposition of practical knowledge rather than shallow knowledge.
The shattering of the United Kingdoms social and economic refflects
Central London is monitored.
The Man in the Mirror
The United Kingdom has shattered morally, socially, economically and politically.
The Conservative and Labour Establishment can only be blamed for so much - they have not taken power by armed revolution.
They have taken power through the votes that the British people have freely given to them through the ballot box for over 50 years.
If the British people wish to restore their country then they must freely give their vote to a new party that will do that.
5th June 2020
The Incredible Shrinking Country
In the middle of the National Emergency the "Progressive" Conservative Party continues to contract the Territorial Authority of the United Kingdom.
The nominal border of the United Kingdom has been redrawn.
The new federalised political map has been put in place.
A new border has been drawn from Newport to Rhyl to Warrenpoint to Belfast to Larne to Gretna Green to Berwick Upon Tweed.
The new powers and nomenclature of the Welsh Devolved "Parliament"(Wales Act 2017), the composition, regulatory alighnment and deliniation of the "EU Withdrawal Act 2020"
and the exercise of Emergency Powers by the Scottish Devolved "Parliament" (Coronovirus Act 2020) reflect the Conservative and Labour Establishments
reduction of the British Parliament's territorial writ of Authority and the release of that Authority to other intra and extra territorial institutions.
It is the Partition of Britain.
Hoisted With Their Own Petard
The image of MP's attempting to "Social Distance" while waiting to vote in the lobbies reflects not just the consequence of the Coronovirus Act 2020
(passed with no vote - similar to but with greater parliamentary approval than the Scotland Act 1998 (Modification of Schedule 5) Order 2013 which permitted the 2014 referendum to
provide a cover to dissolve the United Kingdom)
but all of the Policy and Culture that the Conservative and Labour Establishment Caste and it's 50 year old
"Progressive" Agenda" have created and ruined Britain and crashed it into the mud in 2020.
Unfortunately for them they are now tangled in the wreckage.
not just their compliance in voting for the Coronovirus Act 2020 but their (and previous MP's compliance) over 50years.
"Hoist with his own petard"
Rather than have an HOMOGENUOUS common identity and common
territory he British people are to relinquish and transform THE nATION into an aggregate of competing individuals and immigrant groups
possession of the United Kingdom
With nono concertn for the ingetrity of the British population and no debate PM ABD jOHNSON the ldr of the pal cp advocates that 0ver 3m chinese hong kong citizrns shoul be be permitted entry into the uk.
mr Johnsnon not content with a policy of limitles immigration already supports an amnesty for the millions of illegal immigrants that have already arrived.
High Tension Wiretr
Roads and buildings
faith and debt and indus
The Self Revolution
The Art of Falling Apart
The image of the que of MP's waiting to pass through the lobbies
The Plastic State
The end of political Britain in November 1990 closed the door on organised political resistance to the revolutionary "progressive" movement through the established Conservative
and Labour parties while opening the door to a new line of "progressive" Primeministers Major, Blair,Brown, Cameron, May and Johnson whose primary function was and is to
manage the new post Nation - Container State.
From 1990 the Container State - the structural remains of the United Kingdom - has been in "Transformation" especially in the social and cultural and constitutional dimensions
(the moral and economic dimension altered in the 1960s', 70s and 80s).
Today in the twilight of the remains of the United Kingdom mass imigration and debt and
The New Covenantors
The Conservative and Labour Establishment intrTycoon
uced the Coronovirus Act 2020.
The Act has banned religous Assembly and Marriage.
We must gather in the fields.
The Real Thing
The Shutdown has merely amplified the "Transformation" of the Bristish Christian Industrial Nation into a Godless Service State.
The defeat of the "Captains of Industry"
(and with them the 1950's Tripartite approach of directing British industry - government, industry and trade unions)
by the "Takeover Tycoons" (Slater, Goldsmith and Rowland and Aspinall etc and based in the Claremont Club)
in the 1960s led to the capitalisation of British industrial assets in both physical and social and economic dimensions.
However thro the 1970s and into the 1980's by the late 1980's the young British business buccaneers began to recognise that the exclusive capitalisation and liquidation of industrial econoic and social integrated in a social balnket
assest's would lead to not just economic colalpse and the movement of manufacturing to the asian continent while at the same time mass movement of asian populations into UK.
through the 1
1970's and 1980's.
Assisted by deregulation and asset liquidation.
"scocial distancing regulation of proximity and space.
Test and Trace self registration and historic tracing and tracking.
The United Kingdom has become an Offical Chessboard country where our every step and direction is now regulated by the State.
Natural human interaction and physical expression is now regulated by the State.
The "Progressive" Panic and Fear
State fronted by the Conservative Partry
Captains and Tycoons
Leisure and Pleasure
The Art of Falling Apart
The Official superatomisation of British society as a direct consequence of The Shutdown is being conducted in the useless incompetence, slap dash methods that we have come to expect.
For fifty years the incompetent maladministration, degraded education standars and general decomposition of practical knowledge rather than shallow knowledge.
The shattering of the United Kingdoms social and economic refflects
50 Year Old Party
The Incredible Shrinking Country
In the middle of the National Emergency the Conservative Party continues to contract the Territorial Authority of the United Kingdom.
The nominal border of the United Kingdom is being redrawn. It is the Partition of Britain.
A new border has been drawn from Newport to Rhyl to Warrenpoint to Belfast to Larne to Gretna Green to Berwick Upon Tweed.
A new federalised political map has been put in place by intent and stealth.
The "Constitution, Democracy & Rights Commission" directed by Gove, Buckland and Braverman is set to consolidate and codify and expand the "Progressive Transformation"
of the British Constitution (singular authority and common application) into a new constitution that is mulit-athorised - the present arrangement of British authorisation of legislative devolvewd institutions is reversed (creedping federalism) leading to the legislatively devolved territories aquiring authority through the failure to police the existing limits of devolved/Reserved matters, the general progressive posture and culture of the establishment Caste and then the tidying up function of legislation.
and federalised
interpretation of the
London a new proto City State with a different population meanwhile accrues power (and money) within it's land border of the M25)
The new powers and nomenclature of the Welsh Devolved Parliament, the composition, regulatory alighnment and deliniation of the "EU Exit" Agreement and the exercise of Emergency
Powers by the Scottish Devolved Parliament reflect the self imposed, systematic reduction of the British Parliament's territorial writ of Authority and the aquiring of that authority by other
The Conservative and Labour Establishment are dissolving the United Kingdom.
It is the Partition of Britain.
Border checkpoints are to be constructed at Warrenpoint, Belfast and Larne while along Offa's Dyke a new "Welsh Parliament" has been established.
The line between Gretna Green and Berwick upon Tweed now delineates a separate health and movement policy in the middle of a United Kingdom wide National Emergency.
London (a proto city-state) meanwhile floats in a sea of conflict with the national government while across England, Liverpool and other councils are
departing from government direction.
The 50 year old Party
(Pay Back)
Through the years We have used the metaphor of a party to descirbe what has happened to Britain.
Today the bills in terms of both money for the drink and food and entertainment and the wear and tear on the fabric of the house has arrived
(including the impact of those who gatecrashed)
It is no surprise that a tax take is now being considered.
It is time for those who have benefitted from the ruin of the United Kingdom and looked the other way disolution
(in salaries, pensions and allowances)
to start to make their postponed contribution.
pay their p
18% :)
set free
Not Bothered
The Real Thing
Cheap Dialogue
Asian Boom
The political stock market has reported a boom in Primeminister Johnson Muticultural Cabinet.
Sunick Javid Patel Bravermanx x
4/22 = 5.5
No Nation
The Art of Falling Apart
The Incredible Shrinking Country
The Conservative and Labour Establishment are dissolving the United Kingdom.
It is the Partition of Britain.
Border checkpoints are to be constructed at Warrenpoint, Belfast and Larne while along Offa's Dyke a new "Welsh Parliament" has been established.
The line between Gretna Green and Berwick upon Tweed now delineates a separate health and movement policy in the middle of a United Kingdom wide National Emergency.
London (a proto city-state) meanwhile floats in a sea of conflict with the national government while across England, Liverpool and other councils are
departing from government direction.
The 50 year old Party
(Pay Back)
Through the years We have used the metaphor of a party to descirbe what has happened to Britain.
Today the bills in terms of both money for the drink and food and entertainment and the wear and tear on the fabric of the house has arrived
(including the impact of those who gatecrashed)
It is no surprise that a tax take is now being considered.
It is time for those who have benefitted from the ruin of the United Kingdom and looked the other way disolution
(in salaries, pensions and allowances)
to start to make their postponed contribution.
pay their p
The Shutdown
medical water food electricity and sewage.
Electoral Politics or Bust
unless electoral politics new party all the opposition to the cale will be for nothing.
Under the Surface
(An Old and Meaningful Economy)
One of the consequences of the Shutdown (excluding the un-human "social distancing - No Contact/No Touch regulations)has been a re-assertion of more natural patterns of social activity and a re-orientation of economic activity back towards more simple and meaningful activities and products.
Wether it's taking the dog for a walk or getting out on a bicycle (bike sales have ioncreased by over 400%) the old pre - 1960's "progressive" economy is not that far away.
(See Above Tab: Not going Back)
know and prod mtr
dev ca and p
generate and distribute other items social industry retail
The Liberal/"Progressive" State is embedded in the Education sector effectively a State within a State.
It is also a machine for propaganda conduit for mass immigration and a mechanism for the suppression of Free Speech and Association.
All at the British Taxpayers expense.
It is time to restore Education, the pusuit and exploration of thought and knowledge and of course the transmission of Authority.
The United Kingdom Education Budget is about £90 billion a year.
There are about 130 univerisites in the United Kingdom.
They are largely limited in academic pursuit and overpopulated, in short they are simply money machines.
It is a racket.
Universities should now be reduced to about 36.
This will increase the quality of output and general functioning of the university sector and not least fire the quest for knowledge and discovery - progress in the ture meaning of the word.
Higher education institutions should return to College of Technology status.
The size of University rolls should be contained at about 3000 and the practice of permitting foriegn student enrollment should end
Universities should draw the most qualified from a local pool and supplement from the national pool.
The shift from the "Progressive" Mass University Attendance ideology can release hundreds of thousands of young British into debtless, satisfying, reasonably paid and regular essential
trade, craft and vocational employment.
(See Above Tab: "Not Going Back")
ITV Fracnchise
It is time to remove the ITV Franchise from the present holders and reissue the original territorial franchise to authentic local and regional compaines not generic, global, false flag entities.
Introducing ...James Purnell
In the second of our "Introducing" series we introduce our visitors to another of the "Progressive" agents being paid by the British taxpayer to demolish Britain
James Purnell
BBC Executive
BBC's Director of Radio and Education
Salary £315,000
(over £1,600,000 since 2013)
Former Labour MP and Cabinet Minister
Project Director for DEMOS
Special Advisor to Tony Blair
State of Shock
The country is in a state of shock.
Unable to come to terms with the deep political reasons (50 years of Liberal/"Progressive" ideology) that has brought it to Crisis.
The country is unable to come to terms with what must be done to get it out.
(See Above Tab: "Not Going Back")
The Paris Embassy
Since November 1990 the (Liberal/"Progressive") Conservative and Labour Establishment have dominated British politics.
Culture today is their culture and the Official Panic of 2020 and The Official Fear is their Panic and their Fear.
They are responsiblenot just for the Fear but for the "Progressive" culture that has fanned it.
The Defeat of Political Britain in November 1990 has led the country into the Shutdown of 2020.
Independent State of Liverpool
The British government has refused to take action while the devolved Scottish Parliament has breeched the legal provicions of the Scotland Act 1998 by intruding into Reserved matters ie the Constitution and Foriegn Affairs (including spending money).
It is no surprise that Liverpool Council has learned this Lesson.
Open Up50 years of
The Paris Embassy
The Incredible Shrinking Country
Open Up
It is time to end the ("Progressive") Conservative Party's Panic and it's social and economic Shutdown.
It is time to Open Up.
The Nation must return to general social and economic activity and then decide its's course.
The longer the Shutdown continues the more difficult it will be to return and the price of the Shutdown in social and economic terms will be higher.
It is the sick, the lonley, the poor, the young and the old who are baring and will bare the heaviest price of the Shutdown.
They must be protected.
1 The United Kingdom Border must be closed (except for goods).
2 The devolved institutions must be suspended (including the London Assembly) and direct and singular British government restore3 The general population must return to general activity.
4 The Listed population (government registered over 60's/infirm, those with medical conditions and the disabled) be advised to be cautious in their contact and to recieve a state income.
5 Social Distancing replaced by Polite Proximity
6 No General Tracking (research only)
7 No Tracing (research only)
8 Introduction of a single National Standard and Physical Evidence Declaration of Cause of Death on Death Certificate.
(Upon penalty of imprisonment)
can continue to be supported through public funds.
1 Close the Border.
2 Prorouge all devolved assemblies including the London Assembly. (C
3 The general population must return to general activity
5 Polite Proximity.
- either to go back to the Secular Service State that we left on Monday 23rd 2020 or to restore Britain as a Christian Industrial Nation.
Starting from here the United Kingdo.
close the border
abolish devolution
gen pop
listed pop
Starting From Here
The "Progressive" Establishment Panic must end.
The longer the Shutdown exists the less
The overiding objective of the government must be to ensure that the Nation is prepared for winter.
Infrastucfuresa and the general rythmns of society must be restored. Medicine water food electricity transport routes must be secured. is not just a vechile for comment or campaign activity. It advoccates policy and most of all it advocates political electoral representation through the traditional British ballot box.
The Art of Falling Apart
the establishment of border checks at warrenpoint belfast an larne
The governance of the UK is a serious matter and must not be left to the sixty year old progressive cult or the politiciseed middle aged Rich Kids or their over promoted over paid apperatchiks in the public sector (including the Fake charities) that serve them.
This entire Caste and it's minions (who led the country into the Panic and are keeping it there) must be removed and that can only be done through the ballot box
The Last Throw of the Dice
In an attempt to flee from itself the Conservative Party selected Mr Johnson to lead them. Oh dear oh well nevermind.
It's not so funny anymore
Starting From Here
The "Progressive" Establishment Panic must end.
The longer the Shutdown exists the less
The overiding objective of the government must be to ensure that the Nation is prepared for winter.
Infrastucfuresa and the general rythmns of society must be restored. Medicine water food electricity transport routes must be secured.
1 Close the Border.
2 Prorouge all devolved assemblies including the London Assembly. (C
3 The general population must return to general activity
4 The Listed population should be advised to be limted in their contact and to revieve a state income.
5 Polite Proximity.
British Unionist Party
We are witnessing the falling apart of the United Kingdom.
Gripped by "progressive" panic over the Imperial college report on the emergence of a new coronovirus strain the Conservative and Labour Establishment have weaponised.
Now they
The Conservative and Labour Eastablishmemnt's Shutdown has shattered thesocial and economic and political
riggered 30 years of political and cultural tby the "progressive"
At least 20,000 people infected with coronavirus entered the UK before lockdown, but fewer than 300 were quarantined, official figures reveal.
These arrivals would have infected some 50,000 more people given the World Health Organisation’s assessment of an average transmission rate at the start of March of between 2 and 2.5.
Figures provided to the home affairs committee by the Home Office show that between January 1 and the end of March 18.1 million people entered the UK without any health checks including from coronavirus hotspot countries. Of these, just 273 were quarantined.
starting from here
The Contraction of the United Kingdom
The recal of the uk mbr of the EU the covid and the nonmenclature of thewa
reflect the contracttion of the uk
the eua has led to redesig of the west border to warr bel and larne gretna green tp berwick and from chester to mon
Meanwhile England (exclud the new city state of London) wasteland
MAY 16 2020
Wrestling in the Mud
The United Kingdom having shattered it's society and it's econonomy is now wrestling with itself in the mud.
The Conservative and Labour Establishment's Official Panic and Official Policy of Fear has let loose a
one of the "progressive" most deeply held beliefs - The Codification of Behaviour.
The "progressive" cult has always been of a totalitarian and utopian character, where individual thought (of spiritual
and temporal matters) and physical empirical, evidence is removed from the public space and the populations thought
and physical movement and action are controlled like a pawn on a chessboard.
A chessboard similar to the squares in your local supermarket.
Official Fear is now the currency of government.
Official Codification (of Total Movement and Interaction) is now government policy.
Wether it's control via the app on your phone or a test regime or coloured squares on a
shop floor.
this is where "progressive"Conservative and Labour Caste have taken the country.
The Throw of The Dice
Mr Johnson was trhe last throw of the dice for the Conservative arty
The United Kingdom land and sea and air border must be secured and closed (with the exception of designated essential item activity ie import of medical and food). Close
The legislatively devolved institutions and the London Assemby must be prorouged and government conducted through the secretaries of state for those territories.
Suspend Devolution
The general population should return to work and public transport. General Population Return
The Listed Population Listed Population Limited
NHSand Schools Return
National Number Control
Specific Test
No Trace
Nightingale and PPE
Old Folk's Homes
Essential Retraining Stipend
Non Essential Detachment
Wonderful Walls
A Church of Scotland Minister recently preached how terrible walls were.
He was of course preaching in a church with walls and would return to a manse with walls.
The Purpose of Economy Again
National Grid
At a time of national emergency it is vital that electricity is secure and reliable.
The weather is generally favourable.
Now is the time to ensure electricity provision for Autumn and Winter is secure.
Like wise other
Matthew 18:20 King James Version (KJV)
20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the mi
dst of them.
British Unionist Party
At we have advocated for the establishment of a new political party to challenge and marginalise both the Conservative and Labour parties and
the "progressive" establishment in general.
We hold to the opinion that such a party must be a nation-wide party and offer a broad manifesto of national restoration including the reversal of the
"progressive"policies of the past 60 years.
We also take the view that such a party must have it's roots in the self-recognition and history of the British people.
We are pleased to note the further development of the British Unionist Party (BUP).
See the above tab.
Steady The Buffs
at we hold the opinion that rather than
keep the United Kingdom's border open, the home imprisonment of the guiltless population and the destruction the economy and the shutdown Parliament
as agreed by the Conservative and Labour Establishment there was another option.
The United Kingdom could have adopted a measured and proporionate approach to COVID 19:
1. Closed the land air and sea border in January.
(Any repatriation flights should have been directed to a dedicated and secure reception island - identified and prepared years ago for such a purpose).
2. Advised the "Listed Population" (government registered pensioners (over 60's/disabled and other risk groups) to remain at home for 12 weeks pending a regular Parliamentary
review of a broad range of professional advice.
3. Introduced proportionate personal, social and medical advice and sourced and supplied barrier materials to the general population (hand gel and gloves) and advised them to carry on
reasonable patterns of social and economic behaviour.
Them and Us
they are not us.
Starting from Here
Not Going Back
28th April 2020
The Shutdown of the Economy (driven more by the Conservative and Labour parties "progressive" fashion than by evidence and serious thought)
has impacted deeply on a society that was already highly atomised.
the psychological and physical interac
Practical Operation
a far more difficult objective than to Shutdown
- the nod to re-open limited
(including the marginalisation of Parliamentary Representative, Democracy, the crashing of the economy, closing of a large part of the NHS,
the banning of religous assembly and the banning of marriage and the expansion of abortion)
After the National Curfew the British people must decide in a General Election:
to return to a Secular Service State
to restore the Christian Industrial Nation that was thrown away.
In the United Kingdom, 1960 marked the end of one political Epoch and the begining of another - The Liberal Age.
The Liberal Age saw the throwing away of all the essential elements of Britain as a Christian Industrial Nation.
On Monday 23rd of March 2020 that political Epoch was suspended.
The Nation has a second chance.
Primordial Mud
At we have since 2011 charted the descent of the United Kingdom from a Christian Industrial Nation into a Secular Service State and what that means for the
The United Kingdom has now landed in the moral, social, economic and political mud.
, a time to reflect.
we left that Epoch.
and entered a new Epoch.
There are those who believe that society will shortly press a magic button and switchback to the society of Monday 23rd of March 2020.
This will not happen.
The New Covenantors
The Coronus Act 2020 closed churches.
The denomonation that is officially the Church of Scotland claims that it's General Assembly
banned weddings
mbly is the highest court and law making body on.
While Matt Hancok thanked the Muslim population in the United Kingdom for thier sacrifice during the Curfew as they entered Ramadam
he made no mention of the Christian people of this country (which is still legally and constitutionally a Christian Protestant country).
The original Covenanters gathered in fields to practice their faith
Today the fields are still open.
Not Going Back
21st April 2020
The Conservative Party refuse to close the UK Border.
Hundreds of thousands continue to enter the United Kingdom.
Watch scheduled and chartered passenger aircraft arrive in United Kingdom.
1. Matt Hancock Health Secretary admits 15,000 passengers are entering via airports per day.
(480,000 entries (narrow estimate) since 23rd March until 20th April 2020
2. Latest Official Immigration Number
December 2018 - December 2019
(In 2020, Newcastle has an official population of about 320,000)
*The latest official immigration Permanent entry side number released by the Office of National Statistics (ONS).
This number includes the discredited randon sample method called the International Passenger Survcey (IPS)**.
It does not include any illegal entry or any in year immigrant descendent number.
On the Temporary entry side - the visa entry numbers are about:
Work 194,000
Study 222,000
Family 200,000
Asylum etc 20,000
Total Temporary is about 636,000
Total entries in 2019 (Passenger Arrivals 144.7 million - including UK residents).
The International Passenger Survey is the method used for compiling the United Kingdom's official immigration statistics. is opposed to IPS - it is a dangerous sham intentionally designed and used to deflate and hide the actual entry
numbers into the United Kingdom.
We support an EntryExit system to record all movement across the United Kingdoms's land, sea and air frontier.
We recommend the following piece by Dominic Casciani who exposes the IPS method
Offa's Dyke
In the middle of a National Emergency the Conservative Party will take another step in breaking up the United Kingdom.
On the 6th of May 2020 (DV) the National Assembly for Wales is to be renamed the Welsh Parliament as legislated for in Section 9 of the Wales Act 2017.
The "Parliament" will also receive new powers on the subjects of the institution's name, franchise and general operation.
Legislation on these subjects will be exercised not on a simple single vote majority but by creeping "supermajorityism" (a majority of one is not recognised as a majority and a specified higher
threshold of majority is required similar to the "supermajorityism" that we saw put into the Fixed Parliaments Act 2011 and was used in the House of Commons in 2019 where a
majority is two thirds of parliaments 650 MP's ie 434.
This is all part of the fiction being built by the "progressive" establishment (including the BBC) that the United Kingdom is composed of four nations in order to replace the British
Constitution with a new, secular, and federal constitution.
Offa's Dyke
On 6 May 2020, the National Assembly for Wales (hereafter “the Assembly”) will officially be renamed, adopting the new title of Senedd Cymru / Welsh Parliament. The change comes as a result of section 9 of the Wales Act 2017, amending the Government of Wales Act 2006 (hereafter “GOWA”) to include the new section 111A which transfers to the Assembly the power to legislate on matters relating to its electoral and operational arrangements.
The new powers transferred under the 2017 Act were in keeping with recommendations made in Part II of the Silk Commission Report (R.53) and included in the St. David’s Day Agreement, as well as also reflecting some similar provisions implemented in Scotland under the Scotland Act 2016. Under section 111A Government of Wales Act GOWA, the Assembly may now, by way of a two-thirds supermajority, pass legislation on protected subject-matter relating to the name, franchise or operation of the Assembly.
The first attempt at legislation under the new powers took form in the Senedd and Elections (Wales) Bill which was introduced into the Assembly in February 2019. After a number of passionate debates in the Assembly, the Bill met the supermajority requirement in a vote on 27 November 2019, receiving royal assent on 15 January 2020. The terms of the new Senedd and Elections (Wales) Act 2020 see Wales become the second part of the UK, after Scotland, to extend the franchise to 16 and 17 year olds in devolved elections. Further, as already noted, the Act also changes the name of the legislature in Wales, a change which the explanatory memorandum details was designed ‘to better reflect the evolution of its constitutional status, to the national parliament that it is today’. Developing this final point, we turn now to evaluate the constitutional position of Wales within the territorial constitution.
Conservative Party Keeps UK Border Open
No "Lockdown" at airports.
No Testing or quarantine.
Watch scheduled and chartered aircraft arrive in United Kingdom.
1. Matt Hancock Health Secretary admits 15,000 passengers are entering via airports per day.
(480,000 entries (narrow estimate) since 23rd March until 20 April 2020.
2. Latest Official Immigration Number
Decemeber 2018 - December 2019
(In 2020, Newcastle has an official population of about 320,000)
*The latest official immigration (Permanent Settlement) number released by the Office of National Statistics (ONS).
This number includes the discedited randon sample method called the International Passenger Survcey (IPS)**.
It does not include any illegal entry or any in year immigrant descendent number.
Total entries in 2019 (Passenger Arrivals 144.7 million - including UK residents)
On the "Temporary" entry side - the visa entry numbers are about:
Work 194,000
Study 222,000
Family 200,000
Asylum etc 20,000
Total "Temporary" about 636,000
The International Passenger Survey is the method used for compiling the United Kingdom's official immigration statistics. is opposed to IPS - it is a dangerous sham intentionally designed and used to deflate and hide the actual entry
numbers into the United Kingdom.
We support an EntryExit system to record all movement across the United Kingdoms's land, sea and air frontier.
We recommended the following piece by Dominic Casciani who exposes the IPS method
No Border
social economic
The Poor
Ground to a Halt.
We have argued here that the Economy must serve the Nation rather than the Nation serve the Economy.
The economy reflects the moral and social character of the Nation.
Spending public and private patterns highlights the
and below is a video that seems apt for many at this point in time.
has led to singular lifestyles and divorce and abortion.
It is coincidence that the CV Act 2020 has banned religous assemblies, banned weddings and increased the provisions in law for abortion.
In the Uk today about 1.8 million mothers are not married (about 25% of children)
Conservative Party Keeps UK Border Open
Progressive Panic No 2
The Conservative and Labour Establishment are now in Panic No 2.
Panic number 1 was trigged by the Imperial College Report on COVID 19 and now the second has been triggered by the Office of Budget Responsibility Report estimating the economic
cost (price tag) of the Coronovirus Act 2020 including over 3 million unemployed, economic activity contraction by over a third and general economic dissolution.
The "progressive" caste of politicians, media and commerce and other agents have led the United Kingdom into this mess and now the only "exit" strategy they advocate is to take the Nation
back to "progressive" policies and debt service economics that hollowed out the United Kingdom and led to the policy mess in the first place.
The Secular State and COVID 19
The National Emergency introduced in response to COVID 19 has highlighted the secularisation of the United Kingdom.
For over 60 years the position and role of the established Christian church across the United Kingdom has been marginalised.
In keeping with "progressive" policy only a temporal and secular expression of the Nation is now endorsed by "officialdom".
There has been little reference to the religous dimension by national institutions or their officials.
In previous times of National distress our National Established Religion (scripture, prayers, hymns and worship) was at the forefront of our National Effort.
Even during the National Emergency a highly politicised and secualr template is being imposed on the United Kingdom.
Her Majesty's recent Emergency National Broadcast did not include the National Anthem (A Hymn).
Progressive Panic No 2
The Secular State and COVID 19
Steady The Buffs
The National Emergency has highlighted the division, duplication and waste involved with legislative devolution.
(See "Nightingale" hospitals and "Louisa Jordan" and "Dragon Heart").
The Conservative and Labour parties support legislative devolution and are preparing for a substantial move to a new and secular and federal constitution.
This is the reason that these parties and others refer to: "the four nations", "a family of nations" and a "union of nations" such descriptions are fiction.
The United Kingdom is a Nation. Singular. Integral. A body politic.
constitutional ignaorance of cabinet ministers
(See Nightingale Hospitals, Louisa Jordan and Dragon Heart)
The refusal of the devolved Scottish Parliament executive to name the emergency field hospital in Glasgow "Nightingale" and name it "Louisa Jordan" is the most visible example.
The constitutional illiterates
The SEC in Glasgow is being converted into the NHS Louisa Jordan hospital, with an initial 300 beds, rising to 1,000 if needed, while in Wales 2,000 beds are being prepared at the Principality stadium. It is not yet clear that there will be a need for emergency hospitals in north-east or south-east England.
Not Going Back
We must not go back.
The British have a choice - either they go back to the Conservative and Labour party's Hollow Britain.
Full of
Mass abortion
Mass immigration
Mass divorce
Mass debt
Mass poverty
constitutional disintegration
One example is how we handle the matter of the implosion of the service (80/100 of the workforce and 84/100 of output)
The choice is simple either the United Kingdom attempts through massive printing of money, borrowing and new debt public private and corporate to restart the service sector and recreate the shallowness of pre-COVID 19 and all that entails and takes us back to dewbt misery lonliness etc
We must or restore Christian Industrial Britain.
A renewed and regenerated Britain full of moral, social economic military and political fibre. A Britain like the one that many can still remember.
(A strict metaphor as we cannot go back in time).
the British people decide that they want to restore the Britain that has been thrown away these last 60 years and initiate a rebuilding of the msep fibre of the Nation.
We must now redirect British resources into rebuilding our military and industrial and maritime base base we must not the service sector.
The Age of Liberalism (1960-2020) must end now.
The New Age of Great Britain must begin.
We must take this opportunity to put our young men into the army navy raf and heavy industry and infrastructure (in regular, skilled reasonably paid employment
There are millions available and ready to man new regiments, ships aircraft, coal pits power stations to be built manufacturing ready to be re-established (BL BR ETC)
of course we need a service sector and a financial sector - and the arts however the economy has been inverted through these past 60 years rather than have a national economy
composed of about 80% output industry/defence/manufacturing and about 20% services and the arts and entertainment the opposite is roughly the case
and release women and mothers from the misery and penury of forced employment to spend more time with their children and extendewd family and the wider local networks.
The nation must have an economy that serves the needs and wants of the Nation not
It is time to reknit the national fabric at all levels.
This restoration of Britain can only happen if a new party offers it and gains a majority in the House of Commons.
This is now the fundamental choice for the British people.
They must now decide.
Neglect and Failure
The Conservative and Labour Establishment ha neglaected the Nations emergency planning and provision
it has done this because it does not think about the Nation as a Nation (an example of this is the way it talks about the Uk bing a collection of countries, or the four nations of the Union or the UK bieng a family of Nations none of this is constitutionally or legally correct. THE uk is a nation singular. It is a body politic, inteegral and whole.).
the CALE only think of of thier personal collective vanity in power and money.
The most recent and cataqstophic example of this has been the diplomatic intelegence failurd regarding COVID 19.
Despite reports of COVID 19 ciculating since November 2019 government did not launch a strategy until March
The airports remain open
(Meanwhile the Coronovirus Act 2020 - passed with no dissent - made religious assemby illegal, made Marriage illegal and made abortion legal in private housing).
Dragon's Heart Hospital (Welsh: Ysbyty Calon y Ddraig)[1] is a temporary hospital opened in April 2020 in Cardiff to help deal with the impact of the 2020 coronavirus pandemic in Wales. It is the third of the NHS COVID-19 critical care hospitals set up in the United Kingdom, and the first in Wales. On completion it will have 2,000 beds,[2] making it the largest hospital in Wales, and the second largest in the United Kingdom.[3]
liberal airflight immigration
Even today in the middle of a National Emergency there are many many British who cannot handle the actuality of Britian in recent years nevermind past THREE WEEKS
THE covid 19 period.
They avoid any aspect of modern Britain - immigration, moral or social division or any other matter remotely touching on society or politics, they refuse to go into uban areas because they no longer resemble their memories and are occupied by foriegn populations.
They avoid the poor areas of cities and towns because those areas are empty and full of charity shop's, pound shops and betting shops.
They avoid stopping
Rather with money or debt they hide in a private bubble full of material consumption.
Wether it's weekend's to New York, holiday homes or cars costing as much as a house it is diversion.
They cling to a 1970s or 1980's Britain- a Britain that has gone.
For many of them they said nothing and did nothing to stop it being thrown away.
Rather they focussed on a selfish telescopic approach to their existence. Beyond their immediate familiarity and comfort nothing.
are haunted
immigration population proximity
Excel London
ExCeL London (an abbreviation for "Exhibition Centre London")[3] is an exhibition and international convention centre in the Custom House area of Newham, East London.[4] Its 100-acre (0.40 km2) site is on the northern quay of the Royal Victoria Dock in London Docklands, between Canary Wharf and London City Airport.
Abu Dhabi National Exhibitions Company (ADNEC) owns and operates the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre, which is the largest exhibition venue in the Middle East.
It is 5 miles (8 km) east of the City of London, north of the River Thames. Newham was one of the six host boroughs for the 2012 Summer Olympics and contains most of the Olympic Park including the London Stadium. The local authority is Newham London Borough Council.
Newham has the youngest overall population and one of the lowest indigenous White British populations in the country according to the 2011 UK Census. The borough has the second-highest percentage of Muslims in the UK, after the London Borough of Tower Hamlets, at 32%. A 2017 report from Trust for London and the New Policy Institute found that 36% of local employees in Newham are in low paid work; the highest percentage of any London borough. Newham also has a 37% poverty rate, which is the second-highest rate in London.[7]
When using Simpson's Diversity Index on 10 aggregated ethnic groups, the 2001 UK Census identified Newham as the most ethnically diverse district in England and Wales, with 9 wards in the top 15.[8] However, when using the 16 ethnic categories in the Census so that White Irish and White Other ethnic minorities are also included in the analysis, Newham becomes the second-most ethnically diverse borough[9] with six out of the top 15 wards, behind Brent with 7 out of the top 15 wards.
In 2018, Newham had the lowest life expectancy and the highest rate of heart disease of all London boroughs together with the London Borough of Tower Hamlets.[10]
In 2019, the BBC reported that Newham had the highest rate of tuberculosis in the UK at 107 per 100000 population, which was higher than Rwanda (69) and Iraq (45) according to WHO figures from 2013. More than 80% of TB cases in London occur in people born abroad. The UK average was 13.[11]
E20 | LONDON | Olympic Park district: Olympic Park, & parts of Stratford, Homerton, Leyton, Bow; | Newham, Waltham Forest, Hackney, Tower Hamlets |
Not Going Back
Working From Home wfh
One of the ways that the Nation can gradually restore it's Christian Industrial fabric is to utilise the internet in order that women and mothers in particular can re-orientate themselves towards their family, children, parents extendede family and local networks.
Home working (and public assistance) offers a first step to returning to more natural patterns and fufiling activities less separation and more timte for nurturing the next generation and contributing to the social blanket.
The Purpose of Economy Again
In a speech in Glasgow in 2018 we highlighted how the national economy should serve British society not the other way round (as it has increasingly for over 50 years).
The Economy does not operate in some abstract theoretical context it performs a practical social function to harness the
populations effort and talents in order to provide materials and services for it to function and reflect the natural general rythmns (needs and wants and yes, including the service sector and
the arts) of individual and national life.
To halt the general operation of the economy is to knowingly halt the general rythmn and inflict untold and unmeasreable damage (mental and physical and material) upon individual and
national life.
To halt the general operation of the economy should only be considered in extremis after full and exhaustive, intellegence led, competent and broad assement of the risk of not halting the
general opereation of the economy on the Nation.
Only then should such a decision be taken by the Cabinet and approved by our British Parliament.
crash the economy
Social and Economic Halt
human traits
depression lonliness touch contact 1.5m
corps banks
The retreat from our established religion has led to a sprititual hollowness where in previous generations there was spiritual substance and (at least) a familiarity with religous words and
music and practice.
Today both Religous Assembly and Marriage are illegal.
The conservative and Labour "progressive" establishment continue to push their destuctive agenda during the National Emergency.
Them and Us
Shop Assistants
The essential chain
Dubai and Ellie
the former cmo of scotland dr c calderwood made the mistake of going to ellie if fife and breached the"loackdown".
if she had gone to Dubai or Frankfurt she would notbreached the lockdown.
Immigration Latest
The Conservative Party's policy of Limitless Immigration continues............
Latest Official Immigration Number
Decemeber 2018 - December 2019
(In 2020, Newcastle has an official population of about 320,000)
*The latest official immigration (Permanent Settlement) number released by the Office of National Statistics (ONS).
This number includes the discedited randon sample method called the International Passenger Survcey (IPS)**.
It does not include any illegal entry or any in year immigrant descendent number.
Total entries in 2019 (Passenger Arrivals 144.7 million - including UK residents)
On the "Temporary" entry side - the visa entry numbers are about:
Work 194,000
Study 222,000
Family 200,000
Asylum etc 20,000
Total "Temporary" about 636,000
The International Passenger Survey is the method used for compiling the United Kingdom's official immigration statistics. is opposed to IPS - it is a dangerous sham intentionally designed and used to deflate and hide the actual entry
numbers into the United Kingdom.
We support an EntryExit system to record all movement across the United Kingdoms's land, sea and air frontier.
We recommended the following piece by Dominic Casciani who exposes the IPS method
No Border
social economic
The Poor
Ground to a Halt.
We have argued here that the Economy must serve the Nation rather than the Nation serve the Economy.
The economy reflects the moral and social character of the Nation.
Spending public and private patterns highlights the
and below is a video that seems apt for many at this point in time.
has led to singular lifestyles and divorce and abortion.
It is coincidence that the CV Act 2020 has banned religous assemblies, banned weddings and increased the provisions in law for abortion.
In the Uk today about 1.8 million mothers are not married (about 25% of children)
Wonderful Walls
A Church of Scotland Minister recently preached how terrible walls were.
He was of course preaching in a church with walls and would return to a manse with walls.
Of course, the walls that concerned him were in Israel America and in Belfast.
Walls are wonderful. They keep things in and they keep things out.
6 A Protestant Prince
3rd March 2020
Bailing Out the Private Sector
Note: supports part of the national economy being owned privately and operated and holding profit and shares from private business organisations be they small family shops or large national companies.
The University of Sheffield has issued a new report of note.
The report has shown a massive transfer of taxpayers money £180 billion to private corporations,
This bailout highlights the need to re/nationalise key activities in the economy.
As we have just seen with the Goldman Sacks Chancellor Rishi Sunak Budget - after over 10 years of further austerity measures the Conservative Party has now found a cart load of money and we find that all along there was not only enough money to get by but loads more to spend!!
If only we had known this back in 2008 we could have avoided misery, the debt and the lost talent and potential for a decade.
Of course it is a racket by the Conservative and Labour Establishment to siphon off billions into the service sector corporations.
At we support massive spending to repair, rebuild and regenerate the British National Economy.
However it is essential that the money spent flow into the pocket of the British working man and in turn into the houshold budget of British fanmilies and local and regional and national economy not into the service sector cardboard companies and their ethos of I'm alright Jack.
We must demolish the myth that the private part of economy is a profitable, efficient mechanism - it is not it is addicted to tax money - largely from the poor.
This has been increasingly the case these past fifty years.
There has been a shift from private risk/reward model to a politicised public funded compliant/reward model masquerading as a "Free Market" (nationally regulated) model.
We must escape from the fiction today that the "Free Market" model stands on it's own and is a generator of sound money and moral and material rectitude - it is not.
It is a disruptor (and not in a good way) and disturber of moral and material and market prudence.
The British economy must be restructured to serve the British people - the British people must no longer be structured to serve the market.
A Better Britain
Publish was established in April 2011
The following two articles were published in 2017
11th November 2017
The Thin Wall
There is a thin wall between what remains of our (historically) ordered society and it's complete breakdown.
Of course, enough electricity is still (just) being generated and transmitted through the national grid, powering cash machines and gadgets, the water, food and fuel distribution networks continue to supply the large supermarkets but as we have mentioned over the years, these highly digital managed logistical systems are highly exposed to disruption.
The dissolution of the homogenous Christian cohesive society upon which, our binding social elements have all been built (the same religion, history, language, customs, conventions, habits, mistakes, manners and general behaviours) and which provided us with practical strength during emergencies and war has had it’s impact.
These are largely gone, many do not even know their neighbours never mind speak the same language as them.
This lack of self recognition and “social intimacy” is the unspoken gap in the local fabric and of the nation itself.
In the event of a local or regional or national emergency this gap will make things worse not better.
We have also highlighted the absence of national and local organisations and the essential resources that would provide public protection and defence in the event of a local, regional or national emergency.
The British Army (and Royal Navy and Royal Air Force) and police forces are depleted and what remains is far to preoccupied with "equality and diversity" courses to deliver in strength and force the reserve and emergency provision that may be required.
The TA has been abolished and the Civil Defence Corps (comprising 330,000) no longer exists.
The organisations and institutions of government cannot function properly today while the weather is thankfully mild and thankfully there is no local, regional or national emergency.
In 2017 most homes are poor.
Most homes do not have reserve provisions of water, food, medical supplies or fuel.
The Conservative and Labour parties have created this exposure.
25th February 2017
Politics by Proxy
and the “Dictatorship of the Air”
Britons today cannot afford the bus fare to their local town centre never mind afford air travel to America or elsewhere overseas.
The recent demo’s in the United Kingdom regarding the United States of America’s entry policy
(entirely a matter for America and none of our business) is politics by proxy.
The demo’s and attendant coverage are superficially about American policy but are more deeply about Britain and the challenge to the “progressive” revolution in Britain over the past fifty years.
To the supporters of the 1960’s “progressive” movement (including the Conservative Party) their political narrative is meant to linear.
There is not meant to be another narrative.
Their opinion and outlook is meant to be the only one.
The internet (the printing press of the 21st century), the rise of independent media and the loss of the EU membership opinion poll has shattered their “worldview” and narrative.
An alternative narrative now exists, they know this and they fear it.
They fear the “progressive” revolution will be reversed.
It is no surprise that air travel and open borders and the mass movement of people are the issues that have generated so much angst and coverage among them.
Most of the advocates and virtue signallers of the new “progressive” caste travel this way (See also Vassal Territory Blog Entry 51), conveniently overlooking their precious carbon footprint and ironically, for a group so self consciously modern, they ignore all the wonders of modern technology that have reduced the need for the physical transit of people, such as (widely available) mobile phones, the internet, video conferencing and 3D printers etc.
They are largely engaged in the soft, globalised, digital, entertainment, media, service, finance sectors, and that nebulous strata of “management” that floats from one sector to another with no root in a particular discipline, knowledge or trade.
These are all activities highly suitable for digital methods of communication and output with little need for physical transit.
This new caste has echoes of the
“Dictatorship of the Air” element of H G Wells 1933 book “The Shape of Things to Come”.
It tells of a dictatorship coming to power after war, an executive emerging from the surviving transport systems across the globe and exercising power.
A dictatorship intent on creating a world state and utopia according only to their tastes and their interests.
Starting From Here
Not Going Back
Atomisation and "Lockdown"
The "Lockdown" has highlighted the hollowing out of the United Kingdom's Christian, socially bonded, industrial fibre and society and it's replacement with a secular ("progressive"),
socially atomised and service economy.
This replacement has (as we can see today) has exposed the United Kingdom on many fronts.
In particular the social atomisation of British society (solo lifstyles and divorce and abortion) has led to an increasingly smaller size of family units and many of them with no man in the household.
COVID 1960
The response to COVID 19
has the British people exposed on many fronts in the social dimension in particular the "progressive" fashions h
The Coronovirus Act 2020
The Coronovirus Act (and associated legislation) contains a number of provisions that need to be explored
The Coronovirus Act 2020 and Religion - Religous assembly and worship has been banned by the Conservative government.
The Coronovirus Act 2020 and Marriage - Marriage (and consequently, the freedom to establish a private domain) has been banned by the Conservative government.
The Coronovirus Act 2020 Abortion - DIY abortion has been approved by the Conservative government.
Constitutional Illiteracy at the Highest Level
“My parents moved to the United Kingdom, not England, because the Union represented an idea of opportunity.
I am a strong believer in our Union of four nations.
Hope that clarifies that!”
Indian Punjabi
The Chancellor is plain wrong in his carefully crafted stement in response to the assertion that he had said that England should break away because the Union did not make financial sense.
The Union is not a union of nations (a quasi federal construct - the Conservative Party line). The United Kingdom is a Nation.
It is a Singular Body Politic.
Only 79 of the 129 MSPs can currently fit in the chamber as seats have been removed to maintain social distancing rules. However only 33 are actually needed to pass a law - one quarter of members makes up a quorum.Atomisation and Curfew
The "Progressive" Culture and Panic
Generally speaking, most of the politicians from 1945-1989 (Conservative and Labour) were serious men who had personal and professional backgrounds in serious activities
either in the military or in industry.
They had been aquainted with the harsh realities of life.
They had experience of things and activities that mattered such as organising and leading groups of men into battle or to construct a power station.
They had seen much and done much (and learned much) and again, ge