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9 SAT"      Brexit" Party

 16 SAT     Tactical Voting ? It's Self Defeating

23 SAT       British Unionist Party

30 SAT       The Purpose of the Border at the Edge of the Nation

 7 SAT        Fixed Parliament Act
















ack Umbrellas, and Red, White and Blue stuff! 👍🇬🇧👍
Let's #GetSturgeonTelt to #GetIndyInTheBin



The Three Purposes of a General Election

The first purpose of a general election is to identify and confirm (or otherwise) the constituted institution of power and it's territory.

This is done by parliamentary candidates across all constituencies declaring that they will (representational) or will not (abstentionist) go and sit (be part of the whole) in the British Parliament.

(The SNP declares that they will go and take thier seats in the British Parliament even though they say the do not want to be part of it - they do this to win more votes and constituencies).

The second purpose is for the principal two parties of state to offer (differing) manifesto's so that the electorate have a choice of direction for the country.

The third purposeof a general election is to ensure that the electorate have a reasonably regular exercise of their exclusive electoral authority regarding their free governance.


After the forthcoming general election, should an SNP MP wish to remove the constituency they represent from the British Parliament, they must first resign their seat or wait for another general election and then offer themselves as abstentionist parlamentary candidates at the following constituency election.

A refusal to do so will be unconstitutional and illegal and must be met with the full force of the law and the British State. 







Primordial Mud


We are now witnessing the final descent approach of the United Kingdom into primoridal mud.


60 years ago in 1959 the United Kingdom retained a civilisation built over centuries and built upon the Christian Protestant religion.

Through two world wars and the emerging despatch of the Empire Burden ( an Empire never built on numbers but on technological power and local compliance)

Great Britain in 1959 composed a balance of the old and the new - a constitutional monarchy and nuclear power plants, and a merchant fleet and Tommy Steel etc).

Thowing away centuries and centuries of Christian civilisation and parliamentary representative democracy the country is now an empty shell.


50 years of disintegration orchestrated by the Conservative and Labour establishment has led to the final crisis.




ince the 1960's and in some cases earlier the Nation has b


The last kicks of 2014 and 2016 have evaporated.


It has thrown away everything that made it.


Built upon the Christian religion, which it wove into it's Singular Parliamentary Constitution, the United Kingdom  is now a Shell State.


It is being refilled by a secular code centered on the worship of the Self.


In 1959 all the elements moral social economic military historical administrative diplomatic governmental and poltical existed at a reasonable level that allowed the Nation not only function but function in a high and civilised fashion.


It was a successful balance of the old and new.


I any sphere you care to name - education - science - the mechant fleet,religion, philosophy the British had established themselves.


Just over fifty later the authority,society and civilisation that they built is largely gone. - hollowed out and anything left monetised.


Today the Conservative government cannot even tell if a man is man or a woman is a woman so what chance is there of it deciding if the Nation is a Nation or if it is somethingelse or if it should be Whole and Free.


We can only blame the Conservative and Labour establishment for so much (and we do), but in the final analysis, the British people must either reassert themselves politically at speed or sucumb quietly into the "Transformation" of Britain into something else


The Purpose of General Election

The first purpose is to eswtqablish where power lies - thro the common indentification and excerise of electoral authority in a parliamentary constituency

of .territiorial reach and application of and general 

The second is to authorise government by choosing between at least two parties that offer a different manifesto (contract) upon which they will govern for up to five years.

There is NO POINT in a general election if the general terms of the two or more manifesto's offered are similar and would result in the general same governance and policies. The outcome of such an arrangement would effectively be - what we have had for over 50 years - perpetual government by one agreed executive entity.

In other words however you vote (Conservative,Labour Liberals, SNP, PC etc) you will get the same government ie "Progressive" on all subjects.

How do you alter this ? by the formation of a new party that will defeat and marginalise these parties.

However there appears to be no motivation to establish such a party.


The Purpose of the Border at the Edge of the Nation


Fixed Parliament Act


For years at commonrepresentation we have warned about the Fixed Parliament Act 2011.

It is a despotic Act and must be repealed but without a new party the abandonment of a majority meaning 1 (rather than 433) is now part of the New State's constitution.



The Conservative and Anti-Unionist Party

 For one hundred years the CP been abandoning the Union rather than contributing to it's integration.

The Conservative Party thought patterns are dominated by money rather than Nationhood.

that is why it not bring itself to become the Unionist Party in 1923 and continued with the nomenclature of "Conservative".



The Union is a troublesome nuisence an embarrasment a throwback to historyfor the Conservative Party.

The Conservative party is a secular, multicultural service sector pro debt pro lonliness party that supports a secular atomised debt based service economy de-militarised de-industrialised federalised referendumised all against all state.







Once again the Conservative Party (from it's "One Nation" !!! (No Nation) faction to it's "Spartans" !!! faction) betrays the British people as it has done consistantly for over fifty years.

The new terms of membership (actully worse than the existing terms ie see the legislative embedding of three - four million Eurostate immigrants) of the Eurostate as subscribed to by the Conservative Party's "new deal" (a variation of Theresa May's terms) involve division of the Nation and continued submission to the external power and jurisdication of the Eurostate.

No part of the British Nation must sign an "export" form to buy or sell from another part of it.

This feature is about the Eurostate's encouragement of constitutional dissolution of the Nation.

The Conservative Party has once again, in front of millions of witnesses surrendered the singularity of the Nation.

 The Conservative Party is not a unionist, conservative, national, empiricist or traditional party.

It is a "progressive" party - it is part of the Conservative and Labour "Progressive" Establishement that has controlled the United Kingdom fopr over 50 years.

It is now playing the English separtist card in order for it to stay in power, of course, it cares as much for England as it does for Northern Ireland, Scotland or Wales.

The Conservative Party since the begining of the 20th century has used the territorial politics of the United Kingdom to stay in power.

It (and the others) must be ejected from power and marginalised.

Only a new party that believes in the British Nation State and armed with a broad manifesto dedicated to the restoration of the Nation can get the United Kingdom out of the Eurostate and ensure the required repair, rebuilding and renewal of the Nation in moral, social, military, economic and political terms.

 This can be done but only if the British want it.




British Unionist Party


We must have a general election but there is no point in having a general election without a new party (with a broad manifesto of national repair and restoration)

to marginalise the Conservative and Labour parties.






o Conservative Party

 The only way for the United Kingdom to escape it's dissolution is for the emergence of a new party armed with a broad manifesto to restore the United Kingdom (morally, socially, economically and politically.

It's up to you.






T and C's


The Conservative Party's new terms and conditions of membership of the Eurostate - the United Kingdom is not leaving, merely altering it's terms of membership in favour of the Eurostate) the "new terms" (worse than the present terms) are are largely the Theresa May terms supplemented with further dissolution of the constitutional, administrative and trading singularity of the British nation state.



Surrender is what the CP does.


This is not Primeminister Johnson's first betrayal it will not be his last.

New Terms of membership of the Eurostate and 

He is a progressive he is not a unionist a conservative a empiricist or traditionalist.

His "Surrender Deal" submits the UK toEurostate jurisdication and divides the United Kingdom further - tearing Northern Ireland further from it's integral place as part of the Union.

The "deal" (Mr Johnson is no business man or tradesman he has never worked in a -real- job in his life) is simply a collection of new terms for membership of the Eurostate.

The abandonment of the UK's common market and the placing of an internal customs border inside the United  Kingdom down the Irish Sea (and a complex tariff arrangement for one part of the UK) will not be lost on the SNP - or indeed Sadiq Khan (and the emerging London separatist (and English separatrist) movement).

The separatist movements across the United Kingdom will be pleased with Mr Johnson's "deal" 


We must get out Whole and Free.


The UK must be commonly governed on all matters there must be no exemptions or special status for any part of it.

  We must agree to WTO arrangement and secure the frontier.



The Kirk and The Tron


It is now 10 years since the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland (it's highest court) voted to retreat from Biblical Scripture (RE: The Rennie Case) and submit to the secular "Equality and Diversity" Code.


In 2012 the Church of Scotland's Tron Church congregation in central Glasgow, was thrown onto the streets after a writ was served on it by the Church of Scotland for holding to Biblical Scripture and contesting the 2009 General Assembly decision.


The vested interests in the Church of Scotland (the "progressive" Scottish establishment, the self appointed "middle class", the Manse, the Stipend etc) determined that those holding to Biblical Scripture would be cast out.


These two events reflect the 50 year retreat of the established church (including the Church of England) and the marginalisation of the Nations spiritual landscape


(the Roman Catholic Church would also be marginalised by the forces of the "Progressive" Cult - see the treatment of Fr Morris, Priest of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Roman Catholic Church in Glasgow - a Chaplin at Glasgow Caledonian University).


These retreats by the established church have led to a loss of direction  in national, sprititual and temporal life as well as increasing selfishness, mass misery and lonliness, debt and emptiness in private life, especially in the new secularised and atomised society, an atomised space that rather than being full of Christian witness, practice and convention is now being filled and regulated by the secular Equality and Diversity Cult. 


The new religion, of what is left of British society, is the worship of the self (pleasure), of money (debt) and material items (take your pick).




 A report has just been released by the Church of Scotland Aberdeen Presbytery Planning Officer, it announces that about 1/2 of the churches in the Presbetery will be closed and sold due to falling membership and attendance.






King James Bible


1 Corinthians 13, 1


"Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal."














The "Progressive" State is Here


While we witnesss (another) Conservative Party surrender to the Eurostate and surrender of the constitutional integrity of the Nation, these are simply the latest instalments of the Dissolution.

The "progressive" revolution is now into it's fourth or fifth generation, each one increasing under the (political,legal and social) control of the deveoping

"Progressive State"

These surrenders are the outward facing manifestations of the many dissolutions taking place inside the nation state across all subject matters.

It is the unravelled moral and social elements and bonds that are having the most immediate and profound effect on the British people the retreat from their (and the state's) Christian anchor has facilitated an "all against all" atomised society.

The loss of these elements are manifest in the external - working out - of Nationhood, indeed if we are not a Nation then, best (no need) not to worry to much about not having political inedependence or a singular, integral nationstate or a frontier or an army or a police force or an education system these and other matters are gone.


The Nation is largely dissolved morally, socially economically and politically.

A Shell State.

The consequences of the inceasing retreat from our Christian Constitution and parliamentary constituted Authority, is now to be seen every day across every subject matter from the abandonment of parliamentary convention in Parliament (clapping and reading from mobile phones) to the "Extinction Rebellion" lawbreakers on the streets of our capital city to the "Transformation" of schools and colleges universities into indoctrination centre' s.

The Trojan Horse of British politics - the "Conservative" Party - is a false flag political party - it is a progressive party dedicated to the destruction of Britain and construction of a secular corporate state.

 The "Progressive" State is here

It is another victory for the "Progresssive" revolution and another defeat for those who believe in the British parliamentary nation state.

For over fifty years the surrenders have taken place - take your pick: divorce, abortion, introduction of referendums, de-industrialisation, the European Assembly bill, mass immigration etc,etc, etc.






The Nation must return to it's true path and with it there shall be Greatness.

Re-affirmation of it's Christian witnes can it be restored.

The crc supports the union of the coe and the cos into The British Church on a model similar to that outlined by the aot Divines.

Christian, Protestant, National, Established and Catholic (Universal).












The Next Surrender









Surrender is what the Conservative Party is a Progessive party 






The Progressive Primeminister and his "Con







Reformation Sunday - Bonfire - Brixham


Arrest the "Supreme Court" Judges

Rather than enter the "Supreme Court" building and arrest the judges for breach of the Constitution - the action that a party in government and that believed in the Authority and Integrity of the British Constitution would have taken (and put them on trial in the Houses of Parliament) - the Conservative Party (like the other "progressive" parties) accepted the breach, the decision and the alteration of Hansard (the official record of Parliament) to alter the actual timeline and remove events that actually happened (yes - George Orwell 1984 and the Ministry of Truth and all that - the past (private or public) is now whatever the "progressive" parties choose it to be).

These actions reflect a substantial step in the "Transformation" of the British Christian, Parliamentary and Unitary Constitution into a secular and federal constitution and state.







The "Progressive" Primeminister 

 Mr Johnson just like the party he leads is not a unonist or a conservative or a traditionalist or an empiricist he is a "progressive".


As we  havejust seen in regard to his acceptence (rather than the of the breach of the Constitution by the "Supreme Court" (and it's will shortly see, in regard to the Eurostate and the constitutional integrity of the United Kingdom, Surrender is what the Conservative Party does.


We must get the whole of the United Kingdom out of the Eurostate and secure the consttutional and territorial integrity of the Unitred Kingdom.


After 50 years of marginalising our established church, supporting mass abortion, mass divorce, mass immigration, surrendering the political independence of the United Kingdom, introducing legislative devolution, introducing referendums, introducing mass immigration and initiating "political correctness" through the Race Relations Act, mass de-industrialisation, introducing a service economy, introducing mass debt, mass social atomisation and mass lonliness etc, the Conservative Party now asks us to support it as it masquerarades as the party that will save Britain.


It must be defeated and marginalised.


Now is the time for a new party armed with a broad manifesto dedicated to the restoration of Britain to either emerge


....or not.


The Surrender Party

 not a unionist conservative empiriscist or a traditionalist he is a progressive. 

This time it has capitulated by accepting Eurostate jursdiction and introducing a territorial division of trade inside the United Kingdom.

There is no need of a trade deal with the EU. Get out and trade on WTO terms and seek no deals with any other country. It is not fancy trade deals that busines needs. It is simple durable knowledge of the terms that exist.

Regarding the separation and ejection of Northern Ireland from the common trade terms of the United Kingdom this is another abandonment of the Union by the Conservative Party and a further consolidation of legislative devolution which has now taken initiative control of trade and in doing so placed a regulatory frontier inside the United Kingdom through the Irish Sea. This regularity frontier can now be repeated between Scotland and England and Wales.





rather than get out tonight and trade on World Trade Agreement terms it has capitulated and accepted Eurostate jurisdcation.





Whatever applies in Northern Irelan Must Apply in the rest of the United Kingdom





The Conservativ

It is the party that shut the coal pits because it claimed there was not enough public money but today at the Conservative Conference finds that there is money for this and that and the past decades of mass poverty where actually not needed at all - de-industrialisation and austerity was all a fiction. Years of misery, decades on the dole were all not required, it was all part of the Conservative Party's national betrayal.

 For 50 years the Conservative Party has either initiated or endorsed all of the "progressive"policies across the political range.

From referendums to legislative devolution to abortion to mass immigration to de-industrialisation to a referendum (restricted to 1/10 of the electorate) on the existence of the UK itself and right up to capitulation and acceptance of the "Supreme Court" entry into the parliamentary domain earlier this month.

A new party with a broad manifesto dedicated to the restoration of the UK is required not a party that has facilitated the dissolution of the Unitid Kingdom and will continue to do so.




Now in year seven of the permacrisis (since the Conservative Party launched a refrendum on the existence of the Nation itself in 2014

(50 Years in the Making)

The United Kingdom's dissolution is now taking place at the centre of it’s constitutional, parliamentary and administrative governance.


For over 50 years the United Kingdom has thrown away it’s moral, social, economic and political elements, the elements that provided a stable and secure foundation that built a society and civilisation, that even today as the embers of it burnaway, millions still make their way across half the Earth to come here.

  From the 1960’s until 2012 the demoralisation phase of the United Kingdom took place, across all areas of public policy, this was followed by the destabilisation phase starting with an unconstitutional and anti-parliamentary referendum (an opinion poll) launched in 2012 by the Conservative Party on the existence of the United Kingdom itse




is What the Conservative Party Does.


As we will shortly see, in regard to the Eurostate and the constitutional integrity of the United Kingdom, Surrender is what the Conservative Party does.

We must get the whole of the United Kingdom out of the Eurostate and secure the consttutional and territorial integrity of the Unitred Kingdom.


After 50 years of marginalising our established church, supporting mass abortion, mass divorce, mass immigration, surrendering the political independence of the United Kingdom, introducing legislative devolution, introducing referendums, introducing mass immigration and initiating "political correctness" through the Race Relations Act, mass de-industrialisation, introducing a service economy, introducing mass debt, mass social atomisation and mass lonliness etc, the Conservative Party now asks us to support it as it masquerarades as the party that will save Britain.

It must be defeated and marginalised.

Now is the time for a new party armed with a broad manifesto dedicated to the restoration of Britain to either emerge

....or not.


Boris Johnson

Let's bring this country together - with abortion, divorce,mass immigration

National Breakdown

- 50 Years in the Making -

 Over 50 years of moral, social, economic and political disintegraton has had an accumlative effect  - including what we have just seen at the - "Supreme Court".

  The Conservative and Labour Establishment have together successfully worked to hollow out the United Kingdom and they know that the United Kingdom is now dominated (at the highest institutional levels) by the "progressive" orthodoxy and a salaried "Transformational" caste of senior managers who now operate across the public services including education and the civil service, while at the same time, the nation is exposed on many fronts to social and infrastructural disturbance (disolving social cohesion, loosening of common bonds, minimal military and civil defence capacity, at risk food and water distribution and reduced national grid electricity generation and distribution etc etc) and increasing public disorder.

The United Kingdom is now in a political and constitutional crisis phase and is experiencing the disintegration of it’s constitutional, governmental and parliamentary Centre, following the disintegration of it’s perimeters through legislative devolution and the use of the referendum device.

 This phase is not primarily about Exit from the Eurostate (Exit is only an outward manifestation) it is about the 50 year old excavation of the moral, social economic and political elements of Britain, mass "Transformation" and mass imigration.

After 50 years, the decisive period of the United Kingdom's "Transformation" from a Christian, industrial, nation state into a secular, service, corporate state is now at hand.

 Arrest the "Supreme Court" Judges

 Rather than send the police to arrest the 11 "Supreme Court" judges and put them on trial in the House of Commons, the Conservative Party accepts their (breach of the Constitution) judgement. Why ? because it agrees that the British unitary constitution should be "Transformed" into a federal constitution.

The Conservative Party is the "Progressive" Establishment.


Content Not Packaging 

The Conservative Party is re-orientating it's packaging to market itself as being "patriotic" this is an advertising action and bears no relation to their manifesto.

The Conservative and Labour Parties agree on most policies and disagree on a very few.

Both of them agree on the deep and profound moral and social and political matters of the past 50 years even of the economic matters their differences are choreographed and nuanced..




The Conservativ

It is the party that shut the coal pits because it claimed there was not enough public money but today at the Conservative Conference finds that there is money for this and that and the past decades of mass poverty where actually not needed at all - de-industrialisation and austerity was all a fiction. Years of misery, decades on the dole were all not required, it was all part of the Conservative Party's national betrayal.

 For 50 years the Conservative Party has either initiated or endorsed all of the "progressive"policies across the political range.

From referendums to legislative devolution to abortion to mass immigration to de-industrialisation to a referendum (restricted to 1/10 of the electorate) on the existence of the UK itself and right up to capitulation and acceptance of the "Supreme Court" entry into the parliamentary domain earlier this month.

A new party with a broad manifesto dedicated to the restoration of the UK is required not a party that has facilitated the dissolution of the Unitid Kingdom and will continue to do so.



From Permacrisis to The New State

Now in year seven of the permacrisis (since the Conservative Party launched the refrendum on the existence of the Nation itself (50 Years in the Making)

The United Kingdom's dissolution is now taking place at the centre of it’s constitutional, parliamentary and administrative governance.


For over 50 years the United Kingdom has thrown away it’s moral, social, economic and political elements, the elements that provided a stable and secure foundation that built a society and civilisation, that even today as the embers of it burnaway, millions still make their way across half the Earth to come here.

  From the 1960’s until 2012 the demoralisation phase of the United Kingdom took place, across all areas of public policy, this was followed by the destabilisation phase starting with an unconstitutional and anti-parliamentary referendum (an opinion poll) launched in 2012 by the Conservative Party on the existence of the United Kingdom itself  and wrongly described as the "Scottish Independence referendum", in which 1/10 were permitted to participate on a limited territorial franchise and a franchise which was calibrated to favour a dissolution result.

  After 50 years of bit by bit dissolution, the British state and all it's institutions are now in collective permacrisis (whatever public subject you choose - nothing works or works as it reasonably should (all that we can reasonably ask and expect) - the contraction and privatisation and monetisation of the state and it's activities - has led to the institutionalised and service failure of the state)

  This final phase is not primarily about Exit from the Eurostate (Exit is only an outward manifestation) it is about the excavation of the moral, social economic and political elements of Britain.

  The nation has been atomised and hollowed out.

  It is being refilled with the supercharged “progressive” policies of the last third of the 20th century.

  The Conservative and Labour Establishment (and their agents in the media, commerce and the education sector (the state within a state) have successfully worked to hollow out the United Kingdom and they know that the United Kingdom is now exposed on many fronts (including the national grid).

This broad establishment - from the Conservative Party through to the SNP and the super re-numarated media, churches, trades unions, "charities", the CBI and the corporatised "voluntary" sector are now combining to challenge what is left of British Authority and the British nation state.

Their decisive moment of complete victory is at hand.



Not The “Supreme” Court campaigns against the existence of the Supreme Court set up by the Labour Party (Blair) and endorsed by Conservative and Labour parties in the Constitutional Reform Act 2005.

  The physical removal of the Law Lord’s from the House of Lord’s and their highly politicised nomenclature of the “Supreme Court” and their relocation in a separate building and administration was and is an attempt to reduce the power of the British Parliament and contribute to the establishment of a new federal state and federal legal (and “progressive” legal caste) rather than a plain part of the British body 












It's Only A Gameshow, It's Only A Gameshow

Distractions abound.

50 years of the progressive march through British morality, social bonds, a national economy, politics, military capacity and education etc has taken it's toll.

Shell state Britain has been hollowed out and is sitting silently accepting the new secular orthodoxy and all that comes with it from pushing new mothers into employment to mass imigration.



Surrender is What the Conservative Party Does

National Breakdown (50 Years in the Making)

 Arrest the "Supreme Court" Judges


 Primordial Mud

While the United Kingdom descends into the mud it is worth noting that 




Primordial Mud


The Surrender Party

 not a unionist conservative empiriscist or a traditionalist he is a progressive. 

This time it has capitulated by accepting Eurostate jursdiction and introducing a territorial division of trade inside the United Kingdom.

There is no need of a trade deal with the EU. Get out and trade on WTO terms and seek no deals with any other country. It is not fancy trade deals that busines needs. It is simple durable knowledge of the terms that exist.

Regarding the separation and ejection of Northern Ireland from the common trade terms of the United Kingdom this is another abandonment of the Union by the Conservative Party and a further consolidation of legislative devolution which has now taken initiative control of trade and in doing so placed a regulatory frontier inside the United Kingdom through the Irish Sea. This regularity frontier can now be repeated between Scotland and England and Wales.





rather than get out tonight and trade on World Trade Agreement terms it has capitulated and accepted Eurostate jurisdcation.





Whatever applies in Northern Irelan Must Apply in the rest of the United Kingdom





The Conservativ

It is the party that shut the coal pits because it claimed there was not enough public money but today at the Conservative Conference finds that there is money for this and that and the past decades of mass poverty where actually not needed at all - de-industrialisation and austerity was all a fiction. Years of misery, decades on the dole were all not required, it was all part of the Conservative Party's national betrayal.

 For 50 years the Conservative Party has either initiated or endorsed all of the "progressive"policies across the political range.

From referendums to legislative devolution to abortion to mass immigration to de-industrialisation to a referendum (restricted to 1/10 of the electorate) on the existence of the UK itself and right up to capitulation and acceptance of the "Supreme Court" entry into the parliamentary domain earlier this month.

A new party with a broad manifesto dedicated to the restoration of the UK is required not a party that has facilitated the dissolution of the Unitid Kingdom and will continue to do so.



From Permacrisis to The New State

Now in year seven of the permacrisis (since the Conservative Party launched the refrendum on the existence of the Nation itself (50 Years in the Making)

The United Kingdom's dissolution is now taking place at the centre of it’s constitutional, parliamentary and administrative governance.


For over 50 years the United Kingdom has thrown away it’s moral, social, economic and political elements, the elements that provided a stable and secure foundation that built a society and civilisation, that even today as the embers of it burnaway, millions still make their way across half the Earth to come here.

  From the 1960’s until 2012 the demoralisation phase of the United Kingdom took place, across all areas of public policy, this was followed by the destabilisation phase starting with an unconstitutional and anti-parliamentary referendum (an opinion poll) launched in 2012 by the Conservative Party on the existence of the United Kingdom itse




is What the Conservative Party Does.


As we will shortly see, in regard to the Eurostate and the constitutional integrity of the United Kingdom, Surrender is what the Conservative Party does.

We must get the whole of the United Kingdom out of the Eurostate and secure the consttutional and territorial integrity of the Unitred Kingdom.


After 50 years of marginalising our established church, supporting mass abortion, mass divorce, mass immigration, surrendering the political independence of the United Kingdom, introducing legislative devolution, introducing referendums, introducing mass immigration and initiating "political correctness" through the Race Relations Act, mass de-industrialisation, introducing a service economy, introducing mass debt, mass social atomisation and mass lonliness etc, the Conservative Party now asks us to support it as it masquerarades as the party that will save Britain.

It must be defeated and marginalised.

Now is the time for a new party armed with a broad manifesto dedicated to the restoration of Britain to either emerge

....or not.


Boris Johnson

Let's bring this country together - with abortion, divorce,mass immigration

National Breakdown

- 50 Years in the Making -

 Over 50 years of moral, social, economic and political disintegraton has had an accumlative effect  - including what we have just seen at the - "Supreme Court".

  The Conservative and Labour Establishment have together successfully worked to hollow out the United Kingdom and they know that the United Kingdom is now dominated (at the highest institutional levels) by the "progressive" orthodoxy and a salaried "Transformational" caste of senior managers who now operate across the public services including education and the civil service, while at the same time, the nation is exposed on many fronts to social and infrastructural disturbance (disolving social cohesion, loosening of common bonds, minimal military and civil defence capacity, at risk food and water distribution and reduced national grid electricity generation and distribution etc etc) and increasing public disorder.

The United Kingdom is now in a political and constitutional crisis phase and is experiencing the disintegration of it’s constitutional, governmental and parliamentary Centre, following the disintegration of it’s perimeters through legislative devolution and the use of the referendum device.

 This phase is not primarily about Exit from the Eurostate (Exit is only an outward manifestation) it is about the 50 year old excavation of the moral, social economic and political elements of Britain, mass "Transformation" and mass imigration.

After 50 years, the decisive period of the United Kingdom's "Transformation" from a Christian, industrial, nation state into a secular, service, corporate state is now at hand.

 Arrest the "Supreme Court" Judges

 Rather than send the police to arrest the 11 "Supreme Court" judges and put them on trial in the House of Commons, the Conservative Party accepts their (breach of the Constitution) judgement. Why ? because it agrees that the British unitary constitution should be "Transformed" into a federal constitution.

The Conservative Party is the "Progressive" Establishment.


Content Not Packaging 

The Conservative Party is re-orientating it's packaging to market itself as being "patriotic" this is an advertising action and bears no relation to their manifesto.

The Conservative and Labour Parties agree on most policies and disagree on a very few.

Both of them agree on the deep and profound moral and social and political matters of the past 50 years even of the economic matters their differences are choreographed and nuanced..




The Conservativ

It is the party that shut the coal pits because it claimed there was not enough public money but today at the Conservative Conference finds that there is money for this and that and the past decades of mass poverty where actually not needed at all - de-industrialisation and austerity was all a fiction. Years of misery, decades on the dole were all not required, it was all part of the Conservative Party's national betrayal.

 For 50 years the Conservative Party has either initiated or endorsed all of the "progressive"policies across the political range.

From referendums to legislative devolution to abortion to mass immigration to de-industrialisation to a referendum (restricted to 1/10 of the electorate) on the existence of the UK itself and right up to capitulation and acceptance of the "Supreme Court" entry into the parliamentary domain earlier this month.

A new party with a broad manifesto dedicated to the restoration of the UK is required not a party that has facilitated the dissolution of the Unitid Kingdom and will continue to do so.



From Permacrisis to The New State

Now in year seven of the permacrisis (since the Conservative Party launched the refrendum on the existence of the Nation itself (50 Years in the Making)

The United Kingdom's dissolution is now taking place at the centre of it’s constitutional, parliamentary and administrative governance.


For over 50 years the United Kingdom has thrown away it’s moral, social, economic and political elements, the elements that provided a stable and secure foundation that built a society and civilisation, that even today as the embers of it burnaway, millions still make their way across half the Earth to come here.

  From the 1960’s until 2012 the demoralisation phase of the United Kingdom took place, across all areas of public policy, this was followed by the destabilisation phase starting with an unconstitutional and anti-parliamentary referendum (an opinion poll) launched in 2012 by the Conservative Party on the existence of the United Kingdom itself  and wrongly described as the "Scottish Independence referendum", in which 1/10 were permitted to participate on a limited territorial franchise and a franchise which was calibrated to favour a dissolution result.

  After 50 years of bit by bit dissolution, the British state and all it's institutions are now in collective permacrisis (whatever public subject you choose - nothing works or works as it reasonably should (all that we can reasonably ask and expect) - the contraction and privatisation and monetisation of the state and it's activities - has led to the institutionalised and service failure of the state)

  This final phase is not primarily about Exit from the Eurostate (Exit is only an outward manifestation) it is about the excavation of the moral, social economic and political elements of Britain.

  The nation has been atomised and hollowed out.

  It is being refilled with the supercharged “progressive” policies of the last third of the 20th century.

  The Conservative and Labour Establishment (and their agents in the media, commerce and the education sector (the state within a state) have successfully worked to hollow out the United Kingdom and they know that the United Kingdom is now exposed on many fronts (including the national grid).

This broad establishment - from the Conservative Party through to the SNP and the super re-numarated media, churches, trades unions, "charities", the CBI and the corporatised "voluntary" sector are now combining to challenge what is left of British Authority and the British nation state.

Their decisive moment of complete victory is at hand.



Not The “Supreme” Court campaigns against the existence of the Supreme Court set up by the Labour Party (Blair) and endorsed by Conservative and Labour parties in the Constitutional Reform Act 2005.

  The physical removal of the Law Lord’s from the House of Lord’s and their highly politicised nomenclature of the “Supreme Court” and their relocation in a separate building and administration was and is an attempt to reduce the power of the British Parliament and contribute to the establishment of a new federal state and federal legal (and “progressive” legal caste) rather than a plain part of the British body 











"Breach of the Constitution"


Bill of Rights 1688

"That the Freedome of Speech and Debates or Proceedings in Parlyament ought not to be impeached or questioned in any Court or Place out of Parlyament."


Today the "Supreme Court" explicitly breached the British Constitution by impeaching and questioning the proceedings of Parliament.















In the last 30 years thhis reduction has been further facilitated by the unregulated delivery of the internet into the market place over the past twenty years - rather than restrict it on an age basis - but even more so,





Land of Loneliness






To the secular cult of the self that now dominates what is left of British society, marriage is a religious, political and social restriction on selfishness and pleasure.

 They are of course, correct.

Part of the motivation for the abandonment of our – still - established national Christian religion is the drive towards selfish pleasure – the sovereignty of the self starts and ends with the gratification of physical and material wants.

It is central to the “progressive” orthodoxy to remove all barriers to that gratification: political, legislative, educational or social.

 Since the 1960’s the dismantling of these barriers has permitted global corporations to service the pursuit of selfish pleasure.

 While divorce creates social division, divorce is a welcome fuel injected element into the atomised, monetised privatised markets. At the stroke of a judges pen, the markets can double and triple in size. Why have one roof when you can have two, why have one toaster when you can have two, why have one Tata Range Rover when you can have two or three etc.

 We now have vast new estates full of divorce, full of debt and full of debilitating doubt rather than (as far as humanly possible) certainty.

 Divorce (like Marriage and abortion) is promoted by the “progressives” as a matter that is entirely for the private soveriegn domain, it is not.

A marriage is a freely entered into private and public institution and commitment.

It is the building block of Nationhood and the regulatory unit of social management and should be the guiding star of economic purpose.

It is a commitment, in many cases made before God and in all case before the law. They are public contracts with a profound public impact not least in the protection and stable nurturing of children.

 The divorce provisions must be repealed.




There have now been more than 9 million abortions conducted in the United Kingdom since 1967.

 Britain has lost millions of it’s people.

 9 million mothers and 9 million fathers affected many profoundly.

 The “progressive” campaigners put self soverenity and self pleasure above all other matters. Abortion for them is a cold calculation of physical and material pleasure.

 Like divorce, abortion is now a political device to release adults from adult, religious, social and public commitment and to permit an unemcumbered route to the “sovereignty of the self”.

 One of the contributory elements in the great tide of depression across the United Kingdom that seeps unmentioned and hidden away into so many aspects of national life is the deep emotional loss and shame that has exists due to abortion.

 The 1967 Abortion Act must be repealed and the pre-existing medical principal (re: the Bourne  precedent) restored.  


Land of Loneliness

  The tide of depression across the United Kingdom is in part due to loneliness.

 Divorce, abortion, the fragmentation of family ties, de-industrialisation, de-masculinisation and de-feminisation, the late entry, if any, entry into marriage, the lower reproduction rate, increasing female employment, increasing male unemployment, the promotion of silo and sedentary lifestyles, deep digital escapism and the promotion of “progressive” lifestyles especially by the education sector and the BBC have all contributed to mass lonliness.

 Men and women now entering their thirties and forties now face a tide of lonliness (even in the digital age) for many of them the natural desire for human companionship and comfort is increasing found only in the cold and monetised and prescriptive environment of the secular state.

 A recent survey suggested that 8 million people now live alone in the United Kingdom, this seems a rather low number to us at when one factors in the middle aged singletons and the un-re-married divorced.

Many of the immigrant populations do not have the same levels of lonliness as they have retained their family and group cohesion and early age marriage and reproduction patterns.

 One benefit from the increased number of older children (adults) staying with their parents is at least they are not lonely.



One of the objectives of the 50 year old progressive revolution has been to reduce the social demarcation line and barriers between adulthood and childhood.

 Schools are no longer schools they are the indoctrination centre’s for the Conservative and Labour establishment and their agents in the “charity” (political campaign’s) industry are given special access onto school sites in order to promte the progressive agenda and and present materials - words and images (see the devolved Scottish parliaments website) unsuitable and uncomfortable and embarrising for children.

The content taught is generally kept away from parents so as to not "rock the boat" and of course is endorsed by the political campaign groups such as Stonewall who the government and local councils submit to, give public money to and permit entry on to the school estate and seek their approval through LGBT charters and employer approval lists

 These group’s actively politicise school’s and their curriculum and seek to push children into adulthood.

 Politics and adulthood should be left at the schoolgate.

 Educate Not Indoctrinate.



 Glasgow’s (and all of Britian’s cities) “transformation” into a secular, multicultural service hub continues…

Visitors arriving in Glasgow Central Station may notice a new (out of scale, of course) building development on the South West side of the approach.

 Welcome to Barclayland – the Glasgow equivalent of a dystopian filmset.

 Barclayland is is to be a southward expansion of “Glasgow’s International Financial  Service District (IFSD) (translation - debt racket).

 The site (called a “residential campus” in another dreary attempt to suggest a continuity with the old local social fabric and an echo of a high and noble educational pursuit) is to be named “Buchanan Wharf” an invented name (just like the invented “Pacific Quay” where the BBC Studios are located) to provide a whiff of Buchanan Street (the central street of Glasgow’s shrinking - golden square mile – where (like all UK cities) it is pumped full of public and private money to keep the illusion going that the economy is booming, the service economy is a success and full of glitter and consumer sparkle and that you too can sit outside on the pavement with your rain soaked cappuccinos.

 Formerly known as the “Broomielaw” -  Buchanan Wharf, contained and was surrounded by some of the last remaining tenements in that part of the city (already devastated by the M8 motorway of the 1960’s), many of which have recently been knocked down .

 Barclays claimed (BBC) that some 5,000 jobs would be on site but this was reduced to up to 2,500 in some reports (City Business) most of which (1,251?) would be new while the rest would be drawn from existing Barclay staff.

 It will include two 18 storey towers, 324 Buy to rent apartments, dinning space, residents’ lounge and games room, and a 4,250 sq ft communal roof terrace.

 Welcome to Barclayland, a closed, secularised, atomised, privatised, monetised and digitalised space for the new High Caste.




From Permacrisis to The New State

Now in year seven of the permacrisis (since the Conservative Party launched the refrendum on the existence of the Nation itself (50 Years in the Making)

The United Kingdom's dissolution is now taking place at the centre of it’s constitutional, parliamentary and administrative governance.


For over 50 years the United Kingdom has thrown away it’s moral, social, economic and political elements, the elements that provided a stable and secure foundation that built a society and civilisation, that even today as the embers of it burnaway, millions still make their way across half the Earth to come here.

  From the 1960’s until 2012 the demoralisation phase of the United Kingdom took place, across all areas of public policy, this was followed by the destabilisation phase starting with an unconstitutional and anti-parliamentary referendum (an opinion poll) launched in 2012 by the Conservative Party on the existence of the United Kingdom itself  and wrongly described as the "Scottish Independence referendum", in which 1/10 were permitted to participate on a limited territorial franchise and a franchise which was calibrated to favour a dissolution result.

  After 50 years of bit by bit dissolution, the British state and all it's institutions are now in collective permacrisis (whatever public subject you choose - nothing works or works as it reasonably should (all that we can reasonably ask and expect) - the contraction and privatisation and monetisation of the state and it's activities - has led to the institutionalised and service failure of the state)

  This final phase is not primarily about Exit from the Eurostate (Exit is only an outward manifestation) it is about the excavation of the moral, social economic and political elements of Britain.

  The nation has been atomised and hollowed out.

  It is being refilled with the supercharged “progressive” policies of the last third of the 20th century.

  The Conservative and Labour Establishment (and their agents in the media, commerce and the education sector (the state within a state) have successfully worked to hollow out the United Kingdom and they know that the United Kingdom is now exposed on many fronts (including the national grid).

This broad establishment - from the Conservative Party through to the SNP and the super re-numarated media, churches, trades unions, "charities", the CBI and the corporatised "voluntary" sector are now combining to challenge what is left of British Authority and the British nation state.

Their decisive moment of complete victory is at hand.



Not The “Supreme” Court campaigns against the existence of the Supreme Court set up by the Labour Party (Blair) and endorsed by Conservative and Labour parties in the Constitutional Reform Act 2005.

  The physical removal of the Law Lord’s from the House of Lord’s and their highly politicised nomenclature of the “Supreme Court” and their relocation in a separate building and administration was and is an attempt to reduce the power of the British Parliament and contribute to the establishment of a new federal state and federal legal (and “progressive” legal caste) rather than a plain part of the British body politic, state and legal system.

  A British government has no reason to facilitate or participate in the intrusion of the court into the political dimension.

It is a plain and simple breach of the British Constitution.

  The “Supreme Court” is not the Supreme Court,  the House of Commons is the - Supreme Court - and through the Crown in Parliament is the singular representative source of Authority and Law in the United Kingdom.

  The Law Lords (and the “Supreme” Court apparatus) must be re-absorbed into the House of Lords and publicly concede and submit to the British Parliament with immediate effect.




From Permacrisis to The New State

Now in year seven of the permacrisis (since the Conservative Party launched the refrendum on the existence of the Nation itself (50 Years in the Making)

The United Kingdom's dissolution is now taking place at the centre of it’s constitutional, parliamentary and administrative governance.


For over 50 years the United Kingdom has thrown away it’s moral, social, economic and political elements, the elements that provided a stable and secure foundation that built a society and civilisation, that even today as the embers of it burnaway, millions still make their way across half the Earth to come here.

  From the 1960’s until 2012 the demoralisation phase of the United Kingdom took place, across all areas of public policy, this was followed by the destabilisation phase starting with an unconstitutional and anti-parliamentary referendum (an opinion poll) launched in 2012 by the Conservative Party on the existence of the United Kingdom itself  and wrongly described as the "Scottish Independence referendum", in which 1/10 were permitted to participate on a limited territorial franchise and a franchise which was calibrated to favour a dissolution result.

  After 50 years of bit by bit dissolution, the British state and all it's institutions are now in collective permacrisis (whatever public subject you choose - nothing works or works as it reasonably should (all that we can reasonably ask and expect) - the contraction and privatisation and monetisation of the state and it's activities - has led to the institutionalised and service failure of the state)

  This final phase is not primarily about Exit from the Eurostate (Exit is only an outward manifestation) it is about the excavation of the moral, social economic and political elements of Britain.

  The nation has been atomised and hollowed out.

  It is being refilled with the supercharged “progressive” policies of the last third of the 20th century.

  The Conservative and Labour Establishment (and their agents in the media, commerce and the education sector (the state within a state) have successfully worked to hollow out the United Kingdom and they know that the United Kingdom is now exposed on many fronts (including the national grid).

This broad establishment - from the Conservative Party through to the SNP and the super re-numarated media, churches, trades unions, "charities", the CBI and the corporatised "voluntary" sector are now combining to challenge what is left of British Authority and the British nation state.

Their decisive moment of complete victory is at hand.






 The United Kingdom is now in a political and constitutional permacrisis phase. 



"thinking in an offensive manner"


Welcome Back

...Updated 9th September 2019...



 (See Above Tab)


The War Against Civilisation

 (“They built the world as we know it, all the system’s you traverse”)

The "Transformation" Continues...

The Emptiness of the Referendum Device

Temporal Treasure

The Limits of the Devolved Mandate


..... is a campaign for the Parliamentary Nationhood of the British people.


We campaign against 

the moral, social, economic, military, administrative, political, constitutional and governmental dis-integration

 of the United Kingdom.





Established 2011



 Our constitutional research papers on the Union and on the referendum device have been published by both the House of Commons and House of Lords.




"Union Glue"

 The Union, Referendums and the EU The United Kingdom From Parliamentary Democracy to Despotic State in Five Years 2012-2017

By Stewart Connell


Kindle Edition

(Available through Amazon)


and in support of "Union Glue"

Autumn Speaking Tour 2019

(Limited Available Dates)

"For Your Information"

National Dissolution, Referendum's and Europe.

Stewart Connell (writer, campaigner and former Scottish Conservative Parliamentary Candidate) speaks on the 50 year old moral, social, economic and political dissolution of Britain.

Available to speak to your group, organisation, college or institution.


(including media)

[email protected]


  On Tour Dates 2018

1 York University York 16th January 2018

2 Jury's Inn Hotel Glasgow 18th May 2018

3 Jury's Inn Hotel Glasgow 29th June 2018


Latest Guest Article

(See Speeches, Articles and Papers Page Above)

 27 October 2018

 "Separation by stealth?Could the SNP simply declare U.D.I ?"

  By Guest Contributor Stephen Bailey (A History Graduate from Surrey)



Latest Blog

 Vassal Territory Blog

 (See Vassal Territory Page Above)

  1 Entry 66 The Plastic Age Again

 2 Entry 65 The Digital Age




 Recent Comment Updates





Return to Despotic Government

New Party, General Election and National Renewal



 Dig The New Brand

   The Extremists

 The Plates Shift


 You Choose: UK Population 66 or 80 Million

 Inside the Hollow Husk

 Wrong Parliament Wrong Mandate


 Keep It To Yourself


Come and Go



The Meaning of Walls

 Landmass and the Nation

 The Composition of the Economy

It's Only Rock and Roll

 The Work Unit

 The "Super Referendum"

 Reverse Gear

 The Revolution Will Be Televised

January Sales

 Making Your Mind Up

The Open Sea 

The Way We Were

Stewart Connell on Radio Wales

Standing on the Footplate



 Private Act - Public Impact

 Fake Education

Alternative Britain





Bible Reading


Borderless Britain



The Yoke of Bondage

The Cold Light of Day


Fictional Border

Peak Culture


The Singer and The Song

Just Another Surrender

Nec Tamen Consumebatu

 Cirriculum Carnage

 Marching Into History

 Through The Lense Again



Post Tenebras Lux

 The "Budget" and The Privatisation of Debt

100 Years and Empty Gestures

Selfish and Rich

 The Hetronormative State

 You Started It 

Terms of Trade

No Staff

None of Your Business

80 Million


 Fake Exit - As Planned

Britain’s Black Dog

 The Total State

Border Patrol

Demoralisation and Destabilisation

 Emergency Measures

 "What Are You Rebelling Against ? What'd You Got?"

 General Election's and Theresa May

 New Arithmetic 1=217

  Another Cameron and Clegg Legacy (Recall of MPs Act 2015)

 Parliamentary Representation

 Britain is Bankrupt 

The Nation: Inside and Outside


Introducing...The Director of BBC News

False Memory Syndrome

 Weapon Of Choice (The Referendum Device)

Mr and Mrs

It's Britain or The Conservative Party

Devolution and Local Decay

Shopping In The Third World (Part 1) Streetscape


"Burn The Books, Montag" (Again)

I'm Alright Jack

The Conservative Party is the Problem Not the Answer

Under The Cosh, Again

No Freedom of Religion Under the Equality and Diversity Cult 

Breech of the Constitution - The Politicisation of the British Army

 The National Question

"The Purpose of Economy Speech"

Defending Defence

"The Black Stuff"

"Gizza Job"


The "Transformation"

"Evening All"

The Ballot Box and The Street 

Fake Exit - Exposing the Shell State

Britain On The March

The Republic

 The Past Has Been Abolished

The Interval and the Final Act

Long Hot Summer

Hot and Cold

 Through The Lense

The British Constitution and Tommy Robinson

  Get Out The Commonwealth

Glasgow Speech

 "Devolution and The Road to Ruin"

  Glasgow Speech

Leaving The 20th Century

   The Meaning of Doors

 Everything Must Go

Before Conservatism There Was Unionism

Empty Pews

Golden Agers and a Cold Society for the Young

  Evidence and Transmission


Happy Talk

   Breaking The Spell (Because We Must)

The Political Purpose of Trade

Economic Havoc Called "Progress"

  The Coal Strike

Goodbye GKN

Nation - Singular

Under The Spell 


 All content is Copyright (c) Stewart Connell 2011-2018

unless otherwise indicated.



(including media)

[email protected]


Common Parliament Common Vote

 Established 2011


The United Kingdom's

Leading Unionist Website.


 Campaigning for The Union, The British Constitution and Parliamentary Democracy.

        The object of this website is to provide a media platform and web resource supporting the repeal of legislative devolution, the introduction of a Common Representation Act and the parliamentary unity of the British nation.


The Signing of The National Covenant in Greyfriars Kirkyard 1638

By William Allan (1782-1850)

City of Edinburgh Council


Genesis 12:2

King James Version (KJV)

And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:


Isaiah 60:12

King James Version (KJV)

12 For the nation and kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish; yea, those nations shall be utterly wasted.


We Shall Remember Them


The Somme



   Edmund Burke MP for Bristol 1774

(Dublin, Ireland. January 12, 1729 - Beaconsfield, England, July 9, 1797)

  “…Parliament is not a congress of ambassadors from different and hostile interests, which interests each must maintain, as an agent and advocate, against other agents and advocates; but parliament is a deliberative assembly of one nation, with one interest, that of the whole; where, not local purposes, not local prejudices ought to guide, but the general good, resulting from the general reason of the whole. You chose a member indeed; when you have chosen him, he is not a member of Bristol, but he is member of parliament…”



campaign was established in 2011

by Unionist Campaigner

and former Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party Parliamentary Candidate Stewart Connell.

"I hope you find the content of interest. Thank you for visiting".

"I look upon the British Constitution, as settled at the Revolution, to be

the most glorious on earth, or that perhaps the wit of man can frame"

Robert Burns



All references to Great Britain cover the entire United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.



Who We Are is a small campaign group based in Glasgow, dedicated to the Union, it works mostly in the constitutional and policy field conducting research and publishing articles and papers.


  The campaign has engaged with officials at the highest levels in parliament and government.

  Research papers by and endorsed by our campaign have been published by both House of Commons and House of Lords committee's and commission's (available on Parliament's website)

 these include: the HOL Constitutional Committee and the HOC McKay Commission on Devolution. campaign continues to engage with  a broad range of media.


Our Position


Legislative devolution has created an electoral, territorial and institutional conflict.

It is breaking up the United Kingdom.

Legislative devolution wastes resouces.


We support administrative devolution.

England is governed though administrative devolution.


We must: 

1. Repeal legislative devolution.

The Scottish Parliament, Northern Ireland Assembly, the Welsh Assembly (and the London Assmbly) must be abolished.


All powers and functions must be returned to national government and local councils.

Only the 129 MSP's, 90 MLA and 60 AM and all their political staff must be sacked.

 All other employee's to be retained in the public sector.

All devolved public staff must be retained and merged into the British civil service or local council employment.


2. Introduce administrative devolution (restore local council powers) across the United Kingdom.

20 subject matters (Mandatory, permisive and regulatory powers) given to all local councils

(abolish Proportional Representation (PR) across councils and the restore"first past the post" method of election for local council's).




Police Reserve

Fire Brigade

Auxiliary Fire Brigade

Economic Planning

Emergency Planning

Civil Defence Planning

Public Realm Planning

Transport Planning

Ceremonial Planning

Trading Standards

Public Health

Public Regulation

Public Housing






