Welcome Back
...Updated 8th September 2019...
(See Above Tab)
The War Against Civilisation
(“They built the world as we know it, all the system’s you traverse”)
The "Transformation" Continues...
The Emptiness of the Referendum Device
Temporal Treasure
The Limits of the Devolved Mandate
commonrepresentation.org.uk is a campaign for the Parliamentary Nationhood of the British people.
We campaign against
the moral, social, economic, military, administrative, political, constitutional and governmental dis-integration
of the United Kingdom.
Established 2011
Our constitutional research papers on the Union and on the referendum device have been published by both the House of Commons and House of Lords.
"Union Glue"
The Union, Referendums and the EU The United Kingdom From Parliamentary Democracy to Despotic State in Five Years 2012-2017
By Stewart Connell
Kindle Edition
(Available through Amazon)
and in support of "Union Glue"
Autumn Speaking Tour 2019
(Limited Available Dates)
"For Your Information"
National Dissolution, Referendum's and Europe.
Stewart Connell (writer, campaigner and former Scottish Conservative Parliamentary Candidate) speaks on the 50 year old moral, social, economic and political dissolution of Britain.
Available to speak to your group, organisation, college or institution.
(including media)
On Tour Dates 2018
1 York University York 16th January 2018
2 Jury's Inn Hotel Glasgow 18th May 2018
3 Jury's Inn Hotel Glasgow 29th June 2018
Latest Guest Article
(See Speeches, Articles and Papers Page Above)
27 October 2018
"Separation by stealth?Could the SNP simply declare U.D.I ?"
By Guest Contributor Stephen Bailey (A History Graduate from Surrey)
Latest Blog
Vassal Territory Blog
(See Vassal Territory Page Above)
1 Entry 66 The Plastic Age Again
2 Entry 65 The Digital Age
Recent Comment Updates
Return to Despotic Government
New Party, General Election and National Renewal
Dig The New Brand
The Extremists
The Plates Shift
You Choose: UK Population 66 or 80 Million
Inside the Hollow Husk
Wrong Parliament Wrong Mandate
Keep It To Yourself
Come and Go
The Meaning of Walls
Landmass and the Nation
The Composition of the Economy
It's Only Rock and Roll
The Work Unit
The "Super Referendum"
Reverse Gear
The Revolution Will Be Televised
January Sales
Making Your Mind Up
The Open Sea
The Way We Were
Stewart Connell on Radio Wales
Standing on the Footplate
Private Act - Public Impact
Fake Education
Alternative Britain
Bible Reading
Borderless Britain
The Yoke of Bondage
The Cold Light of Day
Fictional Border
Peak Culture
The Singer and The Song
Just Another Surrender
Nec Tamen Consumebatu
Cirriculum Carnage
Marching Into History
Through The Lense Again
Post Tenebras Lux
The "Budget" and The Privatisation of Debt
100 Years and Empty Gestures
Selfish and Rich
The Hetronormative State
You Started It
Terms of Trade
No Staff
None of Your Business
80 Million
Fake Exit - As Planned
Britain’s Black Dog
The Total State
Border Patrol
Demoralisation and Destabilisation
Emergency Measures
"What Are You Rebelling Against ? What'd You Got?"
General Election's and Theresa May
New Arithmetic 1=217
Another Cameron and Clegg Legacy (Recall of MPs Act 2015)
Parliamentary Representation
Britain is Bankrupt
The Nation: Inside and Outside
Introducing...The Director of BBC News
False Memory Syndrome
Weapon Of Choice (The Referendum Device)
Mr and Mrs
It's Britain or The Conservative Party
Devolution and Local Decay
Shopping In The Third World (Part 1) Streetscape
"Burn The Books, Montag" (Again)
I'm Alright Jack
The Conservative Party is the Problem Not the Answer
Under The Cosh, Again
No Freedom of Religion Under the Equality and Diversity Cult
Breech of the Constitution - The Politicisation of the British Army
The National Question
"The Purpose of Economy Speech"
Defending Defence
"The Black Stuff"
"Gizza Job"
The "Transformation"
"Evening All"
The Ballot Box and The Street
Fake Exit - Exposing the Shell State
Britain On The March
The Republic
The Past Has Been Abolished
The Interval and the Final Act
Long Hot Summer
Hot and Cold
Through The Lense
The British Constitution and Tommy Robinson
Get Out The Commonwealth
Glasgow Speech
"Devolution and The Road to Ruin"
Glasgow Speech
Leaving The 20th Century
The Meaning of Doors
Everything Must Go
Before Conservatism There Was Unionism
Empty Pews
Golden Agers and a Cold Society for the Young
Evidence and Transmission
Happy Talk
Breaking The Spell (Because We Must)
The Political Purpose of Trade
Economic Havoc Called "Progress"
The Coal Strike
Goodbye GKN
Nation - Singular
Under The Spell
All content is Copyright (c) Stewart Connell 2011-2018
unless otherwise indicated.
(including media)
Common Parliament Common Vote
Established 2011
The United Kingdom's
Leading Unionist Website.
Campaigning for The Union, The British Constitution and Parliamentary Democracy.
The object of this website is to provide a media platform and web resource supporting the repeal of legislative devolution, the introduction of a Common Representation Act and the parliamentary unity of the British nation.
The Signing of The National Covenant in Greyfriars Kirkyard 1638
By William Allan (1782-1850)
City of Edinburgh Council
Genesis 12:2
King James Version (KJV)
2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:
Isaiah 60:12
King James Version (KJV)
12 For the nation and kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish; yea, those nations shall be utterly wasted.
We Shall Remember Them
The Somme
Edmund Burke MP for Bristol 1774
(Dublin, Ireland. January 12, 1729 - Beaconsfield, England, July 9, 1797)
“…Parliament is not a congress of ambassadors from different and hostile interests, which interests each must maintain, as an agent and advocate, against other agents and advocates; but parliament is a deliberative assembly of one nation, with one interest, that of the whole; where, not local purposes, not local prejudices ought to guide, but the general good, resulting from the general reason of the whole. You chose a member indeed; when you have chosen him, he is not a member of Bristol, but he is member of parliament…”
The commonrepresentation.org.uk
campaign was established in 2011
by Unionist Campaigner
and former Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party Parliamentary Candidate Stewart Connell.
"I hope you find the content of interest. Thank you for visiting".
"I look upon the British Constitution, as settled at the Revolution, to be
the most glorious on earth, or that perhaps the wit of man can frame"
Robert Burns
All references to Great Britain cover the entire United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Who We Are
commonrepresentation.org.uk is a small campaign group based in Glasgow, dedicated to the Union, it works mostly in the constitutional and policy field conducting research and publishing articles and papers.
The campaign has engaged with officials at the highest levels in parliament and government.
Research papers by commonrepresentation.org.uk and endorsed by our campaign have been published by both House of Commons and House of Lords committee's and commission's (available on Parliament's website)
these include: the HOL Constitutional Committee and the HOC McKay Commission on Devolution.
commonrepresentation.org.uk campaign continues to engage with a broad range of media.
Our Position
Legislative devolution has created an electoral, territorial and institutional conflict.
It is breaking up the United Kingdom.
Legislative devolution wastes resouces.
We support administrative devolution.
England is governed though administrative devolution.
We must:
1. Repeal legislative devolution.
The Scottish Parliament, Northern Ireland Assembly, the Welsh Assembly (and the London Assmbly) must be abolished.
All powers and functions must be returned to national government and local councils.
Only the 129 MSP's, 90 MLA and 60 AM and all their political staff must be sacked.
All other employee's to be retained in the public sector.
All devolved public staff must be retained and merged into the British civil service or local council employment.
2. Introduce administrative devolution (restore local council powers) across the United Kingdom.
20 subject matters (Mandatory, permisive and regulatory powers) given to all local councils
(abolish Proportional Representation (PR) across councils and the restore"first past the post" method of election for local council's).
Police Reserve
Fire Brigade
Auxiliary Fire Brigade
Economic Planning
Emergency Planning
Civil Defence Planning
Public Realm Planning
Transport Planning
Ceremonial Planning
Trading Standards
Public Health
Public Regulation
Public Housing