commonrepresentation, site logo.







(of cloth, clothing, or soft furnishings) becoming thin and tattered with age.
"tatty rooms with threadbare carpets"
worn, well worn, old, thin, worn out, holey, moth-eeaten, mangy, ragged,frayed, tattered, battered
(of a person, building, or room) poor or shabby in appearance.
"we huddle round a cassette deck in a threadbare rehearsal room"
(of an argument, excuse, idea, etc.) used so often that it is no longer effective.
"the song was a tissue of threadbare clichés"
There is no excuse for voting Conservative or Labour or any other of the parties that have excavated the moral, social, economic, military or political fibre of Great Britain over the past fifty years.

Britain is now threadbare.

It is time to rethread the needle.


The forthcoming general election will provide the opportunity to vote for new parties that will challenge the Conservative and Labour establishment.

Vote for them. All of them.


Dont just hope for a better Britain, vote for it.




Primordial Mud

In the hands of the Conservative and Labour parties Britains political and parliamentary inheritance reverts into primordial mud.

A meaningless mud of selfish emotional force framed only by money and power. 

the hollow husk that remains is filled with selfish debt and consumption and Poverty and lonliness.



Janet and John




"Schools" today are not schools they are indoctrination centres. They are part of the of the ("progressive") State Within a State.


A multi-billion pound army of occupation with the single purpose of capturing and dominating thte thought process of the young from nursery school to university.


Secular agenda LGBT PROPAGANDA


wE SUPPORT Christian based TRADITIONAL education in traditional disiplines.


Political indoctrination has no place in British schools 


Millions now rebelling against the BBC by no longer requiring a tv licence need now to rebel against the indoctrination of the cale




boycott the your loc indoc cen "teachers" and loc.


We encourage loc par and friends schools groups to set up ENI GROUPS.


and campaign against teachers, schools and counillors who support inodctrination rather than education,



Where Have All The Men Gone ?

 Any wathing of  tv or film in the 70 0r 80 and you will see scenes of towns and cities populated by men working men in the s  trreets factories industrial plants railwaystations army bases even the architecture was masculine iwth strong granite/sandstone well set construction many with classical design references forms and right angles and motiffs today men and traditional masculine traits are missing from common culture and the architeture is sloppy generic silver/grey blobs or pointy triangles to give a zappy zesty zietgiest to the new new "Financial Centre" (national minimum wage call centre's serving debt with fries).

 British Men have been removed from industry while industry has been removed from the nation.Men and manly habits have been mrginalised form the the common public space.

Previously as can be seen in any 1970s or 1980s tv programme masculinity was transmitted in countless forms speech to behavious from swearing (but not in front of women or children - in general - to behaviour smoking style and drinking style and of course the mass ingle site employment oif British men ports, buidlingg sits car plants and power plants etc men where there and sebe to beb bbbthebrbebbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb

 Meanwhile Men have been coralled into the service sector to be trained and retrained and reretrained not in some useful trade or occupation but in thought.

Agewnda to facilitate the marginalisation and neutralisation of masculinity.

for 50 years the masculine traits and common instincts to provide and protect women have been sidleined and mocked.

the removal of traditional masculinity of course removes a vital comoponent in the defence of the nation state.

Masculine traits and behaviours are frowned upon especially by the agents of the state.

 British Men (men from other cultures and religions in the UNITED KiNGare exempted of ocurse for "culktural" reasons) are being trained and " re-oriented"in new moral (less) and social (less) behaviour: feminised, LGBTised, secularised, demasculinised, monetised and atomised. 


You Choose: UK Population

66 Million or 80 Million


Our opinion is that the the UK population is about 80 million the official number is 66 million.

 The official number is counted through the International Passenger Survey although this only interviews 0.34 of the 240 million that travel in and out of the UK per year.

 The IPS method is so embarrasing for the Conservative and Labour establishments attempts to manage the headline number that they have started a review to make the fiction more credible by introducing a digital veneer to the data streams that make up the headline number. 

Look out for the headline number "bumping up" soon while the establishment parties claim that they never knew that the immigration number was so high.

Of course they know.



At The Centre of the Hollow Husk


By excavating the moral and social fibre from the nation over 50 years the Conservative and Labour establishment have created an empty shell that is now being filled with a new secular and selfishness core.

This new core - the worship of the soveriegnty of the self - has now  been legislated for and is to be found in all the "equality and diversity" provisions in law and in the "social mood set" (social censorship of speech) largely framed by the state especially education (a "progressive state within a state) , the BBC and politicised commercial entities.

 Wrong Parliament Wrong Mandate

The devo-parliament cannot have a mandate for a referendum on any aspect of the Constitution - Schedule 5 of the Scotland Act 1998 prevents it. All matters defined as Reserved are under the mandate of British parliamentary constituency election not the mandate of the devolved parliamentary constituency or regional election.

 The following recent quote from “First Minister Sturgeon” is constitutionally and legally wrong and is significant and dangerous step away from her previous rhetoric.

 “Of course there is a mandate to have an independence referendum within this term of the Holyrood parliament.”

 The assertion that there is now a mandate, is a device to imply that the devo-parliament has authority to enact a referendum and to encourage (via MSM etc) public compliance and participation in such an unconstitutional and illegal activity.

 No compliance or participation in any referendum should take place.

 “First Minister Sturgeon” is making an assertion that is false and is a direct challenge against the British state and insurrection against the constitued authority and order of the British Parliamentary democratic representative state.

Once again the SNP "Scottish Devolved Government" has departed from legal competence as it does on matters including the Constitution and Foreign affairs but no legal action or challenge is taken.

The Conservative and Labour establishment are the backroom cheerleaders of the SNP.





Oe of the cosequeces of the aadoig of the the uk at relig is the ic emphasis oatioal (ad private)  short term rather tha log term plaig ad proviso i al all filedsb.b

 bbBTBhbe bbbbmbosbtb bvbisile o a daily asis is the eechig cuts of the 1960s wich cut 2/3 rail  lie ad 2/3 rail9way statios across the UK.

oVER FIFTY YREARS LATER MILLIOS OF CAR JOUREYS are required where they ot e if local statios still existed rather tha havig ee closed ow demolished or redeveloped ito some private activity.

 Keep It To Yourself

Some younger members of the Royal Family have recently been advocating emotionally "putting it out there".

We disagree, there is much to be said for keeping it to yourself.


 The form of common initial social interaction contain a great numer of hisorical meanings and purposes especially among men.

 The immigration and the disintegration of the industrial economy and the social patterns that lay upon it have led to other forms of initial interaction (fist bumps/high fives etc) entering the that particular social space.

We endorse the traditional and common shaking of hands which declares peaceful intent and trust between the two (not three) individuals.


While the link below shows a traditional handshake - we do think he takes it a bit to far.




Wrong Parliament Wrong Mandate




 Emotioal outpourig ad its pulic promotio

is ow recommeded from the Royal Family to the local "school" teachcer.

It isz yet aother attempt to reech the walls of privacy ad freedom.

We recommed you keep it to yorself.






Oe of the cosequeces of the aadoig of the the uk at relig is the ic emphasis oatioal (ad private)  short term rather tha log term plaig ad proviso i al all filedsb.b

bbBTBhbe bbbbmbosbtb bvbisile o a daily asis is the eechig cuts of the 1960s wich cut 2/3 rail  lie ad 2/3 rail9way statios across the UK.

oVER FIFTY YREARS LATER MILLIOS OF CAR JOUREYS are required where they ot e if local statios still existed rather tha havig ee closed ow demolished or redeveloped ito some private activity.





80 Millio ad The OS holds the opiiom that the UK populatio is avout

80 milliom the cal est lcaim it is oly 66 (see xxxxx) this umver is arrived at via the coutig method called IPS

wich is rather like movig sad with a wieve


ow the est hav vecome rather emarassed at thier 





12th December 2018










While more Britons do not get married and have less children



common initial social interaction contain a great numer of meanings and purposes especially among men.

The disintegration of the industrial economy and the social patterns that lay upon it have led to other forms of initial interaction entering the that particular social space.

While the link below shows a traditional handshake we do think he takes it a bit to far.



Where Have All The Men Gone ?

 There was an American film call where have all the people gone we suggest that a docu could ber made it the UK call where have all the men gone.






80 Million UK Population

and the Fiction of IPS

Our opinion is that the the UK population is about 80 million the official number is 66 million.

The official number is counted through the International Passenger Survey although this only interviews 0.34 of the 240 million that travel in and out of the UK per year.

The IPS is so embarrasing for the Conservative and Labour establishments attempts to manage the headline number that they have started a review to make the fiction more credible by introducing a digital veneer to the data streams that make up the headline number.

Look out for the headline number "bumping up" while the establishment parties claim that they never knew the new (still fictional) was so high....but of course they did and they know the actual number is about 80 million.



Secular Core

Keep It To Yourself


Wrong Parliament



Wrong Parliament Wrong Mandate




 Emotioal outpourig ad its pulic promotio

is ow recommeded from the Royal Family to the local "school" teachcer.

It isz yet aother attempt to reech the walls of privacy ad freedom.

We recommed you keep it to yorself.







Secular Core

The uspoke assumptiom pumped out vy the state ad its commercial agets is that the Christian religio


Primordial Mud



80 Millio ad The OS holds the opiiom that the UK populatio is avout

80 milliom the cal est lcaim it is oly 66 (see xxxxx) this umver is arrived at via the coutig method called IPS

wich is rather like movig sad with a wieve


ow the est hav vecome rather emarassed at thier 





12th December 2018

Come and Go

 The Conservative and Labour establishment narrative since the 1960's, has been that the inward migration flow and alteration of the population is permanent and final.

The narrative is intended to demoralise the indigenous population and reinforce the idea that the British can do nothing about this nor should they even try.

Unfortunately, for the Conservative and Labour parties, the deep, human reality of population movement is not a cold, fixed and permanent arrangement based entirely on a material calculation, money or possession of a travel document (although all of these are practical factors).

The deep emotional pull and attachment to one's own people and place (tribe and territory) is operating all the time.

This "emotional pull" is natural and primal, protective and beneficial to all and it is the motivational force that is the basis of Nationhood.

The pull to be with one’s own people in one’s own territory leads to settled and stable and durable nation states.

It is a good thing.

While the Conservative and Labour parties wish to keep their immigration and multi-cultural narrative intact, especially that their immigration policy has resulted in a permanent alteration in the composition of the population of the Britain and that a “Transformation” by the state is now required, they do not want to acknowledge in public that mass immigration can, even at this late stage be a temporary manifestation of policy and not a permanent alteration.

It is for this reason both the Conservative and Labour parties conceal the scheme (VARRP) that they operate today.

It repudiates in principle the very narrative fiction that they have promoted for fifty years.


The VARRP Scheme

Voluntary Assisted Return and Re-Integration Programme





A walk through any British city or town  today is like a walk through the set of a dystopian film - a combination of 1984, Solyent Green, Brave New World and Fahrenheit 451.

Many moral, social, economic, cultural and political elements of all these films can be seen in what is left of British society today in may cases the fiction of the past has been eclipsed by the fact of the present, for example, the legal ability to define oneself as a man or a as woman was a step to far, even for the greatest science fiction writers.


From CCTV cameras everywhere to "distressed" modern architecture ad street furniture, to politicised commercial advertising seeping out it's secular message of degeneration.

From Happy Pills to replace natural temperament for children and adults alike, to the elderly shut away ivoxes and the very youg separated from their mothers, indoctrination centres to inculcate the young with the new secular morality the religion and worship of the self. Men vy law ca decide to ecome wome ad wome vy law can decide to ecome men.

Vy law Men ca "marry" me ad wome ca "marry"ig wome, 

From Though Police who record your opinions on   the police computer just ecause someoe thiks they kow what you thik o ad o it goes.

A dystopia filmscript ? o it's the Uited Kigdom today.



PS we are o the side of the Vook People i Farehiet 451.




The Forthcoming New Book by Stewart Connell

Wrong Mandate

Wrong Parliament

The devo-parliament cannot have a mandate for a referendum on any aspect of the Constitution, Schedule 5 of the Scotland Act 1998 prevents it. All matters defined as Reserved are under the mandate of British parliamentary constituency election not the mandate of the devolved parliamentary.

The following quote from “First Minister Sturgeon” is constitutionally and legally wrong and is significant and dangerous step away from her previous rhetoric.

“Of course there is a mandate to have an independence referendum within this term of the Holyrood parliament.”

The assertion that there is now a mandate is a media device to imply that the devo-parliament has authority to enact a referendum and to encourage (via MSM etc) public compliance and participation in such an unconstitutional and illegal activity.

No compliance or participation should take place. Any attempt to hold a referedum must e met with a oycott.



In his second groundbreaking book, Stewart Connell describes an Alternative Britain, refused to throw away the elements that made it Great and instead fashions a course for itself based on the re-affirmation of it’s national religion, social bonds, industrial economy, military might and representative parliamentary democracy.

The book contrasts the actual policy path that Britain took since 1960 with the alternative policy path that Britain could have taken if it had held on to it's national foundations rather than have them thrown away by the Conservative and Labour establishment over five decades.

 In Alternative Britain, the British are more contented, spiritually and materially, more bonded together and less lonely and materialistic, they are less rich and less poor and secure in their national identity.

In a shocking contrast to Britian in 2019, Stewart Connell, paint's a picture of a Britain United and Free.



The Extremists

We will leave it our readers to decide who the "extremist" parties are:

1 The parties that for fifty years legislated to destroy our Christian civilisation, expel our Christian religion from national life, facilitate mass imigration, dissolve common family and social bonds and atomise ad monetise British society, de-industrialise our serious national economy and convert it into a debt machine, demilitarise the British Army and use it as a "progressive" propaganda device and use the referendum mechanism against British parliamentary representative democracy.


2 Parties that support Britian as a Christian nation, full of common family and social bonds, a serious industrial national economy, a restored British Army and our parliamentary representative democracy.


Don't just hope for a better Britain, it vote for it.




12th December 2018

Come and Go

 The Conservative and Labour establishment narrative since the 1960's, has been that the inward migration flow and alteration of the population is permanent and final.

The narrative is intended to demoralise the indigenous population and reinforce the idea that the British can do nothing about this nor should they even try.

Unfortunately, for the Conservative and Labour parties, the deep, human reality of population movement is not a cold, fixed and permanent arrangement based entirely on a material calculation, money or possession of a travel document (although all of these are practical factors).

The deep emotional pull and attachment to one's own people and place (tribe and territory) is operating all the time.

This "emotional pull" is natural and primal, protective and beneficial to all and it is the motivational force that is the basis of Nationhood.

The pull to be with one’s own people in one’s own territory leads to settled and stable and durable nation states.

It is a good thing.

While the Conservative and Labour parties wish to keep their immigration and multi-cultural narrative intact, especially that their immigration policy has resulted in a permanent alteration in the composition of the population of the Britain and that a “Transformation” by the state is now required, they do not want to acknowledge in public that mass immigration can, even at this late stage be a temporary manifestation of policy and not a permanent alteration.

It is for this reason both the Conservative and Labour parties conceal the scheme (VARRP) that they operate today.

It repudiates in principle the very narrative fiction that they have promoted for fifty years.


The VARRP Scheme

Voluntary Assisted Return and Re-Integration Programme









Hollow Husk




At we do not do "Utopia".

We are sometimes accused of harking back to the 70's or 80's or earlier.

Well yes we do, but not in some utopian fashion.

We refer to the 1970's and 1980's simply because they were the last decades of a political Britain and a Britain that functioned.

Of course, there were deep matters facing the country even then (many created by the "progressive" agenda starting to take it's toll), including poverty, social hardship and the quality of housing and economic mismanagement by goverment, management and trades unions.

We refer to these periods to highlight the decline and disintegration of the United Kingdom since then and to identify exactly what the Conservative and Labour parties legislative trajectory over fifty years has  thrown away.

However, we take the view that practical policies rooted in the national interest are always worth articulating and contributing to debate.







Come and Go









The Meaning of Walls

In November we commented on the meaning of Doors.

Doors are not much use without walls between them.

This applies to private walls as well as national walls.

If it is wrong for the United Kingdom to have a national "wall" (a controlled (on land. sea or air) circular delination that can permit or repel entry) then not only is the concept of Nationhood conceded but so is the concept of private space, protected by private walls.

If those who oppose national walls/borders are sucessful (both Conservative and Labour Parties are oopposed to a controlled circular delination - their refusal to to control the Kent coast for example - then neither there can be no individual physical privacy (only privacy of thought) and without privacy there can be no freedom.

Furthermore if there is no national wall (a defined securable border that regulates entry or exit) then defence, security and regulation of all kinds personal and commercial will not take place at the border but take place either in the high street or closer to the individual creating far more regular intrusion and disruption.


Landmass and the Nation State

Nations are made by the collective self recognition of individuals not an aggergate of individuals on a physical landmass.

The landmass of America has many nations, in North America there are two: the USA then Canda then the USA again.



The Composition of Economy

For fifty years the Conservative and Labour parties have legislated for an economy that generates poverty, misery and lonliness.

There is no point in merely tweaking the economy at the margins the UK economy has to be recomposed from the ground up and it must be done with the single purpose of restoring a national economy and that means a foundation established upon national defence, mational infrastructure and national heavy industry from minerals upwards.

The present economic composition of the United Kingdom (roughly) is Services 70%, Manufacturing 20% and then Heavy Industry/Defence 10% is a "progressive" inversion of the natural national order of economic activity which existed in the 1950's and early 1960s which was (roughly) Heavy Industry/Defence 60%, Manufacturing 30  and Services 10%.

The reversal of the national economic order has led to a reversal of the then existing social order that rested upon it, ie the regular and reasonable renumeration and mass employment of British men.

A man' s wage could reasonably sustain a family unit meaning that the wife did not need to work and could be home and locally based for 37 daylight hours every week which meant that the talents and resources of the mother were locally rooted  and generated relationship networks (nostly operated by women and the elderly) and provided an active social and organisational fabric for all in the locality.

This economic and social model provided a stable arrangement that was a fortress against poverty, misery and lonliness.



This composition also increased wages through reducing the labour pool and reintroducing a more masculine approach to labour - emploer relations and wage bargining.








Education has been Abolished


The birthrate of the British has reduced




The entire approach to the education industry (a -"progressive" State Within a State) must be reversed.

Rather than indoctrinate young people into becoming godless equality and diversity automatons and debt generators

it must be restored .






National Disintegration, Atomisation and Lonlieness


The Governor

Getting What You Want

Can't e Bothered

It Is Not Their Parliament

Playing The System And Losing

All The Systems You Traverse


Poverty and Misery





16th of January 2019


 From Demoralisation to Destabilisation to Crisis.

On the 8th of December we put on record that national Nemisis, after 50 years had finally arrived.

"Postponed for decades, Nemesis now arrives bearing all the delayed, difficult and conceited policies of the past fifty years."

Since the 1960's the United Kingdom has thrown away all of the elements that made it, it's national religion upon which everything else was built, it's family and social bonds, it's industrial economy, military power and parliamentary representative democracy.





The Extremists

We will leave it our readers to decide who the "extremist" parties are:

1 The parties that for fifty years legislated to destroy our Christian civilisation, expel our Christian religion from national life, facilitate mass imigration, dissolve common family and social bonds and atomise British society, de-industrialise our serious national economy and convert it into a debt machine, demilitarise the British Army and use it as a "progressive" propaganda device and use the referendum mechanism against British parliamentary representative democracy.


2 Parties that support Britian as a Christian nation, full of common family and social bonds, a serious industrial national economy, a restored British Army and our parliamentary representative democracy.


Don't just hope for a better Britain, it vote for it.




12th December 2018

Come and Go

 The Conservative and Labour establishment narrative since the 1960's, has been that the inward migration flow and alteration of the population is permanent and final.

The narrative is intended to demoralise the indigenous population and reinforce the idea that the British can do nothing about this nor should they even try.

Unfortunately, for the Conservative and Labour parties, the deep, human reality of population movement is not a cold, fixed and permanent arrangement based entirely on a material calculation, money or possession of a travel document (although all of these are practical factors).

The deep emotional pull and attachment to one's own people and place (tribe and territory) is operating all the time.

This "emotional pull" is natural and primal, protective and beneficial to all and it is the motivational force that is the basis of Nationhood.

The pull to be with one’s own people in one’s own territory leads to settled and stable and durable nation states.

It is a good thing.

While the Conservative and Labour parties wish to keep their immigration and multi-cultural narrative intact, especially that their immigration policy has resulted in a permanent alteration in the composition of the population of the Britain and that a “Transformation” by the state is now required, they do not want to acknowledge in public that mass immigration can, even at this late stage be a temporary manifestation of policy and not a permanent alteration.

It is for this reason both the Conservative and Labour parties conceal the scheme (VARRP) that they operate today.

It repudiates in principle the very narrative fiction that they have promoted for fifty years.


The VARRP Scheme

Voluntary Assisted Return and Re-Integration Programme






1 It's Only Rock and Roll


From the emergence of Britian as a politically independent nation and it's formal recognition and definition as such at the Glorious Revolution - which secured our parliamenatry rule of law - Britain experienced a period of balance between the past and the present. Authentic progress.


The architects of the Glorious Revolution put in place - in the words of Robert Burns the " the greatest constitution that the wit of man can frame "


It is this Christian Protestant Constitution that permitted Britian to become a Great Nation.


Even today long after the systematic attacks on our constitution and the disintegration of the United Kingdom, that millions across the Earth continue to look at the Union Jack and want to come here and indeed many do.


Our Parliamentary rule of law and the countless aspects of it's functioning allowed the British to settle their constitutional foundations and build upon them in all fields of human exploration and endevour from religion, philosophy, medicine, science, education, economics and the arts etc.


Britain enriched itself and then it enriched the world. It never needed to be enriched from anywhere.


The British Constitution operating on our islands has delivered time and time again.


It has never let us down.


From constituion making to rock and roll none of it would have happened without the British and their constitution.


This is why the enemies of Britain especially in the Conservative and Labour establishment want to destroy it.




2 The Work Unit

The replacement of Christian industrial Britain with secular service state is nowhere more visible in the forcing of women especially mothers into the workforce.

The forced removal of the mother from the children, family and home for 37 hours a week and dumping her (not including the time and the logistical hassle of her getting to and from  the work unit location) in a boring, repetative activity (they cannot all be "glass ceiling" breaking BBC executives on £100, 000 a year and lunch shop in the golden miles of our cities) has created a social vacum that  has been filled by the vicious cold secular state, full of equality and diversity audits.

The bountiful instincts, skills, talents and powers of a mother should be rooted in the home and the local fabric of relationships, not left to atrophy at production line or or a  desk.




3 "The Super Referendum"

While Fake Exit panto enters it's extended run the devotees and addicts of the referendum device return to "ramp up" their plans,

look out for the movements to combine all the metropolitain political fashions into a constitutional defining "event"

featuring a "Super Referendum containing a vote on the Eurostate, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales and even the Crown and Federation and PR and English devolution (again).

We are a parliamentary representative democracy - keep it that way. Ban referendum the device.


4 Reverse Gear

For fifty years the UK has been stuck in reverse gear we need to press the clutch (that means a new political party dedicated to Britain as Britain) and get into first gear.


5 The Revolution Is Being Televised

The controversy over the politicisation of  - Dr Who - reflects the depth of the propaganda against all things based on British Authority and traditional and empirical practice.

The BBC is a "tone" setter. It's establishment status and it's 5 billion budget and 20,00 staff pump out the "progressive" Code of a secular, multicultural, servile, service "New Britain" state everyday.


6 January Sale

According to the Conservative and Labour establishment the United Kingdom is for sale.

It is fair to say that the present (absent owners) have been rather distracted these past fifity years while interest in the property has been shown by passing visitors.

Even in the "swinging" 1960's the sense of the emerging loosening of national bonds was evident.

From the 1968 theatre production "Forty Years On" by Alan Bennett the mood of national descent is captured and recruited into the counterculture.



7 Making Your Mind Up


 Nemisis (see 8th of December Update) has finally arrived however it itself is a protracted affair as Britain makes it's mind up, is it a Christian Nation or a secular statelet of the Eurostate.

 "trust your innervision, don't let others change your mind"

Bucks Fizz





Boycott REFERENDUMs is a campaign of the

British Unionist Party




"Get Out and Rebuild"

Tour 2019

Stewart Connell continues his succesfull UK "Union Glue" book tour.

Stewart describes what has happened to Britain over 50 years, why we are now in the mess it is and how get out of it.

Dates are now available


[email protected],





 in support of "Union GL


All About Us

For 8 years with a small informal team and few resources has uniqly reported on the 50 year old (intentional) decline of Britian and why it is happening.

We have not only highlighted the Conservative and Labour policies designed to disintegrate the United Kingdom but also challenged them especially the attempt to disolve dissolve the United Kingdom in 2014 use of the referendum mechanism.

These policies have now accumlated and United Kingdom has now arrived at it's nemisis.

Either the (former) United Kingdom will be confirmed as a ....or only ..emergence... will the nat reasserrt itself.

our pro British work hs led us to be banned frm the bbc - inclkudin qt, and live tv broadcasts, barred frm oth msm and deplat from col and unis acros the uk.

if you sup th wrk of crc and can asist usz in furthr our content thn pls cont us.









After 50 years of moral, social, economic, military and political dissolution the UK is now experiencing the cumulative effect of this dissolution which has manifested itself in the attempt by the British people to reassert their political independence by extracting themselves from the European State called the European Union.

We must remember that after 50 years of demoralisatisation the period of destablisation began in 2012 when the Conservative Party launched (on the BBC's Andrew Marr Show on the 8th of January) a referendum (opinion poll) on the existence of the United Kingdom itself. 90/100 British electors were excluded from voting in the the referendum which only applied across Scotland.

In 2015 general election the Conservative and Labour parties candidates (only a few dissented) stood on Manifesto's promising to stay in.

In 2016 in a referendum (opinion poll) voters (against establishment direction) voted to get out.

In the 2017 general election both parties (and mostly the exact same candidates) in their Manifesto's comitted themselves to get out.

Wednesday 9th January

Today the Conservative and Labour establishment began to seriously assert their power in the House of Commons.

In 2018 having been returned by their constituencies last year the same candidates, now MP's, are reverting to their true anti-British instincts and are setting the legislative course for the United Kingdom to remain in the Eurostate and sucumb to the secualr, multicultural, service state that is being built.



The Tolerance Ratio



nto Battle








The Forthcoming New Book by Stewart Connell

Wrong Mandate

Wrong Parliament

The devo-parliament cannot have a mandate for a referendum on any aspect of the Constitution, Schedule 5 of the Scotland Act 1998 prevents it. All matters defined as Reserved are under the mandate of British parliamentary constituency election not the mandate of the devolved parliamentary.

The following quote from “First Minister Sturgeon” is constitutionally and legally wrong and is significant and dangerous step away from her previous rhetoric.

“Of course there is a mandate to have an independence referendum within this term of the Holyrood parliament.”

The assertion that there is now a mandate is a media device to imply that the devo-parliament has authority to enact a referendum and to encourage (via MSM etc) public compliance and participation in such an unconstitutional and illegal activity.

No compliance or participation should take place.

In his second groundbreaking book, Stewart Connell describes an Alternative Britain, that refuses to throw away the elements that made it Great and instead fashions a course for itself based on the re-affirmation of it’s national religion, social bonds, industrial economy, military might and representative parliamentary democracy.

The book contrasts the actual policy path that Britain took since 1960 with the alternative policy path that Britain could have taken if it had held on to it's national foundations rather than have them thrown away by the Conservative and Labour establishment over five decades.

 In Alternative Britain, the British are more contented, spiritually and materially, more bonded together and less lonely and materialistic, they are less rich and less poor and secure in their national identity.

In a shocking contrast to Britian in 2019, Stewart Connell, paint's a picture of a Britain United and Free.




Alternative Britain


(Vote for It)


For fifty years the Conservative and Labour establishment have orchestrated the national disintegration of Britain.


Britain is now in dissolution and exposed to widespread infrastructural breakdown and public disturbance.

It does not need to be this way.


There is an Alternative Britain available if the British choose it and vote for it.


It can only be attained by the emergence of a new national party that defeats and marginalises both the Conservative and Labour parties.



The Way We Were

The greater part of the battle for Britain that is taking place is about memory.

Do the British share enough common memory of themselves as a people and a nation and can they transmit enough of it to the next generation?

Those who are against Britainand everything that it has been and is, not least the Conservative and Labour establishment, have already engaged in reducing and removing national memory from the public domain especially through the politicisation of the schools and colleges and universities but also through the sponsorship of government in advertising and commerce.

Last years report by Demos "At Home in One's Past - Nostalgia as a Political and Cultural Force" recognised that memory is a powerful and binding force for the British people.

The report argued that national memory must be marginalised or earased completely in the form of a national political and historical dementia in order that "New Britain" - a secular, multicultural service state can be constructed.




We must remember and then we must act.


th June 2018

The Past Has Been Abolished



continues the work of the Conservative and Labour parties in attempting to remove memory from the British people.

It is essential for the "progressive" revolutionaries to erase the national collective memory of the British and replace it with a

equality and diversity code.




 On reflection 1982 is the last year that Britain could have escaped the consequent decimation of Britian’s moral social economic and political elements and it’s descent into dissolution.

 Even, in 1982 we retained a recognisable national church, common family and social bonds, an economy dominated by nationalised and heavy industry and a functioning parliamentary representative democracy.

 While the 1983 Labour Party manifesto contained a number of sensible policies: getting out of the EU and rebuilding British industry it was already in hock to the revolutionary anti-British and “progressive” forces in politics while the Conservative Party rather than meet the heavy duties and responsibilities to nationhood took the easy route and sold itself to the emerging global corporations and the “free market” cult, consigning an entire generation to the dole.

 After their general election victory in 1983 the complete abandonment of British society, national economy and constitutional integrity was enacted by the Conservative Party.

 The defeat of the miners on the 3rd of March 1985 and the deregulation of the financial service sector called “Big Bang” on the 27th October 1986 were the definitive economic events of the 1980’s that reflected the coming secularisation, atomisation and monetisation of British society.

 By 1987 the decisive shift had taken place from a Christian industrial nation to a secular service state.

 Home Affairs

 Home Affairs

Immigration, devolution and the Eurostate must be resolved in favour of Britain. These matters concern the issue of our relationship with the outside – who we are and who we are not and where our authority and territorial border meet the outside.

  However it is essential that Britain resolves the deep internal matters concerning itself that it has been running away from for fifty years and as a consequence causinga  great amount of harm to all involved. As a Christian nation (constitutionally and legally) Britain either must apply it’s Christian religion to the public space (the private space must remain the private place of personal discretion) especially on marriage, abortion, and divorce or it will -as it is – descend into a secular selfish free for all with no common moral context.


The BBC and Fake Education

While the BBC Today programme does the “progressive” bidding of the Conservativee and Labour establishment fronted recently by Angelina Jolie and uses displacement methods to focus on foreign “news stories” it diverts public attention and resources from covering the plight of British young people trapped in indoctrination centres otherwise described as "schools", who are then dumped into fake colleges and universities, that saddle them with thousands of pounds in debt and are then further dumped into the gig, uber and deliveroo racket.




Tue 11th December 2018


The Open Sea



British Unionist Party


  News Release


The Fake Exit Agreement must be defeated.

 It is an instrument designed to remove our Soveriegn Authority.

 It is an instrument intended to tear apart our Unity.

 It is an instrument calibrated to further demoralise and destabilise and dissolve the United Kingdom.


  We must get out, secure our border and rebuild.

Britain as Britain


The United Kingdom's leading alternative political party.






After 50 years of Demoralisation,  we entered the period of Destabilisation in 2012.

In December 2018 we now enter the period of Crisis.


The Fake Exit Agreement encapsulates the moral, social, economic, military and political dissolution of Britain.

The Conservative and Labour parties have bought us here and will keep us here until Britain is formally "Transformed" into

"New Britain" a new invented secular state, with no social bonds or root of time and place, a place full of lonlieness and misery and poverty.


Britain is to be taught it's final lesson by the Eurostate in the form of the Fake Exit Agreement namely that Britain is finished and cannot restore itself so it must now accept it's transformation and servile status a multicultural servile province in the Eurostate. and disagree.

We believe in Britain as Britain.







The crises take the form of a question



 In the film "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" the hero implores the townsfolk not to fall asleep for if they do they will be taken over by the alien force




Cannot be Bothered.






Baking Bread


Two Years in the Making

In 2015 both Conservative and Labour parties had manifesto's that supported membership of the Eurostate.

In 2016 a national opinion poll (referendum) took place on membership of the Eurostate and a majority voted (against the direction of the Conservative and Labour establishment to get out.

Having spent the previous 43 years driving the referendum device into British parliamentary politics in order to challenge and dissolve parliamentary representative democracy, the Union and our national political independence, the establishment found themselves in a bit of a pickle.

The past two years in British politics have been about how to keep Britain in and to teach it a lesson, namely that Britain is finished and it must now "get with the programme" and that it must accept that it will be replaced by a "New Britain" (the words of Emily Matliss on Newsnight, on the opening night of the 2012 Olympics in the London postcode of  E20) that is a secular, multicultural, rootless aggregate of individuals where lonliness, poverty, debt and misery dominate and global corporations, more powerful than many countries, exploit a defenceless, servile labour pool.
















  (The Yellowhammer is a sparrow-sized, bright yellow bird of woodland edges, hedgerows, heath and farmland that feeds on seeds and invertebrates. In the winter, it will join mixed flocks of buntings, finches and sparrows to feed on seeds on farmland.)

  Yellowhammer is the government codename for the emergency plan that assumes substantial disruption from Calais and Dover.

 (other British ports have been closed or neglected or reduced in function due to cutbacks by privatisation or government restriction.)

  In December 2018 after 50 years of the Conservative and Labour parties moral, social, economic, military and political disintegration, the Nation is reduced to begging across the capitals of the Eurostate, putting the army (suitably secularised, feminised, LGBTised and internationalised ) onto the streets and activating emergency food, water and medical supply plans.

 It is late, it is very late but not too late.

 The only escape for Britain, is to support in any way you can the emergence of a new party dedicated to Britain as Britain.


Urban Food Ships

moral social bonds

economic and militar infra

political function





(The Yellowhammer is a sparrow-sized, bright yellow bird of woodland edges, hedgerows, heath and farmland that feeds on seeds and invertebrates. In the winter, it will join mixed flocks of buntings, finches and sparrows to feed on seeds on farmland.)


Yellowhammer is the government codename for the emergency plan that assumes substantial disruption from Calais and Dover.

(other British ports have been closed or neglected or reduced in function due to cutbacks by privatisation or government restriction.)


Welcome to Britain.

In December 2018 after 50 years of the Conservative and Labour parties moral, social, econimic, military and political disintegration, the Nation is reduced to begging across the capitals of the Eurostate, putting the army (suitably secularised, feminised, LGBTised and internationalised ) on the streets and activating emergency food, water and medical supply plans.


It is late, it is very late but not too late.

The only escape for Britain, is to support in any way you can the emergence of a new party dedicated to Britain as Britain.


Please Note

BUP Membership applications have now been suspended.

Membership applications will be accepted in the New Year.

Thank You





The "International

Progressive Army" on the Streets

For fifty years the Conservative and Labour parties have systematically demolished the moral, social, economic and political elements of our Nation.

The Demoralisation phase gave way to the destabilisation phase in 2012 and now we are approaching the next phase, crisis.

Only a few weeks ago we said that having multi sec lgbtised and internalised the formerly British Army it would now be deployed on the streets of Britain, this week  the Conservative party has annouced that it will deploy (at first) 3'500 troops on the streets.







over fifty years have today announced that they will put the Army on British streets and infrastructure in order to keep order during the initial Fake Exit period.

Putting to one side the farce of mobilising 3,500 soldiers to effectively support the civil powers across the entire United Kingdom (out of an entire establishment of about 76,000 and noting that the Territorial Army has been abolished and the Civil Defence Corps has been abolished







TaTa TaTa 


While the Indian TaTa Group the  owners of the (Conservative privatised) Jaguar and Land Rover car plants begin their withdrawal from Britain. support the re-establishment of British Leyland (and plants all over the United Kingdom and the return of great names from Britain's car making past including TR7, Princess and the Rover SD1)







Withdraw from commercial or social relations with (a country, organization, or person) as a punishment or protest.

  • ‘we will boycott all banks which take part in the loans scheme’

Oxford Dictionary


While the Conservative and Labour establishment lay the political groundwork for another Eurostate referendum the British Unionist Party and call on all our readership and associated organisations to bycott any further referendum on Eurostate membership or any other matter.

Referendums are "alien" (Primeminister Attlee) to our constitution and are used to provide a fictional democratic cover for measures that have not been authorised by electors in parliamentary consituency election.

Referendums cannot contain any authority they are surveys of opinion.

In the United Kingdom authority is singular and can only exist in one place at one time ie in an MP or in an elctor (during an constituency election)

Only parliamentary constituency election transmits authority from the elector to the House of Commons through the Member of Parliament who once elected becoms the vessel of the costituency's electoral authority and representative of their opinion.

It's not their Parliament it's ours.






The Super Referendum

Here we go again, the referendum is being brought out to challenge the authority of the electorate in the general election

(for further detail see "Union Glue" book).

Depending on how the establishment decide to use the referendum mechanism the arrrival of a Super Referendum tied to a "new" federal consitutional






Central to the Conservative and Laabour establishment retaking control after the Eurostate referendum (an opinion poll as all referendums must be in our parliamentary system





Borderless Britain

(without an enforced continuous border a nation can never be a nation just like a colander can never be a cup)

 Britain has no border.

Borders are Good.

Britain has occasional apparatus that resembles parts of a border ie Heathrow and Dover but it has no border simply because it does not have an enforced continuous border land sea or air.

The UK coastline is about 12,420 miles and it has a land border or about 310 miles, at it's narrowest point the French coast is about 21 miles from the British coast.

 There are about 1000 islands in the British Isles of which only about 130 are inhabited.

There are thousands of miles of unsecured, unpatrolled and uncontrolled border that is open to entry especially in Norfolk, Kent,Fermanagh and South Wales.The UK border Force has 8,000 staff and 6 vessals for a coastline of some 12,000 miles while Italy with a coastline of 8,000 miles has a territrial police og 66,000 and 600 vessals.

Today thousands of miles of land and sea border is unsecure and unpatrolled.

The air and seaports (landports have been abolished) custom's controls are now largely "cheap essential scenery" due to 50 years of increasingly permissive entry provisions of legislaition.

The UK has only nominal administrative controls and legislative restriction and no entry exit digital control system.

The Anglo Irish Agreement (1985)and the Belfast Agreement (1998) are not some semi divine legislative doctrine they are pernicious peices of legislation from the early Thacher and Blair period which must be repealed.

On the economic side it is far better to have  custom's and security and safety (including disease control) checks at the nations defined border as it prevents disease bad people and bad things entering into the country and causing harm. It also prevents other contriols having to exist inside the state ie passport validation for the movement of money between individuals inside the nation.

It should also be noted that physical border controls generate durable and high quality jobs which are highly physical and technical. Thay are largely fixed in position providing secure and settled largely public funded employment from local border localities.


Those who argue for no borders or light touch/remote/digital or drone methods of cross border tracking are advocating for lower employment, higher risk/more intrusiveness at an individuls transaction level while supporting higher profits for the global corporations who want post nation state generic secular, consumer populations swimming in debt.






There is no depth that the Conservative and Labour establishment will not stoop to keep thier money and power structures including begging.

They now, daily drag the United Kingdom all over the Eurostate to beg for crumbs off it's table.

It is shameful. Only a month ago Britain remembered the 100th Anniversary of the end of the First World War.

Across the United Kingdom the Sacrifice was made in almost every village, town and city.

How hollow that rememberance was, represented by the Conservative and Labour parties and the rest, Liberals SNP, Plaid Cymru, TUC, CBI The Church of England and the Church of Scotland and all the rest of the sell out establishment.

They went through the empty gestures of rememberance without any sense of current resolution or a commitment of continuity with the conviction of the past.







The Cumulative Effect


50 years of dissolution has led to Shell State UK.

A no purpose collection.





Global Compact for Migration

Global Compact for Migration was signed by the Conservative Party government on Monday it facilitates the safe and orderly and regular entry of immigrants into the United Kingdom.






On It's Knee's, Begging

The Conservative and Labour establishment are now to be found begging the Eurostate not to be to harsh in their terms for the UK to remain a statelet of the Eurostate.




The Fiction

There is legislation that is treated by the Conservative and Labour Party establishment as near divine legislation rather than the cheap and shameful that they are. Amongst this legislation are the Scotland Act the Government of Wales Act, the Belfast Agreement and the European Communites Act.




15th December 2018


A New Party or National Dissolution:

You Choose.......


In another shameful action, a day before the scheduled vote, the Conservative Party has announed it has withdrawn the Fake Exit Agreement temporarily in order to get "re-assurances" from the Eurostate.

For 50 years the Conservative and Labour establishment have legislatively orchestrated the de-composition of the United Kingdom.

One month after the 100th Anniversary of the end of the First World War we are witnessing the nemesis of the Nations destruction. 

There is no way out through the Conservative and Labour parties, they are the same party with the same agreed agenda, to "Transform" Britain into a godless, debt ridden, servile statelet in the Eurostate.

The only way out is through a new party dedicated to the restoration of Britain as Britian.

A party dedicated to the renewal of our national church, our common social bonds, a serious national economy that does not put us moral or material poverty, that renews our military and maritme might and parliamentary representative democracy.









The Fake Exit Agreement is part of the United Kingdom's Terms of Surrender.

Alongside the Devolution Acts, the Belfast Agreement


22nd December 2018

Our Christian Constitution



15th December 2018




15th December 2018

British Unionist Party








The British Unionist Party

and the Defeat of the Conservative and Labour Parties


The disintegration of the Conservative and Labour parties is occuring at the same time that the emergence of a new constellation of political thought and self recognition is taking place.


There is now a broad range of parties groups and organisations "emerging" performing the function of representing various strands of British opinion or to put it another way that opinion is looking for a new political "home".




 By Stewart Connell

Founder of


The Open Sea

  It has been seven years since I launched in April 2011.

On it's launch we were the only dedicated unionist website opposed to legislative devolution and the break up of the United Kingdom.

Since then we have charted not only the destructive effects of legislative devolution on the United Kingdom but the entire range of moral, scoial, econmic, military and parliamentary policies that have ruined Britain over the past 50 years.

the disintegration of the United Kingdom by the Conservative and Labour establishment and challenged those who sought it's dissolution in particular the unconstitutional and anti-parliamentary use of the referendum device between 2012 and 2014,

The demoralisation and destabilisation of Britain is now complete and we are now

The Fake Exit Agreement must be defeated

It is an instrument designed to remove our Soveriegn Authority.

It is an instrument intended to tear apart our Unity.

It is an instrument calibrated to further demoralise and destabilise the United Kingdom and break it's will.


We must get out, secure our border and rebuild.




After 50 years (50 year exactly since the "progressive" revolution's "opening night") of moral, social, economic military and political demoralisation - orchestrated by the Conservative and Labour establishment- nemisis has arrived. The cumulative effect of the demoralisation manifested itself in the period of destabilisation from 2012, in particular the referendums (opinion polls) on the existence of the United Kingdom itself and membership of the Eurostate.

 Postponed for decades, Nemisis now arrives bearing all the delayed, difficult and conceited policies of the past fifty years.

Secularisation, lonliness, debt, divorce, abortion, deindustrialisation, demilitarisation, late entry into marriage, the promotion of silo lifestyles and the hostility to extended family patterns, the removal of British men from the employment pool and the forcing of mothers and women into the employment pool and the political indoctrination of children, these are just some of the essential matters that are profoundly effecting Britain and which are forbidden to even be debated under the Conservative and Labour regime.

The Fake Exit Agreement encapsulates the moral, social, economic, military and political decay of Britain in a single document.

The Agreement reflects and locks in Britain's dissolution.

The Conservative and Labour parties have bought us here and will keep us here until Britain is formally "Transformed" into

"New Britain" a new invented secular state, with no social bonds or root of time and place, a place full of lonlieness and misery and poverty.

 Britain is to be taught it's final lesson by the Eurostate in the form of the Fake Exit Agreement namely that Britain is finished and cannot and will not be permitted to restore itself so it must now accept it's transformation and servile status a multicultural servile statelet in the Eurostate.


Agree with ? then support us.




At and the British Unionist Party we disagree.

We believe in Britain as Britain.





We Choose The Open Sea


The Conservative and Labour establishment are attempting to lock the the United Kingdom deeper into a provincial status

(even more so than the 1972 terms)







15th December 2018

Come and Go

 The Conservative and Labour establishment narrative since the 1960's, has been that the inward migration flow and alteration of the population is permanent and final.

The narrative is intended to demoralise the indigenous population and reinforce the idea that the British can do nothing about this nor should they even try.

Unfortunately, for the Conservative and Labour parties, the deep, human reality of population movement is not a cold, fixed and permanent arrangement based entirely on a material calculation, money or possession of a travel document (although all of these are practical factors).

The deep emotional pull and attachment to one's own people and place (tribe and territory) is operating all the time.

This "emotional pull" is natural and primal, protective and beneficial to all and it is the motivational force that is the basis of Nationhood.

The pull to be with one’s own people in one’s own territory leads to settled and stable and durable nation states.

It is a good thing.

While Conservative and Labour wish to keep their immigration and multi-cultural narrative intact, especially that their immigration policy has resulted in a permanent alteration in the composition of the population of the Britain and that a “Transformation” by the state is now required, they do not want to acknowledge in public that mass immigration can, even at this late stage be a temporary manifestation of policy and not permanent.

It is for this reason both the Conservative and Labour parties conceal the repatriation scheme (VARRP) that they operate today.

It repudiates in principle the very narrative fiction that they have promoted for fifty years.

The VARRP Scheme

Voluntary Assisted Return and Re-Integration Programme



10th December 2018


British Unionist Party


 News Release


BUP: We Choose The Open Sea


The Conservative and Labour establishment are attempting to lock the the United Kingdom deeper into a provincial status

(even more so than the 1972 terms)

in the Eurostate.


The Fake Exit Agreement must be defeated

It is an instrument designed to remove our Soveriegn Authority.

It is an instrument intended to tear apart our Unity.

It is an instrument calibrated to further demoralise and destabilise the United Kingdom and break it.


We must get out, secure our border and rebuild.



8th December 2018

The Yoke of Bondage

 The Yoke of Bondage


The Bible

King James Version

Galatians 5:1

 “Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.”


The Fake Exit Agreement submits the United Kingdom to the yoke of European power unseen since pre-Reformation.

 We must get out now.










The pretext for this is the Belfast Agreement and to keep a 300 mile gap in the United Kingdom’s border.






The devolution acts and the Belfast Agreement are


regarded and portrayed by both the Conservative and Labour establishment and their compliant media as  almost divine instruments rather than examples of


low and shabby legislation at best.




17 years ago I made a speech at the Conservative Conference in Blackpool.




I called for a United and Free Britain.











The Cold Light of Day


On the 26th of November 2018, the United Kingdom can see it's reflection etched on the Fake Exit Agreement.

After 50 years of national dissolution the United Kingdom is an empty shell.


It has thrown away it's religion, social bonds, industrial economy, it's military and maritime might and it's pariamentary democracy.

Unable to escape, such a husk is now shackled in some form to the Eurostate, the state to which it surrendered and accepted a servile status in 1972 by only eight votes in the House of Commons.

We are here because the Conservative and Labour parties have brought us here and they will keep us here.

It does not matter if the next Primeminister is Johnson or Watson or Raab or Starmer Britain's dissolution will continue and it will continue unless a new party defeats both the Conservative and Labour parties and marginalises them.

It is only by the shifting of the political plates across the United Kingdom through the emergence of a new party dedicated to

Britain as Britain can the Nation be restored and renewed





1 Get out

2 Seal the Frontier









Identity Soveriegnty



A Peaceful Act

It is essential thatat the next ge that pro British parties and candidates are elected

The Lightening Rod

Money is the lightening rod

The Politics of Architecture:

scale and Substance





 Come and Go


The Conservative and Labour establishment narra they can do nothing about this nor should they even try

tive since the 1960's has been that the inward migration flow is permanent and final.

The narrative is intended to demoralise and reinforce the idea thatthe British and facilitate the reconfiguration (The "Transformation") of the state from a homogenuous nation state to a hetrogenuous state.

Unfortunately for the Conservative and Labour parties the human reality of population movement is not a cold, fixed and permanent arrangement based entirely on a material

calculation, money or possession of a travel document (although all of these are practical factors).


The deep emotional pull and attachment to one's own people and place is operating all the time.

This "emotional pull" is primal and it's motivational force is the basis of Nationhood.


While Conservative and Labour wish to keep their immigration narrative intact, that their immigration policy has resulted in a permanent alteration in the composition of the poplulation, they do not want to acknowledge in public that mass immigration can even at this late stage be a temporary manifestation of policy that occured in the late 20th and early 21st century.


This is the reason they do not want highlighted the repatriation scheme (VARRP) that they operate today.

It repuidiates in principle the very narrative they have promoted for fifity years.


The VARRP Scheme

Voluntary Assisted Return and Re-Integration Programme



A Peaceful Act

It is essential thatat the next ge that pro British parties and candidates are elected

The Lightening Rod

Money is the lightening rod

The Politics of Architecture:

scale and Substance





 Come and Go


The Conservative and Labour establishment narrative since the 1960's has been that the inward migration flow is permanent and final.

The narrative is intended to demoralise the British and facilitate the reconfiguration (The "Transformation") of the state from a homogenuous nation state to a hetrogenuous state.

Unfortunately for the Conservative and Labour parties the human reality of population movement is not a cold, fixed and permanent arrangement based entirely on a material

calculation, money or possession of a travel document (although all of these are practical factors).


The deep emotional pull and attachment to one's own people and place is operating all the time.

This "emotional pull" is primal and it's motivational force is the basis of Nationhood.


While Conservative and Labour wish to keep their immigration narrative intact, that their immigration policy has resulted in a permanent alteration in the composition of the poplulation, they do not want to acknowledge in public that mass immigration can even at this late stage be a temporary manifestation of policy that occured in the late 20th and early 21st century.


This is the reason they do not want highlighted the repatriation scheme (VARRP) that they operate today.

It repuidiates in principle the very narrative they have promoted for fifity years.


The VARRP Scheme

Voluntary Assisted Return and Re-Integration Programme








 Our once great cities and towns are now”transformed”.

Many Britons do not venture into them anymore (but tend to keep this to themselves) it disturbs them to see the alteration of places that they do not now recognise and no longer have a common identification with.

While the Conservative and Labour councils pump out the narrative of booming, vibrant and of course "cosmopolitan" (code for mass imigrant populations) towns and cities and the narrative is compounded by the compliant local media and commerce

(they are all on the "transformation" payroll)

the cities and towns visibly decay and decompose (morally, socially and economically) in front of us.

It is all fiction.

 We are to shut up and play our part in a national scale Conservative and Labour directed “Truman Show”.

Commonness and common culture has been interupted then disrupted then replaced with uncommonness and disjointness and multi –culture, or to use another description a multi-cultural political conflict and the management of it.

The common national and city and town space and cultural commonality of religion, language, dress, habits and behaviour (including commercial behaviour) no longer exists and this has been intentional, a systematic dissolution of common identity.

The Conservative and Labour establishment’s equality and diversity cult is now the primary managing tool (through legislation and social intimidation) of the cultural conflict of politicised sub national group identities.

 Multi-culture management is what happens when a homogenuous nation state is "transformed" into a hetrogenuous state.

 All the primary efforts of the state are diverted into managing the different and competing populations and cultural expressions.

A homogenuous nation state does not need to bother with this activity because the commonness and common identity and history already exist so the nation state can focus itself on other activities of common beneficial effect such as transport or authentic education or scientific discovery or even commercial and artisic expression.

 Vast parts of the cities and towns are now occupied by substantial, concentrated numbers of multiple foreign and self identifying, cohesive and reproductive (they do not engage in industrialised abortion) populations and all equipped with the franchise.

 This state of affairs must be addressed by politics.

 If it is not addressed by politics then only deep national danger and complete ruin lie.



Fictional Border


 The United Kingdom has no border.


 Those wishing to enter the United Kingdom illegally, smuggle and avoid the “Hard Border” apparatus at Heathrow and Dover need only enter via the miles upon miles of uncontrolled and unpatrolled entry points including the beaches of Norfolk and Kent, the fields of Fermanagh, , the islands of the Hebridies and the South Wales coast.



Peak Culture


While the Nation dissolves, the dissolution is reflected in it's Art.

It is increasingly the case that British art in the widest sense has peaked.

Wether television, films, radio or pop music, peak British culture happened between 1976 and 1986.

A British cultural powderkeg of artistic expression, wider inovation of ideas and exploration and technological development has been replaced with a rootless, cultureless mush all processed through the "progressive agenda" blender.

This correlates with the alternative political narrative advanced by that the United Kingdom came to

an end as a "political" nation at the end of the 1980's and the fall of Mrs Thatcher in 1990, making way for the Blair prototype John Major.







 Commercial and voluntary organisations are imploding.


Silently and behind closed doors organisations are doing less of what they are meant to do and more of what they should not be doing.


Commercial and voluntary organisations aided by the equality and diversity cult and the codification of eveything made possible by digital tracking and recording are being recruited into the politicisation of commerce and voluntary activity.


Increasingly organisations are unable to do simple activities - conduct human speech, answer a phone send a letter or perform thier primary existing function- but can retain and recall an employee or customers inidvidual equality and diversity (political) profile.


The combination of "progressive" politics and commercial superprofit has led to an economy that is not only becoming completely politicised but

cannot function at a simple level.



The Singer and The Song

 The singer Morrisey may not be your artistic cup of tea however he has at least the courage to speak out (inside and outside of his music) against the Conservative and Labour establishment, mass immigration, the loss of British culture and the loss of freedom of speech.

Morrisey's latest album, "Low in High School" is available in all good record shops.




National Memory


All the Systems You Traverse










Come and Go




Vote Exit


The British Unionist Party supports immediate exit from the Eurostate.

The British Unionist Party supports the restoration of the United Kingdom's moral, social, economic, military and political elements.

The British Unionist Party supports trading on WTO  terms while Britain restores and rebuilds the elements thrown away by








 (we do not become immigrants when we go for a holiday in Spain less so alter the composition of the Spanish population).


and necessary for two reasons:

1 Britain has no indigenous population (the Britain does not exist theory) and therefore anyone from anywhere can enter.

2 The British no longer reproduce themselves in the numbers required and engage in large scale abortion so the importation of an external population is necessary for the functioning of the marketplace.


The essence of the narrative is that immigration is permanent.





The age of one way mass migration is now at an end.

The 50 year span of mass migration facilitated by air travel


They also and that immigrants will incline to support "progressive" parties

The  have sought to en








Entry for settlement means permanence - immigration.

Entry for visitation means temporaryness - not immigration.












physical means

50y mass transit


Expel The Teachers

(Cirriculum Carnage)

Having introduced "progressive" political indoctrination into schools especially the promotion of LGBTI ETC (including in school posters promoting the matter and teachers wearing LGBTI neck straps and discussing their political views) it is no surprise that the government is now to spend millions on putting a mental health team into every school not to counter or reverse the damage that has and is being done but to further it's effectiveness.

The political indoctrination of children by the Conservative and Labour establishment and the education industry (including trades unions and fake independent "think tanks" has constructed a political cirriculum that is having a profoundly damaging effect on schoolchildren especially in regard to their sensitive understanding of themselves as  they grow up and their gathering knowledge and entry into wider society.

 The Conservative and Labour establishment know this is damaging to children but regard it as a price worth paying in order to transform society, from a Christian society into an secular state.

Parents and authentic teachers and wider society must act to restore an educational cirriculum not a political one. Parents must boycottTeachers who indoctinate must be expelled ndoctrination including boycotting of schools and teachers who practice indoctrination .

 The indoctrination is causing personal and social carnage


Our Christian Constitution


The British constitution is a Christian and Protestant constitution.

It is only logical that the activities and purpose of our Christian state is to serve the teaching's of Christ.

After 50 years of pr the p hv not yet rerpealed the tenent of our cc

of course thy want to but hv hd to bide thr time. coroding the msep manif of our nation first but thy are now coming for the cc and the central role and func of our lim con mon.

our sett prov tol it is poss to hav a ccaspresence and permit diss (wana theocracy)

The state snattempt to and cannot intrude into mens hearts but the state must defend protect and patrol the wallls of the c state and ensure that the state including schools conform to the tenent of C teaching.

The priv space is private but the public space is cap.




The 50 year destruction of the UK by the cal "progressive" cult



The Best Identity Politics is National Politics

We believe that national identity is the natural identity "frame" or structure for the individual to inhabit.

We hold the opinion that the abandonment of nationhood over the past fifty years has led to the emergence of other identities of the self (sexual or colour or rich or materialist etc) and other group identities (the EU, the SNP or "World" citizen etc).


The nation state is thenatural emotionally attachable and most stable and durable structure.



 The Union is Not Enough

It is not enough to save the institutonal Union meanwhile look the other way and let it be dissolved in the other senses.

If we believe in the Union as the natural political manifestation and representation of the British, then we must save it in all the other senses too, moral, social and economic.

Without a renewal of our established church, the Union stands upon sand.

Withour the reversal of immigration, it will become another place.

Without the restoration of our political independence, the Union is another place.

26th May 2018 




Nec Tamen Consumebatu

Expel the Teachers

Marching Into History

Through The Lense Again




in our great cities and towns there is a mass occupation by alien concentrated populations

Nec Tamen Consumebatu

In 2009 tcos hi court the ga aband scripture

(see the handling of the rennie case) since tht day the cos rather than stand for the christian faith sub to temporal auth.

 Search Tron Church - and see how the denomination officially described as the Church of Scotlaand threw a COS congregation out of it's church and into the street.

This is part of the retreat by the established religion in the United Kingdom


We encourage and support the departure of Christians from the denomination designated as the Church of Scotland and, like the Covenanters of the 15th and 16th centuries encourage them to set up Covenant Churches (in the fields again, if necessary) pending the official formation of a British Church, Established, National, Protestant and Catholic.

(For further background see the Westminster Convention of the Divines 1648-53)

Marching Into History

50 years after the Cameroians marched into istory

the entire British Army now marches into histort by the Cale

Having been reduced in size and rendered into the composition and shpe ordered by cale and it's agents in Stonewall the British army is now to become the International Army.

Fully feminised and LGBTIsed and securlised and multiculturised



The Prism

Britain now sees itself through the prism of the anti British  progressive revolution  generated by the BBC and it's sattilite media.

The moral, social, economic and political dimensions are now filtered thro the political lense of the 20,000 staff and 5billion budget of the BBC.

From deeply serious subjects to

the politicsiation of childrens programmes and light entertainment programmes

The BBC dominates media and artistic and wider culture of the United Kingdom.

It is the propaganda arm of the progressive revolution of the last third of the 20th century.

It must be brought to heel.



The British Christian Constitution and Crown

The British are a Christian people with a Christian constitution, Parliament and Crown.

To win their 50 year old war the progressive revolutionaries





Come and Go













Post Tenebras Lux

The "Budget"

100 Years and Empty Gestures


 3rd November 2018



On the 5th of November 2018 the British people will celebrate 413th  anniversary of the defeat of the Roman Catholic plot to blow up their Houses of Parliament.

 Best wishes to all the Bonfire nights planned across the United Kingdom. 

We continue to encourage groups and organisations across the United Kingdom to establish Bonfire Societies and to maintain the memory.

Here is a link to the well organised Lewes Bonfire Societies website which provides an excellent model and template for groups and organisations to set up their own societies and a link to further information.

If you are attending the Lewes celebrations please bear in mind the Council and police advice.




Remember Remember

 Remember, remember the fifth of November,Gunpowder treason and plot.

 We see no reason Why gunpowder treason Should ever be forgot! 

 Guy Fawkes, guy, t'was his intent To blow up king and parliament.

 Three score barrels were laid below To prove old England's overthrow. 

 By god's mercy he was catch'd With a darkened lantern and burning match.

 o, holler boys, holler boys, Let the bells ring.

 Holler boys, holler boys, God save the king.

 And what shall we do with him? Burn him!





3rd November 2018


On the 5th of November we also celebrate 330th anniversary of the arrival of William of Orange in Brixham in the South of England to begin the Glorious Revolution. 

The Conservative, Labour and SNP parties marginalise British history in schools and wider society and would like us to forget our national history, at commonrepresentation we remember it, we are pleased that Her Majesty does too.

Her Majesty The Queen recently commented on 2018 being the 330th Anniversary of the Glorious Revolution at the State Banquet for the King and Queen of the Netherlands as part of their state visit.


"This year marks the three hundred and thirtieth anniversary of the Glorious Revolution, when your ancestor, Prince William III of Orange, came to these shores and restored stability after turbulence."



3rd November 2018  

Post Tenebras Lux


Without the Reformation there would be no United Kingdom.

The last Sunday in October is Reformation Sunday.

 Wednesday October 31st  2018 was the 501st Anniversary of Martin Luther nailing the 95 Thesis to the door of All Saints Church in Wittenberg Germany and sending it to Cardinal Albert of Brandenburg .


Genesis 12:2

King James Version (KJV)

And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:


Isaiah 60:12

King James Version (KJV)

12 For the nation and kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish; yea, those nations shall be utterly wasted.




3rd November 2018


The "Budget" and the Privatisation of Debt

There are no Budgets anymore just a debt reshuffle.

While the Conservative Party sets the scene for the next general election, for a decade we were told by both the Conservative aqnd Labour parties that zero pay awards and concentrated moral and material poverty were the price that the British must pay to compensate the financial sector.

We are witnessing a debt shift from the government account to the personal account.



 3rd November 2018

100 Years and Empty Gestures

We remember the 100th Anniversary of the end of World War One.

British soldiers fought for a Christian, United, Free and Parliamentary Britain.


On 26th December 2017 commented


Empty Gestures

 The dissolution of the United Kingdom, in particular the atomisation of society has led to increasingly empty public gestures where previously meaningful public actions, ceremonies and witness took place.

 The retreat of authority (common and national) and the lessening of the transmission of private and public habits of thought, religion, language, history, customs and manners since the 1960’s is now manifest across society.

Putting to one side the matter of immigration and the domination of the “progressive” revolutionaries in the education industry, British society is now increasingly a moral “Gig” “Uber” and “Deliveroo” society, one focused on the pursuit of the individual selfish interest rather than the collective national interest.

Rather than continuing to be a nation and society built upon and informed by the Christian Protestant religion in every dimension of it's activity, the United Kingdom is now a society where selfishness and material possession are now dominant.

 The secular and ultra profit motivated corporate entities are the economic manifestation of this retreat but it is in the social dimension of society that the retreat has had the primary effect.

 A society that no longer regards the common public habits of thought, religion, language, history, customs and manners or it’s national survival to be of essential importance and things to be held and defended and passed on to the next generation or is a society that can no longer even be bothered to think about such things will find that it's public actions and ceremonies previously full of meaning and containing a (sometimes unspoken) commitment to maintain that meaning have become empty gestures while a new state sponsored and enforced secular behaviour, enters to fill that void. 



Come and Go



immig settlement and visiting

permanent and temporary

chrisitan duty

Nation State


4.2m eu






Bonfire and Brixham

On the the 5th of November we celebrate the 1605 defeat of the plot by Guy Fawkes and others to blow up Parliament 


We continue to encourage groups and organisations across the United Kingdom to establish Bonfire Societies and to maintain the memory of both events.

Here is a link to the well organised Lewes Bonfire Societies website which provides an excellent model and template for groups and organisations to set up their own societies:


We thank God for both events.







The "Budget"

We have mentioned at previous "Budgets" the emptiness and fiction involved. It is not a Budget it the annual shuffling of debt review. The Budget will make no moral or material improvement to the British people. They are now locked into national dissolution and personal moral and material impoverishment.

The British Christian Constitution

The British Constitution is a Christian constitution with a National, Established, Protestant church which is part of the Catholic (Universal) church, We have a Christian Monarch and a Christian Parliament. It is because of Christian constitution that we have had a Christian civilisation until now.






Vast tracts of British cities and towns are now under occupation of foriegn populations which are concentrated and cohesive man with the bond of religion. It is time for the British people to either accept the transformation of the UK AND ALL THAT THAT involves for our constitutional and political composition or alternatively to express themselves in the ballot box by voting for new parties that reflect their opinion before its too late.

Empty Gestures Again

W ementioned previously that the cale engage in destroying the UK  and then attend rememberance day and other national events with no shame. The British dead did not fight and die for a multicuctural enslaved divided Britain. They fought for Britain as Britain.


Nec Tamen Consumebatu 





The Singer and the Song


Empty Gestures Again

The Lost Generation







Since 1967 there has been over 8 million


(not 8 thousand or even 800 thousand but 8 million abortions of children in the womb)


 We hear a lot about the aging population but this refers to the British population it does not refer to the immigrant populations in which the young (under 30’s) dominate the demographic spread and whose populations do not conduct the industrialised abortion of their children.




In Britain, increasingly money and other resources are not spent on bringing up children but is spent on the self.








The silo economy permits the individual to spend on more individual items, more cappacino’s, more cars, more holidays, more silo homes, more gadgets and even deeper  box set entertainment.




The Gig, Uber and Deliveroo economy is the natural outcome of the silo society and it’s economy.




The moral and social dimensions are neglected and abandoned in exchange for short term material pleasure. The retreat of the Christian established religion and it’s national beneficial regulatory social effect has released a tidal wave of selfishness.




The tidal wave of lonliness is largely a result of this pattern of living








The Nation cannot function on short term material pleasure or short term budgets designed to get a government through to ashort term general elecction.


It needs an anchor a moral and social anchor the rest will come.




While marriage is entered into later if at all it is increasing left too late to have a natural family cycle of children at an early age (especially for the mother) and the full participation of grandparents and the extended family and the wider local social network if it still exist’s and are within a reasonable geographical range.



















The Total State

The secular religion of the self and it's legal code and mass mood intimidation is now excersing power and propaganda across all dimensions of society.

Politics, the established church, the public sector (especially schools and commerce and the voluntary sector all are now active promoters of godless "New Britian" ( to use Newsnights phrase on the opening night of the 2012 Olympics - just a year after the London riots).


The godless cult has now entered all the dimensions of the nation's life.

This force of ruin and dissolution cannot be stopped by a service economy, it cannot be stopped by immigration or an immigratin amnesty it cannot



All About Us



 (For the nation that threw it all away)
After 50 year 0f msep disol the nation enters the final phase . the critical mass of the elements of dtg are now tying tog bound together to create a velocity of political disturbance. Th rtrt frm the e rel,
the implos of mar anda soc ibonds and wider loc and nat soc fab.
econ pol are now fused tog to iret alter the nat. Th push for ref on e s n ar simply the expr of this fusion  alto the final manif wil and msut be constitutional.
The new constit will be along the lines of Sec ncp, fed not a sing nat rep not cmon, individusalist (anoiagway) not family, servile service mkptl not nat and indust and 

Hollow Nation (Immediate Effects)

It has gone. The UK is now a shell. A brittle casing full of the msep vapour trail of it's past.

The trtrt frm o cp rel must hv conseq. Most immediately it has conseq in the immed socil dimesion, in the nature of our relat with ourselves, our family and the wider local network.

frm the soc dim we inofrm ourslvs and mak judg abt how we and others shld bhve insociety.

Fatherless or multifather units, anti-religous marriage imitaion cerromnies celebrated by "celebrants" (one tv programme now recreates the planning for a wedding that is not a wedding and another one only allows the participants to meet at the ceromon))









ou have heard the rest now hear the United Kingdom's leading alternative politician.

Stewart Connell is On Tour Speaking Across the United Kingdom

"Why the UK is in a mess and how to get out of it"

ou have heard the rest now hear the United Kingdom's leading alternative politician.

Stewart Connell is On Tour Speaking Across the United Kingdom

"Why the UK is in a mess and how to get out of it"



So much could have been avoided.
Even as late as the 1980's Britain retained a national substance and imprinted character.
Protected by our religion, constitution and our island fortress, the warp and woof of social and economic moods could come and go with no essential effect.
By 1990 the 
The Nation That Threw It All Away
"You get the politics you deserve"
At the religous level - the primary level - of the foundations of Britain




 1st September 2018

The Conservative Party

is the Problem Not the Answer


The Conservative Party is "putting it about" that by joining and voting for the Conservative Party, those who want Britain to be Britain will get what they want under a "new" Leader as a result of mass entryism, this is a cheap ploy to get them votes.


The Conservative Party has legislated and facilitated the dissolution of Britain for fifty years.


Edward Heath

Margaret Thatcher

John Major

Tony Blair

Gordon Brown

David Cameron

Theresa May


Five out of seven of the principal actors in the the dissolution of Britain have been the Leader of the Conservative Party.


Boris Johnson has spent his entire political life standing on pro EU manifesto's.

He stood on a pro EU Manifesto in May 2015. In March 2016 he ditched that commitment and refused to submit his reversal in a by election.

He is pro Immigration.

He is pro Immigration Amnesty.

He is pro Gig, Uber and Deliveroo economy.

He is pro Secularisation.

Boris Johnson is well qualified to be the next Leader of the Conservative Party.










Under The Cosh


The recent low rate of strikes and sick days is proof that the British people are now firmly under the cosh of the

the Conservative and Labour establsihments 50 year programme of national destruction.

With all the bonds of religion, society, economy and politics being loosened there is now no opposition to the untrammeld force of selfishness and the profit motive in society and the marketplace. 

In Shell State Britain the Gig, Uber and Deliveroo is the consequent market model (and variants) business model. 

The shift of power to business organisations assisted by mass employment of women mass immigration and the marginalisation of male employment has led to a mass submissive and compliant labour pool.

No Freedom of Religion

 Under the Equality and Diversity Cult 

Glasgow Caledonian University Roman Catholic Chaplain, Mark Maurice has been removed from his university post for practicing his faith in his parish church.

 In a parish devotion, a rosary of reparation for the gross offence to God which is "Pride" Glasgow was held.

The "Pride" event is part of a highly political (the Conservative and Labour parties are facilitators and promoters of it - using public money and resources) and corpratised propaganda machine designed to "transform" British Chistian society into a godless service state by removing the Christian foundations from our nation and constitution.

 On hearing about the devotion, Glasgow Caledonian said it was "disapointed" and stressed that it had a strongly inclusive culture and actively respected and promoted equality and diversity. supports the freedom of religion and worship and the right of the Reverend Maurice to practise his faith without punishment.


Breech of the Constitution

 The Politicisation of the British Army

 lt is against the established precepts of our constitution order for the British Army Royal Navy and RAF (and the Police) to publically endorse or participate in any political demonstration.

The active participation in and promotion of the political demonstration called "Pride" (which campaigns for the erosion and removal of our Christian constitution and society) by the British Army, Royal Navy and the Royal Air Force and from this year the Royal Marines is a breech of our constitution.

The ban on the armed forces participating in any political demonstration must be restored.





The Last Middle Class

For five decades the middle class thought that the progressive changes that they either voted for or ignored would not effect them.

Now they are begining to realise that they were wrong.

Their selfish abandonment of our national religion social bonds across the classes- our sCXBVerious NATIONAL ECONOMY struc tured fora national purposes not profit our military not least our navy activwely attached to ourcoastline and our parliamentarypolitical system




The Right and The Wrong

Many of the shock jocks on the right agitate for Britain that is not Britain but a Britain that is a secular selfish marketplace.

A judgementless society driven by individualist (and not in a good way) appatites (all short term) operating in a marketplace of silo lifestyles.

A state were the national collective dimension has been dismantled.

It is an entity that drapes itself in the Union Jack but rather than campaign for the restoration of the established church and it's cultural empowerment it rejects the Christian tenets.

Britain can only be Britain if it reaffirms it's Christian Protestant established religion.

Britain's parliamentary unity and freedoms and settled society were all established upon it.









The Circuit

A nation must have a border that is a circuit if it does not it is not a nation


Compelled Speech UK



Tommy Robinson and the Constitution Again

The Judgement by the Chief Judge xxxx

on the Tommy Rbinson Appeal case is a damming indicment of the arrest and imprisonment - in a single day - of Tommy Robinson.

It is evidence of the totalitarian "progressive"state that Britain has become.

No dissent is permitted against the tenents of the "New Britain" especially immigration and the secular religion of the Equality and Diversity Code.



The decision of the Church of Scotland Assembly in 2009 to depart from Scripture and in it's place submit to the equality and diversity code  confirmed in law the depature of the church












The Singer and The Song




 "Teach your kids to recognise and to despise all the propaganda




Filtered down by the dead echelons mainstream media"








 "My Love, I'd Do Anything For You"












From the album "Low in High School"







The Signing of the Covenant 1638


by William Allan



The Signing of the Covenant 1638

by William Allan


The Signing of the Covenant 1638

by William Allan



Stewart Connell



3rd August 2018


"The British people are about to be tested like they have never been tested before (including 1939).

They must either reaffirm their nationhood through the ballot box or become something else."






Stewart Connell

News Release


New Party Now

Former Conservative Parliamentary Candidate Calls for New Party to Rebuild Britain.


Former Conservative Parliamentary Candidate Stewart Connell has called for a new party to defeat

the Conservative and Labour parties.

Speaking on a UK book tour in support of his book "Union Glue" in York and Glasgow Stewart Connell has said

"Britain is now a shell state, for fifty years it has been hollowed out morally, socially, economically, millitarily and

politically by the Conservative and Labour parties.

The Fake Exit from the Eurostate has highlighted how exposed Britain now is.

A new party must now emerge and defeat the Conservative and Labour parties at the ballot box. 

Only a new party can rebuild and restore Britain as Britain.




Stewart Connell was the Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party Candidate in North Ayrshire and Arran in 2005

He came second defeating the SNP


In 2011 Stewart Connell  established which campaigns











British Unionist Party


Putting Our Country Back Together




British Steel



The British are about to be tested like they have never been tested before.

It is time to show the Conservative and Labour parties (and the rest)

what the British are made of.











and the "equality and diversity" provisions removed from the British Armed Forces and Police.



in law and regulatio.




The equality and diversisty cult is now the central code of behaviour endorsed and promoted by the Ministry of Defence and is designed to alter and dissolve the traditions, esprit de corps and masculine character of the of British Army.



 The Oath taken by all SOLDIERS AND oFFICERS IN THE bRITISH aRMY IS An Oath to a Christian Soveriegn not a political cult intent on the demolition of our NATION.




  The Christian standards and precepts which are the foundations of the British Armed forces moral and traditions must be restored.













 Why Britain Needs the British Unionist Party




For 50 years the Conservative and Labour parties have been throwing away all the elements that made Great Britain: our Christian established religion, our common social bonds, our serious national economy, our armed forces and our parliamentary representative democracy.


The fake exit from the Eurostate is simply the trigger that highlights the empty shell state that Britain has become.


the bup will restore what has been thrown away rebuild repair and regenerate.


This cannot be done by marginal action tweaks or "make do" approaches.


We must have decisive action on a dramatic scale to restore Britain


An example of the sscale of change required is the size of the Britiah army


currently 76,000 there is no point in increasisng this by 10 or 20 thousand our economy must be built on defence





















The destruction of Glasgow between 1960 and 1980


reflects the politics and short term approach to architecture by the City Council and can be nfound in oither cities across the United Kingdom.




















The Director of BBC News


(The BBC has a budget of £5 billion and 20,000 staff)




Fran Unsworth is the Director of BBC News and Current Affairs.


The independent grammer school educated BBC employee is paid £340,000 a year.


Since 2013 she has updated her BBC Blog five times.








Extremist ?








The National Question and The Answer


 Since it's establishment in April 201l, has called for the shifting of the political plates in the United Kingdom through the formal (rather than the current informal) organisationational merger of the Conservative and Labour (and other) parties that all endorse and promote the disolution of Britain as a Christian industrial nation and it's "transformation" into a godless service sector state.


In tandem with the formal consolidation of the Conservative and Labour parties (all pro immigration, pro EU, pro devolution and pro "progressive" social revolution) we have called for the emergence of a new national party (see BUP page) dedicated to restoring and rebuilding Britain as Britain.


The new party option is now, at last, increasingly finding traction across public opinion as seen dramatically in a recent opinion poll.


The general public are now witnessing daily the emptiness of Shell State Britain in 2018.


Their lives have been limited and ruined by the Conservative and Labour parties dissolution of Britain for over fifty years.


They are now drifting in a sea of lonlieness, poverty and debt, tied only to the cult of "work".


The Fake Exit of Britain from the Eurostate has simply highlighted the consequence of throwing away of all the moral, social, economic and political elements of our nation.


Increasingly the civil service (because it knows what is happening and is fearful) and business (because they are rich and fear for their profits) are issuing warnings and making preparations for public disorder, "civil unrest" and chaos.


The overiding question at issue today (comprising immigration, the Eurostate, legislative devolution and other profound matters) is should Britain be Britain or become something else?


In our parliamentary system it is only through contained parliamentary democratic conflict on the floor of the House of Commons (rather than outside on the streets) between two opposing constellations of opinion, one openly offering the end of Britain and one offering the restoration of Britain as Britain will the National Question be answered and resolved, one way or another.








The Regressive Revolution




From Commerce to Education to the Public sector to the Voluntary sector,


all parts of national life are now being recuited to endorse, facilitate and promote


promote the  Regressive Revolution that is currently filling the void inside Shell StateBritain.




Since the 1960's the Regressive Revolution (it described itself the "progressive" revolution) has


sought, largely successfully, to reverse the authentic progress of the British nation state.


Since the Glorious Revolution in 1688-1690, Britain made evolutionary parliamentary progress in every field of national activity.




Since the Regressive Revolution in the 1960's Britian has regressed in every field of national activity, of course












Establishment Nemisis


Having disintegrated the United Kingdom morally socially economically politically constitutionally governmentatlly and administratively for fifity years the Conservative and Labour establishment are now disintegrating itself.















Support continue it's work










can matters small and large be resolved.












Parliamentary general elections contain the singular authority of the British people and when held parties offering different manifesto's are














- it is happening.


The forces working for the disintegration of the UK msep always had the plan to use a referendum on EU membership in order to prevent a new party emerging to restore British independence.


Summer 2018 sees Britain on the cusp of deciding on it's very existence as a christian industrial nation or a godless service sector vassal state.


The hieghtening of the political recent street demonstrations reflect this.




The political plates are shifting, the


18 articles




E and D - Coming to You Very Soon


The Equality and Diversity cult has nothing to do with equality or diversity. It is a political project designed to remove the Christian foundation of British society and replace it with a Godless, debt based society full of lonley individuals tied to the cult of work and conformity of thoughtand behaviour. 




The Formula


The BBC is using it's resources including a £4 billion pound Budget and 20,000staff


to further and consolidate the Conservative and Labour agenda to separate the British from Britain.


It does this by a formula of presenting and editing news to favour "progessive" policies and by protraying a political landscape (from documentaries to soap operas) that rejects our national past and and promotes a society full of "progressive" features and behaviours.


With the retreat of established religion codes of secular behaviour are now invented and promoted in order to fill the space that religion occupied. 






GU 1451








Come and Go
















"transform" the United Kingdom from a


educaate and enteartain












UK Population: 80 Million


The Conservative and Labour establishment claim that the UK population is 64 million.
 holds the opinion that the UK population is 80 million.


We invite our readers to research the numbers especially sewage outflow and supermarket food/population estimates.






Immigrants came into the UK (Official narrow gauge measure) in 2017-2018


While 200,000 British abortions take place 680,000 immigrants enter the UK.










Through The Lense Again


The godless revolution called the "progressive" revolution of the 1960's continues to deconstruct our Christian society and parliamentary democracy.


From sales of vodka to Coronation Street to the British Army to the established church, the United Kingdom is being "transformed" through the lense of commerce the media the public sector "charities" and voluntary organsisations. 








Cheque Mate


The "Chequers Agreement" is Fake Exit and is the the logical outcome of three things:


1 The 50 year disintegration of the United Kingdom morally socially economically politically militarally industrally diplomatically and other words complete disolution of the nation.


2 The use of the referendum device to sideline the full operation of parliamentary representation (election of a government that believes in the nation and the restoration of our independence.


3 The acceptance by the Conservative and Labour establishment of the Article 50 procedure (we should have left immediately after the EU opinion poll (referendum) in 2016.




















Enter The New Party


Either the political forces that believe in Britain being Britain must now asssert and form themselves into a single new political party along the lines outlined and sculpted by the BUP or Britain will be lost.


The Conservative and Labour establsihment hold all the states levers of power - demonstrations on the streets without a single new party will fail in securing the restoration of Christian industrial Britain, full of it's own authority, power, industrial might, national dignity, self respect and kindness.




Political Parties and Political Conflict


In these times of heightened political tension it is essential that political leaders execise calm and prudent leadership and ensure the national peace is maintained across the United Kingdom.


The sphere of politics must contain and manage political conflict and not release it into the wider nation.


Referendums act as conduit's of political conflict spraying conflict into the public sphere.


It is vital that political parties contain and manage political conflict if they do not then the political conflict will spread into wider society - to a degree this has happened already.


Political parties must provide national leadership from national conflict and danger and chaos and national leadership to national unity, safety and order.


The Conservative and Labour parties have led us into national disintegration and conflict.




Peace Be With You.
















3calp Eurostate imig


Fake Exit, Fake Politics, Fake Britain








 None of Your Business






Education and police




6Drawing The Line of Privacy




A Matter of Class



uk population

















The Eurostate (and others) know that the United Kingdom is now a shell state, after being hollowed out by 50 years of the "progressive" revolution and de-militarisation and de-industrialisation.

This is the reason why they are adopting agressive and disrespectful a posture when dealing with the United Kingdom ,this posture is encouraged and compounded by the Conservative and Labour establishment who for 50 years have been submissive and facilitating when it comes to putting the foriegn interest before the British interest

We should remember that Theresa May has supported British membership of the EU and has never recanted or explained why she did or explained why she has changed her opinion if she has.

She only ever refers to the result of the referendum (which is an external event) never to her own internal thought process and anylasiss.

Politicians must provide their personal anyalisis to the electorate, that is why they are called candidates.

Rebuild defence industry hvi more than that we must reaffirm our est rel upon which whih we can rebuild social bonds and economic fabric

So much has been lost over 50 years and



on this matter - the political independence of the United Kingdom - she has spent her entire political life supporting membership  )



On Tour Dates

1 York University York 16th January 2018 Hosted by York University Politics Society

"From Parliamentary Democracy to a Despotic State in Five Years 2012-2017"


2 Jury's Inn Hotel Glasgow 18th May 2018 Hosted by UKIP Scotland

"Devolution and the Road to Ruin"


3 Jury's Inn Hotel Glasgow 29th June 2018 Hosted by British Union and Sovereignty Party

"The Purpose of Economy"



Limited Availability

Contact Now

[email protected]




Union Glue On Tour


 On the third date of the Union Glue Book Tour Stewart Connell was the Guest Speaker at an event

hosted by the British Union and Soveriegnty Party (U&S) in Glasgow.



Union Glue On Tour


On the third date of the Union Glue Book Tour

Stewart Connell was the Guest Speaker at an event hosted by the British Union and Soveriegnty Party (U&S)






Defending Defence

The warnings by General Lord Houghton that Britain is "living a lie", regarding it's defence capability are welcome even if rather restrained.

The deconstruction and privatisation of the British Army (now down to about 76-78000 from about 500,000 in 1960)

the Royal Air Force and the Royal Navy and the wider Defence Estate, by both the Conservative and Labour parties

through the past 50 years has left Britain with a micro army, a token air force and a mini-navy.

The Conservative Party's 2010 Strategic Defence and Security Review was the most recent principal blueprint for the

deconstruction and sell-off of defence "assets".


We are an island nation.

The British economy must quite simply be built upon defence, land, sea and air.

The digital realm must of course be occupied but it is in the physical realm first and last and not least

within the United Kingdom and at it's land, sea and air frontier that men, money and material must be deployed in order

to hold and excerise power; political, military, economic and diplomatic.









The Ballot Box

The Conservative and Labour establishment will happily tolerate mass demonstrations everyday in the streets (preferably the backstreets) where they can use all the powers of the state and controlled commerce and media to reduce their effectiveness.

While lawful demonstrations and assemblies are essential instruments of parliamentary democratic protest, it is only through the emergence of a new nationwide political party that offers a manifesto to restore, repair and renew Great Britain that they will be defeated.



Kestone Kops


Far Better Now Than Later


Fake Exit - Exposing The Shell

The United Kingdom has for 50 years been hollowed out, morally, socially, economically and politically by the Conservative and Labour establishment.

While the army can still put a show on in central, central (central) London, the Eurostate's contempt for the United Kingdom reflects the general measure of opinion overseas of the UK as a former serious nation.

It is not 1972 or even 1989.

Fake Exit is showing the British exactly has been thrown away over the past fifty years.




Here It







The Final Act and The Republic

The anti-British (but funded by the British taxpayer) "Constitution Unit" (CU)

(University College London) has released two new



They argue for a new Coronation Oath and service and surrounding procedure.

The CU report in conjunction with the recent Demos report on "Nostalgia" in politics (removing the collective national memory from the British people)

forms the constitutional background of the coming Final Act in the End of Britain.

The CU report seeks to introduce a secular and multicultural coronation while the "Nostalgia" report seeks to abolish the past in a more generally.

Our constitutional limited Monarchy is now being fashioned to act as a tool for the new proto secular republic.

Both reports are desinged to cut Britain off from it's past in all senses.

Both reports are about removing the British and Britain from the British constitution.

Judge for yourself at the Constitution Unit and Demos websites

 We have challenged both to a debate but as usual have recieved no reply.

Funny that.









eqt act

cos fp coe











Through The Lense




Through the the distorted lense of Conservative and Labour parties, the education sector, controlled media, advertising and commerce (physical and digital), British society is being "transformed" into something else.


More Secular, More Selfish and More Foriegn.




Want Britain to be Britain? One party does.


Tommy Robinson

Tommy Robinson is in jail by order of the Conservative and Labour "progressive"establishment and their media agents in the BBC and the controlled media.

His imprisonment is political.

At we believe in freedom of speech, the freedom of assembly the freedom of the press and the toleration of dissent and the other bulwarks of our Brisith constitution.

Only a single nationwide political formation can defeat the Conservative and Labour establishment and put Britain back on the right road. 




Hot and Cold has highlighted many times the exposure of the United Kingdom to natural and manmade emergencies.

While the the temprature rises and the Visa digital payment system crashes it is worth remembering that three days of snow in March streched the "Just In Time (JIT)" distribution chains of the supermarkets and the shelfs were near to empty or empty.

Another three days of snow and the country would have been on it's knees trying to feed itself.

There is no point in having access to money if there is no food to buy.

Fifty years of national disintegration moral, social, economic, infrastructural etc means that the UK is dangerously exposed to national, regional and local emergency, more than at any time since the war.


The Civil Defence Corps (330,000) has been abolished

The Territorial Army has been abolished.

Meanwhile the British Army (cut to 78,000) is too busy on mandatory Equality and Diversity courses while our enemies are not.







"...all the systems you traverse..."


"Kurious Oranj"

from the allbum "I am Kurious Oranj"

By The Fall


The British built the modern world as we know it today.

At the centre of the world is the British model of a Christian Protestant parliamentary democracy, a limited constitutional monarchy, civil and religous liberty, the rule law, freedom of association and the press and toleration of dissent, social order and a balanced economy that was sent across the entire Earth where today in many different forms it continues to exist from the United States of America to


It continues to exist centuries later quite simply because it is good.


Today millions of immigrants across the Earth want to come to Britain.

they want to come here and do come here because when they see the Union Jack they see

freedom and the rule of law and Christian civilisation.

In a real sense they see Britain before the 1960' and many of them still hold to the Christian

standard's,behaviour, practice and custom's of pre hippy "progressive" Britain that was

shipped overseas centuries ago.



 The British Christian Constitution








The Interval

and The Final Act.


For the past fifiy years we have have experienced the opening and middle

(- the begining, roughly 1968 to 1975 and the middle, roughly 1976-1989).

acts of the Conservativeand Labour political production

called the "End of Britain"

Between 2012 and 2017 we experienced the rehearsal for the final act.


In May 2018 we are in the Interval.


The final act is about to begin.

Immigration, the Eurostate, devolution and the separation of the United Kingdom are all manifestations of our moral, social and economic disintegration.


It is late,

but not too late.








We are in the interval.

The events of 2012-2017 were the rehersal and the final act is about to start.

For fifty years the United Kingdom has disintegrated

in all of it's elements moral, social, economic and political.

The abandonment of our established Christian religion and it's teachings of selflessness has opened the door to selfishness, abortion, divorce, debt, and materialism.

This abandonment led to the throwing away not just of Christian personal traits and behaviour but also of our collective national responsibilities and duties to each other our young, poor, disabled and elderly (these duties and responsibilities have been monetised and handed over to the state and then contracted out to the private sector)and our country, especially the duty to defend our borders and maintain our hegemony.

The final act is about to begin and there are no signs that the nation is ready to embark on the voyage it must take to repair, restore and regenerate itself.




Fake Unionist Conferences

Two Conservative "think tanks" held events related to the Union in the last week. Both organisations are dedicated to the "progressive" agenda especially legisltive devolution, secularism and multiculturism.

Although both events caimed to be about the Union, at neither event, one hosted by "Onward" and the other hosted by "Policy Exchange", contained a single speaker in support of the British unitary and integral constitution and parliamntary representative democracy.




The digital corporations now seek to own your facial recognition (for digital access) and your childrens fingerprints (for school lunch)

Britain should control and regulate it's own national digital space.







Something Else




For fifty years the Conservative and Labour parties have sough to make the British something else.










More godless, More selfish, More materialist, More in debt, More abortions,




 More individualist (and not in a good way) and a More fivoulous and shallow economy followed by even More private misery.




And of course the unmentionable: More African and More Asian.

26th May 2018


Something Else




For fifty years the Conservative and Labour parties have sough to make the British something else.










More godless, More selfish, More materialist, More in debt, More abortions,




 More individualist (and not in a good way) and a More fivoulous and shallow economy followed by even More private misery.




And of course the unmentionable: More African and More Asian.

Something Else


For fifty years the Conservative and Labour parties have sough to make the British something else.





More godless, More selfish, More materialist, More in debt, More abortions,


 More individualist (and not in a good way) and a More fivoulous and shallow economy followed by even More private misery.


And of course the unmentionable: More African and More Asian.


Something Else




For fifty years the Conservative and Labour parties have sough to make the British something else.










More godless, More selfish, More materialist, More in debt, More abortions,




 More individualist (and not in a good way) and a More fivoulous and shallow economy followed by even More private misery.




And of course the unmentionable: More African and More Asian.

Something Else




For fifty years the Conservative and Labour parties have sough to make the British something else.










More godless, More selfish, More materialist, More in debt, More abortions,




 More individualist (and not in a good way) and a More fivoulous and shallow economy followed by even More private misery.




And of course the unmentionable: More African and More Asian.




26th May 2018 

Fake Unionist Conferences

Two Conservative think tanks" held events related to the Union in the last week. Both organisations are dedicated to the "progressive" agenda especially secularism and multiculturism.

One event was hosted by "Onward" and the other by "Policy Exchange".

Although both events caimed to be about the Union neither contained a single reprsentative to speak in support of our existing unitary and integral constitution and parliamntary representative deocracy.






Sacrifice to Surrender


Something Else

For fifty years the Conservative and Labour parties have sough to make the British something else.

More godless, More selfish, More materialist, More in debt, More abortions,

 More individualist (not in a good way) and a More fivoulous and shallow economy

followed by even More private misery.

And of course the unmentionable: More African, more Asian and more Oriental.




Not content with claiming the sky would fll in if we leave the EU, the Governor of the Bank of England Mark Carney now puts his tuppence worth into the matter of a separate scottish currency.

Mr Carney who is Canadian by birth, Irish Republican by choice and British by mammon should be sacked.



On the second date of the Union Glue Book Tour 2018, in a speech delivered in the Jury's Inn Hotel on the banks of the Clyde in Glasgow. Stewart Connell highlighted the Regional Assemblies Bill purpose as an attempt to create a fictional symetrical devolved goververnmental architecture. The assemblies were administrative forms of devolution and the Labour and Conservative parties fearedthat the English assemblies would mutate into legislative devolution and threaten the integrity of England.

Further in the speech the surrender of the Church of Scotland to the equality and diverisity code was exposed, other matters included abortion, mass lonliness and the abandonment of our serious national economy.

In closing Stewart called for a general election between a political formation that wants Britain to be someting else and a new single political formation that wants Britain to be Britain.


Full text of the speech will be available shortly.

A video of the speech will also be available. 


Available on Amazon Kindle  great_britain_uj[1]



Union Glue





  The Union, Referendums and the EU




  The United Kingdom From Parliamentary Democracy


 to Despotic State in Five Years 2012-2017




 by Stewart Connell









 ...Please see for further comment and news...


 .................Thank you for visiting.................






The 20th Anniversary of Legislative Devolution Series


By Stewart Connell (c) 2017 is marking the 20th anniversary of the introduction of legislative devolution into mainland UK through a series of special articles and activities (further information to follow) which can be found below. 


 We will highlight the division and waste that legislative devolution has brought into British politics and why we must have nothing less than repeal.










commonrepr[email protected]




First Published 22nd July 2017  


   20th Anniversary of Legislative Devolution Series




Part 1


By Stewart Connell (c) 2017 


 A Warning Ignored.






 In 1997 there was no legislative devolution on the mainland of the United Kingdom. All government and administration took place through national government channels and for some delegated matters local council channels. This system is called administrative devolution.


 This system remains in place in England.


   Administrative devolution provided accountable and effective local government and administration of the public realm. 


 With administrative devolution there was: no devolved legislative powers, no third tier of government, no additional layer of devolved politicians (today 279 of them exist on three sites with a vast apparatus of political staff and substantial political budgets paid for by the British taxpayer), no territorial institution’s to aggregate powers to themselves and increasingly claim a status as a proto or embryonic state and of course no political personality to challenge the British Parliament for authority.


 Administrative devolution worked well, very well.


 It built the entire physical infrastructure of the United Kingdom that we know today.


   In the 1970s and 1980s, the anti-devolutionists in both the Conservative and Labour parties warned that the introduction of legislative devolution into the United Kingdom, an integral and unitary parliamentary nation would lead to it’s dis-integration.


   20 years after it’s introduction, we can now see the evidence in front of us that the anti-devolutionist’s were right.


  Legislative devolution has introduced a territorial, electoral and institutional conflict into the United Kingdom and in the space of just 17 years the United Kingdom was taken from being a "strong and stable" nation to the edge of complete destruction by the political forces unleashed by legislative devolution.


 The referendum on the Union in 2014, initiated by the Conservative party, not the SNP, is only the first direct challenge between the British Parliament and the devolved institutions.


   Unless and until legislative devolution is repealed the next referendum on the Union is not that far away.




  On the 1st of May 1997 the Labour Party was elected to government on a manifesto which included the introduction of legislative devolution in mainland United Kingdom.


   On the 11th of September 1997 the Labour government held referendums (state sponsored opinion polls) on devolution in Scotland and Wales.


   While neither referendum result contained a majority of the electorate, (devolution was not a burning issue for most electors in Scotland or Wales or in any part of the UK, who were more concerned about jobs, poverty and housing rather than some new fangled governmental arrangements for more politicians and another tier of government) but encouraged and comforted by the entire political establishment cheerleading for devolution, out of those that did vote, a majority supported the introduction of legislative devolution.


  It may have been expected that faced with such a radical and dangerous constitutional alteration to the unitary fabric of the Nation, the Conservative Party would provide opposition and rally forces against it, however the opposite was the case.


   As the result of the refendum was announced and broadcast, the Conservative Party (which had been wiped out in Scotland in the general election in May ) which had previously opposed legislative devolution (although increasingly it did not know why it did) immediately surrendered centuries of unionism and reversed it’s policy and embraced devolution with the zeal of the new convert.


 (Since the 11th of September 1997 no principal party in the United Kingdom now supports the actual existing constititutional and legal form of the United Kingdom as an integral and unitary parliamentary nation).


   The referendum result provided a convenient political cover for the Conservative Party to retreat from having to go through the motions of even having to think seriously about the Union nevermind having to defend it. 


For decades the Conservative Party had regarded the Union as a distraction, a nuisance, a troublesome relic from the past just like the other heavy responsibilities of nationhood that it had no interest in. 


It could now finally cast off unionism and concentrate on it’s prime concern and interest: money.


 Devolution would also provide the Scottish Conservative Party with elected representation and public money to run it's organisation. Devolution’s gerrymandered proportional representation system of 129 MSP’s (72 constituencies and 57 “list” MSP’s) and generous financial support for political parties had arrived at just the right time for the Scottish Conservative Party.


  No wonder there were so many happy Scottish Conservatives at the Conservative Conference in Blackpool in 1997.


Next in the


20th Anniversary of Legislative Devolution Series


  Part 2


  “The Division Bell”






 First Published 29th July 2017


20th Anniversary of Legislative Devolution Series


 Part 2


By Stewart Connell (c) 2017


 The Division Bell


Conservative Manifesto 1997


  “… the development of new assemblies in Scotland and Wales would create strains which could well pull apart the Union. That would create a new layer of government which would be hungry for power. It would risk rivalry and conflict between these parliaments or assemblies and the parliament at Westminster. And it would raise serious questions about whether the representation of Scottish and Welsh MPs at Westminster - and their role in matters affecting English affairs - could remain unchanged…”


 Seldom has a manifesto so accurately predicted the outcome of a particular policy initiative and warned against it.


  Unfortunately, for the entire United Kingdom, the Conservative Party ditched it's opposition to legislative devolution only 4 months and 10 days after the general election.


The division of the United Kingdom had begun.


As the result of the referendum on devolution in Scotland was broadcast, the Conservative Party surrendered and declared it’s support for legislative devolution. Rather than hold to it’s established position and prepare for the long haul of political work and persuasion, the Conservative Party fell to it’s knee’s to worship at the alter of legislative devolution and the referendum device.


 With serious old guard “high Tories”, who did understand the implications of legislative devolution for the Union now few in number, hardly any Conservative’s even thought about the Union.


 Any mention of the Union in most Conservative meetings was met with a laugh and a swift “let us move on” to the next subject.


 The lack of depth of conviction and thought in the Conservative Party on the Union meant it was easy for the “New” Labour Party to take a devolutionist approach to the matter and be led by the federalist, separatist and republican forces inside and outside of it. New Labour like the Conservative Party was now all about money.


 The authority to begin the experiment in legislative devolution on the mainland of the United Kingdom was exercised in the general election on the 1st of May 1997. The Labour Party under Blair had included a commitment to it in their manifesto, provided referendums in Scotland and Wales took place to ensure “popular endorsement”.


  The referendum device itself was to be part of a new constitutional doctrine which would raise the referendum device to a new “gold standard” in democracy (20 years later this would lead to a conflict between Parliamentary general election (2015) and a referendum result (2016), on the matter of European Union membership, a conflict only resolved by another general election in 2017). Labour’s post war Leader and Prime minister Clement Attlee, had warned about such a conflict and described the referendum mechanism as “alien to all our (parliamentary) traditions” but in 1997, New Labour was intent that the referendum device would assist it preventing the House of Commons acting as a brake (it’s constitutional job) on the executive. The referendum device would be increasingly be presented as a counter authority to parliamentary authority and the matter of the Union in 1997 was the ideal subject for New Labour to begin its reintroduction of the referendum mechanism, which had not been used in the United Kingdom for 18 years since the last devolution experiment in 1979.


Labour Manifesto 1997


  As soon as possible after the election, we will enact legislation to allow the people of Scotland and Wales to vote in separate referendums on our proposals, which will be set out in white papers. These referendums will take place not later than the autumn of 1997. A simple majority of those voting in each referendum will be the majority required. Popular endorsement will strengthen the legitimacy of our proposals and speed their passage through Parliament.”


“For Scotland we propose the creation of a parliament with law-making powers, firmly based on the agreement reached in the Scottish Constitutional Convention, including defined and limited financial powers to vary revenue and elected by an additional member system. In the Scottish referendum we will seek separate endorsement of the proposal to create a parliament, and of the proposal to give it defined and limited financial powers to vary revenue. The Scottish parliament will extend democratic control over the responsibilities currently exercised administratively by the Scottish Office.”


 Labour’s victory opened the door to national division and dissolution. From May 1st 1997, bit by bit, power, patronage, status and money would flow to the devolved institutions, under the sponsorship of the Labour and Conservative parties not the SNP, (later installments both the Scotland Act 2012 and Scotland Act 2016 would take further substantial powers from the British Parliament and place them into the devolved parliament which now would have a “government” and not an “executive”, the nomenclature had changed to meet the rising status of the institution. The push for “parliamentary parity” was now on (even though the British Parliament is the sovereign parliament and the Scottish Parliament is the devolved one). The idea of the United Kingdom as a “family of nations”, an informal federal entity increasingly took hold, especially in the Conservative Party, for it avoided the party having to confirm that the United Kingdom actually still is a constitutional and legal integral and unitary parliamentary nation.


By 1997 however the matter of the Union had been neglected to such an extent that many did not even care about the Union (this was especially the case with politicians - elected in 1997 Theresa May’s “precious, precious Union” does not even rate a mention in her political life until she is Prime minister in 2016) while at the same time the Union was so familiar and taken for granted in general that to suggest or even question that it should be brought to an end and dissolved was not taken seriously until 15 years later on the 8th January 2012 when Conservative Prime minister David Cameron launched a referendum in which it was proposed that the United Kingdom be dissolved on the night of the 18th of September 2014.






 First Published 2nd September 2017


20th Anniversary of Legislative Devolution Series


 Part 3


By Stewart Connell (c) 2017


Referendums Everywhere


(Devolution, Separation, A Coup D’état and A Year of Despotic Government)


While devolution began its opposition free legislative journey, Labour’s devolution referendums themselves had not just touched on the matter of the Union they had aimed for the British centre of democracy and government.


The return of the referendum device reactivated a direct challenge to constituted parliamentary and electoral authority.


A challenge that had been silent for nearly two decades.


The return of the referendum device, a referendum revolution, was to become a key feature of the United Kingdoms governance over the next twenty years and indeed change the course of history.


The Referendum Revolution


Devolution has always been intertwined with referendums. The referendum mechanism has been the favoured device by the Conservative Party (who used it first under Mr Heath) and the Labour Party to concoct a seemingly democratic mask for their latest devolved experiments. After a space of 18 years when the referendum device had not been used and it had only been used four times in a six year period (1973-1979, only one of which was a UK wide referendum on the “re-negotiated” terms of EU membership of the Common Market) had increasing been seen as an aberration in the parliamentary life of the nation and then largely confined to the territorial periphery.


The authority for the legislative devolution experiment was exercised in the general election on the 1st of May 1997, not the referendums on the 11th and 18th of September 1997 but the devolution referendums of 1997 and 1998 re-opened the door to the referendum device and put it at the centre of British politics with an enhanced political status.


 Referendums were introduced into the UK in 1973 and by 1979 there had only been four referendums, three of them territorial and one national (Northern Ireland 8th March 1973, Wales 1st March 1979, Scotland 1st March 1979 and UK 5th June 1975).


 Between 1979 and 1997 there were no referendums.


 By 1997 however with a “new” political mood captured by New Labour referendums found a new cache as the idea of “popular sovereignty” took hold among the wider establishment.


In 1997 on the back of it’s devolution proposals (which had been endorsed at the general election and did not need a referendum to “super validate” (an idea repugnant to the British constitution), New Labour sought to invent a new “progressive” constitutional doctrine “popular sovereignty” in contrast to established parliamentary constituency election, which it cast as “old” and “boring”, the referendum could be presented as “new” and “modern” and it was used all across Europe, so it must be a “good thing”.


Both Conservative and Labour parties agreed to support it’s use and recognise its results. This appeared to raise its status and results above the authority of general election results. It appeared to “be above” normal party politics and general elections and be a new “gold standard” in democracy.


In what was to become a regular feature on the UK political scene the referendum mechanism had found an appeal among those who wished to alter the constitutional fabric but more importantly, who wanted to avoid the threat to their power, patronage, seats and public money - which always comes with election but never a referendum.


Mr Blair (who harboured his own suspicions about the potential troublemaking nature of legislative devolution) decided to initiate referendums in Scotland (comprising not one but two questions) and Wales and include them in the manifesto. These would provide additional “popular” political confirmation on embarking on the new constitutional experiment (even though these were experimental themselves) and present the referendum mechanism as a modern form of democratic mandate (even though they were not a modern invention and have been used across Europe especially in newly emerging states or those re-emerging from a revolutionary or occupied period and/or those without a parliamentary tradition).


 Blair set the referendums on devolution for the 11th September 1997 and then on the 18th September in Wales.


 The Northern Ireland referendum would follow (contained in the Belfast Agreement containing the latest form of legislative devolution for the province) on 22nd May 1998.


The referendum on the creation of the post of London Mayor and the introduction of Greater London Authority took place on the 7th May 1998 however these two creations remain just inside what can still just be described as local government and administrative devolution.


On 4th November 2004 a referendum on the introduction of a regional assembly took place in North East England.


(there had been plans for 3 referendums including the North West and Yorkshire and the Humber – but these were cancelled after concerns about the integrity of the postal voting system were raised).


However Labour decided to push ahead with the NE referendum


(which was an all postal affair!).


 The result was: 696,519 (77.9%) Against. 197,310 (22.1) For.


 47.8% of the region's 1.9 million registered electors voted.


 The exercise cost £11 million.


The result was a substantial defeat for Primeminister Blair and Deputy Prime minister Prescott.


The draft Regional Assemblies’ bill contained telling features central to the entire devolution experiment. Similar to the London Assembly the other assemblies were part of an attempt to create a “devolution culture” where none existed also they were to appear to address the asymmetrical matter of devolution outside of England and they were again just inside the definition of administrative devolution although they did contain provision for a “rolling devolution” which could have taken them over the line into legislative devolution under the consent of the Secretary of State.


 The bill is very narrow and highly defined and largely dependent upon the discretion of the Secretary of State (British Parliament) for its “purposes and power’s”, this contrasts sharply with the broad and loose approach taken with the devolution versions in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales.


 While the Conservative and Labour parties were prepared to play fast and loose, token politics with Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales, when it came closer to their political “home” they sensed the dis-integrative effect of legislative devolution and took steps to ensure that the regional assemblies were essentially “big” councils (similar to the old Strathclyde Council covering Glasgow and the west of central Scotland) and locked it into administrative devolution not legislative devolution.


The architects of the legislation had one eye on the integrity of England and the existence of a territorial assembly and potential development of a separatist political personality - exactly the political concoction introduced into Scotland , Northern Ireland and Wales.


 By 2016 another four referendums would take place.


On the 3rd March 2011 in Wales, a further devolution package was contained in a referendum, on the 5th May 2011 across the UK, a referendum on proportional representation took place and voters decisively rejected it.


On the 18th of September 2014 the referendum on the Union took place and on the 23rd June 2016, it was the referendum on EU membership.


 The great clash between the hype of referendum authority and the legal and constituted authority of the British Parliament took place over the measure to give the devolved Scottish Parliament the power to hold the separation referendum.


The Scotland Act 1998 (Modification of Schedule 5) Order 2013, while providing authority for the Scottish Parliament to logistically hold a referendum on the Union did not contain any provision for the referendum to contain authority. In other words it was an opinion poll, a survey – nothing more, nothing less.


Both he Conservative Party and Labour Party who wanted the referendum to appear as though it did contain authority (for the Conservative party to assist their forthcoming general election campaign and the Labour Party to look modern and avoid abstaining from a device that they endorsed) it was necessary to collaborate in ensuring that the most important piece of legislation ever to be presented to the British Parliament (for a referendum to be held on Parliaments own complete abolition) was pushed through Parliament.


 On the 15th of January 2013 the Order was pushed through the House of Commons in six hours (other constitutional legislation had taken months, years and even decades) while the next day the Order went to the House of lords and they did the same. There was no green paper, no white paper, no bill, no act of parliament, neither did the House of Commons sit in committee form which is the normal practice for legislation of an important and constitutional nature. No division took place but the measure passed into law with not a single voice of dissent.


 Having pumped up the fiction of a referendum authority and for separate reasons supporting a referendum on the Union, the Conservative and Labour parties had to keep up the fiction and keep the constitutional reality (the referendum was simply a survey) well away from the public domain.


 In a referendum no MP loses their seat and in 2014, the avoidance of a general election called on the matter of the Union was the priority for both the Conservative and Labour parties.


 On the 20th January 2014 the Secretary of State for Scotland Alistair Carmichael finally conceded “the Order does not contan any provisions relating to Scottish constituencies in the UK Parliament”, in other words the referendum was a survey and a general election (as always) would be required to authorise representation in or abstention from the British Parliament.


 Any “Yes” referendum result however would have provided a fictional authority and a political cover story for MP’s to withdraw from the British Parliament while continuing to be mandated from the 2010 general election to go and sit in the House of Commons - to be part of the whole.


Emboldened by the division and near catastrophe of 18th September 2014, the Conservative and Labour parties embarked on yet another referendum this time on EU  membership.


The EU membership referendum brought the challenge of “referendum authority” straight to the British centre of power. The challenge was no longer peripheral. It could not be hidden or pushed to one side. It was targeted at the centre of the British state, Parliament, government and civil service.


The return of the referendum device was to have a traumatic impact upon the parliamentary representational democracy in the United Kingdom.


Having taken the Union to the edge of complete destruction in September 2014, the referendum device now facilitated a coup d’état in government between the 24th June-13th July 2016 - the period of the Conservative Party’s internal selection and appointment of Theresa May as Prime minister - which, as it was meant to, led to the replacement of the Conservative manifesto, which had been authorised by the general election in May 2015, with a new manifesto (the opposite to the one that the electorate had endorsed) that had not been unauthorised, in the space of a just over a year.


The decision by the Conservative Party not to have a general election immediately after the EU  membership referendum meant that it’s new post referendum manifesto would not be submitted to the British electorate for authorisation until June 8th 2017.


 The decision not to have an immediate general election resulted in the United Kingdom enduring a year of unelected (despotic) government and an unauthorised manifesto between 13th July 2016 and the 8th of June 2017, when a general election was held and parliamentary government was restored and the new post referendum Conservative manifesto was (just) authorised.




The devolution experiment introduced in 1997 was not the first, 76 years earlier another attempt had been made. In 1921, a very grand and elaborate devolution scheme was introduced in Northern Ireland. It was brought to an end by the British Parliament in 1970.


While the referendum mechanism is now a regular “go to” instrument for both Conservative and Labour parties in and out of government when they wish to get an unpopular measure into legislation without an election, the devolution referendums of 1997 had set the referendum ball rolling.


 Legislative authority in the United Kingdom cannot be separated on a territorial basis and attached to a territorial electorate and institution. As we have seen over the decades this leads to division and political conflict. Administrative devolution (local government) does not create this conflict because council's do not have legislative power or a political personality to challenge national authority. 


The referendum in our unitary constitution is limited to being an opinion poll as no authority can be in it. The United Kingdom is an integral and unitary state. Authority is integral and unitary (singular) and only contained in and excerised and transmitted through parliamentary constituency election.


Authority in the United Kingdom can only be in one place at one time.


This is the lesson of the nature of authority in our country as experienced through legislative devolution and the referendum device.


 Whether you measure the success or failure of legislative devolution in political or money terms the experiment has failed.


 It is not just a political distraction, it has taken the United Kingdom to the edge of complete destruction while costing billions in money and materials that could have gone directly into defence, rebuilding heavy industry, schools or hospitals.


 The United Kingdom is not short of political problems, we have enough.


We could do with a one less.


  As we continue to watch the legislative devolved institutions as they are given more powers and promised more powers by both the Conservative and Labour parties, we can see it causing further friction, further division of the nation and generating more referendums and wasting yet more resources.


 The anti-devolutionists of the 1970’s and 1980’s were right.


 20 years after the introduction of legislative devolution the evidence of the division, the damage and the expense that it has created is in front of us.


 We must learn and we must act.


 If we do not then the complete dis-integration of the United Kingdom will take place.


We must repeal legislative devolution, restore local government and ban referendums.




Copyright © Stewart Connell 2017





The 20th Anniversary of Legislative Devolution Series

By Stewart Connell (c) 2017 is marking the 20th anniversary of the introduction of legislative devolution into mainland UK through a series of special articles and activities (further information to follow) which can be found below. 

 We will highlight the division and waste that legislative devolution has brought into British politics and why we must have nothing less than repeal.





commonrepr[email protected]


First Published 22nd July 2017  

   20th Anniversary of Legislative Devolution Series


Part 1

By Stewart Connell (c) 2017 

 A Warning Ignored.



 In 1997 there was no legislative devolution on the mainland of the United Kingdom. All government and administration took place through national government channels and for some delegated matters local council channels. This system is called administrative devolution.

 This system remains in place in England.

   Administrative devolution provided accountable and effective local government and administration of the public realm. 

 With administrative devolution there was: no devolved legislative powers, no third tier of government, no additional layer of devolved politicians (today 279 of them exist on three sites with a vast apparatus of political staff and substantial political budgets paid for by the British taxpayer), no territorial institution’s to aggregate powers to themselves and increasingly claim a status as a proto or embryonic state and of course no political personality to challenge the British Parliament for authority.

 Administrative devolution worked well, very well.

 It built the entire physical infrastructure of the United Kingdom that we know today.

   In the 1970s and 1980s, the anti-devolutionists in both the Conservative and Labour parties warned that the introduction of legislative devolution into the United Kingdom, an integral and unitary parliamentary nation would lead to it’s dis-integration.

   20 years after it’s introduction, we can now see the evidence in front of us that the anti-devolutionist’s were right.

  Legislative devolution has introduced a territorial, electoral and institutional conflict into the United Kingdom and in the space of just 17 years the United Kingdom was taken from being a "strong and stable" nation to the edge of complete destruction by the political forces unleashed by legislative devolution.

 The referendum on the Union in 2014, initiated by the Conservative party, not the SNP, is only the first direct challenge between the British Parliament and the devolved institutions.

   Unless and until legislative devolution is repealed the next referendum on the Union is not that far away.


  On the 1st of May 1997 the Labour Party was elected to government on a manifesto which included the introduction of legislative devolution in mainland United Kingdom.

   On the 11th of September 1997 the Labour government held referendums (state sponsored opinion polls) on devolution in Scotland and Wales.

   While neither referendum result contained a majority of the electorate, (devolution was not a burning issue for most electors in Scotland or Wales or in any part of the UK, who were more concerned about jobs, poverty and housing rather than some new fangled governmental arrangements for more politicians and another tier of government) but encouraged and comforted by the entire political establishment cheerleading for devolution, out of those that did vote, a majority supported the introduction of legislative devolution.

  It may have been expected that faced with such a radical and dangerous constitutional alteration to the unitary fabric of the Nation, the Conservative Party would provide opposition and rally forces against it, however the opposite was the case.

   As the result of the refendum was announced and broadcast, the Conservative Party (which had been wiped out in Scotland in the general election in May ) which had previously opposed legislative devolution (although increasingly it did not know why it did) immediately surrendered centuries of unionism and reversed it’s policy and embraced devolution with the zeal of the new convert.

 (Since the 11th of September 1997 no principal party in the United Kingdom now supports the actual existing constititutional and legal form of the United Kingdom as an integral and unitary parliamentary nation).

   The referendum result provided a convenient political cover for the Conservative Party to retreat from having to go through the motions of even having to think seriously about the Union nevermind having to defend it. 

For decades the Conservative Party had regarded the Union as a distraction, a nuisance, a troublesome relic from the past just like the other heavy responsibilities of nationhood that it had no interest in. 

It could now finally cast off unionism and concentrate on it’s prime concern and interest: money.

 Devolution would also provide the Scottish Conservative Party with elected representation and public money to run it's organisation. Devolution’s gerrymandered proportional representation system of 129 MSP’s (72 constituencies and 57 “list” MSP’s) and generous financial support for political parties had arrived at just the right time for the Scottish Conservative Party.

  No wonder there were so many happy Scottish Conservatives at the Conservative Conference in Blackpool in 1997.

Next in the

20th Anniversary of Legislative Devolution Series

  Part 2

  “The Division Bell”



 First Published 29th July 2017

20th Anniversary of Legislative Devolution Series

 Part 2

By Stewart Connell (c) 2017

 The Division Bell

Conservative Manifesto 1997

  “… the development of new assemblies in Scotland and Wales would create strains which could well pull apart the Union. That would create a new layer of government which would be hungry for power. It would risk rivalry and conflict between these parliaments or assemblies and the parliament at Westminster. And it would raise serious questions about whether the representation of Scottish and Welsh MPs at Westminster - and their role in matters affecting English affairs - could remain unchanged…”

 Seldom has a manifesto so accurately predicted the outcome of a particular policy initiative and warned against it.

  Unfortunately, for the entire United Kingdom, the Conservative Party ditched it's opposition to legislative devolution only 4 months and 10 days after the general election.

The division of the United Kingdom had begun.

As the result of the referendum on devolution in Scotland was broadcast, the Conservative Party surrendered and declared it’s support for legislative devolution. Rather than hold to it’s established position and prepare for the long haul of political work and persuasion, the Conservative Party fell to it’s knee’s to worship at the alter of legislative devolution and the referendum device.

 With serious old guard “high Tories”, who did understand the implications of legislative devolution for the Union now few in number, hardly any Conservative’s even thought about the Union.

 Any mention of the Union in most Conservative meetings was met with a laugh and a swift “let us move on” to the next subject.

 The lack of depth of conviction and thought in the Conservative Party on the Union meant it was easy for the “New” Labour Party to take a devolutionist approach to the matter and be led by the federalist, separatist and republican forces inside and outside of it. New Labour like the Conservative Party was now all about money.

 The authority to begin the experiment in legislative devolution on the mainland of the United Kingdom was exercised in the general election on the 1st of May 1997. The Labour Party under Blair had included a commitment to it in their manifesto, provided referendums in Scotland and Wales took place to ensure “popular endorsement”.

  The referendum device itself was to be part of a new constitutional doctrine which would raise the referendum device to a new “gold standard” in democracy (20 years later this would lead to a conflict between Parliamentary general election (2015) and a referendum result (2016), on the matter of European Union membership, a conflict only resolved by another general election in 2017). Labour’s post war Leader and Prime minister Clement Attlee, had warned about such a conflict and described the referendum mechanism as “alien to all our (parliamentary) traditions” but in 1997, New Labour was intent that the referendum device would assist it preventing the House of Commons acting as a brake (it’s constitutional job) on the executive. The referendum device would be increasingly be presented as a counter authority to parliamentary authority and the matter of the Union in 1997 was the ideal subject for New Labour to begin its reintroduction of the referendum mechanism, which had not been used in the United Kingdom for 18 years since the last devolution experiment in 1979.

Labour Manifesto 1997

  As soon as possible after the election, we will enact legislation to allow the people of Scotland and Wales to vote in separate referendums on our proposals, which will be set out in white papers. These referendums will take place not later than the autumn of 1997. A simple majority of those voting in each referendum will be the majority required. Popular endorsement will strengthen the legitimacy of our proposals and speed their passage through Parliament.”

“For Scotland we propose the creation of a parliament with law-making powers, firmly based on the agreement reached in the Scottish Constitutional Convention, including defined and limited financial powers to vary revenue and elected by an additional member system. In the Scottish referendum we will seek separate endorsement of the proposal to create a parliament, and of the proposal to give it defined and limited financial powers to vary revenue. The Scottish parliament will extend democratic control over the responsibilities currently exercised administratively by the Scottish Office.”

 Labour’s victory opened the door to national division and dissolution. From May 1st 1997, bit by bit, power, patronage, status and money would flow to the devolved institutions, under the sponsorship of the Labour and Conservative parties not the SNP, (later installments both the Scotland Act 2012 and Scotland Act 2016 would take further substantial powers from the British Parliament and place them into the devolved parliament which now would have a “government” and not an “executive”, the nomenclature had changed to meet the rising status of the institution. The push for “parliamentary parity” was now on (even though the British Parliament is the sovereign parliament and the Scottish Parliament is the devolved one). The idea of the United Kingdom as a “family of nations”, an informal federal entity increasingly took hold, especially in the Conservative Party, for it avoided the party having to confirm that the United Kingdom actually still is a constitutional and legal integral and unitary parliamentary nation.

By 1997 however the matter of the Union had been neglected to such an extent that many did not even care about the Union (this was especially the case with politicians - elected in 1997 Theresa May’s “precious, precious Union” does not even rate a mention in her political life until she is Prime minister in 2016) while at the same time the Union was so familiar and taken for granted in general that to suggest or even question that it should be brought to an end and dissolved was not taken seriously until 15 years later on the 8th January 2012 when Conservative Prime minister David Cameron launched a referendum in which it was proposed that the United Kingdom be dissolved on the night of the 18th of September 2014.



 First Published 2nd September 2017

20th Anniversary of Legislative Devolution Series

 Part 3

By Stewart Connell (c) 2017

Referendums Everywhere

(Devolution, Separation, A Coup D’état and A Year of Despotic Government)

While devolution began its opposition free legislative journey, Labour’s devolution referendums themselves had not just touched on the matter of the Union they had aimed for the British centre of democracy and government.

The return of the referendum device reactivated a direct challenge to constituted parliamentary and electoral authority.

A challenge that had been silent for nearly two decades.

The return of the referendum device, a referendum revolution, was to become a key feature of the United Kingdoms governance over the next twenty years and indeed change the course of history.

The Referendum Revolution

Devolution has always been intertwined with referendums. The referendum mechanism has been the favoured device by the Conservative Party (who used it first under Mr Heath) and the Labour Party to concoct a seemingly democratic mask for their latest devolved experiments. After a space of 18 years when the referendum device had not been used and it had only been used four times in a six year period (1973-1979, only one of which was a UK wide referendum on the “re-negotiated” terms of EU membership of the Common Market) had increasing been seen as an aberration in the parliamentary life of the nation and then largely confined to the territorial periphery.

The authority for the legislative devolution experiment was exercised in the general election on the 1st of May 1997, not the referendums on the 11th and 18th of September 1997 but the devolution referendums of 1997 and 1998 re-opened the door to the referendum device and put it at the centre of British politics with an enhanced political status.

 Referendums were introduced into the UK in 1973 and by 1979 there had only been four referendums, three of them territorial and one national (Northern Ireland 8th March 1973, Wales 1st March 1979, Scotland 1st March 1979 and UK 5th June 1975).

 Between 1979 and 1997 there were no referendums.

 By 1997 however with a “new” political mood captured by New Labour referendums found a new cache as the idea of “popular sovereignty” took hold among the wider establishment.

In 1997 on the back of it’s devolution proposals (which had been endorsed at the general election and did not need a referendum to “super validate” (an idea repugnant to the British constitution), New Labour sought to invent a new “progressive” constitutional doctrine “popular sovereignty” in contrast to established parliamentary constituency election, which it cast as “old” and “boring”, the referendum could be presented as “new” and “modern” and it was used all across Europe, so it must be a “good thing”.

Both Conservative and Labour parties agreed to support it’s use and recognise its results. This appeared to raise its status and results above the authority of general election results. It appeared to “be above” normal party politics and general elections and be a new “gold standard” in democracy.

In what was to become a regular feature on the UK political scene the referendum mechanism had found an appeal among those who wished to alter the constitutional fabric but more importantly, who wanted to avoid the threat to their power, patronage, seats and public money - which always comes with election but never a referendum.

Mr Blair (who harboured his own suspicions about the potential troublemaking nature of legislative devolution) decided to initiate referendums in Scotland (comprising not one but two questions) and Wales and include them in the manifesto. These would provide additional “popular” political confirmation on embarking on the new constitutional experiment (even though these were experimental themselves) and present the referendum mechanism as a modern form of democratic mandate (even though they were not a modern invention and have been used across Europe especially in newly emerging states or those re-emerging from a revolutionary or occupied period and/or those without a parliamentary tradition).

 Blair set the referendums on devolution for the 11th September 1997 and then on the 18th September in Wales.

 The Northern Ireland referendum would follow (contained in the Belfast Agreement containing the latest form of legislative devolution for the province) on 22nd May 1998.

The referendum on the creation of the post of London Mayor and the introduction of Greater London Authority took place on the 7th May 1998 however these two creations remain just inside what can still just be described as local government and administrative devolution.

On 4th November 2004 a referendum on the introduction of a regional assembly took place in North East England.

(there had been plans for 3 referendums including the North West and Yorkshire and the Humber – but these were cancelled after concerns about the integrity of the postal voting system were raised).

However Labour decided to push ahead with the NE referendum

(which was an all postal affair!).

 The result was: 696,519 (77.9%) Against. 197,310 (22.1) For.

 47.8% of the region's 1.9 million registered electors voted.

 The exercise cost £11 million.

The result was a substantial defeat for Primeminister Blair and Deputy Prime minister Prescott.

The draft Regional Assemblies’ bill contained telling features central to the entire devolution experiment. Similar to the London Assembly the other assemblies were part of an attempt to create a “devolution culture” where none existed also they were to appear to address the asymmetrical matter of devolution outside of England and they were again just inside the definition of administrative devolution although they did contain provision for a “rolling devolution” which could have taken them over the line into legislative devolution under the consent of the Secretary of State.

 The bill is very narrow and highly defined and largely dependent upon the discretion of the Secretary of State (British Parliament) for its “purposes and power’s”, this contrasts sharply with the broad and loose approach taken with the devolution versions in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales.

 While the Conservative and Labour parties were prepared to play fast and loose, token politics with Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales, when it came closer to their political “home” they sensed the dis-integrative effect of legislative devolution and took steps to ensure that the regional assemblies were essentially “big” councils (similar to the old Strathclyde Council covering Glasgow and the west of central Scotland) and locked it into administrative devolution not legislative devolution.

The architects of the legislation had one eye on the integrity of England and the existence of a territorial assembly and potential development of a separatist political personality - exactly the political concoction introduced into Scotland , Northern Ireland and Wales.

 By 2016 another four referendums would take place.

On the 3rd March 2011 in Wales, a further devolution package was contained in a referendum, on the 5th May 2011 across the UK, a referendum on proportional representation took place and voters decisively rejected it.

On the 18th of September 2014 the referendum on the Union took place and on the 23rd June 2016, it was the referendum on EU membership.

 The great clash between the hype of referendum authority and the legal and constituted authority of the British Parliament took place over the measure to give the devolved Scottish Parliament the power to hold the separation referendum.

The Scotland Act 1998 (Modification of Schedule 5) Order 2013, while providing authority for the Scottish Parliament to logistically hold a referendum on the Union did not contain any provision for the referendum to contain authority. In other words it was an opinion poll, a survey – nothing more, nothing less.

Both he Conservative Party and Labour Party who wanted the referendum to appear as though it did contain authority (for the Conservative party to assist their forthcoming general election campaign and the Labour Party to look modern and avoid abstaining from a device that they endorsed) it was necessary to collaborate in ensuring that the most important piece of legislation ever to be presented to the British Parliament (for a referendum to be held on Parliaments own complete abolition) was pushed through Parliament.

 On the 15th of January 2013 the Order was pushed through the House of Commons in six hours (other constitutional legislation had taken months, years and even decades) while the next day the Order went to the House of lords and they did the same. There was no green paper, no white paper, no bill, no act of parliament, neither did the House of Commons sit in committee form which is the normal practice for legislation of an important and constitutional nature. No division took place but the measure passed into law with not a single voice of dissent.

 Having pumped up the fiction of a referendum authority and for separate reasons supporting a referendum on the Union, the Conservative and Labour parties had to keep up the fiction and keep the constitutional reality (the referendum was simply a survey) well away from the public domain.

 In a referendum no MP loses their seat and in 2014, the avoidance of a general election called on the matter of the Union was the priority for both the Conservative and Labour parties.

 On the 20th January 2014 the Secretary of State for Scotland Alistair Carmichael finally conceded “the Order does not contan any provisions relating to Scottish constituencies in the UK Parliament”, in other words the referendum was a survey and a general election (as always) would be required to authorise representation in or abstention from the British Parliament.

 Any “Yes” referendum result however would have provided a fictional authority and a political cover story for MP’s to withdraw from the British Parliament while continuing to be mandated from the 2010 general election to go and sit in the House of Commons - to be part of the whole.

Emboldened by the division and near catastrophe of 18th September 2014, the Conservative and Labour parties embarked on yet another referendum this time on EU  membership.

The EU membership referendum brought the challenge of “referendum authority” straight to the British centre of power. The challenge was no longer peripheral. It could not be hidden or pushed to one side. It was targeted at the centre of the British state, Parliament, government and civil service.

The return of the referendum device was to have a traumatic impact upon the parliamentary representational democracy in the United Kingdom.

Having taken the Union to the edge of complete destruction in September 2014, the referendum device now facilitated a coup d’état in government between the 24th June-13th July 2016 - the period of the Conservative Party’s internal selection and appointment of Theresa May as Prime minister - which, as it was meant to, led to the replacement of the Conservative manifesto, which had been authorised by the general election in May 2015, with a new manifesto (the opposite to the one that the electorate had endorsed) that had not been unauthorised, in the space of a just over a year.

The decision by the Conservative Party not to have a general election immediately after the EU  membership referendum meant that it’s new post referendum manifesto would not be submitted to the British electorate for authorisation until June 8th 2017.

 The decision not to have an immediate general election resulted in the United Kingdom enduring a year of unelected (despotic) government and an unauthorised manifesto between 13th July 2016 and the 8th of June 2017, when a general election was held and parliamentary government was restored and the new post referendum Conservative manifesto was (just) authorised.


The devolution experiment introduced in 1997 was not the first, 76 years earlier another attempt had been made. In 1921, a very grand and elaborate devolution scheme was introduced in Northern Ireland. It was brought to an end by the British Parliament in 1970.

While the referendum mechanism is now a regular “go to” instrument for both Conservative and Labour parties in and out of government when they wish to get an unpopular measure into legislation without an election, the devolution referendums of 1997 had set the referendum ball rolling.

 Legislative authority in the United Kingdom cannot be separated on a territorial basis and attached to a territorial electorate and institution. As we have seen over the decades this leads to division and political conflict. Administrative devolution (local government) does not create this conflict because council's do not have legislative power or a political personality to challenge national authority. 

The referendum in our unitary constitution is limited to being an opinion poll as no authority can be in it. The United Kingdom is an integral and unitary state. Authority is integral and unitary (singular) and only contained in and excerised and transmitted through parliamentary constituency election.

Authority in the United Kingdom can only be in one place at one time.

This is the lesson of the nature of authority in our country as experienced through legislative devolution and the referendum device.

 Whether you measure the success or failure of legislative devolution in political or money terms the experiment has failed.

 It is not just a political distraction, it has taken the United Kingdom to the edge of complete destruction while costing billions in money and materials that could have gone directly into defence, rebuilding heavy industry, schools or hospitals.

 The United Kingdom is not short of political problems, we have enough.

We could do with a one less.

  As we continue to watch the legislative devolved institutions as they are given more powers and promised more powers by both the Conservative and Labour parties, we can see it causing further friction, further division of the nation and generating more referendums and wasting yet more resources.

 The anti-devolutionists of the 1970’s and 1980’s were right.

 20 years after the introduction of legislative devolution the evidence of the division, the damage and the expense that it has created is in front of us.

 We must learn and we must act.

 If we do not then the complete dis-integration of the United Kingdom will take place.

We must repeal legislative devolution, restore local government and ban referendums.