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Union Glue
The Union, Referendums and the EU
The United Kingdom From Parliamentary Democracy
to Despotic State in Five Years
Stewart Connell
"unique and thought provoking"
...Latest Update 26/3/2017 See Below at Front Page News...
..."A Shell Nation and the Paper Tigers"...
...Please see for further comment and news...
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26th March 2017
Common Parliament Common Vote
The United Kingdom's
Leading Unionist
If you want to keep the United Kingdom united then join Us.
Campaigning for The Union, The British Constitution and Parliamentary Democracy.
The object of this website is to provide a media platform and web resource supporting the repeal of legislative devolution, the introduction of a Common Representation Act and the parliamentary unity of the British nation.
Genesis 12:2
King James Version (KJV)
2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:
Isaiah 60:12
King James Version (KJV)
12 For the nation and kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish; yea, those nations shall be utterly wasted.
We Shall Remember Them
The Somme
Edmund Burke MP for Bristol 1774
(Dublin, Ireland. January 12, 1729 - Beaconsfield, England, July 9, 1797)
“…Parliament is not a congress of ambassadors from different and hostile interests, which interests each must maintain, as an agent and advocate, against other agents and advocates; but parliament is a deliberative assembly of one nation, with one interest, that of the whole; where, not local purposes, not local prejudices ought to guide, but the general good, resulting from the general reason of the whole. You chose a member indeed; when you have chosen him, he is not a member of Bristol, but he is member of parliament…”
campaign was established in 2011
by Unionist Campaigner
and former Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party Parliamentary Candidate Stewart Connell.
"I hope you find the content of interest. Thank you for visiting".
"I look upon the British Constitution, as settled at the Revolution, to be
the most glorious on earth, or that perhaps the wit of man can frame"
Robert Burns
All references to Great Britain cover the entire United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
If you would like to support the work of
then please email:
Speech by Stewart Connell available above at Feature Item Tab.
"The Union and the Referendum"
21st September 2016
A Special Announcement. is pleased to announce
the formation of the British Unionist Party (BUP), officially registered as the United Kingdom Unionist Party.
The BUP website can be found at
From the Front Line of Devolution:
The Devolution News That They Do Not Want You To Know:
26th March 2017
A Shell Nation and the Paper Tigers has highlighted previously that the UK is highly exposed not least on our defence, infrastructure and power generation fronts.
50 years of moral, social, economic, political and constitutional dis-integration have led to a Nation that is now largely a shell.
Our Christian civilisation and culture has been pushed to the margins. Social bonds have been dissolved and each is set against the other. Our national industry and infrastructure have been demolished. Our constitution torn apart.
While we still continue to use our Christian inheritance and fabric as the background of our daily lives (from the expectation of kindness in our relationships to the expectation of the punishment of lawbreakers) all the essential elements that made us a great nation are not now being replenished and passed on to the next generation (it is the state approved secular religion of equality and diversity that is being promoted for transmission to the next generation) as has been done in the past.
For fifty years we have increasingly thought less about the serious and long term responsibilities of nationhood and thought more about short term, shallow materialism and playful selfishness.
This is especially visible when we look at serious matters such as defence, infrastructure and the provision of power generation in the United Kingdom.
The British Army is now under 80,000 (500,000 in 1960).
The Civil Defence Corp was abolished many years ago (330,000 strong).
Today we have 6 Border Force vessels to patrol the entire British coastline (Italy has 600).
The Conservative and Labour parties have brought us here.
They are paper tigers and our enemies know that.
While outside our Parliament, the dead lie in the streets, inside, the Conservative and Labour parties continue to destroy everything that made us a great nation.
20th March 2017
Conservative Party Launches it’s Second Referendum on The Union.
On the 7th of January 2012 no referendum on the Union existed.
On the 8th of January 2012 David Cameron Leader of the Conservative Party
in an interview with Andrew Marr initiated the first referendum on the Union.
On the 15th of March 2017 no referendum on the Union existed.
On the 16th of March Theresa May Leader of the Conservative Party
in an interview with Robert Peston initiated a second referendum on the Union.
The SNP have never initiated a single referendum.
The Conservative Party have now initiated two.
It's your Choice.
The British people or the Conservative Party.
12th March 2017
The British Centre
For 50 years the attack on the British constitution has been targeted at the periphery, the outlying parts of the Nation.
This has been most evident in the pushing of legislative devolution and PR and foreign interference into Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
They are now floated as embryonic statelets in an emerging federal state.
The coup de’tat that took place in the UK between the 24th of June and the 13th of July 2016 has now brought the weight of the “progressisve” revolution to the very centre of the British state.
The coup appointed a new primeminister, a new government, new ministers, new departments and most of all a new manifesto, a manifesto the complete opposite to the one voted for by the British people in the 2015 general election.
The referendum mechanism has been used effectively in shutting down parliamentary representation and replacing the rule of law with the rule of the Conservative Party mob.
Rather that stand up for their principals and the parliamentary representation of their electors, 600 MP’s elected on manifesto’s to stay in the EU now prostrate themselves before the referendum device and vote to leave.
There is no admission that their previous position was wrong or an explanation of the political and constiutional reasons why they have changed their minds (which all are entitled to do given new evidence or experience and then place that new opinion before their constituency electorate).
Theresa May is the prime example of these MP's.
They have reduced their personal convictions and manifestos to dust.
The consequence of the coup and the casting aside of parliamentary representation is that the centre of British politics – the British House of Commons and the government that should be made from it and the civil service are operating outside the control of the British people.
The British have lost control of their country.
5th March 2017
Credit Where It Is Due.
In a interview BBC presenter Jackie Bird targets with precision the rank hypocrisy of Theresa May who can end the doubt over a referendum in a single word, no, but chooses to keep the option open.
5th March 2017
Theresa May, Leader of the Conservative Party refuses to say no to the SNP and shut the door on a referendum.
To do so would be the right thing to do.
It would be the constitutional and parliamentary thing to do.
It is what a party loyal to the British people would do.
It would remove immediately doubt and division.
Certainty and unity would return and we could begin to put our country together again.
Just as David Cameron initiated the previous referendum on the Union for narrow Conservative Party reasons, rather than say no, Theresa May and
the Conservative Party are playing with the matter for narrow party reasons.
Maybe aye maybe naw.
They are letting the matter hang in the air.
They are doing this for narrow party interest.
They believe that electors who want to see the Union defended have no where else to go
and will vote for the Conservative Party regardless of their policy on the Union.
4th March 2017
The Conservative Party is the party that initiated the referendum on the Union.
(Here is the transcript of the Conservative Party Leader initiating the referendum on the Andrew Marr Show 8th January 2012
About halfway down page - the youtube video previously online has been pulled)
14th March 2015
A New Unionist Party,
An Old Political Lineage
Whigs 1678-1868
Liberal Unionist Party 1886-1912
Unionist Party 1912-1965
A New Unionist Party 2015-
The SNP can be blamed for many things but not the referendum on the Union.
The Conservative Party likes referendums.
Since 2010 It has had 4.
Referendum on Wales Devolution 2011
Referendum on PR 2011
Referendum on the Union 2014
Referendum on EU membership 2016
It will have another one on the Union unless you stop it.
Do Not Vote for the Conservative Party.
25th February 2017
Politics by Proxy
and the “Dictatorship of the Air”
Britons today cannot afford the bus fare to their local town centre never mind afford air travel to America or elsewhere overseas.
The recent demo’s in the United Kingdom regarding the United States of America’s entry policy
(entirely a matter for America and none of our business) is politics by proxy.
The demo’s and attendant coverage are superficially about American policy but are more deeply about Britain and the challenge to the “progressive” revolution in Britain over the past fifty years.
To the supporters of the 1960’s “progressive” movement (including the Conservative Party) their political narrative is meant to linear.
There is not meant to be another narrative.
Their opinion and outlook is meant to be the only one.
The internet (the printing press of the 21st century), the rise of independent media and the loss of the EU membership opinion poll has shattered their “worldview” and narrative.
An alternative narrative now exists, they know this and they fear it.
They fear the “progressive” revolution will be reversed.
It is no surprise that air travel and open borders and the mass movement of people are the issues that have generated so much angst and coverage among them.
Most of the advocates and virtue signallers of the new “progressive” caste travel this way (See also Vassal Territory Blog Entry 51), conveniently overlooking their precious carbon footprint and ironically, for a group so self consciously modern, they ignore all the wonders of modern technology that have reduced the need for the physical transit of people, such as (widely available) mobile phones, the internet, video conferencing and 3D printers etc.
They are largely engaged in the soft, globalised, digital, entertainment, media, service, finance sectors, and that nebulous strata of “management” that floats from one sector to another with no root in a particular discipline, knowledge or trade.
These are all activities highly suitable for digital methods of communication and output with little need for physical transit.
This new caste has echoes of the
“Dictatorship of the Air” element of H G Wells 1933 book “The Shape of Things to Come”.
It tells of a dictatorship coming to power after war, an executive emerging from the surviving transport systems across the globe and exercising power.
A dictatorship intent on creating a world state and utopia according only to their tastes and their interests.
11th February 2017
It has been reported that Theresa May has been “wargaming” a second breaking up Britain referendum.
This should come as no surprise to visitors of this page.
Conservative Party Central Office has been instrumental in calculating the impact and the triggering of the previous referendums.
The Conservative Party has no interest in the Union, for years it has regarded the Union (and the wider heavy responsibilities of nationhood) as a nuisance and a hangover from the past.
For them the Union and nationhood are matters which distract from their primary purpose which is to secularise and monetise the United Kingdom’s resources (including people) and make money for their client pool.
The barge pole has been their chosen method of dealing with the matter of the Union for decades.
It is the absence of a national unionist party (which actually did exist in a number of manifestations from the 1920s until 1965) that has allowed the Conservative Party to masquerade so long as a unionist party.
The path has been set.
The unelected government of Theresa May emerged from a referendum and a coup de'tat not a British general election.
The referendum is their favoured weapon.
So pleased is the Conservative Party with their coup de’detat of July 2016 that they are now preparing for another attempted overthrow of British parliamentary representative democracy, yet another attempt to eject the northern part of the Kingdom from the Kingdom against the expressed electoral will of the electorate in that part of the Kingdom.
In 2015
59/59 constituencies across Scotland authorised their MP’s to go and sit in the British House of Commons
(including 56 SNP MP’s who stood on representational manifesto’s not one stood on an abstentionist manifesto).
All 59 constituencies across Scotland voted to be part of the British nation. commented at the time of the 2015 general election result that the representational manifesto commitment
meant that the “the Union is Secure”, it was and it still is constitutionally and legally.
It is only the Conservative Party not the SNP, that can now undo the unambiguous decision of the British parliamentary
constituency electorates across Scotland in 2015 to be part of of the Union.
5th February 2017
The Land of Make Believe
Rather than have a general election after the EU referendum the Conservative Party conducted a coup de’tat and then had a make over.
The Conservative Party replaced the only manifesto authorised by the British people with one that was not authorised by the British people.
Some who regard themselves as unionists find comfort in the Conservative Party (July 2016 Edition)
They ache for the Conservative Party to like them.
They long for the Conservative Party to like Britain.
They remember Sundays full of the Kirk, the Mail and the Post and rolls and potato scones.
They desperately believe the
choreographed imagery of the vicar’s daughter, talk of a “precious Union”, talk of grammer schools, talk of an independent Great Britain,
talk of immigration control, talk of defending British industry, talk of a Britain “coming together”,
although there is no talk of reducing the abortion limit or introducing credit control.
It is not 1976.
It is not even 1982.
It is all fiction.
It has all gone.
It is a land of make believe.
They cling to the Conservative Party and it’s cassette recorded nostaligic mood music because deep down they know that the country,
on it’s present course is finished and they cannot bear to make the necessary effort to save it.
28th January 2017
The Conservative Party – A Branch Office of the SNP
Mundel the unelected (elected on the 2015 Conservative manifesto not the 2016 Conservative manifesto) Secretary fo State for Scotland
has put on record that the devolved
parliament will be allowed to vote on the repeal of the 1972 European Act (although it is legally prevented from intruding into Foreign Affairs).
The Conservative Party will also introduce a new Scotland Act although (to avoid parliamentary accountability) this may be done through
another “legislative vechile”.
SNP - Sponsored Everyday by the Conservative Party
28th January 2017
“Supreme” Court Malarky
Constitutional and European Aspects
The Supreme Court, conveniently for the Conservative Party
overlooks, assumes and accepts that the Conservative government has a mandate to implement it’s policies, it does not.
The July 2016 appointed (not elected) Conservative government has no mandated manifesto.
The only manifesto that has a mandate for government today is the May 2015 Conservative manifesto under Cameron.
That manifesto supports membership of the EU and is completely endorsed by Theresa May, Boris Johnson, Michael Gove etc…….
The July 2016 appointed Conservative government has not submitted it’s manifesto to the electorate and is governing unelected in opposition to the only
manifesto that is mandated by general election…the Cameron manifesto.
Of course governments must bring high and important legislation to parliament for approval but for the “Supreme” Court to rule on the Article 50 panto and
ignore the elephant in the room – that an unelected government (the result of a coup de’tat) with an unelected manifesto is now governing the United Kingdom is
a reflection of the abandonment of our British Constitution and parliamentary representative government by the judicial, political and academic establishment.
Devolution Aspects
The telephone operator in the “Supreme” Court
could have just directed anyone interested to Schedule 5 of the 1998 Scotland Act
where they would see in black and white that the devolved parliament has no authority in the Constitution or Foreign Affairs. Alternatively they could have
visited and found this out years ago for no cost at all.
The devolved parliament has no more authority in the matter of the Constitution or Foreign Affairs than Glasgow City Council.
The devolved parliament continues to spend public money on Foreign Affairs for which it has no legal competence:
Expense on travel and accommodation: planes, hotels, food and drink etc.
Setting up devolved Foreign Affairs related organisations and personnel and staff including the appointment of “external affairs minister”, offices and
departments including dedicated salaries and expenses.
Expenditure on administrative or research activity.
This is all done outside the law with the compliance and silence of both the Conservative and Labour parties.
28th January 2017
Commonculture Again
Regulating and policing society is difficult enough with one cohesive culture in the Nation.
The official drive from a national monoculture towards
Multicultures with multi-moral, multi-social and multi-economic behaviours and codes leads to decay and dissolution.
28th January 2017
Pot and Kettle.
The Conservative unelected government will “allow” 5 days for scruitiny of the “Article 50 Bill”.
This has been described by a number of MP’s as an affront to parliament and limits scruitiny of the legislation by the legislature.
The Scotland Act (Modification of Schedule 5 Order) 2013 which set up the referendum to break up Britain and is the most important constitutional legislation
ever to be presented to Parliament was done inside 6 hours with no green paper, no white paper, no bill, no constitutional bill, no debate in the
HOC (sitting as a committee), no amendments.
There was no vote.
It was passed unanimously.
The next day the HOL did the same.
Not one MP or member of the HOL raised a single objection to it.
This is the mess that is created when the executive party acts in joint venture with the opposition party.
.28th January 2017
Theresa May’s “Precious Union” Nonsense
Theresa May speaks of the UK as both a nation and a Union of Nations.
It cannot be both.
If the UK is a “nation” it cannot contain other “nations” because they would not be sovereign and equally the UK itself could be part of another “nation” by her
definition. By using this language, supporting legislative devolution and refusing to rule out another referendum on breaking up Britain the Conservative Party
continues to dissolve UK.
23rd January 2017
England Is Under Direct Rule
The suspension of devolved government in the province simply means that normal United Kingdom government has been restored.
"Direct rule" is direct government by the British government and local councils.
The territorial, electoral and institutional conflict that legislative devolution brings has been removed and removed immediately with no loss of
continuity in national or local services.
In other words national and local government and services (police, schools, hospitals etc) continue to function without any legislative
devolved tier existing.
It is an example of how legislative devolved structures can be suspendend and removed while public services continue to function effectively through
administrative devolution otherwise known as local government.
"Direct rule" is usually framed by the Conservative and Labour parties and their media agents as being a “bad thing”.
The separatists, salaried devo-politicians and their staff and client pool also do not like direct rule for obvious reasons.
We should not forget that England today is and always has been under direct rule while Scotland and Wales were also under direct rule until legislative
devolution was introduced in 1999.
2nd January 2017
Common Representation
Legislative devolution creates is differential representation of British electors. It differentiates on a territorial designation within the United Kingdom.
Under legislative devolution an elector in Manchester has less representation than an elector in Motherwell.
A Manchester MP cannot vote on education policy in Motherwell but a Motherwell MP can vote on education policy in Manchester.
This is not equitable or durable.
A territorial, electoral and institutional conflict has now been created by the Conservative and Labour parties.
The anti-devolutionist's of the 1970's and 1980's were right.
Our British Parliament must have common powers, common practice, common procedure and common representation across all constituncies.
2nd January 2017
Administrative Devolution Works supports the suspension (prorogation) of legislative devolution and it’s replacement with administrative devolution (uniform local government powers across the United Kingdom). supports the following petition.
Please this petition and sign and share.
Thank you
27th December 2016
Beyond Peak Stuff
Steve Howard, Ikea's "Sustainablility Officer" has said "In the West, we have probably hit peak stuff".
Beyond "peak stuff" all that is left in the United Kingdom is a disintegrated and atomised society, an aggregate of people chained to work and debt, where for the previous 50 years selfishness and the aquisition of "stuff" have been officially endorsed by both the Conservative and Labour parties as the new secular religion.
What is the alternative ?
The restoration of the Nation that is being thrown away.
27th December 2016
After The Coup.
The June 2016 Coup d’etat has happened.
Under the cover of the EU referendum opinion poll, the Vichy Conservative Party has taken over the government of the United Kingdom with no election, no mandate and no authority from the British people.
Indeed the Conservative Party now governing in opposition to the election, the mandate and the authority given to them on the basis of their own manifesto of just 19 months ago.
As the United Kingdom dissolves in front of us, the abandonment of general elections as the means to correspond government and people (no longer electors) in the Nation is the next step for the “progressive” revolutionaries.
We have entered into the phase where, as the Nation is “transformed” into a vassal territory, government is now exercised by group coup rather than the parliamentary constituency election of a Member of Parliament.
Again, we are seeing Peter Mandelson’s prediction of the end of representative government come to pass.
27th December 2016
Nothing Less.
It is legislative devolution that is the problem not the amount of legislative devolution.
There are still some unionists who say no more devolution (actually, we have had more than enough, thanks) but who want to keep the devolution Acts intact or perhaps tiptoe back and repeal the post 1998 Acts but keep the 1998 Acts.
The 1998 Acts are not some kind of divine text which are above political debate they are Acts of Parliament which are hostile to the Union, our parliamentary representative democracy, the rule of law and the peaceful order of society.
This is not unionism, it is separation, bit by bit separation and it must be said to be separation.
We must have repeal and nothing less.
27th December 2016
Two Down One To Go
In 2016 we are only now slowly beginning to debate
two of the three great forbidden matters of the past 50 years: Immigration and Europe.
Devolution must not remain the last great forbidden matter that the British people are not allowed to discuss.
27th December 2016
No Excuse
There is no excuse for voting for the Conservative Party.
For over fifty years the CP has voted for mass immigration, legislative devolution and membership of the EU.
It has acted for and voted for the moral, social, economic and political ruin of the United Kingdom.
“… If we are to achieve this task we will have to embark on a change so radical, a revolution so quiet and yet so total, that it will go far beyond the programme for a Parliament…”
Edward Heath
Leaders Speech Conservative Conference Blackpool 1970
27th December 2016
The failure of the 1960’s “progressive” revolution is now plain for many to see.
The moral, social, economic and political disintegration that it has created must be brought to an end and the Nation restored.
The unity of the United Kingdom must not be thrown again onto the table of Conservative and Labour casino politics as they scramble for money and power as their revolution finally faces national opposition.
The cheap and plastic devolution structures are now operating (illegally) as embryonic states in the United Kingdom and their 297 devo-politicians jet off and spout off overseas about why the devolved territories must remain inside the EU.
This is all done with British taxpayers money but more importantly it brings division of the national message when national unity is required.
We must repeal legislative devolution now, the devo-experiment has failed and is working against the peaceful democratic order and good governance of the
In it’s place we can introduce a uniform system of local government (administrative devolution) across the United Kingdom.
27th December 2016
Pop Up Population
The Conservative Vichy establishment continue to pump out the fiction that the UK population is about 64 million.
However it is now at holiday times and outwith the normal working hours and patterns that this fiction is exposed.
Quite apart from the government sponsored and individually financed misery of commuting into London from the South East and South West, the increasing demand on our transport infrastructure especially on road and railways not only highlights the failure of transport policy over fifty years (not least implementation of the Beeching report which devastated the national railway network and it’s associated infrastructure including river, canal and sea interfaces) but indicates that the population of the United Kingdom is far higher than the establishment want you to know.
A far better guide to estimating the (actual) population is to check the estimates used by the sewage companies, supermarkets and the official registers held by local councils.
27th December 2016
Politics By Any Other Name
The word “culture” is widely used today in an attempt to suggest that the “cultural mood” is driving politics in a “liberal and “progressive” direction.
It is not.
It is politics, legislation and regulation (the use of the power of the state) that is driving “culture” in a “liberal and “progressive” direction.
The instruments of the state (including sponsorship and regulation of the arts) have been employed increasingly for 50 years to facilitate and generate propaganda
for the Conservative and Labour “progressive” revolution.
15th December 2016
The Education Cult
The news that all police recruits in England and Wales must have a degree should come as no surprise.
(see your preferred news source)
Today each new political cult brings with it an industry of clients and suppliers.
The Conservative and Labour (and Liberal and SNP’s) 1960’s “progressive” revolution, recognised early on, that schools, colleges and universities were not only primary channels of propaganda but were resource pools of money, manpower and material for their change agents to do further work.
Today billions are pumped into the revolutions frontline: “education”.
Over 3 million “students” are now in the post school education industry with some institutions containing more than 30,000 on their books, the University of London has over 160,000 on it's books.
Putting aside the immigration status of many in this sector, a huge number of young Britons have now been coralled into “education” not only to take them off the dole figures but to stifle them and their potential (to say nothing of the energy that they could inject into a serious national economy) and indoctrinate them.
Millions, in the prime of their lives, full of potential physical and mental talent are herded into phoney service degrees in order to work as “sales fulfillment officers” (trolley pushers) and “customer journey experience executives” (sales assistants).
If this is not bad enough they and their families now have to pay direct for the privilege of being force fed the corrupting equality and diversity secular code.
The purpose of this macro social engineering is to “transform” the United Kingdom from a Christian country into a godless vassal territory.
It is wasting the gifts, talent and individual creativity of our young .
To regenerate the United Kingdom we must restore the transmission of authority and knowledge to the young.
We must rebuild a national economy with defence, public infrastructure and heavy industry as it’s economic foundations.
We must train most of our young in apprenticeships and in manual, industrial and commercial activities.
Then we must ensure that the rest are able through talent and skill to enter into the professions through a renewed national university system.
12th December 2016
Meanwhile Silence.
Public debate on the grinding poverty and the misery of millions upon millions of Britons has been silenced as a result of the Conservative and Labour Vichy establishment’s refusal to have a general election and their setting up of a fictional constitutional debate on Europe.
Silence about the poor, the lonely, the fearful, the lost, those mired in debt, those trapped in the grinding mental, physical and economic poverty of the cult of work.
Silence about the industrial scale of abortion, the worship of money, a tide of divorce rates, the denigration of marriage, the forced employment of women and mothers, the use of schools, colleges and universities as propaganda channels for a secularist corrupting agenda.
Silence about the inculcation of a “debtlife” from school onwards, the marginalisation of British working class men and their traits, characteristics, masculinity, gatherings and independence, the stigma now associated with femininity, motherhood and being a housewife, also the failure of substantial large numbers of men and women to form relationships and get married early enough to have children, on and on it goes.
A moral, social and economically rootless aggregate of people, set against each other, in a vassal territory is exactly what the Conservative and Labour establishment wanted and set out to create and have created it since the 1960's.
The Conservative and Labour parties want silence on all these matters.
To put these matters right we need words and voices not silence.
We need words to determine and form our action. Then we must act.
Let your voice be heard.
British Unionist Party
Membership is available at
Putting Our Country Back Together Again.
7th December 2016
The Contract
We are governed by contract in the fullest and deepest sense of the word.
Oxford Dictionary
"Enter into a formal and legally binding agreement"
At a general election a political party offers to govern on the basis of a contract - a manifesto - which contains a series of policy actions that it will implement if it wins a majority of seats and can form and sustain a government.
A political party asks for the authority of the British people (and it is only given) on the basis of the contract.
The Conservative government was elected on a manifesto to remain in the EU and other policies.
Since the 23rd of June 2016 no general election has taken place.
The government now says it wants to leave the EU but it only has a mandate for the contract it offered in the7th May 2015 general election.
The EU referendum contained no authority it was an opinion poll, authority continued to be contained in and exercised by MP’s.
We now have a government that is not only governing without election,
it is governing in opposition (including on matters of the highest constitutitional importance) to the contract that it itself offered in the last general election.
The “Supreme” Court Article 50 is a sideshow.
We must have a general election and a government that will govern on the basis of the contract that it has offered.
The longer the Conservative government continues the further we enter into despotic government and the public disorder that it brings.
3rd December 2016
Supreme Court Is Breaking The Law.
Next week the “Supreme” Court is scheduled to permit the devolved Parliament to participate in the Article 50 case.
This is illegal.
The Scotland Act 1998 Schedule 5 excludes the devolved parliament from entering into Foreign Affairs.
The matter is for the British Parliament.
The Supreme Court claims participation is to provide aspects of Scottish law. This is false. Participation in the case is political. It is to further embed the devolved parliament in the fictional narrative that the United Kingdom is an embryonic federal state. It is not it is a Nation.
We have a union constitution not a federal constitution.
If the Supreme Court wants to know about aspects of Scottish law then it should have asked the Office of the Advocate General who are the British Law Officers in Scotland.
It is their job to tell the British Crown and government about Scottish law.
Why does the Advocate General not tell the Supreme Court about it’s illegal action?
The current Advocate General, is the former Scottish Conservative Party Chairman The Lord Keen of Elie QC.
29th November 2016
How To Escape.
For five years has drawn attention to and encouraged the shifting of the political plates of the United Kingdom.
One hundred years on from the emergence of the Conservative and Labour parties as the principal parties of the British state both parties must now be
replaced and marginalised.
We at the Common Representation campaign have made a small contribution to support the emergence of new formations and to replace and
marginalise these parties.
The past fifty years of the “progressive revolution” are now funnelled through the prism of the EU referendum opinion poll.
The electorate (desperate to escape from the “progressive revolution” politics of the 20th century) are now trapped on one side by an unelected
Conservative government and on the other side by an unelected Labour opposition. Both of these parties are now implementing the
opposite set of policies that both of them campaigned on just 17 months ago.
The general election of 2015 has been declared void by the Conservative and Labour establishment and a new general election can only be called
through the provisions of the despotic Fixed Term Parliamenat Act 2011 which places decisive control of the calling of a general election into hands of
the Conservative and Labour parties.
Both of these parties are staffed by individuals and bankrolled by domestic and foreign interests all dedicated to the “progressive revolution” and hostile
to our Nations Christian foundations.
Central to keeping their 1960’s revolution in place is the United Kingdom’s continued membership of the EU indeed that is why David Cameron
brought forward and used the referendum mechanism on this matter - not a general election - a referendum keeps power in the hands of the
"progressive" establishment and away from the electors.
While all of this compounds the moral, social, economic and political disintegration already taking place, day in, day out, millions of Britons are trapped
in grinding moral, social and economic poverty.
Millions are lost. Millions are lonely. Millions are crushed by hopelessness.
And millions seek only diversion.
We must escape.
We must escape by using parliamentary representative democracy.
Thankfully the British have used this before with decisive effect in our history.
The only way to escape is to support a party that offers a narrative for what has happened to our country.
To support a party that offers a broad manifesto for the Nation's restoration and regeneration
To support a political party that has the political will to put our country back together again.
19th November 2016
Get The Polis.
The decision by the Supreme Court to permit the devolved parliament to participate in the Article 50 court case; R (on the application of Miller & Dos Santos) v Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union, 5-8 December 2016) is illegal and unconstitutional.
The devolved parliament (and it's executive) is explicitly prevented from dealing with foreign matters in the 1998 Scotland Act Schedule 5
Paragraph 7 .
Foreign affairs etc.
7(1)International relations, including relations with territories outside the United Kingdom, the [F6European Union](and their institutions) and other international organisations, regulation of international trade, and international development assistance and co-operation are reserved matters.
Until now the entire political establishment has chosen to look the other way while the devolved parliament pursued it's illegal entry, construction and expansion into foreign affairs. Now the highest parts of the legal establishment are engaged in furthering this illegal action.
This action is intended to further embed the devolved parliament into the fictional constitutional narrative that the United Kingdom is a federal utilitarian construct of different states.
It is not, it is a Nation.
We must remember that the Supreme Court itself (like the devolved structures themselves) is a Blairite invention, set up in 2009 (previously it’s functions were conducted by the Laws Lords who sat in the Houses of Parliament and in doing so reflected the submission of law to the British people’s representative’s in the House of Commons) and is a central part of the “progressive” revolution's attempt to tear away powers from our British Parliament and separate them into different institutions.
17th November 2016
British Unionist Party
The BUP Manifesto is now available at
Putting Our Country Back Together Again.
8th November 2016
A General Election Is Not Enough.
The British House of Commons is not a cheap bauble to be thrown about by the courts or government sponsored opinion polls.
The British people are the masters of the House of Commons. It is their House.
Our history would mean nothing without the House of Commons.
It is only through generations of British people (incuding the present one) authorising their Member’s of Parliament to go and sit in the
House of Commons that the United Kingdom continues to exist.
For centuries the United Kingdom has renewed itself every five years at general elections. We must renew our Nation again.
We must have a general election.
However it is not enough to go through a general election with the Conservative and Labour parties both offering the same revolutionary policies that
they have both implemented for fifty years. These are the parties and policies that have ruined our country.
A general election will ONLY make a difference if there is one national party that offers the electorate a manifesto that provides a national narrative,
that rejects the revolutionary policies of the past fifty years and restores our national institutions.
5th November 2016
Stewart Connell on Radio 4
Any Answers about 6 min in.
5th November 2016
Today the British people will celebrate the defeat of the plot to blow up their Houses of Parliament.
Best wishes to all the Bonfire nights planned across the United Kingdom. would encourage the establishment of Bonfire societies along the lines of those in Lewes, Sussex.
5th November 2016
Remember Remember
Remember, remember the fifth of November,
Gunpowder treason and plot.
We see no reason
Why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot!
Guy Fawkes, guy, t'was his intent
To blow up king and parliament.
Three score barrels were laid below
To prove old England's overthrow.
By god's mercy he was catch'd
With a darkened lantern and burning match.
So, holler boys, holler boys, Let the bells ring.
Holler boys, holler boys, God save the king.
And what shall we do with him?
Burn him!
5th November 2016
“...that odious title of Conservative...”
The above quote is from the Leader of the Conservative Party Neville Chamberlain (1937-1940).
The Conservative MP (Sleaford and North Hykeham) Stephen Phillips,
has resigned his seat in protest at the failure of the Conservative government to present Parliament with legislation on the
matter of withdrawal from the EU.
He added: “Some will label me a quitter, or, no doubt, worse. Those are labels with which I can live. The label Conservative no longer is."
3rd November 2016
Royal Courts Judgement
A Defeat for the Conservative Party and the BBC.
Note: supports the repeal of the 1972 European Communites Act.
For over five years the campaign has fought for our parliamentary representative democracy, it’s ancient institutions and traditions.
It is a precious inheritance and we remember them who gave the greatest sacrifice for it on Rememberance Day.
In our constitution only the Crown through Parliament has Authority.
A referendum device is a survey.
The Conservative Party and the BBC have known this for years but for political reasons refused to make it public.
We at know that the Conservative Party knew because their law officer’s told them (and us) and the BBC knew because we told them – all the way up to the BBC Trust (Board of Governors).
Today’s Royal Court Judgement is a victory for and reaffirms Parliamentary Sovereignty and the requirement placed on a government to submit it’s legislative plan (manifesto) to the electorate for approval and authorisation - especially on the most serious matter of the national independence of the Nation itself.
It is a defeat for the Conservative Party’s despotic government that has attempted to govern without an election or even legislation on the most serious matter of our national independence.
If Theresa May and the Conservative Party and want the UK to leave the EU after a political lifetime of wanting it to remain then the answer is simple we must have a general election and the British people will authorise a new course.
The new British Unionist Party (BUP) manifesto is committed to our parliamentary representative democracy and the repeal of the 1972 European Communites Act.
Please support it in anyway you can.
22nd October 2016
Passport to Pimlico.
Schools and colleges and universities are now the official frontline.
They are the political indoctrination centres for the “progressive” revolution.
All the latest political fads and fashions are now inculcated into British children from primary school to university.
The elements that made our Nation and British history are marginalised or removed completely.
The Conservative and Labour parties for over 50 years have done this in order to have a more politically compliant and rootless population.
To make a small contribution to counter this state funded propaganda would direct students (and others) visiting this site
to simply watch the 1949 Ealing comedy “Passport to Pimlico”.
The film will show you all the ingredients that made our nation and all the essential elements that our nation must possess in order exist and survive
from self recognition and the common acceptance of authority to control of the nations frontier.
22nd October 2016
They Don’t Like Us - We Don’t Care.
Banned by Parliamentary Committee’s,
Censored by the BBC and Cast out by Academia. continues on it’s mission to oppose legislative devolution and
defend our Union Constitution and our Parliamentary representative democracy.
22nd October 2016
North Lanarkshire Council.
The devolved Parliament has published another separation Bill.
This is illegal.
(See Schedule 5 of the 1998 Scotland Act)
North Lanarkshire council has more discretion in law to “call” a separation referendum than the devolved parliament.
The Conservative government refuses to enforce the rule of law because it simply does not believe in our Union Constitution.
By refusing to enforce the law, the Conservative government is permitting lawlessness.
19 October 2016
Yesterday In The Courts
Note: In the British Constitution, the House of Commons is the Highest Court in the United Kingdom.
Yesterday at The Royal Courts of Justice, the Conservative Party’s Attorney General Jeremy Wright, the Government's leading law officer, stated: "The country voted to leave the EU in a referendum approved by Act of Parliament. This is a mis-leading statement and is meant to be a mis-leading statement. It suggests that the European Union referendum result contained authority. It did not.
The European Union Referendum Act 2015 (Just like the Scotland Act 1998 (Modification of Schedule 5) Order 2013 only permits a referendum to logistically take place. Neither of them contained any provision to put authority into the referendum. Both were simply surveys sponsored by the government. Only British parliamentary constituency elections contain and exercise authority.
15th October 2016
We Are A Parliamentary Nation
(What That Means For Referendums).
Only the British Parliament can authorise the devolved parliament to legally set up the physical logistics of a separation referendum (allow the devolved parliament to discuss and spend money on the materials to facilitate a referendum ie open schools and print things etc).
The British Parliament and Constitution does not and cannot allow any referendum to contain any other authority because only the British Parliament can contain and exercise authority.
This basic point of the Constitution was only finally and reluctantly confirmed by the government when challenged by
Authority is transferred from the electorate in their parliamentary constituencies into their MP who has declared that he will (a representational candidate) or will not (an abstentionist candidate) represent them in the UK parliament.
This clear parliamentary democratc choice allows the elector to decide if they want to be part of the Union or remove themselves from it (if their preferred candidate wins a majority of the votes in the constituency).
It is an orderly, regulated and peaceful means to decide the most important political question , where does authority (power) lie.
There are many nations that do not posess our parliamentary representative constitution and traditions.
It is a great and meaningful inheritence that we do posess and that we throw away at our peril.
Politicians and political parties must say this and other important things about our Constitution and Parliament, if they do not then these things will fall into neglect and be overidden in the media and in popular debate by cheap constitutional fiction and in doing so bring danger to our country.
Thankfully one party, the new British Unionist Party - registered as the United Kingdom Unionist Party - does says these things.
Please support it anyway you can.
Authority is and must be singular there cannot be an alternative, superior, invented or counter authority in the United Kingdom.
If any other authority is ever conceded or recognised by the British Parliament then the United Kingdom would no longer exist and new territorial states would emerge from that new authority and would also emerge form what had been the remaining part of the United Kingdom excluded from the referendum.
Only by standing abstentionist candidates in UK Parliamentary constituency elections or a general election and winning a geographically cohesive and durable number of constituencies (in which the new state can exist) could the UK be reconfigured or indeed brought to an end.
The referendum mechanism can only ever be a survey, a snapshot of opinion, but never containing authority.
The problem is that the Conservative and Labour parties have both supported and pushed the referendum mechanism since 1970 and they do not want to admit the damage they have knowingly done to our constitution or the deeply anti-Brtish and anti-parliamentary reasons why they decided to use it in the first place and continue to use it.
13th October 2016
Why We Must Have Party Politics Not Referendums.
The Conservative Party not the SNP initiated the separation referendum and only the Conservative government has the authority to initiate another and they will, if it like the last one, serves their interest.
Mrs May’s majority of 17 is the direct result of the separation referendum, indeed that was its purpose.
Between 5th May 2011 and 8th January 2012 (the day it was launched by David Cameron on the Andrew Marr Show - and can still be seen on You Tube) it was decided by the Conservative Party Central Office that a separation referendum (regardless of it’s effect on the Union) would allow the Conservative Party to have a softer landing (a more marginal defeat or even a marginal victory) on the other side of the next general election.
On this matter their internal projection models were correct.
They had no concern for the Union or the release of the deep political forces which through centuries of party politics and membership and parliamentary constituency election had managed to be contained, regulated and exercised in an orderly and peaceful manner.
In a referendum no one is ever elected and no party exists in a referendum to act as the “personification” of a policy or set of policies. The consequence is that every participant in a referendum becomes the “personification” of the policy or policies. That is why the referendum mechanism causes so much deep social division – there is no (any) party to blame so blame, frustration and anger are directed and vented at individuals.
In a general election the political parties take on the “personification” and collectively formalise it: “I blame the Conservative Party/I blame the Labour Party”etc. This is far more preferable and structured and lends itself to dialogue, exchange and potentially a compromise of some description.
Political parties are a “good thing” because they allow the Nation to talk to itself
(a referendum cannot “talk” because the human element has been removed and replaced by two cold statements on a bit of paper. This is partly the problem we now see in the EU referendum aftermath, no one has been elected and authorsed to "talk" and no manifesto has been authorised which defines the proposed action and legislation)
and take a decision on how we are to be governed but also allow it to maintain a social cohesion and keep the common polity intact.
8th October 2016
Unelected Government.
Tomorrow Parliament returns.
This is to be welcomed.
Since the Glorious Revolution we have been governed by the rule of law through Parliament not the rule of despots.
This has been our most precious national treasure.
Theresa May governs with no mandate for her government, her “new” government, has not been elected by the British people.
She governs in opposition to the policies in the Conservative Party manifesto that she herself and the Conservative Party's MP’s were elected on just 16 months ago.
For example, the British People elected a government to continue EU membership not discontinue membership.
On this and other policies the Conservative Party says that the EU referendum was the “voice of the British People” and "all has changed" and it must "listen and act" but there is no need for a general election indeed that would create uncertainty.
The whole point of an election is that there is uncertainty until we have the certainty of the electorate having excercised it’s authority.
The alternative is that we never have an election.
We now have a government without it being elected.
This is the same sidelining of parliamentary representational democracy that was used in the separation referendum when a survey was pumped up (and plenty of politicians and BBC staff's overtime was clocked up) by the establishment and the BBC to push the lie and imply that it contained the authority in law to break up the United Kingdom.
The Conservative Party is using the lessons of the separation referendum, in order to get itself out of the EU mess that it got itself into under Cameron.
It is despotic government.
We must have a general election.
2nd October 2016
The Trojan Horse supports the repeal of the European Communities Act.
In Birmingham, the Conservative Party, a pop up party, is full of swaggering, hostile intent against the British people.
It is the servant of foreign power and the vehicle for the “transformation” of Great Britain into a godless aggregate of slave labour, a vassal territory in the north west of the Eurostate.
The Conservative Party, once, an institution known for articulating and exercising the heavy responsibilities and duties of nationhood, no longer exists, it found the weight of the duties, too heavy and so decided, with relief (not least on the night of the devolution referendums in 1997), to exchange them for money and foreign favour.
Today the big lie is Europe.
The Conservative Party was elected in 2015 on a manifesto of CONTINUED membership.
Theresa May, Johnson, Gove, etc were all elected on a CONTINUED membership manifesto.
The overwhelming number of it’s MP’s are for CONTINUED membership, but of course they will tack onto any policy.
The referendum contained NO authority (authority is singular in the UK and it is only exercised in a general election) they know this and that is why they never say it did contain authority although some come close.
The referendum device is a mechanism to keep political parties in power, that is why Cameron had three of them and took the country to the edge of the political abyss.
It is a general election that can remove political parties from power and that is why they fear it, even today, after they managed to put the despotic Fixed Parliament Act on the statute book.
Repeal of the 1972 Act is the opposite of what the British electorate voted for at the General Election of 2015 - just over a year ago.
If they do want it they must vote for it in a general election.
It is the only way to get it any other method will only create more trouble for them on Europe and other matters.
If the Conservative Party wants out then it must admit it has been wrong for 44 years (and Theresa May must admit she has been wrong her entire political life on on the matter of the independence of the Nation, right up to the 23rd of June 2016 when she - prompted by the referendum opinion poll - reflected and saw the error in her previous position, the only other possible explanation is that she is at it and has not changed her mind but wants to be PM so much that she will say anything) and offer to repeal the 1972 European Communities Act to the British people in a general election.
Without a general election on EU membership, our parliamentary representative democracy – just like the separation referendum – will have been overthrown and manipulated by forces outside electoral control.
This is the Trojan Horse in action.
2nd October 2016
“…A harsh thing to say…”
Bonnie Greer, knowingly gives BBC Question Time the hard fact and a warning about immigration.
If the Nation does not defend it’s territory and reproduce itself, it will cease to exist.
“….because the country (the indigenous British) is getting older…We are a migratory species and we move...We move to find things we need…........
....we will continue to move.”
(14m in)
27th September 2016
A Flood Of Money
The hard effects of the UK’s moral, social, economic and political dissolution are now being soaked up and hidden by a tidal wave of false money. A flood of false money (money created with no relative physical worth) is pouring daily into the British economy (itself mutating into an aggregate of diverse economies in the territory) in order to hide and postpone the effects of Conservative and Labour policy over the past fifty years.
A flood of cheap money: Borrowed money, Saved money, Early released pension money, Printed and digitally created money, Private debt, Government debt, Local authority debt, Student debt, Elderly debt, Corporate debt, Quantative easing, Near zero interest rate money, all combined with: Mass poverty, Mass indentured labour, Mass immigration, Mass forced employment of mothers and the Mass removal of British men from the labour force are the policies pursued to sustain the fiction that the economy is “on the up” and “booming” while concealing the catastrophic condition and destructive forces now let loose inside the economy.
It is no surprise that those individuals with serious wealth are now getting out of money instruments and are getting into gold.
3rd September 2016
The Conservative Party Launches Petition Against.......The Conservative Party.
The Conservative Party in Scotland has launched a website petition to oppose a second separation referendum.
Unfortunately for the Conservative Party:
1 The only party to have held a separation
referendum has been.....the Conservative Party.
2 The only party that has the authority to set up another separation referendum is.....the Conservative Party.
Here is the former Conservative Party Leader David Cameron launching the separation referendum.
3rd September 2016
A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words.
The image of the Cabinet sitting at the table, meeting at chequers says it all. Look at them, They believe in nothing. They do not know why they are there. Our country is now governed by this collection of the vain and the desperate. They have spent their (in some cases very short) political life performing the revolutionary script, on: Immigration, Devolution, Europe, Abortion and De-industrialisation and the rest. This is their reward.
For the rest of us, we must pay for them and the actions they are about to commit.
3rd September 2016
Give Up, Giving In To The Conservative Party.
Even with Conservative Party continuing to keep the 1972 European Communities Act on the statute book (which must be repealed for us to leave the eurostate), allowing another 633,000 immigrants (narrow official number) into the UK in the last year and permitting the devolved parliament to illegally pursue both a constitutional and a foriegn policy there are still individuals who think of themselves as unionists who support and give comfort and money to the Conservative Party. They take the view that after 50 years of hollowing out the moral, social economic and political elements of the United Kingdom, the Conservative Party can perhaps be encouraged or persuaded to be nice to the United Kingdom. If they cannot and will not learn the lessons of the past 50 year then so be it. The Conservative Party is not interested the Union, it is not interested in Nationhood, it is interested in the ruin and ransacking of the United Kingdom to make money for the Conservative Party.
The Conservative Party is the trojan horse of British politics, it must be defeated and removed as a principle party in our country.
28th August 2016
No Mandate, No Exit. supports the repeal of the 1972 European Communities Act.
There is no mandate for repeal of the 1972 Act. At the 2015 General Election, an overwhelming majority of MP's were elected on manifesto's supporting continued membership of the EU, these included: Boris Johnson and Michael Gove and Theresa May. All of them recieved the electors authority (authority is singular) and were elected to represent their electors in the British House of Commons. The 2016 European Referendum contained no authority as authority had been exercised the year before in the General Election. The referendum was, like all referendums in the United Kingdom merely a survey, an opinion poll, even though it was paid for by taxpayers money and set up by the government.
Theresa May has no authority on such a principle matter, to reverse, without a by-election, the manifesto commitment she gave to her electors in Maidenhead as recently as May 2015 and kept until the 24th of June 2016. Nothing happened on the 23rd of June 2016 to alter the terms of the compact between her and her electors and the authority she recieved at the General Election. If she believes however that the survey has encouraged her to reflect and that she now believes she was previously wrong to support membership, then on such a matter of national importance, she should be candid with her Maidenhead constituency and as Primeminister, the Nation, and admit she was wrong and call a General Election so that the electors can consider and authorise a new course.
On the principal matter of the national independence of the United Kingdom a mandate not executive discretion is required to determine the course of national action.
20th August 2016
Made For Each Other.
Conservative Party Leader, Theresa May is a fully paid up member of the political revolution started in the sixties and it's challenge to established national authority, so recently fought for and sacrificed for between 1939 and 1945. Her entire political life has been for the revolution. For EU membership, For Mass Immigration, For Legislative Devolution, For Mass Abortion, For Mass Poverty. Now in a puff of smoke she is Primeminister and presented as the Mother Theresa of the Nation. Except she is not. While her media team and Conservative Central Office present her vicarage and grammer school past as a comfort blanket to the Britain they hate, she and they, continue to unleash destructive moral, social and economic forces, day in day out on the British people. Her entire political life has been based on snuffing out British authority, liberty and economic power. In the Conservative party, she recognised the vechile that would transport her to the heights of political power. Mrs May throughout her entire political life has voted for the revolution and it has made her rich and it has made her Primeminister. She has made no attempt, when she could have, to oppose the forces unleashed against the United Kingdom. Her time in the Home Office, and it was a long time, in Home Office terms, saw her overseeing more than three million immigrants entering the UK, even on the governments own narrow gauge statistics and the managed decay of our territorial and coastal defences. This is the mark of her actual political action, her depth and her character. On devolution, despite her claims in front of No 10 Downing Street that the Union was precious to her, just as Blair, Brown and Cameron all did, she has been voting for the devolution experiment for decades. Her failure to enforce Schedule Five of the 1998 Scotland Act on becoming Primeminister is further evidence of her belief and compliance in the failed fifty year old revolution. This is the true mark of her premiership before it has even started but even more than that it is the true mark of the Conservative Party.
28th July 2016
“Rule of Law Enforced on Named Persons, Now For The Constitution and Foriegn Affairs”
The UK “Supreme Court”, in our constitution only the House of Commons is supreme, has just exercised British Authority over the devolved Parliament and declared that the Named Person scheme, a devolved law made by the devolved Parliament is “...not within the legislative competence of the Scottish Parliament”. It is outside the provisions of the 1998 Scotland Act. Now the rule of law must also be applied to the Constitution and Foriegn Affairs. The devolved Parliament, it's officials and MSP's are acting outside the law on these matters too. See Schedule Five of the Act.
21st July 2016
“Enforce and Police” has opposed the Named Person scheme in principle, since it was floated out and was legislated for with the compliance of the Conservative, Labour and SNP in the devolved Parliament. The matter is now before the so called UK Supreme Court. A judgement will be made public on Thursday 28th July. Aidan O’Neill QC, representing those opposed to the scheme, told the judges they had a duty to “enforce and police” the limits of the Scottish Parliament. He is correct. Further, not only on the matter of Named Person must the Scottish Parliament be kept inside the 1998 Scotland Act, it must also be kept inside the law regarding the Constitution and Foreign Affairs, as Schedule Five of the Act makes clear in black and white, that any interference or action or spending of money on these matters is illegal. The rule of law applies to the Scottish Parliament, it's officials and MSP's just as much as it applies to everyone else in the United Kingdom.
18th July 2016
The Lost Chance.
Theresa May neglected to tell the Firstminister of the devolved Parliament that it is
illegal for the FM and devolved parliament to interfere in either the British
Constitution or foreign affairs. This was an ideal opportunity at the start of
Mrs May's premiership to bring certainty and the rule of law to the constitution
and allow the Nation to move on to repairing our moral, social and economic condition.
18th July 2016
Just For The Record.
According to the pro Conservative Party media, it would appear that Theresa May just emerged from a puff of smoke and has no record of supporting the so called progressive revolution over her entire political career. would like to contribute a small item in the interest of balance. While Home Secretary, Theresa May was in charge of the UK Border Force. Here is a measurement of her work. Italy has coastal waters of about 4700 miles while the UK's coastal waters are about 7700miles. Italy's equivalent of the UK Border Force is the Guardia di Finanza, it has 68000 staff. The UK Border Force has 8000. The Guardia di Finanza has 600 boats and ships the UK has 5.
15th July 2016
Now Or Never Mrs May.
Today the British Primeminister must inform the devolved Firstminister of the devolved parliament that the devolved parliament has no authority or mandate on reserved matters including the Constitution and Foreign Affairs. If the devolved parliament enters into reserved matters, that is illegal and unconstitutional. The rule of law must be upheld. Mrs May must give the Firstminister notice that if the devolved parliament breaks the law then it will be prorogued pending a UK wide review of devolution. If she does not then all her other words on the Union will be empty.
14th July 2016
Dictionary For Theresa May.
The former failed Home Secretary Theresa May last night claimed the Conservative Party was the Conservative and Unionist Party, it is not. The definition of a unionist is one who supports union, ie a singular, unitary and integral parliamentary government of the United Kingdom. The Conservative Party is opposed to the Union. Since 1997 under cover of the devolution referendums the Conservative Party has completely abandoned the Union and adopted a federalist path to separation.
14th July 2016
Caught By Their Own Trap.
The national survey otherwise known as the EU referendum has detonated a political bomb among the anti British political class. Having worshipped at the alter of so called "popular democracy" since 1970 and having used the referendum mechanism to challenge parliamentary authority and further their revolutionary ambitions, they have been caught in their own trap that they had set themselves for others for over forty years.
14th July 2016
Scottish Conservative Party Pushes for Second Separation Referendum.
The Scottish Conservatives have wasted no time in calling for the clearingof the constitutional and legal barriers to a second separation referendum. This call will no doubt surprise those unionists who less than two months ago voted for the Scottish Conservative Party in the devolved election thinking that they were voting for a unionist party's not.
14th July 2016
The Cast List.
The national survey aka the European Union referendum has at last brought together at one place and one time, the entire fifty year old political anti British establishment that has intentionally ruined the United Kingdom. They include The pre Blair, Blair otherwise known as John Major , Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, Kinnock, Alistair Darling, Alistair Campbell, Nick Clegg, William Hague, George Osbourne, Peter Mandelson, Chris Patten and Paddy Ashdown, the list, of course goes on and on. There was also the walk on parts played by the usual anti British spaghetti soup of CON LAB SNP LIB TUC CBI BOE COE etc etc. Then there are all the other entities and individuals hostile to the United Kingdom in other fields and activities, quite happy to bite the hand that fed them ie business and the arts. Then there are the foriegn governments, corporations and organisations that have intervened in the affairs of the United Kingdom, the IMF and the World Bank to name just two.
22nd June 2016
The Assent of Parliament.
Whatever the result of the EU referendum, it has no authority. It is constitutionally and legally the general election, the exercise of the British people's electoral authority in their constituencies, that will decide the matter. To quote the words of Harold Wilson's official government statement in the 1975 referendum,
"...continued membership (of the common market) will depen0d on the continuing assent of Parliament"
19th June 2016
Until very recently the British Constitution provided for general elections at
regular intervals usually every four to five years and when the Primeminister
made a judgment that the nation demanded an early general election, 1974 for example, that could
be facilitated too. This flexible arrangement allowed the activity of government to take place for four to five years without politicians being engaged in election campaigning . The natural tempo of general election then governance then general election provided the British people with a balance of thought and
action, of electoral control, legislative composition and implementation of law.
This has now been blown apart by the Conservative and Labour parties. The Fixed Parliaments Act, the use of referendums and the introduction of legislative devolution as well as other political fads and
fashions have led the United Kingdom into a period of dissolving electoral control, cut and paste
legislation and public policy paralysis, political flux and an increasing descent into public disorder. Since 2010 we have had a general election, a devolution referendum in Wales, a PR referendum, devolution elections, elections for the London Assembly, election for London Mayor, Elections for Police and Crime
Commissioners, City Mayor's etc, a separation referendum then another general
election which was followed by more devolution elections and the rest and then a EU membership referendum. This is not government it is stasis. This is not parliamentary government it is
despotic government.
11th June 2016
Referendums: Fiction and Force.
Since 1970 referendums have been used by Conservative and Labour governments to provide a fictional secondary, superior or alternative authority in order to get off the hook of their previous manifesto commitment without having to submit themselves to the electorate again in a general election. This was the case in the separation referendum when MP'S across all constituencies in Scotland were elected on a 2010 general election commitment to be part of the Union. It is the case on the European referendum, a majority of Conservative and Labour MP's were elected on a commitment to continued membership of the EU this includes Johnson and Gove. The electorate made a decision to stay in at the last general election and providing we still have a functioning parliamentary system across the UK, at the next general election, we can vote for a party that offers what must be offered a commitment to repeal the 1972 European Communities Act. Our ancient form of parliamentary government regulates and controls political action, political power political conflict and political force. It does this by asserting a singular national authority. By promoting the fiction of referendum authority these element's are released, unregulated and let loose. With electoral authority discarded and not one individual mandated in a referendum as it has no human element otherwise it would be an election, society then moves from a living united parliamentary democracy to a politically inanimate, divided society full of public disorder, conflict and breakdown. It is the rule of the mob not the rule of law. We must ban referendums through an amendment to the Representation of the People Act.
2nd June 2016
The Problem.
Behind the mask of old Conservative and Labour party history lies their fifty year old hatred for the British and everything we are. Labour MP Pat Glass was caught out recently describing older white men as the problem in opposing the secular and multicultural agenda of both parties. She is right.
See Vassal Territory Blog 47
2nd June 2016
The Manse and The Stipend.
The General Assembly of the Church of Scotland has recently taken place, continuing it's trajectory to whatever and wherever the next secular fad is, it only remains a presence on the high street because of it's now historical and political patronage, it's now historical social class legacy and of course, the power and control that 121 George Street has over the church buildings and the manse and the stipend in the silencing of dissent of ministers and elders. See Vassal Territory Blog 56
2nd June 2016
Numbers and BBC Numbers Again.
The recent official ONS immigration number for last year was 630,000. The BBC used the net figure across all it's platforms, a figure of 330,000. The net figure phrase was then reduced to being simply the number. As if by magic 300,00 immigrants have vanished. A less reported number is the quantity of National Insurance Numbers issued in the last year, the number is 800,000. Please check the ONS site for source data used by the BBC. To estimate the UK actual population for yourself please check sewage outflow statistics and supermarket market estimates.
27th May 2016
What Kind of Union Do You Want?
Part 8
Pay To Work
The Conservative Party is proposing that workers initially in the remains of the steel industry should pay to keep their jobs by contributing part their pension pot to their employers to offset employers pension liability.
The UK is closing down.
British Steel must be re - established and nationalised and a legal de - marcation kept between employee and employer.
27th May 2016
What Kind of Union Do You Want?
Part 7
Cathy Warwick is the "CEO", note the business nomenclature of the Royal College of Midwives and "Chair", note the revolutionary feminist designation of the British Pregnancy Advice Service BPAS. She has called for an unlimited time limit for abortions. The current limit is 24 weeks. There has been over 8 million abortions since the 1967 Abortion Act. This is the Conservative and Labour secular agenda in action.
The Abortion Act must be repealed and replaced with a GP Act.
26th May 2016
HOL Constitution Committee Report on The Union and Devolution Released.
The Committee refused to call a single Unionist. Bin.
16th May 2016
Stewart Connell on Radio Scotland Europe
27 min in
14th May 2016
Phoney War
After the Conservative gerrymandered elections in May, next up is the Conservative gerrymandered EU referendum both have pushed other serious matters economy, moral and material poverty and social dis integration to the margins aided by a compliant mainstream media terrified of Conservative Central Office. The referendum mechanism described by Clement Attlee as an "alien device" is the weapon of choice for those set against the United Kingdom and it's parliamentary representative democracy and indeed it is that, that they truly detest. Since it's first trial in the UK's experimental test laboratory otherwise known as Northern Ireland in 1970, the destructive potential of the referendum mechanism on our representative democracy was recognised by those hostile to our parliamentary representative traditions. All the latest political fashions including devolution, PR etc have been tested there before being applied on a wider basis. A referendum was always on the cards should there be a serious sign that the British people wanted to become a free nation again. As it was with the Labour government in 1975 so it is with the Conservative government in 2016. We can only get out through a general election in which one of the two principal parties of the state offer to repeal the 1972 European Communites Act. Therefore it is essential for those wanting to keep the UK in that the matter must not be decided where it can only be decided in a general election. That is why Boris Johnson and Michael Gove were happy to stand on a Conservative manifesto just last May declaring to the Nation that we must stay in the EU, no talk then of how bad the EU is. Now safely after the general election and the money in their bank accounts they have decided now is the time to say in public that to leave might be a good idea although even this is couched in terms of securing a better stay in deal and of course providing personal vanities are kept in check and the immigration matter is kept in it's heavily sealed box, Cameron Johnson Osbourne Gove will return to being chums in a united Conservative Party after the referendum. It is all a panto, a wasteful panto. While this waste and distraction takes place the Nation needs leadership and action, a party and a manifesto to put our countryback together again. The longstanding plan has been that the Vichy establishment including the usual anti British spaghetti soup of CON LAB LIB SNP PC TUC CBI BOE and the rest will secure sixty to sixty five per cent in the referendum and the imaginary authority in the referendum will then closedown debate on the matter until the time the United Kingdom no longer has a unitary Parliament which can recover it's lost freedom.
9th May 2016
Stagnant Water.
Do not drink.
The Conservative Party not the SNP initiated the 2014 referendum.
Do you support the United Kingdom and against devolution.........we need your support
9th May 2016
We Won.
Despite the united front of the Con Lab Lib PC SNP parties and massive public money and wall to wall pro devolution propaganda......
Over 1,800,000 electors refused to participate in the devo election across Scotland. Thats about 44 in every 100. In Wales the turnout was only 46 out of 100 while the Abolish The Welsh Assembly Party won over 44,000 votes. So much for a popular devolution revolution.
Do you support the United Kingdom and against devolution.........we need your support
9th May 2016
Five Years. is five years old.
Do you support the United Kingdom and against devolution.........we need your support
7th May 2016
Dont Blame the SNP.
Watch The Conservative Party Launch the Break Up Britain Referendum. On the 7th January 2012, the referendum did not exist after this interview it did. Let us not forget that it was the Conservative Party that launched the referendum and it is the Conservative Party who continue to chop up the United Kingdom with devolution the latest instalment on the way is the new Wales Bill.
2nd May 2016
Unpublished Until Now: Released
"The Union and The Referendum"
A Speech by Stewart Connell
This speech was due to be delivered to a public meeting in Inverclyde in the Autumn of 2014.
The meeting was cancelled.
Please See Above Special Release Tab
27th April 2016
Talking Rubbish. .
The Conservative Party, the Labour Party or the SNP can put whatever they like on the subject of the Constitution and referendum into their devolution manifesto because the
Constitution and a referendum are not mandatable in the devolution election.
Will someone in the media please read the Scotland Act 1998 Schedule 5.
23rd April 2016
What Kind of Union Do You Want?
Part 6
Unionism and Taxation.
We must tax with a moral and unitary and national purpose. We must tax equitably, according to what each posesses. As the Conservative and Labour parties disintegrate the UK so our tax system disintegrates. Taxation policy now falls heavy on the; the poor, married families, unemployed , the sick and the elderly while it falls lightly on the rich and those with inherited wealth, those who have ripped off our national resources, and those in the debt based financial sector and the corpulent state. The essentials and basics of life are tax heavy while luxuries are tax light . It is the job of national government to tax for the moral and national purpose and not for a secular, selfish, materialist, free
for all where bling is king and while our neighbour faces penury day in day out.
23rd April 2016
What Kind of Union Do You Want?
Part 5
. Unionism and the Arts. s
The 1970s and 1980s are widely seen as the peak of British popular arts
Why have they been in decline since then?
There are two main resons. As the United Kingdom disintegrates then so does British identity and our common reference and
culture. The Conservative and Labour parties have abandoned the arts and their mediums to money with
no concern for a national narrative or how the mediums are organised for a national purpose. If we select television as an example and
look at the early 80s drama " The Boys From The Blackstuff " ,
it was based on a distinct common
British experience of unemployment and poverty. A common audience across the UK could
recognise it and react to its content. All art has an element of
universal experience however it is the unique national experience that forms our
experience and its context and expression. It
gives a narrative purpose and form and
meaning to the text or the visual art or
the performance. The retreat of British culture has created a vacuum
and has opened the doors to unrestricted profit and foreign
ownership. A money driven generic
mush content has now filled the space. This mush transmits highly
political revolutionary propaganda messages and images all designed to disrupt the tranmission of authority and knowledge in
the Nation while replacing the foundations of British society. Television
is an important medium in the transmission of our moral, social , economic and
political culture. The conquest of the main TV channels BBC1,
BBC2, ITV AND Channel 4 by the Conservative and Labour revolutionaries has been assisted by the de regulation in what had been a tightly
regulated activity. A television "big bang" in 1979 to borrow the phrase from the financial
sector led to that years ITV strike
and highlighted the increasing outsourcing of ITV production across the ITV regions
ITV then was a territorial regionalised franchise . This TV big bang increased
outsourcing and privatisation of activities in the BBC and the explict outsourcing of C4 output in
1982. The outsourcing disintegrated the inhouse skill centres of artitstic and technical talent. Further dis- integration would take place with the
effective abandonment of the ITV territorial regional TV stations resulting
in their replacement with new amorphous
media companies who where more interested
in developing sellable generic programme brands rather than develop
local interest programmes. All arts have periods of popularity and decline
however when the Nation is disintegrating there no common reference or cultural
experience except for the experience of disintegration itself. Unionism must not only
restore the common UK
narrative, it must regenerate the means of its transmission. That in practical
television terms means the restoration of British technical and artistic talent through
BBC in house production, The re establishment of the Independent Television Authority ITA to oversee the return of the ITV regional stations and the direct nationalisation of Channel 4.
10th April 2016
The Other Britain
How do we know that there is another Britain possible ?
A Britain with a
parliamentary representative government, A Britain that has an established religion that stands its ground, A Britain that has
common social bonds, A Britain that has a serious national economy based on defence and
heavy industry and a Britain that has education system that transmits authority and knowledge to the next generation, a Britain that works........................because we remember it.
10th April 2016
Local Government
While 297 devo politicians are due to be elected in the forthcoming devolution racket we should also bear in mind the 41 Police and Crime Commissioners, 25 London Assembly Members and the London Mayor all due to be elected in this UK wide gerrymandered farce. The campaign supports the abolition of the PAC Commissioners and the return of their powers to local councils. We also support the abolition of the London Assembly and the post of London Mayor with all powers returned to local London boroughs, the reduction in the number of boroughs composing London, and the establishment of a London Council with representatives sent from the boroughs to decide on London wide matters.
10th April 2016
Cardboard Economy
The media has recently reported the increasing use of cardboard policemen to deter crime by giving the impression that they are human policemen on the beat......We have a cardboard economy in the United Kingdom giving the impression that the economy is functioning. It is not.
10th April 2016
The Golden Mile
In all UK cities there is now a bling mile where materialism and commercialism and public money and propaganda are concentrated. Step out of that mile and you are immediately plunged back into the grinding, poverty and misery that for most British people is their daily routine.....that is, those people not living off either inherited wealth, the ransacking of our national resources and industries or the proceeds from a debt ridden financial sector or corpulent state.
5th April 2016
The Steering Wheel
There are four anti parliaments legislating in the UK ...the Scottish Parliament, the European Parliament, the Northern Ireland Assembly and the Welsh Assembly. Legislative devolution and membership of the Eurostate has dispersed power from the UK parliment.
A car does not have three or four steering wheels. A car has one steering wheel.
The steering wheel centralises power, provides control and direction of the car.
The British Parliament is all we need to put our country back together again.
31st March 2016
Steel Was British Too.
The United Kingdom is closing down.
25th March 2016
Longannet Was British
Longannet coal fired power station has been closed.
It was the second largest in the UK and the last coal fired power station in Scotland.
The station worked for 46 years. It was still fully functional and generated power for over 2 million British
homes, hospitals and schools and other public services. It employed hundreds of men on site and provided valuable economic activity to the local area. The station has been closed by; the Conservative Party, the Labour Party, the SNP, the TUC, the CBI, Scottish Power ( a front company of the Spanish corporation Iberdrola) and the political organistion which claims it is a charity the World Wildlife Fund.
The United Kingdom is closing down.
20th March 2016
Nice Work If You Can Get It
297 is the number of devo politicians, on well above average salaries, due to be elected in the forthcoming
gerrymandered PR devo elections. While most of the British people face grinding
day to day poverty, this farce will cost millions. There is is also the spending on;
IT, Transport, Office Equipment, Travel expenses Food and Drink, Accommodation etc to say nothing about the legions of tax funded hangers on; Special Advisers and researchers etc. Everypenny will further the separation of the United Kingdom. Abstain.
We do not need it and we do not need them.
19thMarch 2016
King James Version Luke Chapter 21 Verses 1 - 4
And he looked up, and saw the rich men casting their gifts into the treasury.
And he saw also a certain poor widow casting in thither two mites.
And he said, Of a truth I say unto you, that this poor widow hath cast in more than they all:
For all these have of their abundance cast in unto the offerings of God:
but she of her penury hath cast in all the living that she had.
14th March 2016
What Kind of Union Do You Want?
Part 4
Unionism and Architecture Planning.
While debt, divorce, silo lifestyles and immigration have all conributed to the mess that has been housing policy, for fifty years there has been a lack of serious thought at a national and local level about the need for architecure, public and private that provides continuity and a common local and national story.
. There should be an immediate freeze on the demolishing of all pre 1970 buildings and all new buildings must meet a strict local scale and sympathy criteria, for to long councils have approved plans because they brought money and a new office and retail block to an awkward site . Local councils need to have more confidence in their longer term plans and be less interested in bringing in new money. Local planning must be generally based on unity of the purpose of the public space. The sympathy criteria must include the supply of maintenance materials in order to keep an integrity to the original build.
13th March 2016
What Kind of Union Do You Want
Part 3
Unionism and Architecture
The Right to Buyback
The sell off of council housing was wrong. Money and expected profit was put before all other personal and social and national considerations. A street, a village, a town, a city and our Nation need common solid social bonds based on more than expected profit. A large part of these bonds is in seeing the common housing and architecture that reflect the general common outlook and history of those that live in a particular place. When the council estates are bit by bit privatised, the common story and identity is broken.
We must buy back.
12 March 2016
What Kind of Union Do You Want?
Part 2
"Selfish Everything"
The retreat of the established church, the de industrialisation of the national economy and the rise of digital debt has led to the atomisation of society. As the public space and public organisations contract there is an increase in silo lifestyles. A large part of the population now lives in isolation from the rest. The previously commonculture is now either simply not engaged in or the new cultures push the old culture out. There are many reasons for the rise of the silo society not all associated with money or immigration. The failure and consequence of a large number of men to marry and establish their own families is now emerging in the national narrative and statistical figures. These are national matters of serious effect and should be debated up front by the two principal parties of state instead they are put on list of forbidden subjects not to be debated. Quite apart from the central matter of the established church, the matters of securing mass male physical employment and the control of debt are essential for a united society that has common social bonds and a common culture.
5th March 2016
Part 2
The Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
The Scottish Conservative Party is a fake Unionist party. It is neither conservative or unionist. It is a secular money machine. It is separatist and federalist. It has no concern for the British people because it has no interest in the responsibilities of Nationhood. Its primary objective is to make money for itself by selling British resources and pushing the British people into moral and material poverty for fifty years. Its lead candidate on the Glasgow list is federalist, republican, visiting professor blah blah blah and constitutional advisor to the last Conservative government and HOL Constitutional Committee Adam Tomkins.
1st March 2016
Our British parliamentary representative democracy functions through the operating of two principle constellations of interest.
A force and a counterforce.
Like the two drums that hold a chain in tension on a bike.
Political parties provide the means to capture, hold and direct power.
Since about 1910 onwards those two constellations have been the Conservative party and the Labour party.
It is time to replacc these parties.
Since about 1960 both these constellations have been converging on a revolutionary political (and highly masked) manifesto to replace our British way of life with a secular (selfish), amorphous existence.
Today there is no counterforce, no counter narrative to this Conservative, Labour, Liberal, PC and SNP agenda.
The result is that the British people have no other constellation to vote for and capture, hold and direct power towards the British interest.
The counter narrative exists across the country on all manner of subjects subjects but a singular political party organistion is required to deliver the counterforce.
Without such an organisation the political effect cannot be delivered to the Conservative and Labour parties and the rest.
They remain in power no matter how we presently vote.
It is now time for a new UK-wide unionist party with a broad manifesto to provide the counterforce to the Conservative, Labour and Liberal PC and SNP constellation.
It is into this constellation all the pro British political forces (campaign organistions, groups, political parties, facebook pages, think tanks, society's, and foundations etc) that seek the restoration of the UK must now direct themselves and work.
It must be done and done now.
24nd February 2016
Get Off The Bus
If you get on a bus and it takes you time and time again, to where you do not want to go then you must get off the bus and get a bus that will take you to where you do want to go.
Get on our bus and go where you do want go.
Join the new UK wide Unionist Party.
See Tab Above.
22nd February 2016
EU Referendum:
Stewart Connell on BBC Radio Scotland founder
Stewart Connell argues the case against
the EU referendum and the case for getting the UK out of the EU through a general election.
About 44m in.
20th February 2016
Tidy Up.
As the UK enters the final phase of it's dis-integration: morally, socially and economically we can see the effects before us in mass abortion, mass poverty, traffic jams, the state separation of mother from child, selfishness and the cult of "work" among many others.
While the Conservative and Labour political class play out the politics of the last third of the 20th century in the 21st century they find
(rather unconveniently)
that their revolution funparty started in the 1960's - one generation after the war- is over.
Rather than set a new totalitarian utopian (secular) template for a "new" society, the warp and woof of the "pop" counterculture period was simply a transient post war artistic cultural manifestation (based on hardwired relative ordered peace, technological and commercial advance and wider prosperity) not the dawning of the age of Aquarius and it's political expression.
The party is over now and we must tidy up.
This is Blog 59 from Vassal Territory Blog
See also Vassal Territory Blog (Tab above)
Blog 20
"The Party's Over"
4th February 2016
The New
"New" in the sense of evolutionary progress, new methods, new styles, new discoveries, new arrangements and new patterns detected, that type of newness does not challenge our Nation, it is natural, it is good.
Natural change is part of life, it is about building upon the past not casting it out.
Natural newness is part of advancing, aging and maturing (the gaining of wisdom from experience, from making mistakes and learning from them)
- living - in a personal and national sense.
For the Conservative and Labour revolutionaries "new" has been and is a cover name for political attack on the UK and it's institutions.
To them the UK was and is old and full of authority (based on the British people's expressed parliamentary consent through constituency election of their MP) and not least it worked and so had to be replaced with revolutionary new authority (including the challenge to and demotion of adult and parental authority - permitting the rise of state power and propaganda into the school and family), new behaviour and new policies: Devolution Policy, Multicultural Policy, Europe Policy to name only three.
They are part of the political generation that appointed itself as the "new" in the early 1960s.
The 1960's counterculture did not just reflect a transient social mood it was conscripted by the revolutionaries as a cheap visible and sound sensual template of their intended secular utopia.
A robust UK political establishment would have been able to bend and move with the post war warp and woof of "pop" culture but by the mid 1960's the political establishment had surrendered.
They had not so much - lost their political faith in their country - rather they had removed it and placed it in either money or foreign power or both.
They had lost the will to fight and be a force for the British interest.
Lacking any opposition (a counterforce) - the Conservative and Labour revolutionary political force set out to attack all the institutions and manifestation's of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Attacking the British island Nation off the north west coast of continental Europe.
Attacking the independent, easy going people, minded to think the best of others.
Attacking our Christian Parliament, the rule of law and family life.
The revolutionaries knew that to defeat the British people you must first defeat their Parliament and it's exclusive representation of the British people.
The final phase of the "new" - 30 years later under "New Labour" and it's Conservative Party progeny, set about the final decisive actions: removing or taking over the moral, social, economic and cultural institutions and manifestations of the British people.
For 50 years the revolutionaries have met no counterforce.
Until now.
This Article is part three of the Descent Series.
(Please find the Descent Series Tab at the top of this page)
9th February 2016
Conservative Party Breaking Britain Everyday
The Conservative Party is the foremost political vehicle that is disintegrating the UK.
For decades the Conservative Party has regarded the Union as tiresome and antiquated,
a diversion from it's overriding objective of selling the British people and their resources for foreign power and foreign
The Conservative Party is not interested in Nationhood or the National interest.
For decades it has sold out the British People and sacrificed them for easy money.
It is not interested in our Christian foundations and history, our common social bonds or our national economy.
It is interested in a Godless, broken apart and set against each other selfish society where
only work (providing they don't do it) and moneymaking matter.
It's time to break the Conservative Party.
It's time to break the Conservative Party as a principal party of British politics.
We must remove the Conservative Party to the margins of politics.
See also Vassal Territory Blog
3rd August 2015
Work Work Work.
7th February 2016
Here They Are
and This is What They Do.
The Conservative Party is dedicated to the separation of our United Kingdom.
They support the replacement of our unitary and integral Union Constitution with a new federal constitution.
Here is an exchange of email between Unionist Campaigner and founder of Stewart Connell and the Clerk to the HOL Constitutional Committee on the subject of it's Union and Devolution Inquiry.
The Committee Chairman is Conservative Party member Lord Lang.
What you see below is the Conservative Party preventing parliamentary democratic representation as they closedown the Inquiry to Unionists in order to push out a one-sided report against our Union Constitution and in favour of a replacement federal constitution.
A link to the Committee is attached.
16 Dec 2015
Mr Willcott
Not single witness has yet been called to speak in defence of our unitary and integral Parliamentary constitution.
Will the committee call one?
13 Jan 2016
Dear Mr Connell,
I discussed this matter with the Committee today.
The Committee has received a wide range of written evidence for its inquiry into the Union and devolution. In any inquiry, the Committee has a limited number of oral evidence sessions and has to make choices about which individuals or organisations to hear from, and about which views or positions to explore in more detail in oral evidence.
The Committee has received and taken into account your views through the written evidence you submitted, but has decided not to explore them further with you in oral evidence. I know this will be disappointing, but I can assure you that your written evidence will be considered as the Committee prepares its report on this subject.
Link to HOL CC
25th January 2016
See Vassal Territory Blog 58
19th January 2016
What Kind of Union Do You Want?
Part 1
"Sell Everything"
As RBS issue advice to sell everthing (see your preferred media source) the economy now gears down even further after the December debtfest - billions spent (100 billion debt expansion in the 11 months before December).
Only: Mass Immigration, Mass Poverty, Mass Off Book Unemployment, Mass Sell Off of National Assets, Mass Private Debt, Mass Public Debt, Mass Corporate Debt, Mass Push of Women into the Workforce, Near Zero Interest Rates, Mass Release of Pension Funds and Government Printing/Digital Generation of Money (QE) continues to hide the actual broken and bankrupt state of the national economy.
In breakdown, bankrupt Britain, the poor are now locked into poverty while the young are inculcated and locked into debt meanwhile our national infrastructure is sold off or rots way.
A new party. A new path.
Next On
What Kind of Union Do You Want?
Part 2
"Selfish Everything"
18th January 2016
Stewart Connell on Radio Wales Today.
Steel Jobs
Wales Morning Call about 40m in.
14th January 2016
You Have Been Watching
the Coup D'état
Having failed in their Referendum Coup d'état.
(the referendum had no legal power or authority to break up the UK - See 2013 Scotland Act Modification Order in Council and previous posts)
The Conservative and Labour establishment are now attempting another one.
The new Coup d'état is now being assembled.
Week by week the Conservative and Labour revolutionary outriders appear led by the Constitutional Reform Group before the HOL Constitutional Committee
(Unionist's are banned from appearing as witnesses) to lay down the plan.
The Plan
1 Set up a UK Constitutional Convention.
2 Agree a New Federal Union Act/Treaty text.
3 Legislate the text into a new federal codified constitution to replace our existing constitution.
It Is A Coup D'état.
13th January 2016
The View From Unionist England.
Stephen Bailey writes for
Articles, Speeches and Papers page
6th January 2016
Lord Lang
Lord Lang Chairman of the HOL Constitutional Committee has on
several occasions now asked "what is the Union for?"
We do not ask what is Lord Lang for.
We are blessed that The Union does exist.
We pray and give thanks for it.
We officially remember those who have defended it against those who would destroy it every November the 11th.
For Lord Lang to ask such a question is to give ground to the enemies of the Union, it implies that the Union is simply a utilitarian construct, that it requires a material purpose, a business plan which can be reviewed, audited and then re-structured to conform to some secular and materialist balance sheet.
By asking the question Lord Lang implies that the Union is up for review.
It is not.
A balance sheet will not take you over sandbags in a trench in the Somme.
A balance sheet will not make you jump from a landing craft into the sea and onto the beach of Normandy.
A balance sheet will do none of these things.
The Union needs no audit or material purpose.
For centuries the Union has stood for the rule of law, parliamentary representative democracy and individual liberty.
While darkness fell across Europe on several occasions it was the British that stood fast as the beacon of light and liberty.
Today millions seek to come and indeed do come to Great Britain.
They do not come to be oppressed and their hopes extinguished.
They come to be free under the rule of law.
They come because when they see the Union Jack, they see freedom, Parliamentary representative democracy
and the rule of law.
The Union is a blessing in itself.
6th January 2016
Stopping the Devolution Conveyer Belt.
If the legislative devolution conveyer belt is stopped it will revert to a form of administrative devolution.
The secret of the destructive power of legislative devolution is it's continuing accretion of powers and the political
(in the widest sense) expectation that it will gain further powers until there are no more powers to gain:
complete separation.
Only when a British party and government with the belief and willpower to defend the Union commits itself to
no more devolution
and indeed begins to reverse it will the destructive power and expectation of it be at an end.
1st January 2016
We Call Labour's Bluff (Again).
Last January we called Labour's bluff.
They thought Unionist's across Scotland had no where else to go at the General Election.
We advised unionist's not to vote Labour
(or Conservative or Liberal)
We are pleased to say that Labour in Scotland was wiped out - ending up with only one MP - the same as the Conservative's and the Liberals.
Today we do the same again.
Do not vote Labour, Conservative or Liberal in the devolved Scottish election.
New on Vassal Territory Blog:
7th January 2016
Blog 57
Blog 56
The Tron.
New Further Reading:
18th October 2015
"Constitution Committee
Publishes Stewart Connell
Paper on Devolution"
Speeches, Articles and Papers
Connell Speech
"A New Unionist Party"
For information on the call for a
new UK wide Unionist Party
Please see the above tab
Our Policy on Devolution.
All electors across the United Kingdom (London, Belfast, Edinburgh or Cardiff) must be equal when they vote in a General Election.
1. We must repeal legislative devolution.
The Scottish Parliament, Northern Ireland Assembly, the Welsh Assembly (and the London Assmbly) must be abolished.
All functions must be returned to National government (or local councils).
The 129 MSP's, 108 MLA and 60 AM and all their political staff must be sacked.
No other individual should be sacked.
All devolved public staff must be merged into the British civil service or local council employment without penalty.
2. Introduce administrative devolution on a uniform basis to all local councils across the United Kingdom.
20 subject matters (Mandatory, permisive and regulatory powers) given to all local councils
(abolish Proportional Representation (PR) across all councils and the restoration of "first past the post" method of election for local council's).
Police Reserve
Fire Brigade
Auxiliary Fire Brigade
Economic Planning
Emergency Planning
Civil Defence Planning
Public Realm Planning
Transport Planning
Ceremonial Planning
Trading Standards
Public Health
Public Regulation
Public Housing
*Education to Department of Education and and Social Work to Department of Welfare.
3. A Common Representation Act must be made law.
All elector's to legally have the same power's, procedure and practice
when they vote in General Election's and therefore all MP's by law
to have common power's, procedure and practice in the House of Commons.
"We Shall Never Surrender"
House of Commons 4th June 1940
"We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing
strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds,
we shall fight in the fields and in the streets,
we shall fight in the hills;
we shall never surrender"
The website is a small Unionist campaign founded
and based in Glasgow.
Established in 2011, the campaign works mostly in the constitutional and policy field.
It is the only campaign that supports the repeal of legislative devolution, it is also
the only campaign that through research and investigation exposed that the
referendum in Scotland was a survey with no legal provision or effect to remove the
59 constituencies in Scotland from the United Kingdom.
The referendum was a cover for MP's to withdraw from the House of Commons -
the opposite of the mandate given to them in the 2010 General Election by their
constituent's - and to do so without constituency election.
The campaign has worked at the highest levels of Parliamentary, government and
academic levels and engaged with
two Secretaries of State for Scotland (Michael Moore and Alistair Carmichael),
The Advocate General of Scotland Department.
The Scotland Office,
The Scotland Office Constitutional Division
and senior British Parliament officials.
Research papers by and endorsed by our campaign have been published by both House of Commons and
House of Lords committee's and commission's (available on Parliament's website)
HOL Constitutional Committee
HOC Political and Constitutional Reform Committee
HOC McKay Commission on Devolution campaign continues to engaged with a broad range of media
platforms including BBC Scotland, Sky and Scottish Television.
A Common Parliament A Common Vote
22nd November 2014
Statement on Referendum Device
-Ban Referendums-
Never again should British electors be taken to the edge of National disintegration and political chaos as they were on the evening of the 18th of September 2014.
The United Kingdom is a Parliamentry Democracy - we elect politician's and they personally must be accountable to
constituency electorate's through the ballot box.
That is why we fought two world wars and many other battles and conflicts.
A referendum allows MP's to avoid constituency election.
It is Parliamentary constituency election that has made Britain free and governed by the rule of law.
We cast off Despotic government over three centuries ago.</strong%3