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No White Paper. No Bill. No Act.

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Scottish Referendum-

No White Paper. No Bill. No Act. 

No Parliamentary Democracy 

(Scottish Referendum Order in Council due in House of Commons Tue 15th and House of Lords Wed 16th of January 2013)

In 2010 59/59 constituencies in Scotland voted to be represented in the Union Parliament. 

In January 2013 the government will legislate to hold a referendum that will prevent four million electors in Scotland deciding the matter again as they did in 2010 – through constituency election. 

This legislation is known as an Order in Council (OiC) it is being used in order to avoid full parliamentary debate.

 On a matter of the highest constitutional importance:

no Green Paper, no White Paper, no Bill, and no Act of Parliament will exist

but still it will become law unless it is stopped.


Erskine May

“It is common practice for government bills of ‘first-class’ constitutional importance to be committed to a Committee of the whole House”